She íhtwrafk Simes. THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. Published Every Friday Morning Official Paper for Jackson & Josephine —BY— RATES OF ADVERTISING. KO P. D. HULL 8 l CHAS. NICKELL, Pnblishers and Proprietors. OFFICE—On Oregon street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Nubseription : Vine copy, per annum,................................ $3.00 “ six months, ................................. 2.00 “ three months,.............................. 1.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 11, 1874. VOL. IV. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. PROFESSI!INAL CARDS. STATE OF OREGON. Dr. L. DANFORTH, 'Governor,......................................... L. F. Grover Secretary of State,.................... S. F. (’had wick Treasurer, ..................................... L. Fleischner State Printer,........................... Eugene Semple PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Has removed to Jacksonville, and tenders his professional services to the public. Office on California street, adjoining Ca­ ton’s shoe-shop. Residence on Third street, opjiosite and west of the M. E. Church. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. f’ireuit Judge....................................... P. P. Prim District Attorney..........................>1. K. Hanna JACKSON COUNTY. H. K. HANNA, County Judge,............................. E. B. Watson County Commissioners...... j 1¡¡¿‘Xn Sheriff,......................................... J. W. Manning Clerk.............................................. E. I >. Food ray Treasurer,............................................... K. Kubii Assessor....................................... W. A. Childers School Superintendent........... H. (’. Fleming Surveyor......................................... E. C. Mason Coroner............................................ H. T. Tnlow Official Paper,.................... D emocratic T imes Attornry-at-Law and Notary Public, k Jacksonville, Oregon, i I Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left in my care. 29tf. C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. KAHLER & WATSON, JOSFI’HINK COUNTY. County Judge................... ..M. F. Baldwin Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law, fS. Messenger, "County Commissioners, I James Neely. Jacksonville, Oregon, Sheriff,.............................. ...Dan. L. Green ...Chas. Hughes Clerk................................. ..... Win. Naucke Will practice in the Supreme, District and Treasurer,....................... Assessor........................... . ..... John Howell ot her ('ourts of t h is State. Office in the building formerly occupied ....... B. F. Sloan Sehl Superintendent 29tf. ...W. N. Sanders by O. Jacobs, opposite Court House. Surveyor,........ Coroner........... ...Geo. E. Briggs Official Paper, .„D emocratic T imes J. A. CALLENDER, M. D. | A. C. MATTHIAS, M. D. COURT SITTINGS. CALLENDER A MATTHIAS, Jackson County.— Circuit Court, second M ondav in February. Juno and November. ■County Court, first Monday in each month. Josephine County. —Circuit Court, second Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oe- tol»er. Countv Court, first Monday in Jan­ uary, April. July and October. Physicians & Surgeons, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Having formed a co-partnership for the practice of our profession, we offer our ser­ vices to the public. K-iT Office on California Street, opposite Union Livery Stable. JACKSONVILLE PRECINCT. Justice of the Peace,....................J. H. Stinson Constable..................................... A. M. Asbury TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. f C. C. Bookman, Pres’t, Dr. J. C. BELT, j Sol. Sachs, Trustees,................... I John Bilger, I Henrv Judge, Í K. Kubii. Recorder,........................................ U. S. Havden ‘Treasurer,......................................... Henrv Pape Marshal............................................. Fred, (»rob Street Commissioner,............... Peter Boschev PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jacksonville. Oregon, Having located in the town of Jacksonville, lor the purpose of practicing Surgery and other branches of his profession, respect­ fully asks a portion of the public patron­ age" Office—Second door north of the U. S. Hotel. 48tf. SOCIETY NOTICES. Jacksonville I.ixlsr No. in, 1.0.0. F., ? Holds its regular meetings everv ~ ’ Saturday evening at the Odd Fel­ low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to attend. GEORGE SCHUMPF, t . t . mckenzie , n . g . J ohn B ilger . Bee. Sec’v. John A. Boyer, Isaac Sachs, Kaspar Ku­ bii, Trustees. BARBER, I I CALIFORNIA STREET, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Stamm No. IIS. I". 0. R. M., nolds its regular meetings every Thursday evening at the Odd Fellows* Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to attend. BEN SACHS, O. C. A. B ohn , R. S. Trustees—Herman v. Helms, Ben Sachs, Max Muller. Orreonian Ponihontns Tribe No. |, Im­ proved order of Red Men, holds its stated councils at the Red Men’s Hall the third sun in everv seven suns, in the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all brothers in good standing. A. P. OWEN, S. C. W. S avage , C. of R. H ATR CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAM- pooingand ladies’ hair cutting done in first-class style. DANDRUFF LOTION, An entirely new discovery for cleansing the scalp and restoring the hair to its natu­ ral vigor. Price, $1.00 per tmttle. RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT IN ORDER. GRANGERS. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! (Won Division No. 1. Sons and Daughters of Temperance, meets nn Tuesday evening of each week in the O«ld Fellows’ Hall. Brothers and sisters in good standing are invited to attend. ANNA DOWELL, W. P. J. R. W ade , R. S. A NCJr I CAN FURNISH First-Class WATER PIPE, Cheaper and More Durable —THAN— Wnntn Loder No. 10, A. F. & A. M.. Holds its regular communi<>ations / nf ' on the Wednesday evenings or pre­ ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville, Ore­ gon. T. G. REAMES, W. M. M ax M uller , Sec’y. Ruth Rebekah Decree Loder No. 4,1. 0. 0. F., Holds its regular meetings on every other Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Memlters in good standing are invited to attend. N. FISHER, N. G. J ane K cbli , R. S. Jacksonville Tnrnverein No. 1, Hohls its regular meetings at Tnrnverein Hall every Monday evening. Regular Ex­ ercising everv Monday and Thursday eve­ nings. CHAS. NICKELL, President. En. H orne , Secretary. Wood, Iron, Lead, or any other Material. ANY SIZE FURNISHED. Send yMir orders to JOSIAH HANNAH, Or A lex . M artin , Agent, Jacksonville. HENRY HAGEN, Wholesale Dealer In WINES, CALIFORNIA BRANDIES, —AND— IMPORTED LIQUORS, 338 and 340 Pine St., INDEPENDENT LITERARY SOCIETY, Holds its regular meetings at the District •School House every Friday evening. A l . CARDWELL, President. S ophie N ickell , Sec’y. San Francisco, California. T-tT Orders from the country promptly filled. 30ti. EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. The City Brewery, —BY— C alifornia S treet , John Noland, - - - ■ Proprietor. VEIT SCHUTZ ATONE BITT THE CHOICEST AND BEST IN Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars r . SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY i_ forms ...... iL- the citizens of Jacksonville ■ — and kept. «surrounding country that he is now manu­ DRINKS, 121 CENTS. facturing, and will constantly keep on hand the very best of Iaiger Beor. Those wishing NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t a cool glass of beer should give me a call. pay. Families needing anything in my line «•an always |>e supplied with the purest and liest to be found on the Coast. Give me a CHAS. K. KLUM. call, and you will be well satisfied. ft. E. WATT. 29tf. M WATT A KLUM, LAGER, LAGER! Saddle & Harness Manufacturers, ASHLAND, OREGON. THE EAGLE BREWERY. ANUFACTURE AND IMPORT CON- cord Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, THE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, lloeton Team Collars, Concord, Team and 1 has now on hand and is constantly man­ 'Buggy Collars, Men’s, Boys’, and Side Sad­ ufacturing the liest I.ager Beer in Southern dles, Bridles, Cinchas anti Stirrups, Whips, Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to Curry-combs, Lashes, Spurs, Collar Pads, 811 chasers. Call and test tne article. and everything usually kept in a well regu­ lated harness establishment. We are using Kerby’s Genuine Santa Cruz Leather, and guarantee Satisfactioa to oar Customers. TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Me. WIL- A son is doing for himself, and I forbid any ALL CHEAP FOR CASH. one letting bun have anything on my ac­ Repairing neatly and quickly done. count. ARTHUR WILSON. August 17, 1874. 3ersquare of 12 lines, first insertion, and $1.00 per square for each subsequent insertion. A fair reduction from the above rates made I to yearly advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly executed. A n I tem for A ll M en .—We have Spain sends 2,000 more troops to Among the nations of Europe the ' probably all of us met with instances Cor. California A Oregon Sts., Cuba. French have long been held up to ad- > in which a word heedlessly sj»oken The Montana papers are filled with miration as models of sobriety. The against the reputation of a female has Oregon. Jackson villa, rarity of the cases of drunkenness is as­ been magnified by malicious minds, reports of Indian troubles. cribed to the fact that wine is the prin­ until the cloud has become dark enough The whole number of troops now in cipal beverage of the people, the con­ to overshadow her wholo existence. DAVID LINN sumption of spirits being comparative- : the Southern States is about 3,000. ly small. Of late years, however, To those who are accustomed—not Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment The State Grange meets at Salem there has been an increase in the num­ necessarily from bad motives, but from of furniture, consisting of next Tuesday. It will doubtless be a ber of drunkards, attributable, mainly, thoughtlessness—to speak lightly of to the introduction of absinthe, and a I females, we recommend three “hints” large and intelligent Ixxly. BEDSTEADS, temperance society has been formed to . as worthy of consideration : In the San Francisco Lincoln Gram­ ’ check the growth of the evil. From BUREAUS, TABLES, Never use a lady’s name in an im­ mar School is a pupil only eight years a report published by this society it proper place, at an improper time, or GUILD MOULDINGS, of age who weighs 170 pounds. appears that during 1873 the Tribunals , in mixed company. make any assertions about STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Hon. O. B. McFadden, Delegate I of Simple Police in the twenty-six ■ her Never that you think are untrue, or allu­ Courts of Appeal heard 52,696 charges j from Washington Territory, is lying of intoxication, brought against 52,655 sions that you feel she herself would CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. dangerously ill at Pittsburg, Pa. persons, of whom 2,661 were women. blush to hear. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, \\ hen you meet men who do not There are 188 Notaries Public in Ore­ These prosecutions resulted in thecon- scruple to make use of a woman’s ETC,, ETC. i viction of 51,933 persons. The propor ­ gon, and 62 Commissioners of Deeds tion of charges to population was, for name in a reckless unprincipled man­ Also Doors. Sash and Blinds always on for this State in the United States. every 1,000 inhabitants, 3 at Bor­ ner, shun them, for they are the very hand and made to order. Planing done on reasonable terms. jefC Undertaking a spe­ Mrs. Duniway is writing a tale about deaux, 6 at Dijon, 25 at Rennes, 37 in worst members of the community— cialty. 29tf. men lost to every sense of honor, ev­ the “Spears of the Sexes.” The Dem­ Paris and 60 at Rouen. In San Fran- ery feeling of humanity. i cisco the arrests for drunkenness in Many a good woman’s character has DRUGS and MEDICINES. ocrat says it is a bristling narrative. 1873 were about 12 ¡»er thousand of the been ruined and her heart broken by Read the newspapers and keep post- inhabitants. From these figures a lie, manufactured by some villain ' ed. A well-informed man will often which show the greater sobriety of the FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK AL- prosper where a well-educated man inhabitants of the wine-growing dis­ and repeated where it should not have ways on hand at the tricts, it might I m ? argued that if the l»een, and in presence of those whose might starve to death. production of cheap, wholesome and little judgment could not deter him R. C. and Cal. Geer threshed 1,048 palatable wines in this State were from circulating the foul and damag­ CITY DRUG STORE, bushels of oats from the shock in Ma­ largely increased, the people of this ing report. A slander is soon propa­ gated, and the smallest thing deroga­ rion county, with an eight-horse Pitt’s country would learn to ¡»refer the tory to a woman’s character will fly —OF— juice of the grape to the fiery and of­ BOOKS, | Challenger, in five hours and a half. ten deleterious compounds called by on the wings of the wind and magnify STATIONERY, Mount Etna, in Europe, is in a state the generic name of “rum.” The tastes as it circulates until its monstrous | of violent eruption, and the inhabi- and habits of the people are not, how­ weight crushes the poor unfortunate TOILET ARTICLES, victim. i tants are making tracks from the ad­ ever, easily changed, an instance of Respect the name of a woman, for which truth is afforded by the fact DRUGS AND MEDICINES, jacent villages. No harm done as yet. your mother and sisters are women, that, although since the reduction of The largest cannon in the world has duties on light wines in England the and as you would have their fair name Gasoline Oil and Lamps. lately been made in England. It is a | consumption of claret has greatly in- J untarnished and their lives unembit­ tered by the slanderer’s, biting tongue, rifled cannon, weighs 81 tons, and is ; creased there, the consumption of spir­ heed the ill that your own words may ETC., ETC. its has increased in a far greater ratio, j bored to throw a shot of 1,600 pounds. Climate has, no doubt, much to do bring upon the mother, the sister, or Chrome iron is being shipped to San with the choice of stimulants. We the wife of some fellow-creature. Agency for Cowan's King Remedies. Francisco from Crescent City in large may not expect to see any diminution in A H usband F alls in L ove with quantities. From that city it is shipped the quantities of spirits consumed in I Ills W ife .—At the gaming-table the 29tf. B. ROBB. this country, but there is every reason to England, where it is worked up to l>elieve that the demand for wine Duke of Richmond incurred a debt of honor to Lord Cardogan, which he waa into paint. will increase.—.S’. Chronicle. “EXCELSIOR” unable to pay, and it was agreed his About this time some of the young son, a lad of fifteen, who bore the title R ight of P re -E mptors to F ile of the Earl of March, should marry a El VERY STABLE, I men named after the “Christian” statesman Credit Mobilier Colfax are M ore than O nce .—Hon. S. S. Bur­ still younger daughter of Lord Cardo­ 1 attaining an age when they can realize dett, Commissioner of the General gan. The hoy was sent for from Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Land Office, addressed the Register school and the girl from the nursery ; I all the horrors of their situation. a clergyman was in attendance, and Brigham Young is reported to be in and Receiver at Humboldt, California, ' the children were told that they were J. W. MANNING & R. ISH, Propr e. to be married on the spot. The girl had a dying condition, and the ladies of as follows on June 29, 1874 : Gentlemen: Referring to the rcgls- nothing to say; the boy cried out, the Lion House have held a conclave i ter ’ s letter of May 29, 1874, in refer- “ They surely are not going to marry aving just received a new and unanimously elected the Rev. I ence to the case of Thomas J. Whitlow, me to that dowdy ?” But married they stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ riages, we are now prepared to furnish our Henry Ward Beecher as his successor. [ I have to say that by the decision of * were. A post-chaise was at the door ; patronsand the public generally with as The race horse “Fellowcraft,” who the Supreme Court of the United the bridegroom was packed off with FTNE TURNOUTS States at the December term of 1871, j the other day beat “Lexington’s” un- 1 in the case of Johnson vs. Townsley, his tutor to make the grand tour, and As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle the bride was sent hack to her mother. horses hired to go to any part of the country. ■ equaled four-mile time, is said to be (13 Wallace, p. 72,) the fourth section Lord March remained abroad for sev­ Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses broke to work single or double. Horses . coming to San Francisco to try his of the act of March 3, 1843, concerning eral years, after which he returned to boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon speed with California’s famous horse j two declaratory statements by the London, a well-educated, handsome them while in our charge. same pre-emptor, is confined to pre- young man, hut in no haste to meet his “Thad Stevens.” T^r OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE. ■ emptions upon land subject to private wife, whom he had never seen except It is now fully understood that Grant entry. A liberal share of the public patronage is on the occasion of their hasty marriage. solicited. [28tt] MANNING A ISH. will he nominated for the third term, | It is, therefore held by this office, i So he tarried in London to amuse him­ as that great and good man, John 1st: That the pre-emption law does self. One night at the opera his atten­ RAILROAD SALOON, Smith, favors the scheme. It will no j not restrict a pre-emptor as to the tion was attracted to a l»eautiful young number of filings he may make upon Th’rd Street, j doubt be difficult to heat a man hacked unoffered land prior to his perfecting a lady in the boxes. “Who is that,” ho asked of a gentleman beside him. j by such a numerous cuss as John pre-emption claim. 2d : A pre-emptor “You must be a stranger in London,” JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, ; may abandon a filing upon one tract was the reply, “not to know the toast Smith. HENRY PAH, .... ENGINEER. The Albany Democrat is of the opin­ and make subsequent filing upon an- of the town, the beautiful Lady , other tract, or may make a second fil­ ion that the next Legislature will be ab- ing without abandoning the former. March.” The Earl went straight to the box announced himself and claim­ THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ts . ! solutely gobbled up and carried off in 3d : A pre-emptor exhausts his pre­ ed his bride. The two fell in love j the arms of a bevy of determined emption privilege by proving up and with each other on the spot, and lived 1HOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- ) gars constantly on hand. The reading women who will swarm about the Cap­ making entry, even of the smallest le­ long and happy together, and when table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ ital, clamoring for “suffrage,” and gal subdivision, after which he is not the husband died she also died of a cals and leading papers of the Coast. 29tf. entitled to file. broken heart within a few months.— “privileges,” and other things. Galaxy. X H. HYZER, O atmeal , B one and M uscle .— A Salemite wants the citizens to R ather L iked I t .—A Minnesota Liebig has shown that oatmeal is al­ PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, get up purse, say of $500, with a rea­ let ter-writer, mentioning the treatment sonable entrance fee added, for a run­ most as nutritious as the very best of grasshoppers, says that some farm­ English beef, and that it is richer than JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, ning race, free for all horses. Also a wheaten bread in the elements that go ers found smoking very effectual. purse, say $300, for the best trotting to form bone and muscle. Prof. When the grasshoppers were flying T HAVE BOUGHT M r . ACKLEY’S TN- race, upon the same conditions, to l»e Forbes, of Edinburgh, during some j they placed damp prairie grass on the I terest in the painting business, and will windward side of their fields and set endeavor to conduct it myself on terms to offered as premiums at the coming twenty years, measured the breadth and height, and so tested the strength ■ fire to it. The grasshoppers either suit the times. Favors respectfully solic­ State Fair. ited. of t>oth the arms and loins of the stud- j did, or did not alight, or if they did At Long Branch, August 25th, the ents in the University—a very nu- i did not stay long. But this was not N. B.—I will settle all accounts of the late firm, pro and con. J. H. HYZER. swimming match of three miles at sea merous class and of various nationali­ always successful. A farmer in an Jacksonville, June fl, 874. 23tf. for a purse of $2,000 was won by the ties, drawn to the city of Edinburgh eastern county, who tried it, told me H. L. WEBB. 8. P. JONES. English champion, Johnson, who heat by the fame of his teachings. He that at first he thought the “hoppers” THE his American competitor, after a hard found that, in height, breadth of chest about to leave; he went away for a and shoulders, and strength of the ' fresh load of grass, and when he camo NEW STATE SALOON, pull. The latter has challenged John­ arms and loins, the Belgians were at back he found the rascals roosting on son to swim from three to five miles the bottom of the list; a little above the fence and warming their feet by Cor. California and Third Sts., on the Hudson river for from $3,000 them, the French; very much higher his fires.” After that the hotter he to $5,000. Webb & Jones, Propr’s. the English ; and highest of all the made the fires and denser the smoke, W. J. Herren, says the Salem Scotch and Scotch-Irish from Ulster the better they seemed to like it. who, like the natives of Scotland, are NGLISH ALE AND PORTER, together Record, has on his place on the Silver- T he Burlington Hawkeye has the with the finest brands of liquors and ci­ ton, Marion county, road a three-year- fed in their early years with at least gars always on hand. lfltf. one meal a day of good milk and good story of a young husband who took hjs old colt that walks up to the pump in oat meal porridge. wife to a soda fountain, and looking the barn yard whenever he is dry, solemnly at the man who asked them New Boot and Shoe Store, “S weet P ickle ” of A pples .— “what syrup ?” .said ho would take takes hold of the handle with his teeth California Street, and pumps all the water he wants to Take three pounds of sugar, three “crusade.” Imagine his horror when JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. drink, and then pumps for the balance quarts of vinegar (not very strong), ten she said she would try some too. Ho pounds of sweet apples ; ¡»are, quarter laughed feebly, but the cold sweat of the stock In the yard. and core the apples, put the sugar and stood in great drops on ills clammy Messrs. Williamson & Co., of Linn vinegar together, boil and skim it; brow; hut fortunately the soda man aving permanently located in Jacksonville, respectfully informs county, received from Now York two then take half of the syrup but into never lost his presence of mind, and the public that he is prepared to do all kinds while the husband threw in an extra of work tn the boot and shoe-making line. patent flax-breaking machines, which another vessel, put as many of the ap­ dose of “crusade,” his wife made a wry Satisfaction guaranteed. they will use in preparing their pres­ ples Into your preserving pan as will 29tf. M. CATON. face over ginger. ent crop for market. The machines boil conveniently, and boll until ten­ -------- der; then skim those out and add are the latest Improvements, and cost S uí ’KERH which have been permitted All Hinds of Job Printing more apples and syrup and nutmeg. to spring up at the foot of the steins in in New York $500 each. Some of the NEATLY &. CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT ! flax raised by W. & Co. this year pro- H appiness can be made quite a*> apple orchards may now be taken off [ duced fibre five feet in length. i well of cheap materials as of dear ones. to the best advantage. The Times Office. A H C E H