e I A Desperate Affray. Th« following is the account given by the Plaindealtr of the recent «hooting affray at F. D. FOUDRAY,.. Business Agent Roseburg : On last Sunday morning Tho«. and Henry Gale, publishers of the Ensign, made an as­ sault upon Mr. Thompson, publisher of this Personalities in Journalism paper, which resulted very seriously to all of them. The difficulty arose from a series of At the present writing there are three ed­ bitter personal articles, which the Ensign itor« lying hors du combat at Roseburg, and had published against Thompson. We learn one at Salem that escape i being in the same that a week before, Thompson had told Tho«. situation only by a ininuele. These men Gsle that he would no longer submit to these were all wounded in affrays brought on by a'taeks. Last weeks' paper contined these the course villification and vituperation in i dings, r.nd Thompson meeting Thus. Gale in which it is the custom of some journals in .the Post Office on last Saturday evening spit Oregon to indulge. Gross attacks upon per­ in his face. Gale put his hand in his pocket sonal character, couched in the vilest bil­ ns if to draw a pistol, when Thompson kicked lingsgate and steeped in malignity, have him several times. It appears that Gale had heretofore been made by a certain class of no pistol with him at the time, but ran imme journal« in Oregon, seemingly without a diately to the Ensign office where be and thought of responsibility to any one. This Usury Gale armed themselves and started in baa gained for Oregon journalism the uncom search of Thompson, but they did not meet plimentary soubrequet of “Oregon style.” It him. Ou Sunday morning about 10|, o'clock has been a standing disgrace to the State the two Gales fully armed, came up town to and a nuisanee to tbe people« Editors who Fink's saloon which is near to the Post office. bad a personal grudge to gratify made their About 11 o,clock Thompson who had beeu at newspaper« the medium through which to his office making up his mail, came down to pour forth malicious slander and personal the Post office accompanied by Virgil Conn. abuse to the disgust of the public and to the (jpon OpPning his b x he saw that the Post- immense injury of the influence of the press.' Ulil(lter, Mr. Stanton, was inside, and he re­ Moat generally the men engaged in this prac- qUe3ted him to open the door, which he did. lice were so notoriously impecunious us to After going inside and leaving the mail, render legal redress, unless by criminal pros Thompson and Conn cmne out and walked •cution, a force, and io some instances their north, and as thev reached the corner of Flint - .t they —— want of personal courage was such as to ren It & »«__ Morgan’s store met . .u. the Gales, Henry SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, IST1 I a T he Mercury says that Sam. Clarke de. ' dared he was shot through, and in the beau­ On tbe 16th inst. the Catholic population tiful language of the poet, added, “take me HIE IMPORTED PERCHERON OR NOR- N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Washington and New York celebrated the home to die.” They took him home in a con- of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, June, __ man horse will be kept the coming season, 1 veyance, a physician attending him and commencing February 1st, at my farm, near Ash­ Pope’s jubilee in grand style. 1871. (Sitting in Probate.) land, on the stage road, till April 1st. From and The counsel of Bowen, the Congressional whispering words of consolation in the dying Iu the matter of the Estate ef James R. after April 1st to July 1st—Tuesdays and Wednes­ bigamist, will apply to the President for a man’« ear. On arriving at borne, Sam. de­ days—at the stable of Rearnes A Wilson, Jackson­ Pool, Deceased. clared lie was dying trom loss of blood, his To J oshva R. P ool , heir of the Property and ville ; Fridays and Saturdays at my farm. pardon. Gregory Yule, a pioneer of '49, and one boots being full. On examining the boots the Estate of James R. Pool, Dec’d, and all others in­ terested therein : You and ench of you are hereby of the most eminent lawyers of San Francis­ I physician, quoting from the ritual of the notified that William G. Buffum, Executor of said Ancient and Oriental order of E Clampsus Estate, has filed his petition praying for an order Wai imported from France by the Darby Plains co, died in that city on the 16th. of said Court to sell the following described real The surveys of the Eastern Extension of Vitus, declared, in a loud voice, “No blood,” property belonging to said Estate, situated in Importing Company of Union oounty, Ohio, in July last. I purchased him in November, and the California Pacific railway Svili bo com­ but added that there was ab >ut half a pint Yamhill county, Oregon, to-wit : One half interest shipped him, with in two hundred acres of land, more or less, being menced immediately. ic is expected that of water in each boot, and wanted to know if a portion of the Donation land claim of John Sher­ One Full Blood and two three-quarter they will be completted to Ogden during the Sam. used his boots as portable foot baths. wood aud wife, and by them conveyed to James On examining Sam’s corpus for bullet wotinds> R. Pool. Therefore notice is hereby given to the blood Percheron maree, present Summer. heirs-at-law of said Estate, that the prayer of said slight bullet mark was found just below petition will be heard and determined at the Clerk’» The Eugene Guard says the R. R. bridge byrail to Chico, Cal. Ho is alight, dapple gray, 5 of said County on Tuesday, the 1st day of years old the coming Spring ,- weighed when «hip­ across the Willamette ou the O & C. R. R. the buttons on the back of his coat, where office the ball was stopped by a buckle or some­ August, A. D., 1871, at 10 o’clock A. M., at which ped in Ohio, 1,680 lb»., at at maturity, in good will be completed bv the 1st Sept....... Mr. thing. Clarke, on hearing that he was not time and place the said heir-at-law above named, condition, will Knott has started with his quartz mill for the dead after all. got up, poured the water out and all others unknown, if any there be, are here­ by notified to appear and show cause, if any exist, Bohemia mines....... Mr. Jacob Miller,of Long of his boots, and went about his business. why an order of sale should not be made, as in the aforesaid petition prayed for. Town, an old and respected citizen, is dead. By order of Hon. T. II. B. Shipley, Judge of Has large, broad, fleet limbs, good disposition, C onsistency .—How does the “New De­ ....... A violent storin passed ovpr Eugene city I pleasing countenance, fine etvle, good action, and said Court. parture” paper in Portland reconcile the po SILA8 J. DAT. Clerk. on Thursday the 13th....... A man from the has never been bred to nnv extent. sition taken in the “New Departure” plar Jacksonville, June I3th, 1871. jel7-w4. While in the East hunting for a horse to bring wooden nutmeg State is about to engage in to this coast, I saw nineteen imported Percheron | form on the payment of the nntionnl debt tbe manufacture of bug proof seed potatoes with the eighth resolution in the Oregon D?m- horses, and 1 am satisfied The Wh.to Prine fa at Eugene City....... Two guests at the St. I ocretic platform? Tell us “learned Theban.'' m —— FORM. SIZE, STYLE AND ACTION Charles Hotel were robbed on the night of | i T he R ailroad . — The San Francisco Bul ­ the 13. Surpasses them all. In this selection I was as. letin of the 19th says that the C. P R R sisted by Mr. Jas. Fullington, ex-President Ohio From the Albany Democrat and the Regis­ THE compony have put their entire available work­ State Agricultural Society, said to be as geo.l a ter we glean the following. judge of this stock asany person in the United ing force on the Tehama end of their road, States, lie was one of the first importers, is fa We are informed that it is the design of and that they design building it to the State miliar with their endurance in France, and their z breeding qualities in Ohio. the railroad company to complete the road to line before they quit. Those who have read in the American Ayr*. within seven miles of Roseburg before tbe nd other agricultural papers, know the COMPRISING winter weather compels a cessation of work, me- knew they were both armed and intended to GYMNASTS in the World 1 FUEE ARABIAN ougb-bred Devonshire Bull to the public, at $5 says : “ A lot of 27 bales, Oregon wool, re ­ where, and it surely should attach to the libel atta’k him, but they were cowards and he season. The animal is a deep re flv -yea. •-• 1, i Wil p -f rm in Jacksonville June 24th, In the last century. It is that which gives them ler. If the editor seeks the life of another, it was not afraid of both of them. Henry theD ceived by the last steamer, was found to con­ weighing 1,624 pounds. C. I. PAYNE. their endurance, style, form and action. tain one-half weight dirt, stowed in the cen ­ 1871 is surely the duty of that other to deferd him struck him a severe bl >w with a cane ou the AprS-tf Phoenix, Ogti. *’ lie has not such a fine skin as the Arab, non- •elf ev°n to the taking of life. How is it, i left side of his face, Tht mpson kicked and ter of the bags, and measures have been taken I.is prettily rounded, oval, and small foot but we must remember th** fact that he lives under a. then, when the private reputation of one is struck at Henry, but did not knock him to prosecute the perpetrators of the swindle.” cold climate upon elevated plains, where nature During the storm last Tuesday evening, assailed—a jewel more valuable than life down, and at the same moment Thomas shot gires him for a covering a thicker skin and a. warmer coat, nnd that he has been for years step­ itself? Shall he stand by and see his good at him. Tbe ball, which was from a large the telegraph operator at Corvallis was knock­ ping upon moist, clayey soil.” ed off his stool by lightning while operating» name and the good name of his family trailed bored single barrel cartriIge pistol, entered TER,MS $35 in U. S. gold coin, the season. in the dust without a remedy ? We do not pt the corner of his vest pocket on the right and his side nnd face badly scorched. Good pasturage, with good fence, near here, at 50* cts. per week. Everybody is invited to o<>me and. think so. Public opinion will justify any and passing through a number of letters A carboy of sulphuric acid bursted at seetny stock and judge for themselves. H ave just received and one, even if the laws do not, who takes the an(] tickets, glanced so that it only cut the > Messrs. A. Caruthers & Co’, drug store slight­ W. C. MYER. Ashland Milla, Ogn., January 25th, 1871. remedy in his own hands and punishes the skin of bis side ab mt two inches in length, ly injuring Mr. Saltmarsh and Mr. Caruthers I libeller. Thompson then drew his pistol, turned and ....... Mr. Howard Mansfield, an old citizen of I We believe the events of the last few day« I shot Thomas. This bail, which was from the L:nn county, is dead. I will teach a certain class of Oregon editors smallest size derringer, entered his breast on JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, The Plaindealer says: Mr. Thompson is that the “Oregon style” is about played out,! the right side near the lower end of tbe breast recovering from his wounds....... Mr. Hinkle ’orner of California and Third St*., •nd that when they seek to make holes in a bone, and is supposed not to have entered the an old citizen had his leg broken while try 1 man’s private character, they take chances cavity, but passed around aud lodged in the ' ¡ng to catch a young horse....... La«t Tuesday 1 in having holes made in their own carcasses. back. The Gales then started towards the ' week a severe storm visited Umpqua Valley. Post office, Thompson turned to Henry and Hail fell as large as partridge and goose eggs, So mote it be. egs leave to inform the public that he has the largest, best, and uoit com- beat him over the head with the butt of his entirely destroving gardens and stripping luudiou» Hotel in Southern Oregon. The Death of Hon. C. C Vallandigham pistol clenched in his baud, while doit g thi- fruit trees. Grain, in some portions of the It is located in the central part of Jacksonville ; Thomas came behind him and beat hint over vallev, was destroyed. The hail barked the We give the following from late tele the head. As he turned to Thomas, Henry -tapes fr>m the North and South leave regularly Oaks, went through the roofs, killed geese from the U. S. HOTEL. gram : drew a four shooter aDd shot Th >mpson in the nnd phived thunder generally....... Tims, and C incinnati , June 17.—The Commercial back of the head to the right and above the The House ha« lately been re painted, and reno­ Henry Gale were nrrestrd.waived an examin vated ; the rooms are newly furnished, and well has the following account of the accident to’ left ear, Thumps >n turned and received an- ; ation, and were held to bail by Justice Ross ventilated. The bedrooms are supplied with Mr. Vallandigham : It appears that no one other ball in the left shoulder. At this time ‘ SPiI.X'G REDS, and every other convenience for in SI.000. each....... Rich, black sand from the comforts of guests. was present with Mr. Vallandigham when Thompson again turned, and as he did eo, ' Joshia Wright it Co’s. mine at Rendolpb has i the accident occurred but Ex-Leiut. Governor Henry placed his pistol against the back of BOARD AND LODGING been received. It appears to be more than McBurney, who had been associated with! his neck and fired, the ball entered near the half gold ....... W. Stroman, a native of Dt-n- Can be had at reasonable rates, according to the him in the defense of McGohan. McBurney angle of the jaw on the left side and passed ark, Com mm it ted suicide at Ellensburg, June room occupied. bad expressed some doubt as to the theory into his mouth, immediately filling his mouth 2nd. that Myers had shot himself, and Mr. Vai-| THE TABLE and throat with blood. Thompson made an I T he S alem S ho iting A ffray .—From all landigham picked a pistol from the table, say­ ineffectual attempt to speak, and the Gales accounts Watkinds acted very foolishly and Will be supplied with the best the market ean af­ ing he would show him in half a second. ford. left and went to the drug store of Dr. Hamil­ very criminally in this affray. Sam. Clarke Two pistols were on the table—one unloaded ton. Thompson was taken to his house and richly deserved a kicking, beyond doubt, for FAMILIES —and be by mistake took up the loaded one. the bullets all extracted. Ilis physicians Dr. his assault upon Watkinds’ private character, He put it in his pocket and withdrew it, Hoover, Hamilton, and Boughton, think that Can find at this House rooms especially arranged for their comfort and convenience, as well as every keeping the muzzle next his body. Just as his wounds though severe are not dangerous. and if Watkinds had planted his boot just be­ attention and comfort usually found at a well kept it was leaving his pocket it was discharged, Henry Gale is not seriously injured and low the place where he planted his bullet, it Hotel. would have been all right. But the attack tho ball entering, it ¡9 said, near the same Thomas is likely to recover. A LARGE HALL place Myers was shot, lie at once ejacula We refrain from making nnv comments in which he male on Clarke reflects no credit upon his courage or his sense of honor. regard to the matter, and «imply give the ted “oh murder,” and said he had taken the i Is attached to the Hotel, for Ball«, Meetings, Clarke is a much m iller man than Watkinds, wrong pistol. While the examination was tacts as stated by an eye witness. Shows, Ac., and can be had at reasonable terms. i i aud since Gen.,Lamerick cowhided him some HAY FORKS and RAKES, going on, he watched the surgeons at work The Portland City Election. GRASS SCYTHES ami SN ATHS, The lL>teI is furnished with a bar room where years ago he has the reputation of a coward. WOODEN ami STEEL BARLEY FORKS, with eager eyes, and even assisted them in the very best liquors and cigars m:iy be found, at prices to suit the times. their search for tbe ball. He died at eighteen Last Monday the Portlanders held their To assault such a man with a cowhide, GRAPE VINE CRADLES, Jack'ouvilic, Ogn., Jan. Sth, 1871. tf. MANURE FORKS, backed by a pistol, and then do such miser ­ minutes to 10 o’clock this forenoon. He weut charter election, and the result wasadisas-, GRAIN SCOOPS. dowa very rapidly after 3 o’clock, having do trous defeat to the Democracy. Wards that, able shooting, is not very cveditablo to bis TRACE and HALTER CHAINS, t pulse scarcely after that hour. Dr. Dawson, lave heretofore been carried by the Democrat­ nerve. CHOPPING and BROAD AXES, ef Cincinnati, arrived at 3 o’clock, but too ic party have rolled up large Republican ma­ G overnor II aigiit .—Gov. Haight will cer­ HATCHETS and HAMMERS, rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ESTABLISII- fi cd a Real Estate Agency in connection with lata to do anything for the dying man. jorities. Every precinct in the city gave a tainly receive the Democratic nomination fur BENCH SCREWS, I their Law Office, and art! prepared to buy and sell Judge Haynes, his law partner from Dayton, Republican majority, and the Democracy Governor of California. We are sincerely ' real estate in this and adjoining counties. Record» reached Lebanon this forenoon, with other have sustained an ignominious defeat by ma­ glad of it as Gov. Haight is a kind of Assist «•.arched and abstracts of title prepared with dia- ' patch and accuracy. Parties at a distance can personal friends, who were with him in bis jorities ranging from 102 to 366. Here the ant Governor of Oregon, and as a citizen of ommunicatc with us bv addressing last hours. McGohan, in prosecution of Democracy of Oregon have tho first fruits of this State we shonld regret to lose’his servi­ EAY A REA. Jacksonville, Oregon. whose case be lost his life, was taken from tbo traitorous course the lieraid has pursued ces. It is to be regrettal that the services April 22, 1S7!. apj22-tf. jail this forenoon to the bedside, and shed for the last eight or niue months. That pa­ of ex Gov. Wood, late of Oregon, cannot be tears as he beheld the dying friend who had per has persistently sown the wind and the procured to canvass against Haight so as to NOTICE appeared daring the progress of the trial to Democratic party can see the commencement insure bis election beyond peradventure. I.I, PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES Bummon all his energy and legal ability in of the haiveBt of the whirlwind. Its ven­ in del ted to the late firm of Linn & Hall, are After having an examination aud being bis defense. Mr. Fillet made his argument omous assaults upon leading Democrats in requested to call on the subscriber and settle up. All debts due said firm not sc ♦tied by the first for the State yesterday, and was to Lave be«D Portland engendered personal feuds which no htld to answer in the sum of $500 for shoot­ of July, 1S71, will be placed in tino hands of a ing at Clarke, Watkinds was again arrested followed this forenoon by Milliken. amount of excited exhortation, just before the proper officer for collection. D. LINN. B altimore , June 17.—lion. John L. Mc­ election, could nssuage. It foolishly arrayed and taken before Judge Terry and held to may27-w6. Jn -ksonville, May 26th, 187!. Mahon, one of the ablest and most distin­ every capitalist and rich company against answer in several charges in tbe sum of $5,000. ASSORTED IRON AND STEED, guished lawyers of Maryland, died in Cum the Democratic ticket, aud now whines that We don’t see how he could perpetrate more berland Thursday night. A younger sister the defeat was caused by money. Its whole than three crimes when he shot at Clarke. SUBMERGED & DOUGLAS PIMPS, I Perhaps Terry held that frightening Clarke «f McMahon is the wife ot Vallandigham.” course has beeu a record of malice, stupidity F|1IIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AT CAST-IRON WASH KETTLES, A poined Local Agent of tho Board of School in common with Democrats throughout and egotism, resulting in disaster and dis­ nearly to death constituted a heinous offense. Land Commissioners, is now prepared to receive