ííhij percorrati i; ¡Times. CORRESPONDENCE. E d . T imes :—It seems your article, en­ SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 4.1871. titled “Farmers of the Azoic Age,” has E* I> Fi'UDBlL............. Business A je nt. excited not a little comment, especially among the disaffected. It has had the effect to bring out a host of damaging concessions from the left wing, such as we had no idea sage politicians and “fa­ tal strategists,” as they denominated BOARD OE SCHOOL LAND COMMIS. themselves, would ever have unwitting­ SIGNERS. ly admitted. Just after the article in question came out, a Republican found AVe had occasion to refer to the action W. A. O. holding a copy of the T imes in of this Board, in reference to the manage­ his hand, and doing some right responsi­ talking. It appears that O., in com­ ment of its business in this county, a ble pany with a friend, was going home week or two since. Since our strictures from town, and that O. was excited from appeared, letters have been received by some cause—probably from reading the gentlemen here, from Messrs. Chadwiok T imes . The twain met the i>ersonifica- of good-living—“with fair round bel­ and Cann, the Secretary of State and the tion ly and with good capon lunch.” O. at Clerk of the Board, complaining of the once drew the T imes —the “dirty shirt- course of the T imes . These letters have tail,” as he elegantly termed it—and al­ l>een kindly shown us, and as it is very ternately read and talked. The Repub­ lican spectator swelled and drank and far from our intentions to do the Board drank and swelled with interest and of School Land Commissioners, or any amusement as the pair of sage politicians other person or persons, natural or arti­ discussed the situation, while O., blazing ficial, an injustice, we shall place their with choler and excitement, expatiated. Reading down the article to the allusion defence before our readers with the same to the “broad acres,” he exclaimed: cheerfulness with which we would have i “Dad, that means you ! Do you see that placed a defence addressed directly to big field across there? Theins ‘broad ’ ain’t they ’?” Continuing his ourself ^had the Honorable Board conde­ acres, reading he came to the allusion to some scended to write such an one) in our col­ of the more “brainless, who rode about umns. We premise, however, by saying the country,” and were “the representa­ that Judge Shipley died on the 16th of tives of the cayuse horse, red-legging and August, 1871, and the Board was imme­ Spanish spur epoch of the State.” “And, by G—d,” exclaimed Bill, “that means diately notified of his death. Whether it me. Don’t you see, Dad ? Of course it was their duty to immediately investi­ means me.” He continued his studies gate the situation, and take the initia­ through the article, and then burst forth tion, in order to have the business, con­ in the tlood-tide of commentary. “This hits that man and this hits the other; nected with the local land agency, pro­ but, Dad, the bulk of this is aimed at ceed without serious delay, or await the . us.” Then he read the heading aloud, the action of the authorities here, is a three or four times, emphasizing “?„zoic;” subject admitting of grave difference of then, as if making a discovery, exclaim­ ed : “But I know who wrote this d—d opinion. However, let that pass for the thing ; that’s one consolation.” “Dad” present. asked “Who ?” “Why, Tip P----- . Nary The Board claims that the members nutber man in the country would have thereof acted with as much promptness thought of such ad—d ------- [We cannot soil our columns with the obscenity here as the circumstances would permit; that used.—E d . T imes .] word as ‘Az-o-ic.’ the Connty Treasurer was written to Well, we beat Fay on judge. That’s soon after Judge Shipley’s death, and no­ pretty good. Fact is, Dad, he owns this tified of his right to act as agent, and of connty—all the officers and the Central Committee. Gee whilikens, Dad; he’s his duty to act until an agent was ap­ got an awful leverage on us ! Central Com­ pointed, in case he declined ; that in re­ mittee ! Hell of a Central Committee. gard to the statement of the T imes to the If Fay would take a pinch of snuff it effect that the County Treasurer repeat­ would sneeze itself to death. Now, you know, Dad, it’ll be an up-hill business to edly demanded action by the Board, it is fight him, but we’ve got it to do. We replied that an interest statement was wouldn’t care so much for these officials, prepared and sent him, ami they were but there is so many d—n fools on the * [Decency compels us to awaiting a statement from Judge Ship- outside.” again omit. — E d .] “Well, Dad, we ley’s administrator; that such statement must go. Of course he ’ll beat us in con­ arrived in Salem on the 24th of October, vention.” Now the foregoing is just 1871—two months and eight days after about as my informant related it to me. Judge Shipley’s decease—andon the 25th ■ So you see that th^ already acknowl­ edge themselves defeated. O. also spoke of October an order was forwarded to the of Fay’s owning the paper. [Fay does administrator to turn over the papers, not own a dollar in the concern.—E d . &c., to the Treasurer; that the Treasurer T imes .] He certainly concedes more to was instructed to call on the administra­ Fay than he ever would dare or think of to himself. He makes a clean tor in September last for the books and ’■ arrogating sweep. From the conversation detailed papers, and the administrator (properly, above, Mr. Editor, you can begin to see we think) refused to deliver them with­ the influence which the T imes exerts out an order from the Board, w hich or­ —how its blows are felt and with what terror it is regarded. Let it not cease to der arrived last week. strike its telling blows, and ere next Such are the main points of the Board’s June the sore-heads will have sunk into defence, if we except a recitation of the oblivion, the party be relieved of its effe­ circumstances of Judge Shipley’s ap­ te matter, and an easy and overwhelm­ pointment, with which we have nothing, ing victory for the Democracy be the con­ sequence. During the conversation above and do not propose to have anything, to recited, something was said about a tre­ do. We do not propose to disturb the mendous mass meeting, but both “Dad” ashes of the dead and annoy the living and “Bill” were so excited that neither head nor tail could be made of it. The by any discussion of that nature. We idea expressed seemed to be that they now leave this question with the public. could get up a fusion ticket, maybe, but It is due to us to say, however, that Mr. the d—d Black Republicans would want Neuber asserts the truth of our article. all the important offices. [“Aye ! there’s The only question is, was it the duty of the rub !”—E d .] the Board of Commissioners for the sale i We give place to the above for a varie­ of School and University Lands to take the initiative and ascertain the situation ty of reasons, principal among which is of the affairs of the local agency here, or that it proves the truth of the assertion was it their duty to await the action of , made in the article on “Farmers of the the local authorities here? Assuming Azoic Age,” that men of the “Dad” and “Bill” class are eternally striving to give that it was the duty of the Board as the I controlling and responsible power to a political complexion to every enter­ take the initiative, we took them to task prise of whatever nature. Even a Coun­ for dereliction of duty. If, however, it ty Fair, having for its object the develop­ was their duty to do what no sensible busi­ ment of the agricultural resources of the ness man would do under the circum­ county, could not be held without these stances, then we were wrong. We leave hedge and cross-road politicians striving to make a political matter of it. It is the public to judge. even so with the school meetings, and ----------- *----------- every other thing public or private. THE RIOT IN LOS ANGELES. These human blood-hounds, w’ho scent the spoils of office further oft’than aeon- The telegraph informs us that a serious dor smells carrion, do not hesitate to riot occurred in the Chinese quarter of I hunt down private reputation in their Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 24th, in which lust for the pelf of station. They descend a few white men were killed and wound­ to the most despicable, as well as the ed, and many Chinamen were shot, stab­ most dishonorable means, in their cru­ bed or hung. The riot occurred while offi­ sade, and have no more conception of an cer Bilderain was attempting to arrest a honorable political fight than a cayote Chinaman for shooting another the night has of a tournament. Now, in the arti­ before, who resisted. Bilderain called cle referred to, there was not the remot­ a Robert Thompson, who was standing est allusion to politics or political men, near, to assist him, when the Chinese i but tho wiseacres see points that are far commenced firing from both sides of the beyond the ken of less favored mortals. narrow street. Thompson fell, mortally I If they could win the paltry spoils of wounded from a shot received just above some obscure county office, they would the heart. Bilderain was shot, and not hesitate to see any project, intended jumped on a horse and escaped ; a boy for the advancement and progress of the was also shot through the leg. The ex- j county, fail. They are political icono­ citement in the city became intense, and a band of some hundred citizens, well clasts, who do not hesitate to destroy armed guarded the street, and as soon as anything, no matter how useful or inval­ a Chinamen was captured, he w as hung. uable to the public or private individu­ The Chinese were also well armed, and als, while they havoneither the brains volleys were fired regularly at intervals, nor ability to restore. The ideas ad­ and several Chinese were hit, but very few j vanced in the conversation referred to, whites. The civil authorities were pow­ are common with the whole tribe. This erless and it was not before a large num­ is especially noticeable in the reference ber of the Celestials had been shot and to Fay’s owning the county and officials. hung before the crowd was appeased, These men cannot exist without being owned by somebody, and hence imagine when they finally dispersed. every one else is wearing the collar of Fay or some other man. We are glad T he R ailroad .—R- O- Dewitt, who to notice their acknowledgment of defeat, has Just returned irom below, says the as it relieves us of any further allusion to railroad company have completed a them. As they are dead and acknowl­ bridge across Bed Bank, four miles be­ edge it, it would be useless, as well ex­ low Red Bluff. Men are also at work tremely cruel, to inflict punishment on fading this side of Red Bluff, and driv- the slain. We may add here that the al­ ST p U m at Bed Bluff Creeknorth ofBed lusion to the Judgeship shows a remar­ TUuff In less than a month the cars kable fellow-feeling between the Jackson will be running into Red Bluff.— I reka county bolters and llis Excellency, the Governor. Journal. P aymaster H odge .—Several Repub­ lican editors have lately discovered that Hodge, the defaulting paymaster who swindled the Government out of half a million dollars, is a Democrat. Hodge was a Democrat when Ben But­ ler was working with the Democracy. Afterward he became a Republican, turn­ ed the vials of his pent-up wrath against the party he had formerly worked with, howled long and loud for loyalty, and be­ came one of the shining Republican lights. Now that he turns up a defaulter, and has stolen half a millions dollars and been sentenced to prison ten years, it is discovered that he is a Democrats! This may account for his punishment, Repub­ licans claiming the exclusive privilege of stealing from the Government! But, Republican or Democrat, he was a thief, and the editor is no better who, instead of denouncing the crime, would charge the perpetrator with belonging to this party or that, thereby endeavoring to re­ lieve the man of the stigma and cast the odium upon any party.— Pomeroy's De­ mocrat. OPFMAN & KLIPPEL NEVER FAILS TO CURE. H ave just COWAN & FLINT’S received and . GREAT AGUE KING! 1PURELY VEGETABLE! KfflY!! CONTAINS S till E xercised .—The Yreka Journ­ NO QUININE, MEBCUBY OB ARSENIC ! al man is still fretting himself about our rooster, and refers us to a diminutive chicken he heads his columns with, in honor of Bolander’s victory in Siskiyou. - Th« astonishing ear«« daily performed by thia That chicken is a very small specimen, preparation cause considerable comment by the and is evidently of a dung-hill breed. Medical Faculty, a« they positively assert that AND FEVER, FEVER AND AGUE, It therefore forms an appropriate head­ CHILLS INTERMITTENT AND REMITTENT FEVERS ing for the announcement of that victo­ cannot be cured without the use of Quinine. Nev­ ry. Our rooster took an emetic, like a ertheless, th« old Poison ia laid upon the shelf, and we would recommend in confidence to those who sensible cock, and got over his illness, j bar« tried and received but temporary relief from The Journal chicken has evidently got the uae of tho many Quinine Mixtures, to the “pips,” and his days will be few and • full of trouble. When he goes dead; we’ll lend the Journal man our coffin and cayote as an appropriate heading for the obituary. WAGON BOXES, S chool for tiie B lind .—The Port­ NO RINGING IN THE HEAD HAY FORKS and RAKES, PATENT CROSS CUT and BUCK SAWS, GRASS SCYTHES and SNATHS, land Herald furnishes the following par­ WOODEN and STEEL BARLEY FORKS, HAND SAWS, SHELF HARDWARE, agraph : It is the desire of certain par­ NO STIFF LIBXBS I CUTLERY. AC. GRAPE VINE CRADLES, ties in Oregon to take steps towards es­ NAILS OF ALL SIZES. MANURE FORKS, tablishing a school for the blind of the PAINTS, OILS ind VARNISH, GRAIN SCOOPS, State. All persons who have blind chil­ NO DEAFNESS ! WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY, TRACE and HALTER CHAINS, dren, and all those who may know of TUBS and BASKETS, CHOPPING and BROAD AXES, blind persons living in Oregon, are re­ CLOTHES WRINGERS, HATCHETS and HAMMERS, quested to report the same to Miss Nel­ TRAYS and BOWLS. lie Simpson, Salem, Oregon, giving name, BENCH SCREWS, Post Office address, age, sex, whet Iter pa­ rents are living, whether educated or not, any of these disastrous effect« caused by the and any other information in regard to Or use of the many Quinine mixture« daily recommen­ such blind persons. It is desired that ded to them. this information be collected as soon as IT HAS BECOME A FIXED FACT, that no remedy has yet been discovered which allavi Fever possible. and gives strength and tone to the Stomach, and A H andsome D isplay .—W. C. Myers, that important gland, the Liver, like the AGUE of Ashland, Oregon, had a fine display of KING. It is nature’s own remedy, being com­ of vegetable matter, and skillfully prepared. horses and colts at the fair in this place, posed / leeks the root of the disease, and with its mag­ last week, which attracted great admira­ It ic influence perform« a cure. tion as they were driven through our streets each day. First he had two colts, only five and six months old, traveling along handsomely in harness to a sulky, followed by their dams, two very large mares hitched to a wagon, and the turn­ The Wonder of Wonders—The Great Ague out finishing with the mammoth stallion, King. “White Prince,” driven in a sulky, the ASSORTED IRON AND STEEL, latter being brother to the sire of the two if wonders are never to cea«e, SUBMERGED ¿-’DOUGLAS PUMPS, colts above mentioned.— Yreka Journal. I At wonder present all wonder« are on the increase ; Cook Stoves, Different Styles. Try the Ague King! (ritlllt Powder, Fuse -and Caps, Rifle & Blasting Powder E nd of the T rack .—The “front” is now at the farm of the Widow Matlock, just six miles south of this city. Wetook a ride on the construction train last Thursday and saw where some fine work had been done. The excavations along the Willamette River, at McVay’s Blurt-, four miles from here, show that Hallett has no child’s play about that locality. The grading is all done upto Pass Creek, but the want of trestle timber retards the laying of track. The advance force of graders are between Ambrose’s Station and Oakland.— Eugene City Guard. S tage C hanges .—A. H. Burrows, for­ merly of Yreka, says the Eugene City Guard, takes the places of Thomas B. Merry and James L. Luce, as agent on the cars and in this city. We also learn that the company has abolished the of­ fice in Portland, so long and ably man­ aged by B. G. Whitehouse. All tickets sold at points north of here, will be sold by the local agents of the O. A C. Rail­ road Company. Of the latest I now will give you a hint. Look at the Ague King ot Cowan A Flint. No Quinine, no Mercury, nor Arsonic we find Were ever compounded or with it combined ; This wonder, the doctor« were mentally sure, Could never be done and make a good cure. Great Conflagration! LOST at CHICAGO! Jt. dlE.VSOR Will continne to offer & general variety of MERCHANDISE, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. rvr Call and see, and judge for yourselves. M. MENSOR. Jacksonville, Oct. 21«t. 1871. 42m3 WAGON FOR SALE. FRY-PANS, &C. ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE.-®^ >17-tf. Jacksonville, June 10th, 1871. Great Ague King ! NOTICE. HE undersigned having been appointed agent of the County Court of Jackson county, Ore­ gon, for the care of the sick and indigent poor of said county, this is to notify all interested persons, that application for relief or aid from said couuty must be made through me. and all bills for aid or relief, before being audited by said Court, must be presented to me for approval. Done by order of the County Commissioner, at the July term of said Court, 1871. E. D. FOUDRAY Agent. A FULL AND COMPLETE Of the County Court of*the aforesaid county, for v ways on hand at the the county poor. This 12th day of July 1871. 2Stf T STOCK AL CITY DRUG STORE, HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- fully inform the Ladies of Jacksonville and vicinity, that they have just received from San Francisco their Fall Stock of Millinery Goods, and are prepared to furnish their customers with the latest styles of H ats , B onmkts , H ats and Box- mkt SniPES, Ac. Also a new and fine assort­ ment of T or BOOKS, LIVERY i SALE STABLE STATIONERY, Corner California and Fourth Sta. TRIMMINGS, TOILET ARTICLES, he undersigned m ’ ould respect - FLOWERS, AC. AC. tully inform their friends and the public gen­ erally that they have purchased the above estab­ lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be henceforward conducted under their constant per­ At the CITY DRUG STORE. sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor them with their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and within Agency for the convenient distance of tho various houses of public entertainment. Horses or mules will be boarded and cared for, by the day or week, at moderate W. L. COW a N, Druggist. chargee. They have the largest stock in Oregon ? south of Portland, of August 27th, 1870. T ORNAMENTS, TIDIES, NECKLACES, and othor articles in our line too numerous to mention. MISSES A. F. and L. A. KENT. Jacksonville, October 13th, 1871. tf GASOLINE OIL AND LAMPS -A-GtTJEï K.ING BUGGIBS AND CARRIAGES with singlo or double teams, for hire on reason­ able terms ; also, Notice of Final Settlement. GOOD SADDLE HORSES & MULES, RAtEN! FIRST DAY—RUNNING RACE. Single dash, one mile, for 2-year-old»—Purse, $125. SECOND DAY-TROTTING RACE. Two-milc heat«, best two in three—Purse, $150. THIRD DAY—RUNNING RACE. Mile heats, two in three—Pune, $100. The above purse« for all oounty horses. The races to bo run and governed by tho Jackson HE undersigned offers a good two-horse farm County Agricultural Society rulos. All entries wagon, capable of sustaining from 3,000 to must be mado on or before Saturday, Ootober 28th, 1871. Entries 10 per cent., to be made with 3,500 lbs., for sale. Would take grain in exchange. 4ltd HENRY PAPE, Jacksonville. LOUIS HORNE. T 1 Now shaker«, we tell you go buy it and try it, It quickly will make your «baking limbs quiet ; For pill« of Quinine, and every such thing, Mast speedily yield to the There will be threo days’ racing over tho Bybee Consisting of Dry Goods, Fancy Good«, Clothing, course, commencing Boots and Shoe«, Hats and Cap?, Grocer­ ies, Provisions, Hardware and Thursday, November 9th, 1871. Queensware, Liquor«, Ac., AT PRICES, FOR CASH, SKILLETS AND TEA-KETTLES, < BRASS & ENAMELED KETTLES, Sr- One bottle is all—I took as directed, And, wondrous to tell, my core was effected ; From the grave I wasinatched, and ever will ting Honored and bleia’d be the great Ague King ! PEARL BEADS, NOTWITHSTANDING THIS GREAT LOSS I A 1 ’ I’d shaken so long, till every kind friend Contolingly told me to fix for my end ; Oh ! life wai to sweet, I wished not to die, Therefore the Ague King I hastened to try. RIBBONS, $100,000,000 BAKE OVENS, I We confess it astound« us, and wonderfully toe, To see what the Ague King daily does do ; If you’ve Fever, or Ague, or any such thing. Go promptly and purchase the great Ague Kiug. A nother D emocratic V ictory .— SOLD EVERYWHERE RY DRUG­ GISTS AND DEALERS. [32tf A dispatch from Savannah, Georgia, dat­ ed October 9th, says that the election passed off quietly, and that the Demo­ MILLINERY STORE, cratic municipal ticket, with Col. John Screven for Mayor, was elected by over CALIFORNIA STREET, (Under Horne’s Hall,) 2,000 majority. Bully for Savannah ! Jacksonville, Oregon A L ight P enalty .—The Gale broth­ ers, who shot Thompson, the publisher of the Roseburg Plaindcaler, were in­ dicted at the late term of the Circuit Court for Douglas county, on a charge of assault with deadly weapons, and fined $100 each. CAST-IRON WASH KETTLES, In the County Court, for tho State of Oregon, for Which will bo hired to go to any part of Jackson County. (Sitting in Probate, October the country at moderate rates. 5th, 1871.) Animals bought and sold, and horses broke te In the matter of the Estate of Joshua II. Sterne, saddle or harness. deceased. KEUBLI A WILSON. OILAS J. DAY, administrator “de bonit non” of May 7tb, 1870. kJ said estate, having filed in Mid Court bis final aecouut for settlement, and also praying Cor an or­ der for setting the time for hearing the same, no­ tice is hereby given that said final aocount will be Notice of Final Settlement. heard and determined in said Court on Tuesday, the 10th day of November, 1871, nt whioh time and In tho County Court of the State ef Oregon, for place all persons having any objections to said final Jackson County, (sitting in Probate, October account must then and there make the Mme. 5th, 1871.) In the matter of the estate of Thos. By order of L. J. C. Duncan, Judge of Mid Croxton, deceased. Court. William Kahler and James P. Tuffs, executer« of 41t4 Attest : SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. «aid estate, having filed in «aid Court their final ac­ count for settlement, and also praying for an order for setting the time of hearing the same ; therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be heard a id determined ia said Court on Tues­ day, the $ 1 day of October, 1871, at which time LL persons indebted to the undersigned, ther and plaee all persons having any objections to said by note or account, are notified that th« best final account and settlement, must then and there thing they can do is to pay up, as we are compelled make the same. to have money, and it must come from those who By order of Hon. L. J. C. Dunean, Judge of owe us, and that toon. ORTII A GKNNINA. said Court. [41t4] SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. Jacksonville, August 19th, 1871. MW I»A.T TJIF ! A