T11 E The men that were wounded in the DENTISTRY ! late battle and taken to Fort Klamath MEDICAL DISCOVERY! Protest from Governor Grover. Frank Trimble, who was killed in the are all doing well. None are in adan- battle with the Mottoes, formerly lived , gerous condition except Geo. Roberts, C has . N ickell , E ditor THE GE EAT LIVER KING! i RR. CHETALIA , Ilenry II. Gilfrey, Esq., Gov. Grover’s in Albany. one of Fairchild’s men, who had two I Otflcirvl Papel, lor .T i ,«*K m <> ii A c .r.iMi-pKiix*. Private Secretary, was last Monday dis­ •A Vegetable Substitute Two or three portable boatshave been I bullets extracted from his forehead and patched to the Klamath Lake basin, with Dentlnt, brought down to the Modoc country temple. They are under the treatment F o n S aturday morning , F ebruary is , is ; j . the following important communication from Portland, having been transported of Dr. Skinner,the military surgeon from to the Indian Peace Commission, which in sections. T HAS LONG BEEN NEEDED, more especi­ Vancouver, who is said to be an excel­ California St., next door to ‘«Times” Oflice, ally on tbe Pacific Coast, a remedy for iaactiv- COL. ALVAN C. G1LLEM assembles at Linkville to-day : About 4ti,nnO pounds of commissary, lent physician. I ity ot tbe Liver. S tate of O regon , E xecutive O ffice , ) hospital and ordnance stores were for­ The Su}>eriority of the River King S alem , February 10, 1873. j JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, The Portland Bulletin gives a brief A dispatch dated Yreka, Feb. 7th, says over any other remedy introduced consists in tbs To the Commissioners appointed to warded last week to the- troops in the that David Horn, who took General Gil- sketch of this gallant officer, whom Gen. following : Modoc country. Canby has placed in command of the conclude peace with the Modoc Indians lem to the front, returned this evening. fjlAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING 1. It operates upon the Stomach and Liver and The Klamath Reservation contains not upon the low»r bowels. — Gentlemen : As the State of Oregon is 1 his friends of Jackson and adjacent counties, He reports all quiet there. The troops forces to operate against the hostile In­ 2. It is pleasant to the taste, and does not pro­ 768,000 acres. Isn't this large enough, • nd the public generally, that he has opened his dians in the Modoc country, which will deeply interested in the results of the arrived at Van Bremer’s Hill on Tuesday dental rooms in Jacksonville, where he is ful y vince nausea of the stomach. without giving the Modocs 3,000 acres pending Indian Peace Commission, I de ­ not fail to be interesting to our read­ evening in good condition. The General prepar d to perform al. the usual operations in the 3. it is purely vegetable, nnd does BOt injurs more on Lost river ? i the system like mineral remedies ers. The data is received from a re­ sire to express to you a few suggestions had established his headquarters tempo­ very best style of the dental art. 4. It can be given with ease to children, which No work will be allowed to leave tho office that The weather in the Modoc country in itself wiH make it popular ms a family medicine. liable source. C'ol. Gillem is a native of bearing upon the subject about to engage rarily at that place ; would confer with is not perfect. has been rather severe of late, and recent General Wheaton to-day and then de­ 5. Persons of delicate constitution who stinnst Teeth extracted with very little pain, without Tennessee, and was appointcal from that your attention. take pills, will hail it with joy. the aid of laughing gm. advices say that Big Klamath Lake, Lit ­ From official reports made to me, and termine whether he would establish his State to the Military Academy at West 0. It is perfectly harmless, «nd can in nowise I shall also keep on hand a full supply of supe tle Klamath Lake and Tule Lake, are all headquarters permanently there. There rior Mol Til WASHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, injure you and persons who are troubled with Point as a cadet, whence lie graduated in from other reliable information, it aj>- room PICKS, nnd DENTAL MEDICINES, 1351. lie was breveted Second Lieuten­ [»ears conclusively established that the frozen over, so that they can be traveled are now 200 men at Wheaton's camp and with which to treat in the nio-t scientific manner Liver Complaint, I)ynpep»ia, Rheuma- tism, Sick Headache, Dizzinett 100 with Bernard on Clear Lake. ('apt. all diseases of the teeth, gums aveolus and adja­ ant of the First Artillery in July of that massacre of eighteen citizens of Oregon on. of the Head, Drowninesa The Indians at the various reservations ■ Perry's Company is divided between cent structures, including neuralgia, head-ac he, year, and served in Florida against the on the----- th of November last was com­ (nervous or sick, ) bad breath, and all otl er dis ­ Dorris, Fairchild and Small ’ s places, for Seminóles. He thus learned early how mitted without provocation and without are all quiet at present. There is at I the protection of the settlers. At Lost ease- dependent on or complicated by decaying and a train of indescribable discuses arising from a deranged Liver, will find THE LIVER KING to light Indians. He was made full Sec­ notice —cutting and shooting men down present but a small force stationed as river Col. Wheaton has built storehouses teeth. I can cure sick or nervous head-ache in five I ond Lieutenant in Decern lier of the same in cold blood at their homesand in their guards at Fort Klamath, which will lin­ and blacksmith shops, and is building minutes by the watch. A SURE SPECIFIC ! ! doubtly be increased as more troops ar- ■ some boats for the transportation of stores Oflice on California street, next doer to T imes year, and promoted to a first Lieutenancy fields, one by one, as they were found, by ¿JfST’Wholesale agents; Redington, Ho»t’tter t to different points on the lake, and also office, up-staii s. 3in3. in March, 1355. On the breaking out of Indians who had not been attacked by rive. n (lit l.GON. ary, 1862 ; Lieutenant Colonel, Decem­ ities of this State constitute the only ver. to lie in store at headquarters till 1 the first Monday ot November. ber, 1*‘>4 ; Colonel and Brigadier Gener­ competent and final tribunal. I desire the Peace Commissioners get through Th ■ r • •ms are neatly tiiushe i and furnished, Epizootic gone from Portland. and we lie'ievo that no school offers n ore reasona­ AND COMPLETE STOCK AL al, March, 1865 ; and Major General, in therefore to protest on behalf of the State with their farce entitled, “ The Modoc ble or better indueemen's f..r tho-c who wi>h a ways on band at the Laura D. Fair is coming to Oregon, to of Oregon against any action of the Com ­ April of that year, just at the termina­ good eduealion. In confidence, we say to all. Missionaries, or llow to Reward Good lecture on “wolves.” CITY nrtUGr STC H.33, tion of the conflict. His regular rank is mission which shall purport to condone Indians,” come and see lor yourself. Only 24 divorce suits pending in vir ­ the crimes of the Modocs or compound Colonel, to which he was raised July 24, Ti l nos I’EK TERM : E XTRAS PE» TERM : OF In the San Francisco Bulletin of Jan­ tuous Multomah county. $4 00 Languages, eacb,..S 3 00 ( 1366, for meritorious conduct. In De­ their offenses. Primary........ BOOKS, Û 00 Penciling............... 3.011; The printers of Oregon are, generally, I’rep ratorv, The people of Oregon desire that the uary 31st is this: Captain l’iute Charley, cember, 1870, he was transferred from . 6.00 Painting................ 1II.00Ì ■'ll!». Junior,. of Humboldt, lately received a letter STATIONERY, contributing to the Greeley Monument. Junior,......... the Eleventh Infantry to the First Caval­ murderers shall be given up, and be de- . 7 oo Iti'tr’in’nt'i Music 10.00 ; from the old Chief, Winnemucca, re­ 8 00 Use of Instrument 3.00' As good pitch, for rosin and turpentine, Senior........... TOILET ARTICLES, ry. Colonel Gillem acted as President of livered over to the civil authorities for I questing him to join him, with fifty of as any in the world may be found in Ore­ IJ • • • k-kee|• ing (single entry)............................ $2,.00 ‘ trial and punishment. • * the Convention to revise the Constitu­ (double entry),........................... 6.00! AC. AC. his bravest men, to go on some kind of gon. As to the land on Lost river, which tion of Tennessee and reorganize the Board can be had in private fami'iisor with the; scouting or war expedition up North. J I). Burnett, of Douglas county, has Piiin-ip.il's t.iiuiiy, at $ hAO per week, exclusive of ! State Government in January, 1365. He some have suggested should be surren­ Captain Charley declined. saved lSD lambs, this season, from a tlock w ashing. has won enviable distinction in the field, dered to the Modocs as a peace offering, We believe that no Academy in the State offer« GASOLINE OIL AND IAMIS The boats in course of erection when of SeVenty-two ewes. and is in full vigor of life. We look for allow me to say that these lands lie ike in lueemeiit« at such low r ites. Il further in-1 the Volunteers left the Modoc country Portland ha> a gentleman of the chiv­ ' rin iti- n i- desired, it may be obtained l.x calling! AttbeCITf DRUG STORE. decisi’e work at his hands against the wholly within the State of Oregon, and have al! been completed, but as the Lakes alrous school who is in jail on ■ r addressing R ev ■). II. SKIDMORE, within the Jurisdiction of the Superin ­ fol ’ jail lor enter ­ rebellious Indians in Southern Oregon, 27xtf. Asblund, Jacks n County, Oregon. arc all frozen to a great extent . will be taining a desire to 1 ht a tluel. and hope soon to be able to chronicle tendent of Indian Artairs for Oregon; of little use at present, as well as the The appropriations for Indian service their severe chastisement and a perma­ that the Indian title to these lan Is was Agency for Cowan’s King Remedies. boats that were taken down to Link ex- in Oregon this year is $113,000, and extinguished by treaty, fairly made. nent peace.________ ROBB A KAHLER. Jan. 1. 1'73 through the Oregon Superintendency, River from Fort Klamath to assist in cevd those of la0,000. —AT — transporting troops and supplies. Report on the Modoc Outbreak. CALL AT JOHN NELDER’S A Linn county man who tried to lar- between the Modocs and the General The Umatilla Indian«, according to/tlie rup a mule into pulling the other day, ANTON ULLMAN’S, Government, on the 14th day of October, Tiie Bulletin says that in response to report of Major Cornoyer, their agent, California Street, a call from the Senate for information 1864. They have been surveyed under are doing reasonably well, lie says that now says that compulsory education is a the direction of the Surveyor-General of failure on that animal. concerning the origin of the Modoc out­ nd see ms fine stock of new Oregon, and the surveys were long since the I ndians seem to take considerable in­ JACKSONVI LLE, OREGON, A copper cent ot the tirst coinage 111 Goods direct from the manufacturers. break, the acting Commissioner of In­ approved by the General Land Office. terest in the M<>d<>e war, and are anxious the archives America, in l'O3, is among 11 e has a fill»" lot o dian Affairs has furnished a full state­ These lands have been extensively taken ! to hear the news from Captain Jack and OF A FINE STOCK OF— of Mol l no­ fe» O ’VXZ i XX g IVI n, C lx 1 XX o « ment, which has the merit of imparti­ and are now occupied by bona tide set­ his followers. He says that as a gener­ of the County Clerk's oflice Prices tr>.in $20 to $110, cash. Ogden. tlers, under the homestead and pre-emp ­ niah county. It came from ality and correctness. The statement al thing the Indians are peacealde and tion laws of the United States. East Portlanders stand on their heads A New Lot of corroborates the account given by the The Commission will therefore have well disposed. CANDIES, NI JS, HASK’ETS. ause they have a cat with delight beei 1 M K it 1 C A N L E V 17 It W A T CII1S T imes of the origin of the difficulty; no more jsiwer to declare a reservation The Portland and Salem press have named B. C > ratz Brown who eats pop- 1 — B’-l QVAI.ITIES Of— shows that Jack's band left the Reserva­ on Lost river, including these settlements, the sincere thanksof the people<>f South­ ml ean lick hei• ea r. corn and candy a! to make the same a basis of peace with tion to which they had been removed TOBACCO, HABANA CIGARS, these Indians, than they have to provide ern Oregon for their able condemnation He if agent for tbe best Rifles ani Pistols made, Keeney, who killed Pelton at the by treaty, went back to the country for their establishment upon any other of the absurd manner in which it is pro- among which if the at 1 larrisbur g, hasn’t “ neck-tie parly ” which they had agreed to give up, and settled portion of this State. » prosed t<> settle the Modoc difficulty, and IT 13MFL Y IL J TP T j 33. For the interests of Southern Oregon, thus virtually turn the tide of immigra­ yet been found, lie is afraid of being terrorized the settlers, and that finally Which repeats FIFT EEN TIMES with once load­ YANKEE NOTIONS, the Commissioners ordered their remov­ and for the future peace of our southern tion which will naturally flow to the railed on to figure conspicuously at a ing. frontier, I will express the hope and con­ neek-tie party of a different sort. ( school nooK~v, al, by force, if necessary, back to the fidence that the project of a reservation fertile valleys of the Lake country. The stages now leave Koseburg in the Reservation from which they had de­ on Lost river will not be entertained by Here we have it : The Salem States­ morning, allowing passengers to rest at AND A SUPERIOR camped. To the execution of this order the Commission, and that the Modocs man says that if the General in com ­ PIIOCLA M A TK»i. that place one night, after the two linn- • resistance was made by Jack’s band, and will either consent to return to their mand against the Modocs wants a “dead dred miles of railroad ride, before ll’HEREAS, by virtue o an Act of the Legi-la- hence the Modoc war. This statement own reservation or to be assigned to bounds beyond the settlements. sure thing” on the Indians, we suggest starting by wagon. VV five A-^in'lv <•! the -ta’e of Oregon, enti­ by the Commissioner disappoints these With great respect I am your obedient that he send Sam. Colver out to the tled. “ An Act to |> otect litigant«,’’ »¡'proved Oc­ The Board of Education for the State people at the East who had made up servant, tober 24th, the D emocrat !« T imes , h newrpept r L. F. G hover , lava beds and let him inveigle them in­ of Oregon, under the law approved Oct. ; published at Jacksonville, Jackson county, Ore- Governor of Oregon. their minds that the Modocs were a to listening to his lectures, or one of his 2fith, lis72, effected a preliminary organ-j g il. has been desi Kate I to |>ubli«h the legal and guiltless set of innocents. judicial naj School 1 they would bring $140 40; which is a Attest : S. F. ( ’ B arwick . Scc’y of State. 10th, A dispatch dated Yreka, Feb. to death in England in the last few days. Primary, per term............................................ $ 6.<10! Jack and all his followers to the author­ snug little pile of coin to salt for so small •Iunior,............................................................... 8 001 More frauds ($10,000,000) have been says: Company E., 12th infantry, under ities of the United States. READ a lot. The cattle were purchased from a Senior................................................................. 10 00 | 2. The murderers of settlers, or those unearthed among the Controller’s papers, the command of Lieutenant Wright, Polk-eounty gentleman, by Mr. Smith Pupils are received nt any time, and their term* from Fort Gaston, arrived here this even­ This Advertisement will be counted Irorn 'he day of their entrance. suspected of being concerned in that New York city. ¡of the City Market.” For lurther particulars, apply at the Academy. ing after a severe march of fifteen days, The expenditures of the Government crime, to be surrendered to the civil au­ v2 n31:lv. The Corvallis Gazette says: “Mr J. AND WRITE thorities of this State for trial, and exe­ for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1874, via. Klamath and Scott rivers. Colonel Foster, of Benton county, has just re- it is estimated, will be about $250,000,000. Wingard, Paymaster, will pay them to­ For our Manual of Erergreenx cuted, if found guilty. , turned from the Summer and Goose morrow, and on Wednesday they pro ­ This includes the interest on the public 3. The transportation of the remainder — AND— ceed to the front. The company is in Lake country via. San Francisco. He AND SAVE of the Modocs to some distant reserva­ debt. left the former place about the middle of excellent condition, considering the hard ­ New York city bad 32,647 deaths dur ­ January, and brings favorable reports. tion far removed from the scene of their I In buying and planting your tree». former murderous career in the region of ing the year 1872—an increase of 5,500 ships it underwent, only’ two being una­ There are quite a number of Benton I country familie out in those regions, and ble to march. Tule Lake, the Klamath Lake basin and on the previous year, or an increase in all appear to be contented and hopeful. 50 FER CENT. I one year of 20J per cent, which is simply On the 27th of January Gov. Booth, The Winter lias been mild and stock was Lost river. FpiIE nnder«icned are prepared to do all kind* ! appalling. of California, telegraphed Senator Cole, doing well. He killed a yearling uteer ! of wrk in their line. Wagons miinnfiictur-1 Price 10 cent?—worth $5 to any tree planter. Gov. Grover’s Protest. In northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Min­ asking if the government would accept 1 off the range (picking for a small one), I ed from choice timber, and ironed in a superior, which weighed 650 pounds—out of which (Banner. Old wagons repaired and made as good i 4ml. PINNE Y A CO, Sturgeon Ba v, NV is. We call the attention of our readers io nesota, and further west anil north they two companies of sharp-shooters to be I he got 100 pounds of tallow. Mr. Foster as new. Blacksmithing in all its hranche« done on the pointed protest of Gov. Grover, ad­ had the coldest weather ever known there organized in Siskiyou county, with pow­ has a large amount of stock out there— short notice and at reasonable terms. Give us a NOTICE. 3'^F’Shop on 0 egon street, one door above dressed to the Peace Commissioners, yesterday morning. The mercury in er to elect their own officers, for three and thinks that country well adapted to call. Franco-Aincricnn Hotel. ¡Oregon A California Railroad Company, Land ) published in this issue. We cordially en­ some towns ranged down as low as 35 months’ service against the Modocs. On stock raising.” CRYSTAL A WRIGHT. Department, Portland, Ogn., April 5, 1872. ) Jacksonville, Jan. 27lh. 1872. 4tf the 29th Senator Cole replied that the dorse every argument offered therein, and 40 degrees below zero. NOTICE is hereby given, that a vigorous prose­ i cution ’.ri I be instituted against any »nd The motion for a new trial in the Secretary of War had referred the com­ and it undoubtedly meets with the hear­ Largest Organ establishment in the World ••very person who trespasses upon any Railroad Stokes case has been denied by Judge munication to tbe President, who declin­ ty approval of ninety-nine hundreths of Land, by cutting and removing timber therefrom Boardman, and counsel for the defend­ 7 Extensive Fuctories. (Corner California and Oregon Streets.) before the same is BOUGHT of the Company AND ed to accept. Had the proposal been ac ­ the citizens of Southern Oregon. ant proceeded to apply for a stay of the PAID FOR. OK EGOX. proceedings before Judge Davis. The companied by a bull-pup, or even a box JACKSON VILLE, J ESTEY ôr COMPANY, All vacant Land in odd numbered sections, Appoiutmehld* whether surveyed or unsurveyed, within a distance chances for Stoke9 are being whittled of cigars as a present to Grant, it would Brattleboro, Vt., U. 8. A. of thirty mi’es from tbe line of tbe road, belongs DAVID LINN undoubtedly have met with more favor. Governor Grover has made the follow­ down to a very fine point. to the Company. _ . . Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of fur­ I jtf I. R. MOORES. Land Agent. The Salem Mercury has been permitted niture, consisting of ing appointments: J. F. Miller, Henrj Indian Insolence. ¿The prniorr.itit $ïmcs. THE PEACE COMMISSION INDIAN' AVAR NOTES I THE ASHLAND ACADEMY N E W A R R I V A L ! JEWELRY STORE, A GE’iTLEfflES'S FURMSHIÍG GOOES. ASSORTMENT OF TOYS, ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, WAGON-MAKING BLACKSMITHING ! FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, i to copy the following extract from a let­ Bedsteads, Men who own stock in the Modoc sec­ ter to Gen. John F. Miller by General Bureaus Tables, tion have lost thousands of dollars every Wheaton: “I hope we will not require Stands, Sofas, Lounges, year in the killing of their cattle by In­ more men than the regulars now en dians, besides buying their good will in route. There are indications that Jack Chairs of All Kinds, leasing the Jand they had no legal right has been badly hurt, and is tired of war. Guilt Mouldings to claim. The Yreka Journal says that He evidently wants peace, and this fear­ Presidential Vote* Etc., Etc. Louis Land, after taking up a ranch on ful snow crowds him some. An uncon­ Of the whole number of citizens en­ Government domain, had to pay the In­ ditional surrender will be my only I titled by law to vote in November last, dians horses, provisions, etc., to a consid­ terms. I told Fairchild to inform his ALSO DOORS, SASH and BLINDS always on hand and made to order. 3,579,708 voted for Grant, 2,842,426 for erable amount, before they would permit messenger that if those terms were not Greeley, 28,408 for O’Conor, 5,608 for him to build a cabin. Other settlers al­ Lumber planed on reasonable term«. speedily accepted we would kill them all so, iHUl had to to IIIUEC make BI similar compromises, in . Black, and the balance, estimated at 1,- SO, III I Itli Will pi vimwvo, »is ! if it took us years, but ten days’ fighting «^-Undertaking a specialty.-tfctE 142,760 voters, mostly Democrats, stny^ ! settling on the public land anywhere; JOxtf. would finish them. ” around Tule Lake. away from the poll». Klippel and Samuel Brown, State Capi­ tol Building Commissioners; Sylvester C. Simpson, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Lafayette Lane, Code Com­ missioner, vice Simpson, resigned. PARLOR & BED ROOM SUITS, THE CELEllUATED ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS. LIME! LIME!! FI^HE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in- Ths latest and be«’ improvements. Everything I form the public Hist he is prepared to fur­ that is new and novel. The leading improve­ nish the best quality of lime in quantities to suit. ments were introduced first in this establishment. All orders left at K .rewski’s store or at my kiln on Jackson creek will be promptly attended to. All persons desiring any bricklaying or piaster­ E m tubi 1 m I mx I In IM iß ink done will do well to call on the undersigned. K 45tf G. W. HOLT. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Wholesale Agency for the Pacific Coast, 1138 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. SITUATION AS A TEACHER by a gen­ of several years’ experience, and who A ha* tleman a first class certificate. For particulars in­ kinds of job printing neatly and PROMPTLY ex eoat cl at the TIMES quire of W. J. Stanley. School Superintendent, or A ll at this office. 5t4. PhIN TING OFFICE at th* lowest rates.