.¡The democratic J« CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. MONEYED PEOPLE OF JACKSON J. 15. WHITE, ALEX. MARTIN. •W ar N otes .—The contract for build­ r- ing three boats, to be used on Tule Lake r against the Indians, has been awarded to a man named Miller. (Successors to James T. Glenn,) Jerry Crooks, one of Fairchild’s men who were wounded in the late battle, lias died of his wounds. t 111J 1 Tlie New York lR rald has sent a cor­ respondent to the front. The Modoc CALIFORNIA STREET, war seems to create quite an interest in JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. the East as well as at home. WHITE i MARTIN, X ' The following is the docket for the reg­ EVERYBODY The following is a list of the moneyed ular February term of the Circuit ( ourt. people of Jackson county, who pay over CRIMINAL dock et . SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 8, 1873. $50 in taxes, as taken from the Asses­ State of Oregon vs. Arch Chrisman ; sor's books: Agents for the “Tinies.” indictment tor an assault with deadly Mrs. E. J. Ammerman $173,34 Applegate Bros ............... 276.93 weapon. New York <1 ro . P. R owell A Co., Hards; indictment E. K. Anderson............. 156.96 San Francisco State vs. James T ros . B otck , - IL Amy............................ 96.34 Portland L. S amvkl , - - - for murder. San Francisco 105.19 Henry Ammerman ....... L. P. F ishkr , - State vs. Joseph Wells ; indictment for Josephine Co. Wm. Bilger..................... 101.50 D as . G rkrs , • John Bilger..................... murder. 271.15 State vs. John Moores ; indictment for W. Beeson....................... L and P atents .—Since the law pass­ 62.50 —AT— To ton ani) (lountn. Merritt Bellinger.......... . 73.40 ed by the last Legislature requiring the an assault with deadly weapon. Fred. Barnaburg............ 96.62 recording of land patents with the Coun­ State vs. W. B. Darberry; indictment C. C. Beekman............... re- 422.96 P ersonal .—lion. James D. Fay for larceny. John *fc James Buckley 88.91 ty Clerk went in force, a large number I rpilE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURE ? turned from Portland last Saturday. indictment O. T. Brown..................... State vs. J. M. Crickctt ; . S5.92 of patents have been recorded in the g in notifying their friend« and the public gener­ 360.86 Clerk’s Office. This law is of great im­ ally tnat they are now receiving and opening a very T hanks .—Hon. James K. Kelly and for larceny. James R. Neil, District At- Beall Bros................. » large and extensive stock of Wm. Bybee.............. 202.90- Hon. James It. Slater have our thanks torney, J. IL Stinson and Dowell & Kelly Peter portance and value to everybody, mak ­ 156.<10 Britt............... for i jaintill'; Fay & Rea and Kahler for favors. J. H. Bellingbrock 69.36 ing it convenient for the patentee, as Watson for defendant. Henry R. Brown... 56.83 well as providing against thegreattroub­ C atholic C hurch . — Rev. Father 387.3- le incurred by the losing of the original State vs. Chas. Wilson; indictment 11. F. Barron........... Jas. Barnes.............. Blanchett will hold divine services at 361.96 patent. for larceny. Isaac Constant....... 171.46 the Catholic Church to-morrow (Sunday ìli State vs. ( ieo. W. Watson ; indictment II. J. Cameron......... 76.4 I M any S uffer , rather than take nau­ at the usual hour. 56.6 > seous medicine; and this is not to be Lyman Chapped...... for larceny. CALIFORNIA AND SALEM 76.95 A. J. Coakley ........... J. B. Markham and R. H. State vs. , D ischarged .—The volunteers this 72.09 wondered at, as the remedy ¡soften worse O. Coolidge............... CLOTHS —TO SELECT FROM— week received their scrip and discharges, Stockton ; held for larceny. 50.50 than the disease. Sutterers from coughs, ■ W. L. Colvig............ State vs. John Murray; held for lar ­ BLANKETS, and a majority of them have left for 54.31 colds, influenza, sore throat, or tendency ! D. W. Cox............... 63.49 to consumption, will find in Dr. Wistar’s E. W. Carver ........... ceny. their respective homes. HOOP «SKIRTS, 123.92 State vs. William Smith and Freder­ . Mrs. Maria Colver .. Balsam of Wild Cherry, a remedy as 261.12 Thos Chavner.......... ETC.. ETC. F ire . —A slight tíre occurred in Ash­ ick Barnhart : held for larceny. 57.88 agreeable to the palate as effectual in re­ —4 I.SO— A MOST COMPLETE STOCK Colwell *fc Bybee.... land yesterday. But little damage done, CIVIL docket . Hoots and Shoes; Ladies’, Misses’ ! James 11. Colahan . 131.35 moving disease. though it was rumored that the town and Childrens’ Shoes. 88.01 A. W. Jones vs. Caro & Baum; action David Cronemiller «fc Co A X X< >L ’ X< 'KM EX'FS. had been burned down. 79 t> i at law for breach of contract. Stinson & James A. ('arilwell.............. los 55 W e have also in connection with the above a verx T. W. Uolvin .......................... Fur Marshal. C ircuit C ourt .—The regular Febru­ Neil for plaintill'; Kahler & Watson G. W. Cooksey...................... Large and Extensive Stock of Choice 170 92 for defendants. 25 107 James Uluggage.................... ary term of the Circuit Court, Judge -OF— I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN- 79.8.5 A dilate tor the office of Marshal, subject to the Fay & Rea vs. Wong Yack ; action at M. H. Drake.......................... GROCERIES, Prim, presiding, commences next Mon­ 65.68 decision of the citizens of Jacksonville at the Dean ............................. day, loth inst. Several new cases appear law to recover money. Fay A Rea for N. 51.58 polls at the ensuing town election on the 3d of HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, Jos. II. Davis ......................... plaintiffs. JACOB ROUDABl SII. on the docket. 133 69 March next. Jesse Dollarhide................... iQUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, Jacksonville, Feb. Sth, 1873. J. M. Crickctt vs. Isaac and Jessie Con­ Pat. Donegan.......................... 270 76 R emoval .—Orth A Giannini have re­ stant : Kahler & Watson and Fay & Rea L. J. (’. Dunean................... 87, s5 PAINTS, OILS, ETC, For Street Com missione!'< 13'i.40 moved their butcher-shop to Orth’s new for plaintiff: Stinson & Neil and Dowell P. Dunn .................................. 122.85 I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN ALSO A. F. Farnham..................... brick building on Oregon Street, where & Kelly for defendants. 272.78 I didate for thu office <»f Street Commissioiior, VI lido tv Class. Nails, Iron and Fisher Bros ............................. they are prepared to serve their custom­ James Hamlin vs. Jacob and George James Foster.......................... 54.11 subject to the decision of the people of Jackson­ Steel, Cast and .Steel Plows ers with best of meats. W oodeu and Willow Wimer; action at law to recover money., A. G. Fordyce....................... 50.31 ville at the polls at the ensuing citv election on —EVER BROUGHT TO— the :: i of March next. PETER BOSCHEY. Ware, Etc., Etc. 101.81 Dowell A- Kelly for plaintiff: Fay & Rea Edward < I ratipuer............... Jacks« nvillc, Feb. 1, 1873. A I’l’OINTMEN'rs.—(Governor Grover has 54.15 John L. < Irubb...................... for defendants. 357.51 appointed Jesse N. Barker, of Douglas Abbot and Kniesley vs. O. C. Logan : James T. Glenn...................... New, Tins Week. 58.40 Wc are n .w ready to sell anything in onr lino Ht Alfred Gordon....................... county, as Quartermaster of the Oregon lowest cash price. Person« wishing to buy goods action at law to recover money. Kahler M. M. Gillespie..................... 65.42 Militia, and Quincy A. Brooks, of this will find it greatly to their advantage to examine Estray Notice. 60.5 » A Watson for plaintirts ; Stinson A Neil Samuel (• rubb....................... i our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we arc county, as Assistant Quartermaster. 147.71 Ben. Haymond.................. ... for defendant. determined not to be undersold by any house in rPAKEN UP BY ’ THE UNDERSIGNED. ON 261.03 R. B. llargadine ................... I December 14th, G72. one red line-back cow. Jackson county. J. R. Neil, District Attorney, vs. Giles F or M arshal .—In another column 60 84 tour years old, and calf, marked with a crop ot! J. Hanna A: Son................... will be found the announcement of Ja­ Wells, Jr., John W. Wells, Giles Wiles, Jas. 1 lelms.............................. 78.75 the left car an i split and under bit in the right, I ">>~Givc usa call, and then judge for your- | cob Roudabusb, as a candidate for the of­ Sr., and Wm. F. Songer, bondsmen of Wm. Hoilman...................... 119.73 branded on the left hip with an anchor. Th«1, ell as to our capacity to furni.-b goods as above. I 187.20 above described property can be found by calling fice of City Marshal. Mr. Roudabusb Jos. Wells; action at law to recover 1 loll man «S: K lippel.............. WHITE A MARTIN 75.08 at G. W. Isaacs’ ranch seven miles north-east of John S. 1 lerrin ...................... will make an excellent officer, if elected. money. J. R. Neil for plaintitf; E. We keep everything that a per­ J. W. PITMAN. 160.87 Jacksonville. Hayden Ac Cameron............ Steele for defendants. February Sth, 1S73. tl. son expects to find in a first-clans 411.22 Michael Hanley................... T he P eace C ommission .—It is ru­ House, and we invite the public State vs. Ella A. Niday ; action at law Geo. \\ . I sattes ................... 134.05 Administrator's Notice. mored that Capt. Jack, Scar-faced Char­ to prevent a usurpation of a franchise. Win. Justus........................... to call and see for themselves. 93 JiO (Corner California and Oregon Streets.) Goods shown with pleasure. ley, Sam. Colver, Elijah Steele or Shack 161.75 /HUE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed .1. R. Neil, District Attorney, J. 11. Stin­ G. Karewski.......................... < >it i :<;«»>■ • ¡5.75 SACHS BRO’S. Wm. Kahler.......................... I by the County Court of Jackson County, Ore­ Nasty Jim will be appointed on the son and Dowell A Kelly for plaintitf; John S. Lacy........................ 71.05 gon, Administrator of the Estate ot' Wendclin Peace Commission to reconcile the whites Fay & Rea for defendant. I)AVI1> 1.1 NN’ .86.00 Nus. deceaseJ, all persans in lebted to .«ai l estate B&j” We offer special reduction in Geo. H. Lynch....... .............. to being scalped ad libitum. 183.07 are n quested t > settle the same immediately, and Ke«ps cons'nntly <>n baud a full assortment uf fur- prices to all those who wish to John Bolt vs. Geo. B. Gammons ; ac- David Linn............................. 156.6,s all per.« >n.« having claims against .-aid estate are . niture, consisting of purchase for Cash their Fall and ■ Arthur Langell ..................... requested t > present them with the proper vouch R umor .—There is a rumor afloat that tion at law to recover money. IL K. 91 65 ers to me at my residence near Linkville, Jacksun Winter supplies. < ie<>. Love............................... Bedsteads, Fairchild has been scalped by the Mo- Hanna for plaintitf. 91 (►> c ninty, Oregon, within six months irotn the datei J. A. Love............................. Bureaus, Tables, G. Karewski vs. John Orth ; action at Mary H. Love....................... 91 G > hereof. docs. If this is actually so, then the Stands, Sofas, Lounges, CASPAR SCHNEIDER, Adtn’r. 67 scalp of some prominent Modoc ty-ee,— law to recover possession of real estate. Thos. McAndrews............... February Itb, ls73. t4 52 s7 James McDonough............ say Captain Jack, Searfaced Charley, Kahler A Watson for plaintiff. 78.9<> McClendon................. Chairs of All Kinds, D. C. Hay vs. John Orth ; action at law Administratrix's Notice or Shack Nasty J ini, ando// of their white 70.57 ’ A. J. Moon.............................. Guilt Mouldings, sympathizers, should be taken as a just to enforce a mechanic’s lien. IL K. i Lewis A: Larkin McDaniel 69.23 VOTlt’E 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Lie., I.tc, 51.91 | W. D. P. Mathews ..... Hamui for plaintill. x\ undrr«i_'nc d has been appointed by the recompense. John Mathews ....................... .>3.4- ’ > County Court of Jack « f, n county. Oregon, Ex ­ TO BUY GOODS John Longworth vs. Mieluel Colwell : 58.66 ecutrix of the E.«tate ot Lewis Ganuug. dee»a.»ed. ALSO DOORS, SASH and BLINDS James Miller .......................... M ore T roops for the F ront .— action at law to recover money. Fay A 58.40 All i er.-oti-indebted to sai l estate tire requested Benjamin Mencli................. always on hand and made to order. to settle the .«an.« immediately, and al! per.«<>ii.« Capt. Miller with a detachment of hi- Rea for plaint iß. M. Mi i '!i:i< ‘ ‘ ’ !:-')li ......................... having claim.« agair.st «ai I estate are requested to company of artillery, numbering some Lumber planed on reasonable terms. R. M. Thompson vs. V. S. Ralls and Roger • MeMenannv.............. .......... Jt 51.0.3 present —THAN THE— Ibein, with the proper vu i< hers, to me at ........... 81.22 Myer ............................ W. V. fifty-four men, passed through this place Jesse ¡lodge ; action at law to recover mv residence in Jacksonville within six months 80.20 from the date here >f. < 'onra 1 Mingus..................... ........... last Tuesday. They came from Fort money. Fay A Rea for pluintitf. 58.11 Z\NEY GANUN'G, Administratrix. i Fred. MelitZ............................ ........... Stevens, Oregon, and are ra route to join Thos. Chavner vs. J. H. Re»- are requir­ Smith and Frederick Barnhart were 177.41 ed to present them with the proper voucher.* ■ < ieo. Notirse................... .7.1 ( KSON I II. 1.E, OREGON. injunction. Dowell A Kelly for plain ­ last week brought from Linkville, charg­ John <>ith........................ 114.111 within six months from the date of this no- ed with larceny, and lodged in jail. It titf; Kahler A Watson for ilefendants. John Olieiiehain........... 157 115 tiej to either of us at our places of residence, MADAME de ROBOAM, Proprietor E. C. Brooks vs. Win. Williams, Sey- 5 8 50 and all persons indebted to said estate are re­ <). (’. Stage ('o........... apjiears that while in an intoxicated quired t , in ike immediate payment. 8.3 03 state they broke into Brentano *fc Blair’s bond Koster and Fre«lerick Otten; suit F. M. Plymale................ SILAS J. DAY’, Executor. Jacksonville; ELI­ HUIE MAD\ME takes thi« method of tendering' : Thos. T. Prather ........... 115 55 ZA ANN HoXlE, Executri , seven miles cast 1 berth nks to the public for the patronage in e«|iiity for injunction. Fay A Rea for saloon, and took therefrom some benzine, which has hitherto been extended to her, and would ' 202 so of Jacks in ill*». John Patterson & Bro.. '.e.-pectfully solicit its continuance. a revolver and some money. They were plaintill: Dowell A Kelly for defendants. i Wm. A: Joe Patterson. tl Jacksonville, Feb. 4th, 187 57.03 Her tables arc always under her immediate con Jackson county vs. H. K. Hanna ; suit James A. Paiiky............ 58.40 arrested and had an examination before trol ; and by her long experience in the business l.arjrcst Oriran Establishment in the II urlìi 69.11 «he feels confident that she will give entire satis­ Justice Stephenson, and held to bail in in chancery to recover money paid by David I’eliegar....... ....... Mrs. Susan Robinson... 50.34 mistake. Stinson A Neil for plaintiff. faction to all. Her beds and rooms arc fitted up Extensive l-'iwt orles. the sum of $3o<) each, in default of which in the most comfortable style, suited to the accom­ 58.50 W. K. Ish vs. David R. Jones ; suit in Woodford Retimes....... modation of single occupants or families. Her they were sent to limbo to await the ac­ i Horace Boot..................................... ESTEY & COMPANY, O3« 88 J. equity. Kahler A Watson for plaintiff; J. T. Ilaitnev...................... .................... beds are always kept clean. S ’ . ». 1 I OF THE BEST QUALITY, tion of the Grand Jury. Brattleboro, Vt., I'. S. A Fay A Rea for defendant. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. I». J. Ryan........................ .................... 370.37 AND THE Win. Roberts..................... 62.63 Nancy C. Evans vs. C. L. Evans ; ha ­ CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY, O ne of a J ack ’ s S chemes .—Capt. THE CALIFORNIA MUTUAL 97.50 Jos. Robnett....................... ................... TI I K < ELEltKATEI) beas corpus. Kahler A Watson fol Jaek, who lias an insatiable weakness for FISIIF.lt & BRO.’S, • Mis. <'Lira Ratler............. .••••••••••a 99.45 S7.75 ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS scalps, no doubt whetted his blade for plaintitf; Dowell A Kelly and H. K. Han- Reanies «t Sachs............... .. ................ (Corner California and Oregon Street«,) Root «fc Haskins............... . . ................... 159.71 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Capt. John Fairchild's cranium, when he for defendant. The latest and bos* improvement!«. Everything Nicholas Webber vs. Jane Webber; John E. Ro«s.................... ............ 112.38 that is new arid novel. Th- leading improve­ May l»t, 1S69. OF SAN FRANCISCO. sent a squaw as messenger to Fairchild’s . Robb »fc Kahler................. 107.25 ment« were introduced first in this establishment. camp, informing him that he wished to suit for divorce. Fay A Rea for plain­ (). H. Swingle................... 55.83 Assets............................................................. $550,000 James A. Stewart................ 59.25 have a talk with him and smoke the tiff. Liabilities...................................................... ISO,000 i Established In 1*4 |' the high blurt, a few miles from Jack’s 53.10 Peter Simon........................... Policies ah-'dutely nonforfeitable after one full AY ING purchased Blockwell’s barber shop Jos. Swingle.......................... 160.52 138 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. annual payment, and l>y law exempt !roiu execu­ ]>osition. They refused, however, to pro- ITKMLET* in Jacksonville. I am fully prepared to do all tion. Mrs. M. Smith ...................... 57.72 • veed any further, as the invitation from kinds o: work In my line in the best manner and at All profit« divide 1 among the assured. Capt. Thos. Smith ................ 161.19 Circuit Court next week. I reasonable prices. Jack to interview him only in the Lava 1’iemiuuis payable in g'dd or currency. John Sizemore....................... 116.85 A slight snow fell this week. Divi lends udded to policy or applied in reduc­ Bed made it quite evident that Jack was RAZORS CAREFULLY’ PUT IN ORDER. W. IL Simpson.................... 65.66 I’l’ItNISlIING- tions of premium«. Read the new advertisements. W. J. A L. D. Small............ .looking out for additional ornaments for 83.87 Call at the shop formerly occupied by Block well. THOMAS A. BALL. President. —A X D — St. Valentine’s Day next Friday. Veit Schutz............................. 92.04 LF-A-HSrCY GOODS,’ v2n27;tf GEO. SCIIUMl’F. San Francisco, Cal. his scalp-pole, and Fairchild and party all L. Solomon............................. Birthday and surprise parties are 53.73 R. 8. OSBURN, Agent, Jacksonville, Ogn. '.returned to their camp. Capt. Fairchild [v2:n34 :ly J. C. Tolman........................... 84.03 AND BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CITY BREWERY. took a very active part in the late great the rage now. John Tujq>er........................... 82.12 A very heavy rain and wind prevailed AMUSEMENT : battle, and Jack would be only too hap­ J. P. Tuffe................................. 77.73 —BY— on Wednesday evening, doing consider­ S. C. Taylor............................. 95.25 py to “raise his hair.” AT REDUCED PRICES. Jacob Thompson................... 159.37 able damage. VEIT SCHUTZ, James Thornton ..................... 177.22 CALL AT Up to the time of going to press the I n T own .—Capt. O C. Applegate is in S. I). Van Dyke..................... 67.94 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON town on business connected with the dis­ County Court was still in session, hence Wagner, McCall A Co........ California Strett, 324.52 the absence of the proceedings from our John P. Walker..................... 110.17 charge of bis men. His boys — both In Orth’s New Building. Jacksonville. 33tf. riMIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY TN-. Joseph Weiterer..................... JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 91.95 whites and Indians—some of the latter columns. A form« tho citizens of Jacksonville and surround­ Isaac Woolen ........................ 94.82 The Spring clip of wool in Jackson and ing country, that he is now manufacturing, and being Modoc* from Yianax, fought as Wm. Wilson........................... 60.45 rpHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in-i will constantly keep on hand, the Very best of roe 11 as veterans in the fearful battle of Josephine counties promises well, the L. J. White............................. 95.61 Callf'.riiln fStroet, L form the public that they have just opened al I.agcr Beer. Those who wish a cool glafs of beef the Lava Beils. In describing the battle winter having so far been very favorable J. B. White............................. 392.25 26tf. ball alley on California street, opposite Horne’s should give me a call. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. John Watson.......................... 101.89 Hotel, and fitted it up with the latest requisite ground he says he is satisfied that an ar­ for sheep. appurtenances, and ate now ready to accomtno- 200.60 The Board of Fire Delegates were E. F. Walker.......................... my of 2,000 men could be so well con- * date all those desiringto participate in this healthy j 80.34 (ieo. Wimer AVING PURCHASED the interest of M. A. 'exercise. A full supply of fine wines, liquors and ceaied in the caves and crevices over around town last week examining the Jacob Wimer....................... ... 140.05 Brentano in this favorite Saloon, the under­ constantly on hand. Give us a call. Home's Building, which the troops fought that day that stove-pipes and Hues of the various busi­ Wintjen A Helms................ 85.80 signed announces to the public that he will keep ¡cigars, 43tf. MILLION A BRONSON. 53.14 constantly on hand a complete supply of the best > —n 1 “ ■ another army might be marched over ness houses and dwellings, as a precau­ Thos. Wright A Bro............. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 249.79 Minus Walker them without being aware of their where­ tionary measure against fire. H7.VZI.S', LIQUORS and C.GARS, 70.71 ells, Sr...««................ HAI E JUST RECEII ED from San Francis­ A frisky Josephine youth a few days Giles abouts. He is commissary for 100 Mo- 438.75 White A Martin..................... co a fine and complete stock o' Hats, Howers, That can be procured. Call and test them California Street, docs and 400 Snakes at Yianax, and says ago sent a note to his neighbor’s wife, Ribbons, etc., of the latest styles, and would re­ 52m3. CHAS. NEUMEYER he feels confident that with careful man­ inviting her to meet him ’neath the pale spectfully gay to the ladies of Jackson villa and vi­ I ndian A ppropriation .—The Indian JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. WAJBTTED cinity that I will be pleased to exhibit them to agement things will go well there, if rays of the German-silvery moon. She Appropriation Bill contains an indisput­ those who may favor me with a call. ' didn ’ t go, but her husband did, and the the Modocs under Capt. Jack are severe­ ed item of $50,000 for the subsistence of 47tf- Mrs, M. A. BRENTANO. SITUATION AS A TEACHER by a gcn. HE undersigned, having jvermanently located doctor thinks that barring the loss of his I ly chastised .and the murderers are exe­ tieman of several years’ experience, and who the Snake and Pit River Indians on the in Jacksonville, respectfully informs the <5 tn ion ’y D^’ AmtoWtartrfi Attcium nose, one eye, and two or three dozen has a first-class certificate. For particulars in- public that he is prepared to do all kinds of work . of ,wk,nr p»vt>K0f«itb«ra(x,700B ff cuted. A compromise would demoralize teeth, the young man will soon be as Malheur Reservation in South-eastern I quire oroM.rn.ke more money n,rn their *pue of W. J. Stanley, School Superintendent, or (in the boot and shoe-making line. Satisfaction I"'« “ “ ' I«, or «II the time, than al.nytMrweW. Pwtie«. i all the Indians ou reservations. well as ever. I at this office. 514. Oregon. 2rttf M. CATON. l*rs free. Adiro, f Q. < ua»>o * Co. bwSmuL *Uiae. . guaranteed. ir CAN HAVE A CHANCE LOW PRICES WILL WIN. I SACHS BROS’. STAPLE DRY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHIND, ja-Tss cfc SUPERIOR GOODS SOUTHERN OREGON! FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, PARLOR & BED-ROOM SUITS, FISHER & BRO.’S HOTEL ANO RESTAURANT, FANCY, STAPLE & DRY GOODS1 Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc., LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW BARBER SHOP. H LADIES’ AND GENTLEMENS’ READY -- MADE CLOTHING,: BOWLING ALLEY! ELDORADO SALOON! ••••••••••••««a NEW MILLINERY STORE, H •••»«•«•••••••••••I I A T