à he ïlr.n otra lie aimes, i EBRI ARY 21, ISTI. lloW B irds L e A KN T«i Six«; AND Bi h o. What i- instinct? It is the “f:: ultv «>f performing complex acts lib-ohltc ly w ithout in-truction, or pre- » iou-ly acquiring know ledg«'.” ln- , ♦ ♦ ion, would enahh* animals to ¡»mr pontaiieou-ly tu ts which,in the 11 ♦ » > . pre-'iippo-e ratiocination, • » tin of thought; but when t « "t th observed facts which are i. t it i- f mini that they are svhloni u-ive. it was on such grounds tin' -ottg of birds was taken to be 1 ; al! vit a very ready experiment I l ave -'town that it comes from «hieatioii they r«‘«“eive. During i't century, Barrington brought •me linnets, taken from the not nipanv with Itirk-ofsunilrv vario- and f und that «“Very one of th«“ ■ts n«lopted completely the song i«' nia-ter set over them, so that the-e linnet-—lark- by natur.iliza- —form a company apart, when among binls of their own 1 en the nightingale, whose omul i is -o -w«“et. exhibits, un- icstical tion, a «“onsiderable reatl- ♦ate other singing birds, to > imita ig ot tin bird is, therefore, ile- termined by its education, edueation and the same must be true to nest building. A bird brought up in a eage does not construct the nest peculiar to its spe- cies. In vain w ill you supply all the n«“ve.—ary materials; the birds will employ them without skill, and will oflentime even renounced all purpose of building any thing like a nest, I )ot“S not thi- well known fact prove that, instead of being guided by in- fillet, the bird learns how to construe t his nest, just as a man learn- how to build a house ? T he C hin .—Fortune-tellers are g morally skillful physiognomists, and all the features of the human face do their -hare in enlightening the under­ standing of the seers. The chin at the pre-ent day is rather difficult to read on account of the increasing custom of wearing a beard. A good chin should neither project or retreat much. A very retreating chin denotes weakness, and a very projecting one harsh strength, united with firmness amount­ ing to obstinacy. A point«“«! chin generally denotes acuteness. A soft, fat, double chin generally denotes a i love of good living; and an angular chin judgment and firmness. Flat­ ness of chin implies coldness; a round, dimpled chin, goodness ; a small chin, fear; sharp indentings in the middle of the chin point to a cool understand­ ing. The color and texture ot the skin and of the hair ami bcanl have also direct harmony with the features, These should be studied more than they have been. A facility in drawing faces is of great use to the student of physiognomy, as it enables him to note peculiarities of feature which no w ritten description would be capable of preserving. ♦ T he 1’iuHii- of Br.«;t. ary . -A t urion- case ha- recently occupietl the attention of the St. Loui- courts. In I s'»i> an Italian named (’a«lamat.iri came to this counlrv, l>rin; glug with him a wile amlchihl’aml st- tiled in St. Louis, win re he ailopted tin • occupation of a In ggar. Tiie lit th' g irl did the mo-t of the L«‘ggin while tin* father in- Vested the receipts, Thi- part of the bu-im-ss h * attend«“«! to with much shrew dur-- . speculating in auction giMwl', real estate, and so on, with the money she obtained. Becoming v«>m- parativelv wealthy, (’mlamatari tie-- termim d on a trip to Europe, ami went off amply supplied with funds to en­ joy hini-clf in his native land. While lie was gone th«* «laughter begged as per-istently as ever, ami in th«' course ofalxiut tivey«“arsaccumulate«l $12,000, which -he «leposited with th«“ mana­ gers of the St. Louis University. Lately Uadamatari returned from his Europi'an tour, and learning of this «lcpo-it ma«le ha-te to claim it for him­ self, making a dr ift on the Univer-ity for the money. The managers refused to acknowledge the old memlicant’s right to th«“ funds, and thus the matter came into the courts. The daughter, w ho during the old man’s absence ha«l married one of her countrymen, who was probably well aware of her invalu­ able qualities its a helpmeet, proved that Cadamatari, when they fir-t came to St. Louis had no means of liveli­ hood except the proceeds of her beg­ ging. Th«* case was decided in favor of the «laughter. D eath of D r . L ivings tone .—A London dispatch of Jan. 2*th says: llerr Bruner, an explorer of Africa, in a letter from Gotha, date«! at Zan­ zibar, says Livingstone died on the 15th of August. This «late differs somewhat from that of previous reports, but all doubt has been set at rest by the official dispatch received by the Government to-dav from Zanzibar. The dispatch is circumstantial, ami says Dr. Living-tone died in Lobisa, after crossing the marshes with water at om> time for three hours consecu­ tively alxive his waist. The suffer­ ings of his whole party were terrible, ami ton of them died in con-equence. Members of Cameron’s expedition were suffering from fever opthalmia, but would await the arrival of the Doctor's remains and bring them to Ujiji. From the latter place they would l>e forwarded to Zanzibar, where, it is expected, they will arrive next month. IION. Ex-V1< E-I‘r.l-S1DENT S chuy ­ C olfax , the premium liar and biggest mutton-head in all Indiana, was presented a new buggy at South Bend on Christinas. Schuyler res|x>nd- ed and thanked his loyal dupes for the gift, in which he can ride to the devil or any other place, now that the (“<>un try has no further use for him. Indiami ought to feel proud of that man, he is such a social, talented, brainle; -s cuss.— Pomeroy's Demos rat. ler I t turns out that Agassiz’s small handwriting, “which seemed so natu­ ral in >o broad and impulsive a charac­ ter,” was the result of early necessity. On the bat ks of old letters, ami on old scraps of paper, he copied as closely as j»o>sible, many volumes which he needed, but winch he could not buy. A ffav days ago one of Brigham Young’s «laughters, who had aban­ doned the Mormon faith, f managed to eimlc his «“.-pionage, and t escaped on the l-.ast«“rn bound train, ..... Her inten- t ion is to l»K“ture a gainst Mormonism in the East. A dvertising begets wealth I A SPLENDID OFFER! AI.EX. MARTIN. WHITE & MARTIN T he V er ren a .—This beautiful little Hower i one of the best bedding plants in cultivation, its brilliant tresses of flowers of all varieties and shades of color continue in bloom dur- ¡ng tlu* spring, summer and fall, and it only ceas«“s fiowi'ring during the -bort frosts of winter. It is ea.-y of culti­ vation,and should he found inevery gar­ den ; it grow- well in any gootl garden -oil, ami, looks best when grown in la* a single plant, set it out in the mid lit“ of th«“ b«“d, and in one season it will cover it fully. The lied should have a full exposure to the sun and away from all shade, tor this plant w ill not l>l«K»m freely, except when in a bright sunshin«“. The stems, as they trail up >n the ground, tak«‘root tre« iy, -o there i- no «liffieulty in propagating them to any extent. The varieties of this flower ¡-almost unlimiti'd, but the cultivator only want- to soh‘«“t th«' ditrerent colors which suit hi- taste and lie will have abundance of flowers. They may be found in almost all shades of color; whit«', blue, pink, scarlet, maroon and purple ar«“ among the best. (Successors to Janies T. Glenn,) A year ’ s SVBSCRIITION to A young man was conversing in a tavern of his abilities and accomplish­ ments, and boasting a great deal of his mighty performances. When lie had finished, a Quaker quietly observed, “There is one thing thou canst not do; thou canst not tell the truth.” Jacksonville, Oregon, WOOD’S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE'.! DEALERS IN DEALER AND WORKER IN AND A CHROMO OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CALIFORNIA STREET, TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. ex . irEEFS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN 1V assortment of the best J ACKSON VILLE, OREGON. I TINWARE, BRASS PIPES, FORCE PUMPS, ( HAINS, LEAD PIPE, HARDWARE. CUTLERY, H Y DR AU LIC NOZZLES, PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS’, OILS, HOSE, POWDER LOW PRICES WILL WIN! rilHE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- 1 uro in notifying their friemL and the public generally that they are now r«“ceiving and opening a very large and extensive stock of ■I Iters BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. THE YOSEMITE!! STAPLE DRY-GOODS, BAKE R. S A ET. FOR TIIE Heady-Made Clothing, SEWÌN G- NAILS, MINING TOOL, SHOT, BRUSHES, CARPENTER TOOLS, BLACKSMITH TOOJ.S, I R(>N WASH-KETTLES, BRASS AND IR< >N WIRE, SHEET-I RON WARE. Trifling Sum cf FOUR DOLLARS ! AG R 1C U LT UR A L IM PL EM ENTS, IF PAID IN ADVANCE. Hats and Caps, NOW IS YOUR TIME! California & Salem Cloths and Blankets, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses’ and Children's Shors. I Cast Iron and Steel Plows. rilHE MAGAZINE is one of the best I monthly publication- published, th«> origin.il prie«“ ot which is sl.o««. I hough its subscription price is moderate, the Mag­ azine is **<•! 11 it(* \ :iln’\ . in ( «il- ifornia, which is visited yearly bv thou­ GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENS- sands of tourists from « v. rv part of the world. It is 14x20 inch« s in size, is pr<>- du«*«*ur stores. It ¡swell worth $2.’>o, which we were olierei tor ours. DOW GLASS, CAST AND OTHER INDUCEMENTS. STEEL I’Ll)WS, WOOD- Those not de ¡ring th«1 «'bromo, will b«* EN AND WILLOW furnished the T imes and magazine tor in advance. .¿una JFO 0 I) EN -1 ND WIL L O IP H A II E . .......z STOVES. Always on hand a large lot of parlor, eook- ing, office, cabin stoves, of assorted sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on the latest iiiel-sax ing plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, and everything connected with these stoves warranted durable and perfect. All articles s<>|d or manufactured by him warranted. Ilis work is made <>f the l>est material and of the choicest patterns. Orders attended to with dispatch ami filled according to directions. He is deter­ mined to sell at low prices for cash. CAL FLORENCE. Qpecial attention is caHed l ’ «<> i;i<* gren; imp «»vim nls iiuule L* I’.»« «••.;•■ il«“:il Jl.icliine, 11ml «<» Ci • il. w «• »-I « l. guilt st.» les of «.is.'» ;i.' Hst. We are now ready to sell anything in our line at lowest «“ash pri«“es. Persons »vishing to buy goods w ill find it greatly to their ad- vantag«* t<» examin«' our stock b«‘for«* pur­ chasing elsew here, as »ve tire d<“termin«‘«l not t«> bo undersold by any house in Jackson county. FLORENCE. 1 7<»r filose m lio prefi'i“ a Ma- cliiii.* tentili;; iii<* worU uwiiy IT 0111 ID«“ operntor, t*«“ now isat«* 0.1? of Ibn« «I sci-ipiiOll. qilict.<“l«,..v-ms»lilog nr.«l lia» isig nil Ih“ «»ilo r p cullar ov. , (California St., one door west of Sachs Bros.,) The DEMOCRATIC TIMES for 1874, I r’s a tine thing for Senator Hitch- pie that lie has that “J. <>’M.” pinned onto the tail of his coat. <>f cou rse the Senator does a great deal of useless sneezing, ju>t to attract attention, and every time he doth so sneeze “J. < >’M.” jfTGivo us a call, and then fudge tor regales us w ith a batch of disgusting voiirsclf as to our capacite to furnish goods WHITE A MARTIN. laudations of his master—as if we Ore­ as above. gonians didn’t understand what we know all almut. That stutr of his is thin—threadbare.— Yamhill lleportcr. ALL KINDS OF A roRTi.Y gentk'nian crowd«'«! him­ self into a seat in a horse-car, next to a young man, who remarked, “You wouldn’t b«' so anxious to have a seat if you knew that I had just gotten over the small-pox.” “That’s nothing,” was the reply ; “this is the first time that I have been out since having it myself.” The young man started for the front platform. JOHN BILGER, ’ ■ ‘ * ? ' ’ / ■* • • / j Sore thr<>at. colds, whooping cottirh, «“roup, liver complaint, bronchitis, asthma. bl«s“t the throat, liimrs and «•best, are speedily and permanently <'ured by the use of Dr. Wislar's Balsam of U ¡¡«I flurry. ---- FROM This well-known preparation does not drv * up a cot mil and 1< ave the cau-e behind, a- is t h«* ea-<‘ with mo-t ni<• 1 i«• in< -. but it loosens ami cleanses the lung- ami allays irritation, thus rcmo» ing the cause ot' the <-<>111 plat nt. VISITINO C A KI UONSUMl’TION CAN l’.E « I KED i- standard remedy, I- ot t< stimonials re- >rs. None 'genuine, ts. Seth W. Fowl« Stoll. Sold by lh d- San l’iam-i-co, « 'a!., . 2Sin«». I —TO— FRANC«LAM ERICAN i THE LARGEST POSTER, LIQUORS ofall kinds, of the l»est brands,wholesale and retail. Also • tobacco and cigars . In connection with all these I have on hand a large assortment of GR< X ERI ES nf all kinds—just what every married man wants in his family. And if you don’t be­ lieve it, call ami examine my stuck before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN BILGER, Importer of farm implements and machine«. 29tf. UNION LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, COUGHS, HQiRSENESS, INFLUENZA, JOB PRINTING! A oh «* i Cor. California <(• A th Sts. s Hie only Machine that Ì rnu M“w in »Mir»“ limai one «lira'«* t.o:i Un »«ng a reversiDle —a great a« boarded and «lire«! for at mo«lerat<‘ charges. The»’ ha»«; one of the largest ami finest stocks in Oregon, south of Portland, of BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, With single or double teams, for hire on rea- sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses ami Mule-, which will !>«• hir«‘d to go to anv pin t of the country at mod. rate rates. Animals bought ¡«nd sold, and broke to -axp«‘riene«“ in th«* business sh«“ feels confident that she will • give «'Utirc satisfaction to till. 1 Icr beds and rooms arc 1itteers, the publisher S. E. WATT. CHAS. K. KI.IM. may continue to send them until all arrear­ ages are paid. WATT rs from theoHiee.s to which tion. without ;q plication of h«*;it. A re­ HENRY HAGEN. they are din‘<‘ted, th«; law holds th«*ni re­ AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! markably valuable di-covery. as the »»hole sponsible until they have settled the bills, appaiatu- can l c carried ¡11 the »e-t po«*k«*t, ASHLAND, OREGON. Wholesale Dealer In and ordered them discontinued. ready ¡it any time tor the most effectual an«l 4. If subscribers remove to other places J. A. BAUER, anufacture and import c <» n - positively cui'iitii e u-e in all di-ea-es of the CALIFORNIA WINES, BRANDIES'* without informing the publisher, ami the cord Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, nose, throat and lung-. » newspaper- ar«' sent to the former direction, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, Boston Team Collars, Concord, Team ami TI1 E< oM I’ol N 11 TAR and M A NI>R A KE they are hel«l responsible. -AND— Buggy Collars, Men’s, Bovs', and Side Sad­ FILL, for u-«‘in <“onne«“tion with the Elixir .*>. The «“ourts have «iecíded that refusing And Wholesale and Retail Dealer in dles, Bridles, Cim-has ami Stirrups, Whips, Tar. is a eombinati«>n of the two most valua- to tal«“ imwspapers from th«' «»titee, or re­ IMPORTED LIQUORS,. Curry-«“oinbs, lushes, Spurs, Collar Pads, ble Alteniti»«“ Medicine- known in the pro­ moving ami leaving them uncalled f<>r, is ami everything usually kept in a well regu­ fession. and render- thi- pill without excep­ prunft facie evident“«' of intentional fraud. 338 and 340 Pine St., lated harness establishment. tion the » < ry best «•» er ottered. «i. The postmaster who negk“«.“ts to give We are using Kerby's < ienuineSanta <'ruz AND EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND The SOLI TI« ’N :ind <'«»M I’oUND EI^IX- th»“ legal notice of the neglect of a person to Leather, and guarantee Satisfaction to our Ii; of T \ R i- w it I ¡out doubt tli«||.«-st renie«lv San Francisco, California. take from the office the newspapers ad­ know n in <-a-«" of« holera and \ t How Eever. dressed to him, is liable to the publisher for IN A FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISH MENT, Customers. It i- a -pc' itie for such di-ea-es. and should the subscription price. ALL CHEAT L'OR CASH. Zt*'Orders from tho country promptly bo kept in the housplutld of eier»- familv No. 101 Post Street, ‘ 30tf. especially in the month- in which Cholera filled. Repairing neatly and quickly done. ami Yellow Ee\er are liable to prc»’uil A ASHLAND NURSERY. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ’ Please give us a call. 48tf. -mall quantity taken .l i ly v ill prevent con­ tracting these terrible di-ea-«—. téB* Orders from the country promptly NOTICE Solution and Compound Elixir. 81.00 per JF YOU WANT TO BUY FTNE MAPLE filled. 30tf- bottl«“. Volatile Solution for inhalation, $¡5 rpHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR S HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVE per box. Tar and Mandrake Pill- 50 cents I sale his one-fourth interest in the Big 1 or other sha«Ie tre«*s cheaper than you appointed Janu s W. Crutclu'r, l'.-q.. my per box. can go to the woo«!« and dig them, go to’the Butte Creek Steam Saw Mill, including agent, to alterni to all necessary business A * th GOA Fpr ! Agents wanted ! Send fori ireular <»f Positi»«“ < 'ur«“s to vour three yoke of oxcu. trucks, chains, etc. I do TD v4v All classes of working peo­ during my absence in th«' East. ASHLAND NUBSERY offer tii«* above at a verv low figure. My L. F. HYDE A Co’ I have also place