1 tlU "TT A RACEY SKETCH. A Head's Wonderful Adventures with the K. K. K. [From the Memphis Avalanche.] C ity H otel , Which it is in New Orleans, I A pril , —, 18—. I I have joined ’em. I mu a K. K. K. feller. 1 run the ri«k of »lying some »lay (or nigh:), but 1 urn going to unbosom myself and make a public expose of the K. K. K. ONCR VPOX A CHEAP FOR CASH! SUPRIOR PLOUGHS I HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID ( extract Catawba 'GHAPE PILLS. -1 KAREWSKT, HAVING JUST OPENED' i JC a a largo stock uf i STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, BLANKETS, 1VE HAVE RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF V y those Superior Ploughs which we introduced here last season, and which have given entire sat- ¡-faction to those who have Used them, beingkw ell ada] itcil to different soil«. A Also, a full assortment of COOK. c i PARLOR; HARDWARE, TIMK, when night bad spread her sable mantilla o’er the earth «ml pinned it with a moon. 1 went to bed. People often go to bed at night, with the exception of the K. K. K.'s, who never go to Led, and who never sleep They have ears, but they hear not. Tin clocks bad tolled forth the hour of twelve, the stuffed owl in the City Museum had gone to roost ; the statue of Andrew Jackson re­ nosed in silence ; the snakes had eeeseil their eronkings. mid the frogs their biting; the •musquiti es bad begun humming, nnd ‘‘all went as merry as a marriage belle”—to her hash. I was sleeping in my couch of couches like a June bug in January, but 1 did not >nore. I never snore. Everybody would do i*. I presume, if it was fiLshiouabie. But to resume: As I said, Cutnponent Parts—Plaid Px.’ract Phubarb and Pilliti Pxtracl Catawba Grape Juice. AND BOX STOVES ; PAINTS A OILS. ASSORTED IRON, These Pills are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, i ete. There is nothing more acceptable to the AND SAILS i «toiuaeh. They give tone, mid cause neither nau- r me to follow him. I arose from my bed nd followed—entirely in white. He led me hrough winding streets, up dirk alleys, and inally brought me to a'grnve-yard. All this ime he ha»i never, for a moment, taken his eyes of fire off me. Arrived in the centre of i he grave-yard, beside nn unburied skeleton between two thorn hushes, he shut off' his r. cket, and glaring upon me .«aid ; tions. NAILS, Illy Motto: Sales & Small Profits.” * i FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE. BIL­ IOUS AFFECTIONS. SICK nil Nl-.RV' US HEADACHE. COS1T1 VEN ESS, E tc . PURE­ LY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MER­ CURY, MINERALS, OR DELETERIOUS DRUGS. Henry T. Ilelmbold’s Genuine Prepara­ AMERICAN SUBMERGED PUMPS I ' a T n O , 1 :x r I.i » ses ó I;-SEN ,’IAL (111 e O i t Which ve off -r at the taw- det ru.lu -I not tub r.. li. H. McDONA’.n FOK -41.5 Ol li DRUG Bl SIM. cisco, Cal. Af <-r o-ar b •• our thunks for the lil.erm eeived for more than iw which period we have b»-t r. si Drug business in Calif'-rn a. sequence of th rapid California Vinegar Li FTETNriRY T. TiKTuZMBOIDD’S United States an . conn HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND ¡essitated to devut < tul-ie wav ncs. FLUID EXTfi'CT SARSAPARILLA | and We the ate th- Will radically exterminate from the system Scrot prietor ula. Syphilis. Fever Sores, Ulcers. Sore Eyes. Sore jour nr Legs, sore mouth, sure hea l, bronchitis, skin dis I lit1-« <» j : In (.'a.-lt Giti», to be Distributed by the mu e<. ai >’ SI tl . eases, salt rheum, cankers, runnings Ir--m the cm Tins c iieiirt, irritai-.litv, r.erv- Nev. Y ork Cash Prize Co. white swellings, tumors, cancerous affection Always on hand a full variety of a e on.ary difficulties, derangement nodes, riel-ets. glandular swellings, night sw< . t five functions, general debili’y. vaginitis, rash, tetter, humors of ail kinds, chronic ~ remn : is i f the womb, hysteria, sterility, and C a
  • > -HERTY, at his Medical Institute, « • * • ware made to order. I. Until a sale is made we .-li.i 1 c ii .nue -iu and consult him about her troubles and disease. • « < « HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. it iti-ms mid Keep a large stock of fre.-h goods I Irregularities, Suppressions, etc., will receive th® October 15th, 1870. Being prepared cxpres.-ly for the above com ­ antly on hand, nnd sell at prices to defy com­ Doctor's particular at ention. Let no false deli­ $;!UO to Elegant Rosewood 1 plaints, its blood-purifying properties arc greater petition. cacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save 7«' io .» “ M Ilian any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It jan'-ly January 7th, 1871. yourself from painful suffering and prematura 60 to gewing Machines . gives the complexion a ciear and healthy color I death. All married ladies whose delicate health t«) to (»old Wat he-’ .......... and restores the patient to a state of health anti or circumstances prevent an increase in their fami- lies, Miver w are. etc., valued at $1,000.000 purity. 1'or purifying the blood, removing all l'cs. should write or call at DR. DOHERTY’S mice to draw any of the above Prizes for chronic constitutional di ea-es arising from an im MEDICAL INSTITUTE, and they will receive Dr. WALKER ’ S CALIFORNIA O ickets describing Prizes are »<<e. a VC effectual known remedy for the cure of pains nnd fices, consisting of a suite of six rooms, are so ar­ Ti' i.'t is drawn with- ut ch“ie mid sent by swelling of the bones, ulcerations of th»- throat ranged that he can be consulted without fear of» Corner California anti Fourth Sts. any address. The prize named upon it nnd legs, blotches, pimples on the face, erv'ipcla observation. 2 = Hundreds of Thousands deliver» d t > the ticket-holder on payment nnd nil scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautily n 35 “9 Bear testimony to their Wonder­ lhJlitr. Frizes are immediately sent to rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- ing the complexion. ful Curative Effects. To Correspondents. L tally inform their friends and the public gen­ any a Idress by express or return mail. f Patients (male or female) residing in any part WHAT ARE THEY? erally :hat they have purchased th»' above estab ­ Y'ou will know what your prize is before you ; of the State, however distant, who may desire th® pay for it. .L-.v /'-•»■' < ».--.7 z->r <«»<>(/»'»• <-; /A- lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be i opinion and advice of Dr. Doherty in their respec­ henceforward conducted under their constant per ­ «-«Hie rn of the ki ll l si’iial communication will be unnecessary, as in- P ress O piniox :—“The firm is reliable.”— m warn, to defy, to drag you to danger. kiJneys mid l-'ail ler. retc: stiuctions for diet, regimen and the general treat B - s/.7y Tf ibnnf, lire. 28. “Deserve their suc- of tli<» pro-tr itc gland«, f t- Thrice the scorpion's tongue has hissed; cess.”—A’. ment of the case itself (including th® remedies), Ht raltl, Jan. 1. “Ju.-t and honor- cuius, gravel, brick-diot « will be forwarded without delay, and in such a thrice the bloody grave has gaped. Behold ! able.” —.Ven », !>><:. 'J. w ith single or double teams, for hire on reason- milky diseh O i.»-«. and for manner as to convey no idea of the purport of th® Send for circular. Liberal ¡Bn-titiitii>n« <-f i-otii sox' - j letter or parcel so transmitted. Agent.-. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack­ lowirg symptom« : ludisp C >nsultations, by letter or otherwise, FREE. the skeleton before me, and surrounded by age of 200 Sealed Envelopes «»»tit-in« oxr e«s|| GOOD SADDLE HORSES & Mil.ICS of P->wer, L -«.« of Mem ri Permanent enrf guaranteed, or no pay. Address <;n r. Seven tickets fur $1 ; 17 f«r S2; 50 for $5; letters of fire, ing. Weak Nerves. Trein'd W. K. DOHERTY, M. D., Suu Francisco, Csli«- 200 for $15. Address Wakefu’ne««. Din-ne.-« of I AM DEAD^t ■ forma. the country at moderate Ba.-k. Hot Ib-.n-U. Flu«hin (Illustrated by coffins and daggers) THEY ARE NOT A VII.E c. B. TAYLO1Î & CO g 1 ? Animals bought aud sold, and of the Skin. Eruption« on i Spermatorrhoea. I gazed in horror, and exclaimed in petri- FANCY DRINK, ? — M a 'ji f DR. DOHERTY lm* just published an important «addle or hai ncss. Jena: re, U: iiversal Liissitud MANAGERS : tern. Ete. f Foor »turn. Whitskey, Proof Spirit® j pamphlet embodying bis own views and exper­ ! ‘d accents : ‘‘I believe ye. my boy,” and REAMES A WILSON. Used by 1 »ers’-ns fr< • m tbi ages of eighteen t r.udKefnao Liutior® doctored,spiced and »wect- iences in relation to Impotence or Virility, being a. 73 A 80 BROADWAY, N. Y- May 7th, 1870. tinted. ! twenty-five. and from thirtv five to fiitv-1 wc the taste, called “ Tonics, "“Appi tiz- ‘«bort treatise on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weak- 1 'he decline » r ch ìn:r»‘ of lift Mnvt'. 3 ¡orers," &c., that lead tl.c tippler on to ness. Nervous and Physical debility consequent on YVheDil recovered myself (and my wallet) labor pains : bed-wett ing in s aad ruin, but are a true Medicine,made I this affection, aud other diseases of the sexual or­ ’ found that I was transported to a subterra itive Roots and Herbs of California, free igans. I 1 Alcoholic Stitnalnnta. They arc the ean dungeon beneath terra firma. It had This little work contains information *f th® ut­ r.LOOli rURIFIEK nnd A LIFE most value to all, whether married or single and 11 the appearances of a place that was worse G PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and will be sent frkk by mail on receipt of six cents in. BOLD S EXTRACT BUCH! IS Dll -rater of the System, carrying off all poisonous postage stamps for return postage. Address AND REl’IC AND BLOoD-PUKl i-YIXG, han the place, itself. There were blue r a..d restoring the blood to a healthy condition. CURES ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM W. K. DOHERTY. M. D., I'.ghta, blue fellers an»l blue flames. HABITS OF DISSIPATION. AND EXCESSES No person can take these Bitters according to dircc- San Francisco, Cal. Even ‘‘the lights burned blue.” The 4go AND IMPRUDENCES IN LIFE IMPURITIES ti ,i aud remain long unwell. jan. 21, 1871. S i.00 will be given for an incurable case, proviilcd OF THE BLOOD ETC., SUPERSEDING CO : ig paragraph states that. Any paragraph PAIJJA IX AFFECTIONS FOR WHICH IT IS the bancs arc not destroyed by mineral poison or . light state the same thing. USED. AND SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS—IN other means, and the vital organs w asted beyond the —AT— THESE DISEASES USED IN CONNECTION point of repair. Brightly the “taller dip” candles “shone F<»r Inflummutory nnd Chronic Rhcumn- WiTlI IIELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH. o'er (through) fare woman and brave men !” tisni mid Gout, Dyspepsia or ludigestion, LALIES. Bilious, Remittent mid Intermittent Fewer®, When I had been taken inside the dungeon In many affections peculiar to ladie.’, the Ex­ Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, nnd COMPLETE STOCK I felt that I was done. tract Bnehu is unequaled by any other remedy— Bladder, these Bitters Lave been most success­ wavs on hand at the —ON— a« in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful­ ful. Such IMseascs are caused by Vilinted I was introduced to a hard crowd in hard ness or Suppression of Cust -mary Evacuat ons. Blood, which is generally produced by derangement mes. They formed around me—the crowd, Ulcerated or Seliirrus state of the Uterus, Leuc r- of the Digestive Drcans. Tuesday Eve.. July 1th, ISTI D YrtPEPSI A 1N DtGESTION. rluea or Whites. Sterility, and for all complaints ot the times—and in a deep, sepulchral tone incident to the sex, whether arising from indi-cre- r.-h?, Ta!n In th OF hat shook the cave, said : HE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY' NOTIFIES I tion or hal-its of dissipation. It is prescribed ex­ Chest, Diza'ncss his friend.«, and the public generally, that h?, tensively by the most eminent Physicians an-i Bad tast? in the “Whence comes this mortuary mortaul, ROOKS, will give a GRAND BALL on tho evening of- < f thollea: Midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitution« i ,:d is he trolly rural?” r« < f July 4tb, 1871, at whi 1 ‘ " of b -th sexes and all ages, (attended with miy STATIONERY, the above disea.-es o My conductor answered for me, and said, cd effort», to give entit tuny attend. The Lest 1 tones of thunder—nnd lightning : TOILET ARTIGLI: been «eetn t-l for the o»’ “II»' can keep a hotel ; Le can sing like a will add to the comfi AC. AC. II. T. IIELMBOLD'S EX I'R \ martingale, swim »ike an angel, gamble on gne-ta will be provided VEIT SCHUTZ. BUCI1U CUKES DISEASES ARI INC uc a .he green, and is loil to the corp.«.'' Jis' -nrVille. Mav 20th. 1«71. FROM I M I’RUDEN' ES II Al r^’ “Let him pass,” said the Tycoon, who OF DISSIPATION. Eli' At the CITY DRUG STORE. ihought I haden’t a “lull hard.” in all their stages, at little expense. little I passed, and found myself in the inner change iu diet, no inc >nvcuiciiee. aa-l no exj It causes a frequent desire, ami gives stiei ' amber, where I saw nothing but thunder, h cA.n?^ ' Urinate, thereby renv-ving Obstruction«, Preven •.he jells of demons and the rattling of ing and Curing Strictures uf the Urethra, Allny’m THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this eia Anins ; I heard nothing but lightning, the ful!y inform th? Ladies of Jacksonville and of diseases, and expelling ail Poisonous matter. W. L. COWAN, Druggist. atiJ I vicinity, that they have ju.-t arrived from San lash of gunpowder and the last ditch, - <-f - MiiiJnery I August 27th, 1870. I'riineisc-» with a well assorted - .«lock an 1 r!”."- :.i la t I .earned the dreams of the dreamy. a:. 1 wr.r f.’ ’.Ines v."’ and Straw Good»», and will constant! keep on a siangleu car.psc, hand the latest styles of lints, Buxxi S, 1! VTS HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ID'S!: tuod upon a pyramid of skulls, and holding an ! IJo.xxET S hapes . WASH Also a fine assortment of cannot he surpassed ns a FACE WASH, nnd will i Lis right hand a coffi t and in his left hand < I I i>e found the only specific remedy in every specie« TRIMMINGS, . (pristine man) coughin’ two exclaimed : I of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily « rad cutes Pimples. Spi ts. Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations of “S ••Mcrtual, 1 am the Bloody Butcher of the -’f | llie Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Redness i >gus blunderers of Babyion. JJwcar to and Incipient Inflammation, Hives. Rash, M- th IUB BOX ’ S. Patches, Dryne.«.« of Scalp i-r Skin, l’ro«t B. . jep cur secrets or dye ! and all purposes for which Salves or Ointments As I didn't cars to dye, I swore. used : restores the skin to a state of purity ORNAMENT ■» softness, mid insures continued healthy action to Then I was teetotally surrounded L-y de-i the tis-uo of its vessels, on which depends the On Oregon street, Jacksonville. ions as looked like devils, not one of whomi TIDIES, agreeable clearne-s mid vivacity of complexion s 'WS'*- iU’ht their shirts at McCown’s who shriek-' j much »ought and admired. But however valuable o [ as a remedy for existing delects the skin. H T. NECKLACES, J: . ! i Helmboal's Rose \\ a-h has long su t.iined its piin- “Ho swears by the fiery flagon found in. I ciple claim t-> unbounded patronage, by pos-essiiig ■.rocious furnaces by fellers from Feliciana, { qualities which render it a Toilet Appk-n-lago oi rpiIF. THIRSTY' PUBLIC ARM INI OR MEL I the most Superlative and Congenial character, __ I that Pape ‘>at he doc3 not, never did, and never will;end other articles in our lino too numerous to _ A Savage e of the “ New Mate Sa­ , combining in an elegant formula those prominent loon ” will quench their thirst w ith the most choice : gain, so help him Felis !” mention. A I requisites, Safety and 1 tlieaey—the invariable BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for MISSES A. F. an i L. A. KENT I was then stabbed by a small sword, C G a a tf Having just received from San Francisco a fine 1 accompainnicnts of its use—as a Preservative and “ one bit.” Wo expect to lose money by it, but ’.hich was held in the hands of every demon Jacksonville, March 25th, 1870. | Refresher of the Complexion. It is nn excellent times are bard, aud we cannot see pe »pie thirsty. stock of • n pantalets around me, then drugged, boiled Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as PAPE -Jy V ’.ninittee. propped up by certificates. fice. Jacksonville, Jan. ltth, 187!. jan-lltf. Jacksonville, O'»»., February 11th, 1871. EAGLE BREWERY. J “ISMÏM3TT0.” 1 I \ T B ) ’-“X «