lTtoH:SKIÒNAL CARDR. WHITE t the blood in the head, acidity of the • stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food,, livery stable lullness or weight in the stomach, sour eruc­ tations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of Oregon St., Jacksonville. tiie stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffocating sensations* MANNING & ISH, Proprietors, when in a lying posture, dimness of vision,, dots or webs lx>fore the sight, fever ami dull aving just received a new pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration,, stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the riages, we are now prepared to furnish our side, chest, limbs, and sudden flushes of heat,, patronsand the public generally with as burning in the flesh. A few doses of Railway’s I’ills will free FINE TURNOUTS the system from all the alsive named disor­ As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle ders. Price, 25 cents per liox. Sold by horses hired to go to any part of the eountrv. druggists. Read “FALSE and TRUE.” Send one- Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses broke to work single or double. Horses letter-stamp to Railway A Co., No. 87 Maid­ boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon en lame. New York. Information worth, thousands will lie sent you. them while in our charge. ^5" OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE. per day ! Agents wanted ? A liberal share of the public imtronage is All «lasses of working peo- solicited. [2«tt] MANNING A ISH. pie, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare mo­ JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS NEATLY ments. or all the time, than at anything »’ and P promptly TIMVU else. Particulars tree. Address romPlly executed at the TIMES PRINTING OFFICE at the lowest rates G. STINSON 4 Co., Portland. , nillE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- 1 speeffully inform their friends and the public generally that they have purchased the above establishment, which will be henceforth conducted under their constant personal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor them with their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and within convenient distance of the various houses of public entertainment. Horses I and mules w ill be boarded and cared for at moderate charges. They have one of the largest and finest stocks in Oregon, south of Portland, of w 29tf. Every drop of the Sarsaparillian Resolv­ ent eoniiiiunicatcs through the blood, sweat, urint*, and other fluids and juices of the vig­ or of lite, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound materia, Scrofula, syphilis, consumption, glandular disease, ul­ cers in the throat, nioiitli, tumors, nodes in the glandsand other parts of the system, sore eyes, strumous discharges from the ears, and the worst forms of skin disease*«, eruptions, fever sores, scald head, ring worm, salt rheum, erysipelas, acne, black spots, worms in the flesh, tumors, cancers ir> the womb, and all weakening and pai^pl discharges, night sweats, loss of sperm, a>insnut of parlor, cook­ ing. office, cabin stoves, <>t assorted sizes, FREE FROM ALCOHOL! plain and fancy, constructed on the latest iuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, and everything connected with these stoves warranted durable and perfect. (i PERSON CAN TAKE THESE BIT- All articles sold or manufactured by him ters according to directions, and remain warranted. His work is made of the best long unwell, provided their bones are not material and of t he choicest patterns. rC" < »rders attended to wit li dispa tel i and destroyed by mineral poison or other means, filled according to directions. He is deter­ and vital organs wasted Ixyond the point of repair. mined to sell at low prices for cash. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, head­ ache, pain in the shoulders, coughs, tight­ ness of the chest, dizziness, sour eructations LIQUORS of the stomach, l>ad taste in the mouth, bil­ ious attacks, palpitation of the heart, inflam­ of all kinds, of the best brands,wholesale and mation of the lungs, pain in the region of the retail. Also kidneys, and a hundred of tier painful symp­ toms, are the offsprings of dyspepsia. One TOBACCO AND CIGARS. bottle will prove a l>etier guarantee of its Tn connection witli all these I have on hand merits than a lengthv advertisement. FOR FEMALE COM PLAINTS, in young a large assortment of or old, married or single, at the daw n of wo­ manhood. or the turn of life, these tonic GROCERIES bitters display s i decided an influence that of all kinds—just what every inarrieil man improvement is soon perceptible. FOR INFLAMMATORY AND CHRON­ wants in his family. And if von don’t lie- lieve it, call and examine my stock before IC RHEUMATISM and gout, bilious, re­ mittent and intermittent fevers, diseases of purchasing elsewhere. 4 the blood, liver, kidneys and bladder, these JOHN BILGER. Importer of farm implements and machines. billers have no equal. Such diseases are caused liv vitiated blood. 29tf. THEY ARE A GENTLE PURGATIVE AS WELL AS A ToMC, possessing the merit of acting as a powerful agent in reliev­ ing congestion or inflammation of the liver and visceral organs, and bilious diseases. FOR SKIN DISEASES, irupiions. tetter, Opecial attention is called salt-rheum, blotches, spots, pimples, pus­ kJ to the great tiu|»rovenM*ntsmaS proclaim vin­ or those who prefer a Ma­ egar bitters t he most wonderful in vigorant chine feeding the work nwny from that ever sustained the sinking svsteni. the operator, we now Lave one of R. IL M c D onald a co .. that description, qniet,easy-rnnning Druggists and General Agents. San Francis­ and having all the other peculinr ex« co. Cal., and corner of Washington and cellcncivs of the other style. Charlton streets, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. STEEL PLOWS, WOOD- F THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Surgeons, N. Y., and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Canada, POSTERS, begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Jack­ sonville and surrounding country that he has settled and intends remaining fiermi- HANDBILLS, nently at Jacksonville. His office and resi­ dence is two doors south of Madame Holt’s. Jacksonville July Isth, 1878. 29tf. I BILLHEADS, H HEALTH, BEAUTY! GLASSWARE, QUEENS- DOW GLASS, CAST AND O and C For sale at the City Drug Store. ICO O D E N J ND 117 L L O IU B’. 1 7? E. PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, WIN­ AS— SUCH CURES THE WORST PAINS D WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, A. W. GAMBLE. M. D., NEWRY NAPF, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, John Roland, In Chemical and Medical Science, K • w c fKT Office in the old Overbeck Hospital, Oregon Street. j CALIFORNIA STREET, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, R« R« R. 7/i from One, to Twenty Minutes .' R. GARVIN’S SOLUTION AND COM- pound elixir of tar, first and only solu­ tion ever made in one mixture of all the DEALER AND WORKER IN twelve valuable active principals of the w ell VTOT ONE HOUR AFTER READING 11 this advertisement need any one suffer known curative agent, with pain. Radway’s Ready Relief is a cure for every pain. It was the'first and is the PINE TREE TAR, PAIN REME1)Y that instantly stops TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC., Unequaled in coughs, colds, catarrh, asth­ ONLY the most excruciating pains, allays inflam­ mations, and cures congestions, whether of ma, bronchitis and consumption. Cures without fail a recent cold in three to the lungs, stomach, bowels or other glands EFT’S CONSTANTLY' ON HANI) AN six hours; and also by its vitalizing, purify­ or organs, by one application. assortment of the best In from one to twenty minutes, no matter ing and stimulating effects upon the general system, is remarkably efficacious in all dis­ how violent or excruciating the pain the eases of the blood, including scrofula and R1IEUMATIC, bed-ridden, infirm, crippled^ TINWARE, eruptions of t lie skin, dyspepsia, diseases of nervous, neuralgic, or prostrated with dis-- BRASS PIPES, tin* liver and kidneys, heart disease and gen­ ease may sutler, eral debility. FORCE PUMPS, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, CHAINS, LEAD PIPE, ONE TRIAL CONVINCES ! will afford instant ease. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Also a Volatile Solution of Tar. for inhala ­ Inflammation of the kidneys, inflamma­ HYDRAULIC NOZZLES, tion, without application of heat. A re­ tion of tin* bladder, inflammation of the bow­ PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS, markably valuable discovery, as the whole els, congestion of the lungs, sore throat, dif­ OILS, HOSE, POWDER. apparatus can be carried in the vest pocket, ficult breathing, palpitation of the lieaff,- ready at any time for the most effectual and hysterics, croup, diptheria, catarrh, influen­ positively curative use in all diseases of the za, headache, toothache, neuralgia, rheuma­ tism, cold chills, ague chills. BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. nose, throat and lungs. TH ECOM !’< »IND TA Rand MANDR A K E The application of the READY RELIEF' PILL, for use in connection with the Elixir to the part or parts where the pain or diffi­ NAIL , Tar, is a combination of the two most valua­ culty exists w ill afford ease anil comfort. MINING TOOL, ble Alterative Medicines known in the pro­ Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water" fession, and renders this pill without exi-ep- will in a tew moments cure cramps, spasms, SHOT, BRUSHES. sour stomach, heartburn, sick headache, di­ ■ tion the very best ever offered. CARPENTER TOOLS, Th(* SOLUTION and <’< > m p < > und elix ­ arrhea, dysentery, colic, wind in the bowel»,* BLACKSMITH TOOLS, ir of TAR is without doubt tin* best remedy and all internal pains. IR<)N WAS11-KETTLES, known in cases of ('liolera and Yellow Fever. Travelers should always carry a bottle of It is a specific for such diseases, and should RADWAY’S READY RELIEF with them. BRASS AND IRON WIRE, be kept in tiie household of every family, A few drops in water w ill prevent KickncHH SHEET - IRON WARE. especially in tiie months in which ('liolera or pains from change of water. It is Ixjtter and Yellow Fever are liable to prevail. A than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimu- quantity taken daily will prevent con­ lant. Cast Iron and Steel Plows. small tracting these ti rrible diseases. FEVER AND AGUE. Solution and Compound Elixir, $1.00 per Fever and ague cured for 50 cent«. There ROPE, bottle. Volatile Solution for inhalation, $5 per box. Tar and Mandrake Pills, 50 cents is not a remedial agent in this world that CAULDRONS, w ill cure fever and ague, and all other malr.« per box. CULTIVATORS, Send for Circular of Positive Cures to your lions, bilious, scarlet, typhoid, yellow and COPPER WARE, other fevers (aided hv RADWAY’S PILLS) druggist or to L. F. HYDE A ('<».. Soli* Proprietors, 195-7tli Avenue, New so quick as RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. WHEEL-BARROWS, Fitly cents per bottle. Sold by druggists. York. SHEET-IRON WARE, Sold by all druggists. —AT— O. H. AIKEN, M. D., THE NEW DISCOVERY I DR. E. F. GARVIN’S SOLUTION OF TAR! Jacksonville, Oregon, Has removed to Jacksonville, and tenders bis professional services to the public. Office on California street, adjoining Ca­ ton's shoe-shop. Residence on Third street, opposite and west of the M. E. Church. J. II. STIXSOX. JOHN BILGER, ALEX. MARTIN. J. B. WHITE. FOR THE I H 85 »820 i