ADVERTISEMENT», $tmocrati([ 3/tmes. 1 Published Every Saturday Morning BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. ♦ feV 0^ 63 be JOO PRINTINC. FFIOE---On California St,, over Reamea & Wll- •on’s Livery Stable. Every variety of Job Work executed with ne*b*. ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. TERMS: VOL. 1. .$3 00 $1 50 Subscription, per annum,......... Six months..................................... In T he D emocratic T imes will be charged the following rates First insertion, (ten lines or less).................$3 For each week thereafter................................. ...$1 A liberal deduction from the above rates will made on quarterly and yearly advertisements-. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1871. NO. 44. JJSS“ LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. - ■- ■>-" - i Ai d WOMAN'S RIGHTS IN WYOMING. SWAMP LAND PETITION. pasture of fleas. These creatures, as soon us it was light, were succeeded by a 'e- A Wife as Justice Passes Seutcnce on hei' Il’ILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- gion of Ileus, who prevented me even To the Hon. TF. H. Odell, Surveyor Gen­ JACKSOX COVXTY. Husband. Tl GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls A Plain, Unvarnished Tale« eral o f Oregon: then from sleeping, by settling upon"my F irst JrniciAL D istrict .—Circuit Judge, P. on professional business. His office and residence The undersigned, your petitioners, citi­ nose. The blue sky, the azure sea, the P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney. H. K. Hanna. «re at One of tho best of the many stories told Jacken» County— Circuit Court, Second Monday The Overbeck Hcspitul, 1 “It is erupting, sir,” said an American warm sun, the balmy breezes of Naples, zens of Jackson county and residents of j in connection with the official action of in February and November. County Court, first On Oregon Street. Jacksonville, Oregon t-tf . to me, as we stood before the door of the its orange groves and mountans, are all Link river and the Klamath lakes coun­ ¡Mrs. Justice-of-the-Peace Morris, bt Monday in each month. hotel; and so it was. During the whole well in their way; but, as a matter of try, would respectfully represent that Sweetwater county, Wyoming, is by a ■ day a thin column of smoke issued from choice, I would rutlier live in more north­ they are farmers and stock raisers, in­ Cheyenne correspondent of the New York, C' omn ’ v O^crr«—Juf "Clerk, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel ; seemed to be pouring down its side. “My haps a shade worse, where the beauties account of the advantages it affords for the delicate questions which must arise Deputy Sheriff. E. D. Foudray ; Treasurer, John JACKSONVILLE, OGN. Neuber ; Assessor, David Redpath ; County Com- dear,” I said to my wife, “we must do of nature are not so striking, but where the latter employment. That rain falls with the assumption by women of duties, missioners, John 8. Herrin, Thomas Wright; Vesuvius.” So yesterday we started by one is not so bitten by fleas and gnats all so seldom and in such small quantities, which belong only to the other sex. Mr. "School Superintuident, Wm. M. Turner; Survey­ the train for I’ompeii. Tlie modern town night, and tickled by flies all day. As that land, unless irrigated naturally or Morris, the gentle husband of Mrs. Mor^ or, J. 8. Howard ; Coroner, L. Ganung. of that name consists of a half dozen for these latter insects, I do wish that artificially, cannot be relied on for crops ris, had, it seems, a bad habit of taking a ^•iT" Office and residence at Ryan’s brick build­ Jackuoneill» Precinct.— Justice of tho Peace, houses, three of which are inns. The one of those persons who believe that ev­ of grain, grass or vegetables. For this social glass occasionally ; and one day, ing, Third street between California and Main. ■James R. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. guides to the mountain are found near ery thing is created for a purpose, would reason, the lands lying low along the during the lady’s absence at Court-, and the gate leading into the ancient Pom­ tell me of what use they are. 1 can for­ margin of the lakes or streams are the when he should have been attending th? Toten nf Jackeonville.— Trustees, James A. Wil- Ion, N. Fisher. Lewis Zigler, John Bilger and J. peii. They are twelve in number, and give a gnat, or a flea, or even a bug, for only lands of value in the county, and if babies, his friends—for the purpose bf 8. Howard ; Recorder, U. S. Hayden ; Treas­ are under the supervision of a govern- they, torment one in order to feed; but we are deprived of the use ami ownership making a test case doubtless—plied him urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, James P. McDaniel (KEPT OX THE EVROrEAX PLAX.) ■ ment official, At 3 P. M., each mounted flies are the natural enemies of mankind of them many of our farms are worthless, with liquor until lie was drunk, and then JoSEPniXK COVXTY. on a horse, with a guide on a third, and a —their whole object in life seems to be and we will all sutler great loss and in­ had him arrested and taken before his Corner of Stark and Front Streets, youth following us to make himself gen­ to annoy the human race. One is taught jury/ County Officer».— Judge, J. 11. Siferi ; Sheriff, The Deputy who surveyed this country wife, the Justice. This was the result-.’ erally useful, Louisa and I started from in school that Nero when a boy used to Daniel L. Green ; Clerk, Charles Hughes : Asses­ PORTLAND, Mr. Morris’ head was not sufficiently OREGON. 1 the Hotel Diomede. For the first hour kill them, and that, as a necessary conse­ on the part of the government, run his sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer. Wm. Naueke; clear to comprehend the situation. lie Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, 11. Wood- the path led through vineyards ; for the quence, later in life, he killed his moth­ section lines to, and established his frac­ began to assert his sovereign rights in ZIEHER d- HOLTOX, PROPRIETORS. sock; School Superintendent, R. R. Middles- second hour it went over the lava almost er. For my part, I forgive him many of tional corners, and run his meander lines contempt of Court, until suddenly Jaunary 7-tf. worth. straight up the mountain. Itfteemsto his crimes, for having passed his child­ along the margin of the low and valuable brought up by tho officer, in obedience Jotepkine County.— Circuit Court, 2d Monday be the mission of Napolitans to teach tlie hood in destroying the noxious vermin. lands, and not along the bank of the riv­ to the Court’s order. Seeing that things in April and Fourth Monday in October. County world what can be got out of a horse. On the whole, if I might venture a sug­ er or lake, along which those lands ex­ had changed somewhat, and tliat Otliel- Court, First Monday in January, April, July and So that, besides the river or lake Along all the roads in the vicinity of gestion to those who are thinking of as­ tend. had at hd October. lying between these meander lines there I t lo {” ’ ’ s occupation '• ...... a. least .e..». suspended, ue cending Vesuvius, it would be, “ Don ’ t. ” Naples the wretched-looking screws toil am large tracts of valuable land, call.,!I ’ »«? “ . to - expostulate first theofficer. ENGINEER, merry along, up hill and downhill, drag­ It does not repay the trouble. From a until informed by that functionary that ging* behind them heavily laden market distance the mountain is a fine object, “lake” or “marsh,” which is neither—in he had no discretion, but was acting un1 - - often - carts, with as many as twenty men particularly when there is an eruption ; either the legal or common sense defini­ I der orders from the Court. and women perched indiscriminately up­ but to go up it is much like going be­ tion of those terms. But there is now ' “Who is (hie) the Court ?” inquiredMrt 1IIOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS CON- on them. An English horse would have hind the scenes of a theatre. The illu­ here a party surveying the lands between Morris. JACKSONV1LLE LODGE No. !• On being informed that the oc* J Stantly on hand. declined at once to have faced the path i sion is destroyed; and after several hours’ the line of meanders established by the I cupant of the bench was the Judge, Mr» OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON of the mountain. Our horses readied the toil, all one sees are two or three holes Deputy Surveyor and the lakes ami riv­ Morris looked at the Justice with a puz­ every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ base of the cone without turning a hair, emitting smoke in a heap of cinders—a ers—claiming them as “swamp and over­ zled air, scratched his head in an effort to Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to 12 1-2 Cents. and seemed to like it. Here we dis­ sight about as interesting as the chimney flowed lands,” belonging to the State in collect his scattered thoughts, and ejacu­ attend. EDWIN SMITH, N. G. 39tf. mounted, and were immediately assailed of a manufactory.—[Letter from Naples. virtue of an act of Congress granting the lated : “Iler—her—(hie)—youd----- fool HENRY KLIPPEL, R. Sec y. swamp and overflowed lands to the State —she’s my wife—(hie)—she is—that's by a half naked crew of porters and spec- J ohx B ilges , } Trustees. in which they lie, and extended to Ore­ Esther, my (hie) wife Esther—you’re SEEDING ORCHARDS TO GRASS. I ulators. One held a bottle to my lips, S. J. D ay , gon and Minnesota on the 2f Watch and Clock Cleaning and | Louisa, every few minutes sternly de­ meantime, a tree dies out, plant another Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by ' pose so soon as it is brought into market. ■ man’s and woman's rights under this new Dr. E. H. Greene an, corner California and Fifth Repairiug done to order at half price. clining the chair. One by one our friends and a better one, as soon as possible. I p Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. I We therefore pray that you cause the dispensation. On the following morning Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short tailed oil’, and after climbing, scrambling to this time be satistied with a lew sam- public surveys to be extended over that ?dr. Morris v. a arraigned before her Hon­ notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention and slipping for an hour we triumphant- pie or specimen fruits. If the trees EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS given to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth portion of the lands now meandered as or, and in the most sober and subdued ly stood u]»on the summit. My notion of j bloom anil set full (and we are now speak- «Xtracted without pain by the use of the late “ swamp or lake, ” and the fractional cor­ manner, and witlf the deepest humilia­ a volcano—a most unscientific one, no ing especially of apples and |>ears), prune method uf lucal anasthesia. Ail work warranted. ners and the meander lines placed upon tion, pleaded guilty, asked ¡he pardon of doubt—has always been of a vast lake of . out the fruit spurs, except enough for a Satisfaction guaranteed. the actual bank of the river or lake as the the Court for contempt, begged its clem­ nov20 3m. Nov. 20th, 1869. molten lava, perjietually seething and very limited crop. After the fifth or THE case may be, and the land so surveyed ency and then awaited his sentence with boiling. I was awakened from this de- sixth year seed to clover, and allow no brought speedily into market. humanity and resignation. After giving lusion by the guide pointing to a small ¡grass of any kind, especially not timothy i And whereas, by the proviso to tho 1st the prisoner a Caudle lecture as amended I hole, about six feet in diameter, and say- lor blue grass to getfoothold. Even with ing : “This is the small crater.” A few clover it is best to mulch around and section of the act of Congress of tho 12th by the laws of Wyoming, her Honor im­ of March, i860, granting swamp ami posed the usual fine and required the HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ESTABLISH- , steps further luriner uii on we came upon me the eage edge i near the tree. overflowed lands to Minnesota and Ore­ prisoner to give bonds to keep the peace, e. a Real Estate Agency in connection with Cor. Third A ( ul. sts., (opposite tho I. N. Hotel.); of a basin of ashes, But, says one, what crop shall snail we raise •• lies, with with a a hole hole about about I But, tbeir Law Office, and are prepared to buy and sell gon, “ swamp ami overflowed lands” may upon which tho Court offered to let him KrLcovi ii ■ «' nn»?r<«i*r thirty feet in diameter at the bottom / in our orchards that will be profitable, real estate in this and adjoining counties. Records bo taken up under the pre-emption and go, and Mr. Morris vanished. 4ACKSONV iLLb, “ that, ” lie said, “ is the large crater. ” 1 pay for the labor, and be a benefit to the searched and abstracts of title prepared with dis­ ____ sat down disgusted. It was now getting | trees ? We answer for a rotation : first Homestead laws prior to their cession to patch and accuracy. Parties a’ a distance can T he N ext C omet .—Lucke’s comet is -oommunicate with us by addressing ilark. “Come this way,” said theguidej [year, potatoes; second, corn—drilled and the State, we further pray that you eau ■ the surveys asked for to be made speedily FAY A REA, JOHN NOLAND, PROP’R. “an