\ ALEXANDER MARTIN, A n O utrage on the T ax -P ayers .— PROCEEDINGS OF T1IE BOARD OF A nother P ioneer G one .—On Friday TRUSTEES. the 3d inst., at 1 o’clock, p. M., in the Ono Charles Coggswell, a resident of . fortieth year of his age, James L. Louden Goose Lake precinct, was arrested by (Successor to James T. Glenn,) [Reported for the T imes .) departed this life, at his residence in this Deputy Sheri ft' Foudray, upon a warrant SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1871. Saturday, Oct. 27th.—An adjourned DEALER IN issued by Justice Wade, of Jacksonville meeting of the Board of Trustees M-as held city, afler a lingering illness, lasting two years. Mr. Louden, or “ Reub Rinus, ” precinct, on complaint of one W. C. THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second this evening. Present, Mr. Wilson, Pre­ floor,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, Greenman, for breaking a flume, and sident, Messrs. Fisher and Bilger; ab­ as he M as familiarly called by his associ-’ ates, was in many respects a remarkable below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent brought to Jacksonville for trial this —AND— sent, Messrs. HoM-ard and Zigler. man. Possessed of more than ordinary week. He remained in tho custody for San Francisco. The minutes of the last meeting were intelligence, wit and a graphic power of CALIFORNIA STREET, HUDSON A, MENET, are our duly author of the Sheriff in jail two days. Now-, as read and approved. description seldom equaled, he obtained a lied Agents in the Atlantis States. Office, 41 to whether Coggswell is guilty or inno­ JACKSONVILLE, OREGO N The folloM'ing bills were ordered paid : State reputation. “Reub” was also known Park Row, "Times” Building, New York. cent, we have nothing to say. If he is R. 8. Dunlap, $56 ; Hoffinan & Klippel, as a genial .companion and true friend. J. M. BALTIMORE is our duly authorized guilty he should be properly punished, $1.50; John Bilger, $1.50. Total, $59. He was born in Indiana, and was brought and we do not propose to discuss the agent for Portland, Oregon. The Marshal informed the Board that to Illinois in his infancy. During the —KEPT BY— question of his guilt or innocence in these he had collected the claim against Chi­ DANIEL GREEN is our authorised agen columns. Courts were organized for namen for damages in burning cemetery Mexican war he was a member of Col. for Josephine County. HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURE that purpose, and we propose to leave fence, amounting to $56 ; deducting his Hardin’s regiment and participated in in notifying bis friends and the public gener­ the battles of Monterey, Buena Vista and tho adjudication where it appropriately fees for collection, lie had deposited the ally tnat he is now receiving and opening a very LOCAL INTELLIGENCE ? large and extensive stock of belongs. But in view of the fact that remainder, $50.40, in the Town Treasury. the other battles in which Taylor’s com­ mand participated. In 1850 he emigrat ­ there is a resident justice at Goose Lake An appropriation of $25, quarter salary Religious Notices. —Mr. Abram Tenbrook—a well-known of of Town Attorney, C. W. Kahler, was ed to this coast, and in 1851 came to HAS RECEIVED A MUCH LAR­ STAPLE DRY GOODS Jacksonville, and is consequently a pio* citizen and an honest man, mo cannot allowed. GER STOCK OF GOODS neer of Jackson -county. Was in Col. Rav. F athkr B laxchett will hold divine ser- comprehend why this man Coggswell Liquor licenses were granted to Henry Ross command, which went to the as­ viooa at the Catholic Churoh to-morrow, at the should be brought over two hundred Pape, John Wolters and John Noland. nsaal hoar. miles for examination here. The Sher­ The Sexton was authorized to put up a sistance of the emigrants, "who were sur­ THAN EVER BEFORE ! H -A.TS eft? OAP8 iff’s costs alone for serving the warrant new board fence on the north line of the rounded at Bloody Point, and assisted in R emember the races next week. and subpepnas, amount to $105.75. cemetery grounds, Mi th yew posts, and burying fourteen dead bodies. Was AND ARE PREPARED TO BELL AT quarter master under Col. Alden in the CALIFORNIA AND SALEM The witness ’ fees to $91 more, making a C ounty C ourt .—The November term dispose of the old fence rails. Indian war of 1853, and was in the ser ­ total of $196.75. We submit to the can ­ of the County Court commences next Messrs. Fisher, Bilger and Howard CLOTH« vice in the Indian wars of 1855-56. In did consideration of the tax-payers of M-ere appointed a committee to look out week. 1858 he M as elected a Representative from BLANKETS, this county, whether that is not a steep F ull .—We hear many inquiries for little bill for them to foot, just to gratify a new road from Oregon street to ceme- this county to the Oregon Legislature. HOOP SKIRT«, vacant houses, but there are none for the the malice of the prosecuting m itness, or tery grounds, ascertain probable expense Mr. Louden was a whole-souled, genial AT THE of land for the road, if it can be obtain­ anxious enquirers. ETC., ETC. man, having hosts of friends and no ene­ the convenience of his attorneys. The ed, and report early on the subject. —ALSO— mies. His death, although really a re­ Boot« and Shoes; Eadies*, Misses’ S t . M ary ’ s A cademy .—The second examination could have been had at The Judges and clerk of water election and Childrens’ Shoes. term, at the Sisters’ School, in this city, Goose Lake at one-tenth the expense. M-ere appointed, and the board adjourned lease from the disease (consumption) from which he suffered so long, will be will commence on Monday next, No­ The alleged offence was committed there, to Monday evening next, Oct. 30th. Ws have also in connection with tho above a very regretted by all M’lio knew good-hearted, and the prisoner, complaining witness vember 6th, 1871. Large and Extensivo Stock of Choico' Monday Evening, Oct 30th—The Board and other M itnesses Mere all residents oi convened pursuant to adjournment. genial-souled, witty “Reub Rinus.” R eturned .—The sun-eying party of that precinct. Against the honesty and GROCERIES, Peace to his ashes ! Messrs. Howard «fe Turner have returned fairness of Justice Tenbrook, we are as­ Present, President Wilson, Bilger and UR STOCK CONSISTS OF HARDWARE, G ay .—It is rumored that a trotting from their trip east of the mountains, af­ sured no man can say a word. He is an Fisher; absent, HoM-ard and Zigler. The minutes of previous meeting were match, to sulkies, will come oft next ter an absence of nearly three months. old and respected citizen—in faet a pio­ read an approved. QUEENSWARE, week between horses owned by two no­ neer of Jackson county, and M ’ hy he Mas T he P etition .—We publish on the The returns of election held this day ted turf men of this county. One of the CLASSWARE, not suffered to make this examination, M ’ erc opened and examined, showing a horses will be driven by the owner, and first page of this issue the Swamp I.and CUTLERY, Petition. Have no room for comment we confess we are unable to see. The small vote cast, and but three majority the other by one of the gentler sex, who criminal docket at the next term of the for the proposition submitted. PAINTS, this week. has exhibited her skill in driving a sul­ Circuit Court M ill be quite large, and an Messrs. Fisher and Bilger, committee ky heretofore. We are bound to see that F encing B urned .—Mr. D. Gray lost enormous expense on the county is inev- OILS, on Mater, asked to be discharged from race run, and furthermore we are going some tw-o hundred yards of fencing this I ¡table in consequence. This is hard ETC, week by stubble fires. This burning I enough on the tax-payers ; but when the said committee, as the small vote cast ta invest our stamps on the horse driven ALSO manifested such indifference on the sub­ ly the woman. stubbles is getting to be an expensive legitimate expenditures for criminal pros­ I Window Glass, Nalls, Iroi and I ject, as equivalent to a defeat of the meas­ Mteel, Cast and Steel Plows amusement. ecutions are swelled by M anton and in­ ure. The committee M-as discharged, and N otice to T eachers .—Persons in­ Wooden and Willow HATS AND CAPS, Ware, Etc., Etc., S tage O ffice .—The stage office has excusable expenses as in the case under an order passed to pay the judges and tending to teach in the public schools of consideration, it becomes our duty as a this county, and not holding certificates been changed from the post office to the clerk of election. public journalist to call the attention of from me, will please present themselves GROCERIES U. 8. Hotel. Mr. Louis Horne has been The Board then adjourned. those who foot the bills to these proceed ­ I sm now ready to sell anything in my lino at the for examination at office in Jacksonville, appointed stage agent, and M ill attend to lowest cash price. Persons wishing to buy goods J urors . — The following is a list of ju ­ ings. In justice to the District Attorney, at any time during the present month. the business. will find it greatly to their advantage to examine HARDWARE, M’e must say that this prosecution M-as rors for the Circuit Court of Jackson our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am W m . M. T urner , W ood W anted .—Those of our sub­ commenced and the case conducted by county, at the ensuing November term : determined not to be undersold by any house in School Sup’t Jackson County. Jackson county. scribers who desire to pay their subscrip­ the attorneys employed by Greenman, William B. Kincaid, Thomas Raimey, Jacksonville, Nov. 1st, 1871—tl. tion to the T imes in wood arc requested the complaining M’itness. James Savage, A. G. Rockfellow, Tobias jCST-Givo me a call, and then judge for your­ to bring itsoon, as cold weather is fast ap­ E. LinksM-iler, Jesse Dollarhide, Henry I mprovements .—We notice that Mr. self as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. T he W ater E lection .—The vote on Emery, William Brotherton, Lafayette John Orth has erected a new and com­ ALEXANDER MARTIN. proaching. TOBACCO AND CIOARS, modious barn on his lot. the water question was a very light one, Allen, J. W. Crutcher, Andrew Cantrell, B rick .—The undersigned has just fin­ Mr. C. W. Savage having filled up one 19 to 17, and water carried the day by Lease of County Road. ished burning a large brick kiln at his two majority. We had a notion to put E. K. Anderson, John Grieves, Reuben lot with buildings, has got another on LIQUORS, B. Perry, Daniel Hopkins, James Kil- brick yard in Jacksonville, and is ready up our rooster, but didn’t know whether j gore, John Lacy, C. C. Beekman, John Third street, and has gone to work filling N accordance with an order of the County Court to furnish brick to all those in need of for Jackson County, Oregon, made at the Oc­ to put up the sick bird or the other. The B. Wrisley, C. S. Sargeant, Louis Her- that up. He is also making handsome PATENT MEDICINES, this article. P atrick F ehely . tober term, 1871, scaled proposals will be received city dads are disgusted, and the water ling, John Coleman, Minas Walker, improvements on his saloon. at the Clerk’s Office in said county, until Wednes­ T he R ailroad .—We learn that the question will probably take a sleep now, Wm. Haskins, Ben. Haymond, John W hat ?—Referring to the swamp land And many other Goods too Numerous day at 12 o’clock, M., the 9th day of November, A. D., 1871, for the leasing of so much of the to Mention. track is laid seven miles south of Eugene until the town burns up, and then the Grubb, John C. Cardwell, Kaspar Kubli, petition on our first page, we would en­ County Road running from the Hill Farm to Loat City, and construction cars are running people will wake up to the necessity of j Jesse Dodge, Chas. Williams, Wm. Suth­ quire if Jesse D. Carr is a fair specimen River, as is embraced between the following points : Commencing at the 4 mile-post about J mile above that far south. The track is being laid getting water. Now the question that erland. Favor us with a call. Goods M. Colwell’s place, and terminating at tho 45 mile­ of the “citizens of Jackson county,” who at the rate of a mile and a quarter per bothers us is having decided for water by shoM ’ ii with pleasure, as usual. post—a distance of 41 miles. To be leased to any B ig B ah W orks A bandoned .—We signed that petition ? person or corporation to open, improve and keep a thin majority, are we ever going to get regret to learn that the mining works on diem. Bully ! the same in good repair for travel thorcon for a pe­ it or do our venerable city dads take the SACHS BRO’S. riod of ten years, with tho right, in consideration SPECIAL NOTICES. N ew A dvertisements .—Under the light vote as an indication that the “dear the Big Bar of Rogue River were aban­ thereof, to collect tolls at ono gate for travel there­ head of “New To-Day” will be found the peeps” are not much interested in water doned this week. The river M-as turned, on —the road in no place to be less than 12 feet WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Jacksonville, Nov. 1st, 1871. n44 wide, where graded, and the ascent or decent of the new advertisement of Sachs Bros. Their just now? Seriously we think the light but not enough of the shining ore was road in no place to be great than 1 foot in 8—to be liberality in advertising is a guarantee and dose vote the result of the ridiculous found to pay expenses. This company constructed in a good, substantial manner, with for their liberality in dealing with cus­ way in which the question was submit­ labored hard all summer, and it is a deep convenient turn-outs for tho passage of teams, the turn-outs on the grades to be in sight of each other; THE NEW FOOD. source of regret that they did not succeed, tomers. the remainder of tho road to be not less than 16 ted. If the question had been submitted both on their om u account, and because Office, No. 61 Front Street, Read the “Notice to Tax-Payers.” feat in width, rocks an other obstructions to be re­ together with the question on the tax to of the benefit which a successful working moved, and swamps to be thrown up or bridged, PORTLAND, OREGON. F reight .—I^rge loads of freight con­ raise the funds it would have excited gen­ of the bed of Rogue River M’ould have and the road to be kept open and in good condition for travel thereon at all seasons of the year. eral interest and a large vote would have tinue to arrive from Crescent City. Our conferred on the county. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST The bid shall specify the unit or rate of toll up­ merchants have laid in heavier stocks of been the result. But to simply submit PORTLAND, in the most desirable lecalities, con­ on a sheep or hog which tho bidder is willing to ac­ L ater .—Since the above Mas in type sisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, cept for keeping the road, and suefr bid shall be gootls this fall than ever before. It ar­ to a vote the question whether we want we learn that w-e were misinformed in HOUSES and STORES ; also, deemed a bid for tolls as to the other items men­ gues that they at least expect to have a water, without saying how much or how regard to the total abandonment of the tioned in Section 64, in proportion to such unit or IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un­ rate as specified in Section 65, of Chapter 47, Title good trading season. It looks like busi­ it should be procured, without the slight­ works. The work has only partially 3, General Laws of Oregon. No bids will be con­ cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the est information on the subject, was rath­ ceased. ness, at any rate. sidered unless accompauicd by an undertaking ex­ STATE for SALE. er a ridiculous mode of putting it. We ecuted by two or more sufficient sureties in the B usy .—All the lawyers are busy pre­ think our venerable Fathers see it now P ersonal .—Sheriff Klippel arrived sum of two thousand dollars, to be void upon the REAL ESTATE and other Property pur­ condition that the bidder, if the lease is awarded to paring for the next term of the Circuit in that light. from Portland this week. chased for Correspondents, in this CITY and him, will, within ten days thereafter, or such fur throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES, Court, which commences on Monday Hon. Jesse Applegate passed through timo as the Court may allow, enter into a con­ with great caro and on the most ADVANTA­ For a few cents you can buy ther week. There are twenty criminal cases tract for keeping the road, and give the necessary town on the northern stage last M eek. T he R aces .—There will be three days’ GEOUS TERMS. undertaking for the faithful performance of the con­ of your Grocer or Druggist a tract. on the docket, and about as many civil racing next week, at the Bybee race Deputy Sheriff" Foudray returned from The sealed bid will be opened on the said HOUSES and STORES LEASED, LOANS cases. The jurors, lawyers, witnesses and track, commencing Thursday, November interviewing the tax-payers at Goose 9th day of November, and, if deemed expedient, package of SEA MOSS FARINE and CLAIMS OF ALL DES­ the leaso will be awarded to the lowest bidder, Judge are bound to have a blessed time 9th, and continuing Friday and Saturday, Lake, and brought as a prisoner Chas. NEGOTIATED, CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And having due reference to the fact which of them is made from pure Irish Moss or General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSI­ of it this term. best qualified for tho undertaking. The Court re­ if the entrances are complete. We learn Coggswell, charged with breaking a a NESS transacted. Carrageen, which will make serves the right to rejoct any and all bids. flume. J ustice ’ s C ourt .—The case of the that the following two-year old colts SILAS J. DAT, Clerk. AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT­ sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, Ex-Senator Williams, Mr. W. K. Ish October 10th, 1871. 41t4 State vs. Charles Coggswell, charged are now in training and have been enter­ IES and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive and Sep. Heulat, Esq., passed through with breaking a flume in Goose Lake ed for the race on the first day : Madame descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward and a like quantity of Puddings the sane to the above address. Valley, underwent an examination on Jeanne Guilfoyle names b. f. “Jeanne town this Meek. Custards, Creams, Charlotte February 4th, 1871. feb4-tf. Father Blanchett, W. H. S. Hyde, Sol. Wednesday before Justice Wade. The Glenn,” by “Jim Glenn;” Isaac Skeeters Busse, &c. It is the cheapest, defendant was bound over in bonds of names b. f. “Fanny,” by “Rifleman ;” Sachs and J. W. Manning got in from Ft. Chapped Hands and Face, Haskal Amy namesi.g.c. “Jim Barnes,” Klamath this week. Father Blanchett two hundred dollars. Sore lAps, Dryness of the Skin. healthiest and most delicious CALIFORNIA STREET, (Opposite U. S. Hotel,) AC., ctiC., by “Jim Glenn;” James Hamlin names had been making a pastoral visit to some JACKSOTFVTXiIil], OKSGOS. Cured at once by HEGEMAN ’S CAMPIIOR ICB food in the world. It makes a S top I t .—The practice of shooting “ArabWm. Matthies names g. f. of his flock at the post. WITH GLYCERINE. Itvkeeps the hands soft splendid Dessert, and has no LWAYS on hand the best stock of patent and within the precincts of town is getting “Blue Tail Fly.” in all weailiC.’- See that yoU get HEGEMAN’S. hemo-made Rifle and Shot Guns, single and A F ightinger .— The man McVey, Sold by all Druggist?; only 2& cents. Manufac­ to be a nuisance. A few evenings since equal as a light and delicate For the trotting race on the second whose inhumanity regarding the burial double ; Revolvers of the latest patents ; Pocket tured only by IlF.aEMAb ' hvi Chemists and a bullet passed in unpleasant proximity day, the following entries have been Pistols, neat, small and powerful ; Derringers, the Druggists, New York. food for Invalids and Children. Lake M ’ e have referred to several of latest and best. Also the best Powder and Powder to the law office of Fay & Rea. The made : Jacob Roudabush names blk. g. January 7th, 1871. jan7-ly. Flasks; all sort of Shot and Pouchoe; Cape, —■------------------ ♦ .♦. +--------------------------- times, we understand, insists that he can whistle of the bullet as it passed the win­ “Black Bill,” by “Black Satin ;” John Wads, and everything in the Sportmaa’a line. “cataM-ompously lick, chew up and whip The above goods are nil of tho best quality, and A Glorious Change!! dow could be distinctly heard. Is there Miller names b. g. “Dan.” will bo sold cheaper than the cheapest. jZJiT* All the biggest Oregonian that ever made a not an ordinance against this practice ? For the last day’s race no entries have mark on Oregon soil.” He makes these orders promptly filled. Repairing done promptly TIIE GREAT WORLD’S TONIC. and in good style. If there is not, there should be. as yet been made. Notice to Tax-Payers. JOHN MILLER. threats in Crescent City. He was here a Jacksonville, Sept. 9th, 1871. 56 F ire -A rms .—We would submit to the T ime and enlightened experience have short time ago, but did not profess to be HE undersigned, Sheriff of Jackson County, Board of Trustees whether an ordinance shown that certain substances formerly a fightist then. It is likely that some of Oregon, will meet the tax-payers of said our big teamsters will take the gentle ­ county, for the purpose of receiving taxes, on the Thia wonderful vegetable re­ against the exhibition of fire-arms and used and relied on in medical practice, are following days, in their respective precincts, at man down “ and look at him, ” if he con ­ assaults with the same on the public unnecessary and dangerous; yet some their usnal places of voting, and will remain in storative is the sheet-anchor of Ikcemau’s Cordial Elixir of Callsaya tinues in a belligerent mood until he en ­ oach precinct from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 4 the feeble and debilitated. As a streets would not do some good ? Quite of these substances have found their way counters one of them. Bark. o’clock, P. M., of each day, to-wit: A pleasant cordial which strengthens and im­ recently there has been two or three into medical compounds. Dr. Walker’s Link River, October 19 ! Flounce Rook, Nov. 7 tonic and cordial for the aged proves the digestion, an excellent preventive of cases of this kind, endangering the lives California Vinegar Bitters, however, con­ “Music H ath C harms .”—The other Goose Lake, “ 23 Big Butte Creek “ 8 and languid, it has no equal fevers, fever and ague, Ac., and a groat renovator Springs “ 30 | Little Butte C’k " 9 of innocent passers-by and spectators, tain nothing injurious, being composed night wc heard the strains of music issu­ Willow and tonic fur invalids and debilitated persons. Ha­ '* 10 among stomachics. As a remedy geman A Co., Now York, tole manufacturers. Sold Grant’s Pass, " 31 Manzanita, and it is about time it should be stopped. exclusively of vegetable substances from ing from Williams’ saloon, and on step­ Leland, November " 11 1 Stcrlingville, Town, " 22 for the nervous weakness to by druggists. California. For all disorders of the lit er, ping in, found the proprietor and another Evan’s Creek, Nov. 2 Union " 23 which women are especially sub­ Foot’s Creek, “ 3 Applegate, B elligerent .—Marshal McDaniel ar­ kidneys, bladder, skin and digestive or­ drawing dulcet sounds from a couple of Rock Point, “ " 24 4 Ashland, Dissolution Notice. " 25 ject, it is superseding every other 6 Eden, rested a man last Saturday, who had got gans, and for purifying the blood, they violins. We believe most stage heroes Table Rock, " Jacksonville, “ 27 stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ “die to slow music.” We wonder if it outside of too much benzine, and thought are the most wonderful remedy known. OTICE is hereby given that the into Tax-payers will please pay their taxes at the Roames A Wilson has boon dissolved thirty contributes to the enjoyment of a drink, above stated times. The law in regard to thoir cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts he would like to take a little pistol prac­ by mutual consent. Those indebted to tho Ann enforced. as a specific in every species of will please call on Kahler A Watson, ¿*ck,0DTl”®' tice, with Senters as a mark. The Mar­ W ill be in T own .—Judge Willis, to take “sugar in yours,” to the inspiring eollection will be strictly HENRY KLIPPEL, shal stopped his little game, but not be­ Register of the Land Office, will be in strains of “Billy in the Lowlands,” or disorder which undermines the and settle their bills without delay. The creditor« Sheriff and Tax Collector. of tho firm will also present their accounts to Kah­ Jacksonville, Oregon, Sept. 27th, 1871. — 44. “ Leather Breeches, ” or “ The Arkansaw fore he made rather a narrow escape Jacksonville on Monday and Tuesday of bodily strength and breaks down ler A Watson, who are hereby to *cl 10 T. G. REAMES, from being shot himself. The Recorder Court week, and will take proofs on Traveler.” If it were not for our strict lanks of all description the animal spirits. For sale by the same. JAMES A. WILSON. printed with nontnv« and dispatch at this of asked him to pay over eight dollars to homesteads and pre-emptions submitted temperance principles, we would be 43U all dsn •-'-■♦s. Oct. 15, 1871. flee. tempted to try it. the Town Treasury. to him. g'hç ^cmocratii’ firnes. THE POPULÄR STORE GENERAL MERCH1NDISB, Temple of Fashion, LOW PRICES WILL WIN. SACHS BROS., T READY-MADE CLOTHING, - Wholesale & Retail, MOST REASONABLE PRICES! o PRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, QUEENSWARE, I Real Estate Dealer HUNTERS’EMPORIUM! A Hew, T Plantation Bitters. GREAT AUTUMN TONIC N B