• / 0 ' /' tf" / /¿'J /'¿'t 9 V gzhç ^macratrç firnes. ADVERTISEMENTS. mocratic iw Published Every Saturday Morning BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO Publishers and Proprietors. FFIOE—On.California St,, over Reame« & Wil- ■on’s Livery Stable. Io T bb D emocratic T ibbs will be «barged at the following rates r ♦ JOB PRINTING. Every variety of Job Work executed with Be«« and digpateb, at reasonable rate«. TERMS, Subaeription, per aanam,........ Six month«........................... . NO. 20, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1872 ..$3 00 ..$1 50 S. F. CHAPIN, M. D THE HABIT OF DEFAMING. GEN. SICKLES AGAINST OUR FOR­ EIGN CITIZENS. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R •9 If there is one human fault more com­ The work on the Oregon and California mon than another, it is that of reflecting •railroad, says the Bulletin of the 7th upon people behind their backs. Every inst., is being pushed rapidly forward. It variety of defaming is everywhere found, has already been completed to Estes’ sta­ Office and residence at Ryan’s brick build­ from the malignant caluminator, who li­ tion, forty miles beyond Eugene City, bels with poisoned tongue, to the careless making the distance from the East Side ing, Third street between California and Main. County Ofiicr.rt— Jndge, L. J. C. Duncan; gossiper, who habitually talks about and depot one hundred and sixty-four miles. Clerk, Silas J. Day; Sheriff, Henry Klippel; criticises others. “There are some per­ From Eugene to the end of the track, Deputy Sheriff, E. D. Foudray ; Treasurer, John sons, ” wrote Wollaston, in his Religion construction trains run daily, carrying Neuber ; Assessor, David Redpath ; County Com­ of Nature, “ who carry their stories from passengers and mails to effect a connec­ missioners, John S. Herrin, Thomas Wright; PHYSICIAN * SURCEON. School Superintendent, Wm. M. Turner; Survey­ family to family,and propagate them very tion with the stage line. When the road or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner. L. Ganung. JACKSONVILLE, O Q N. fast, like little insects. There are few is completed as far as Oakland, regular who have the will and the ability to rep­ passenger trains will be placed on the JutktonviUo Proc inc t. —Justice of the Peace, Jam«« R. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. resent things truly.” “The same man,” line. It is expected that the track to that says Arthur Helps, “who would be point will be laid about the 1st of June, Town of Jaoktonrille.— Trustees, Janies A. Wil­ JPP" Office at the former millinery store of the ashamed of talking at hazard about the if the weather proves favorable. The son, N. Fisher, H. V. Helms, John Bilger and 46m3 David Lian ; Recorder, U. 8. Hayden ; Treas­ Misses Kent, U. S. Hotel. 'TV’Ty; properties of a flower, of a weed, of some work at the present time progresses rath­ urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, James P. McDaniel; figure in geometry, will put forth his er slowly, as the road is now being con­ Street Commissioner, Peter Boschey. guesses about the character of his broth­ structed through the rocky and rugged JOSKPniMK COCXTY. er mau as if he had the fullest authority canyons of Pass Creek. Several large County OfKctrt.— Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, for all that he was saying.” Often an bridges will have to be built in this re­ (Karr ox the europea !« flax ,) Daniel L. Green ; Clerk, Charles Hughes ; Asses­ entire neighborhood is prejudiced in ad­ gion, as the line crosses the creek a num­ sor, R. E. Foley: Treasurer, Wm. Naucke; Corker of Stark and Front Streets, vance against a new comer by some slur ber of times. Three of the bridges will Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, n. Wood­ which an acquaintance has let drop. be known as the Howe truss, and will be cock ; School Superintendent, R. R. Middlei- P ortland , ORSGOXr Who is there that has not experienced only a short distance from each other. worth. the injustice of a remark made in anger In consequence of the heavy rains, the Jottphint County.— Circuit Court, 2d Monday ZIEHER & HOLTON, PROPRIETORS. roads are in a wretched condition, and or envy ? in April and Fourth Monday in October. County January 7-tf. Court, First Munday in January, April, July and The habit of criticising grows on what great difficulty is experienced in getting it feeds upon, until those who yield to it the material on the ground, it being nec­ not uufrequently become confirmed rail- essary for the bridge material to be ers or back-biters. From force of habit brought to the spot in detail. Cal. Street, (two doors west of Sachs Bros.) Beyond Oakland to the Rogue River they look for the faults and flaws of oth­ JACKSONVILLE, OGUNT- ers, and seemingly take satisfaction in Mountains the preliminary surveys for detecting and exposing them. Did it ev­ the line have been completed. This JACKSON VILLE LODGE !¥•. !• er occur to you, reader, to keep an ac­ range of mountains will constitute prob­ ENGINEER, - - - HENRY PAPE. count for a single day of the many per­ ably the most serious obstacle opposing olds its regular meetings on sons you have spoken against justly or the progress of the road south of Port­ every Saturday evening at the Odd J’ellows’ land. They tend downward from the unjustly ? Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to hoice cigars and liquors con - east and west, crossing the level between, attend. NEWMAN FISHER, N. G. Generally speaking, the individual Btantly on hand. The reading-table is also ISAAC SACHS, R. 8ec’y. and separate the Umpqua and Rogue whom everybody likes is the one who well supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading River Valleys. Time, great labor and Regular Rebekah Degree meeting, last Monday papers of the Coast. speaks kindly of everybody ; who, in­ night of eaoh month, at 7J o’clock p. m. heavy expenditures will be required to stead of retailing scandal or unpleasant vlnl. facts concerning persons, always has a run the road through this region of the THROUGH TICKETS, 12) CENTS. good word, or keeps quiet. “He never country. According to the latest surveys Oregeuiau, Pocahontas. Tribe No. 1, Im­ vln39 says anything against any one.” “He made, it will be necessary to construct proved Order of Red Men, was never known to breathe a word two long tunnels and numerous and ex­ OLD their stated councils at Odd Fellows’ Hall, the third sun in each seven suns, at the Sth TREADWELL & CO., against a soul,” are remarks which we pensive stretches of trestle work. The run. A cordial invitation to all brothers in good occasionally hear made of persons. We summit of the Rogue River Mountain Agricultural Warehouse A General standing. D. CRONEMILLER, S. have two such acquaintances now in range attains an altitude of 2,400 feet. Jos. H. H yzkr , C. of R. mind, and we never witness the cordiali­ This it is intended to overcome by a ty with which they are everywhere re­ stretch of the road about twenty-five ceived, without thinking that it pays to miles long, and it will be necessary in DEPOT, many places to exceed the maximum FOR FARMERS, MINERS, MILLMEN, Ac. keep a bridled tongue. ♦ grade of 80 feet to the mile. It will be Suppose you resolve, at the beginning varied according to the character of the of the year, that you will not make an DR. L. DANFORTH, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in country — j and the requirements of the unkind remark against any one; that Hardware. Portable Engines, Mills > • though this or that may be true, you will ' road, power, etc., as 117 feet per mile is AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, not repeat it; depend upon it, you will allowed when a less grade is rendered Wood-working and Iron-working Machinery, be happier when next year comes, for impracticable by the declivity of the AS permanently located on the Fort Lane Miners’, Engineers’ and Mechanics’ • oven having made the resolution, though country. Ranch, two miles north of Willow Springs, Tools, Mill Supplies, etc., etc. you have not wholly kept it. But after nnd offers his professional services to the people of O regon S wamp L ands .—We take the At the ) Cor. Market and Fremont Sts. J auk son and Josephine counties. 3Stt f a time you will be able to carry it out. SAN FRANCISCO. Old Stand, j [7m3] The habit of restraint and maintaining following extract from the Washington Dr. L. T. DAVIS, silence will ultimately become formed, correspondence of the Eugene Journal: so that you can withold your fling when On the 14th of last December Senator o—On X»lxxo street. others pull people’s character to pieces • i Kelly introduced a bill in the Senate ex- _ _ I tending the time for the selection of Opposite t he Old T ouching F arewell L etter of a , SWamp and overflowed lands in Oregon, H otel ‘ J umper . —The Detroit Free un(jer the act of Congress approved March A rkansas L ivery S table , 7 rfss, of recent date, has the following : | jo ihgo . It provides that, whereas the Yesterday morning the chambermaid of period of two years from the adjournment Jacksonville, Oregon. a hotel on Jefferson avenue found the fol-1 ()f jjegi9iature of each State at its lowing note pinned on the door of a room , uext session after the date of act of I860, DR. W. JACKSON, AM SELLING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE which had been occupied for two or three jjme fixed for the selection of swamp of Saddles and Harness cheaper than ever was days by a seedy individual who was go- i an ds, ‘elapsed without any selection of before in Jacksonville. “Seeing is believ­ ZDZEZLTTIST. ing. offered as soon as 1118 said lands being made on the part of the ” Give me a call before purchasing else­ }nK to Pay , ,1,111 LL styles of plate wotk made—such a« where. brother in Toledo could express him some | state of Oregon, therefore, “the State of Gold, Si) ver. Platina, Aluinnium and Rub- money: ■ i Oregon be allowed • two years from the REPAIRING ber plates. Special attention given to Children’s M ine H ost — Dear Sir: .“ Every well- jate o f the passage of this act, in which teeth. Ether Spray used in extracting. regulated hotel should keep a book ac ­ 1 51 hook no-i 10 make selections of swamp and over­ Will visit Ashland on the 1st of March annually ; dono with neatness and dispatch. count of profit and loss. I presume you flowed lands within her borders, in the also Kerbyville on the 4th Monday in October. vln2 JERRY NUNAN do; and, therefore, let me beg of you to . same manner and with like effect, as if Cail and examine specimen work. charge my bill to the “I obs ” account. It the said limit of two years had not ex­ Office eor. Cal. A 5th street ; residence opposite Court House. no3c is highly annoying to my sensitive na­ pired : Provided, That thia act shall not ture to be compelled to “jump” your , be so construed as to affect any valid set­ house; but as yours makes the seven­ tlement on, or legal claim to, any of CALIFORNIA STREET, (Opposite U. 8. Hotel,) teenth one within two months, I guess I said lands, existing under any act of Con- my nature will not collapse under the ! gross at the passage of this act.” When he undersigned have establish - • JACKSONVILLE, OREGON strain. In conclusion, allow me to bid this bill shall come up for action, Mr. ei a Real Estate Agency in connection with their Law Office, and ar« prepared to buy and sell LWAYS on hand the best stock of patent and you a fond farewell. If I ever come this Corbett will offer in substance the follow­ home-made Rifle and Shot Guns, single and way again I’ll call on you. If I don’t, ing amendment: “And provided further, real estate in this and adjoining counties. Records double; Revolvers of the latest patents ; Pocket may you rest happy. I leave bv the back that all bona fide settiers upon lands east searched and abstracts of title prepared with dis­ patch and accuracy. Parties at a distance can Pistols, neat, small and powerful ; Derringers, the door. Sincerely, B anos . of the Cascade Mountains shall be enti­ latest and best. Also the beat Powder and Powder communicate with us by addressing tled to file their claims within twelve Flasks ; all sort of Shot and Pouches ; Caps, FAY A REA, W ho P ays the P ublic D ebt ?—Some months from the date of this act, with Wads, and everything in the Sportman’s line. Jacksonville, Oregon. The above goods are all of the best quality, and genius, with more of a turn for figures the proper officer of the State, for 320 apj22-tf. April 22. 1871. will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. All than he has for facts, has ciphered out acres of said land, and in case of conflict orders promptly filled. Repairing done promptly the proposition that “President Grant C. W. KABIBR. B. B. WATSOX. between claimants, preference shall be and in good style, list has reduced the public debt $250 every given, in all cases, to the prior settler, KAHLER & WATSON, JOHN MILLER. minute since he was inaugurated. ” Very and upon the same terms of payment as Jacksonville, Sept. 9th, 1871. 36 well, but where did he get the money ? to other purchasers, and no one purchas­ Attoriey and Cjniselltr-at-Law, asks the Detroit Union, Was not every er shall be allowed to file a claim to or to Call at J. Neuber’s cent wrung from the people by a system purchase to exceed 320he res of said lands.” JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, of extortion such as no people were ever subjected to before ? Then where is Grant T he C anvass in O regon .—Private Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and A nd see his fine stock of new entitled to credit for “paying the public letters inform us, says the Walla Walla other Court« of this State. Goods direct from the manufacturers. debt?” Radical paperstalk of this as Statesman, that the campaign in Oregon OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. though it was a matter of wonder that opens most favorably for the Democracy. Be has a fine lot o Jacobs—opposite Court House square. Sewing j C k & o I x I xlo « Grant should have applied the money ex­ The nomination of Judge Burnett for a. a. rea . JAMBS D. FAY. torted from the people toward paying the Congress meets with universal favor, and Prices from $20 to $110, cash. public debt. Perhaps it is. We confess everywhere the working Democrats are FAY A BEA A New Lot of that it is a matter of surprise that he did preparing to go into the canvass with Attorneys and Coansellors-aLLaw, AMERICAN LEVER WATCHES not steal the whole, instead of applying vigor. Gen. Nesmith, George II. Helm, the small amount he did toward paying Ben. Hayden, and others of the best Just from the Factory. OFFICE—In Court Hont«, up «tain. the public debt. It was more than could speakers of the State will at once take the Will practice in the Supreme and other Court« He is agest for the best Rifles and Pistols made, have been expected of him. ■tump, and labor for the good cause from of this State. among which ia the now to the day of the election. Our cor­ T he F atal H airpin . — When you HHMFIY HIFI j U, respondents express the opinion that the Particular attention paid to the collection of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ can’t think of what your wife charged Democrats will double tho majority of ing. you to bring home, get hairpins. They two years since, and that they will make ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption are always handy about the house. Get large gains in the Legislature, thus se­ and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral jBW- All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and them out of your pocket without break­ curing the election of a Democrat to the Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. Repairing done to order at half price. ylnl ing the package. A stray hairpin may U. 8. Senate. All signs are auspicious, sometimes wreck a household. A young and our Democratic friends go into the man of this city took home one hairpin, fight determined to win. With the June last week, to his wife. He presented it election, Radicalism will be dead and to her as a birthday gift. She was de­ buried in Oregon. Wintjen & Helms, Proprietors. lighted, until she found a long hair at­ tached to it. His doctor thinks he may T h * L ocal P aper .—A local newspa­ Corner California and Fourth Sts. Oregon St., next to Odd Fellows’ Building. possible recover the use of his eye. per is a traveling agent, taking its week­ ly rounds to the families of all its cus­ HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- essrs , wintjen & helms beg to S uggestive .—Bowen’s and De Large’s tomers. No matter whether trade is tully inform their friends and the public gen­ inform their friends nnd the publie generally for a seat in Congress from South brisk or otherwise, no business man can erally that they have purchased the above estab contest ­ that they have thoroughly refitted their saloon, Carolina is suggestive, remarks the Sa­ afl’ord to take down his sign, nor with­ lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be nnd reduced the price of liquors to henceforward conducted under their constant per­ vannah Republican. A drunken negro draw the pleasing influence of a weekly sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction and a pardoned white penitentiary con­ chat with his customers through the all who may favor them with their patronage. vict and murderer contending for the IQ CENTS. to These newspapers. For a business man to stop stables are eentrally loeated, and within right to represent the constituency of advertising would be equivalent to say­ convenient distance of the various houses of publie They will be happy to have their friends “call entertainment. Horses or mules will be boarded Calhoun, and Hayne, and Preston, and ing, “I have stopped business, and ask and «stile.” and eared for, by tho day or week, at moderate Legare! Can anything illustrate more no favors of the people.” charges. They have the largest stock in Oregon, strikingly the degradation to which Rad­ English Ale and Porter, south of Portland, of icalism has brought the country ? “MY son,” said a good mother to her voung hopeful, “did you wish your teach­ buggies ajtd camxages together with the finest brands of liquors and ci­ T he L anguage of F ruits .—Apple, era er a happy New Year?” “No, ma’am,” with single or double teams, for hire on reason­ gars always on hand. discord; pear, marriage; plum, wealth; responded the boy. “Well, why not?” able terms; also, 50 Point« of Billiards for Drinks. GOOD SADDLE HORSES dk MULES, gooseberry, simplicity; elder-berry, sen­ “Because,” said he, “She isn’t happy un­ iority; fig, defiance; sloe, tardiness; less she’s whipping us boys, and I was Which will be hired to go to any part ef aprl'tf. April 1st, 187». orab, sour temper; date, chronology; afraid if I wished her happiness she’d go tho country at moderate rates. A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING neatly Animals bought and sold, and horses broke to plaintain, growth; prune, retrenchment. for me.” ________________ A cheaply executed at th« T imbs Printing JACKSONVILLE, OCN. G.H. AIKEN, M.D., COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL RAILROAD SALOON H C H Business (forts MACHINERY A SUPPLY mu ** a * mm SVUAMIA Multilist UUJ UHU , — » — — - - i - — —~ Physician and Surgeon, H QUICK SALES And Small Profits, “!S MY MOTTO.” I A HUNTERS’EMPORIUM! REAL ESTATE AGENCY T A JEWELRY ST©REe THE TABLE RO(K SALOON. LIVERY I SALE STABLE T M Vflice. Send in your erders. saddle or harness. vlnl RUBLI J WILSON. A circus will soon visit Oregon. S uccess makes fools seem wise. — LEGAL TENDERS Beat takes at enmftt rate« for «ubteription. GREELEY, What the Presa says of His NominatioBv JACKSOM COVXTY. Fins? J udicial D istrict .—Circuit Jndge, P. P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney, H. K. Hanna. Jackton County— Circuit Court, 8econ