I ^hc pento frati ( pintes. SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 29, 1873 Q uartz .—Capt. M. F. Alcorn has opened a ledge of gold-bearing quartz on Bush creek, that prospects well for free gold. A company is organizing to de­ velop and work it this summer. D entistry .—Dr. Wm. Jackson will pay Ashland a professional visit on Thursday, April 10th, and remain a short time. Those who desire any dental work performed, may then be accommodated. P atent E ye -C ups .— I.. J. Hull, of this place, has received the agency of Dr. J. Ball »Sc Co.’s celebrated eye-cups for Jackson county, and invites the public to come forward and examine them. They may be found at Robb & Kahler’s Drug Store. S chool E lection .—An election for the purpose of selecting a School Director for three years, to succeed Hon. 1‘. 1‘. Prim, whose term expires, and a School Clerk, will be held at the Jacksonville District School House on Monday, April 7th, 1873. The | m >1I s will open at four o'clock, P, M. A uction S ale .—Wm. Million will sell his entire stock of household and kitchen furniture in the bowling alley building next Saturday, April 5th. Among this there is included a tine wal- .^ion table anil a Diamond Rock sto*. No. 7. A splendid chance is now ottered to ,-ecure superior bargains. EVERYBODY CAN HAVE A CHANCE II —AT— T DANGEiiousty III.—The many friends of Mrs. J. D. Coughlin, formerly of this place, will regret to learn that this esti­ mable lady is dangerously ill at San Francisco, with slight hopes of recovery. I nformation W anted .—Miss Lizzie Domes, of Napa City, California, writes to Senator Fay, asking for information of the whereabouts of her father, J. J. Domes. Any information in relation thereto, will be thankfully received by the family. HORSEMEN, LOOK HERE!! T iToton ani) (Lountn S eeds . — H. K. Hanna, Esq., has re­ ceived from the Department of Wash­ ington four quarts of White Schonen Oats and fourquarts of Saxonian Barley, which he will distribute among our far­ mers. C atholic C hurch . — Rev. Father LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Blanchet will hold divine services at Administrator’s Notice. Cold and cloudy weather, with a little the Catholic Church to-morrow, (Sunday) rain, prevailetl this week. at the usual hour. HE UNDERSIGNED, having been appoint­ Rev. E. Thomas, the new Peace Com­ ed Administrator of the Estate of Samuel M. E. C hurch .—Rev. M. A. Williams missioner, has gone to the front. Dewit, deceased, all persons having claims against John K. Harrison was last week killed will deliver a sermon intended for Sun­ said estate are required to present them with the day School children at the M. E. Church proper vouchers within six months from the date in his claim at Uniontown by a cave. of this notice, to mo at my residence on Foet’s at the usual hour. creek, Jackson county, Oregon. And all persons Chicago boot-black and a parrot to-morrow, __ (Sunday) 9_ _ NW indebted to said estate are required to make im­ ‘•x‘ '.¿Í were the sensations in town this week. F or the very best Photographs, go to mediate payment. ASHER D. HEALD, wy The stages are making fast time now, Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without Administrator. 10-t4. ■ arriving regularly in town before 10 STAIRS—«^ASCEND IN THE EL­ Jacksonville, March 7th, 1873. Estray Notice. o’clock, A. M. EVATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San I'he report of Major-General John F. Francisco, Cal. aken up by the undersigned Liv­ Miller, on the Modoc war, will be found ing four miles north-east of Phoenix, four THE PERCHERON HORSES S pecial M eeting . — Oregonian Po­ head of horses, to-wit : on our first page. chestnut sorrel mare, with white strip in Several hand grenades were shipped to cahontas Tribe No. 1, I. O. R. M , will the One face, branded P on the(|eft shoulder, eight or 9 » hold a sjiecial meeting next Tuesday, the Modoc country from Benicia, Califor­ ten years old, about fifteen hands high. Apprais­ ‘ ‘ W H I T E P PINCE, April 1st, for the transaction of impor­ ed at $30. nia, on Monday night. tant business. Brothers in good stand­ Also one iron grey mare, no brands perceivable, Several of our merchants lett for San —AND— about five years old, fourteen hands high. Ap­ ing are invited to attend. By order of praisal at $20. Francisco this week, to lay in their stock the Sachem. S ol . S achs , C. of R. Also one bay gelding, with some saddle marks, I of Spring and Summer goods. white spot in face, blemish in left eye, lame in D r . W istar ’ s Balsam of Wild ('berry left fore foot, no brands, fourteen bands high. “N APOI,EON THE II,” Twenty-nine men, in command of Appraised at $j. Lieut. Howe, with a surgeon, left Red­ is “a combination and a form indeed” Also uno bay inare, with some saddle marks, for healing and curing diseases of the white spot in the forehead and on the nose, both IVILL BE AT THE LIVERY STABLE OF ding on Tuesday for the front. lY Messrs. KLBLI 4 WILSON, Jacksonville,' Public examination of aspirants for throat, lungs and chest. It euresacough i hind feet white, nobrand perceivable, supposed Oregon, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each! | to be twenty or twenty-five years old ; said mare teachers’ certificates at the Jacksonville by loosening and cleansing the lungs, i lias a suckling colt ; the mare is about thirteen week ; and at my ranch near Ashland on Fri­ days and Saturdays of each week from April 1st and allaying irritation ; thus removing .hands high. Both appraised at $5. District School House to-day. to July 1st, 1873. Appraised at Phoenix, on Jan. 27th, 1873. The above horses were imported from France in' Unless the Modoc imbroglio is soon the cause, instead of drying up the cough! 10 t4. S. C. TAYLOR. the summer ot 18 70. and leaving the disease behind. ended, but little surveying will be done ■“WHJTE PRINCE” has colts ia this count} Summons one year old, that recommend him as u No. 1 in the Lake country this year. A S uperior I nducement .—We have stock horse. The 50 recruits, reported on their way In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for made arrangements with IVoorZ’« House­ “NAPOLEON THE II.” will have some colts ; the County ofJosepbiue. to the seat of war by the T imes last week, hold Magazine, by which we are enabled the coming season, and I have no doubt will give Wm. Borgman, Pl'ff,) satisfaction. have arrived at their destination. to furnish that magazine, price $1, in vs. > Suit to forclosen mortgage. 1 will not here give an extended description of The household and kitchen furniture conjunction with the T imes , price $3, Jos. A. Kemper, Deft. J the above horses, as the public have learned of! their merits. of S. Plymale, ami the bowling alley» 7o .lsseph .1. Kemper: for the low sum of $3 50, in advance. Terms, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, U. S. Gold IN THE NAME OF TIIE STATE OF ORE-: were sold at auction last Saturday. By doing this, you subscribe for a supe­ L gon you are required to appear in said Court, | Coin, due July 1st, 1873. The flow of emigration to Oregon has One of the horses will be kept at my ranch from rior local paper, and get a first class fam­ and answer the complaint of said plaintiff, filed July 1st to September 1st, to accommodate any already commenced, several trains hav­ against you, within ten days from the time of ily magazine thrown in for almost no­ the service uf this summons on you, if served that may want his services. ing passed through town this week. thing. Now is the time to subscribe. within said county, or if served on you within; Any that do not prove with foal the coming Bloomin’ fruit trees, expanding maple any other count}’ in this State, then within twen­ summer can be returned the next season for horse M.kKlfli:!». ty days from the time of the service, or if served I service free of charge. buds ami barefooted boys tell us that the If the horses remain in the valley, T e'-pect to, on you out of the State of Oregon, then it is GROBE—GOTTLEBEN—In this city, on March ordered by I1. 1’. I’ritu, Judge ot said Court, take one of the same to Douglas county, about Spring time has come, gentle Annie. 25th, at the residence of And. Hauser, by E. B. that publication be made for six weeks in the J the first week in July next, and will probably re­ Battery’ A., Fourth U. S. Artillery, Watson. County Judge, Mr. Fred. Grube to D emochatic T imes prior to thefjurth Monday iu main two months. located at San Francisco, has been or­ Good pasturageat my ranch after April 13th to Mrs. Agnes Gottleben. April, a . a. 1873. [The happy couple have our sincere thunks for And you are notified that, if you full to answer accommodate mares from a distance, at 62J cents dered to the seat of the war, and started per week. I will use due care, but am nut ac­ a bountiful supply of cako and wine. We wish said complaint as above required, the plaintiff countable for accidents or escapes. yesterday. will apply to the Court for the relief demanded Gov. Grover has designated Linkville them a happy journey through life, with the therein, to-wit : for a decree against you for the sum of three hundred dollars, gold coin, with in-( as the place, ami April 1st as the time, smoothest of seas and balmiest of breezes ] terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per an-j CARTER — HULL — At the residence of Elder M. for the meeting of the Southern Oregon Peterson, on Marell 26th, 1873, by Rev. Mr. num from the 26th day of April, a . i >. 1872, and The Imported Jersey Bull, will serve n limiteli Wagon Road Uomniis.-ioners. Peterson, John M. Carter to Mrs. Jane E. Hull. the costs and disbursements of this suit to be tax­ number of cows the coming Spring and Summer, ed, and for foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged for FIFTEEN DOLLARS, U. S. Gold Coin, for R. D. Bogart, the contemptible Chroni­ a heifer calf, as persons would not think half- premises described in the complaint. cle correspondent, has been arrested for Given under our hands this 10th of February blood male calves of this stock of any value. New, This Week. 1873, KAHLER 4 WATSON, the embezzlement of $30,000, when a Atty's for Plaintiff. EGGS FOR HATCHING, AUCTION SALB paymaster’s clerk. ’Twas ever thus. Published bv an order of P. P. Prim, Judge made on the Sth day of March, 1 873. Ilt6. ! From Pure-bred White Brahma Fowls, packed su Mike Zigler, a little son of Mr. Lewis 1 they can be sent by express to any part of the! IL Zigler, formerly of this place was npHE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL HIS 1 entire stock of household and kitchen furni­ SUBSCRIBE FUR A LIVE NEWSPAPER! | Coast, for TWO DOLLARS per dozen. Parties] caught under the turn-table at the depot ture at public auction next Saturday, April 5th, i that have seen my fowlsand attended the last' ' State Fair, say my fowls are superior to any they of Roseburg a few days ago. and had one 1873, in the Howling Alley Building. California | have seen in the State. W. C. MYER. street. A tine walnut extension table and Dia­ of his legs badly erushed. Ashland, Jackson Co., March 18, 1873. 12tf. mond Rock Stove No. 7, are included. Terms of LOCAL BREVITIES i C ircuit C ourt P roceedings .— In vacation after the February term, 1873, on the 27th of March, the • ircuit Court, Judge Prim, presiding, met at its cham­ bers, when the following proceedings were bad : Jos. Newcom’’, charged with the larceny of a pair of gloves, vs. T. T. McKenzie, SherkT; application for w ri 1 of habeas corpus. Writ allowed and jJuintiirdischarged from custody. J. B. WHITE, “SALEM MERCURY,” Estray Notice. SACHS BROS’. —TO SELECT FROM— A MOST COMPLETE STOCK — OF— SUPERIOR GOODS — EVER BROUGHT TO— SOUTHERN OREGON! i We keep everything that a per­ son expects to find in a first-class House, and we invite the public to call and see for themselves. Goods shown with pleasure. SACHS BRO’S. T1 I K WEEKLY sale -C ASH. WM. MILLION. Jacksonville, March 26th, 1873. 13tl. I f ALEX. MARTIN. BsaT’We oiler special reduction in prices to all those who wish to purchase for Cash their Fall and Winter supplies. WHITE A MARTIN Pursuant to adjournment, the Board » H1AKEN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED, LIV- of Trustees held a meeting last Tuesday 1 ii>g two and one-half miles east of I’hu-ni.x. (Successors to James T. Glenn,) A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER evening, 25th inst. Present — Messrs. Oregon, the following described animals, to- wit : Linn, Fisher and Helms; absent—Presi­ One bay mare, seven years old, branded a buck­ n dent Bilger and Mr. Wilson. Mr. I.inn le on the left hind leg, and C. S. on the left shoul­ Published at the Capital of the State. ¡I der. Appraised at $20. ih J H i » was chosen President ¡>ro tern. Also one bay filly, two years old, very small, The minutes of the previous meeting with a white spot ill the forehead, no brands per CALIFORNIA STREET, fllHE “MERCURY” CONTAINS T1IIRTY- ceivable. Appraised nt $5. were read and approved. ’1 he owner or owners are requested to come for­ I two columns of reading matter, embracing JACKSONVILLE, OREGON TO HUY GOODS The annual communication K IXiOTX. Single copy, one year....................................... ! large and extensive stock of R. S. Dunlap, Sexton ’ s salary, $30; Jas. j six months ................................. enough for quite a number of miners ! I three months.............................. DAVID 1.1 NN this season. Several Americans and P. McDaniel, Marshal’s fees, $146; T imes ; I ! Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of fur ­ Liberal Terms to Clubs: quite a number of Chinamen are busily office, printing blanks, $6; Herman ; niture, consi-ting of DEALERS IN Clubs of ten or twenty names, to one address, engaged in ground-sluicing, with hopes Helms, Fire Warden’s fees, $10. Total I 4- Bedsteads, per copy per annum.......................................; of good success. amount, $265. Clubs of forty subscribers to one address, per Bureaus Tables, The Town Treasurer’s report was tak­ copy per annum............................................. 2.00 P ersonal .—Sol. Sachs, Esq., of the Stands, Sofas, Lounges, en up and read. Referred to the Finance THOMPSON 4 KELLY, Publishers, linn of Sachs Bros., left for Sail Francis­ Committee for examination. 11 Salem, Oregon. CALIFORNIA AND SALEM co this week to lay in a large stock of A petition was received from George Chairs of All Kinds, CLOTHS [ Spring and Summer goods for the “Tem­ Schumpf and 47 others, representing that Guilt Mouldings, certain houses on Main street are occu­ ple of Fashion.” BLANK UTS, Etc., Etc. pied by Chinese, for purpose of prostitu­ —AT— Win. K. Ish, Esq., .started for Portland tion, and are a nuisance, etc., and pray­ HOOP SK11ITS, on Tuesday last. ing the Board that steps may be taken ALSO DOORS, SASH and BLINDS ANTON UIJLMAN’S, ETC., ETC. always on hand and made to order. General E. L. Ajqdcgate, Commission­ to have the nuisance removed. After —ALSO— California Street, er of I inmigration, was in town this reading, the p<*tition was referred for fur­ Boots and Shoes; Ladies’, Misses’ I.umber planed on reasonable terms week, and left for the Willamette on ther consideration. and Childrens’ Shoes. A communication was received from Tuesday. OF THE BEST QUALITY, JACKSONVI LEE, OREGON, ^-Undertaking a specialty."Ifer. • —- ■ ... ■ Solomon Sachs, Chief of Records of the AND THE W k have alno in connection with the above a very 30xtf. A rmy S upplies .—Sealed projmsals, Improved Order of Red Men, asking per­ —OF A FINE STOCK OF— CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. Large and Extensive Stuck of Choice in triplicate, will he received at the office mission to put a gate in the town ceme­ FISHER & BRO.’S, of \\ . H. Bell, Captain and Commissary tery fence, where the fence joins their GROCERIES, grounds. Read and referred. (Corner California and Oregon Streets,) • I . S. A., Portland, and at the office of i Peter Boschey was appointed Pound —CONDUCTED BY THE — HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, C'A .V DIES, NUTS, BASKETS, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. the Acting Commissary of Subsistence Keeper. May 1st, 1S69. QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, The appointment of Town Attorney SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES, of each post for which supplies are re­ — BEST QVALITIES OF — I I was, after some discussion, deferred. quired, till 12 M., Thursday, May 15th, Jacksonville, Oregon PAINTS, OILS, ETC, The Street Commissioner being pres­ TOBACCO, HABANA CIGARS, J873, for the delivery at Fort Klamath of ent, desired the action of the Board in re­ ALSO 'forty barrels of prime mess pork, 3,418 gard to the collection of road taxes and rpiIE SCHOLASTIC YEAR of this school will —AND— PIPES, 1 commence about the middle of August, and is Window Glass, Nalls, Iron and pounds net of extra clear bacon, 1,375 working of roads and streets, and await­ divided in four sessions, of eleven weeks each. Steel, Cast and Steel Plows TABTIKSB NOTIONS, pounds net of sugar-cured hams, and ed the orders and direction of the Board. The following are the terms : Wooden and Willow ¡ ..Sio.oo ! Ware, Etc., Etc. 1,432 pounds net of pure leaf lard. De­ Action on the matter was deferred till the Board and tuition, per term............. SCHOOL BOOKS, next meeting of the Board. Entrance fee, only once,........ ........... ... 5.001 liveries of the above articles to be made .. 15.00! The Board then adjourned to next Tues­ Piano.................................................. We «re now ready to sell anything in onr line at —AND A SUPERIOR— Drawing and painting....................... ... 8.00 between September 1st and October 1st day evening, April 1st. goods undersigned are prepared to do all kinds lowest cash price. Persons wishing to buy 1 Bed and bedding,............................... .. 4.001 of work in their line. Wagons manufactur­ will find it greatly to their advantage to examine! 1873. Further information as to condi­ I in a superior Select Day School our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are | ed from choice timber, and ironed ___________ r____ A H ome T ribute .—We insert with tions, form of proposals, kind of pack­ determined not to bo undersold by any house in 1 lnanner ’ Old wagons repaired and made as good ; ß.oti Primary, per term .............................. $ pleasure the following merited tribute ]as new. Blacksmithing in all its branches done on ages, payments, etc., can be obtained in­ 8.00 yyillCH he will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Jaekson county. Junior,................................................. : short notice and at reasonable terms. Give us a from the Ottumwa (Iowa) Democrat, as a 10.00 Senior ........................................ . ........ application to the Commissaries at San ¡call. ,'®SJ~Shop on Oregon street, one door above Pupils nre received at any time, and their terms testimony of the esteem in which the ^ET-Give us a eall, and then judge for your­ Franco-American Hotel. T rancisco, ( al., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, will he counted from the day of their entrance. self as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. NOTICE. III., Portland, Oregon, and each Acting worthy subject of this article is held at CRYSTAL &, WRIGHT. For further particulars, apply at the Academy. Jacksonville, Jan. 27th, 1872. -itf WHITE & MARTIN Commissary of Subsistence of the post his old home, and we assure the Demo­ v2 n31 :ly. U. 8. L and O ffice , concerned. crat that Mr. Wimer has won for himself V IÍÍ 4, LOW PRICES WILL WIN. FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, FISHER & BRO.’S STAPLE DRY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS «fc FANCY, STAPLE & DRY GOODS' ¡Clothing, PARLOR & BED-ROOM SUITS,' Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc., NEW ARRIVAL! ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. WAGON-MAKING BLACKSMITHING ! ASSORTMENT OF TOYS, C apture of L ong J im .—From Gen. Elisha L. Applegate, who passed through this place on Tuesday last, we learn that Long Jim, one of the Indians in­ dicted by the Grand Jury of Jackson county, for the murder of settlers on Lost river, was recently captured at Yainax by Capt. O. C. Applegate, who immedi­ ately turned him over to General Gillem, U. S. A., at Van Bremer’s, in California. It appears that Jim had been severely wounded in the arm at the battle of the Igiva Bed, and had stealthily made his way to Yainax, hoping to be able to re­ main there undisturbed until he got en­ tirely well. A friendly Indian, however, “blowed” on him ; he was arrested, put in irons, taken south of the Oregon line, and placed in charge of the military. e think he should have been turned er to the civil authorities of Jackson iI «uunty, to be dealt with according to I law. the same esteem among his fellow citi­ zens here : Having received a club of subscribers from Oregon, on looking over the list we find the name of our old and esteemed friend, Jacob Wimer, formerly of Keo­ kuk county, in this State. We have known him from our boyhood, and a better man never left the State of Iowa. W e remember him when, at an early day in the history of Iowa, a period of priva­ tion and hardship came to the settlers. I he crops had partially failed and bread­ stuff was scarce. “Jake” had a large amount of flour on hand, at his mill, and an opportunity was given him to make a speculation. But he was not that kind of a man. He sold out all his flour at moderate prices, to rich and poor alike. If a poor man came without money, it was all the same—he got the flour. A benevolent, kind-hearted and public-spir­ ited citizen during his residence in our State, which was from 1839 to 1863, he was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and their beet wishes attend him in bis new home. LADIES’ AND GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING — A N II— FJLTTC’Y' GOODS, AND BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ READY - MADE CLOTHING, AT REDUCED PRICES. CALL AT In Orth’s New Building, Jacksonville. 33tf. NEW MILLINERY STORE, Horne's Building, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. HAVE JUST RECEIVED from San Francis­ I Ribbons, co a fine and complete stock orIIats, Flowers, etc., of the latest styles, and would re­ spectfully say to the ladies of Jacksonville and vi­ cinity that I will he pleased to exhibit them to those who may favor me with a eall. 47H. Mrs. M. A. BRENTANO. R osebi nu, Ogn., March 8, 1873. j OMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this office by David Sexton and Milo Caton against James Hight, for abandoning his Home­ stead Entry No. 910, dated October 26th, 1868. upon the S. J of N. W. 1 and fractional 8. J of N. E. L Section 24, Township 36 S., Range 4 West, in Jackson county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : the said parties are hereby summoned to appear nt this office on the 26th day of April, 1873, at one «‘clock, v. m ., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. W m , R. WILLIS, Register. BINGER HERMANN, Receiver. 1114. C DR. WM. JACKSON, NEW BARBER SHOP. California Street, JA CHS ONVILL E, Olì EG ON. AVING purchased Blockwell’s barber shop in Jacksonville, I am fully prepared to do all kinds of work in my line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT IN ORDER. Call at the shop formerly occupied byBlockwell. v2 n27:tf GEO. SCUUMPF. H SURGEON DENTIST. WM. BOYER, LL xiu styles siyies o, of plato piaio work worn made—such as Aluiuninm and Rub R ­ Gold, Silver, Platina, Alumniam ZrOTXCS TO TBACBSRS ber plates. Special attention given to Children’s teeth. Nitrus Oxide (laughing gas) given for the California St., (first door west of White 4 Martin,) painless extraction of the teeth. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL J i CKSON VILLE, OREGON, Will visit Ashland on the 1st of March annually ; hold Public Examinations at the District also Kerbyville on the 4th Monday in October. School House in Jacksonville on the last Satur­ J^EALER in GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, day of each of the following months, to-wit: Call and examino specimen work. Officecor.Cal.4 5th street; residence opposite March, June, September and December. n26tf, FRUITS IN SEASON, Applicants are requested to be present at ten Crystal 4 Wright’s blacksmith shop, o’clock, a . m ., of each day. JPUAIIN and FANCY CANDIES, lltf. W. J. STANLEY, School Sup’t. jgLANKS 1 BLANKS I BLANKS I ND EVERYTHING that can be found iu a ll kinds of job printing neatly Of every kind and description neatly and prompt­ first-ci«»« variety «tore. Produce taken in and PROMPTLY executed at the TIMES ly printod, at the.lowest rates, >t the T imes print­ exchange. Please give me a call. bOtf. POINTING OFFICE at the lowest rates. ing office. Send in your order». A N A A