TERRIBLE CONFLAGRATION AT YREKA! I The Climate of Eastern Oregon. Radical Flot in South Carolina W II. Watkinds was indicted at the pres­ ent term of the Circuit Court of Marian coun­ ty for an assault with a deadly weapon, com-: nutted on Sain. Clarke, to which Le ; I ;d| guilty- Junge Tliuyer, pre-«idii g in place < f- Judge Bonlinm, fined him $200, wner»-u[ on Sam. Clarke goes upon the war path und ut­ ters a howl of execration directed against the Judiciary, tho State Administration, the Grand Jury and everybody generally. lie promisses to Inbor “sedulously and fearlessly for the balance of his life” to show this mat­ ter up. The wrath of Sam is fearful to be­ hold, and William, of the auburn locks, will hare to stand from under. The Executive Department is terrified beyond expression, and Judge Thayer is undoubtedly badly frightened. THE PLAtE The Augusta Chronicle says that Governor To Buy Goods We extract from the papers of Dr. A. M. One-Half of the Town a Smouldering Loryea on the climate of Oregon, which ap­ Scott, having g>>ne North, Ransier, the ne­ Business Agent t. D. FOUDRAY Mass of Ruins!—Over $200,000 of pears in the Democratic Era. an important gro Lieutenant Governor, funned a plot for THAN TIIE Property Destroyed I—Insurance but item on the peculiar nd.iptnes* of Eastern I deposing him in his absence. He made se- $52 900- Oregon to pulmonary diseases. The acquain­ leret preparations for calling an extra session tance of tho Author ot these papers with the •of the Legislature on twenty-four hours’ no­ A- H- Stephen« on the Political Situa- I At halt-past 3 o’clock p. m . on the Fourth climate and resources of the State entitle tice, and bad the articles of impeachment —AT— tion. drawn and ready for adoption. By some i n fire broke out in the China wash house on them to the highest consideration : : the corner of Miner and Second «tree s. Not Earfterni Oregon lias a climate that more means, Chamberlain, a friend of Scott, got The Augusta Constitutional of June !«t ' a minute elapsed before that house, and the wind of the conspiracy, just as it was about DEALERS IN eon tai u* a lenethy article in which the politi­ | one adjoining, occupied by J -hnson, colored, neui ly fulfills the condition of a consumptive’* home, (han any yet under consideration. The to be executed, and succeeded io frustrating cal view« of Mr. A. II. Stephens are set forth was compli tely enveloped in' flume. As the cliinal“ is dry, summer and winter. The to i(- aa reviaed by himself. A synopsis of his ¡wind was blowing» gale nt the time, before tai rain fall in not over 20 to 25 inches annu­ There should be honor among thieves ; but position it thus presented : the engines could be got to work the fire hut! ally, nnd that eomes in modest showers in it seems negro and white amalgamation don’t It is well known by all who have read with cros-ed the street nrd -Flittier’s stable (the -pring and full. The prevailing winds are work to this end well in official functions. * any attention Mr. Stephens second volume old Yreka II >use) was in flames. It was now Iroiii the went in winter ai d spring, but they The negro has his aspirations, and mads an upon the war between the States that he does i past all coutrul, and in less than a minute have l< st their in tel from the the air is sharp and bracing, very rarely b t- doubtless well received by the entire to recommend a higher court to do what be R. OF THE BEST QUALITY, This Amendment having been thus dulv he had refused to do himself on the same af­ rear it quickly enveloped them in flames. AND THE ing cold. The summer is long ; always dry: State, as negro rule per se would be prefer­ fidavits. Notice of appeal was then made. ratified bv the Constitutional constituencies of CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. The entire block was destreyed, also the sometimes quite warm ; never hot or sultry. able t<» these carpet-bag official thieves that those States (though they had no voice in its building on the opposite side of Miner stieet. The air circulates freely over the high rolling has l»pen inflicted ns rulers upon the South. Judge Lewis Dent was arrested in New FISHER A BRO.»«, proposal by Congress, because of their volun­ betweoti Main and Second. From Irwin York City, June 7th, on a warrant charging table lands which constitute almost the en ­ (Corner California and Oregon Street*,) And it is to be hoped that the genuine Congo tary obsence,) he nevertheless regards as a Magoffey’s stable the fire swept in both and a tire surface of the country ; a pure mountain flement mny superseed them in all positions bint w ith misappropriation of money. He ob­ . JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. vital part of the organic law. southeastern and southwestern direction. On air, that carries fresh life and renewed vigor of profit or trust ; for of two evils it would be tained biil and left shortly after. May 1st, 1869. It is equally well known by all those con one line it swept all the buildings on Second nnd energy into the system of the debilitated far the least. versant with the same work that Mr. and Main streets south ; on the other it took corsumptive. Neither the summer’s heat Stephens-does not hold either the Fourteenth T ribute to V allandigham .—The New Cleland & Co's lumber yard, Lauer’s dwell­ nor the w inter’s cold is so severe as to render or Fifteenth Amendment, so-called, to be. ing, the Metropolitan building, the Catholic the climate an undesirable one for the native York Herald says of the late Ohio stnsesman : he undersigned having been AP- valid and rightful parts of the Const’pution, Whatever may be said of the faults or po­ Church aud Parsonage. Miner's and Conner's of any temperate climate on earth. pained Local Agent of the Board of School because they were and are nothing but tne Lund Commissioners, is now prepared to receive litical errors of the deceased, no one will de ­ R C. T. PAYNE. LIVING 1} MILKS The mortality statistics show that in the applications to purchase School, University and offspring of gross usurpations of power, dwellings. The Sister’s School was saved l»v east of Phoenix' offers the services of a ther ny that he was true to his convictions, fear ­ great efl >rt. The Court House was several year 1871, there were six deaths from con­ State lands. No application will be received un­ ough-bred Devonshire Bull to the publie. at $5 a passed by force, fraud and perfidy. times on fire, but by the constant pouring of i sumption in all Eastern Qregon,»containing u less ns n political leader and a man of consid­ less accompanied by one-third payment of the pur­ season. The animal is a deep red five-years-old, The reconstruction measures, upon which price. erable ability. lie was, no doubt, as honest chase weighing 1,624 pounds. Office in Court House—up stain. they rest entirely for their foundation and water on the roof was kept from^beiug con­ i population of 12.834, r.nd four of them had in what he called his “new departure” as in C. T. PAYNE. T. H. B. SHIPLEY, sumed. From Flutter's stable on the corner Phoenix, Ogn. «. Apr8-tf been in Oregon but a few months. support, were passed by Congress, upon the Local Agent for Jackson county. opposition to the war. Had be lived he !<>f Miner nnd Second streets, it spread west ­ The mean annual temperature of Eastern Jacksonville, March 18 1871. mchl8-tf. assumption of powers avowedly “outside” of; might have exorcised great influence in har­ the Constitution—ten of the States of the ward, taking Dick Richards' saloon and r<>8- Oregon varies considerably with different lo­ monizing the Democratic party as well as Union at that time claiming representation in : taurant, and all the buildings to the open calities, depending in a great measure on the in bringing peace to the country. Il is grat Congress (and not “seven of the original Col­ space between Patrick's saluun and Kessler's altitude above the level of the sea. For in- ifying to know, however, .that he lived long (KEPT ON THE KUnoFBAK PLAN,) j stance, on the summit of the Blue Mountains LL PERSON*5 KN onies?”) were arbitrarily and most wrong-j 'store. enough to accept the issues of the war as in­ i unici t From its original starting point, the fire ex­ 'snow falls to the depth of ten or twelve feet, Corner ot Stark nnd Front Streets, fully denied a voice and hearing in the Con evitable, and to give the weight ot his influ­ tended westwardly along Miner street, de- and everything is locked up in winter five or gross of the States upon those Amendments 1 I ence toward removing them Iron p deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.” the rear of the block of brick buildings ex­ to 100 deg. ; tho lowest, is about 10 deg. bust character <4 the Western men On proposing these last two Amendments, tending from Kessler's to Fourth street. The The mean annual temperature of the Dalles united with that the liigh-totrr. gene; ten States were thus most wrongfully and un­ main buildings fronting i n the street were: is 52.79 ; at Walla Walla, 54 24. The high* pulse and refinement of the old 8ou he constitutionally denied a voice. It is will iutended to be fire-proof, but behind them! est monthly mean temperature during a scries school of statesmen. He will be mourned by known that but for this palpable and avowed sheds had been erected, which were not.) of years was 74 deg.; the lowest, 32 deg. ; a large circle of friends, and the Denioc a » usurpation by which they were denied a These were consumed—and tiie main build­ the highest daily mean, 86 deg.; the lowest, have lost a lender who promised to he ent. 22 voice, the so-called Amendments never would ings also, and the goods in them, more or less nentlv useful to the parly. Let h;8 fauns to Eastern Oregon is now easy of access, by have been proposed for adoption of the States injured. Pashburg's store in this block, be­ buried with him and h’is virtues only lit Tr ing of wood was entirely consumed. Cross-' water, from a.l points near the coast. The sf the Union. membered. through: N orthern P acific R ailroad has been loca­ With regard to the special subject of negro ing Fourth street, the . fire extended . 1 ted along its northern b mnd.irv f >r a hut dred suffrage, we understand Mr. Stephens' posi­ to Oregon street, burning everytlrng on the tion to be that it is a question which does not block, except the row of fire-proofs on Miner and fitly miles, A few years, and the iron belong to federal politics in any way. It is street and Linker's dwelling. The tire spread , road and the locomotive will connect Lake • question which belongs exclusively to the sorapidlyth.it the lire companies were ut-j Superior and the E istcrti world with the wa­ E M Bhck. States. The Federal Government has no terly powerless to bring it into subjection, or ters of tho Columbia. Then us the travel V. Brolfey. I. ,cw s B -• . J more rightful control over negro suffrage than even materially cheek its progress. The fi.c— * and trade of halt tho world passe« over th- IJ •>" i . D J. over women suffrage, minor suffrage or any men aud citizens, and visitors did their ut-l Great Plain of the C •luiiib'a, is grind M Bnggs 11 other sort of class suffrage. And the “safe most to stop the ravages of the devouring ele scenery and dear bracing at nosji.cre are B li t:» . S t-u>i way out” of all tiie troubles attending this ment. The losses nre heavy, and will fall! destined to attract the tourist and the invalid W . B :ek w O 1 question is to leave it to the Democracy of with great severity on many, who hardly sue I from of everv * land. J.iCKSO I--- 1 every State to settle it for themselves by not­ ceeded in saving anything. It is impossible A bout eighty ni.les above Walla Walla. on Back, C. U. B ex ing in reference to the existing stains as they ( at this time to form anything like an aeeiira'c; the C-Juinl'ii river, the mighty streun flow I». Burnet , G -o. Bud think best for their respective States, without estimate of the losses, but cannot be less than|; ""ling between perp»nilieular walls of rock two Thus. Biwers, R. S. B Iki.np, J. Berry. $200,000. — Yreka Union. the slightest reference to the usurpations by Josephine—C. 11. Beseh, L. Leonard. hundred and fifty feet high, these walls being which the existing status has been attempted , C orvallis C ollege .— Another year’s I ,, built bv the Master’s hand of breccia, amyg­ Lane—R. B Boyd, J. N. Bovd, H. Belch­ to be imposed forever upon the States. hors ot the President, Prolessors and students daloid, bi.salt and lava, the voyager by canoe er, Martha Buncan, J. M. Breeding, Ezekiel The Fifteenth Amendment, as we have I <4 this deservedly popular institution, closer j Io iking upward will see half way to the top Bailey. said before, and now repeat, is not held to be Lands dispoeed of in Roseburg Land Office lac Thursday. The examinations, exhibi-l ' of one of these faces of marvelous masonry a invalid by those who denounce it because of J leafless tree, with a rind of asbestos instead during the month ot June, 1871 : lions, and especially the Commencement ex-j what it contains, but because of the usurpa­ Land sold, 11,118.36 ; homesteads entered, ercijes, were unusually ¡uteres iug. If sp ice .! of bark. The gentlemen of the Hudson Bay tions, and outrages upon tho Constitution bv 1 like to ............ refer to each Company have been in the habit for a half 3,006.04; A. C. S. located, 640.00; land would permit, we sliouhl .......... .......... which it is claimed to be a rightful part of: department, and n< te the marked improve­ century, as they passed this forest legacy of a warrants, 320.00; total, 15,175.00 acres. the organic law. These usurpations should ments made in the past year. It is enough, Idead and buried epoch, to show their skill In addition to these there were 36 pre­ never be permitted to pass without proper perhaps, emptions filed, aud 8 homestead certificates r....... r. _____ v that ........... „ , patrons ........... ft to ray the i.. „d friends' with the rifle by draping into their canoes, rebuke and condemnation, even by those who ¡of a ball, pieces of the extremi issued. of the institution seemed perfectly satisfied!"'*^ n ^ow favor the object professed to be aimed at by ¡that the year has been one of prosperity an.!|tie’ ,,f ,he li,nbs- The ,ree H wholl5 P^'S- I them. “T iie Sow has returned to her W allow . • success. The exhibitions, in ths several de-; c*s retained, in its isolated su->p?nsion, “The safe way out” of all the difficulties,, partments, drew crowded houses everv even ,lV tbe and the D og to his V omit .”—The Herald t "** *ls rnnts twisted and inter Ims resumed its war on tho Democrats of; not only on the “negro suffrage” question, tng-and the only complaint that we' heard, lnckc'1 in ll,e 8ea"” i,nd ‘J’’«'"-®’ ’«-e’^ecn lay HAY FORKS and RAKES, WAGON BOXES, but of all the other evils now afflicting the was-that the building wasentirdv too smail.*”8 of !av:‘ an'1 enip.ions. It i« one Portland—the Democratic Board of Police, i GRASS SCYTHES nnd SNATHS ___ ______ PATENT CROSS CUT _____________ and BUCK 8AWS, ‘-'I country by reason of usurpations, including to accommodate all win desired to'attend. ' ’‘»4 twenty feet above the river. No .the Democratic Common Councilmen, and WOODEN and STEEL BARLEY FORKS, HAND-SAWS, SHELF HARDWARE, •f CUTLERY, AC. tho de facto governments alluded to, in Mr. ! The Commencement exercises, on Thurs-j",J e‘’u,,, 11 ,v,! ‘k‘P0f Jack ^ed» wnR denued from its vo.canic matiix by tion was lost by any fuitlt or management of; BENCH SCREWS, their high trust ; nnd then leave nil these mat ! son county; Misses Mary J. Harris and Fannie' Wl‘ter action likewise that the Columbia lias the Herald, and arrogantly demands of the ters with the administration ot the govern­ I J. Kendoll, Benton county, and Hugh McN. | tittered through the lava to its present lev ( Governor, Secretary of State and Treasurer ment, in the hands of the true frien Is of the Finley, Corvallis. :c>-—Samuel Wilkeson, in the Christian to remove Mr. Upton from his position as ed-| itor of the Mercury because he ventures to . Constitution and free institutions, who will The valedictory addrc-8, by Hugh Finley.: nion. instantly withdraw the bayonet, ar.d. through I was appropriate, touching, nnd brought forth: Tn£ IUlLB ,AD._T|ie’Red Bluff Sentineloi\ think that the Herald's position towards j T he R ailr > ad .—The Red Bluff Sentinel o> Democrats was the reason the Portland Dem- | the proper use of the ballot, upon Democratic; a copious shower of tears from teachers and, juj jst g) . A * .......... host <4 laborers have ..i al­ ocratic ticket “went where the woodbine principles and doctrines, will soon effect a lellow-students. Ilis address to iho Presi ' thorough rectification of all these existing dent nnd Professors was delivered in Latin. ready commenced work, at Tehama nn l, in twineth.” With dne deference we submit wrongs, without violence or injury to any The Anniversary Address, by Rev. S. G.l less than two months, the Sacramento rivet that ¡08 rather a modest demand to make of clas3 or person. The revolntion thus to be' Irvine, was terse, to the point, and full oli at that point, will be spanned by the Rail­ the Governor & Co., even supposing they effected will be as thorough Hnd ns peaceful good sense and sound logic. The music was road bridge, while at the same time, the iron have the power of removal—that Mr. Upton as that accomplished by the Democracy in excellent. Taken altogether, the citizens of road between Tehama and Red Buff, will be be removed from liis position as editor of the 1800, under the lead of Mr. Jefferson, when Corvallis have enjoyed a series of rich literary hurried to completion, so that the ears will Mercury because bo holds certain opinions our liberties were then rescued nnd saved bv and musical feasts during the week—aud have be running to our village early thia fall. * * regarding the result of the Portland election. ASSOBTED IRON AND STEEI., them from a like centralism which is now just cause to feel proud of the nubia institu­ We are informed, that this place will be the Have not the Herald men yet been convinced terminus of the road for upwards of a year threatened. tion of learning bearing the beautiful name at least, and that the Company contemplate that they don’t run the Democratic party SUBMERGED & DOUGLAS PUMPS, and the State of Oregon? They are hard to of C orvallis C ollege . — Gazette. A C uriosity .—Dr. Morris, says the Win- erecting here warehouses, sheds, workshops convince indeed. CAST-IRON WASH KETTLES, •ton N.C. Sentinel of the 22d delivered a negro t A n A miable C uss .—The Herald has, at aud foundries, all of which together with the woman of a female child, near Graham’s one time or another, had a quarrel with every hosts of employees that the Company require bake ovens A dmitted to P ractice .—0» yesterday, Í meeting-house, in this (Forsyth) county, on Democratic paper in the State. Aid uow to carry on the many departments of business, G. L Mabson, of Wilmington, ir d Ihomt« skillets and tea kettles last Sunday, which is a curiosity worthy of a since the Mercury aud it have gone after must materially enhance the prosperity of our R. Warrick, of this place, colored men. ap­ place in Barnum’s Museum. The child has strange gods, under the “new departure” beautiful viliage. plied for lawyer’s licens* before me Supreme brass & ENAMELED kettles «*««*»«« Court now in sessi >n, wc;c ex. mined and a tail three inches long, flat, nnd about three dispensation, these two disciples don’t agree. inches broad, and covered with furz, and on Although there ure but two converts, the fry pans c One hundred hands came up on the cars to their license granted. Tins i< the fin.? case the end of the tail is something like a fleshy Herald can’t let its fellow disciple alone, but Sesma last Thursday, they will be put to of the kind that has happened >n this Stale, balb, and the finger with one joint and a well gets up a first-class quarrel about the Portland work to-day. We understand it to be the and will doubticis create a flutter an i sensa­ developed nail. Dr. Morris states that the election at the very first opportunity. What intention of the managers of the road to de­ tion among gentlemen of the legal fraternity child can wiggle its tail, and is perfectly an exceeding amiable and loveable cuss that liver freight, and land passengers in Red throughout the State.— Raleigh (N. C.) Tel­ formed in every other respect. We under­ Herald man is ! We wonder if he will ex­ Bluff, by the first day of September next.— egram. stand that there is a white man living in Sa­ communicate the Mercury from the church of Yreka Union. P ontifical J udilee .—The celebration of ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE.-^ lem who is blessed with a caudle nppendiige. the “new departure” dispensation. SrsTEN-ciD.—Ou the 22J ult., Judge Up­ the accomplishment of tho 25th year of the His tail, we understand, resembles that of ton sentenced John Orchard and T. H. D. reign of Pio Nono—“The Years of St. Pe­ Judge Lawrence Archor, of Santa Clara a hog, particularly the Peccary, of South American species of that animal. Where is county, has received the Democratic Domina­ L obs to the Penitentiary for the erime of for­ ter”—at San Francieoo, was on« of the most tion io the Ban Francises District ovér Axtile. gery. each for a term of three yeare. Jacksonrille, Jane 10th, 1871. magoifioent affairs ever held in that city. Darwin 7 SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 8. 1871 IFUHiniHIH LAND NOTICE CHEAPER Cheapest! FISHER & BRO.’S FANCY, STAPLE & DRY GOODS) Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc.i DEVONSHIRE BULL Notice to Cattle Raisers. T M NOTICE Cook Stores, Different Styles Giani Powder, Fuse and Caps, Rifle & Blasting Powder. , - , , - , & . HOFFMAN & KLIPPFL. JelT-tf.