Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1873)
s EITEMBER S Vil ' KI »A Y G, Is; ACÏ.tTS FûR THE TiMES. .................New York. ....... San I'raneisco. ......... San lTanei.'c«> .................... Pori land. I<•'(■pliine < 'onniy. RELIGIOUS D.fitûTGRL M. E. Cut «u n.—Re! Suudnv. :tl the usual h ends j. W. Stahl, N. \\ iiliams, alternalelv . < ' \ rttoLu- » ’n i u< U. ! >iv ine Serv ery Sunday, al the u-u il hour. Io 1 I her 1 trniers. M. E.S tnj » a \ S chool . -Regular every Sumías at’ ernoon at J u'clo< (' acholic S i xi » a \ St ii « nii .. meetings r\ei.» Sunday alterilo«: o'clock. P. 0. D’RECTJRY AND TRAVELERS LUISE. S'.acc- le:x • i as tn :|loW> : *7 IP4 tn ! V at 1-' M. ble Kock, nil Sam’s morning: r< I\ ( I ‘ V S lim ( onvt “dimly A ttendant e .—TI - ,-l J. M. W •n < ill v. i * ■ Heal w •, W. a ti ZZI M I » i w i i.i ;i W«u. M * % \t — i 11 I 1 «i t1 - it>n tin- wee ; mill- ; Stat«V t..\ mill-; H »I A • 1.01 ; it e EVERYBODY CAN HAVE A CHANCE —AT— SACHS BROS: *. TEMPLE OF FASHIOX TO SELECT FROM A Most Complete Stock —OF SUPERIOR GOODS! EVER BROUGHT TO SOUTHERN OREGON I H> keep everything that a person ex pects to Ji nd in a Jirst-class House, and tee in rife the public to call and see for themselves. Goods shown with pleas ure. SACHS BROS. 29tf. i > < »• IUÜÎ-. ) - SPRING OF 1873. TEAC1IE1W 1 j For R“> ck I’oint. * • ’rant’s 1 ‘a— an« 1 R ■ Lui ';, eve I '• A. M. Mail <•: .•>. - a : a' >:!.'» \. v. For Ph «rn'A. Ash’;!m«l. Yr■«•ka an« 1 ltetl- d nt;. ( allifoini't. eve;ry day a: 3:1.' > 1“. M. Mail clo-t ■s a: 2; •' r. *«i. For A] •pietra:«“, lb ■rio villt . \\ . : I<> aibl < 'rc-ccii! « lit. every «I., i«, lav and fin ar— lay . • ‘ • 1 1 M.tii'c io-t“s al s r. .a. e.'«i ning. .1 e\cmng. K lumai h. even 1 tor Central I I.OtAJL BREVITIES. tutc convened at 1:30 o’clock p. m . Ilinm BATIC COI NT Y CONVENTION. The President being absent, W. J J acksonville # August 30tli, 1873. A. Martin, Esq., left for San Fran I Stanley presided. i J acksonville , Aug. 29, 1*73. The Democratic County Convention cisco this week. ex ercises . In response to tlu* call oi AA. J. met at the Court House, Jacksonville, Newman Fisher returned from the 1. Appropriate preliminary ceremo Public Superintendent ot Stanley, August 30th, 1873, at 1 o ’ clock p. M., Lake country on the 29th ult. nies. Sehot*ls ot Jackson county, fora Teach- pursuant to the call of the Democratic The telegraph office is to be removed 2. Lecture on mu-ic in our common (•rs’ Institi! teofthe First Judicial Dis- ('ounty Committee. to Caton’s boot and shoe shop. schools, by Prof. Brooks. trict, s(*veral tc tchers, and many ladie- The house was called to order by J. All those indebted to Crystal & Comments by Mes-rs. Stinson, Foun and gentlemen convened at the Jac le N. T. Miller, Chairman pro ft in of the Wright are requested to settle up. -onville I»¡-trict Schoo! House nt two tain, and oth(*rs. County Committee. 3. Essay on Penmanship bv Prof. County Court was in session this o’clock 1’. m . of the above date. On motion, J. N. T. Miller was elect W. T. Leek<>. week. The proceedings will appear ed Chairman and T. B. Kent Secretary. AV. J. Stanley, after a lew intro- 1 he subject elided muchuliscussion. On* motion, the following named next week. durtory remark-, presented Syl. C. The following resolution was read gentlemen were appointed by the An auction sale will take place at Simp-on, Stati* Superintendent of Pub and approved : the City Brewery on Saturday, Sep Chair to act as a Committee on Cre- lic !n-truction, who spoke brielly of Resotrid, That as Mr. Leeke han dentials: E. D. Foudrav, John S. Her tember 13th. the o' t <>f the convocation, and as dled his subject on “Physical Train rin and J. R. Neil. I A new Florence sewing machine can sumed the < hair. ing” in an able manner, we deem it 'flic following report by said Com be had cheap by applying tit this office Bv motion, F. AV. Ewing was cho- Worthy of publicity ; therefore, we, mittee was laid before the Convention : immediately. en . ccrctary. tilt* members of this Institute, request Hon. J. N. T. Miller, Dr. J. G. Jew We, tin* Committee on Credentials, W. Hail anti Isaac Cox were ap- its publication in our county papers. beg leave to report the following dele ell and Robert A. Miller left for the pci-incd eri 'i •- lbr tlu* (“veiling. 1. Music. gates entitled to seats in this Conven Lake country on Monday. 1 ’,y mot i< •not'J. 1». Fountain, a eom^y • i. Ilecess. tion : This section was favored with a re mitte e of t hree wa- appointed to make <’>. “Demonstration in Calesthenics,” Lt.ikci'le Precinct— N. Stephenson, freshing shower the forepart of this due a rrang t ment lbr a permanent or- by I’rof. Leeke anil cla-s. 31. A. Brentano, S. J. Day, proxy. week, but the weather is as hot as ever gañiz atioii. The Pre-idcnt appointed 7. 1 »isru-sion of the question— E - Ashland — Eil. bePeatt, J. R. Neil, again. \V. J.. Stan ley, w ho, by request, desig- solred, That the State should provide proxy, W. F. Songer, Dan ’ l Chapman. nated I’rof. . J. II. Skidmore and J. W. a system of compulsory education. No certificate of publication will be Eden — Jacob Wimer, John S. Her- Hall a- fellow committ<*cmen. given on legal advertisements, unless Que.-tion was stated and di-i u<-ed, rm The Committee was requested to re briefly, l>y J. D. Fountain, followed by the charges are paid. No deviation Jacksonville — John E. Ross, E. I). port before the final adjournment of F. W. Ewing and J. W. Hall, dispu from this rule in the future. Foudrav, J. N. T. MiIler, L. J. ( ’ . the present se- ion. tant-. Several other teacher- (liscuss- A. Noltner, Esq., of Oregon City, Duncan, A. M. Berry, proxy, David EXERCISES. ed the que-tion. Representative to the Grand Lodge of Linn, John Orth, Henry Rape, Kaspar 1. Music by Prof. Brook-and choir. Motion made and approved, that Odd Fellows, passed through town on Kubli, 11. K. Hanna. 2. Address upon “Elocution and when we do adjourn adjourn to his way to Baltimore this week. IIVYo/c Springs— N. C. Dean. Dan’l R *adi:»g,” by AV. J. Stanley. Thead- convene at the Court House this even Sol. Sachs and J. B. White, Esqs., Fisher. di("W;i- short and instructive, lie ing at 8 o’clock. left for San Francisco last week, to lay 77'6/c /.’oc'—W. A. Childers, Jas. also introduced a small cla.-s in elocu By motion, W. '1'. Leeke wa- ap in a fall and winter stock of goods tion. The cla-s acquitted itself w ith pointed Chairman of Committee of Ar- Collin-, T. B. Kent, J. B. Thomas. / ifd,- Butte— J. W. Simpson, W. for their respective emporiums. credit. rangements of programme for next That excellent periodical, Hood’s 1!. .^imp-on, Sam'l Hawkins, Dan’l J. AV. Hall ((included this exen i-e -e-.-ion of the Institute. W. J. Stan Household Magazine, price SI.00, will M urphy. by reading a short poem, and making ley and Mi-- Harrison were also ap Tilt* following precincts are unrep be furnished in conjunction with the a ftw comment- on reading. pointed members of the committee. resented : Goose Lake, Chewacan, T imes for $3.50, if paid in advance. “Ii*s»ruction in Grammar,” by J. A motion that the Committee on I'iounce Rock, Foot- Creek, Evans The balloon attached with Wilson’s on, E-q. lie recommended Programme In* requested to >ek‘< t the Creek, Rock Point, Grants Pass, Le- (’ircus camedown in the Willamette teachers give oral lessons place for the next -c'-ion of the Insti l md, Applegate, Uniontown, Manza river at Portland twice. Fortunately, l till— bl neh. tute, wa- pa--ed. nita, Big Butte and Sterling. Jack Lee, the aeronaut, was an excel . J. 1». Fountain, J. B. Farley, Tin“ following resolution- were ofier- J. IL N eil , Chairman, lent swimmer, and he got off with a W. J. s m'ey, and ot’m r-, were in fa ed. and unanimou-ly adopted : < )n motion, the report wa- received ducking each time. vor of U-i’Jg ilie text-book- on the sub- Jh sulri d, That we hereby thank (’o:i\ention pro* ,p“Cl. I’rof. Br >ok-, and the friends who and adopted, and the S oliciting C ommittees .—At a delegates to the cede«I to elect nine his exercise, car- iuve a •si-ted him, lbr the mu-ic they A ’notion meeting of the Executive Committee i be held at Port- state Convention, to « 1* II. of tiie Jackson County Agricultural have* s «» kindly furni.-hed to enliven > I o. on Sept. ‘ J th, 1 A Society, the following named gentle thi-' >e- ion of llu' In-titute. named gentlemen Th-* following d c- men were appointed Committees in /;’ .S AC ed, 'l the hearty tb. inks of s by acclama* were (. “ haded (l ’ icgate: u-e at 7:3*1 o clock tin- the their respective localities to solicit tie- lil.-titute ire due, and are hereby Ka-pir Kubli, 1 ii «:i : \\ . II. Simpsi>n, pproved. member-hip to the Society, to-wit: daub, y, C'luuty S h«> «1 tendered W. iot: .n was introdu ed by \\'. ,J. Supcrin'.t ¡cl “lit, lbr hi- energy and i.u- .John S. I lerrin, N. C. Dean, J. N. T. .1 ddand— Stephen Booth. AJohn < »’Brien. y, tliai any member presenting du.-try i:i m iking the arrangements Miller, V\’m. F. Songer , J. R. Neil, W. Union Tnr:i— Win. Ray. Nic Wright. ■< t Le allowed twenty minute- lbr the pre.- -ent s,‘ ; and that we A. Childers, Henry Pape. Eden— 1». 1’. Anderson. and the following di-putant cheerfully I »ear witir. -< to the fad that Little ll ifte— George Isaacs, Wm. Simp ( >;i motion, it was ordered that the minutes only. Provided, the lh'“ -Ut'et- of the Institute i- largely proceeding' of this meeting be pub- son, l'eter Simons. J.b-.Z Pdnt—3. B. White. .-hall not grant further time. li'hed in the D emocratic T ime -. due to hi- exiTlions X'I/. ia Valley anti Antiodi— C. C. McClen Moii >n wa- amended so that mem- don, John Sizemore, T. B. Kent. Ri solved, That we, the members of There being no further business be- Manzanita— J. B. Wrisley. r--peaking in the di-n-. ion be al- this Teachers’ ln-titule, do hereby Idre the Uonvention, on motion it ad- Willow 'Spring*— Tims. Chavner. ive'l livt* minutes. Motion, a-amend- icU'ler our heartfelt thanks to l’rol. ./ac/.xonrilh— Charles W. Savage, Morris journed. Mcnsor. , p.i'-etl. Simpson, State Supt. of Public In-truc- It was ordered that the Secretary I. Critic-’ report. Tin y were brief lion, for the able manner in which lie instruct the several Committees of d trenchant. ha- presided oserour prtK-eeding-, and their appointments, and that these pro Vocal music. the interest taken in our pul>lic ■'«•liools. Tn e September number of nboiZbs b. Adjournment. ()n motion, tiie Secret;»ry wa- in- !iousi hold Magazine is on our table. ceedings be published in the local pa pers. EVEN 1 Nt. EX E’.U I-LS. .-tructed to furni.-h tiie D emocratic We always have a good word to say JOHN S. 11 ERBIN, Pres’t. Th“ meeting was called to order at 1: mi .-an<l (in gon Smtici ' each a copy for this publication—it is stu b a whole- IL K. H anna , Sec’v. 1» o’e!<)< k, Hon. Syl. C. Simp-oil j re- of the proceedings of this se—ion, souled book---- o wide awake, so lively P<»RTL AN I> A DVEKT1SEM ENTS. —At- with request to publi-h them. Motion and entertaining, yes always so cha-te tention is called to the Portland adver ab.-(“iit, C. W. was adopted. and refined. It is a regular little go- tisements in another column. Our till the vacancy ivaluer t A motion to adjourn cariied., too, as comparison between its readers will find these firms reliable pro t<m. SYL. C. SIMPSON, Pres’t. numbers will prove. We learn that and reasonable in their prices, (none The lecturer of the evening, Prof. F. W. E wing , S<‘c’y. tlu* firm of S. S. \\ ood A Co. dissolved advertise but who are) and they will J. H. Skidmore, being absent, the sub in March last, the “Co.” (S. E. do well to patronize them. I'ort liianuUli X<*w*t. ject of “School Discipline” was intro Shutes, ALiyor of Newburgh), retain duced by J. I). Fountain. 'I’he sub The Klamath Indians expre-s great ing possession of the magazine, and D issolved . — The co-partnership ject led to a discus don of “(’orporeal indignation at the liberties allowed re -aliing 11. V. Osl»orno (Tenoroon) as heretofore existing between Simon Punishment.” Mes.-rs. Fount tin, Stan S ar-face«! ( barley and the scouts who editor. So, though the publication Caro and Morris Baum has been dis ley and Hall favored vigorous punish deserted Jack and helped General really changed hands, it has not suf solved. The business will be carried ment, in extreme case.-. Messrs, ('ox D.ivis, declaring that if Jack and tin* fered from the management of a new on at the old stand in Ashland by J. and Jewell were opposed to such treat others that wen* convicted art* hanged, publisher or new editor, but under the M. McCall & Co. ment. Charley and the other scouts will redoubled effort- of its energetic pro “ healing on the wings,” say all who A motion to close to convene the never leavi* the country alive. prietor, has gained new fore«“ and new have made use of Im. W istah ’ s B alsam oe ilh ’ HERBY, and by such use been cured following morning at 9:30 o’clock was Not long ago Scar-faced and Bogus attractivenc". l’rice only one dollar W of coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, approved. Charley were armed and sent after two a year. Address W ood ’ s H o I' sehold inllu n/.a or consumption. The prudent will always keep this standard remedy by S aturday , August «30. de.-erters, whom'Ahey caught. This M agazine , Newburgh, N. Y. them. MORN1XG SESSION. so incensed the soldi«“!'-that they swear Fou the very best Photographs, go to R osicrucians ’ l’li'ii ax .—The pro Bradlev A Rulofson's < iallcrv without stairs ad- Institute convened agreeable to vengeance on those tw > worthies. v ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 429 j«>urmn- :d, 9:39 o’clock A. M. Till* general health of the troops is prietors of Pipifax Bitters have issued — Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cal. The ilou-e was called to order by good, as also is that of the Modoes, a circular in behalf of this celebrated MARRIED who are becoming consideralily bleach tonic, in which they say : “The Rosi the President. The Secretary being absent, J. D. ed out, owing to their confinement. crucians were a sect of philosophers Wil ELPLEY—JAMISON—At the residence of the bride's parents, September 2d, 1873, Fountain was appointed Secretary pro Curly-headed Doctor seemed mon“ de * * * * who prosecuted profound re by Elder Peterson, Thus. II. Whelpley to Miss Mary Jamison. searches in natural science and occult pressed in spirits than any of the other. . fmi. EXERCISES. There is some fear of trouble with philosophy, and sought to discover the BORN elixir of life. ” The proprietors of the Klamaths when tin* Modocsare ex 1. Prayer by R. C. Armstrong, SCHUTZ—In this city, September 3d, 1S73, o Mu-ic, vocal aud instrumental, ecuted, The following companies are Pipifax Bitters claim that the Rosicru to the wife < f Veit Schutz, a daughter. cians first prepared it. It stands at now at Klamath: Captain Hasbrouck’s se choir. in Arithmetic, ” by Battery B, Fourtl i Artillery; Captain the head of the standard beverages of “In.-truction JAMES DRUM'S America. Kingsbury ’ s Company E, Twelfth In- . Farley. 1*KOCEEI»1NGN OF THE INSTITI TE. dhr tl cm ot vat it <» ¡mes. H > REASONS WHY i MANF’n BY PERRY DAVIS A SON, —IS THE— Best Family Medicine of the Age ! . 1 nd u-hy it should be kept always near at hand : ) 1st. 4 F or tiie S tate F air .—W. C. Myer intends t; iking his Percheron horses, “White 1 ’iim-e” un i “Najiole- on H,” aliti als«» kis Per heron mare< .and .-( ■vera! colt s, one-half to seven- (ighth bloods, frt om one to three year old, to the State Fair at S d-“in, whit h 1 hi- dis- comm; •!)• es on < » tober Gth. ght -to.-k v. ill l»e apt \ illam«“tte friend -. >. T iie A ddress .—Oil our first page will Lt* found th(“ addfe.-- of Syl. ('. Simp-on, E-q., Slate Superintendent ol Publi • I’.i-truetioii, delivered to a 1 irge audience at the Court House last Saturdiy evening. It is, to say the least, interesting anti ¡ndnictive, and was dt livercd in excell lent manner, and we regret that, owing to the crowded state of our cohimn-, we are unable to give it cut ire. it will bo ,concluded in our n .xt week s issue. Bt R' ilaes A boi t . — Some burg lars mad»- a raid on the n-idem-c of (’. Beekman one and got away with tb it g.-ntlemau's pantaloons, containing a few dol| trs. They seemed to be after the coin only, for the pantaloons were found on a iieigh’.Mir’s fence the next morning, The same persons went through the residences of Sheriff McKenzie and Patrick Feh< ly that evening, capturing sundry articles of food, and the next evening were uliout enti ring Silas J. Day’s dwelling, when they were dis covered anti frightenejl off. They were next heard of at Ashland, wb.ore they entered O. A. Davis’ hoiix» and robbed hi- pI”«.«!*“oi1 ■ of oine money. • A, es.-rs. Kent, Cox, Ilall, Simpson, fantry; Captain Noy’s Compauy I, ley, Leeke; Fountain and Crab- Twelfth Infantry; (’apt. Bollock’s Com followed in a spirited discussion. pany F, Twenty-fifth Infantry. Company B, Twenty-fifth Infantry, Í. .Music. and a company from Arizona, were ex Re/cs-. pected there soon. G. Essay l»y Mis- Ida Beach. Captain Hasbrouk,with a detachment I. “I’hy.-ical Training,” treated by of fifteen men, has gone to the scene of AV. T. Leeke. Me—rs. Stanley, Cox, Simpson and the nuwsacre of Captain Thomas’ com Dr. Aiken each added a few pertinent mand, in the lava bed, on tlu* 27th of May, for the purpose of bringing the remarks. remains of Lieutenant ( ranston and 8. Report of Critics—C. AV. Iyahler others to Fort Klamath. and J. 11. Clayton. I Ptin-Kdler is the most certain Cholera cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Pain-Killer as a Diarrhoea and Dvsenterv remedy, seldom if ever fails. ’3rd. Plin-Killer will cure Cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually efforts a cure. 4th. Ptin-Killer will cure Dyspepsia and and Indigestion, if used according to directions. 5th. J\tin-Killer is an almost never fail ing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, Ac. • 6th. Ptin-Killer has proved a Sovereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and ( hill Fever ; it has cured the most obstinate eases. 7tli. Plin-Killer as a liniment is une qualed for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Ac. Sth. Ptin-Kdler has cured cases of Rheumatism and Neuralgia after years standing. 9th. J\tin-Killer will destroy Boils, Fel-. ons, Widows, Old Sores, giving re lief from Pain after the first appli cation. 10th. Pun-Killcr cures Headache aud Toothache. lltli. Plin-Killer will save you days of sickness and many a dollar in time and Doctor’s Bills. 12th. Piin-Killer Pain-Killer is a purely vegetable preparation, safe to keep and to use in every family. The simplicity attending its use, to gether with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and the- great amount of pain and suffering thatcau, be alleviated through its use, make it iuq»er- ative upon every person to supply them- selves with this valuable remedy, aud to keep it always near at hand. The Plin-KiUer is now known and appre ciated in ever quarter of the globe. Pnvsi- eians recommend it in their practice, while every class of society have found in. it relief and comfort. Give it a trial. Be sure and buy the genuine. Every druggist, and nearly every Country Grocer throughout the land keep’it for sale. 33. VARIETY STORE, Fit ee P ost ace .—As our readers are aware, the new postal regulations re quirt* every person taking newspapers, in the county or outside, to pay pos tage thereon after July 1st. We oiler topre-pay jHistage to any part of tin* Union for all those who pay for the T imes in advance. Those wanting this paper will please send in the mon ey immediately, and thereby save pos- tage. —BY— CRYSTAL & WRIGHT. riMIE UNDERSIGNED would respoctful- L ly inform the public that he has on hand and is constantly receiving a superior assort ment of rpHE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED 1 to do all kinds of work in their line. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Wagons manufactured from choice timber, and ironed in a superior manner. Old wa Candies, Nuts, gons repaired and made as good as new. Blacksmithing in all its branches done on short notice and at reasonable terms. Give TOBACCO and CIGARS, us a call. jriTShop on Oregon street, one door al mvc Franco-American I^te*. . Fruits in Season, 29tf. CRYSTAL A WRIGHT. S ettle U p .—Those indebted to the PRODUCE OF EVERY KIND, firm of Osburn A Brooks are hereby 9. Mu-ic. We will take And everything to l»e found in a tlrst-claM W ood , G rain , E t ( requested to come forward and settle variety store. Produce taken in ex 13. Adjournment. wood, grain, Hour and other produce change. taS“ Please give A1 T E R N< ion S ESS JON. me a cull. inpayment for subscription, it deli'- before October 1st. A word to the wise is sufficient, * 30tf, Pursiiant to adjournment, the In-ti- ered immediately. i I WAGON-MAKING & BLACKSMITHING California Street, Jacksonville, Oretjon. A Tn OOA l*r ‘,ay * Agent« wanted J Cd T0 All Classes of working peo ple, of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us In their spare mo ments. or all the time, than at anything cl e. Particulars tree. Address 1 G. 8TJM8ON A Co., Penland, Me. I ’ '