¿The gtiiwrrati^ Firnes. SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 26,1871. THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second floor.) Merchant*« Exchange, California Street, below Montgomery, ia our duly authorized agent for San Francisco. HUDSON & MENET, arc our duly author ised Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 Park Row, “Times” Building, New York. J. M. BALTIMORE ia our duly authorized agent for Portland, Oregon. DANIEL GREEN ia our authorized agen for Josephine County. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE geligicus goticts. R uy . F athir B laxchktt will hold divine ser- ▼ ieea at the Catholio Church to-morrow, at the usual hour. G rapes .—Grapes, from Hon. J. N. T. Miller’s vineyard, have made their ap- pearauce in our market. S moke .—The whole valley is enveloped in dense smoke, the result of large fires in the mountains. P ersonal .—W. R. Ish has been in town. agricultural fair Mrs. Laura De Force Gordon, a con­ spicuous advocate of Woman’s Suffrage, FOR 1871. passed through town Monday. Col. Joseph Teal also passed through The following is the premium list for town en route for San Francisco. the ensuing County’ Fair, to be held in We have had the pleasure of meeting Bybee’s Grove, near Jacksonville, com­ Mr. Hugh Small, correspondent of the mencing THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th, New York Tribune and San Francisco JfaWcfin, this week. Mr. Small is now 1871, and continuing three days. Entrance for money premiums, 33J per engaged in writing a series of very truth­ cent, on the amount of premium offered. ful and very interesting letters, descrip­ tive of Oregon and her resources, to both ¿¿S7* OF PREMIUMS. these journals. He is evidently alive to First Department. HORSES. the grand future in store for this State, In this department the same animal cannot be and his letters will largely’ contribute to entered more than once, except in sweepstakes, or as a oolt with its sire or dame, as a member of a her development. Gen. John F. Miller, of Salem, and family. No ar.imal will be allowed to compete for any ¡Mr. I). P. Murphy, Surveyor of Swamp premium, unless free from disease or blemish i Lands, have arrived in town. which can be transmitted to posterity. Judge Prim’and family have arrived CLASS I—HORSES OF ALL WORK—STALLIONS. $10 and diploma. ■ from their mountain trip in splendid Best 4 yrs old and over........ MARES. | health. Best 4 yrs old and over,.............. $10 and diploma. Hon. Jesse Applegate has been sojourn­ CLASS II—DRAFT HORSES—STALLIONS. ing in town this week. JACKSON" COUNTY D issolved .—Pape & Savage, and Orth A Giannini, have dissolved partner­ ship. They intend to make it warm for their debtors if they don’t “come and see them.” See their advertisements. B rick .—The undersigned has just fin­ ished burning a large brick kiln at his brick yard in Jacksonville, and is ready to furnish brick to all those in need of this article. P atrick F eiiely . L ively .—Our town has presented a a somewhat livelier appearance this week. The harvest is over, and the country folks, with their wagons and teams, make the hearts of the merchants glad. —— — - L ast C all . — All parties knowing themselves indebted to us, by note or book account, will please call and settle immediately, to save cost. I. C aro & B ro . Ashland, August 3d, 1871. 31t4 .S erious A ccident .—Tuesday last, Mr. Samuel Bowden met with a serious fall as he was getting out of a wagon on the corner of California and Oregon streets. He fell on the pavement and fractured his knee-cap. v N otice .—I have disposed of the City Drug Store to Messrs. Robb & Kahler, and am anxious to settle up the books. Those indebted will please call and set­ tle, as they will save costs. 33tf W. B. D ouglass . G oing A way .—Dr. Jackson wishes us to inform the public that he will absent from this city during the month of Sep- ptember, and that those desiring his dental services should call soon. The Doctor purposes visiting Josephine coun­ ty. _______ O h S ay !—We would whisper in the ears of Supervisor Dunlap that there are divers and sundry nails protruding thro’ the sidewalks in nearly all parts of town, which make hard lines for the bare-foot­ ed youngsters, while ladies dresses are tom by them and masculine boots dam­ aged. Drive ’em in, Sergeant. C orrection .—We inadvertantly omit­ ted to state last week that Mr. Gassman, butcher on California street, claims that there is no nuisance committed in the rear of his shop. He states that some calves and sheep have been butchered there, but that all the blood, offal and every­ thing which could be a'offensive is care­ fully conveyed away. XVe make this cor­ rection in justice to Mr. Gassman. F ire at the C emetery .—On Satur­ day a fire broke out in the Chinese por­ tion of the Cemetery, which at one time endangered the whole Cemetery' grounds. It resulted from the burning of joss sticks around the Chinese graves—a practice which should be prohibited dur­ ing the dry season. Through the ardu­ ous exertions of our citizens, the fire was extinguished, after consuming about two hundred feet of the fencing. K lamath L ake I tems .—Mr. John Pierson has just-arrived from Fort Klam­ ath and states that desertions continue to be quite frequent among the soldiers. On Monday last a cavalry soldier, named Hines, concluded to “shuffle off his mor­ tal coil” by shooting the top of his head off. He communicated his intentions to some of his cromrades, who did not ob­ ject, whereupon he deliberately pulled off hiB boots, and placing the muzzle of the gun against his forehead, pulled the trigger with his toe, when the gun went off, blowing the poor fellow’s hand—not his head—half off. It seems that he lost his grip at the critical moment, and threw back his head, at the same time throwing up his hand. The hand was I Since the above was in type we have ¡been informed by Mr. Hyde that the Best 3 yrs old and ovar, .$io and dipiema. damages are not so great as’was first sup- 2d best............................... • 5 ** ** 1.1 •____1 __ 1 ¡posed. mt The river broke through a nar­ MARES. row bed of sand, between the race and Best 3 yrs old and over,.............. $12 and diploma river, carrying away about thirty feet of 2d best............................................. 8 “ CLASS IV—CARRIAGE HORSES. ground. The dam is intact, and all Best pair carriage horses owned the damages can be repaired within ten and used as such by one person $6 and diploma. [days. We are sincerely glad to hear of 2d best............................................. 4 •* CLASS V—ROADSTER TEAMS. lit. Best double team roadsters owned and used as such by one owner $6 and diploma. I R oad W anted .—The road to the City 2d best........................................... 4 “ [Cemetery’ winds along the precipitous CLASS VI—COLTS. [side of Cemetery’ Hill, and is a very dan- Best 2 yrs oid.......... ................... $3 and diploma. gerous place to drive a fractious horse. 2d best...................... Several times, accidents were near occur­ Best 1 yr old............ ’.’.'*.”*..*...'.7. 3 2d best...................... .................. 2 ring during the passage of funeral pro­ Best suckling colt... .................. 3 cessions up this hill, and it would be as 2 2d best...................... well to avoid danger in the future. A CLASS VII -SADDLE HORSES. Best saddle horse.... .............. $6 and diploma, much easier grade could be obtained west “ 2d best......... ........... .............. 4 “ ¡of Hon. J. N. T. Miller’s house, and a CLASS VIII- JACKS AND MULES. much better road constructed. Let a pe­ Best jack.................. .................. $5 and diploma. tition to the Board of Commissioners be Best jennet............... .................. 5 Best mule 2 yrs old. .................. 5 gotten up and the road laid out. ................... 5 Real Estate Dealer Office, No. Ol Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, con­ sisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES aud STORES ; also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un­ cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property pur­ chased fur Correspondents, in this CITY and throughout tho STATES and TERRITORIES, with great caro and an the most ADVANTA­ GEOUS TERMS. HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and (’LAIMS OF ALL DES­ CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSI­ NESS transacted. “ 4 i « 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 44 Best mule 1 yr old... Best pair of mules raised in the county........................................ 10 < 4 CATTLE. Best bull of anv improved breed, $12 and 2d best............................................ 5 3d best........................................... 3 Best cow of any improved breed 12 2d best.......................................... 5 3d best........................................... 3 SHEEP. Best buck $3 and 2d best..... 2 Best ewe. 3 2 2d best.... SWINE. Best boar . $7 and 2d b»st..... 3 Best sow.... 7 2d best...... 3 POULTRY I Best lot .................................... $5 and 2J best. (Continued in next issue.) 44 4 A 44 4 4 4 4 4 A « 4 4 4 4 4 *• 4 4 THE UNK WEED REMEN. —on— OREGON RHEUMATIC CURE. COWAN & FLINT’S History, This remedy is composed of the active prinoipl* of the Unk Weed, Eng.— Thsspium Cordatum Originls, Lat.—Indigenous to Oregon. Grow* most abundantly and perfectly in Washington Co. Properties, Etc. It contains an ACTIVE VOLATILE principle, extracted by Ether, and a bitter TONIC prinoipl*/ I soluble in Alcohol. Medical Properties and It is the most speedy cure fur llhcumatitm, Kkou- \ matic Gout and Jlheumatic /’ui'n« of all kind* that was ever introduced in Materia Medica. Th* Unk Weed Remedy, as prepared by us, in con«*q**no* of its existing bitter principle, possesses the neces­ sary virtue of being a POWERFUL TONIC, t*rbe mating the Appetite and Invigorating the whole Die geetive Apparatu», thus building up and strength­ CONTAINS ening the system, while at the same thne th* vola­ tile principle, being absorbed in the blood, a*t* specifically on the Rheumatic Poison, removing from the circulation and system. MERCURY ARSENIC ! it There are a few remedies known to the Medical Profession which will remove the RHEUMATIC POISON from the blood, but whos* action is •• powerful in depressing the system of the already •*- feebled Rheumatic patient, that their use ha* to b* abandoned before specific effects are obtained, bene* The astonishing cures daily performed by this the want of success in treating this prevalent, and _____ _____ _______ by , the in consequence heretofore incurable disease. Un­ preparation cause ___________ considerable comment Medical Faculty, as they positively assert that like these medicines, already known, the UNK CHILLS AND FEVER, FEVER AND AGUE, WEED REMEDY, though producing a* powerful INTERMITTENT AND REMITTENT FEVERS and as affective effects on the blood and syitefl* iv cannot be cured without the use of Quinine. Nev-[ removing the Rheumatic Poison, al^ff pos*e**e* ■ ertheless, the old Poison is laid upon the shelf, and strong TONIC rn and 1 recuperating . -1. element which ad­ we would recommend in confidence to those who mits of its continued use even by the most deli­ have tried and received but temporary relief from cate aud debilitated. Thus we have the combina­ tion for the first time of these TWO necee««ary ele­ the use of the many Quinine Mixtures, to ments in ONE remedy, which accounts for its Su­ perior and Never-Failing curative effects in Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Rhe«» matic Pains of all Kluda. AGUE KING! NO QUININE, OR Try the Ague King ! The “P ais K illsr ” may justly he styled the great medicine of the world, lor there is no region of tho globe into which it ha, Hot found its wav, and been largely used ami highly prized. More-j over, there is no clime to which it has not proved to be well adapted for the cure of a considerable variety of diseases ; it is a speedy and safe ren;®’ NO STIFF LIMBS ! v HEGEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICB H arvard .—We had the pleasure of WITH GLYCERINE. It keeps the hands soft The W onder of Wonders—The Great Ague diploma. meeting ill town this week Mr. Sylvc 'S- in all weather. See that you get HEGEMAN’S. I Klug 4 A Sold by «11 Druggists, only 25 cents. Manufac-' ter W. Rice, of Umpqua county, in this 4 4 only by H egeman A Co., Chemists and I wonder if wonders are never to cease. [State. Mr. Rice is just returning home tured 4| Druggifts, New York. At present all wonders are on the increase ; 4 4 after a six year’s sojourn at Harvard J a n u a ry 7th. 1871. jan7-ly Of the latest I now will give you a hint, A 4 Look at the Ague King ot Cowan A Flint. ¡University, where he graduated with 4 4 litui, €i-Puij high honors. Mr. Rice had the honor of ¡ being one of the Harvard crew in their .memorable boating contest with the crew of the Oxford boat, in England, in 18G8. The State may well be proud of diploma, i 1 him. diploma 4 « 4 4 NOTICE 44 44 To Bridge Builders. ——----- -A—--------------------- A M istake .—Col. Teal says it was a I [mistake in regard to the stealing of his diploma. cattle l>y the Indians. “Reub Rinus” [says as soon as he heard that the Colonel had started to look for those cattle, he T he C ounty J udgeship .—Consider­ would have bet a hundred to one there able excitement exists among the sore- wasn’t an Indian in a hundred miles of heads and bolters of 1870, in regard to the them, Now we are sorely puzzled to appointment of a County Judge to fill the know whether “Reub” meant that the existing vacancy. Bill Owen, Ross and Colonel would not have started if there a number of others who bolted the Dem­ were any’ Indians to be found, or that the ocratic ticket at the last election, are ex­ Indians left as soon as they heard he was ercising themselves wonderfully in re­ coming. gard to it, and have gotten up a petition for the appointment of L. J. C. Duncan H orses S tolen .—Monday night three —certainly the weakest and most ineffi­ horses were stolen froin Mr. James Kil­ The horse cient judge Jackson county, or any other gore’s ranch near town. county, was ever cursed with. What in­ thieves went north and the officers are fluence these rengades and bolters can on their track. have on a Democratic Governor remains Since the above was written we have to be seen. Mr. E. D. Foudray was rec­ been informed that the horse thieves ommended by the County Commission­ Were captured by Deputy Sheri ft Fou­ ers, who are the official associates of the dray in the vicinity of Myrtle creek, County Judge; by the Sheriff* County Douglass county', on Thursday. Clerk, District Attorney and Democratic County Committee, backed by a petition S urrendered .—Wm. Forsyth, who of the citizens numerously signed. The was held to answer a charge of assault object of the Owens, Ross—(who not only with a dangerous weapon, by Justice voted the Radical county ticket, but Burns, of Gasburg, and admitted to bail voted for Wilson and against Slater for in the sum of $500, was surrendered by Congress)—Reams and others is to di- bondsmen on Monday, and is now in vide and distract the Democratic party, return of Judge Prim, ap- and we await, with some curiosity, to see plication will be made for a writ of habe- if the Governor will become a party to as corpus in his behalf. their nefarious projects. 44 FAILS TO CURE WILLIAM DAVIDSON, AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT- Best 2 yrs old and over,.............. $10 and diploma. I ES and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive mares . D am B roken .—We are sorry to hear descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward tbe same to the above address. Best 2 yrs old and over with colt that the dam of the Enterprise company, febi-tf. February 4th, 1871. by side......................................... $10 «nd diploma. at Big Bar, on Rogue river, was broken Best 2 yrs old and over without colt............................................... 5 and diploma. I Wednesday anti about sixty feet carried class hi — roadsters . [ away. This will be a severe loss to the All animals competing fora premiums in this de- j comptUlV and inav cause a suspension of partment must be exhibited in harness. worfe fof thig We have learued stallions . I tip'ilare Best 3 yrs old and over................ $12 and diploma. 110 \ , A C hange .—Mr. Henry Pape is now engaged in re-fitting the Railroad Sa­ loon, formerly occupied by Mr. Brentano, jd best................................... 8 “ geldings . the latter going out of the business. G ood for H im .—Our enterprising fel­ low-citizen, John Bilger, has been re­ pairing the brick sidewalk in front of his store. N otice .—All business communica­ tions to this office, to receive prompt at­ tention, should be addressed to E. D. Foudray, business agent. SPECIAL NOTICES. JNEVER 4 4 U nfortunate wretches undergoing the cruel death, called “breaking at the wheel,” finally receive a pitying blow up* on the stomach, which ends their pains. Every portion of the body is in close sympathy with the stomach, and when that is wrong nothing is right. Head­ ache, langour, pains in the back and loins, palpitation of the heart, nervous­ ness, and many other troubles, arise from a deranged condition of the stomach, which is the hardest worker in the world, next to the heart. D r . al - ker ’ s C alifornia V inegar B itters will surely and speedily correct all disor­ ders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and all other vital organs. S tage R obbery .—We learn, by pas­ sengers on the stage, that the coach go­ ing south was robbed four miles this side of Tehama and some four or five thous­ and dollars captured. There were three robbers. Only one passenger, beside the driver, was on the stage at the time. A later rnmor is current to the effect that one of the robbers was caught, and that a good prospect exists of capturing the amputated at the wrist by the post sur­ other two. Schultz must be in that geon. neighborhood. Jacksonville Market Prices, Reported and corrected weekly for the D emocratic T imes by Sachs Bros., Whoisale andRetail dealers in Drygoods, Clothing, Groceries, Provisions, Etc., Etc. I/ GROCERIES. S ugars —Crushed A lb.................. 21 @25 S F Golden C “ .................. IS (a, 22 Sandwich Is B “ .................. 15($18 C offee —Costa Rico “ .................. 25(<$28 Fresh Ground “ .................. 37 ($50 Chocolate “ .................. 50 T eas —Young liyson “ .................. $1 25@l 50 Japan “ .................. 1 00($l 25 F lour — f * 100 lb.................................. 2 50 M eal “ “ “.................................. 3 00 C rackers *$ lb ......... .'.................... 20($25 C andles Box................................. 5 50($6 50 R ice *$ lb ............................................ 14($22f S alt $ 100 lb ..................................... 4 50($6 00 S aleratus ib.................................... 18($25 S oda $4 1b ...................................... 20 ($25 S pices “ ............................................. g7($50 V inegar Gal.................................... 1 0u($l 50 C alifornia M atches doz.................. 25($37 G erman “ “ “.................. 50(«,75 PROVISIONS. H ams ft lb.............................................. 18($20 B acon " “............................................... 13@18 L ard " “............................................... 14@15 B utter “ Ib............ ............................... 25($50 E ggs <|ft Doz............................................. 16($2o C heese ib............................................. 20 A pples —Dried lb.................................. 12@15 P eaches —“ “................................. 18($20 H oney lb............................................. 38 ($50 VEGETABLES. P otatoes $ lb........................................... 3@4 O nions Ib........................................... B eans $ Ib................. .............................. EALE tv will bo received at the Coun- Jackson county, Oregon, M., September 25th, 1871, fi r the letting of the building of two bridges—one across Little Butte creek, near tho residence of Peter Simon ; mi l the other across Evan’s creek on the present traveled stage road. The said bridges to be built according to the plans and specifications on tile in the County Clerk’s office. The builders are to furnish all the materials necessary, and to construct said bridges. All bidders are required to euclose with their bids for the Butte ereek bridge a bond in the sum of $500 ; and all bidders for the Evan’s creek bridge in the sum of $2,000, with two or more sufficient sureties in each case, to be void upon the condition that the bidder, if the contract is awarded to him. will enter into an agreement and give the necessary bonds for the faithful performance of the contract. No bids will be considered unless accompanied with the under­ takings above mentioned. The sealed proposals will be opened on sai l day, and if deemed expedi­ ent, the contract for the construction of said bridges will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. 33tf Dated Jacksonville, Oregon, August 11th, 1871. of S C until Munday 12 o’clock, Certificate from the Deputy Jailer of Multno­ mah county jail : City Jail, Portland, Oregon, Juhe 7tli, 1871. A. M. Loryea «1 To.—I was attacked with a se­ vere case of rheumatism. It was in my thighs, hips, fingers, shoulder blade—indeed in ail tho joints of my body I suffered great pain and an­ guish. I was attended by a regular physician, but with no effect. I was induced to try your Unk Weed Remedy, and it immediately cured me up. I consider it, from my experience, the best remedy for rheumatism known. ALFRED F. TURNER, Deputy Jallef. This is to certify that the above statement It cor­ rect to my own knowledge. JOHN P. WARD, Jailer. No Quinine, no Mercury, nor Arsenic we find Were ever compounded or with it combined ; This wonder, the doctors were mentally sure, Could never be done and make a good cure. We confess it astounds ns, and wonderfully too, To see what the Ague King daily does do ; Certificate of A. R. Shipley, Eiq., special con­ If you’ve Fever, or Ague, or any such thing. Go promptly and purchase the great Ague King. tributor to the Willammette Farmer, and Secreta­ ry of the Oregon Horticultural Society : Oswego, Oregon, March 28th, 1871. I*d shaken so long, till every kind friend Contolingly told me to fix for my end ; A. M. Loryea A Co.—Some four week* age I Oh ! life was so sweet, I wished not to die, was entirely prostrated with rheumatism ; in fact Therefore the Ague King 1 hastened to try. I was almost helpless. I sent to you for one 19- ounce bottle of the “Unk Weed Remedy,” by th* use of which I experienced almost immediate re­ One bottle is all—I took as directed. lief, and by tho time the bottle was gone the rhen- And, wondrous to tell, my cure was effected ; From the grave I was snatched, and ever will sing matism was gone. From my own experience, and from what I have heard others say who have need Honored and blcss'd be the great Ague King ! the Unk Weed, I believe it to be a certain cure for the rheumatism. Your, respectfully, Now shakers, we tell you go buy it and try it, A. R. SHIPLEY. It quickly will make your shaking limbs quiet For pills of Quinine, and every such thing, Certificate from Hon. A. J. Dufur, ex-Presidcnt Must speedily yield to the of the Oregon State Agricultnral Society, and au­ thor of “Statistics of Oregon East Portland, April 1, 1871. A. M. Loryea A Co.—I was afflicted with a aererà attack of chronic rhenmatisin ; was confined to my bed most of the time from January to July, whaa I used the Unk Weed, and it cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. Great Ague King ! SOLD EVERYWHERE BY DRUG­ GISTS AND DEALERS. [32tf I Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tibbetts, • 1U*1B- ber of the City Council of East Portland : East Portland, April 7, 1871. A. M. Loryei A Co.—Gents : This i* to inform you that 1 have used your “Unk Weed” for neu- EALED proposals will be received at tho Coun­ ralgia and rheumatic pains, and found relief from ty Clerk’s office of Jackson county, Oregon, tbe use of only one bottlo, and can reoommend it until Monday at 12 o’clock, m ., September 18th, to those in need of such a remedy. 1871, for the leasing of so much of the county Yours, GIDEON TIBBETT& HE undersigned having been appointed agent! road, running from Jacksonville to Canyonville, of the County Court of Jackson county. Ore- by way of Rock Point, as is embraced between the[ 4V.w care 4 V. a »n of «- a the ^-.4* ♦ sick V» a oi.vlr »zl . aixl n indigent poor of 13 mile-post on the road, and terminating at a gon, ' for the Certificate from James Bybee, th* celebrated pine fifteen inches in diameter, near the store house said county, this is to notify all interested persons, stock-grower, and “King of tbe Oregon Turf of Haymond A White, a distance of 37.80 chains, that application for relief or aid from said county Suave ’s Island, January 14, 1871. to be leased to any person or corporation to open, must be made through me. and all bills fur aid or improve and keep the same on good repair for relief, before being audited by said Court, must be A. M. Loryea all bids. 33t4 Oregon St., next to Odd Fellows’ Building. tern. This is my experience with tbe Remedy. Truly yours, E. L. QUIMBY. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. essrs , wintjen a helms beg to Certificate from the well-known merchant, 0» inform their friends and the public generally W. Weaver, Esq.: that they have thoroughly refitted their saloon, HE co-partnership existing been tho under­ signed, under the firm name of Pape A Sav­ and reduced the price of liquors to The Dalles, May 2», 1871. age, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Hen­ A. M. Loryea A Co.—I have u*ed tbe “Unk ry pape retiring from the firm. C. W. Savage will Weed Remedy,” and can cheerfully recenamend it continue the business at the old stand. to persons afflicted with inflammatory rheumatic*». The books and accounts of the late firm are They will be happy to have their friendt “call It cured mo of that disease. My bands, wrist*, placed in the hands of J. R. Wade for collection. ankles—indeed, all my joints— w*r* swollen an4 and smile.” HENRY PAPE, very painful. O. W. WEAVER. CHAS. W. SAVAGE. Jacksonville, Ogn., August 10th, 1871. 33tff Certificate from non. N. II. Lane, Pilot Com­ together with the finest brand* of liquors and ei- missioner of Oregon, and a member of tbe City Council of East Portland > gars always on hand. East Portland, April 19, 1871. LL persons indebted to the undersigned, either 50 Points Billiards for Drinks. A. M. Loryea A Co.—I have been afflicted fog by note or account, arc notified that the best April 1st, 1870. aprl-tf. several years past with “weakness in the back,'* thing they can do is to pay up, as we are compelled and wandering rheumatic pains, accompanied by to hav* money, and it must come from those who •erere ton»ti/>alion. By the use of one bottle of owe us, chid that toon. ORTH A GENNINA. your Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rhenmatie Jacksonville, August 19th, 1871. 33tf Cure. I have been entirely relieved, and I oboor- fully recommend it as a rnoet valuable and offaot- AKEN up, by the undesigned, in Rock Point DR. A. B. OVERBECK ive remedy. NAT. H. LANK. precinct, Jackson county, Oregon, one chcst-j tl/ILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- nut sorrel horse, with star in forehead and a white YV GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls stripe down bis nose, flax mar.e and tail ; supposed on professional business. llis office and residence to be four years old this spring; 15 hands high,! -------- Put up in 10-ouneo bottles, at „ fl.SO .. . per _ . botti*. are at lame in right fore foot ; was taken up as a breaehy JTÍU Prepared at the Oregon Medical Laborato- The Overbeck Hospital, animal on the 28th of June, 1871. ry, by A. M. Loryea A Co., East Portland, Ogn. 8U4 J. WILLIS HAYS. ' ^Tor »ale by all Drwggitt,.^^ |J On Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. 1-tf S NOTICE T THE TABLE ROCK SALOON Helms, Proprietors. M T English Ale and Porter, ZP7VY TTZF! of A Estray Notice, T