fthç democratic ¡limes. WAR NOTES. ALEX. MARTIN INDIAN WAR NEWS. One of Col. Perry’s men, who was SITUATION AS A TEACHER by a gen­ XVe are informed by a Yreka dispatch tleman of several years’ experience, and who wounded in the late battle, haw died. dated January 24th, that Thomas H. has a first-class certificate. For particulars in­ SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 1. 1873. (Successors to James T. Glenn,) Capt. Jack and Scar-faced Charley are Southworth and others had arrived from quire of W. J. Stanley, School Superintendent, or 514. said to be among the best shots on the the seat of war. The troops are all mor at this office. DEALERS IN coast! ing from their camps, as hay and grain LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. It is thought that there must have cannot be obtained near the lava coun­ been at least a few Indians killed in the N otary P ublic .—D. B. Rea, Esq., of Administrator'« Notice. try. It is expected that Van Bremer’s CALIFORNIA STREET, Ibis place, has been appointed a Notary late battle. place will be burned by the Indians. A HE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed John R. Brown, one of the volunteers Public by Gov. Grover. guard was left at Davis and Fairchild’s Administrator of the estate of Robt. Alexan­ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON killed in the late fight, was formerly a der, deceased, all persona having claims against places. Most of the troops will be de­ said estate, F or the F ront .—A detachment of resident of Sublimity, Marion county. are required to present the same with tailed for the Lost river, Link river, and the proper vouchers within six months from the Regulars, in command of Capt. Thaller, Col. Perry, who was seriously wounded of this notice to me at my residence on Tule passed through town yesterday, en route in the tight with the Modocs. has been Langell valley settlements, and those on date Lake, iu Jackson county, Oregon. the east side will be‘stationed among the for the seat of war. THOMAS W. DIPPEL, Adm’r. taken to his quarters at Camp Harney. January 3d, 1873. nlw4. settlements around Clear Lake. UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURE It is said that Capt. Jack is offering F or J osephine .—Dr. Win. Jackson in notifying their friends aud the publicgener- General Wheaton intends building ully tnut they are now receiving and opening a very Administrator's Notice- will be at Kerbyville on the 17th of this $100 each for the sculps of Oliver and gunboats to guard the lake shore, and large aud extensive stock of Ivan Applegate, Dennis Crawley and month, and those wishing any work I will thus be enabled to get close to Jack’s HE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed done in his line, canthen be accommo­ others ! by the County Court of the State of Ore­ STAPLE DRY GOODS camp with cannon and mortars, besides gou, tor Josephine county, administrator of the dated. That fool Bogart, correspondent of the being enabled to prevent the Indians estate of J. G. Adams, deceased, all persons hav­ F or S treet C ommissioner .—Atten­ S. F. Chronicle, has again gone to the from coming down to the lake to water ing claims against such estate are required to pre­ READY-MADE CLOTHING, We think a good “booting” sent the same, with the proper vouchers, within tion is called to the announcement of front. their stock or to get water from the six months from this notice to me at uiy residence Peter Boschey in another column. Mr. would do him a power of good. spring close to it. Several squaws took in Kerbyville, Josephine county, Oregon ; and The Governor of California sent a lot ail persons indebted to said estate are required to Boschey is the present incumbent and part in the fight, and one of the soldiers make i CALIFORNIA AND SALEM immediate payment. of old cartridges that were too large for has proven himself an efficient officer. DAN. L. GREEN, Adm’r. was killed by a squaw. the guns and some worthless caps for the CLOTHS Kerbyville, Jan. 15, 1873.—14. TO SELECT FROM— ; I T axes .—Taxes are being paid very . The heaviest firing by troops and vol­ use of the California Volunteers, at BLANKET«, slowly, in the neighborhood of 520,000 unteers was at the close of the battle, Final Settlement- which they wax exceedingly wrathy. I having been up to the present time col­ HOOP fcKIItTS, The present scene of the Modoc war when they fired at random, for the pur­ • . • • » a* 8 S tate or O rlgom , 1 lected by Sheriff McKenzie, which is but pose of recovering the dead and wound­ County of Josephine, ) là. wholly in California. Tule or Rhett is ETC., ETC. little more than half the amount due. A MOST COMPLETE STOCK —ALBO— AMES NEELY, Administrator of the estate of Lake is almost entirely in that State. ed, all of whom were taken off except Moots and Shoes ; Ladies’, Misses’ two soldiers. William A. Gibson, deceased, having this day 'R evolver L ost .—Lost, somewhere j Tiie Indians are on the south side of this and Childrens’ Shoes. his final account for final settlement of Colonel Perry was wounded while roll­ said rendered •on1 tiie stage road between Ashlaud and lake, and several miles beyond the Ore­ estate, all persons interested are notified that ing down a hill, at the top of which he Monday, the 7th day of April, 1873, lias been set i W k have also in connection with the above a very ! Jacksonville, a six-shooter, Smith A gon line. apart as the day for hearing objections to the j Large aud Extensive Stock of Choice Weston’s patent, nickel-plated. The find­ The Indians in the late battle fought was surrounded by several Indians. The same. —OF— By order of Hon. J. B. S iff . rs , County Judge. er wilUbe suitably rewarded by deliver­ entirely naked, excepting their ammuni-. bullet struck his arm and passed through CROCERIES. Attest : CHAS. HUGHES, County Clerk. ing the same to Major \\ iu . A. Owen, i tion slung around them, and with a' his hip while he was rolling. Perry had 414. HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, bunch of sage brush tied on their heads, ! made the circuit from the right around Jacksonville. * to Bernard’s camp, and had thence pro­ D iagram of the S eat of W ar .— so as to be undistinguishable from the ceeded to the relief of the Siskiyou Vol­ Redemption of State Bounty Bonds. QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, We are indebted to Mrs. Richard Hutch- | plant itself. STATE OF OREGON, unteers, who were in the hottest of the PAINTS, OILS, ETC, insou, of Langell Valley, for a diagram ’ A letter received from Ed. Steele to light. The wounding of Perry disheart­ R ' s S UFFICR. T reasurer O ffice , 4, 1873. J ALSO S alem , Jan. . of tiie seat of war. Those wishing a clear his father in Yreka, says the Indians in ened the soldiers, as they looked for him sev- applicable for redemption, ($17,500) W indow Glass, Nalls, Iron and conception of tiie situation of the field of Hot Spring Valley, upon the demand of to rally them in charging ujwii the In­ Amount I I enteen th«>usand five hundred dollars. Steel, Cast and Steel Plows J. J. Dorris, gave up their guns, on con ­ battle and the entire Lake country, can Wooden and Willow —EVER BROUGHT TO— dians in ambush among the rocks. I OEALF.D PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIV- obtain the same by calling at this office, i dition that the whites should feed them, Wire, Etc., Etc. kj ed by the undersigned at his uffiee, at Salem, It is believed that most of the Oregon until February 4, 1873, for the surrender of Boun­ and doubts are entertained as to the re­ R emoved .—Dr. 8. F. Chapin has port of uny Pit River Indians being with : Volunteers will return over the Oregon ty Bonds, issued under provisions of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, We are now ready to sell anything in our line at rented the upper story of John Orth's the Modocs, at least those residing in line and re-enlist to tight California's granting bounty to Volunteers of this State, en­ cash price. Persons wishing to buy goods new building, and lias removed his of­ Hot Spring Valley. battles for protection of California set­ listed in the service of the United States, approv­ lowest will find it greatly to their advantage to examine ed October 24, 1864, at the lowest rate, njt ex ­ fice and residence thereto. He intends stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are The Sacramento Union says the troops tlers, and even if they do not they are ceeding par value, as may redeem the greatest '•>ur entitled to the gratitude and warmest number of bonds. Bids to include interest to «late ¡determine«! not to bo undersold by any house in having a private hospital, having fitted en route for the seat of war from the Bay, , Jackson county. up several apartments in excellent style fought among themselves, and some half thanks of California for their no’»le con­ of surrender, and to be addressed, duct thus far. Is. FLEISCIINER, I for this purpose, and can accommodate Treasurer of State, Salem, Oregon. ^sgrGiv« ua a eall, and then judge for your­ There are only about 30 or 40 men M a dozen managed to get left behind at from six to eight patients. self as to our capaoitvto furnish goods as above. Fort Klamath, barely enough to hold way stations. They ransacked the cars WHITE & MARTIN “S harp as T acks .”—What tricks the they were in, and carried away every­ the post against an attack, should tiie Redemption of S^ate Relief Bonds. : Indians at the resei/.ation conclude to We keep everything that a per­ Indians don’t know in warfare are evi­ thing movable. A fight with Capt. take their departure. son expects to find in a first-class I STATE OF OREGON, dently not worth knowing. In the late Jack will serve to take the extra ram- FURNITURE WARE ROOM, A letter from John A. Fairchild to . ........ , V 1 House, and we invite the public TitKASi.'REit’s O ffice Robt. O. Dewitt, among other things S alem ,Jan.« 4, 1873. j | buttle they put good-sized rocks on their pageousuess out of them. to call and see for themselves. I (Corner California and Oregon Streets.) ¡states : “Dorris, Van Bremer and myself Amount applicable for redemption ($12,700) twelve Goods shown with pleasure. breastworks, which appeared as though ITEM LETS. thousand seven hundred dollars. have come to the conclusion that the JA('KSONVII.I.E, - - OREGON SACHS BRO’S. t they had their heads above the fortifica­ |»eople of California ought to raise 100 EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIV- Pay your subscription. tions, thereby gulling the troop.*, who ed by tho undersigned at his office in Snletn, or 150 volunteers to protect our exposed DAVII) LINN ®&y"We oiler special reduction in Town election on Marell 3d. until February 4, 1873, for the surrender of Re­ frontier. 1 have consulted with General bit at the sell several times, to the ad­ prices to all those who wish to Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of fur ­ lief Bonds, issued under provision of an Act of the Read the new advertisements. : Wheaton, Col. Green, Capt. Burton and Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, niture, consisting of vantage of Lo. purchase for Cash their Fall and Col. Mason, all of the regular army. granting relief to volunteers of this State, enlisted Snow on the hills surrounding town. Winter supplies. Bedsteads* They all think California ought to raise in the service of the United States, approved Octo­ R eduction of R ates .—The Western Rogue river has raised considerably. Bureaus Tables, I 150 volunteers, say for three months, for ber 21, 1864, at the lowest rate, not exceeding par Union Telegraph Company gives general A heavy crop of drunks and fights this ; our immediate protection, for there is no value, as may redeem the greatest number of Stands, Sofas, Lounges, notice that the rate for dispatches of ten week. j telling what the Indians will not do if bonds. Bids to include interest to date of surren­ words to any part of tiie United States, : Veit Schutz has our thanks for a keg something is not done for us, and that der, and to be addressed, L. FLEISCIINER, 2w4. Treasurer of State, Salem, Oregon. Chairs of All Kinds, where it has heretofore exceeded $2 30, of his superior lager. very soon. You need not be surprised to hear of some terrible murders, as you can .■Mt'NI MONH. I will be reduced to that price, which is a Guilt Mouldings, The T imes ’ circulation is increasing readily see that we are in a bad fix. Gov. Lie., Etc. reduction of nearly 50 per cent. This with amazing rapidity. Booth ought to have heeded our appeal Justice’s Court for the Precinct of Waldo, State of TO BIT GOODS reduction goes into effect to-day. We I Several of the schools closed their reg­ for help when we asked him. Oregon, County of Josephine. Isaac Thomp­ ALSO DOORS, SASH and BLINDS son. plaintiff, vs. J. A. Kemper, defendant; have not been informed of any further ular quarters this week. I have conversed with several of the civil action to recover money. always on band and made to order. changes. officers—old Indian fighters—and they The soiree at Veit’s Hall last Wednes­ i say they never saw Indians fight as those WO J. A. KEMPER, the above named Defend Lumber planed ou reasonable terms. A aut : In the name of the State of Oregon, you —THAN THE— I R emoved .—Gen Canby, acting Com- day evening was well attended. devils fought the other day. I have had are hereby required to appear before the under mauder of the Department of the Pacific, Comparatively a small area of grain some little experience myself, and I signed, a Justice of tho Peace for the precinct ^•©'Undertaking a specialty. must say I never saw Indians fight as aforesaid, on the Sth day of March, 1873, at 10 30xtf. has removed Gen. Wheaton from the has as yet been sown in Josephine. they did. We drove them about three o’clock in the forenoon of said day, nt the office Win. Chapman, Esq., ex-Shcriff of Jo­ : miles, and they contested every inch of of said Justice iu sail precinct, to answer the above! IS AT— command of the Regulars in the Modoc FK ANCO-AM ER ICA N named plaintiff in a civil action. sephine, favored us with a call this week. country, and has appointed Col. Gillem the way. It is the best natural fortified The defendant will take notice, that if he fail to. The settlers are leaving Langell Valley place I ever saw. General Wheaton re- answer to supersede him. Col. Gillem arrived the complaint herein, the plaintiff will take in Yreka lust Tuesday, and has proceeded and other isolated points for more set­ marked on the evening after the fight judgment against him for one hundred and forty - HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, i that 100,000 men in 100,000 years could four dollars and thirty-one hundredths of a dollar, DEALERS IN to headquarters. Wherefore Gen. Wheat­ tled districts. Opposite Odd Fellow.' Hall, i not construct as strong fortifications as ($144.31) with interest from March 30th, 1872, at' We have been favored with rainy, Captain Jack has, anil if you could see one per eent. per month from «late. on has been removed we are unable to FANCY, STAPLE A DRY GOODS' JA CKSONVILLE, OREGON Given under uiv hand this I 4th «lav of January, • ¡»erceive, as all who participated in the snowy and fine weather—all at the same the place you would believe the General 1873, ’ a . b . M c I lwain , was not far out of the way. late battle say he performed his duty time—this week. i Justice of the l’cnco. j MADAME de R0B0AM, Proprietor. Clothing, General Wheaton has left Perry ’ s troop ably and faithfully. It is ordered by A. B. McIlwain, Justice of the' Alex. Martin, of this place, has taken Boots & Shoes, of cavalry, consisting of forty-six men, ! Peace for Waldo Precinct, that this summons be' HE MAD AME takes this method of tendering the contract to carry Government freight twelve at my place, twelve at Dorris ’ published for rix weeks in the D emocratic T imes , R e -I nforcements .—Troops from all her th nks to tho public for the patronage Groceries, from Roseburg to the beadquarters of the place and the balance at Small’s, where published at Jacksonville, Oregon, the official or­ which hae hitherto been extended to her, and would parts of the Coast have been sent to re­ gan. ISAAC THOMPSON, Plaintiff. Liquors, respectfully solicit its continuance. troops in the Modoc country for thirty- he intends making his headquarters.” inforce the Regulars already in the field. Her tables are always under her immediate con The Indians are so encouraged they five cents a pound. Cutlery, trol : ami by her long experience in the business Seven companies are already on the will treat only on their own terms, Chinese New-Year commenced last believing they can whip the soldiers, the she feels confident that she will give entire satis­ road—one from Portland, one from Fort Crockery, JACKSON, faction to all. Her beds and rooms are fitted up Gaston, Klamath county, Cal., one from Tuesday, and was celebrated with vigor. , Yreka boys and the Oregon volunteers in the most comfortable style, suited to the accom­ Etc., Etc., Much “blandee,” swine, poultry, etc., | combined. modation of s'.ngle occupants or families. Her Camp Halleck, Nevada, three from San j Captain Jack has messengers out every beds are always kept clean. was consumed, and the air was made hid­ OF THE BEST QUALITY, i Francisco, and one from Washington days to the reservation, and it is said MEALS AT ALL HOURS. eous with the sounds of fire-crackers and • few AND THE he offers $500 in gold coin for the deliv­ Territory, which are expected to arrive CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. their “sweet” music. Hi yah ! ery of 100 pounds of powder in the THE CALIFORNIA MUTUAL at the seat of war in the course of two or The mild winter in the Lake country Spring at a place which he will name, FISHER dt BRO ’S, three weeks. These re-inforcements will and it is expected that if Jack holds out has been very favorable for cattle, feed (Corner California and Oregou Streets,) swell the Regular force to about 600. until then the reservation Indians will being abundant. The volunteers say j all JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. be with him. Jack has also made May 1st, 1869. To be M ustered O ut .—All of the that the stock is fat and excellent, and artificial breastworks in the lava section. OF SAN FRANCISCO. SURGEON DENTIST. Oregou Volunteers except a few of Capt. judging from their robust and hearty ap­ $300,000 i i Asiets..... P ersonal .—Gen. John F. Miller and Applegate’s Company arrived in town pearance, is undoubtedly true. 180,000! LL styles of plate work made—such as ' Liabilities ______ i during the week, and will be mustered Gold', Sil ver, Platina, Alumniutn and Rtib- Some of the voluuteers becoming en­ Colonels Chas. B. Bellinger and Wm. I to Policy Holders.......................... $369,565! California Street, out to-day, their term of enlistment hav­ thusiastic over their late exploits, in­ Thompson arrived from the Modoc coun­ her plater. Spccial attention given to Children’s Surplus 20.88 i Nltrus Oxide (laughing gas) given for thc( Ratio of expense to management.............. ’ •¿th. ing expired. This ends the first volun­ dulged in a glorious war dance on Tues­ try and left for the North on Thursday. painless extraction of the teeth. I Total expense to income.............................. 35.17 JA CA’A ONVILLE, OREGON. Will visit Ashland on the 1st of March annually ; Ratio of Assets to liabilities...................... $300.00 teer organization for the Modoc war. day last. They finally wound up the Gen John E. Ross and his Aids, E, D. Policies absolutely non-forfeitable after one full also Kerbyville on the 4th Monday in October. AVING purchased Block well’s barber shop ■Whether there will be aseeond remains proceedings in a pitched battle, and en­ Foudray and J. R. Neil, also arrived In Call and examine specimen work. annual payment, aud by law exempt from execu­ in Jacksonville, I am fully prepared to do all town this week. Also Hon. J. N. T.