a T îhj ^nnocrntiç firnes. CAMPAIGN NOTES, OREGON. N E W A I) V ERTISEM ENTS Grant has accepted gifts, and rewarded The State University is to be located the givers with office. at Eugene City. The Republican papers are the only The cars made their first appearance SATURDAY’ MORNING, OCTOBER 28. 1372. organs the Louisville Conventionists in Roseburg on the 20th inst. have. Roseburg will give a grand ball on the National Democratic Nominations* Shameless and unblushing frauds were occasion of the iron horse reaching that practiced in Pennsylvania by the Grant- place. F or P resident , ites. HORACE GREELEY, of New York. The City Government for Roseburg, Indiana elected, on the Sth inst., her under the new charter, took effect last F or V ice -P resident , first Democratic Governor for many Saturday. otnclal Paper for Jaekaon County. B. GRATZ BROWN, of Missouri. For Presidential Electors: TS. D. SHATTUCK, of.......... „Multnomah County GEO. it. HELM, of................. I.inn “ N. 11. G A ILS, of... ............ Wuaco “ r- " ■ PENNSYLVANIA. As each day passes by, revelations arc made which plainly* show the damning frauds by which the State of Pennsyl­ vania was carried. Thousands upon thousands of negroes—poor ignorant hu­ man cattle—were shipped into the city of Philadelphia, and unblushingly voted for Hartranft and his band of thieves. Indeed, outside of one or two cities, the State of Pennsylvania is largely Demo- cratic*; but bribery, fraud, wholesale par­ doning of convicts, and swarms of im­ ported uegroes, carried the State against the intelligence and wealth of that no­ ble old commonwealth. Unless the peo­ ple of America awake to a sense of the danger with which they are compassed, but few years will elapse before a half dozen cities of the Union will rule the Republic as absolutely as ever corrupt aud profligate Paris ruled the destiny of sunny France. The enfranchisement of the negroes, says the Mercury, lias fur­ nished a powerful element of corruption, and we are being taught how poteut it is in the hands of designing and bad men. By running these j>oor creatures into the metropolis of any State in the Union, the will of the people can be thwarted, and their rights and liberties placed in the hands of men compared to whom the fiendish Communes were angels. Let honest men pause, before it is too lute. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS THE GREAT CONSOLIDATED YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO SWAMP LAND NOTICE OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the maps I and descriptions of the swamp and overflow­ ed land*, in the following Townships, to wit : N Township...83 South Range..-19 East • < 19 “ “ 34 19 “ “ 35 <• 20 “ “ 35 .< 13 •< “ 40 •• 14 “ “ 40 11 “ 41 “ 12 “ “ 41 « 13 “ “ 41 << 12 ** “ 41 elected in Ja«k*cn County, Oregon, bave Loen completed and approved Gy the Buiiid, and filed according to law in thevfliee of tho County Clerk of Jackaun county, and the Bon rd i* now ready to receive firct pnyuicnt on »aid laud*. By order cf the Board. T. II. CANN, Clerk. years. William Nixon, of Yaquina, has a Grant has ostracised every public man half interest in a six months’ baby, who had the independence and the man­ which weighs 96 pounds. liness to differ from him. The white section hands along the line CAN HAVE A CHANCE i I i SACHS BROS’. The actual increase in the circulation of the O. & C. R. R. have been discharg­ of the New York Tribune since it abol- ed and Chinamen hired in their places. l ished Grant in 1871, amounts to 44,000 Some scoundrel has been Kukluxing OREGON copies. the dogs and cats of Albany. Large I I Grant has set himself up for a second numbers of these animals have been poi­ I term in an office which lie must know, soned lately. and which he half confesses, that lie is The winged calf, exhibited at the State T hompson & K ingsley ......... Proprietors rnilE UNDERSIGNED WILL COMMENCE unsuited for. Fair, has been purchased for the San J ohn W ilson ................................... Director I soliciting for a ; Giaut baa upheld the infamous carpet­ Francisco Circus, aud will undoubtedly W m . T hompson ............................ Treasurer BUS IN ESS DIB ECTO R Y bagging rule in the Southern States, and be exhibited by that circus in Jackson­ O mar K ingsley ..... Equestrian Director F red . S torer ................... Leader of Band Of the S tate or O rkoux in a few days ; and, ' thereby impoverished the white people ville next Saturday. D r . H askell ...................... General Agent to imke it successful, respectfully requests tho co­ of that section. A jealous China woman of Union ROMAN HIPPODROME! Grant has employed the army to do the work of constable, and has suspend­ ed the writ of habeas corpus in time of profound peace. county, recently caught her “feller’s” paramour, beat her, saturated her with kerosene and set her on fire. The para­ mour is dead and the other one is in jail. Grant has tampered with the inde­ pendence and integrity of Congress, by personally solietiug members to his San Domingo scheme. Every day adds friends in Oregon to the Greeley and Brown cause. Let every patriot do his duty and Oregon is sure for the right. Grant has shamefully abused the ap­ pointing power, by selecting for bis cabi­ net the commonest of men, whose names —spelt by the unlettered muse—had else remained unknown. The bulletin says: Hon. James K. Kelly, United States Senator from Ore­ gon, is getting ready for his return to YY ashington, and making his arrange­ ments accordingly, lie expects to leave in about two weeks. —AT— i BUSINESS DIRECTORY I —TO SELECT TROW— operation of all person* interested ill the welfare of the country. The State has now reached that position when a yearly summary of her progress i* FORMING A necessary, hence the value of a work which will combine, in a condensed form, all mutter* ol pub­ lic interest. QUINCUPLEXAL ALLIANCE I Tho work in contemplation will embrace a gen­ IN THE eral wketch of the State ; it* physical aspect*, ge­ ology, climatology, butany, zoology, commerce, 1 manufactures, societies, public buildings, produc­ tions, mid ull other subjects on which imfurinatiun I 1 is required. The work will be illustrated with sketches cf Covering Three Acres of Ground, some of the leading prominent scenery ol the State, I an 1 its compilation will be under the charge of J. I : L E( î A N TL Y S E A T E D M oiitimer M i Ri’tir, Esq., whose recent work on Wa.-hington Territory ha* been highly common led —AND by tho press ami public. The BUSINESS DIRECTORY' of each Town BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED and City will be complete ; and that, with skotch- I e* of each p’ace, should make it invaluable to the — WITH THE CORUSCATIONS OF A I Merchant, Farmer uni Mechanic. * 7’^'As an advertising medium it will be the T HOUS A X I> J E T S O F GAS V best yet introduced in the State, a* it will be of such importance that it will always bo retained in a prominent position fur reference. J'-O' The Rate* of advertising will be ns follow* : The Largest, Most Completo A MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF— t SUPERIOR GOODS The Commissioner of the General I ahu I Office has decided that coal lands are mineral lands, and are subject to sale as such. This decision was made on an appeal taken by some parties wishing —EVER BROUGHT TO— coal lands on tracts claimed under the land grant of the Coos Bay Wagon ' Four years ago Hamilton county, Road. Ohio, in which Cincinnati is located, A California paper has just made a dis­ One Page......................................$20. gave Grant 6,000 majority. At the elec­ covery. It says : “Oregon will soon be — AND— Half Page................................... 10. tion on the 9th instant it gave 4,000 ma­ added to the list of wool-growing States. Card ............................................... 5. « Thoroughly Equipped Circus on ISarth jority for the Liberal ticket. Some enterprising farmers have pur­ Advertiser» taking one page will receive a enpy of the book gratis. chased choice merino sheep, and it is I A P rofit for the P resident .—As Price of work will be.......... $2.50. said that some of the very best and pur­ a good deal has been said, and we think, >■<>*■ The Book will be distributed on every est blooded animals in tlie world are to route it travel and pu >iic p ace ni the ciuntrv. improperly said, about alleged indecorous 5399,000,000.—That is all ; only three We keep everything that a per­ be found in that State.” I son expects to find in a first-class hundred and ninety-nine millions of dol­ methods employed by President (¡rant S. J. M< CORMIGK, The Statesman says : Probably as large to improve his personal fortunes, it may House, and we invite the public lars have been stolen from the people Performing Horses, a kiln of brick as was ever burned on to call and see for themselves. not be amiss to allude to one method Publisher, during Grant’s administration. Mr. Goods shown with pleasure. the coast is at present being burned at ! thick poxir«, Garfield (Republican) says the |>ension that was effectual, and has never been SACHS BRO’S. the penitentiary. It was tired Sunday frauds amount to $8,000,000 annually, called indecorous. Just about the time MULES, ELEPHANTS, Ele., Etc. morning, and consists of seventy-two making in three years $24,(KM),000. The he became President, certain friends in NEW ARRIVAL arches, and contains the enormous sum report of the Civil Service Commission New York made him a present of $105,- of 1,100,000 brick. This little pile will T says that the revenue lost by smuggling 000 United States bonds. These bonds EVERY PERFORMER A .STAR! prove no small item in the erection of at that time were payable in lawful and frauds amounts to one-fourth of the money — greenbacks — and were worth our new State house, for which purpose ANTON ULLMAN ’S, ! \ whole. The average annual revenues about S3 per cent, in gold, it then being some of them will probably be used. Cafz/brnia Street, aro $04)0, (M)0,000—stealings one-fourth, A dispatch from Grave creek, Jackson 135. The President recommended to $125,000,000, annually, making in three Congress the passage of law guaranteeing county, gives the following : At half past JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, The 'lb r. ughbred II<>rse, years $375,000.000, and swelling the the payment of all United States bonds, three o’clock to-day, the stage bound i 33 I S TVI A n. C lx , amount to $399,000,000 in three years. I including the $105,000 held by himself, north, upset about two miles north of 1 l*r«scnted to Mr. Kingsley, lv the Emperor cf Should the same system and manage­ in gold. Congress did as he advised. Grant’s Pass, Jackson county, Oregon, M-rucc-. I ment continue for the remaining year, ■ It passed an act pledging the faith of the going down what is known as Louse it will swell the stealings and cribbings I uj.vp/rs', .vrr?. baskets . government to pay in gold some sixteen (’reek hill near the residence of William of the four years of Grant’s administra­ hundred million five-twenty bonds, i Kahler. The stage was full of passen­ BEIT Q! AI 1T1CS OF tion to the small sum of five hundred which, by the law of their issue, were gers, one of whom, a Mr. McCrum, was Oregon Street, and thirty-two millions of dollars ($532,- TOBACCO, HABANA CIGARS, payable in lawful currency. The conse­ seriously if not fatally injured. The in­ 000,009). Tax-payers are a patient peo­ I quence of this legislation is that the Pres­ jured man was taken to the house of T rick fipbs , ple—but they are loyal men— such as JA CKSONVILLE, O EEG ON, Mr. Kahler. Every care that could be ident's $105,000 bonds, which were worth Cameron, Murpliv, Leet, àc. YANKEE NOTIONS, 83 in gold in 1869, are now worth 95; so i was bestowed on him. It seems that ave on hand , »nd offer for sale owing to the sickness of Mr. Hyde, the A C ontrast .—Horace Greeley is a that the measure recommended by the SCHOOL BOOKS, » full «upply of regular driver, the hostler at Grunt’s candidate for the Presidency of the Uni­ President added $12,000 to his fortune. i cn —AND A SUPERIOR—■ Pass undertook to drive through with ted States, and with every possibility of in M oney O rders .—The money order COOKING STOVES AND RANGES ; the above result. The coach was badly success before him. Notwithstanding system between the United States and demolished. Three of the passengers the fact that he is almost continually the German empire went into operation PARLOR and BOX STOVES, of différant kiada and the driver returned to tlie station, surrounded with friends when in New IVIIICH he will *cll at the LOWEST RATES. on Tuesday, October 1st. The maxi­ where a new outfit was procured, and York or when in fact, he does not hide ASSORTED BAR IRON ; IV 42tf. mum of each order is fixed when issued Mr. Tucker, the driver from the other The public may rc.-t assured that this Grand himself away, he still finds time to pre­ and Gorgeous e?tabli»bnieut, got ea ui> at an ex­ FLOW, CAST and TOE ETEEL; in United States at fifty dollars in cur­ route, proceeded to the scene of the acci­ pense F R A A CO-A JI E RICA X ef 825.000, is a FIRST-CLASS CIRCUS, pare able agricultural addresses, and to rency, ami the rates of commission as dent and took the mail and passengers with the very best Equestrians. HORSE SHOES k NAILS ; assist a frien i in the preparation of the follows : For any sum not exceeding five on. A physician was telegraphed for Tho funniest an 1 most gentlemanly clowns, the forthcoming eycloi>edia. In the mean­ ladies, the most fearless acrobats, the dollars—five cents ; for above five dollars, from Grave Creek to attend the injured handsomest CUT and CLINCH NAILS, efall aiata ; most gorgeous Bund Chariot, the largest Band, time what is Grant doing? Go to Long Opposite Odd Fellow*' Hall, but not exceeding ten dollars—twenty- man. No other passengers were severely and the nn st accommodating Proprietor* that ev­ CARRIAGE and TIRE BOLTS and RIVETS; Branch and see. Surrounded with such er had the honor ef appearing bef.ro the public. five cents ; for above ten dollars, but not injured. JA CKSONVILLE, OREGON. men as Tom Murphy, he mopes away the exceeding twenty dollars—fifty cents; Paraphernalia sparkling with jewels : Housings CULDRONS and WASH-KETTLES ; W. C ullen Gaston, says the Benton fln-bing with gold and gems ; Costume* a blaze day in profitless talk about fast horses, for above twenty dollars, but not exceed­ MADAME de ROBOAM, Proprietor of light. i BAKE OVENS and SKILLETS ; in smoking cigars, drinking, and driving ing thirty dollars, —seventy-five cents; Democrat, publishes a legal opinion to Every net a gem! Every performer a star 1 the eflect that a paper designated by the Greeted with enthusiastic applause! Form* a out, seated behind a liveried coachman. rpiIE MADAME take* this method of tendering : for above thirty dollars, but not exceed- Grand Exposition of the International Congress of 1 her th nks to the public lor the patronage HUNTS' and COLLINS’ AXES, with cr with»«* What would be thought of the society, ; ing forty dollars, —one dollar; for above Governor as the official medium through Artists from both hemispheres. which ha* hitherto been extended to her, and would handle* ; agricultural or otherwise, that would in­ forty dollars, but not exceeding fifty which all legal notices shall appear, un­ respectfully solicit its continuance. Her table* arc always under her immediate eon- ' vite him to address them ; and, if so in­ dollars—one dollar and twenty-five cents. der the litigant act, holds a franchise Tho Classic Artiste, OMAR KINGSLEY’, in ALL KINDS OF CUTLERY, trol ; and by her long experience in ihc business . that extends at least to the close of the bis Thrilling Acts with bis boy, Clarence, on bis vited aud he should accept, what would she feels confident that she will give entire satis-| “How can you support Horace Greeley, Governor’s term of office, and that no Flying Steed without saddle or bridle. HARROW TEETH ; faction to all. Her beds and room* are fitted up, be the character of the address? W00DA COOK, the Dating Young Equestrian. in the most comfortable style, suited to the accom­ the life-long opponent of the Democratic act of the Legislature can invalidate MONS. LEROY, the Fearless Hurdle Rider. MANILLA and BALING ROPE ; modation of s.ngla occupants or families. Her T he D ifference .—Let all foreign- party ?” was the question propounded to such appointment until that time. This beds arc always kept clean. MR. WARNER, the Clown of the period, from born citizens read the following and then a Democratic voter by a supporter of the opinion is sustained by the best legal au­ Astley’s Amphitheatre, London. LIFT PUMPS ; MEALS AT ALL HOURS. l great nepotist. The Democrat replied: thorities extant. say who is your friend : MONS. SHARP, the Side-splitting Son of M o ­ I THE CALIFORNIA MUTUAL GRINDSTONES and HANGINGS; dus . “What I have done in behalf of the ‘“Do you consider Greeley honest?” T he Presidential election does not as DORR, WOODLAND and the MIDGETT, in suffering Irish millions, I stand ready to 1 “Oh, yes,” answered the other. “Do you FENCE WIRE ; Is popularly supposed take place in all their Sensational act of the Nineteenth Century in do again when a similar opportunity is I regard him as capable?” “Certainly,” Mid Air, or the Iron Cradle. the States on the same day. In Louisi­ GIANT POWDER, FUSE and CATS , presented, and not for them only but for ' answered the Grant man. “Well, then, MART EUGENE, with his Trained Ponies. OF SAN FRANCISCO. ana it occurs on the 4th of November M’LLE BONFANTI, the ROMAN MAIDENS, every oppressed and suffering people on said the Democratic supporter of Horace, CEDAR WARE ; and in Texas on the 5th, 6th, 7th and Sth the face of God’s earth.”— Horace Gree­ i “If you could vote in 1868 fora drunken of November, both of these elections in their GOLDEN’ CHARIOTS, drawn at full Ila« the largest Capital* speed by the Lightning Couriers on tho Race ley. The largest Assctts* CLOTHES WRINGERS, PINS and LINES ; and incompetent Democrat, I think I being under special acts of Congress. In Cutirso of the Hippodrome, contesting for the can vote in 1872 tor a sober, honest arul “The time has come when the State Palm of *pc«d in tho exciting Race for Life. The The largest Annual Income* all the other States the election is held Great BLASTING . od RIFLE POWDER ; nd will issue policies 15 per cent, less uniform should no longer be disgraced ' capable Republican.” The Grant man on the 5th of November. 4 n, > subsided. HURDLE RACER of the Roman Gladiators, other Company in tho United OILS, PAINTS, VARNISH, GLASS A PUTTY ; A iun any by being worn on the back of a Catholic THOMAS A. BALL. President With Mons. Patil, Dan. Halconer, C. Shepherd, State*. Sin Francisco, Cal. Irishman, or an infidel Dutchman.”— W here the M oney G oes .—Some New, This Week. R. White. L Dunlap. Frank Le*. Jack Lee. B 1> AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ; R. S. OSBURN, Agent, Jacksonville, Ogn. Henry Wilson. D'dl, W. Wilson, J. Winters, Fritz Talbet. E. idea of the enormous drain upon the SOUTHERN OREGON! EVERY ACT A GEM V HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL, ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING, H ASSORTMENT OF TOYS, HOTEL ¿N3 RESTAURANT, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, T he Yreka Journal has considerable to say about Democrats eating crow, and pretends to be surprised at their perform­ ing this gastronomic feat with such avidi­ ty. Several columns of U.^S. io^al adver­ tising, however, makes that sheet, relish bull purp wonderfully. S outh C arolina .-—At an election held in that State last week, the Demo­ crats gained one Congressman. This State is overwhelmingly negro, conse­ quently the Democrats did not put up a State ticket. specie of the country may be gained from a recent statement, telegraphed from San Francisco, that “twenty-six and three-quarter millions in treasure had been shipped to China and Japan this year.” And yet this immense flow of the precious metals has been going on for years and will continue perhaps for yeai? to come. The Orient is like that sea which engulfs all, but gives nothing back it lias swallowed. Door, Mart Cook, Nelson, Sharp, Correy, Salet, W. Thompson, Sandy, A. Windbell and a host of others, forming a J. M. MAY, M. D., (Late of St. Louie,) GALAXY OF TALENT Physician and Surgeon, AN BE FOUND at Ashland. Oregon, a graduate of the McDowell College. C [v2:n34:ly LADIES’ AND GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING — a He i* 43tf. Never Before Combined ! 3 r>— —Together With— A General Afiortnaent of SHELF HARDWARE. FANCY GOODS, AND BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ FOUR SHOWS IN ONE! READY - MADE CLOTHING, BOWLING ALLEY! CULTIVATORS—FIVE and SEVEN TEETH. AT REDUCED PRICKS. For One Price of Admission* CALL AT California Street, plows : plows : plows : CAST STEEL, MOLINE and JONES PLOWS. I* is claimed for the Jone* plow that it will scour where other* fail ; that it i* of lighter draft and in all respects the beat plow extant. ONE DOLLAR 3E3. DRESS CIRCLE, J--A.COEIS’, T he levies being made upon Govern­ HALF PRICE CHILDREN, - Opposite Orth’« New Building, Jacksonville. [33 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. ment employees for campaign expenses nearly amounts to robbery, and has BSTConstantly on hand, every descrip­ HE UNDERSIGNED would rcupectfullj in­ T he Legislature has adjourned, after forced scores of them into dishonest Jacksonville, Saturday, November 2d form the pub ic that they have just opened a extending their session several days over practices to save themselves from want. aving thoroughly ’ repaired and tion of Tin, Copper and Sheet-iron Ware. ball alley on California *trret, opposite Horne's TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES, fitted up the above named mill with the lat­ the constitutional limit. 39tf. HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. Such a system is abhorrent to every dic­ Hotel, and fitted it up with the latest requisite est improvements, we are prepared to manufacture appurtenances, and are now ready to accommo­ tate of honesty, yet it very clearly exem­ date ail «htVB dMiriBfi to participate in this healthy Day Performance at 1, Night Performance, at Í • flour equal to any in Southern Oregon. A (hare LL KINDS OF JOB WORK NEATLY sad S trano e , isn’t it, that no Grantite has plifies Graut’s sort of “Civil Servioe Re- ef patronage is retpeetfully selieited. PROMPTLY executed at the TIMES Print- MWcise. MILLTON i BRONSON. form ” I heard from Indiana and Georgia ? DR. HASKELL, Agent. 43tf. nK7 m3. ALEXANDER A AMT. ing Offiee, *t the 'e—»' rwf**. T EUREKA MILLS. H A