Chapped Hands and Face, S tampede .—While a party were preparing Sore Lips, Dryness of the Skin. for a montain trip Thursday morning, in JcC,, diC,, front of the Arkansas stabks, one of the pack Cured at once by HEGEMAN’S CAMPHOR ICR ' On Saturday evening, the 15th inst., our ¡R eported for the T imes .] animals, having received bis full load of WITH GLYCERINE. It keeps the hands soft SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1871 citizens met at the Court House for ths pur­ July 18th, 1871. in all weather. See that you get HEGEMAN’S. Hour, bacon, pans, peas, camp kettles, &o., Sold by all Druggists, only 25 cents. Manufac­ pose of devising means for the relief of th» A regular meeting of the board was held THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second suffering of Yreka, caused by the late fire. took it into his bead to show his cayuse prin­ tured only by H rgkman A Co., Chemists and this evening. Present: President, Wilson, New York. floor,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, 'The meeting was organized by calling Hon. ciples, whereupon be commenced to “buck,” Druggists, January 7th, 1871. Jan7-ly. Howard, Fisher, Bilger, absent : Zigler. below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent The pans rattled and the hubbub scared the P. P. Prim to the Chair, and appointing D. The minutes of previous meeting were read for San Francisco. equine into a regular old fashioned stampede, B. Rea, Esq., as Secretary. The Chair-j and approved. HUDSON As MENET, are our duly author man explained the object of the meeting in | The committee on the improvement nnd re­ such as used to make packers profane in the lied Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 a few appropriate remarks. pair of town Hall and building, not being old days of 49. It was really refreshing to Park Row, “Times” Building, New York. witness a performance which so vividly re­ I On motion of .......................... Hon. J. D. Fay, a commit— ready to report, were allowed further time. J. M. BALTIMORE is our duly authorized tee of three were appointed to solicit contri- called these old days. liegeman’s Cordial Elixir of Calisaya Committee on tho opening and extension of Dark. agent for Portland, Oregon. 1 hutions of money and supplies in behalfof our t|,ird street reported verbilly that they had S tatistical .—Number uf deeds recorded A pleasant cordial which strengthens and im­ DANIEL GREEN is our authorized agent unfortunate neighbors, from the town, con- not concluded the business before them. in the Clerks office for Jackson county, for proves the digestion, an excellent preventive of fevers, fever and ague, Ac., and a great renovator for Josephine County. sisting of Messrs. Henry Pape, Jno. Bilger, Farther time was allowed. the fiscal year ending July 1st, 1871, one and tonic for invalids and debilitated persons. He- E. D. Foudray, and C. C. Beckman. Warrants were ordered issued to Chas- ¡hundred nnd seventy eight; consideration geman A Co., New Y’ork, sole manufacturers. Sold LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. by druggists. Mr. Beekman, in the course of a few well- Shultz and Wm. Cummings for $2, each for for the same $91,274. timed remarks, impressed upon the minds ofj services as chain carriers for town survey. Number of marriage licenses issued from JACKSON COUNTY Stligious Notices. ; our people the sad extremities the late calam The matter of road account of the late the Clerks office for the year ending July 1st, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY I ity had left many of the citizens of our neigh­ Street Commissioner Fehely come up for fur­ 1871, thirty-three. boring town, and that our sympathies should ther consideration, and a resolution passed Rev. C. Alderson will hold divine service at the S chool M aterial .—We have received from M. E. Church, to-morrow at 11 o’clock, a. tn ; and be accompanied by immediate substantial unanimously, refusing to accept the report J. W. Schermerhorn & Co., manufacturers HERE will be a meeting of the Jackson Countj aid. lie thought that, if the matter was on- and exhibit of Mr. Fehely, as being entirely «Iso at 7 r. M. Agricultural .Society held at the Court Huuse of school material, 14 Bmd Street, New ¡ly presented, there would bo a liberal re- unsatisfactory ; that his claim of $340, as a in this city, on Saturday, August Sth, 1H7I, R«v. F ather B lanchett will hold divine ser- York, a pamphlet of 150 pages, containing a to adopt the proper means for holding a county ■viees at the Catholic Church to-uiorrow, at the iponse by the people of our valley, and pro­ balance due him expended over amount of descriptive and priced catalogue of a great fair. A full attenance is requested. posed a liberal donation oa his part. road tax collected, could not be recognized ; usual hour. 28td JAMES D. FAY, President. variety of school material, embracing desks, On motion of.Mr. Fay, sub-comuaittees, for if expended, as he claims, the expendi­ benches, black-boards, &c. This work is val P ure L ime J uice at City Drug Store. from the several precinc:s of the county, wero ture was unauthorised and in violation of the luable to the Directors of our School Districts ave received , as usual , the fi rst 'appointed to cooperate with the committee at town ordinance and special instructions from and best stock of SPRING and SUMMER B acon and L ard .—Maj. Glenn shipped Jacksonville, which should be known as a the board. All of his papers and books were J osephine I tems .—Paul Lindenberg r was rniiE undersigned has taken up one red cow, GOODS there is to be found thi» side of San Fran­ two wagon loads of bacon and lard to \reka central committee. arraigned before Justice Mcllvain, of Waldo, I about four years old, branded thus : A chain cisco. ordered to be returned to him. link with bar across on the left hip, crop off both fur Alex. Martin this week. The following were the committees ap­ A special committee composed of Bilger, this week, on a charge of rape, and after ex­ ears ; also a red bull calf, The cow has been run­ H ralth .—The health of the valley is such pointed fur tlia respective precincts : ' Fisher and Zigler, was appointed to ascertain amination was discharged. The evidence fur ning near my place in Link river precinct for about eighteen months, and has raised the calf while that the medical profession have nothing to ! Ceutral Point—W. A. Owens, J. B. Wris- if water could bo obtained from any near the prosecution was too thin. there. do. _________ _________ Dated at Link river, Jan. 9th, 1871. I ley, and W. J. Plymale. Mr. Kemper, of Rogue River, Las lostjhis source and brought in to supply the town ; 28t4 0. A. STEARN. J ustice C ourt .—The case of Jacob Myer Willow Springs—Thoa. C'havner, Win. also an estimate of probable cost of having house and all its contents bv fire. vs. M. Mensor was tried before Justice Wade Bilger, and N. C. Dean. ¡the water into this town, and to report in full MARBIEI). on Thursday. Judgement for Defendant. Rock Point—L. J. White and B. Haymond. I upon the matter. July 16th. 1871, by J. R. Mecum, J. 1’., at the 1 Ashlard—R. B. Hargudine, J. M. McCall, The Board then adjourned. tTlIIE undersigned having been appointed agent T he C ounty E xhibit .—The exhibit of tho house of George Nurse, Link River, Mr. SIMP­ 1 of the County Court of Jackson county, Ore­ and Jacob Wagner. county finances received too late for insertion Y reka R elief F und .—Tho following sub SON WILSON to Miss NANCY E. HALL, all of gon, for the care of the sick and indigent poor of Phoenix—Samuel Colver, Jacob Wimer, said county, this is to notify all interested persons, this week, will appear next. scriptions have been received hero : I Jackson county, Oregon. and T. G. Reams. that application for relief or aid from said county In Flour.—C. C. Beekman, 2,000 lbs; must be made through me, and all bills for aid or On motion of E. D. Foudray, Messrs. Glenn F lounce R ock .—Mr. B. Hull report# —AND— DIED relief, before being audited by said Court, must be James T. Glenn, 2,000 ; Hoffman & Klippel, I crops, at Upper Rogue river in the neighbor­ and Sachs Bros, w ere appointed receivers and presented to me for approval. LOGO ; Juhn Bilger, 1,000 ; Sachs Bros., In Jacksonville, July 19th, 1871, MARY LUY, Done by order of the Couuty Commissioner, at the forwarding agents of the contributions as hood of Flounce Rock, ns excellent. July term of said Court, 1871. 1,000; Fisher Bros., 1,000; G. Karewski, I daughter of Frederick and Francis Luy ; aged 2 they come to hand. E. D. FOUDRAY Agent. 500; M. Mensor, 500; K. Kubli, 500; Wm. years, 8 months and 10 days. To F armers .—Remember the meeting of Of the County Court of the aforesaid county, for Ou motion of Mr. Fay, the Secretary was the county poor. the Jackson Couuty Agricultural Society. ordered to iuforrn the sub-committees of their; Buyer, 200; Pape 4 Savage. 1,000; J. N. T. Jacksonville Market Prices, This 12th day of July 1871. 2Stf 'Miller, 100; Jacob Ish, 500; Fay & Rea, 500; Of the Very Latest Styles. See advertisement in this issue. appointment; and that they be requested toi Reported and corrected weekly for the D emocr uric I ! Rial Benedict, 200; B. B. Griffin 200; F. T imes by - Sachs Bros., Whoisale andRetail dealers EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS B ig B ar .—We learn that the Big Bar com­ report to tho Central Committee the amounts I Plymale, 600; John E. Ross, 250; Veit ! in Drygoods, Clothing, Groceries, Provisions, ! Etc., Etc. pany will be able to turn Rogue Riverì they may respectively collect. Schutz, 1,000; Thomas McKensie, 500 ; On motion, the Secretary was instructed to through their race about the 10th of August. I Louis Herling, 100 ;—14,650. GROCERIES furnish a copy of the proceedings of the meet-1 THE S ugars —Crushed A “p> Ib F or G oose L ake .—Mr. W. A. Owen starts ing to each of the |ocal papers fur publication.' In Coin.--E. D. Foudrav, $5 ; S. J. Day, S F Golden C i$10 ; T. II. B. Shipley, $10 ; L. J. C. Dun- Sandwich Is B it The meeting then adjourned. this week for Goose Lake with 150 head of ¡C offee — Costa Rico ll $ ; Wintjen & Helms, $10 ; Jerry Nu- I). B. REA, Secretary. lean, 55 cattle belonging to B. F. Dowell Esq. Fresh Ground ll Jaacksonville, July 16th. ll nan, $5; David Linn, $10; Geo. Ratrie, Chocolate i Cor. Third A Cal. sts., (opposite the U. A'. Hotel,) R egistered L etter .—Mrs. Mary Jane $1 $2.50; L. Ilorne, $10; Jos. Wetterer, $5; I T eas —Y’oung Hyson llIt A large assortment of FANCY GOOD? ; in A C iiance for a G ood I nvestment .—If Japan , 1 Wright is notified that a registered letter fact, everything you want f.uui a NEEDLE to a I ’ . J. Ryan, $10 ; Reames & Wilson, $10 ; o JACKSONVILLE, OREGON F lour —}4 100 lb....... some enterprising and energetic men will take FINE SILK DREtS. awaits her at the post office in this place. M eal “ “ “....... . 3 Pat Donegan, $10; John Noland, $1; C. hold of the ruad from Soda Springs tu ' C rackers 'ft Ib ........ . T he E agle S ample R ooms .—Our old friend Brown's or Thompson’s, on the Klamath, W. Kahler, $2.50 ; W. B. Douglas, $2.50 ; ¡C andles '(4 Box....... □ John Neuber, $5 ; II. A. Breitbarth, $2.50 : R ice '0 tb .................. JOTÏIST INTO IL AUNT ID, PROP’R. Noland has some choice liquors which he dis­ lease the same from the county and put it in I S alt “ft 100 tb ........... 4 U. S. Hayden, $5; Wm. Bybee, $25; N. penses cheap. See his advertisement in an­ repair, we are fully satisfied ti>.il the tolls S aleratus Ih......... Langel, $2.50 ; J. W. Manning, $2.50 ; OH ! S oda ^4 tb .................. other column. will pay a large interest on the investment, Gunnison, $2 50; Thus. Giannini, $6 ; S pices “ ................... Yon can suit yourself in STRAW and C A ESI­ IQl'ORS by the glass, bottle, demijohn, or keg. 1 V inegar Gai.......... i L angel V alley .—Mr. Horace Seybert in­ i The road is now the only means oi communi MERE HATS, Clothing of all Description, LIN­ J The proprietor of this old stand was the first . (bacon;) Dr. W. Jackson $11 : E. II. Green C alifornia M atches ^4 doz to bring liquors down to a bit a drink nine years EN COATS, BOOTS and SHOES, and a general forms us that this valley, which lays near cation between this valley and the Klamath, The Inen» $2.50; A. B. Overbeck, $2.50; G erman ago in Jacksonville. I will be happy to have my assortment of Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Link river und Goose Lake b..sius. ---- Lost river, has doubled its population within PROVISIONS friends call anil see me. The best kinds of wines, We call special attention to onr extensive atock travel between these regions an i the valley the last few months. liquors and cigars always on hands. Families sup of Ladies, Misses and Children’» California Muda H ams "3 lb.................................. ot Rogue river is already quite large, and it plied with the best and purest in the market, a- Shoes. The greatest want of the present age is B acon reasonablc rates. R usticating .—Capt. Alcoon, John D. the ruad was repaired would be materially 111 men and women, healthy and vigorous in L ard Í All those GOODS, as well as our large stock of 2Stf Jacksonville, July 12th, 1871. t I B utter lb Coughlin and D. B. Rea Esq., have betaken creased ; as a good ruad wou.d lend to divertl mind and body. Tho continued headaches, Groceries, Tobacco and Liquors, will be sold at E ggs “pl Doz..................................... i very low prices for CASH, and to PHOM ET, themselves to the mountains to rusticate the trade and traffic to this valley which ben weaknesses, nervousness, and varying ail­ C h E esb p* tb..................................... PA YING CUSTOMERS. awhile. A pples —Dried “(4 tb.......................... efils Yreka now. As Goose Lake and Link ments which afflict women are generally the P eaches —“ “ .................. Mure and Call on Us. Goods B orax .—We have received a sample of river valleys are settling up rapidly, the trav­ result of imperfect action of the stomach and H oney “pi ft)...................................... A mount A pplicable Fon R edemption , 637,003. Shown with Pleasure-lfcSj. (Thirty-seven Thousand Dollar».) excellent borax, nude at the Ja’kson county el to the County seat will have t> increase.' ¡other vital organs. I) r . W alker ’ s C alifor ­ VEG ETABLES. salt works. It is made from the water re The supplies necessary to these i.ew settle ' nia \ inegar B itters , being composed en- P otatoes “(4 lb.................................... 3(5,4 SACHS BRO’S. nions ”f4 tb ................................ T reasurer ’ s O ffice , mainiog after the salt is taken out. ) May 6th, 1871. incuts will have to be lurnisheJ, in a great, ^i-cly of vegetable substances indigenous to O B eans *¡4 tb..................................... S alem , O regon , July 3d, 1871. j measure, by this valley, providing there is California, may bo taken with perfect safety CJEALED proposals will be received by the un­ G ive vs D ie C redit .—We notice that the kJ dersigued at his office, in Salem, until August Ensign takes items from the T imes daily and a good road to transport them ; and since the;by the most delicate, and are a sure remedy 5th, 1871, for the »urrender of Bounty Bunds, is­ yet withholds credit for the same. We have destruction of Yreka this is especially true.: for all female complaints, Correcting all sued under provisions of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, granting bounty the same complaint to make of the Guard \V e hope Suiue energetic meu will take hold wrong action and giving new vigor to the WILLIAM DAVIDSON, to volunteers uf this State, enlisted in the service Wintjen & Helms, Proprietors. of this enterprise and put it through. ¡whole system. and Journal. Give us our proper credit. of the United States, approved Octeber 24th, 1864, T he D itch .—Are our farmers and miu-1 at the lowest rate, not exceeding par value, as may Oregon St., next to Odd Fellows* Building, redeem the greatest number of Bonds. Bids to in­ I P owder H ouse .—A powder house is much N otice .—A special meeting of the Direc ers going to abandon the ditch project ut­ clude interest to date of surrender, and to be ad­ needed in or near Jacksonville. There is a tors and Stockholders of the Gold Hill Min { dressed L. FLEISCIINER, terly ? The “gods help those who help them-1 essrs , wintjen a helms beg to ing Company is hereby called for 11 o’clock, I large quantity of powder stored in each ofi 27t4 Treasurer of State, Salem, Oregon. Office, No. f»4 Front Street, iuforrn their friends and the public generally selves,” and if those who are deeply in­ that they have thoroughly refitted their aaluuu, the business houses in town. In ease of fire a . m ., Saturday, July 22d, 1871. terested in this project allow it to fall PORTLAND, OREGON. and reduced the price of liquors to IIENRY KLIPPEL, President. this would prove not only a source of alarm, I through, they should not compkiu it hard tending to drive away assistance from the REAL ESTATE in this CITY nnd EAST C hanged A gain .—The stages have changed times and scarcity of money be the conse­ burning buildings, but an absolute source of PORTL AND, in the most desirable localities, con- A mount A pplicable for R edemption , SI5,000. time again. The southern stage arrives quence. Our farmers aud miners should ¡danger. We hope our city “dads” will take I sisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS. (Fifteen Thousund Dollars.) They will be happy to have their friend» “call ; HOUSES and STORES ; also, about 5 p. m ., and only remains long enough wake up to a realizing sense of the fact that steps to erect a house in which powder can and smile.” T reasurer ' s O ffice . to change the mail, leaving for the north im­ the apathy, laziness and want uf energy be stored , and then pass an ordinance com­ IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un­ S alem , O regon , July 3d, 1871. cultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the mediately. The northern stage arrives about which has heretofore characterized them,'. pelling ••• the owners of quantities of powder to STATE for SALE. EALED proposals will be received by the un- 3 a . m . and leaves about 6 a . m . will not pay in tho railroad era now dawning store therein under severe penalties. dersigned, at his office in Salem, until August together with the finest brands of liquors and ci­ 5th. 1871, C>r the surrender of Relief Bonds, is gars ­ upon the country. If they do nut seize the always on hand. REAL ESTATE and other Property pur­ N ew S oda S pring .—Mr. Cacy, who keeps sued under provisions of an Act of the Legislative chased for Correspondent*, in this CITY and means ui wealth and general development ■ A G enerous P eople .—We felt confident throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES, Assembly of the State ot Oregon, granting relief to 50 Points of Billiards for Drinks. the Mountain House, has discovered a splen now awaiting tho appropriator, I the - time is that the appeal for aid to the suffering of with great care and »n the must ADVANTA- v »lunteers of this State enlisted in the service of April 1st, 1870. sprl-tf. did soda spring on his place, and is now en­ tl e United States, approved October 24th, 1864, at GEOUS TERMS. not far distant when others will, and they Yreka would not be made in vain to the peo the lowest rate, not exceeding par value, a« may gaged is deepening it and improving the sur­ Gold llill Quarts Mining Company. redeem the greatest number of Bonds. Bids to in­ may live to see the day when they will be p|, of our C0Unty, Rnd the 8ub8eription wo HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS clude interest tu date of surrender, and to be ad­ roundings. The water is said to be the best tributaries to strangers who possess the en­ publish this week proves that our expecta­ NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DES­ dressed in the County. L. FLEISHC INER, CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. And ergy, brains and enterprise to develope the tions are not disappointed. 27t4 Treasurer of Statu, Salem, Oregon. a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSI­ F or Y reka . —Wm. Chambers started Wed­ resources of this country by means which the Reck Point did unusually well for that NESS transacted. nesday morning with 7,000 lbs. of flour con­ present citizens neglect and despise. small place. Ths amount collected was ob here is delinquent upon the l AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT- tributed by Jackson county to the relief of following described Stock, an account of as­ tained in one day. Ashland, Central Point IES and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive sessment levied on Aug. 22d, 1S68, March 27tli, M andamus .—Some days ago, Thus. Fielder1, the sufferers by the late fire in Yreka. Mr. and Gasburg have not been heard from yet. descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward 1 KAREW8KI, HAVING JUST OPENED 1689, June 14th, 1870, and November 8tb, 187". out a writ of mandamus agaiust th* "' v “v,u J0** the same to the above address. Centers started on Thursday morning with sued these several amounts sat opposite the Dames of JTe a largo stock of I- 1**. aa . ava . ¿ Martin, ’AutViUj we WU IVUIU, Will VUllkUUUbt _ , , 1 Mr. Alex. learn, will contribute February 4th, 1871. the respective Shareholder#, follows ; Board of County Commissioners to compel •3,500 lbs. more fur the same place. 1500 lbs. of bacon from the lot shipped to Names. No. Ctifctes Shares. Amt the appointment of viewers and a surveyor for o 1 STAPLE DRY GOODS, John McLaughlin R ailroad S urveyors .—We are informed a county road across Iloguo river below the Yreka this week. .... ,...«.50.... ..$87 50 <« no that the railroad engineers are at work near Rock Point bridge. Tho Commissioners had .....30.... .. 52 50 GROCERIES,. 4« N otice .—I hereby notify all persons and Vanoy’i ferry. It is supposed that they have refused to appoint viewers upon tho petition, .23.... ..... 10.... .. 17 5U And in accordance with law and an order BOOTS A SHOES, surveyed a line around the bend of Cow creek regarding the road as unnecessary ; hence warn them not to buy or trade for two certain 5aI-d °f Trustees, made on the 3d of June, thus avoiding the canyon, and that the line the petition for the writ. At the return day, promissory notes, one given by mo to Benton BLANKETS, • j ’ 80 maDy ^e Shares of each parcel of will strike Rogue river in the vicinity of last week, tho Board made a return, showing Elmore for $367, the other Dallas Elmore for gal . Stock as may be necessary, will be sold at th* GLASSWARE, Company’s Office, at Sachs Bros. Store. Jackson­ $212. Both these notes were given by me Vanoy’s ferry. that it had made the appointments since the under a misrepresentation of facts, and con­ ville, Oregon, on Saturday, July Sth, 1871. at tho HARDWARE, Iviur of 2 o'clock p. m. of said