O ne by O ne .—The original “Herald THE »ENN» MURDER residing there at that time. These wit­ fellows ” are disappearing from the public nesses are all unimjieachable, and the ev­ gaze one by one. Some time ago, Syl­ A shland , Ogn., Dec. Gth, 1871. idence afforded by the newspaper para­ pATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 9. 1871 graph could not l>e manufactured. Tn I E d . T imes : Sir:— I see you have vester Pennoyer, whilom editor, went E. ». FOUDRAY, Business Agent the next place, Mrs. J. D. Coughlin, failed to publish the statement of W. B. down in the ocean of obscurity,raud not Grubb in the T imes of the 2d inst., and I even a bubble marked the spot of his dis­ whom the girl states was living at Fay’s conclude that you have withheld it for H ave just received and house, did not come to Jacksonville till some ungentleinanly and malicious pur­ appearance. Now T. Patterson goes May 4th, 1870. This can be verified by pose. I now request you to return tlie glimmering. There is but one left. May reference to the books of the stage office. statement to me, by the first mail. I lie soon follow the example of his illus­ THE SEDUCTION CASE have had these statements pub­ trious predecessors. Thus, there are two most important should lished long before this, but I was advised “Like the dew on the mountain, For nine months this county and, in points of the girl’s testimony fair­ by my friends to let the matter rest until The foaui on the river, Like the bubble on the fountain, fact, the whole State, has been tilled with ly and squarely contradicted by dis- the public mind had become more sus­ May he go, and forever.’’ to hear both sides of the ques­ monstrous rumors, misrepresentations ’ interested witnesses. The circumstan­ ceptible tion. I was in hopes that you had vent ­ The above, being;interpreted, [signifies and slander, charging upon Senator Fay ces under which she came to Fay’s house ed all your spleen and venom, and that I that T. Patterson & Co. have sold out the the seduction of Hannah Ralls. When were simply these : She came one day to , might lay before the public a plain and Herald^ establishment to the “Herald these charges were first made public, the see the child, after he hail been sick about I correct account of the whole affair. But Printing Company,” conqiosed of Col. 1 see you are still on the war path,«md, accused publicly denied it, and expressed a week, and was asked to stop until tho in my case, 1 think “forbearance has Taylor, (present*editor,) J. H. Lappeus his desire to submit it to a judicial inves­ child got better, as the family and friends ceased to be a virtue.” I now propose to aud Eugene Semple. tigation in a card published in this paper. ! were all worn out with watching and at­ show you up to tlie public in your true I with all its hideous ugliness, N otable D eath .—Hon. John Bigler, Nd Circuit Court convened from the time tending him. This she agreed to do if character, and I now say to you, “Lay on McDuff, ¡ her employer was willing. Mr. Fay saw an ex-Governor of California, died at Sac­ this charge Nvas made until last month, and damned be that first cries, hold, Mr. Muller, and he agreed to let her come and when the Grand Jury was empan- enough.” I do not write this for publi­ ramento on the 1st tnst. He was one of neled the girl made her appearance be­ under the circumstance*. Afterthe child cation, but if you see proper you can pub­ the pioneers of California, served as Gov­ Very truly, fore it, and preferred her charge, pro­ got better, about the 1st of March, she lish it. ernor for one or two terms, was Minister GILES WELLS. | went to Muller ’ s and applied for her old to Chili under, Buchanan, and held vari­ ducing all ’the evidence she had. The situation, and Fay also went to Muller We believe it was the wish of Job ous other important oilices. In former gentlemen composing this body were Ben. Haymond, of Rock l’oint, Fore­ and offered to return her to her first em- “that his enemy might write a book.” years he was recognized as the leader of man ; J. B. Wrisley, of Mazanita ; John ployer, but he had, in the mean time, Our quondam friend, Giles Wells, seems the California Democracy, and has done I Grieves, of Jacksonville precinct ; k . employed a Chinaman, and she was re­ determined to acquire fame as an author much in his time towards aiding its suc­ fused. She then stayed at Fay ’ s, chiefly in defence of his son. The paternal feel­ cess. He died at the ripe old age of G6 Kubli, of Applegate ; A. G. Rockfellow, because it was through his means that ing, which prompts his action in the years, full of honors. Peace to his ashes! of Ashland ; L. F. Allen, of Rogue river, she was deprived of the place at Muller ’ s. premises, is certainly commendable ; but and Wiu. Haskins, of Applegate. All of This application upon her ¡»art and his, we would suggest that his son can be i W e learn that a lively race will be| these gentlemen are well-known, promi­ is totally inconsistent with the idea of better proved innocent of the grave charge made between the California and Oregon nent and respectable citizens of the coun­ her being under an engagement to mar ­ against him by submitting to the Courts railroad companies, in building their re-; ty, whose integrity and honor no one spective roads to the Oregon boundary: will seriously question. Messrs. Rock­ ry Fay at that time. Then her state­ and standing his trial, than by a news­ line, from tho fact that the first to the! fellow, Grieves, Wrisley and Haskins are ment as to his conduct when, as she al­ paper war carried on in his behalf. It line will have the right to locate the Mr. Fay’s political enemies; with Messrs. leges, she told him that the crisis had ar­ was our intention to publish, this week, junction. Next summer, then, we may several miles of railroad building Haymond and Haskins his personal rela­ rived (on the 15th of February, 1871—the a communication signed “W. B. Grubb,” expect both in California and Oregon. The Ore­ tions are such that they do not speak. day the child was born)—that she went i who was one of the witnesses for the State gon company has shown tho greatest en­ WAGON BOXES, HAY FORKS and RAKES, His relations with Messrs. Kubli, Wris­ to his room door and told him, and that before tlie Grand Jury, which the crowd­ ergy so far, but the California company GRASS PATENT CROSS CUT and BUCK SAWS, SCYTHES and SNATHS, ley and Allen are cordial ; and his ac­ “he sat up in his bed and laughed,” is so ed state of our columns would not permit has the easiest road to build, and can, if WOODEN and STEEL BARLEY FORKS. HAND-SAWS, SHELF HARDWAKI, wish, reach the boundary line first GRAPE VINE CRADLES, CUTLERY, AC. quaintance with Messrs. Grieves and monstrously improbable and so utterly last week ; and we intended Mr. Wells they very easily. — Yreka Journal. preposterous that it will tax the credulity NAILS OF ALL SIZES, should have a fair hearing. After the MANURE FORKS, Rockfellow is most limited. All of these PAINTS. OILS and VARNISH, of her warmest friends and Fay’s bitter­ intemperate and unreasonable letter GRAIN SCOOPS, T he C oburn -M ace S et - to . — The TRACE and HALTER CHAINS, gentleman have heard the grave charges WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY, est enemies to the very uttermost to be- above, of course he will have to find some prize fight between Joe Coburn and Jem TUBS and BASKETS, preferred against Senator Fay for the ’('HOPPING and BROAD AXES, 1 lieve it. That a man, situated as she al- other medium of communication with Mace, for $5,000 a side, came off"near New HATCHETS and HAMMERS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, past nine months, and must be presumed . leges Fay was, with the victim TRAYS and BOWLS. tlie public. He jumps at the conclusion, BENCH SCREWS, , Orleans on Thanksgiving Day. Eleven to be more or less affected by them ; but, I of his seductive arts about to bring I that the exclusion of a communication, rounds were fought,but like all their fights to their honor be it said, refused to allow' forth a bustard on his very hearthstone — I which would occupy some two columns heretofore, resulted in a draw. Both prejudice, political or personal rancor to with his social, professional and political of our paper, for other matter of more were pretty well used up, though Coburn swerve them in an investigation made reputation crumbling in ruins on his importance to the general public, was seemed to have the best of it. The fight i under their oaths as Grand Jurors. Af­ head, should laugh at the sjiectacle, is caused by some “ungentlemanly and ma­ lasted four hours and ten minutes. ter hearing the evidence of the girl and s*‘ something extraordinary indeed. We licious purpose.” As to what coniti- her witnesses, and an investigation T he R eason .—The Eugene Journal lasting over tw’o days, they refused fancy, with the rest of mankind, it would tutes a gentleman, no one who knows says the IPest Side man doesn’t “wash his to find a bill, which is something I be a moment fraught with indiscribable Giles Wells will seriously pretend to say roller,” which accounts for that paper be-i extraordinary, considering the out­ agony, instead of a time for laughter, and that he is a judge. As to malice, the ing so poorly printed. This explains the! side pressure manufactured and the mul­ we imagine that the “counsellor” who above letter abundantly proves that if the matter. We supposed he had been using titude of slandefs put in circulation by • put up this little job, drew too largely as possession of tlie vice enables one to judge the wrong end of his type. well as too injudiciously on his fertile of it in others, he is well qualified. the enemies of Fay, who were using the imagination, when he introduced this lit­ As to the impotent threat“to show us up Gen. Jos. E. Johnston is preparing for girl and her family as a means of de­ tle incident. to the public in our true character,with all the press a history of his campaigns dur­ stroying him, in the hope of jxilitical suc­ But, above all, her leavinga bed in the ASSORTED IRON AND STEEL, its hideous ugliness,” we have simply to ing the late war. It is a work that will cess upon the ruins of his reputation. house of her alleged seduoer, to bring doubtless be looked forward to with the say, “crack your whip, old gentleman.” The surprise abated, however, when the SUBMERGED & DOUGLAS PUMPS, interest by the whole civiliz­ forth her child in the hills, is the strongest We scorn your threats as we contemn profoundest girl's story came to be related on the ed world. CAST-IRON WASH KETTLES, stand. On the trial of Ralls she was in­ point against her. She assigns no rea­ your malice. Neither your tongue nor son for it, and most probably had none, your pen, nor any of your ilk, can harm troduced, not as a witness to prove the I BAKE OVENS, I seduction as a fact, but to prove that she unless it be that she dared not face the anyone. Nothing need be apprehended family she had deceived for nine long from you or any of your tribe, unless it related her story to her father the night SKILLETS AND TEA-KETTLES, months. The Grand Jury could not be­ be the fate of poor Dennis, who was as­ before the shooting took place, in order to I lieve her improbable statement, nor can sassinated from an ambuscade. BRASS * ENAMELED KETTLES, show the efTect upon his mind. She told Corner California and Fourth Sts. any one else when confronted with the her story and recited it as a lesson FRY-PANS, &C. facts. Mr. Fay courted the investiga­ HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- “J oaquin ” M iller .—The poet bear­ learned from a book and conned over be­ •lully inform their friends and the public gen­ tion, and the action of the Grand Jury ing tlie above name, departed for San fore hand, w inding up by stating “this is erally ;hat they have purchased the above estab­ has amply vindicated his reputation from Francisco on Thursday evening. He pro­ lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be what I told my father.” Now let us Bee poses to make a tour of Southern Califor­ henceforward conducted under their constant per­ what she “told her father.” She asserts the malicious assaults of his slanderers. nia, Mexico, Central and South America. sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction that she was at Fay’s house on the 1st Of course we have no means of knowing After completing this tour he will return to all who tnay favor them with their patronage. li These stables are centrally located, and within of February, 1870; that on the 2d he how the vote stood, but rumor has it to England to bring out a new volume of convenient % distance of the various houses of public that so far from there being but three poems on which he is engaged. It will made improper advances to her, which entertainment. Horses or mules will h» boarded ALWAYS ON HAND A FI LL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE.*«* votes against the indictment, as the Sen­ take him eighteen months or two years and cared for, by the day or week, at moderate she repulsed, and he told her she was to complete it. If it should prove as suc ­ charges. They have the largest stock in Oregon, tinel basely and falsely insinuates, there cessful as he anticipates, he will return right. The next night he repeated his was but one for it. This, under the cir- j to this city and make it his permanent I south of Portland, of advances and promised her marriage. cumstances, is a great triumph, after the i home, for’he says that in this State his I i BUGGIES AZffD CARRIAGES She again resisted him, but on the 5th he teams, for hire on reason­ father and mother, relatives and children I with single or double >17tf. Jacksonville, June 10th, 1871. able terms ; also, came to her bed and accomplished her bitter tide of persecution, slander and ' reside, and he is identified with Oregon. seduction under promise of marriage. falsehood which this man has had to I He has given orders to Mr. Win. David­ GOOD SADDLE HORSES A MULES, Which will be hired to go to any part of She was very particular in her statement stem and fight since last February. His ¡ son to select for him a building site on the country at moderate rates. the high ground in tlie western portion Animals bought and sold, and horses broite to of dates, and also in the statement that enemies promised themselves a victory of the city, where he can have a good CALIFORNIA STREET, (Under Horne's Hall,) To Buy Goods both of Fay’s sisters were residing at his by the aid of the congenial weapons of panoramic view of the surrounding coun­ saddle or harness. KUBLI A WILSON. Jacksonville, Oregon. house at the time. These ladies were in­ falsehood, perjury and misrepresentation, try, for the reason, as he expressed him­ May 7th. 1870. CHEAPER. self, “ 1 think much of nature and little troduced for the purpose, we presume, of and have a defeat to acknowledge, which I THAN THE men.” Doubtless this remark was adding to the dramatic situation. The they own by seeking to cowardly be- I of wrung from him by the fact that instead conversation detailed as taking place on slime the Grand Jury. The gentlemen of being aided and encouraged in his cho- he undersigned would respect - composing that body, it is highly prob­ fully inform the Ladies of Jacksonville and the 1st of February, took place, as she able, will survive the attack. I sen path, he has encountered from his vicinity, that they have just received from San ! own people at least cynical remarks and says, while these ladies were out calling. Francisco their Fall Stock of Millinery Goods, and About his wife ho has are prepared to furnish their customers with the P robably ' W rong .—Judging from j traducement. On the 2d they were alsQ out when the nothing so say, and while in tlie city not latest styles of H ats , B onnets , H ats and B on ­ conversation took place. We stop here the fact« set forth in an affidavit made one unmanly word concerning her escap­ net S hapes , A c . Also a new aud fine assort- by a number of members of the last Grand ed his lips. As straws show which way to remark that the whole history of se­ Jury of Jackson County, Oregon, and , ment of duction may safely be challenged for a from current rumor in regard to the mat­ the wind blows, so does one remark give TRIMMINGS, insight into the character of a man. FANCY, STAPLE & DRY GOODS case, such as this is represented to be, ter, the action of the two Ralls girls in an Mr. Miller asked a friend about Mrs. Mil ­ cowhiding Tribble, was doubtless repre ­ where a virtuous girl was seduced in the FLOWERS, ler’s lecture, and being told it was very Clothing, hensible. All over our country there brief space of four days. She is ap­ seems to be a strong disposition amongst good, he said that he did not know she RIBBONS, Boots & Shoes, proached on the 2d, again on the 3d, and women to ignore all legal means of re­ : was to lecture until after reaching town, NOTWITHSTANDING THIS GREAT LOSS and that he would have gone to hear her yields on the 5th ! It brings to mind the dress for grievances and to take the law I but for fear his presence would disconcert ORNAMENTS, Groceries, memorable saying of Caesar— “Vent, vidi, into their own hands. Every day, al­ her. This expression certainly displays most, we read of .some case of this kind. TIDIES, yici and argues either that Fay was Whether this be a natural consequence delicacy of feeling. Ho expresses much Liquors, solicitude for the welfare of his children, perfectly irresistible, or the girl wonder­ of the teachings of Female Suffragists, or NECKLACES, did all he could for them previous to Will continno to offer a general variety of merely a new ‘‘cropping out” of human ! and fully complaisant. Cutlery, departing. We sympathize with a man depravity “ this deponent sayeth not. ” PEARL BEADS, Now the truth is, Hannah Ralls was But we do say, whatever the cause may in his position, for his tongue and pen and other articles in our line too numerous to Crockery, not at Fay’s house either on the 1st, 2d or be, that wôman is thereby disgraced. are bound, and he cannot utter a word to mention. : defend himself from the charges uttered MISSES A. F. and L. A. KENT. 5th of February, 1870, nor until about the When, in cases of this sort, her grievan­ i alxiut his domestic affairs without a sac­ Consisting of Dry Goods, Fancy Good*, Clothing, Etc., Etc., Boots and Shoes, lints and Caps, Grocer­ Jacksonville, October 13tb, 1871. tt ces arc only imaginary, she should be middle of that month. At the time rifice of dignity. Of course any man who ies, Provisions, Hardware and OF THE BEST QUA 1TY, a criminal, as much so as a man achieves any distinction in life must ex­ Quecnsware, Liquors, Ac., she says she was seduced by Fay, held Administrator ’ s Notice. AND THE would be, under similar circumstances, on the 5th of February, 1870, she was ac­ and subjected, as a man would be, to le­ pect, in tliis country at least, to be sub­ CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. AT PRICES, FOR CASH, ject to the carping and meddling of the tually in the employ of Mr. Max Muller, gal penalties.— FrcAvt Union. 1 HE undersigned, having been appointed admin­ public, aud he cannot be an exception to FISHER & BRO ’S, istrators of the estate of Joshua Patterson, de­ of Jacksonville, who, with his wife, can We have too much confidence in the ; the rule. The letter of his wife, publish- (Corner California and Oregon Streets,) ceased, all persons having claims against said es­ verify this statement, as can also Mrs. members of the Grand Jury to believe 1 ed some few days since, in which she in­ CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. tate are hereby required to present them, with the JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. proper vouchers, within six months from the date I-ouis Horne, Hon. J. N. T. Miller and they would perjure themselves by divulg­ formed the inquisitive public that her Call and see. and judge fur yourselves. Muy l»t, 1S69. affairs did not concern it in the of this netice to either of the undersigned, or to M. MENSOR. wife. Hannah Ralls did not come to re­ ing the evidence produced before them. domestic John Patterson, at his residence near Ashland, least, shows that she is a woman of spir- Jacksonville, Oct. 21st, 1871. 42m3 side at Fay’s until about a week after his Hence, Hannah and Fanny Ralls could ; it, and though now separated, yet she re- Jackson county. Oregon. All persons indebted to CHRISTMAS BALL, said estate are required to make immediate pay­ little son was taken sick of scarlet fever. not have known what Tribble swore be­ sjiects the father of her children.— Port­ ment WILLIAM PATTERSON, A reference to the files of the Democratic fore the Grand Jury, unless Hannah land Herald, Dec. 2d. JOHN PATTERSON, Nov. 25th, 1871. [47t4] Administrators PHYSICIAN A SURCEON, Sews will show that the number for Sat­ Ralls kneu' before hand what his evidence T he H awes ’ W ill C ase . — This case urday, February 12th, 1870, Vol. 1, No. would be, and hence, when she learned OGN —AT— Administrator’s Sale of Beal Estate. which has attracted considerable atten­ JACKSONVILLE, 42, contains the following: he hdd been called before that body, took tion for some time past, was decided last “Sporta’ Point," 1 ■UeEutofrt.Lue, “A nother .—Hon. James D. Fay’s lit­ it for granted that his evidence was dam­ Saturday evening in San Francisco. The N pursuance of an order of tho County Court of tle son Jamie was taken with scarlet fe­ aging to her reputation. If the Grand verdict of the jury affirmed the insanity Jackson county, the subscriber will offer at R AIKEN, who has been connected with the Christmas Night, 1871 ver last Tuesday. His case is a severe Jury believed the girl’s statement, they public sale, on Saturday, the 23d day of Decem­ Lying-In Asylum and Dispensary of New ber, 1871. at 11 o’cloek, A. M., at the Court Hons« of the testator, and consequently invali­ Y'ork City for the past few years, offers the people one, though not as yet dangerous.” were bound to disbelieve Tribble, and dated the will. The verdict is received ] of Jacksonville and vicinity the benefit of his pro­ door in Jacksonville, the house and lot belonging Now this paragraph fixes the date of find an indictment. On thé contrary, if fessional experience. Office at E. C. Brooks’ Jew­ to the estate of Christian Ulrich, deceased, situated HOOTING MATCH, Racei and Raffle during near the south boundary of the corporation ef 46m3 the boy’s illness on the 8th of February. they believed Tribble, they were bound with great satisfaction by the whole com­ elry Store. Jacksonville. The house is a two-story frame and the day. munity-public sympathy being wholly The ladies and gentleman above men­ to regard the girl as perjuring herself. is a weather-boarded building, containing three 4« H. P. DESKINS 4 S. HUMPHREY. JP-A.3T TTZP I tioned will testify that Hannah Ralls They found no indictment—hence the in favor of the widow and children. Ho­ rooms and kitchen on the first floor, and rooms above. The lot contains six and one-fourth acres was not residing at Fay’s house at that whipping. race Hawes, a man of immense wealth, LL persons indebted to the undersigned, ther of land, on whioh are a number of fruit-trees, grape WAGON FOR SALE. tíme. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. T. Miller and died some months ago, and for some rea­ by note or account, are notified that the best and strawberry vines ; also a stable and other out- A t P ortland .—Miss Carrie Moore, son or other disinherited his wife and buildings. The property will be sold to the high­ Mrs. Horne frequently sat up with the thing they can do is to pay up, as we are compelled HE undersigned offers a good two-horse form the celebrated skatist, is showing the est bidder for cash, and immediate possession giv­ to have money, and it must come from those who wagon, capable of sustaining from 3.000 to child, and knew that neither she nor Portlanders what she knows about skat- children, and willed his wealth to others; owe us, and that toon. ORTH