ADVERTISEMENTS, democratic ®hnes. meni Published Every Saturday Morning BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. FFIOE---On California St,, over Reamcs <£ Wil» son's Livery Stable. iw In T he D emocratic T imes will be ohatgwd kt the following rates First insertion, (ten lines or less)..,..>3 Cfi For each week thereafter.......... ...................... 41 1»^ A liberal deduction from the above rate* will LW made on quarterly and yearly advertixeaentk* ♦ JOB PRINTING, Every variety of Job Work executed with neal ne*s and dispatch, at reasonable rates. TERMS: Subscription, per annum................................... $3 00 Six months.............................................................. $1 30 VOL. 1. offxcxax * directory . DH. A. B. OVEKBECK JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28,1871. T1IE HORROR IN THE CLOUDS. THINGS TO REMEMBER. NO. 43. LEGAL TENDERS taken at par fit subscription. EXCELLENT INTEREST RULES, ADVICE TO YOUNG FARMERS. 1VILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- VV GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls The Awful Death of Professor Wilbur, at Paoli, Indiana. F irst JrrjctAt D istrict . — Circuit Judge, P. on professional business. His office and residence P. Pritu ; Prosecuting Attorney, H. K. Hanna. are at Jackion County— Circuit Court, Second Monday The Overbeck Hospital, [Paoli Correspondence New York World.] in February and November. County Court, first On Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. 1 tf It was tlie gayest day of the week at Monday in eaeh month. Do not use manure to enrich land, As Edward Everett became overheated in if you finding the interest on any prlnci* could mend Nature’s work ! Be- pal For testifying in a court-room, went to Fan- for number of cents—the answer it is offensive to the sight and in each any euil Hall, which was cold, sat in a sides case being in cents—separate the drought of air until it was his turn to smell. two right hand figures of answer ex* Plow not frequently, nor deep—it will press it in dollars and cents. : “But my hands and feet were fatigue the Fair ; everybody was in holiday dress, speak and team. like ice, my lungs like fire. In this con­ Weeds yourself cent.—Multiply the principal by County Officer»— Judge. L. J. C. Duncan ; are the worst occupants. G rub, the 4 per the girls looked their prettiest, the farm ­ dition I had to spend three hours in the number of days to run; separate •> Clerk, Sila, J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel; ers their most florid, and the country court-room.” He died in less than a pluck, apparently destroy them, they right hand figure from product, and di* Deputy Sheriff, E. I). Foudray ; Treasurer, John beaus were bedecked and invested in col­ week from thus cheeking the prespira- will come back, as if they knew by in­ vide by 9. JACKSONVILLE, OGN. Neu her ; Assessor, David Redpath ; County Com­ stinct you had no right to expel them. ors vieing not only with the rainbow but tion. It was enough to kill any man. missioners, John S. Herrin, Thoma, Wright; 5 per cent.—Multiply by number of with the utmost powers of aniline. The School Superintendent, Win. M. Turner; Survey­ Prof. Mitchell, while in a state of per­ You had better mind your own business, days and divide by 12. center of attraction was, of course, the in­ spiration in yellow fever, the certain sign and let them alone at once, and be done or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner. L. Gan ting. 6 per cent.—Multiply by number of closed space where the balloon was to be of recovery, left his bed, went into anoth­ with it. You will save a great deal of days, T'-tT Office and residence at Ryan ’ s brick build ­ separate right hand figure, and cfi- JaclctoTfiUn Precinct.— Justice of the Peace, inflated, about which gathered an eager er room, became chilled in a moment and trouble. ing, Third street between California and Main. -James K. Wade ; Constable, N. Stephenson. vide by 6. crowd, looking at everything connected died the same night. As to tools and instruments of husband­ 8 per —Multiply by number of Town of Jacksonville.— Trustees, James A. Wil- with the expected event, studying the If, while perspiration, or wanner than ry, the worst are the better, because they days and cent. divide by 45. Uon, N. Fisher. Lewis Ziglcr, John Bilger and J. ropes, peering about to see where the gas usual from exercise, or in a heated room, are the cheapest, and you will be least in­ 9 per cent.—Multiply S. Howard ; Recorder, U. 8. Hayden ; Treas­ number of was to come from, and pestering the ami­ there is a sudden exposure to still, cold jured when they are broken, worn out or days; separate right hand by urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, James P. McDaniel figure, and di* ( kept on the bvropkan plan ,) able Professor with questions as to how air, or a raw, damp atmosphere, or a lost. Leave your implements and uten­ vide by 4. • J osephine covsty . ¡ the gas was made, what made the bal­ for farming where you leave off work. Corner of Stark and Front Streets, whether at an open window or sils 10. per cent.—Multiply by number of They will be ready for next year. That days, loon go up, and other things of the sort. drought, County Officer».— Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, door, qr street corner, the inevitable re ­ and divide by 36. Daniel L. Green ; Clerk. Charles Hughes ; Asses­ FORTX.AND, The Professor laughed good-naturedly, sult is a violent and instantaneous clos­ is economy of time. “Time is money,” OREGON 12. per cent.—Multiply by number of sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer, Win. Naucke; | explained as much as possible, and every­ ing of the pores of the skin, by which Dr. Franklin says. So you see you save days ; separate right hand figure, and di* Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Wood­ body was jolly in the anticipation of wit­ waste and impure matter, which was money. ZIEBER ort a party guilty ’ of such The proprietor of this old stand was the first me with an iron grasp, “lie will die—he reads this, will think the matterover, and Yet her eyes remained do what is right, and discard slang and doings. to bring liquors down to a bit a drink nine years will be killed !” A ttention , P eople !—The Democrat­ hereafter. Count me with the D< •emocracy Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, ago in Jacksonville. I will be happy to have my fixed on that falling body. At first it unladylike phrases. ic Executive Resident Committee held a friends call and see me. The best kind* ef wines, seemed like the stick of a rocket, coming meeting in Washington on the 5th inst., liquors and cigars always on bands. Families sup down with the speed of lightning ; then JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, “N epenthe .”—This word, which is so at which the following statement was au­ To P revent C onflagration in C it ­ plied with the best and purest in the market, a- it doubled up like a ball, then seemed to often used by poets, is the name of a ies .—The awful experience of Chicago Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and .teasonable rates. : unfold, and whirling about with a gyra­ plant, which, in torrid regions, supplies thorized Jacksonville, July 12th, 1871. 28tf suggests that something more must bo other Courts of this State. This Committee have had their atten ­ tory motion, with hands and legs spread the traveler with a refreshing beverage. tion called to an anonymous pamphlet, done to prevent the spread of fire in a OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. out. It seemed an age while the man It has an urn or pitcher at tho extremity Jacobs—opposite Court House square. “Concession, or How the Lost city, then providing water and the means was falling, for before he loosened his of its leaves, generally filled with pure entitled Cause may be regained, ami the Indepen­ of applying it. Whenever fires once gets JAKXS ». »AT. D. I. REA. grasp the balloon was at least a mile from and limpid water. This is covered with I dence of the South Secured,” now being a good start, water, however copiously KAREW8KI, HAVING JUST OPENED the earth—and what an age to that poor a lid when full; but the water dimin­ FAY & REA circulated over the States, as though em­ applied, is powerless to quench it It , a large stock of wife who watched her husband rushing ishes during the day, and increases in anating from a Democratic source. The seems that not much can be done in the Attorneys and Counsellors-at.Law, towards her and death with the speed of quantity during the night. “Nepenthe” Committee feels authorized to denounce way of improvement in that line. A light. The descent was made in sixty is also the name of a plant which the an­ the same as a fraud, OFFICE—In Court Hons«, up stairs. and the sentiments good start for the fire, with engine-houses STAPLE DRY GOODS, seconds. cients put into wine, to drive dull care therein expressed as antagonistic to the thoroughly cold, firemen asleep to start Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts WHEN ABOUT HALF A MILE FROM THE away, when the wine itself would not. GROCERIES, principles and purposes of the Democrat­ with, and a strong wind from over Lak« . of this State. GROUND Some suppose it to be the helenium. ic party. Further, this Committee are of Michigan, and no water cure is available His body ceased its gyratory motion, as­ BOOTS A SHOES, to check the flames. the unanimous opinion that the Particular attention paid to the collection sumed a perpendicular position and came W atering T eams O ften .—Horses originated from a Radical source, same of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ A suggestion has been made, which WO with BLANKETS, down head first. It struck the earth and oxen at work need water often. The the intention to deceive the people and think ments, th* Entry of Land* under the Pre-emption may have some merit in it: A some distance from us, then rebounded, filowman carries his jug of water, or prejudice them against the only party high wall of stone, through the center of and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral GLASSWARE, Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. falling again within a few feet of where eaves his team to rest while he goes to which can reform the administration of a block, here and there throughout the it struck. Then, from paralyzed fear, the the house for a drink. But the team the government, and bring about a return city, would afford a standing point for the HARDWARE, crowd broke forth into shrieks of terror; works harder than the driver, and proba­ to firemen. By giving up one lot front to honesty and Constitutional laws. women ran about screaming and actually bly needs drink as often ; yet manv PAINTS A OILS. this, and erecting a broad-based wall of (Signed) S amuel L. R andall , tearing their hair, and a rush was made teams are taken out early in the field, good stone one story higher than the ( ’ hairman of Committee. for the spot where the man had struck where there is no water, except in the Wintjen & Helms3 Proprietors. buildings, the firemen would be provided Messrs. Randall, Sloan, Swann, Eld ­ the ground. There was an indentation driver’s jug, and work five or six hours ridge and Jeffreys were personally present, with a ready My Motto: aid, an intrenchment* from not less than eight or ten inches deep, before they can get a drop. Is it any and Messrs. Niblack, Young, Merrick which to attack Oregon SL* next to Odd Fellows* Building. the fire on the one side* ‘‘Quick Sales & Small Profits.” and filled with blood and brains which wonder they are injured by drinking too and Smith were represented. without the risks now incurred, and with had burst from the skull when, like a much when they are led to the spring at a certainty of being able to repel the essrs , wintjen a helms beg to cannon ball let drop from an immense noon or evening ? T he C ost .—The New York Express, a flames. These breaks w’ould afford an al­ inform their friends and the public generally hight, it crushed into the earth. The con­ —AT— reliable paper, says that “Each tick of most absolute certain insurance against ,1,^1 they have thoroughly refitted their saloon, cussion is said to have been heard by res­ T he Hon. Charles Sumner, Republican the clock for the last 10 years has added the and reduced the price of liquors to spread of any fire further than to cov­ idents of Paoli, half a mile distant. The U. S. Senator from Massachusetts, re­ $8.28 to our National debt, and every er the area by two of them.— Ex» Professor’s hat, which came off a few sec­ cently said that Gen. Grant is mentally time the second hand has made a com­ 12 1-2 CENTS. onds before he started, fell within four and morally far inferior to all the for­ plete revolution, $496.80 have accumulat­ Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, offers G reeley attempted to say that “glass They will be happy to have their friends “call bargains, such as have not been offered before at feet from him shortly after he reached mer Presidents of the United States, and ed to that already weighty incumbrance. windows were used for lights in 1170,” the ground, he having passed it about even Andy Johnson towers above him in and smile.” „ At every inhalation and exhalation but the bungling Jacksonville. compositor made it midway down. The balloon rose to an the qualifications of the mind and heart. This stock is fresh and of the beet quality, and $16.56 have been put upon the debt side, read—“grass widows were used at night immense hight, and, taking a north­ and in the little time we take to con­ in 1870.” Kill him, Horace, English Ale and Porter, CASH purchasers will do well to call on him. western direction, landed some three O ne of the western editore, speaking of sume our dinner, at least $9,936 have __ _________ Hl H 1 a large and fat cotemporary, remarked been consumed by tho Republican party miles from the scene of the disaster. toother with the finest brands of liquors and oi- A nowspaper is the literature of th« that if all flesh was grass, he must be a The dead man was taken up and carried at Washington.” gars always on hand. million. One man in a hundred reads * to the Albert House, where the poor load of hay. “I expect I am,” said the in exchange for goods. Also ground salt in 60 Feints of Billiards for Drinks. taken M wife, who had often safely traversed the fat man, “from the way the asses are T hb Pacific Coast has contributed book; ninety-nine in a hundred 50 and 100 lbs. saeks, and fine Liverpool salt. newspaper. air with her husband, cared for it. nibbling at me.” largely to the Chicago relief fund. April lot, 1870. aprl-tf. January 7tb, 1871. jvrf-lf. JACKSO.Y COVSTY. S. F. CHAPIN, M. D COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL RAILROAD SALOON C H } QUICK SALES And Small Profits, H I Business Curbs. -------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Physician and Surgeon, JEWELRY STORE, H A I REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Pioneer Bit House, T i « L CHEAP FOR CASH! G TUB TABLE ROCK SALOON. M THE BRICK STORE, Staple Produce I