! ADVERTISEMENTS, gjhi; jOemocratU Stmts. iw i Published Every Saturday Morning BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. OrriCE—On California St,, over Reames <4 Wil- son’a Livery Stable. TERMS: Subscription, per annum,......... Six months......................... ............ VOL. 1 In T he D emocratic T imes will be charged at the following rates ♦ First insertion, (ten lines or less).........:........ $3 00 For each week thereafter..................................... $1 00 A liberal deduction from the above rates will be made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. JOB PRINTINQ. Every variety of Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. JP-SU LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1871 a THE “NEW DEPARTURE^’» NEMESIS. ter” above quoted, they “further declare” that they will obey “the laws,” not “bear [From Eugene City Guard.] JACKSON COISTV. allegiance to the Constitution,” of the Raise my pillow, husband, dearest— A California paper draws the curtain The latest political novelty has but few United States so long as those laws sup ­ F irst J udicial D istrict .—Circuit Judge, P. (KEPT on THE EUROPEAN PLAN,) Faint and fainter come my breath ; aside and exposes the facts of Andrew P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney, H. K. Hanna. port what they consider civil and reli­ Johnson’s impeacliers truthfully, as fol­ sincere advocates in Oregon, notwith­ And these shadows stealing slowly, Jack »on —Circuit Court, Second Monday standing that its partisans point in tri­ Corner of Stark and Front Streets, Must, I know, be those of death ; gious freedom. What their notions on lows : in February and November. County Court, first Bit down close beside me, darling, these points are appears from their Andrew Johnson was placed in the umph to the fact of its partial endorse­ Munday in each month. Let me clasp your warm, strong hand, PORTLAND, OREGON solemn “Declaration,” subscribed by Presidentail chair by the Republican ment by the Democratic State Conven­ Yours, that ever has sustained me, Chetwode Eustace, Deputy Grand Secre­ party, but it is to his credit that when tion of California. The preponderant el­ County Officer»— Judge, T. II. B. Shipley: To the broder of this land. ZIEBER .€• HOLTON, PROPRIETORS. Clerk. Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel ; tary of Great Britain, in which they say the work of so-called reconstruction com­ ement of the Democratic i»arty in that Jaunary 7-tf. Deputy Sheriff. E. I). Foudray ; Treasurer, John (the italics still l>eing ours :) “It is not menced he strove to do it wisely and State, is the Northern War Wing who For your God and mine—our Father, Neuber ; Assesser, David Redpafh ; County Com­ less the duty of Protestant Britons to well. His policy was one of magnanim­ were in favor of giving the “last man and Thence shall ever lead us on ; Call at J. Neuber’s missioners, John S. Herrin. Thomas Wright; support by every lawful meane the re­ ity and justice—calculated to heal the the last dollar” to suppress the rebellion. Where upon a throne eternal, School Superintendent, "¡n. M. Turner ; Survey­ Sits His loved and only Son ; ligious and civil institutions of their wounds caused by a terrible strife, and to In Oregon, the Southern Rights Democ­ or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner. L. Ganung. I’ve had visions and been dreaming country. Our religion is menaced,” obliterate the ill-feeling and prejudices racy are largely in the ascendency. JuriUasvtfte Preeincf.—Justice of the Peace, O’er the past of joy and pain ; It is always an attribute of greatness to nd see iiis fine stock of new they continue, “by the arts of Popery which had been engendered between sec­ James R. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. Year by year I’ve wandered backward, labor for conciliation and harmony ex­ Goods direct from the manufacturers. and the attacks of infidelity. Our con­ tions of a common country by wild fa­ Till I was a child again. Tetrn of Jacksonville.— Trustees, James A. Wil- He has a fine lot o cept when such compromise involves the stitution is assailed by fanaticism and natics and wicked partisans. Because *!/ eon. N. Fisher. Lewis Zigler, John Bilger and J. Sowing IMaoliinos abandonment of a principle. Clay and impaired by faction. Against this Dreaming of girlhood’ and the moment of his beneficent policy President John­ 8. Howard ; Recorder, U. S. Hayden ; Treas­ Crittenden immortalized themselves by double danger the Orange. Institution is Prices from $20 to $110, cash. When I stood your wife and bride, son was turned u(x)n by the leaders of urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, James P. McDaniel How my heart thrilled love’s triumph, formed— being so named in honor of the his party, who sought to rend like the advocacy of measures designed to JOSEI'RINB COUNTY. In that hour of woman’s pride, A New Lot of successful enterprise of King William wolves. But an avenging fate has ever soothe turbulent elemen'.s ih the nation Dreaming of thee and all the earth-cords III, Prince of Orange, to which, under since pursued these assassins of liberty and beat back the tide of fanaticism. But County Officer».— Judge. J. B. Sifer* ; Sheriff, AMERICAN LEVER WATCHES Firmly twined around my heart— Daniel L. Green ; Clerk. Charles Hughes ; Asses­ Providence, the British isles owe their —a fate just and inexorable, anil as per­ we can see but little of their statesman Just from the Factory. 0, the bitter, burning anguish, sor, R. E. Foley: Treasurer, Wm. Naucke; deliverance from spiritual and political sistent in its work of vengeance as Nem- ship in the “new departure.” It abne­ When I first knew that we must part. Commissioners, Thomas G. Pattersun, 11. Wood- He is agent for the best Rifles and Pistols made, J thraldom, the confirmed establishment of [esis. Their crimes cling to them like gates in a dozen words what Democrats eock ; School Superintendent, R. R. Middles- among which is the the Protestant religion and the inheri­ the poisoned shirt of Nessus, and make have contended for through long years of It has passed, and God has promised worth. tance of the Brunswick throne. No man, them conspicuously infamous, while bloodshed, disfranchisement and poverty. IIENIYY nir’IjE. All thy footsteps to attend : Jotepkine County.— Circuit Court. 2d Monday He that's more than friend and brother, Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ unless his creed be Protestant and his crushing them into political obscurity, It accepts as orthodox the infamous re­ in April and Fourth Monday in October. County construction measures of Congress and ing. lie'll be with you to the end ; principles loyal to the throne of Britain disappointed and cursed. Court. First Monday in January, April, July and There's no shadow o’er the portals, can associate with us. ” This declaration October. It is now less than four years since the swallows the so-called amendments to Leading to thy heavenly home— £&* All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and is further intensified by Rule No. 2 of the attempt was made to convict President the Constitution, which have been foisted Christ has promised life immortal, Repairing done to order at half price. institution as solemnly adopted and put Johnson of high misdemeanors, simply on the nation by the basest system of And ’tis He that bids me come. Jacksonville. May 13, 1885. forth under the Grand Master-ship of the I because he manifested some resjiect for partisan legislation that the world ever Tory Lord Kenyon, which runs: “No (right, justice, decency and the principles saw. Hence we oppose it. When life's trials wait around thee, The great and loyal body of men who And its chilling billows swell. jxrson who has been or is a member of of the constitutional Government of the DR. A. B. OVERBECK Thoul’t thank heaven that I’m spared them, any society hostile to the fundamental United States ; in this short time it is fought from Big Bethel to Five Forks, WILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- Th.u'lt feel that “all is well.” principles of Orangeism, or at variance interesting to note the fate which has al­ did not go down to Washington “to fight II GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls Bring our boys unto my bedside ; with the constitutional government of the ready visited the chief conspirators in for Abraham’s daughter.” They drew on professional business. His office and residence My last blessing let them keep— THE United Kingdom of Great Britain and the act of impeaching and persecuting a the sword because the case was one where are at But they’re sleeping—do not wake them— it was life or death to a great, but imper­ The Overbeck Hospital, Ireland, its church and state as by law public officer for opinion’s sake : They’ll learn soon enough to weep. established, can be admitted to our asso ­ On Oregon Street. Jacksonville. Oregon. l-if Ashly, who originated and proposed illed, people. As long as the war lasted, Tell them often ef their mother. ciation. the infamous act in the House lias been it was “war to the knife” with them. Dr. L. T. DAVIS, Kiss them for me when they wake, Excluding thus the vast majority of repudiated by his then constituents, and But there was in that array a large ele­ Cor. Third A Cal. sts., (opposite the U. «S’. Hotel,) Lead them gent v in life’s pathway, Protestants, as well as all Catholics, this Í is now a wandering lecturer for the sale ment who dild stand was the first they might be strong enough to compel last debauch, to vote for conviction, the losers in the wager of battle. They to bring liquors down to a bit a drink nine years the* English Government to maintain though lie had heard nothing of the trial, rallied under the ]*>litical leadership of Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by ago in Jacksonville. I will be happy to have my ¡them in a jxisition of privilege and pre­ will soon sink into obscurity by the ac­ such loyal men as Generals Dix, Rose- [New York World] Dr. E. 11. Greenman. corner California and Fifth friends call and see me. The best kinds of wines, crans and Custar, to stem the tide of fa­ Now that the “Orange Institution” rogative at the expense of their fellow- tion of his own party friends in the Leg- Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short liquors and cigars always on hands. Families sup naticism set in motion by such agitators notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention plied with the best and purest in the market, a- i (we use the official documents of the or­ countrymen. Their ideal Grand Master, ■ islature of Illinois. as Sumner or Williams, and dubbed “re- Williams, of Oregon, who was most) given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth •leasonable rates. der,) “expressly bound to support the the Earl of Roden, indeed, in a famous 1 1 construction. ” They believed, as all just extracted without pain by the use of the late Jacksonville. July 12th, 1871 28tf | King anrishable justice ; we de­ such a body as the Orangemen is only land has taken the same ground. The the Senate in 1873. Will practice in the Supreme an i other Courts nounce it as repugnant to every principle Morgan finds himself condemned by! not to have known in all its details the ¡Tory Carlton Club alone has been found NECKLACES, of this State. of self-government ; we abhor it as a I at tile back of this “ Institution ” whose the voice of the people of Indiana, with i vile and vindictive history of a body i trick of demagogues, brought forth at a ' American members now have the impu ­ an imperative order of dismissal staring' Particular attention paid to the collection PEARL BEADS, i which, alike in its origin, its principles, time when severe statesmanship alone of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ and other articles in our line too numerous to and its whole career, has approved itself dence to talk about celebrating the birth- him in the face. was demanded. We believe that there is Willey, of West Virginia, goes into! ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption mention. the irreconcilable enemy of the public i day of George Washington who, in the an hour in the history of every political and Uum3stead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral MISSES A. F. and L. A. KENT. peace, of good order, of equal rights, and sight of their order, was a “rebel” worthy political retirement after the 4th of party when it will lead populuar senti­ Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. Jacksonville, March 25th, 1870. tf. of religious liberty. On this point to be hanged. The Duke of Newcastle, March next, then* to rot. ment to victory, but the sun-light oftliat when he visited this country with the Sumner, the cold blooded, another of readers who want the truth—(and re- i j member ! had the truth been known and Prince of Wales in 1860, indignantly the gang, has just been sent to Coventry i hour never dawns ujx>n cowards. Let us • felt as it should have been in this com- spurned the attempt of the Canadian Or­ by his associates, who profited most by ! not surrender to a corrupt and venal ad­ - munity, a hundred human beings lying angemen to associate the heir of Victoria his infamy ; and his colleague, Wilson, ministration the principles u|x>n which he undersigned having been ap - I stiff in their bloody shrouds to-day might with their reactionary and bigoted Insti­ is drifting fast into a condition of politi­ we have opposed it, but fight it out man­ poined Local Agent of the Board of School fully and trust to Divine Justice the Land Commissioners, is now prepared to receive hilo gasman takes this method have been tasting the sweet light of life) tution. That the order, whether in Eng­ cal inanity. Applications to purchase School, University and Cole, like his colleague, Conness has hopes of a triumph that shall greet a of informing his friends, and the public gen­ —will permit us to be explicit and his­ land, Ireland, America, Canada, or Aus­ State lands. No application will be received un­ tralia, is identical in aim and system is also been repudiated by his constituents, great party which refuses to falsify its torical. erally, that he has opened a Meat Market on Cali ­ less accompanied by one-third payment of the pur­ fornia Street, opposite the United States Hotel, A person calling himself a “District settled by their general ordinance, which and could not obtain the office of “hog history for the paltry greed of political chase price. where may be found at all times the best of— Master” of the Orangemen has had the declares that “the whole institution is reeve” in the State he has in has weak­ (booty. Office in Court House—up stairs. effrontery to send the following state­ one neighborhood, within which every ness aided to represent. | A C urious bit of A merican H isto - T. II. B. SHIPLEY, And finally, Grant, who during the |KV.—The most remarkable thing in the ment about the order to which he belongs Orangeman is at home in the furthest Local Agent for Jackson county. BEEF, (Fresh à Corned) Jacksonville, March 18 1871. mchld-tf. to a public journal. The italics are our parts of the world.” If, then, the Or­ crisis of the infamous impeachment con­ ¡history of Mecklenburg county, North angemen of America are Orangemen at spiracy bartered his manhood and honor iCarolina, is the “Mecklenburg Declara­ own : The principles of the order are purely all, they arc banded together to uphold for the glittering bauble of the Presiden­ tion of Independence,” which was adopt­ Protestant and benevolent. The Obliga­ British dominion over Ireland and to re­ cy, is hated and despised by the men to ed May 20, 1775, in an old, round log and tion taken by the members requires alle­ store the establishment of the Irish Epis­ whom he sold himself, and they are now ■ clapboard-covered school-house, used as a giance to no political creed, but, on the copal Church. If these be their objects exerting themselves to aid fate in heap­ ■court-room, amidst most enthusiastic ENGINEER, contrary, politics are rigidly excluded then we may say that processions of such ing upon him the great mountain of in­ (shouts. Attachcii to this document, from the lodge-rooms. Our society is order, flaunting hostile flags and playing famy under which lie is destined to be writes a correspondent, are the names of purely American in sentiment, as the insulting airs, are not such “peaceable buried. seven Alexanders, many of whose great bodies of American citizens” as deserve And thus the entire band of impeach- grand-children still resided there. Tills following extract from our obligations HOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS CON- to have the avenues of an American city ers and conspirators are fast going. distinctly proves: was the first action taken which looked stantly on hand. “And I further declare that I will sup- consecrated to their convenience at the Down to the vile dust whence they sprung, to a complete separation of the colonies j)ort the laws of these United States so risk of blood and flame. If these are not Unwept, unhonored and unsung. from Great Britain and the establish­ long as they maintain civil and religious their objects then they are not Orange­ ment of American Independence. The SAUSAGES, &c., Ate. freedom ; and that I will, to the utmost men at all ; and in that case their as­ paper was taken to Philadelphia by Cap- 12 1-2 Centa. H istory of the O ld R ed C ent . — my power, assist the Chief Magistrate sumption of the name, colors, insignia, ................... _________ July 17th, 1869. tf. of Jacksonville, Ogn., April 15th, 1871. the old “red cent” has now * passed out tain Jack and placed in the hands of jlyl’tf. and civil authorities in the lawful execu­ and music of Orangemen is still more As of use, and except rarely out of sight, •4ol,n Adams and Thomas Jefferson, to be tion of their duties to maintain order and wanton and deliberate provocation to _____ ’ ----- " - ‘________________________ 'presented to the Colonial Congress; but breaches of the peace addressed to our the Old Oaken Bucket, its history is peace when called upon to do so.” ----------------------------- ____ , these gentlemen replied that it was too of sufficient interest ___ for ____ preserva- 1 What obligations precedent to the C'hatholie fellow-citizens of Irish birth, matter ____ .^lj The e cent was first ’ proj»wd ‘by upon whom Orangemen have inflicted c . en * " as t lrs .t proposed by, j800« for 8Uch a movement. This was “further declaration” here cited are taken Robert Morris, the great financier of the moPe than one .Year before Mr. Jefferson JACKSONVILLE LODGE N® IO by the members of this “purely Protes­ for years such outrages and injuries as Revolution, and was named by Jefferson wrote the “Declaration” adopted on the tant and benevolent” order, this “Dis­ moved that well-known “ruffian” and two years after. It began to make its 4th of July, 177»), The agreement in sen­ olds its regular meetings on Oregon street, opposite Overbeck’s Hospital, trict Master” finds it convenient to for­ “truckler to mobs,” Sir Robert Peel, de­ appearance from the mint in 1792. It ¡timent, and the similarity of a number of every Saturday evening at the Odd Fel Fellows’ get, or at least to forget the state. They liberately to say in his place in the Par­ bore the head of Washington on one side passages, prove that Mr. Jefferson had Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to JACKSONVILLE, OGN. are to he found, however, in the most au­ liament of Great Britain: attend. EDWIN SMITH, N. G “If I were a private gentleman of Ire­ and thirteen links on the other. The not rcad.3,1,1 studied the “Mecklenburg thoritative exposition extant of the char­ HENRY KLIPPEL, R. Sec y. French revolution soon created a rage for Declaratioii”^ in vain. acter and principles of the Orange insti­ land, I declare to God that I would, by J ohn B ilger , I Truitees. French ideas in America, which put on tution, being the three folio volumes of my own influence, by my example, by 8. J. D ay , T he following is the verdict of a ne­ the cent instead of the head of Washing­ I saac S achs , report with evidence on the Orange every mean» in my power, endeavor lo grojury: “NVe, the undersigned, being c ntyre the Lodges presented to the British House of put down these associations and proces­ ton, the head of the Goddess of Liberty,! a korner’s jurray to sit on de body of de Regular Rebekah Degree meeting, last Monday a French liberty, with back thrust for­ night of each month, at 7| o’clock p . — Commons in 1836 by a committee, at the sions.” m. proprietors . ward and flowing locks. The chain on nigger Sambo, now dead and gone afore May 1st, 1889. head of which was no less a person than t—f reverse was replaced by the olive us, hah been siftin . ’ on . , . de , said , , nigger I n order to conform to the present fash­ the the late Joseph Hume, the noblest, cal­ on dt de ! n,gld night of d de ‘V fusteeth 1 wreath of peace. But the French liberty ,d,d 1 0,1 mest, purest and most indefatigable re­ ion ofdiminutives—Minnie, Ninnie, Lot­ was short lived, and so was their portrait Pjf d°f ST rpiIIS favorite stable has been reopened and former of our times—the man of whom tie, and tlie rest—it is proposed to mod­ on our cent. The next head or figure A bridge ober de nber in de sa d riber, it was said, and truly said, that he ernize the too severe Scripture names. succeding this—the staid, classic dame1 wh.Br hndlhe was.subsequently drown min MAV r'KllAI} 1CI0B1V VltllllU “passed a whole life in serving the peo­ Ruth should be changed to Ruthie, Boaz ^Mw/vzv^aaa^ ie undersigned , having fully ------ ’ ¡and afterwards washed on de nber side, TB0K0UGBX.T XUSFXTTBB. ple without fee or reward.” From these to Boozie, Hagar to Haggie, Job to Job- with a fillet around her hair-—came into' whar we s’pose he was froze to def.” refitted this old and favorite place of resert, now offers the very best of liquors and segars at volumes we extract all that needs be bie, and the Apostles to Mattie, Lukie fashion about thirty or forty years ago, and her finely chiseled Grecian features \ SPRING WAGQNS said in exposure of the infamous and and Johnnie. 12 1-2 CENTS. “You’d bettor look out for your boas’ have but slightly altered in the lapse of anti-social Order, which, after being The Saloon is commodious, the billiard tables feet above here, mister,” said a ragged —AND— are of the latest and most improved pattern, and stamped into the earth by the liberal A gentleman having a pony that fell time. boy to a reading traveler. “Why ?” said th« wants of guests promptly supplied. SADDLE HORSES Governments of Great Britain, now and broke his wife’s neck, a neighbor A Y oung bachelor in Jersey City was the gentleman, nervously pulling up. seeks to raise its head again for the fo­ told him that he wished to buy it for liis “’Coz there’s a fork in the road there,” DO Points of Billiards For Drinks. For hire on reasonable terms. menting of religious discord in America. wife to ride upon. “No,” says the other, urged to marry ; but he replied : “1 don’t was the candid reply. The first oath taken by members of “I will not sell the little fellow, because see it. My father was a single man and These knowing themselves indebted to me will he always got along well enough.” The largest corral in the tewn is attached to the the order is an oath “to bo faithful and I intend to.marry again.” I “Johnny, what do you expect to do for do well to call without delay and settle, as I must stable. Teamsters will find ample a^commoda- a living when you get to be a man!” bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen bare money, and that soon. tion for their animals at all timei. Horses board­ A “ free agent ” — one who goes oft ’ with “Well, I reckon I’ll got married and N ever take a crooked path while you Victoria ; after which, as would appear HENRY BREITBARTH. ed on reasonable terms. his employer’s money. I board with my wife’s mother.” 14-tí. from the statement of the “District Mas- can see a straight one. vln2«cf PEARSON i. McINTYRE. 1 AM DYING. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, ______ t JEWELRY STORE, A Business Carbs Pioneer Bit House, DENTIST. L MILLINERY. T I LAND NOTICE T NEW MEAT MARKET! T RAILROAD SALOON! MUTTON, MAX. BRENTANO C PORK, T-ss-wsia LIVERY STABLE ! H pearson T & M I ,