ADVERTISEMENTS, ’Oemorratii ®im«. In T he D emocratic T imes will b« charged st the following rates Published Every Saturday Morning First insertion, (ten lines or less)............ ....$3 Ot For e^:h week thereafter..................................... $1 00 A liberal deduction from the above rates will bs made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. OrriOE—On California St,, over Reamcs 4 Wil­ son's Livery Stable. JOB PRINTINQ. Every variety of Job Work executed with nsa< ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. TERMS: Subscription, per annum................................. S3 00 Six months.......................................................... $1 50 VOL. 1. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21,1871. NO. 42 POLITICAL CORRUPTION. well nigh idolized by her people, met her first great grief in the death of the TI7TLL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- JACKSOX COCHTT. IV GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls Sovereign of England for a Third of a Cen­ Duchess of Kent, her mother, which oc­ How and Why Senators Put Counterfeit ers, Thieves and Courtesans in Oilice. tury— Alexandria Victoria—Her Ances­ curred on March 16, 1861. F irst J udicial D istrict .—Circuit Judge, P. on professional business. His office and residence are at Before that year expired, her husband try, Birth, Coronation and Reign. P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney, II. K. Hanna. The Overbeck Hospital, Jnrkton County— Circuit Court, Second Monday was taken from her, the Prince Consort In February anil November. County Court, first On Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. 1 -tf dying, after a brief illness, on December A Washington letter in the New York [From tho Chicago Times, Sept. 28th.] Sun tells some of the Secrets of how ap­ Monday in each month. 14th. “The Queen is in imminent danger.” pointments to office at Washington are FROM THIS DATE County Officer*— Judge, L. J. C. Duncan ; c “ Fatal results may arise at any mo ­ made. Under the head, “A Story of a Clork, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel; The life and course of Victoria Alexan­ Western Senator,” the correspondent ment. ” Deputy Sheriff, E. D. Foudray ; Treasurer, John JACKSONVILLE, OGN. says : “She is affected in both mind and body, drina was sadly, strangely changed. Neubor ; Assessor, David Redpath ; County Com­ She neglected none of the important Sometimes the parties so appointed by and the worst is apprehended.” missioners, John S. Herrin, Thomas Wright; Such is the import of news that finds duties of her position. Her desire for the oflicials approach the Senator or Repre­ School Superintendent, Win. M. Turner; Survey­ or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner, L. Ganung. its way under the ocean from the Old to welfare of her people was still manifest sentative with whom they have had re­ in the most minute details, but in all oth­ lations with a threat of exposure if he Office and residence at Ryan’s brick build­ the New World. Jaduonvillt Precinct.— Justice of the Peace, er respects she was a broken-hearted does not get them appointed. The Sena­ ing, Third street between California and Main. This Queen, whose earthly existence James K. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. woman, a sorrowing widow, whose grief tor, for instance, is a married man, lives now seems to hang by the thinnest of r»«cn of Jacksonville.— Trustees, James A. Wil- at the loss of her lord has never been as­ in good style, receives elegantly and en­ threads, is a woman whose life has com­ ■eu, N. Fisher, Lewis Zigler, John Bilger and J. suaged. tertains sumptuously. He cannot afford manded the attention of nations and re­ S. Howard ; Recorder, U. S. Hayden ; Treas­ With a few recent exceptions, she has to be exposed. He knows that the wom­ urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, James P. McDaniel spect of the world from infancy; whose studiously (KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN,) avoided appearing in public, an who is hanging about to blackmail reign has been crowned with the honest­ JoSEl'HIXK COIHITT. except on imperative occasions, and we him is a bad woman. He knows that she Corner of Stark and Front Streets, ly expressed admiration alike of auto­ believe that, although her consort has is associated with a man who claims to County Officers.— Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, crats, republicans, constitutional rulers T)aniel L. Green ; Clerk, Charles Hughes ; Asses­ PORTLAND, * - - OREGON. and communists, but whose death is to i lain in the tomb for nearly ten years, be her husband, who is susjiected of be­ sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer, Wm. Naucke; centre ujxm the sea-lashed isle, over. she has not wholly dropped the garb of longing to a gang of counterfeiters. Not­ Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Wood­ ZIEBER osing one, nor draw­ wer, Carlyle, Froude and many others JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 1# 11IOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS; C0N- to receive the crown of Great Britain. have been added during her rule, to the ing upon my imagination. This is not ) stantly on hand. A RARE AND NOBLE GATHERING all that the frightened Senator did. He immortal lists of letters. old ? its regular meetings on Graced the halls of grand old Westmin ­ Science has flourished in Darwin, Eric­ demanded that the man himself, who had every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ CTDW OTOTS, ster, and the occasion was one of royal son, Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to Faraday, Tyndall and Lyell ; as­ received $1,000 hush money, should be 12 1-2 Cents. •ttead. EDWIN SMITH, N. G. splendor, unmixed with any of the pain tronomy in the younger Herschel; art appointed in the Interior Department. 39tf. HENRY KLIPPEL, R. Sec’y. that obtrudes alike upon the gala days in Landseer, Turner, Maclise, and that He was told by the acting head of that J ohx B ilger , ) department tliat the man was a scoun­ of royalty and humble citizenship. A most inspired of art writers, Ruskin. S. J. D ay , > Trustees. dull and stupid King has passed to his But it is in statesmanship that her drel ; that he had a bad reputation at I saac S achs , ) respectable sleep ; sterling ability filled reign has been signalized by the greatest home, and was suspected of belonging to Regular Rohekah Degree meeting, last Monday the ministerial and minor positions of of triumphs; by victories beside which a gang of counterfeiters in the United night of each month, at “J o’clock p. m. government trust; the young Queen the laurels earned by the British sol­ States. May 1st, 1869. t—f was surrounded with advisers sage, ear­ diery on the bloody fields of the Crimea, It, made no difference. The Senator nest and patriotic, and never was there a India, Persia and China, have been in­ saw near him the glare of the demon, and Oregonian. Pocahontas, Tribe No. 1, Im­ happier outlook for a Sovereign or peo­ significant and barren in results. In this felt his sharp claws in his flesh, for he proved Order of Red Men, connection it is singular to notice that in trembled with fear when he heard the ple. OLD their stated councils at Odd Fellows’ Hall, victoria ’ s ancestry . none of the wars in which her country Secretary’s words. “Never mind,” re- the third sun in each sevenrsuns, at the Sth AM SELLING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE run. A cordial invitation to all brothers in good This young Queen was a descendant of has been engaged during her rule has spodded the Senator ; “if what you say is of Saddles and Harness cheaper than ever was standing. E. D. FOUDRAY, S. Victoria had an inciting part. Individu­ true he will make a good detective in the ottered liet'.re in Jacksonville. “Seeing is believ­ the proud house of Hanover, of which Jos. II. H yzer . C. of R. ally, she has labored to avert each strug­ Pension Bureau. Appoint him. Set a she was the sixth sovereign. She was ing.” Give mo a call before purchasing else­ gle, preferring rather to yield a few punc­ thief to catch a thief.” the only child of the Duke of Kent and where. the Princess Louisa of Saxe-Coburg, rel­ tilious points than to be the projector of A* Senator commanded, and the crea­ REPAIRING ture of the Senate obeyed. The suspect­ ict of the hereditary Prince of Leiningen. scent's of carnage. ed counterfeiter was recently removed, But the wars once inaugurated, she has Her father died while she was yet an in­ done with neatness and dispatch. complaint being made by another Sena­ seen that her Ministry have left no means fant, and as neither the last of the DR. L. DANFORTH, JERRY NUNAN. tor whom he had also attempted to black­ unused to secure successful results, and Georges, nor his next brothers, the Dukes Jacksonville. Jan. 14th. 1871. jan-lltf. of York and Clarence, had surviving le­ in every struggle between England and mail, that the fellow was a scoundrel. gitimate issue, she soon same to be look­ other Powers, while Victoria has been The acting Secretary said : “Yes, 1 think Call at J. Neuber’s ed upon as the probable future ruler of upon the throne, British valor has been lie is, and told Senator------- so; but he AS permanently located on the Fort Lane insisted and I yielded. If you demand it the nation. The accession of her uncle, ultimately triumphant. Ranch, two miles north of Willow Springs, 1 will remove him.” William IV., to the throne, in her thir ­ OF THE PEACEFUL VICTORIES and offers his professional services to the people of The Secretary said afterwards that he nd see his fine stock of new teenth year, made her the full heir pre- Jaeksoa and Josephine counties. 38ttf Won for the good, not only of England, had removed him ; that lie had pursued Goods direct from the manufacturers. i sumptive to the Crown. but for all mankind, we lnav notice the his Senatorial victim and insisted on be­ He has a fine lot o Dr. L. T. DAVIS, 1IER EDUCATION Corn law trouble’s excellent solution; the ing reinstated, and the belief is that he is Sowins Maclilnoai settlement of the early Irish difficulties, now in the employ of the Government, Was conducted with the high end in Offloe--On ZPine street, Prices truiu $20 to $110, cash. view for which she was presumably des­ Chartist agitation, and Jamaica question; if not in the same place, probably in some tined. The young Princess received the the withdrawal from Napoleon’s ill-ad­ other bureau. Opposite t he Old A New Lot of The same Senator lias paid out to these IMBRICAN LBV ER WATCHES kindly attentions of tho Duchess of vised Mexican enterprise; the glories of the great industrial expositions; the thieves, counterfeiters and their para­ Northumberland and others, and a train ­ A rkansas L ivery S table , Just from the Factory. ing was bestowed upon her that could Treaty of Washington, and other impor­ mours about $6.000 hush money, besides not fail of rendering her truly worthy to tant events of less prominence. keeping them in snug places in the Gov­ He is agent for the best Rifles and Pistols made, Jacksonville, Oregon. be the noble wife, mother, Queen and HER MINISTRIES among which is the ernment pay, where they can spy and woman she was destined to be. II 33 ZNT XL Y H. I ZF* Xs IS. Have been singularly efficient, and the post up their outside confederates. This 1)K. W. JACKSON, Until within a few weeks of her eleva­ brilliant names of Melbourne, Peel, Rus­ Senator cannot be benefitted much by the Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ tion to the throne, her life was spent in sel, Aberdeen, Palmerston, Derby and temperance reform which I have sugges­ ing. ZDZEJSTTIST. comparative retirement, varied by tours Gladstone, at the head of her various ted, because he is already a pioneer in that Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and through the principal parts of her future Cabinet of the past, have marked the movement. He is a pious temperance Dr. E. II. Greenman, corner California and Fifth Repairing done to order at half price. kingdom. governmental records of her reign with exhorter. He has a great deal to say Streets. AU styles of Dental work done on short Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. HER MARRIAGE notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention more of individual and collective ability about virtue and against corruption, but given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth was consummated within two years after than has ever been seen in the history of he is probably the greatest legislative EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. extracted without pain by the use of the late thief in the United States Senate. He is her coronation. The consort of English an English monarch. method of local anasthesia. All work warranted. only one. There are others. Neither of royalty was Prince Albert, of Saxe-Co ­ THE ONLY BLOT Satisfaction guaranteed. these to whom I have referred burg Gotha. That the union was one of Nov. 20tb, 1869. nov20 3m. Upon the escutcheon of Victoria’s other­ can be women reached by breaking up certain hearts as well as titles — of two truly lov ­ THE wise fair name, lies in the fact that she houses in this metropolis. do not ing souls as well as noble blood—all of gave birth to the young man known as live in such places. They They are too re­ the antecedents of the contracting par­ the Prince of Wales. Where this sprig spectable !” If a thunderbolt would “ un ties, as well as every detail of subsequent of royalty ever acquired his present low roof all the residences in Washington ­ events, has proved. UB UNDERSIGNED HAVE ESTABLISH- tastes and abominable habits, is a matter when the entire Government is there, NINE CHILDREN •A, a Real Estate Agency in connection with Cor. Third A Cal. sts., (opposite the U. S. Hotel,) which the litterateur scientists, heroes some morning before dawn, its electric their Law Office, and are prepared to buy and sell Were born to this lofty couple, and and statesmen of his mother’s time have light would astonish the nation. real estate in this and adjoining counties. Records JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. though the advent of each little stranger vainly endeavored to determine. ■earthed and abstracts of title prepared with dis­ called for new titles and fresh allotments A recreant alike to the memory of a patch and accuracy. Parties at a distance can of public moneys, there never was a virtuous father and the heart pangs of a PRODUCTIVENESS OF ALFALFA. communicate with us by addressing grumble from loyal Britons. widowed mother ; false to a noble wife, FAY A REA, Jacksonville, Oregon. JOHN NOLAND, FROF’R. Each succeeding Prince land Princess and contemptuous of the opinion of an [From the R.F. Bulletin, Oct. 6th.] April;», 1871. apu22-tf. was welcomed with the same salvos, the outraged nation, this princely Micawber same huzzas, and the same prompt vot­ is loafing about, waiting for something Some years ago a number of men were os- cess Royal, born November 21, 1840 ; forego tho temptation to slight the de­ Wintjen & Helms, Proprietors. seems to leap up. It is among Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, born clining orb. Calumny has been able to itively the most nourishing feed on which beef My Motto: November 9, 1841; Princess Alice Maud sting its pestilent way even into Wind­ and dairy cattle can be fed. Reeder sells Oregon St., next to Odd Fellows* Building. “Quick Sales & Small Profits.” Mary, born April 25, 1843 ; Prince Al­ sor Castle. But the edge of its dart all he raises at $17.50 to $20 per ton on fred Emmet Albert, bora June 6, 1844 ; seems to have been blunted by the appa­ Princess Helena Augusta Victoria, born rently irreproachable life of her whom it his farm, and draws from each acre of the ESSRS. WINTJEN A HELMS BEG TO inform their friends and the public generally May 26,1846; Princess Louise Caroline has feebly assailed. Victoria’s love for thirty-five about $100 per year, of which —AT— that they have thoroughly refitted their aaloon, Alberta, bom March 6, 1848 ; Prince Ar­ her immediate family has shown her to at least one-half is net profit. The total and reduced the price of liquors to thur William Patrick Albert, bom May be a woman of true motherly and wifely crop this year will be 200 tons. With 1, 1850; Prince Leopold George Duncan instincts, and these qualities have earned these facts before them, those who have Albert, bom April 7, 1853; Prince Bea­ for her a warm abiding place in the aver­ said that they were too poor to own land, 12 1-52 CENTS. Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, offers trice Mary Victoria Fedot®, born April age English heart. Neither the obscure will have to admit either that they were They will be happy to have their friends “call bargains, such as have not been offered before at 14, 1857. Of these children, the Prin­ hints of disaffected journals, nor the bold­ mistaken, or that they are too lazy to be­ and smile.’' Jacksonville. cesses Victoria, Alice, Helena and Louise, er malice of Disraeli can do away with come farmers on their own account. This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and and Prince Albert Edward are married. the fact that under her wifely, womanly, English Ale and Porter, CASH purchasers will do well to call on him. queenly reign, England has enjoyed more C lothes - pins boilpd a few moments HER GREAT GRIRFS. of substantial prosperity and prestige and quickly dried, once or twice a month, After a married life of almost unbrok­ than was ever vouchsafed that nation in together with the finest brands of liquors and ci­ become more flexible and durable; clothes en prosjierity, the child worshipped by the same period of time in the past. • gars always on hand. lines will last longer and keep in better the mother, the wife truly loved and in exchange for goods. Also ground salt in order for wash-day service, if occasional­ 60 Points of Billiards for Drinks, taken cherished by her husband, the mother 50 and 100 lbs. saeks, and fine Liverpoel salt. L ondon is to have a children’s theatre. ly treated in the same way. adored by her children, and the Queen April 1st, 1870. . sprl-tf. January 7th, 1871. j*n7-tf. orrxcxAii directory . DR. A. B. OVERBECK K1T HAPLN,MT1)?, COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL R*ILRO*D SALOON. C H QUICK SALES And Small Profits, “IS MYM9TT0.” I Jusino Carbs. Physician and Surgeon, H JEWELRY STORK, A BEIL ESTATE AGENCY. Pioneer Bit House, T L CHEAP FOR~CASHT G W#* THE TABLE JtOlK SHOOT M THE BRICK STORE, Staple Produce THE DYING QUEEN. fpNj' LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. COURTING IN NEBRASKA. Effect of a Scarcity of Single Women, A Nebraska correspondent of the Syra­ cuse Standard writes as follows : “There is lack of woman’s nursing, There is dearth to woman’s tears.” Certainly not, because they are unnec­ essary in this Western region; but the fact is, the women are scarce and tho men are plenty. In market phrase, the woman “demand far exceeds the supply.” Those inexorable laws of supply and de­ mand, about which political and other economists delight to talk, have not cor­ rected this acid question. A heavy dose of girls—none of your homcepathlc pre­ scriptions—is what Nebraska needs, and the stomachs of the young men will al­ ways remain sour until the supply comes. You have no idpa East how anxious young men in this region are to marry. In the words of a prairie farmer, “courtin’s hot.” The poor man is passing through a bit­ ter experience. A party of us were duck­ hunting tho other day on the Missouri bottoms. Night overtook us before we were aware of it, and we were obliged to seek lodging at the first dwelling we could find. It was a small one-story -structure of three rooms, and occupied by a family of six—father, mother, daughter • and three sons. The sons were all un­ married, and from the calls that were made Afterwards, we judge the daughter was unmarried also. We hadn’t been in the house five minutes when some kind of vehicle drove up and two young men were ushered into the parlor. Straight­ way the mother and daughter held a whispered conversation, which closed with an invitation to the sitting-room for supper. It was evident the young men callers had been to tea, as they staid in the parlor ■with “sweet sixten.” Scarcely had we taken our seats at the table when a howl from the dogs outside announced another comer. He seemed to avoid the front door, and knocked at that where our party was just sitting to supper. The mother rose to answer the summons, when we were surprised by tho daughter opening the parlor door and rushing forward» with “Don’t get up, mother! It’s one of my fellows 1 Como in, Jim ; how do you do ?” And Jim entered in response to the cheery salutation. He made himself as comfortable as possible till we had finish­ ed our supper, when another whispered consultation proved that the “parlor is as full as it ought to be,” whispered by Miss in res])onse to some motherly sug­ gestion. The old gentleman solved the question by inviting us into the kitchen to smoke. It was evident that Jim didn’t smoke, for he remained in the sitting- room. We should have doubtless en­ joyed a quiet cigar, had not the old lady opened the back door, and shouted at the top of her voice: “Come round here to the back door.” It was another young man, and we fancied he looked as if he had come in rather late. Two young men within the parlor, one in the sitting-room, and one in the kitchen. What should l>e done? The courting business was getting hot! There was another talk between mother and daughter. 11 was evident their devi­ ces had been exhausted. The old gentle­ man was called into the corner. He set­ tled the question with a whisper: “I’ll be damned if I’ll move agin till the sit- tin’ room’s full!” Into the sitting-room, went number four, and we smoked. It was full ten minutes before the next disturbers came, and* they entered the kitchen with the air of old acquaintances. We looked anx­ iously at the host. Taking his pipe from his mouth, a single sentence relieved us : “Them’s the widowers ! Stick !” And we “stuck” and smoked on. For the next half hour the girl must have been kept busy. The widowers had cer­ tainly a third of her time. It was nine o’clock. We wished to go to bed, and the only bed we had discovered was in the parlor. The old gentleman divined our wishes, and said: “I’m sorry, gentlemen ! But this is one of the regular courtin’ nights! Them two fellers in the parlor never leave afore midnight, and the widowers alius stay all night. And that ain’t the worst of it. Dan’ll be here at ten o’clock! I and the boys alius sleep in the haystack Friday nights. Yer welcome to that I” The parlor, sitting-room and kitchen being full, we retreated to the haystack. In response to a question on the point, the old gentleman said that— “Friday night it’s purty bad, but Sun­ day it’s wuss. Last Sunday night there was ten on’em, and the gal is gettin’ more and more partikiler. The more she gets the more she wants !” On the haystack, with a stift’ breeze driving away the mosquitoes, we heard Dan driving up. One of the last remarks of the old man before we fell asleep was, “Yes, gentlemen, courtin's hot in Ne- brasky !” .And we believed him. P resident G rant has declined to be present at the re-opening of a railroad in Canada, alleging as a reason that it has not been customary for a President of the United States to leave the country during his term of office. There are certain oth­ er things which other Presidents never did. The did not grow' rich by accepting presents from office seekers ; they did not fill lucrative offices with their relations ; they did not spend months in idleness at fashionable watering places. Tf Grant had followed the example of his prede­ cessors, he need not have been ashamed to make a brief visit to Canada. Such ]»erfect love as this is seldom wit­ nessed in this selfish world. It was de­ veloped last summer by a conversation in a dark corner of the West Point Hotel piazza. The interlocutors were a young married couple. “Who’s tweet ?” “Why, oo’s tweet ” “No ! oo’s tweet.” “Whose little birdy is you ?” “Go’s little birdy.” The remainder could only be expressed onomatopoetically.