RATES (JF ADVERTISING. S'ho ¿leni omitir uirncü- Published Etery Saturday Morning rV —BY— HULL Ai NICKELL, Publishers and Proprietors. ♦ OrriOE--On California St,, over Rubli 4 Wil ion'» Livery Stable. Rates of Subscription • One copy, per annum...... « « « 4 »ix nii.n'h«...... . three month».. .$3.00 l.S* 1 lid JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 , 1873. VOL. III. NO. 7 I QUARTER COLUMN. 1 SQUAP.E. 1 insertion.................. .$ 3 Three months......... . $12 Each subsequent one. liSix months.............. ... 26 Three months............ . C One year.................. ... 40 Six montbs................. • 10 HALF COLUMN. One vear..................... Three months____ ..$16 ~2 SQUARES. ¡Six months.............. ... 80 Three months............ .$ 8 One year................ .. 60 Six months.................. • ONE COI.t MN. One year...................... 25 Three months......... .$ 40 3 SQUARES. •Six months.............. . 60 Three months........... .$10 One year.................. too ------ Six months.................. . j«; One vear...................... . 30 Local adv’ts, 25cts. a line Professional Cards $20 per year The Captain disclaims any connection MARY ANN WAS Wil.I.ING, BUT THE WILLOW CREEK TRAGEDY. OFFICIAI* DIRECTORY “JOSH” W AS BASHFUL. with the late massacres, and affects to (KETT ON TUB EVRUPAAN PLAN,) A recurrence of the tale of sufferings We take the following correspondence disapprove of the bad conduct of mem-1 STATE OK OREGON. A correspondent from Ashtabula, experienced by the immigration of 1852, from the Portland Herald, the writer of bers of his band. If this is true, with Corner of stark and Front Street», Governor........................................................L F «f’”" Secretary of State................................... »“• F ■ ( li‘,,l"ICK when attacked by hostile Indians in the which was in the late battle, and who is i what assurance can he treat for the bad Ohio, tells the following story : Treasurer,..................................................... U I leix’bni'r PORTLAND, OREGON On a farm not many miles from Ash ­ region of Lost River, says the Portland fully conversant with all the circum­ ones? T suspect that the Captain is a j State Printer,.......................................... Eugene Bfuip.i- tabula, there resided, until lately, a Bulletin of the 6th, is caused by the sight stances connected with the Modoc war: j “deep old file,” and that he plots much ZIERER .(■ HOLTON, PROPRIETORS. riUNT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. brown-haired, blue-eyed, fair-complex- of a relic of that savage and barliarous “Some years ago a drunken In­ of the mischief which he affects to depre­ Circuit Judge...................................................F. P Prim LAGER! LIGER!! District Attorney.............................................. J- R- dian fell from the hind part of a cate. In any event, he ought to sm ren­ ioned, buxom country maiden, who act and its bitter results, presented by JAC C'KsoX COUNTY. stage, where he had smuggled him­ der or detach himself from his bad In­ would have been happy as the day is Col. Bellinger to Dav. Rafferty, of East . .................. E. IE Wataon ; i: a g i a b k e w e r y long Imt for the fact that Josiah----- , a Portland, for preservation in his muse­ County Judge........... self to avoid the expense of legitimate dians, on account of tlleir misdeeds, t Jnc •’» "’.».'tier. 1 County Commissioner*.... ......... ) M. H. Drake. travel, between Hawkinsville and Yre­ i One Col. Otis, representing the Govern­ bashful country lad, the owner of a large i um. This relic is the skull of a young OSEl’ll WF.TTERER HAS N0W0N HAND farm and a little colored mustache, the girl, probably not more than 16 years of Fhoriff,......... . .......................... ...1 h ma* 1. McKenrii anlarn- the blacksmith's line for sale cheap fur ci*li. ami School Sup’t.. could hardly wipe her mother’s dishes, ed. The train numbered nearly 100 souls, Charley stood up in his wik-i-up fa cir­ —murdered by the same Indians whose .. A lex ■ Wat'» will sell fur cash only. 47tf. S r»ey»r........ .................................... Geo. E. Brigg* Coruuer............. cular tent with a circular hole in the character he had vouched for. Miller while Josh would stop and lean upon his all of whom were massacred but two. I R. S. OSBURN. E. C. BROOKS. COURT SITTING». top with his head and shoulders expos« d came to Fairchild’s house after the visit hoe in the corn field and think to him­ Out of the train two young girls, sisters, ("uwi'v —Circiiit Court, see *n I Monday OSBURN & BROOKS, to the soldiers, who were drawn up with ot Col. Otis, and, greatly excited, pro­ self: “Why am I such a born fool ?— aged about 14 and 16 years, were taken in February and November. County Court, first ¡really think she’d have me if I had only prisoners. Their name is unknown. The arms presented, and facing them, put on ceeded to narrate the fact of his having Mondar in each month e> jT./.hine G •><»>>/.— Circuit Court. 2d Monday his war-paint, seized a gun and tired, the testified before Otis, and of the circuni- gumption enough to ask her.” With relatives and comrades and all that re­ in April an I F mrth M'«n lav in Oct «her County J.t - ESC N 1 'IL L E, 0 REG 0N, instant before or after the first volley of stances surrounding him. He said tliat this he determined to see her that very mained of that company perished in re­ Court. First Mon lay in January. April, July and ; day and have a settlement at once. At lentless and bloody massacre. Their bod­ October. tyil.L K1EP CONsTANTI.Y OX il\"D A the regulars was tired. Standing in that his life depended upon his answers, lie J »CK«ONVII.I.K rRHIMCT. il coiup.i te assortment ot l>: u js iili-l Mediein. *. showers of bullets, he (licked tip another detailed the questions put to him, and first he thought he would hire a livery ies were thrown into the stream, and a Jurtiee of the Peaee............................... lame* R. M adr and a lull assortment ot W.itch«.«, Clocks an I Jew­ am! another, until he had tired six or the answers he dared not do other than rig and go in style, but the expense de­ pile of white bones, half buried in the (.'oustable, ................ ........................................ John Dick elry. “Darned, if dad’s shay and soft mud and half protruding above town or J acksonvili . k . It. S. Osburn will give his particular attention seven guns; then falling down, with his give : that these Indians were peaceable terred him. t<> the Drug Depnnilient. mid E. • . Brooks to «li. ( N Fi-her, Pres’t leg resting on a sage brush, lie counter­ and well disposed toward settlers; that our nag won’t do, she needn’t have inc.” it, have been (jointed out by the Indians .1 -lines \ ¡¡»on. '»pairing oi Watches. Clucks, Jewelry, ewing feited so naturally that not a suspicion of he had never heard of any depredations So said Jo->h, as he threw down his hoe, as the site of the massacre and the re­ M .chine», etc, 3*Jtt. ... ; Herman Helms Trustee i John Riicer, committed by them ; that they had nev­ put oil hi.s coat and started to the house mains of its victims. They and portions life was suggested to any one present. H. F. JOHNSON. T. A. II EARN. | D <« iJ Linn. When Col. Perry’s troop, on the even­ er given him any trouble; that he was to bitch up old “Nancy” and get his of the half-burned emigrant wagons may .............. U. 8. Hnvden lleC'ir 1er.............. ...... JOHNSON & HEARN, ing of the 16th, diove the Indian pickets willing they should remain and did not sweetheart. The chaise, which had done be seen to this day. The younger of the ..................Il. nry Pap. T reasnrer................... ....lame* P. M<*l»atii "Mar-b .1......................... from the bint! west of the lava bed, we want them removed. These answers service for many centuries, was drawn captive sisters died first, but under what Siict-i u io ............ Peter Bo-che» distinctly heard—incredible as it may were not true, lie did not want to give out, and Josiah, arranged in rutiled shirt­ circumstances is not known. To the Rantz iu shaiv and Comstock X MarUtt. seem —above the distant yells and cries them. He did not dare to refuse. He front, scarlet necktie, dark-blue vest, and right of the road leading from Small’s SOCIETY NOTICES. at the camp below, and three or four complained bitterly of the position in w hite linen pants, with swallow-tailed and Van Bremer’s ranches and within Fore ariJIn^ A Commission 1’os-ibly, coat and stove-pipe hat, the colored mus­ a short distance of Dorris’ house, there miles away, a big basso voice that sound­ which he had been placed, '’*¿1 I '5ERCH4XTS. READING CALIFORNIA. ed like a trumpet and that seemed to st dements similar to these made to tache displayed to the best advantage, is a high ledge of rock that overlooks to give command. This was probably Scar­ Fairchild made to others, less discreet, stepped in behind the fiery steed and the north a narrow valley that stretches J A < '8Á NN VIL 1.1! LODGE No. io Mark your Goofs care of J & H. faced Charley ; so our scouts thought. caused his death. I have not learned drove for his dulcinea. She seeineu co­ away to Little Klamath Lake. Here, The big voice was understood ami inter­ that Ball, the other witue-8, has made quettish about going out in the hot sun when savage jealousy had made her an ON wc h. f.p t-> merit W * ’ preted as saying, “There are but few of any declarat on in the (»remises. I see with a man she wasn’t engaged to, even object of contention, or when her ruined if he had gone w ith her so long ; but she body could no longer administer to sav­ them, and they are on foot Get your that the proposition to compromise with was persuaded, and Josh helped her into age lust, the elder sister was murdered. horses! Get your horses!” The yells Capt. Jack by giving him the heart ol RAfLROAD SALOON, ami the voice, under the fog, approached Lost River Valley, is still insisted on in the “shay.” Without a word of conver- Less than two years ago, Scar-faced • Trustee-« Calif ■ rn ,i S:re< t. —ation between them, the first mile was Charley, who was a boy when these cir­ us nearer and nearer. Suddenly there influential quarters in California. If the Captain refuses to regard the ex­ passed. Mary Ann sal in one corner of cumstances took place, showed this spot j was a discharge of musketr y far away JA CK>ON VII. I. E, OREGON. the vehicle, blushing, red as a (»eony, to Ball and related the facts here given. on the east. It was Bernard, w ho was isting treaty, w ill he regard the proposed w hile Josiah was hesitating whether to A crumbling skeleton was (jointed out emu ni . e «, HENRY PAPE. groping bis way to a camp, and w ho, one one ? Possibly; but who knows? l»op the question now or wait awhile. A as the remains of the last victim of the deceived bv darkness and ignorance of r When murder means not punishment TIIROl (ill TICKETS, FJl CENT*. second half mile was passed, and still si­ Willow Creek tragedy. In company the country, had stumbled upon the In­ but new treaties and concessions, massa­ lence reigned, broken only occasionally with another gentleman, and led by a <»remai»'«. Pocahontas. Tribe No. 1. ’m dian pickets. The yells and the voice cre is liable to become the diversion of l»y the crack of Josiah’s whip against guide, Col. Bellinger visited the spot in­ pru»rd fight. ritti. and out of the sunlight Josiah grew bones of the arm. Col. Bellinger gather­ JOHN 11 111!0it sRY, b. • tan linje Capt. Jack is about 40 years old, be­ Lost River Valley. The lives of those NEW STATE SALOON, S achs c C. «>f R. bolder. He began to talk about his ed up the remaining relics and brought low medium stature, tuns ldar, remarka- now there are already forfeited by the ■■■ JACKSONVILLE, O6'.V. crops, and another mile was passed ; still them away with him. On reaching Pl t() F ESS IO N A L CARI >S. hly intellectual in ap|»earance, sedate, Modoc law and the lite of any one w ho ( lie could not «»Lister up sufficient cour­ Jacksonville the bones were packed in a grave and dignified in bis deportment. goes there will be one of constant peril. Large re-inforeeinents of regulars are age to say the word waich was to decide box and forwarded by express to Dav. G. 11. A1KILW, Al. D., He does not speak English. This last his fate. For two long and weary hours Rafferty, of East Portland, and will be statement is disputed by some. Fair- being forwarded and active operations PHYSICIAN /»NO SURCEON, the lassie had also waited and watched placed in his cabinet.” child is my authority in these matters, will likely be resumed at an early day. Twelve and a half Cents a Drink. for the question, and now Barkis was Commenting upon this event, the Ore- JA CKSON VIL L E. OREGON. ami I rely upon his correctness and truth­ Gen. Wheaton’s plan of the main attack The ‘•New State” his been elegantly refitted, will be as before, from the east and west. willing, yet unable to ask her. Out­ gonian says : “In collecting and forward­ rD* Office at the former millinery store of the an I is now one of the finest retorts in town. Two fulness. True he seems to be an ardent Two large llatboats will be built for the wardly silent, but inwardly fretting and ing these mournful relics for exhibition, Misses Kent, U. S. Hotel. 26tf. Inlli >id tables are prov ded for the over» of this admirer of Captain Jack, the individual, gmne The har is furnished with the choicest yet I am not sure but the facts in a cer­ transportation of supplies into the lava fuming, this queen of country damsels ' Col. Bellinger was impelled by no desire S. F. CÌIAPHI. JI. D„ Br.indies, Wines. Cigars, Je , ami the reading ta­ bed from the mouth of Lost River. sat revolving in her mind how she could to desecrate them. It seems nothing bles with Eastern per odi<-ul.-aipi lending papers of tain sense justify admiration, and I am bring matters to a crisis. At length, as more than humane to remove what re­ PHYS O AN AND SURCEON, Coast, C. W SAVAGE, Prop’r. sure that Fairchild is a man with sense Mortars will be used instead of howitzers. W heaton proposes hd^e stopped for an instant on the mains to the habitation of civilization. Jacksonville, July 1st, IS72. 2Gtf to perceive, and the rare courage to tell Thus equipped, Gen. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. brow of the hill to nibble a bit of grass, They can thus be preserved, and if the ■to “stay” with Capt. Jack. the truth. EACLE SAMPLE ROOMS, T-»?~ Office nn'l residence at Ryan’s brick build- The danger from raids I think is gen 'she bethought herself of a plan; she few clues which remain can lead in time I Captain Jack justifies himself in leav­ nj, Third str»«» between California anmd Cl<>AllS. None but the best and little sour barley ; that he was compell­ AS REM<»VED to Jacksonville, and offers choicest kept. ed to kill and eat 17 of his horses to keep quent affair with Bernard. Those they carriage with the cup, and partially hid- The Great H all in China hi.- professi nal services t<> the public. from starving ; that their squaws, w ho have are in bad condition and not tit to¡de» from view by a grove of trees, when Office the one formerly occupied bv [Jr. Gaming, DRINKS, 12$ CENTS. California street. Resilience »m Third street, op- weighed over 200 (»ounds each when they be matched against cavalry horses in es- she seized the whip and punched it into The late \Vm. IL Seward, in speaking pesile and wc«t of tlie M E. Church. the horse’s ribs with such force as almost No Credit in the Future—It Don’t Pay. went upon the Reservation, were re­ capiug pursuit. to cause them to crack. “Nancy” gave of the great wall in China, which he I 1. N. BELL, M. D., Families needing anything in my line enn always duced to 140 each, before leaving; that How to Grease Vehicles. a spring forward and rushed madly down examined during his late trip at the East, be supplied with the purest ami be»tto be found on therefore he was moved by the natural' the hill, Josh hastily dropping his cup of says: Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. the Coast. Give me a call, and you will be well impulses of a husband, father and Chief satisfied. 27tf. The Ohio Farmer snys more injury is water and Hying in hot pursuit. At “The Chinese have been for the past J A CKSON VIL L E, OR EGO N. in what he did ; on the other hand, Mr. two or three thousand years a wall-mak­ done to carriages by greasing too plenti- length he reached them after a hard run, ger FORWARDING : 'ViÆ L. 8. Dyar, of the Yianax sub-Agency, Can be found at all times at his office on Califor I , ° ? V ,1A ‘i” *'f‘J ’ fully than the reverse. I al low is recoin- j|le » shay” lav broken and overturned ing people. It would bankrupt New oil street, adjourning Osburn A Co.’s new drug iw >et icr upon his own or other authority ment(e(( as a better lubricator than lard the middle of the road, the horse was York or Paris to build the wall of the st >re, or at bis residence on Fifth street, fir-t block I do not know, informs me that Jack’s dorth of the Court bouse. 27tf. for wood axletrees, and castor oil tor iron; i (jtiietly browsing the grass near by, city of Pekin. The great wall of China • j story is not true, and that lie was well ¡lard is apt to penetrate to the hub and whileMaryAnn.herfaceaspaleasmar- is the wall of the world. It is 40 feet II • K. HANNA, provided for during his last stay ; U t,lut work its way around the tenons of the ¡ ble imd her beautiful white dress soiled high. Tiie lower 30 feet is of hewn lime­ j when he was there the first time he was spokes ,uul the w(iee(. . j Ust enough Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. ROSEBURG, Just enough J withdust, with dust, lay lay a. apparently insensible a stone or granite. Two modern carriages not well fed; hut Jack makes no com-¡ grease 8|lould be applied to the spindles | ^ort distance off! may pass each other on the summit. It ------ ----------------- Josiah’s attempts to JA CKSON VIL LE, 0 REG ON. plaint of his treatment at this time. I ¡<>1 a wagon to give it a light coating. Io raise her were of no avail, until becom­ has a parapet throughout its whole Merchants and Commission Agents, ; think the Captain’s story is intrinsically io¡| an ¡pon axle, first wi(»e clean with a ing thoroughly frightened, he began to length, with convenient staircases, but­ TUILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS a little bad. He was not there to exceed i c|(>((1 wtq with spirits of turpentine, and of this Stale. cover hercheeks with impassioned kisses, tresses, and garrison-houses at every Prompt attention given to all business left in AVING MADE special arrangements with the two months. His 17 horses alone ought ¡ then apply a few drops of castor oil near calling upon her to live for him. Then, quarter of a mile, and it runs, not by cut­ 0. A C. R. K. Co., are prepared to undertake «»J »»re. v2n38:tf. the forwarding of all goods committed to their to have kept the number with him from the shoulder and end. One teaspoonful and not till then, did the beautiful tiling ting down hills and building up valleys, J. H. Stinxoi». J. h . Xeil. care in a prompt i,n