She gemorratir TROUBLE BREML5U. P ersonal .—Hon. Henry Klippel, State Capitol Commissioner, arrived home from Salem on Wednesday. Mr. Klippel will remain among us for some time, as work on the State Capitol has ceased, owing to the appropriation giving out. John Cimborsky, a representative of Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, to the Great Council of Red Men, has returned. Capt. O. C. Applegate, of Yainax, was in town last week. G ame L aw .—The entire game law being out of force now, our nirarodi- cal friends can shoot whatever they please. Gaine is abundant, and under the protection of the law has become wonderfully tame. T he I dea of a U niversal M edicine is at last realized in Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bit- l ters. This concentrated essence of the finest medical herbs and roots lit the Western hemisphere, eradicates all diseases which have not undetermined the sources of vital­ ity, and Chronic indigestion, Nervous Head- aeho, Congestion of the Liver, Rheumatism, Gout, General Debilit v, and innumerable ul­ cerous and scabious disorders, it is a specific T hanks .—Mr. Longsworth has our absolute and infallible. Below we give a copy of a letter re­ ceived on the 28th ult. at the Execu­ tive office from the Chewaucan valley. I ARENTS FOR THE TIMES. The Salem Record says the Governor Geo. P. Rowell A Co...................... New York also received through other sources, N. M. Pettingill A Co.................... New York’ Lp- PÌsher’..............................San Francisco. from that section of the State, infor­ Thoe. Boyce............................... San Francisco mation that confirms the fears of Mr. thanks for an excellent water-melon, l>an. L. Green......... y...... Josephine County. For the very best Photographs, go to Freeman, as to the Indians getting raised on George A. Jackson’s place, troublesome. The Governor has taken which he is working during Mr. Jack­ Bradley A Rulofson’s Gallery withan ELE­ RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. VATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Fran­ steps to inform the proper U. S. offi­ son’s absence East. cisco. M. E. UHURcn.—Religious services every —---------- ♦---------- Sunday, at the usual hours, by the Rever­ cials of the threatening aspect of af­ V enison .—Since the expiration of ends J. W. Stahl, N. A. Starrand M. A. fairs by sending off telegrams to be Williams, alternately. the game law, venison is coming in. followed immediately by letters to the Col. J. N. T. Miller, C. W. Savage The meat is fat and excellent, and C atholic C hurch .—Divine Services ev­ j (California St., one door west of Sachs Bros.,) ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ Commander of this Department. and Newman Fisher, accompanied by sells for about eight cents a pound. ther Blanchett. The prompt action of the Governor their respective families, and James Jacksonville, Oregon, M. E. S unday S chool .—Regular meetings A ccident .—John Beard met with will doubtless delay the removal of C. McCully, left for the Lake country every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. DEALER AND WORKER IN U athoi . ic S unday S chool . — Regular the U. 8. troops from Camp Warner this week. They were well supplied an accident by a horse falling back­ meetings every Sundav afternoon, at two to Camp Bidwell, as has been ordered. with provisions and contemplate a sev­ wards with him last Sunday. He is TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. o'clock. now able to be about now, however. The troublesome Indians are the va­ eral weeks’ siege. eeps constantly on hand an F. 0. MEISTER ANO TRAVELER S 6UIDE. -------- *------- assortment of the best grant portion of the Snakes, the Pah- P roperty B ought . — G. W. Holt E. Steele, of Yreka, passed through I Stages leave Jacksonville as follows : For Rock Point, Grant’s Pass and Rose­ Ute tribe. town Thursday on his way to attend has purchased the old Arkansas stable TINWARE, burg, every day at 8 a. in. Mail closes at BRASS PIPES, C hewacan V alley , July 18th. and lot from Sachs Bros. We were Court at Crescent City. 7:3Op. m. FORCE PUMPS, not advised of the price paid. For Phmnix, Ashland, Yreka and Red­ To His Excellency, Governor Grover— I The Sisters of Charity arrived from CHAINS, LEAD PIPE, ding, California, every day at 3:30 p. m. Dear Sir: As it seems the only re­ HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Mail closes at 3 p. m. Portland on Thursday. S hipment M ade . — G. Karewski For Applegate, Kerbyville, Waldo and source left us, I, at the suggestion of HYDRAULIC NOZZLES, Crescent City, everv Monday and Thursday W. C. Griswold, of Salem, passed this week loaded several teams with PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS, morning at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. ni. the citizens of this and the surround­ lard and bacon for Portland. through town this week, on his way OI2S, HOSE, POWDER. the preceding evening. ing valleys, ask and pray that you The mail for Central Point, Table Rock, home. Eagle l*oint, Rrownsborough and Sam’s will do all in your power to give us BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. NEW, THIS WEEK. Valley leaves every Wednesday morning ; protection. It seems the Military De­ G. Karewskl left for Portland on NAILS, close« the preceding evening. Oregon Division No. 1, The mail for Linkville, Hot Springs, Yia- partment have concluded to abandon Wednesday. MINING TOOL, nox and Tuike City, leaves Ashland every Sons and Daughters of Temperance, meets SHOT, BRUSHES, ’ Squire Hoffman and lady left for Camp Warner (the only protection we Monday morning. For I.inkville every on Tuesday evening of each week in the CARPENTER TOOLS, Monday and Thursday mornings. have) regardless of all our petitions the North some days ago, on a visit to Odd Fellows’ Hall. Brothers and sisters in BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Money Order Office open from 9 a. m. to invited to attend. sent in, and everything else. These their relations. They intend going as good standing are 6 p.m. IRON WASH-KETTLES, ANNA DO WELL, W. P. O ffice H ours —From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.; Indians are roving all over the coun­ far as Pierce county, Washington Ter­ J. R. W ade , R. S. BRASS AND I RON WIRE, Sundays, 30 minutes after arrival of stages. SHEET-IRON WARE. Mail matter must l»e in on time or it will try, killing stock when it suits them. ritory, where a daughter—Mrs. Geo. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. not go. M ax M uller , P. M. Ocheho says he has some Indians he T. Vining—resides. Cast Iron and Steel Plows. can ’ t control, and those are the ones TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF R emoval —Judge A Nunan intend A DM INISTR A tor ’ s S A LES.—James 1 (lie County Court ol Jackson county, ROPE, that make the trouble. Only a few CAULDRONS, occupying their new quarters by the Miller, Administrator of the estate of Oregon, the undersigned, Administrator of CULTIVATORS, I the Estate of J. II. Bill inbrock, deceased, days ago there were two of our citi- W. Nus, will sell some personal prop­ first of next week. w will oiler for side at public auction, at the COPPER WARE, zens out hunting a stock range and Court House door in Jacksonville, in said erty belonging to the estate at the old W11EEL-B A R ROWS, P rospecting .—Judge Duncan, Jas. were attacked by one of these roving county, on SHEET-IRON WARE, Lawrence and another gentlemen left and lawless bands of Indians and Nus stand, Link river, next month. Saturday, September 12th, 1874, 1UO O D EN A ND W1LLO IF WA R E, town this week on a prospecting tour. barely escaped with their lives, Their The exact day is not yet set. at 1 o’clock r. M., the following described ! A. S. Moon, Administrator of the Real Property, situated in Jackson county, S isters ’ S chool .—The Sisters will pack mule was killed and most of it estate of J. II. Billinbrock, will sell Oregon, belonging to said Estate, to-wit : STOVES. The N. W. and theS. W. '» of Section open their school on Monday, August eaten up by them. several parcels of real estate at the three (3), Township thirty-seven (37), South The Interior Department suffers Al wavs on hand a large lot of parlor, cook­ Range two (2) West, containing three hun­ 17th, after a vacation of several weeks. Court House door on the 12th of next dred I them to go and do what they choose, and twenty (320) acres—being the ing, office, cabin stoves, of assorted sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on tho latest Home Place of deceased. I n T own .—Dr. Haskell, formerly and the Indian Agent says they have month. The List fractions of the N. E. of Sec­ fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, everything connected with these stoves agent of Wilson’s circus, but now lec­ no power over them now. In the Asher I). Heald, Administrator of tion four (4), Township thirty-seven (37), and warranted durable and perfect. Range two (2) West, containing forty­ turing in the cause of Temperance, is name of God what are we to do under the estate of Samuel Dewitt, will sell South All articles sold or manufactured by him eight and fifty-eight one-hundredths (48.58) warranted. His work is made of the best in town. some real property at the Court House acres, adjoining the Home Place. this state of affairs ? Lotsnumlier 1 and 2 ofSection twenty (20), material and of the choicest patterns. Z-iU Orders attended to with dispatch and All we ask is that these Indians be door to-morrow. and lots number 1 and 2 of Section seventeen N otary P ublic .—Governor Gro­ (17), in Township thirty-five (35), South filled according to directions. He is deter­ ver has commissioned A. B. McIlwain, put on some reserve or the troops re­ T he M odocs at P awpaw .—On the Range 1 West, containing one hundred and mined to sell at low prices foreash. twenty-three (123) acres. main at Camp Warner until it is done. of Waldo, Josephine county, as a No­ 24th ult. Bogus Charley, one of the The S. W.11 of N. W. ’, of Section twenty­ Your earliest attention to this mat­ chiefs of the Modoc tribe, was in eight (28), mid the S. E. 14 ofS. E. 1. of Sec­ tary Public. LIQUORS twenty-eight (28), in Township thirty- ter will much oblige all the citizens in St. Louis with H. M. Jones, Agent of tion four (34), South Rango 1 East, containing of all kinds, of the best brands,wholesale and M usical .—The Vieuxtemps Broth­ this community, and for which atten­ eighty (80) acres. retail. Also the l ’ awpaw Reservation, where the Lot number 4 of Section twenty-nine (29), ers write us from Yreka that ttyey tion you will have our heartfelt remnant of the Modoc tribe is sta­ Township thirty-five (.’«»), South Range 1 TOBACCO AND CIGARS. will be in Jacksonville on Thursday, West, containing sixteen and ninety one- Yours respectfully, thanks. Charley held levees at the hundredths acres (10.90-100) acres. In connection with all these I have on hand ! tioned. August 13th. ' a large assortment of G eorge F reeman . Lots number 6 and 7 of Section 4. and S. St. Clair Hotel, and was to return to E. of S. E. and lot number 1 ofSection S ociety M eeting .—A meeting of GROCERIES the reservation with Jones. The tribe 5, Township thirty-seven (37), South Range W ar A ccounts . Gen. J. M odoc West, containing seventy-one and three of all kinds—just what everv married man the Agricultural Society has been on the reservation numbers 153, and it 2 one-hundredths (71.03-100) acres, excepting Inspector-General of the A. Hardie, in his family. And if you don’t l»e- called for Saturday, loth inst. Read is said by the Agent that their con­ one square acre out of the Northwest corner, ' wants lieve it. call and examine my stock before Modoc War accounts, accompanied by I duct is very exemplary ; that they known as the < 'oilier tract. advertisement elsewhere. Tertns of Sale—Gold coin, payable six I purchasing elsewhere. JOHN BILGER, Col. Stone, left for Yreka last Mon­ months after day of sale, drawing interest Importer of farm implements and machines. A ppointment .—David Cronemiller day evening, after a vpry pleasant show a disposition to work, and have at one per cent, per month with security. 29tf. ANDREW S. MOON. has received the appointment of Dep­ professional visit among us. We had abandoned the practice of gambling. Adni’rof J. H. Billinbrock’s Estate. uty Great Sachem of the Improved Or­ not the fortune to have any considera­ August 3d, 1874. aug7t--------- —— IN AID OF inspected by him. Those whose WOOD’S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE!! B oard of E qualization .—D. II. I claims have not been inspected can repainted and receiving other repairs. AND A CHROMO OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. C. Coleman has been building an ad­ Taylor, County Assessor, in another address Gen. Hardie at Washington column gives notice that the Board of with affidavits of the accuracy and dition to his store. Equalization will sit on the last Mon­ reasonableness of the charges. A new awning is being erected in JULY 31, 1874. front of the Post Office. day of this month. The next Legislature will doubtless I make provisions for the payment of LIST OF GILTS. F or R ogue R iver .—P. Britt left R eligious .—Rev. T. F. Campbell, the same, and the United States will One grand cash gift........................... 8250,000 for the Rogue River Falls on Thurs­ of Monmouth, Polk county, has been One grand cash gift........................... 100,000 no doubt in turn indemnify the State. day morning. He took his photo­ holding forth to good houses during Ono grand cash gift.......................... 75,500 Our representatives in the next Leg­ One grand cash gift........................... 50,000 graphic apparatus with him, and in­ the past week, Mr. Campbell’s orato- One grand cash gift........................... 25,000 islature as well in Congress should not tends taking photographs of the Falls 5 Cash Gifts, $20.000 each........... 100,000 rical and reasoning faculties, which fail to present the subject and see that lOCash Gifts, 14,004» each.......... 140.000 and other scenery. Jackson county were so well displayed in the late po­ 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each.......... 150,000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each.......... 100,000 abounds in romantic scenery, which justice is done. litical campaign, are in their element 25 Cash Gifts, 4,000 each........... 100,000 would be a credit to any work contain­ 30 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each............ 90,000 S erious A ccident .—John Collins on the discussion of religious questions, 50 Cash Gifts, ’ 2,000 each............ 100,000 ing it. met with a severe accident at Capt. and his efforts are well spoken of by 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each............ 100.000 240 Cash Gifts, 500 each............ 120,000 all who have heard him. He will McClendon ’ s, Sam ’ s Valley, last Mon ­ N ew S tore . —Attention is called to 500 Cash Gifts. 100 each............ 50.000 preach the balance of the week, and 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each........... 950,000 the card of John A. Boyer, and also day. It seems that he had unhitched also on Sunday. ALL FOR THE his new advertisement. He has just the animals from the thresher, and Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash, $2,500,000 opened a new and superior stock of dropped their halters to attend to PRICE OF TICKETS. S urveying C ontracts .—W. B. groceries, candies, nuts, etc., and something else, when they liecame Pengra, of Lane, has secured contracts Trifling Sum of FOUR DOLLARS! Whole Tickets...................................... 8 50.00 IF PAID IN ADVANCE. everything that can be found in a flrst- frightened and ran away, The halters for surveying in this county to the Halves................................................... 25.00 Tenth or each Coupon......................... 5.00 had wound themselves around Mr. <4ass variety store, in Linn’s brick 11 Whole Tickets for......................... - 500.00 amount of $2,882. J. H. Evans and 22^ Tickets for..................................... 1000.00 building, and invites his many friends Collins’ feet, and before he could ex­ J. G. Gray, of the same county, have NOW IS YOUR TIME! For tickets or information, address tract himself the animals had dragged te call and see him. also secured contracts in Jackson to the TITOS. E. BEAM LETTE, him several hundred yards, breaking Agent and Manager, E volution . —We have received a a rib, tearing the clothes from his body amount of $5,000. Howard & Huffer’s rnilE MAGAZINE is one of tho best Public Library' Building, Louisville, Ky. I monthly publications published, the July 3, 1874.“ 27x39. lengthy criticism of Rev. T. F. Camp- and bruising him in a terrible manner. contract for surveying in Douglas and original price of which is $1.00. Though Coos amounts to $4,000. its subscription price is moderate, the Mag­ ben’s sermon on the above subject by FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1874 THE OLD AND RELIABLE HOUSE — of -— I SACHS BROS.» Haro on hand aud offer for sala 1 The Largest and Best Àaeortment —OF— K GENERAL MERCHANDISE! —USUALLY KEPT IN— A First-Class Establishment I t THE YOSEMITE!! John A. Womack, of Ashland. We are since in receipt of a- request from several of the citizens of that place, desiring us to publish the same. We we will do so next week, as it came too late for this week’s issue. W ar C laim A gency . —We call the attention of soldiers and those in­ terested to the advertisement of the law and collection agency of W. H. Aiken of San Francisco. They will there find reliable information as to additional travel pay, Bounty Pensions, Prise Money and Land Warrants allow­ ed by the Government We believe that Mr. Aiken from his official posi­ tion in the Grand Army has the con­ fidence of soldiers on this coast. In­ formation given by him free of charge. F rom H ot S prings .—We were glad to receive a call from our old friend Major Brooks, just arrived from the Hot Springs, near Linkville. The Major informs us that he has built a comfortable bath house at these springs, I where the public can bathe free of charge. We trust that the Major’s in- ' Vftlid wife, who has been suffering with rheumatism for the last eleven years, will be restored by the use of those mineral waters, to her former i health. G ranger W agon . —We were mis­ informed in regard to the Granger meat-wagon ceasing operations. It is running as usual, Geo. W. Isaacs, in­ N ew L odge . —John Clmborsky, at stead of N. C. Dean, being now pro­ the close of the recent session of the ______ Great Council of Red Men at Portland, prietor. instituted Willamette Tribe No. 6, L C ounty C ourt .— The County Court O. R. M., there, to work in the Ger­ was in session this week. The full man language. proceedings will appear in our next. THE WANT of THIS COMMUNITY. WE KEEP FIRST - CLASS GOODS, —XT- reasonable PRICES! ZfT We invite all to call and examine our Goods and Prices, feeling assured that we will give entire satisfaction to ALL. SACHS BROS. SPECIAL NOTICES. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. H appy R elief to Y ouno M en from the effects of Errors and abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impedimenta to* Mar­ riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad­ dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Number 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa.,—an In­ stitution having a high reputation for hono­ rable conduct and professional skill. 45 ■ ■ ■ —■ e ■ JAPANESE PEAS, TWO HUNDRED BUSHELS PER ACRE. SOMETHING NEW. Farmers and Gardeners, Read This. Agents Wanted to sell the Japanese Peas. These Peas have recently l»een brought to this country from Japan, and prove to be the finest pea known for Table use or for Stock. They grow in the form of a bush, from three to five feet high, and do not re­ quire sticking. They yield from one quart to a gallon of peas per bush. A sample package, that will produce from five to ton bushels of peas, with circulars giving terma to Agents, and full directions as to the time and manner of planting, will be sent post­ paid, to any one desiring to act as Agent, on receipt of 50 cents. Address L. L. OS M ENT, Cleveland, Tenn. UNION LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, Cor. California A 4th Sts. HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- spectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have p—K“r?i! the above establishment, which will be henceforth conducted under their constant personal supervision, and they guarantee satisfa<*tion to all who may favor them with their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and within convenient distance "of the varioua houses of public entertainment. Horses and mules will l>e Ixmrded and cared for at moderate charges. Thev have one of the largest and finest stocks In Oregon, south of Portland, of T BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses and Mules, which will l»e hired to go to any part of the country at moderate rates. BARBER, Animals bought and sold, and broke to THE CHROMO, saddle or harness. 29tf. KUBLI A WILSON. Of which the above gives but an idea, is a CALIFORNIA STREET, Jacksonville, beautiful and truthful representation of the renowned Yosemite Valley, situated in Cal­ C. COLEMAN, ifornia, which is visited yearly by thou­ sands of tourists from every part of the air cutting , shaving , sham . world. It is 14x20 inches in size, is pro­ l>ooing and ladies' hair cutting done in California Street, Jacksonville, Ogn., duced in seventeen oil colors, and is an or­ j first-class style. nament to any room. It cannot be pur­ nr.AT.rR in chased in any of our stores. It is well worth DANDRUFF LOTION, $2.50, which we were offered for ours. READY-MADE CLOTHING, An entirely new discovery for cleansing OTHER INDUCEMENTS. the scalp and restoring the hair to its natu­ DRY-GOODS, Those not desiring the Chromo, will be ral vigor. Price, $1.00 per bottle. furnished the T imes and magazine for $3.50, RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT TN ORDER. Hosiery, Hats, Boots and Shoes, in advance. This is doubtless one of the best induce­ ments ever offered to the public, and every­ M ill notice . TOBACCO, PIPES, body shouldavailthemselvesofit. We mean what we say. We stand responsible for the E ARE NOW READY TO RECEIVE LIQUORS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY delivery of the Chromo and Magazine. We wheat in store, and will commence have already furnished the Magazine and grinding on the 10th inst. It&, Etc-, Chromo to several persons, who can attest Our terms for grinding will be the eighth their merits. Address bushel, or exchange. A LL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT HULL A NICK ELT,, 2X the lowest rates for ('ash or in exchange DALEY A EMERY. T imes O ffice , Jacksonville, Ogn. for produce, hides, furs, etc. Jotf. Butte Creek Mills, Sept. 1, 1873. 3<>tf. GEORGE SCHUMPF, azine is decidedly not a “cheap John” af­ fair, as a sample, which may be seen at the T able R ock S aloon .—Attention T imes O ffice , will attest. is called to the advertisement of this popular resort. Messrs. Wintjen & Helms keep constantly on hand a com­ plete supply of liquors, wines, cigars, etc., of the best brands. A cabinet of curiosities may here be found, and the proprietors solicit contributions of spec­ imens, etc., to their enterprise. We flatter ourselves that a fourteen veara’ experience has made us familiar with H W