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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1871)
A ADVERTISEMENTS. ptmotralic firnes. In T he D emocratic T imer will bo charged •< the following rates Published Every Saturday Morning <3 BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., » < i ♦ Publishers and Proprietors. JOB PRINTING. FTICE—On California St,, over Reamea A Wil- ■on'a Livery Stable. Every variety of Job Work executed with aaat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. TERMS: Babseription, per annum.......... Six months..................................... VOL. 1. $3 00 $1 M JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9,1871. NO. 49. l—w fi —■■■_ i»—»i ■■ i m , DR. a . B. OVERBECK OFFICIAL DULSCTORY. REPULSED AT THE POLLS I. THE PHUN OF FILOSOP1IY. A PROCLAMATION. I IVILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- BY JOSH BILLINGS. GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls How Woodhull and Cfaflin Did Not Vole in George Francis Train, in his late Oma F irst Jrncui D istrict .—Circuit Judge, P. on professional business. His office and residence ha gyration, read the following : New AorkClty. j ’ The most valuable thing in this world P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney. H. K. llanna. are at THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION BY ULYS The Overbeck Hospital, Jaelton 1'onnly—Circuit Court, Second Monday ■ iz Time, and yet people waste it az they [From Now York Herald, Nov. Sth.] SES, THE BRIBE-TAKING PRESIDENT. in February and November. Conntv Court, first On Oregon Street. Jacksonville, Oregon. i do water, most ovtliem letting it run full l-tf Intense was the excitement caused yes head, and even the most prudent lot it Monday in each month. W ashington , (D. C.,) Oct. 28, ’71. JACKSON COUNTY. )V terday at the little furniture store in ■ drizzle. Bn the Head Center of the Deni Dynasty: Sixth avenue, which dill duty as the The devil himself, with awl his genius, A P roclamation ’—The Summer of polling-place for the Twenty-third Dis always travels with an alias—this shows greenbacks is made Winter by specie JACKSONVILLE, OGX. trict of the Twenty-first Ward, when a the power ov truth and morality. payments, hence the “Husbandmen” carriage and pair drove up opposite the If a dog falls in love with you at first burn corn for fuel, and curse God for hard door, and from which alighted three ia- sight, it will do tew trust him—not so times. [Sensation.] Industry is paral dics and a gentleman. No less noted i with a man. yzed and stagnation reigns supreme over •rr- Office nn<l residence at Ryan’i brick build personages were these than Mrs. Victo j PrectH'-'.— Justn-e *f the Peace. One ov the hardest things tew do is tew a bankrupt people. Having massacrod ing. Thirl street between California and Main. ria C. Woodhull, Tennie C. Claflin, Mrs. ■ be a good listener. Those who are stone -Jamr< R Wale; Con>tah;<., N. Stephenson. the Piegans, Kukluxed South Carolina Daniels, of Boston, and Judge Reymert. * deaf succeed the best. T<» k « J<icF»onii7Ze.—Trustees. James A. Wil Both the former ladies had arrived there ; If you don’t kno how’ tew lie, cheat with Federal bayonets, failed to get up a sen. N. Fi*her. Lewie Zig'.-r, John Bilger and J. provided with their tickets, fully pre- and steal, turn your attenshun tew polly- war with Hayti ; shot Colonel Grosven S. Howard : it- order. U. S. Hayden'; Trciw- or in Chicago under military orders [sen wrer, Henry Pape ; Martha!, Jam»« P. McDaniel jiared to test their right to vote as citi i ticks and learn how. (KEPT OX THE BUROPBAN 1'1.AM,) sation] ; butchered inoffensive Coreans ; zens of the United States. Since these la JOSr.rillNE COV.TTT. Thare are men who seem tew bo born sided with Hessian Germany against La dies registered their names on Friday on purpose tew step into everything; Corner of Stark and Front Streets, fayette France; sacrificed Cuba ; captur Cowaty iT^Tcrr».—Judge. J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, ! last, at which time not the slightest op- they kant set a common rat traj> without ed Daniel L. Green ; Clerk. Charles Hughes : Asses the Fenians, thereby earning Lord OREGON. posit was manifested towards them, much getting ketched in it. sor, R- E. Foley; Treasurer, Wm. Naucke; PORTLAND, Granville ’s praise, and ignobly sold our I had been said relative to the issue of the Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Wood A sekret iz like an akingtooth, it keeps national honor for a basket of cham ZIERER A- HOLTON, PROPRIETORS. I project. Consequently there was a num us uneasy until it iz out. work ; School Superintcudint, R. R. Middles pagne, and $50,(MM) to my brother-in-law January 7-tf. ber of loiterers hanging about the polls worth. I have larn’t one thing bi grave expe- Dent, in throwing up all we fought for in yesterday, anxious to catch a glimpse of ! rience, and that iz, I wrant az much the Alabamy treaty. [Shame.] We are «fosepAtas County.—Circuit Court. 2d Monday In April and Fourth Monday in October. County the woman’s rights champion, but to watchin' az mi nabors do. peace with all nations’ [Laughter Court. First Monday in January, April, July and their credit may it be said, that they in The only way tew learn sum men tew jat and “good for you.”] “Tranquility” [in October. dulged in no unseemly language or beha- do ennything, is tew do it yourself. a ruined commerce, destroyed trade, dis voir of any kind, as the women suffra ENGINEER, I’m satisfied that there is a more weak honored flag, debased franchise, disap gists passed through the outer room into ness among men than malice. pointed people] “prevails at home. smaller one beyond, where the whole Thare iz no man in the world so easy Within the past year we have, in the HENRY PAPE paraphernalia of the ballot was in full tew cheat az ourselfs. main, been free from the ills which else JACKSONVILLE LODGE !¥• 19 I don’t kno ov ennything that will kill where have affiicted our kind,” [barring GIOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS CON- working order, under the guidance of two or three Inspectors. ) stanti/ on band. a man so quick az praize that he don’t the loss of $200,000,(MX) of property, and “Take you turn,’’ shouted a police offi deserve. OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON $2,000,000,000 of credit in Chicago ; the every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows' cer, as a rush was made to obtain a front Repentance should be the eflect ov luv suspension of habeas corpus in time of Hall. Brother» in good »lauding »re invite^ to place. Mrs. Woodhull, thinking this re —not feer. 12 1-2 Cents. peace, and the infamous steal of three •Head. EDWIN SMITH, N. G. mark was intended for her, immediately 39tf. The soul haz more diseases than the electoral votes in Utah.] [Hisses.] “If HENRY KI.IPPEL. R. Sec y. stepped back, but American gallantry body haz. some of us have had calamities” [houses, J obs B» i *» eb , would not allow men voters to take pre Things wo kan’t do wouldn’t be ov en- land, Seneca stone bonds, cashmere I <*ra«t«ea. 8. J. D at . cedence of the fair voter, and the conse I ny use tew us if we could do them. shawls, Corbin check, open-handed green I saac S acbb . quence was that Mrs. Woodhull found Amongst animals the most ignorant backs] “there should bfeoccasion for smy- Regular Rebekah Degree meeting. la«t Sieeday herself almost hustled into the front are the most stubborn, and i wonder if pathy with the sufferers (I gave $1,- Bight of each month, at 75 ♦’•loBfc p. m. rank, so anxious were those present to this ain’t so among men ? May let, 184». t—f 000,000 I have made) “resignation on . see the issue. A phool seems to be a person who haz part to the will of the Most High,” Holding the tiny bundle of ticket« be ::rv . ■■. ¡11 than judgment, and more van- their Oregonian, Pocahontas. Tribe No. 1, im [Methodist ]>ew, Washington—Round tween her finger and thumb, Mrs. Wood- lity than either. proved Order uf Red Men, Kobin Chureh presents,] “and rejoicing “¡3 MY MîïTO.” l hull stretched forth her right hand to- | Tho first intimasliun i had that i war to the many who have been more favor OLD their Stated councils at Odd Fellows’ Ilall. ! ward the 1 ns|>ector, but that official the third sun in each seven suns, at the Sth [Bonner horses I Dent grants ! AM SELLING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE j deigned not to take any notice ; not un- getting old, was, i found mysell telling i ed.” run. A cordial invitation to all brothers in good ¡ the same story over again. Fisk banquets ! Washington stables ! • Saddle* end llarne«« cheaper than ever was standing. E. D. FOUDRAY, S. i til Mrs. Woodhull had expressed her de In repenting ov sins, men are apt tew lienee, let us pray [laughter] November olierei before in Jacksonville. “Seeing is belicv- Jos. H II tzkr , C. of It. ’ rej»ent ov those they hain’t got, and over . 30th for the ]x>or asses who have not been inf.” Give me a call before purchasing else- sire in words to record her vote. “I can’t take it,” said the Inspector, where. look those they have. las fortunate as ourselves. [Laughter.] “You refuse to take my vote ?’’ re A dandy never yet fell in luv—only Let us havo peace in (he North, war in RE? AIRING Joined Mrs. Woodhull. with liisself. the South. [Hisses.] Let us remember was the answer, “ We can ’ t receive it, ” Revenge sometimes sleeps, but vanity the immortal words of my dear friend d«ae with neatness and dispatch. “By what right,” continued Mrs. always keeps one eye open. JERRY NUNAN. DR. L. DANFORTH, King William: Woodhull, “<lo you refuse to accept the Jeebsoeeille, Jan. 14th, 1971. ' jae-lltf. Those folks who expekt to fail in an Another victory, my dear Augusta, vote of a citizen of the United .States?” ■ enterprise most generally do. Tho German army is on a buster ; Physician and Surgeon, “ By this, ” said the man, producing a Call at J. Neuber’s Ten thousand Frenchman have gone below, copy of the first Constitution of the State l’raise God, from whom all blessings flow. L osses G reatly E xaggerated . — AS permanently located on th<* Fort Lane of New York, which reads “all males,” Losses in battle, says an exchange, are [Loud applause.] Ranch, twe milee nerth of Willow Spring«, etc. exaggerated. Overstatement in the Fran- and offere hie profeeiional «ervic.'S to the people of nd see iiis fine stock of new Having reduced our old horse to an oat a “By reference to tho second article,” war seems to have been esjie- day, through the bunghole out and the JaekeoB and Josephine •Juntiee. 3Sltf Goods direct from the manufacturers. replied Judge Revmert, “you will there ’ ■ co-German dally extravagant. The official figures spigot in policy of my grocer partner; He ha* a Fr.e !<<t o find that ‘all citizens’ are entitled to of the German losses are, in round num having deprived the ]>oyr man of roast Dr. L. T. DAVIS, -» -w 1 ii t ZMI n c 511 ii o ai vote.” bers. is.000 dead, 87,000 wounded, 6,000 turkey anti plum pudding on Thanksgiv l’rieej troni fJO to fill), cash. oo«On ZTixx« arti-cet. “We havn't a copy of the second Con missing; total, 111,(MM). The total French ing Day, we can enjoy our woodcock stitution here,” said the Inspector, “and loss is 15,000 less, which makes an aggre champagne lunches while the people A New Lot of Opposite t he Old even if we had, 1 could not take the gate of 207,000 put out of the fight from starve I [“Shame”—sensation.] So let AMERICA!« l.KVER WATCHER vote.” whatever cause, on both sides, through us thank God for all his bounties to the Just from tho Factory. “Why?” asken the Judge. A rkansas L ivery S tari e , out the whole war. This falls short of rich and curses for the poor. “Because we are told to refuse.” what was reported by “eye witnesses” With our hand in the Treasurer, and He n agent for the I 'st Rifles and Pistols made, “I challenge you,” continued the and “specials” during the campaigns and seal on the Whisky Ring. Jackson»..le, Oregon. among ahich ie tho Judge ; “will veu swear it?” sieges. Another conclusion from these U set . f . ss G rant , YX IS JNT "NT 2X I JK* 1» J3. “No.” 1)R. W. JACKMIN, . figures is that latter-day warfare is far H. C od F ish . S Inch repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load “Then 1 will send for a copy of tho less destructive than that of earlier times. God save tho Commonwealth of Mas ing. TDZETTTIST. ond Constitution, which completely ! I At the single battle of Leipsic, for exam sachusetts. [Loud laughter.] the first, and then see upon what ple, the number killed and wounded was Dental Room« ia building formerly occapied by XXy* All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaninr and thority you refuse to take a lady’s vote,” , 100,000—half the total loss of the whole Dr. E. H. Greenman, comer California and Fifth Repairing done to order at half price. O ur T eeth . — They decay. Hence threatened the Judge. Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. ' late war. It therefore follows that the bad breaths, unseemly mouths, imperfect notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention A messenger was thereupon dispatched , improved weapons are rarely less fatal mastication. Everybody regrets it. What given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth BAGLS SAMPLE ROOMS j to fetch the required book. Meanwhile than the old-fashioned ones, and the is the cause ? I reply, the want of clean extracted with >ut pain by the nee of the Lite ! Mrs. Woodhull crossed to tile side, and i Chassepot, needlegun and mitrailleuse, liness. A clean tooth never decays. The mdfhad of local anesthesia. All work warranted. the balloting went on briskly. When : instead of being cruel contrivances, are mouth is a warm place—98°. Particles Batisfhcti'iB guaranteed. the Constitution arrived, Judge Roymert i actually humanoand merciful inventions. of meat between the teeth soon decom- nov2fl 3m. Nov. 30th, 1869. found the place and, approaching the in THE ;»ose. Gums and teeth must suffer. Per spectors, accompanied by Mrs. Woodhull, i C lover as a S hade .—There is proba fect cleanliness will preserve the teeth to requested the officer to read the article bly no other plant in the world of such old age. How shall it be done? Use a I which specified that no citizen shall be value to the farmers for this purpose. It quill pick and rinse the mouth after eat deprived of his privileges or immunities, furnishes the most perfect protection to ing. Brush and Castile soap every morn HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ESTABLISH e* a Real Estate Agency in connection with Cor. Third k Cal. st«.. (opposite the U. .S'. Hotel,) etc. the soil during the fierce dry heats of the ing ; the brush with simple water on go their Law Office, and are prepared to buy and «ell “I ean’t look at it,” replied the man. summer. Being a constantly deciduous ing to bed. Bestow this trifling care on real estata in thi« and adjoining counties. Record« “ Can you give me a reason ? ” asked JACKSONVILLE, OREGON plant, its leaves are perpetually falling, your precious teeth, and you will keep searched and abstracts <>f title prepared with dis the Judge. and soon form a delicate covering for them and ruin the dentist.- Neglect it, patch and aocuracv. Parties at a distance can “I can give you no further information shade, and easily penetrated at all points and you will be sorry all your lives. cummunicuta with u, bv addressing on the subject,” was tho response. FAY A REA, by the air, which is the great carrier to Children forget. Watch them. The Jacksonville. Oregon. “Are you aware that yon are liablo to the worn-out soil of those atmospheric first teeth determine the character of the JOHN NOLAND, PROP’R. f apj22-tf. April 2!, 1871 a penalty of $500 ?” queried a bystander. elements that are to enrich it. In this second set. Give them equal care. Su “I know nothing about,” responded the way the clover plant not only contributes gar, acids, saleratus and hot things are C. W. KABLP.B. "■ "• WATBOM. officer. 'directly to the fertilizing of the soil, by nothing when compared with food de IQUOR* by the glass. bottle, demijohn, or keg. KAHLER & WATSON, Mrs. V. C. Woodhull then withdrew. giving its own substance to it, but it fur- composing between the teeth. Mercuri- The proprietor of this old stand was the first Miss Tennie C. Claflin then tendered her , nishes a protective covering to the entire alization may loosen the teeth, long use to bring liquors down to a bit « drink nine years Attorney and €oun§eKor-at-Law, ago in Jacksonville. I will be bappy to have ruy vote, but tho same answer was vouch ground, which encourages and stimulates may wear them out, but keep them clean friends call and see me. The best kinds ®f wines, I safed as in Mrs. Woodhull’s case. The those chemical processes by which the and they will never decay. This advice liquors and cigar« always on bands. Families sup party then retired. hungry anil exhausted soil is recuperated is worth more than thousands of dollars JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, plied with the best and purest in the market, a- Mrs. Woodhull’s indignation was from the vast supplies of nutriment that to every boy and girl. Books have been scarcely controllable. Immediate stops are held in tho atmosphere. It becomes written on the subject. This brief arti Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and jeasonable rates. Jacksonville, July 12th, 1871. 28tf er Courts of this State. are to be taken by Mrs. Woodhull’s law ; to the farmer the most valuable fertilizer cle contains all that is essential.—[Dio OFFICE—In bnil-Vng formerly occupied by O. yer to sift the matter right through, and in the world, as it imparts fertility to the Lewis. ; Jacobs—opposite Court House square. test the question whether tho rejection entire soil. of Mrs. Woodhull’s proffered ballot was N ew F orm of D runkenness .—The B. B. UBA. JAMBS D. FAT. justified or not. Lancet calls attention to the enormous C ut T his O ct .—A German forest KAREWSKI, HAVING JUST OPENED FAY A BE A Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. keeper, 82 years old, not wishing to carry manufacture of the new sedative drug, , a large itoek of McKinley were each repulsed at different to the grave an important secret, has chloral. It states that it is sold by tons Attorneys and Counsellors-at.Law, voting places in somewhat similar style. published in the Leipsic Journal a recipe a week, and quotes a letter from Baron OFFICE—In Court Bonse, up stairs. STAPLE DRY GOOD®, lie has used for fifty years, and which, he Liebig, affirming that one German chem F lashing the N ews . — Hero is a man Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts says, has saved several men and a num ist manufacturer sells a half ton every I GROCERIES, sitting in a darkened room at Heart ’ s of this State. ber of animals from a horrible deatli by week. Of course no such quantity is Content. The ocean cable terminates hydrophobia. The bite must bo bathed used in medicine, and the Lancet seems BOOTS & SHOES, here. A fine wire attachad thereto is as soon as possiblo with warm vinegar half afraid that it gets into beer; but Particular attention paid to the collection ef Claims against the Federal and State Govern made to surround two small cores of soft and water, and when this lias dried, a there is a simpler explanation, as it will BLANKETS, ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption iron. As the electric wave, produced by few drop» of acid poured upon the wound find on inquiry. Taking chloral is a new and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral a few pieces of copper anil zine at Valen- will destroy tho poison of the saliva, and and popular vice, particular among wom GLASSWARE, Lodes under the recent Act of Congre««. 1 tf. tia, passed through the wire, tho cores relieve tlio patient from all present and en, ond is doing as much damage as al HARDWARE, become magnetic enough to move the cohol. The drug is kept in thousands of slightest object. A looking-glass, half future danger. dressing cases, and those who begin its PAINTS A OILS. an inch in diameter, is fixed on a bar of C ontagion S preading .—Two Gov use often grow so addicted to it that they iron one-tenth of an inch square, and ernment employes at Washington have pass their lives in a sort of contented stu Wintjen & Helms, Proprietors. half an inch long. On this tiny glass a been detected in stealing the gold and sil pefaction. Chloral drunkenness will My Motto: lamp is made to glare so that its light is ver seals attached to some half dozen or soon be an admitted variety of the Oregon St., next to Odd Fellows’ Building. on a tablet on the wall. The more treaties. They were messengers, species.— London Spectator. “Quick Sales & Small Profits.” reflected language of the cable is denoted by the one at the Post Office Department, and A darkey was boasting to a grocer of shifting of this reflected light from side the other at the State Department. The essrs , wintjen & helms beg to to side. Letter by letter is thus expressed Radical disease is getting among the low the cheapness of ten pounds of sugar he inform their friends and the public generally —AT— in this fitting idiom in utter silence on est subordinates. It is well tho public had bought at a rival shop. “Let me that they have thoroughly refitted their saloon, and reduced the price of liquors to the wall. There is no record made by the buildings are well anchored, else they weigh the package,” said the grocer. The machine except as tho patient watcher would be stolen also, in the hunger and darkey assented, and it was two pounds calls out to a comrado tho translated thirst, after plunder that prevails at short. The “culed gemman” looked per ia X-3 CENTS. plexed for a moment and then said: Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, offers flashes as they come, and which ho re W ashington.______ _ They will ba happy to have their friendt "eaU bargains, such as have not been offered before at cords. It seems a miracle of patience. “Guess he didn’t cheat dis chile much, O regon W eights and M easures .— for while he was gettin’ de sugar, I stoic and smile.” There is something of awe creeps over us Jacksonville. This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and as we see the evidence of a human touch The Act regulating weights and measures two pair of shoes.” CASH purchasers will do well to call on him. 3,000 miles away, swaying that line of in Oregon, passed by the Legislative As English Ale and Porter, W eight of M en and W omen .—The sembly in 1854, declares the bushel weight light by such a delicate process as this. average weight of twenty thousand men to be as follows : 60 lbs. of wheat or clo together with the finest brands of liquors and ci ” j _ 2 “ ----- ; 60 and women weighed at Boston was— “M assa , de taters up. “The potatoes ver seed ; 56 lbs. Indian corn or rye C_ gars always on hand. lbs* of potatoes ; 36 ibe. of oat® ; 46 lbs. of men, 141] lbs. ; women, 124} lbs. in exchange for goods. Also ground salt in up ! You rascal, I only planted yester 50 Points of Billiards for Drinks. taken barley*; 42 lbs. of buckwheat, and 28 lbs. day. ” “ I know dat, massa ; but de hogs 50 and 100 lbs. seeks, and fine Liverpool salt. A smart thing—a mustard plaster. April IK, 1870. aprl-tf. of dried apples or peaches. got in las' nite, an gub um a lif ’.” JMraeryhh, ltfl. Jant-tf. County Ojfle'r*— .fudge. L. .T C. Duncan ; Clerk, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel ; Deputy Sheriff, E. D. Foiidrav ; Treasurer, John Neuber ; Assessor, David Red path : Countv Com- missioners. John S. H ’rrin. Theins Wrigh’ : School Superintendent. Wiu. M. Turner: Snrvey- •r, J. 8. Howard ; Coroner. L Ganung. S. F. CHAPIN, M. D„ I RAILROAD SALOON C H QUICK SALES And Small Profits, H K Business Curiis H First insertion, (ten lines or less)........ .......S3 Ot For each week thereafter............ ........................ 91 •• A liberal deduction from the above rates will bs made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. JEWELRY STORE, A I Pioneer Bit House, T L CHEAP FOR CASH! G TBB Î.I1ILE ROCK SALOON. M THE BRICK STORE, Staple Produce LEGAL TENDERS taken at current rates for subscription. ■ ......... - 11 - m iii i MBMABt^^ SEIZURE OF ROMAN CONVERTS. Driving the Nuns Into the Streets. The Roman correspondent of the New York Herald, writing tinder the date of October 30th, gives the following account of the expulsion of the nuns from their convents in the Eternal City : “There is a general law of the kingdom suppressing all religious orders. This law so far has remained a dead letter in Rome, where convents, religious institutions and orders pullulate only through the defer ence which Minister Lanzal wishes to show for the Holy Father and the Holy See. There have been exceptions to this general indulgence. The authorities ap propriated the Quirinal I’alace and all the other buildings which were absolute ly needed to run the machine here, and to the great disgust of the monks and nuns, although they were indemnified by certain moneys to be drawn and paid out of the national treasury. The fraterni ties looked upon Italy as a bad payer and protested ; but nevertheless, the strong arm of power turned them out of their property, and they were forced to make the best of their surroundings. Day before yesterday expropriation fell upon the two convents already mentioned; their buildings were wanted for military purposes, and so the public force went to take possession of them. As early as half past six in the morning the slum bers of the nuns were disturbed at th® Convent of Santa Teresa by loud knocks at its door, and upon its owning by the pastor of the establishment the Govern ment Commissioners, and a notary, were ushered in. In these operations the Gov ernment sends a notary, on tho idea that the thing must be done in accordance with the forms of law, although it strong ly smacks of a piece of irony to the par ties thus ousted, who declare that confis cation law is no law, but more might. The invaders of other people’s houses be ing introduced in the parlor, a priest asks their business and informs them that he has been charged with the direction and the keeping of the convent by no less personage than His. Holiness himself by positive and direct ordere from the Vatican. Those orders are for the occu pants to be put out of doors only by force, and not to consent to any mere calm walking away. In this we have an ink ling of that strong, uncompromising will which animated the old temporal sway over tho city and which animates still the spiritual sway over the faithful. Three nuns completely vailed, are visible. The first solemnly and impressively en joins upon them to retire to their private rooms, where the balance of the sisters are, and this they immediately proceed to do, after piously kissing the hand of the Pope’s agent. They are to go and wait to be shoved out of the house ; nor do they have to wait long, for the mere inspec tion of the apartments by the royal cara bineers effectually drivés the pious ladles into banishment into the outer world 'of the streets, the priests following at their heels. The notary, by order, makes a process-verbal of the operation, and lo ! Victor Emanuel has another convent, but without any nuns. No one can tell whet® they went, or who took them in, weary and abandoned ; but it is generally be lieved that they scattered and took refuge in other convents which have not yet been ‘expropriated.’ • A similar operftUfrn was gone through with at the monastery of St. Antonio Abate.” A N ew U se of L eaves .—A Vermon ter hgs recently tanned several sides 6f leather with lye leached from forest leaves. He has been experimenting with leaves for two months, with satisfactory results. One ton of leaves, it is asserted, will tan as much leather as five cords of bark, and will complete the process in half the time. When leaves and bark are mixed in equal proport ions, one- fourth the time is sawd. The leather tanned by this process, it is claimed, is more flexible and smoother than that tanned by bark, while the strength of tho raw hide is retained in a greater degree. W orth K nowing .—The following, to prevent pitting from small-pox, may be of value to our citizens in future: An ointment made of charcoal and lard, ap plied freely over the face, neck and hands, is said to prevent pitting in small-pox ; it should be used immediately upon th® commencement of the disease, and con tinued until the fever has entirely ceased. This application not only allays the Itch ing, but It appears to shorten tho dura tion of the disease, while it leaves the patient entirely free from all blemishes ; the charcoal prevents the action of light, and the lard that of air. T he remarkable growth of the petrole um trade is illustrated in the fact that while in 1860 a market could not be found for ten million gallons, in 1871 the de mand for export alone is inadequately supplied by 141,000,000 gallons. In th® Pennsylvania oil regions, a territory ex tending some seventy miles in length by about thirty in breadth, more than five thousand wells are in operation, Yielding a product of about seventeen thousand barrels per day. F or a big business on a small capital Chicago insurance companies beat tho world. The Equitable, with assets of $230,000, had risks amounting to $7,000,- 000. The Golden City, with capital stock paid up of $50,000, had risks of $5,000,000, and lost $2,000,(MM). The Commercial, with assets ot $5,000,000, had $15,000,000 in outstanding risks. ---------------------------- ♦ ------------ T he reason why no divorce suits In Wyoming have grown out of enfranchise ment of women is the fact that the men have become so cowed that not one of them dare institute proceedings. They suffer in silence. ■ — - — Y oung ladies always pull off th® left stocking last.