* « .c SUPRIOR PLOUGHS! THE FATE OF MISSISSIPP. K \ iu :\ vski lnrifp d ii \ ri > w pain HORSE SHOES, V Well, in trailing d«wn tho border. Here he pitched his tent, at last. And the dogs—they sought him somehow— Gathered round him thick and fast ; Hound and cur, full twenty of them, Le«pc the hill-side, as ot old, But would never pitch the music— F->r the tracks were dim and col 1, An 1 full often, toft, mistaking F >r the h -rn the engine-pipes, Thev w -ul I wander on wild chases— Like the foolish after snipes 1 MEAT CUTLERY —AT — CEDAR WARE, the BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon ami Main Streets, offers bargains, such as have uot been uftcrcd betore .at Jacksonville. This stock is fresh ami of the best quality, ami • 'ASH purchasers will do well to call on him. ROPE, SHELF HARDWARE, OILS, PAINTS, Staple Produce taken in exchange for goods. Vis«« ground salt in jo and 100 lbs. sacks, ami tine Liverpool salt. January 7th. l-**7l. jaiiT-tf. $765.000 («LASS, 4 New A oi k Cash Prize Co. I’.VF.m T1CKI.T DRAMS A PH17.1’.. These Pills arc the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nau­ sea er griping pains. They are composed of the fiurtt iu'jrcdicnt». After a few day’s use of them, such an invigoration of tho entire system takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and en­ ervated. whether arising from imprudence or dis­ ease. II. T. Helmbold’s Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coated, from I the tact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without dissolving, eonsequentlv do not produce the desired effect. IHE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being pleas .mt in taste ami odor, do not necessitate their be­ ing sugar-coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER IK'X. Ac. Ac., Also the celebrate«! HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND AMERICAN In Cash Gifts, to be Distributed by the SUBMERGED PUMPS. Always <>n hand a lull variety of IN ANT SHEET-IRON WARE. FLUID FXTP.’CT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrof- ula, > yphilis. Fever Sores, Ulcers. Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, sore mouth, sore head, bronchitis, skin dis- eases, salt rheum, cankers, runnings troin the ear. w bite swellings, tumors, cancerous «flections, nodes, rickets, glandular swellings, night sweats, rash, tetter, humors of all kinds, chronic rheuma- tism. dyspepsia. and all diseases that La VC been established in the system for years S fO.uou 3 Ca-h gifts each « • « « 2t*.mm 10 • 4 ti tt 2>> «< 0,000 Hydraulic Pipe, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-iron if fi 50 if I ,t"'O ware made* to order. 2«u> “ “ “ ........... ... 5011 HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. 3j0 •« “ “ ............... ... lrut October 15th, 1'70. Being prepared -expressly for the above com­ iMI to Sfili) .’>0 Elegant Rosewood Pianos , each plaints, its blood-purifying properties arc greater 75 to Imi 75 “ “ Melodeu•ns “ than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It »< (’.Ufo 175' 350 stewing Machine- ........... gives the complexion a dear and healthy color •« 75 to :’>im ¡ .>•10 Gobi Mathes .......... and restores the patient to a state of health and Cash Prizes. Silver Ware, etc.. valued at 81,0«'o,mm purity. For purifying the blood, removing all A chance to «lraw any of the abovt • Prizes for chronic constitutional diseases arising from an ini 25e. Tickets describing l’ri.zes are< (>•/ Tl'k.t is drawn with-. ut clmie a nd sent by 1 swelling of the bones, ulcerations of the throat Corner California ami Fourth Sts. mail to any addres-. The piri/.l‘ HHllH* 1 upon it and legs, blotches, pimples on the face, erysipelas will l,e deliver« <1 t > the tick«- t ii.ihk r o 11 pa V mellt ¡ and till scaly eruptions of the skin, and beaut Ey­ , of <>m Ih.lt.ir. Priz< s a: e iiunivdiatt•ly .-ent to milE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESl’ECT- ing the complexion. 1. rally inform their friends and the public gen­ any adiire.-s by expre-- or u t uni mail. erally hat they have purchased the above cstab- > You will know what y«f Nir. Hl. Mt Y T. 11 l.I.MKOIDS henceforward conducted under their constant per­ • <g >. ¿-'Ii'.imo; cntertiiiuiiK-nt. Horses «>r mules will be boarded THE GREAT DIURETIC. Walker. Baltimore. Piano, j-st’O: J. ami cared for. by the day <>r week, at moderate j ha.« cured every case of Diabetes in thews, Detroit. t>l>0 J dm T. An ier ehargei. They have the largest stock in Oregon,! been given. Irritation of the tuck of nah, ?-.■>.tmit; Jami - >inim-n- . B .-t- n. south of Portland, <4 ami inflain.ition of the kidneys, ulceru Pi: nss O i ’ ixio . n ': —“The firm is reliable.”— ki'lm y- an>l bladder, retention of ui I,.,-. -l)e serve fluir suc- • ID. k'n BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES <>f the prostrate glands, stone in the •ess.”— ■V. ■Ju?t and h >nor- 1. cuius, gravel, brick dust deposit, an ib'.e.” —-A. (r,, It.. . y. milky discharges, and for enteehlcd w ith single or double teams, for hire on reason­ Sen-l for circular. Lil •eral imlm-en ents to 1 constitutions of both sexes, attended able terms ; a so, Agents. Si Et cry paek- lowing svniptoms : Indisposition to E: age of 200 S ■ \-lt GOOD S MIDI.17 11ORSI.S .VII l.l> of power. Loss of Memory, Difficult; GIFT. Seve ing. Weak Nenes. Trembling. IL-rroi 200 for si 5. Wakefulness. Dimni-.-s of n. part of Which will be hired to go to Back, Hot Hands. Flu.-liiiig of the R. ;lie country at moderate TAYLOR ¿V CO of tin- Skin, Eruptions on the l ac Animal- bought and sold, and tenance, Univcisal Lassitude <>1 tin iddle or hai neSd. NI V \ U. MRS tern. Etc. REAM ES A WILSON. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to Mav 7th twenty-five ami from thirty-five to fifty-five, or 'lie decline or ■ rehinge cli mge of lite : alter confinement oi M a VI labor pains ; bed-wetting in chi'dn ell. LIVERY S SALE STABLE Surgical Institute, i li­ onto street, c.,rncr of < w f known respectability ami high standing in United States and countries far beyond, we are ne­ society. All parties cs consulting him, by idler >r cessitated to devote our entire time to said busi­ otherwi-e, will receive the best and gentlest treat­ ness. ment ami implicit secrecy. We are the Oldest Drug firm on the Pacific Coast ami the on'y one, continuous under the same pro­ To Females prietors since 1849, ami have determined to sell When a female i« in trouble or afflicted wiih our large, prosperous, and well established busi­ disease, or weakness of the back and limbs, paiv ness on favorable terms. This is u rare opportunity for men with means, in the head, dimness of sight, loss of musculir ot entering into a pnditalde business witli advan- power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nerv­ ousness. extreme uniarv difficulties, dernngein-i.t (ages never before offered. of I digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis, For particulars enquire of all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and r . li. M c D onald ail other diseases peculiar to females, she should R. II. M c D onald , | Wholesale Cal. go or writ-* at once to the celebrated Female D c- J. C. S fencbr . ) San Fr N. H. Until a sale is ma le we shall continue our tor . W. K. DOHERTY, at his Medical Institute, importation* and keep a large stock of fre-h goods and consult him about her troubles and disease constantly on hand, and sell at prices to defy com­ Irregularities, Suppressions, etc will receive th« Doctor's particular at'ention, L no false dell- petition. c.-icy prevent you, but apply immedi.it dy, and sava January 7th, 1871. jan7-ly. yourself from painful suffering and prematura death. All married Indies whose delicate health or circumstance- prevent an increase in their fatni I should write or eall at DR. DoilERTY'b Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA MEDICAL INSTITUTE, and they will rec*iv* every possible relief ami help. The Doctoi's of­ fices, consisting of a suite ot six rooms, are so ar­ ranged that he can be consulted tear cf Hundreds of Thousands vbservution. Bear testimony to their Wonder­ ful Curative Effects. A GUANI) FOURTH OF JULY BALL OF THE BLOOD. ETC.. SI PI PA1BA IN Al l ECTIONS Fol! USED. AND SYPHILITIC AF THESE DISEASES USED IN WITH HELMBOLD’S ROSE W —AT— Viet Schutz' Hall I Was’t the cry of dog or devil ? Mercy ! what a sight was there— Ah, the odor of that orgy Even now must taint the air 1 Eat him ? Well, should rather say So— Mississipp’ was soon released, And their mouths were wet and crimson With the rich, unholy feast. A'immons, up from Sleepy Hollow, Happened by the place one day, And he halted just to ask him If his steers had bein that way ; But he only reached the threshold, When he started, all aghast, As a something, swift and noiseless. Like a shadow, flitted past ; D >g, perhaps, but then no matter I When ho woke from terror's thrall, llo was startled by a sentence On a board, against the wall— Mi ssissipp”, no doubt had done it— ’Twas a rule and homely scrawl, Written with s piece of charcoal, “Dern the R.i’e Road 1”—That is nil. — i ro/H the J a nt Overland M •»it fldy —ON— Tuesday Fie M * ltd) 1th, 1H7I FJY11E UNDERSIGNED HEREBY NOTIFIES | bis friends, and the public generally, that he will give a GRAND BALL on the evening of July 4th, 187!, at which time he hopes, by renew­ ed efforts, to give entire satisfaction to all who may attend. The best music in the county has been secured for the occasion, and everything that will add to the comfort and enjoyment of the guests will be provided. VEIT SCHUTZ. Jacksonville. May 2uth, 1871. MILLINERY. riTHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- I fully inform the Ladies of Jacksonville and vicinity, that they have just arrived from San Francisco with a well assorted stock of Millinery and Straw Goods, and will constantly keep on hand the latest styles of H ats , B onnets , H ats and B onnf . t S hapes . • Also a fine assortment of LADIES. FULL AND way? en hand nt tho CITY DRUG STORE, OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Ex I tract Buchu is unequal«-«! by any other remedy— u ' ’ ’ aintul- a? in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity. Pai | ncss or ."«uppression Suppression of of Cu.-tonmry Customary I'.vaeuat Evacuat ons. I Ulcerated or Schirrus state of the Uterus. Leucor- I rho-a or Whites, S’erility, and for all e mpiaints I incident to the sex. whether arising from indiscre­ tion or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex­ tensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enteehlcd and delicate constitutions. I of both sexes and all ages, (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) o TOILET ARTICLES, AC. AC. GASOLINE OIL AND LAMPS At the CITY DRUG STORE. Agency for the W. L. COWAN, Druggist. IL T. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES. HABITS OF DISSIPATION. ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, mid no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Prevent­ ing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this ela.-s of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. Augu.t 27th, 1870. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot he surpassed as a FACE WASH, and will be found tho only specific remedy in every species TRIMMINGS, of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples. Spots, Scorbutic Dryness. Indurations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Redness FLOWERS, and Incipient Inflammation, Hives, Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, RIBBONS, and all purpose* for which Salves or Ointments are used ; restores the skin to a state of purity and OR VA MENTS, softness, and insures continued healthy action to flic tissue of its vessels, on which t the most Superlativo and Congenial character, and other articles in our line too numerous to combining in an elegant formula those prominent mention. requisites, Safety ami l-.tlieaey—the invariable T he territory already given to the Pacific llavingjust receivcd front Sau Francisco a fini accompainments of its use—as a Preservative and Kefrc.'her <>f the Complexion. It is an excellent stock of Railroads of this country is larger in area Lotion for disease? of a Syphilitic Nature, ami n-; than that of France ! It would accommodate an injection for discuses of the Urinary Organs, ari'ing from habits of dissipation, used in connec­ the entire population of the United States. tion with the ExtaCts Buchu, Sarsaparilla, mid The Ian 1 we have given to railway corpora­ I am now prepared to furnish my patrons, and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as tccvui- meiuled, cannot be suipassed. the public generally, with as tions in this country is greater by thirty millions of acres than the united areas of I Franc), Italy, anil the United Kingdom, which have an aggregate population of 90,- 0J ),D<)0 of persons.— Trade Journal. T kle C ourage .—A learned man ba« said that th«s hardest words to pronounce in the English language are “I male a mistake.” When Frederick the Great wrote to the Sen­ ate, ”1 hate just lost a battle, and it is my own fault,” Goldsmith say?, “lEs confesunn ah «wtl more greatness than his vietnriee. -,■■ - DOIIUI’.TY.’S ‘••t*»J uiu ¿. ü San Francis 10 Cai., A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY VINEGAR BITTERS WHAT ARE THEY? To Correspondent Patients finale or fen of the State, opinion ami ; FLUIDEXTRACT BUCIIII, Twice an I thrice it wa« repeated. When his gun went o’er the bank, An I the hunter went to swearing As hi« heart within him sank : “This has come of that ’ere railroad, And I knew when they begun. That 'twuuld sheer the deer to thunder. An’ the hounds they wuuldi.'t run 1” Then he sat w ithin hi* cabin. In a wreathing cloud ot smoko. While from hound and cur, beside him, Olt the whine <>f hunger broke ; But he sat and smoked serenely, With the famine in his eye, Till you gue-sed his awful purpose And were sure he meant to die. Ami the eyeballs, hot and glaring, Cav«rneig and hairy-throated, And his name was Mississippi Rather curious mortal, was he. And he didn’t care a flip For the frill.» of polished cities. Or the sciences and arts ! An.I he fled, like one tormented. From the highway, and the marts. Delivered t<> any address. Secure from observa­ tion. E-t-J.li-hed upward of twenty years. S" d by Druggists everywhere. Address letter- for iti- t‘iilatf¡"¡I. in confidence, to Henry T. Ilelmbold. Druci i’t and Chemist. Only Depots : H. T. HELMBOLD’S I'heini.-Hl Warehouse. No. 591 Broad York, or to H. T. llEI.MBOD’S Med ('< i tit i ¡>> i • •> ' f l'ii/’i—I bud l-.xtritit Uiiihari- ♦ :1IH South T. nth Street, J hiladelpliia. | Beware ..f ('..unterfeits. A-k for 11 X T. and Fluid Kxh «< I ( 'atitu ba iirape I HELMBOLD’S ! Take no other. .In ire. March 4th, 1 sf |. Í«ll7 I <•!! LIVER COMPLAIN l>. -I A I N I loi S \ITECTit'NS. Sl< l< f’R ."ss­ HEA DA< HE. Ci’SIT! V EN ES'. Er rn LV V EG E l'A.BLE. ’ ON T \ I N I NG R. v> u• Cl RY. MINERALS, UR DELI XVIIOLI7SA LR DRUGS. e s 7ü T? a? 7 r w f- _J2 - i ihnu \ » « s h 3 ’ St h- a A I A h , \i;i AND NAIL.' No, not in there !—this is better, IV here the golden sunbeams sleep ; There are stains upon those puncheons That would make your muscle* creep. Nit upon this log beside me, Anti I'll tell you how it came— Match about you?—that the cabin Has a wild and fearful fame. PRÍVATE MEGICAL AID. tions. Extract -,.t V» cl There’- the ,b < r. on broken hinges, Leaning like a wears thing ; Alci the pathway, dim with gra- e- V, inùing downward to tin- -pring V> bile this pyramid of antlers— Spoils <>f many a ringing chase — Tells you of a hunter's labor In this lonely, lonely place. Henry T. Helinbold’s Genuine Prepara­ '« “EXCELSiOR” LIVERY STABLE On Oregon street, Jacksonville. J. W. Manning, Prop’ QUICK SALES And Small Profits, “IS MY M1TT0.” REPAIRING FANCY DRINK Pr«M»f Spirits nml Ret'uae Liquor* doctor. J, piced and swoet- i ned to please the taste, called“ Tou’.cs,’’“App tiz- f ,” “ Restorers," Ac., that lead the tippler on t > r-inkenncss and mln, but are »true Medicine,mad >-:i tiio Native Hoots and Her of California, fr i-o’U nil Alcoholic St inmliints, They are t •r Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent anti Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bliuhler, thee.’ Bitter* have been most s-.tcc. fill. Such Disease* aro caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tlic Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION , Head- 'a!n in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the ache, Ta Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Chest, Dizzinci IU.I 1 taste ¡1 la the Mouth, Bilious Bilion* Attacks, Palpitation ralpttatb < f the Heart, Inflammation of tlic l.ungs,Pain in tho re; iot a of the Kidneys and a hundred other painiul sy upturn*, aro the oflspringsof Dyspepsia. t i y invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor­ pid liver and bowels, whichrenderthem of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, aud imparting new life and vigor to tlic whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt Klietun, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustale.«, Boils, Car­ buncles, King-Worms, Scald-Head,Sore Eyes, Erysip.