! ADVERTISEMENTS. THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES, Published Every Saturday Morning Ia T he D emocratic T imes will be charged at1 the following rates A U BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., First insertion, (ten lines or less)............ ....S3 00 For each week thereafter............... $1 00 A liberal deduction from the above rates will be made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. Publishers and Proprietors. OFFICE—On California St,, ever Reame» <£ Wil­ son’s Livery Stable. • TERMS: Subscription, per annum......... VOL. I. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1871 Six month»..................................... JACKSON COl'NTT. F irst J udicial D istrict .—Circuit Judge, P. P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney, 11. K. Hanna. J«rk«<>n C’oHH'y—Circuit Court, Second Monday ( in February and November. County Court, first Monday in each month. THE TIMES t’-maty Ofim— Judge, T. H. B. Shipley ; Clerk, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel : Deputy Sheriff. E. D. Foudray ; Treasurer, John Neuber ; Assessor, David Redpaili : Countv ( om- mis-sioners, John S. Herrin, Thomas Wright; School Superintendent, Win. M. Turner; Survey­ or, J. 8. Howard ; Coroner. L. Ganung. LEG AL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. DC U-: OFFICIAL DIKSCTORT. no. 21 JOB PRINTINQ. Every variety of Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. frequenting the stews, nor the best practices of wise statesmanship by cultivating the so­ Diseased Demagogue—Grant’s ciety of rogues, perjurers and suborners. He would imitate Danton, but ns the toad Right Bower. I copies the bull ; he has Robespierre’s jaun­ dice. but not his leadership nor his incorrup­ [From the Washinton Patriot.] If anything could convince us of the exist­ tibility ; and, while he possesses, at least, ence of the Ku-KIux, it would be Senator all the vices of Ingo, he decidedly lacks that Morton’s dread of that organization, and Lis I worthy’s talent and his wit. MORTON. Ross Browne on the Chinese Giving Butler His Due. 1 lie following letter from J. Ross Browne, When we consider, eays the Nation, that late Minister to China, addressed to the In there ia probably not a man in the United «lustrial Reformers Association of San Fran- States that would say he respected Butler, or cisco, is one of the clearest expositions of the had the slightest confidence in him, that bis manifold evils arising from the immigration attempts at legislation have all displayed of the Chinese to these shores, that we have wickedness and folly in aboot equal proper* ever met with. The writer’s opinion being tions, and that he haB probably done .as much formed from personal observation, and atten­ to debase the tone of public life at Washing­ tive study of this question in all its bearing, ton as any ten of the worst men who have are entitled to the fullest weight, and the ever made their appearance in Congress, the most serious consideration. tender indulgence with which the press treats Gentlemen ;—I regret that pressing busi- him is highly discreditable, and very mis­ nessj engagements, demanding my presence chievous as well. It is bad enough in all elsewhere, will not permit me to meet you_in conscience to have such a man returned by a San Francisco this evening. Massachusetts constituency, but when the Sympathising with you in the general ob­ leading papers of the party of moral ideas jects of your Association, 1 would be glad to always treats him as a simple oddity, and give you the result of my observations in his tricks and dodges as the playful gambols China ; and I hope to be able to comply with of a rich and exuberant nature, they help my promise some time during the month of greatly to lower the public standard of states­ manship, and open political life to charlatans December. Meantime allow me to say that I consider and rouges of all degrees. If the respectable the importation of Chinese into this country Republican press would only give him Lis as fraught with danger. Among my reasons due, the task of finishing him might appar­ ently be left to Mr. Farnsworth, who is evi­ for thinking so, are the following. dently too much for him, and rejoices in 1st. Because their presence discourages white labor, and they can never become a hunting him with a savage joy. HUT HE IS DANGEROUS, NEVERTHELESS, repeated bewildering descriptions of those! midnight dreadful enemies of the Republic. i because be is a tireless incendiary, a ruthless For “the great war Governor” knows how it malignant, a vile conspirator, and the most unscrupulous demagogue of these unhappy ./«<•<■«.. irille t'rrei»rt.— Justice of the Peace, is himself. James R. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. times. He supplements his bad head with HE 19 A BORN CONSPIRATOR. Tovn of —Trustees, James A. M il- a depraved and vindictive heart, and a viper­ son, N. Fisher, Lewie Zig'.er, John lldger and J. He is a practical detective, lie knows how ous purpose to coil himself ubout the now S. Howard; Recorder, I’. S. Hayden; Treas­ 1 to “put up jobs,” and how to have them kindling cordialities of the people, and sting urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, James P. McDaniel. ! found out by the right parties, so that all them back into palsy and death, lie has a J oseihine county . ! the reward will accruo to himself, and all j passion fur destruction, and he docs mischief AND— fb-Y-rr».—Judge. J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, the suspicion be averted from him. Hence, I as much because he loves it ns because it Daniel L. Green ; Clerk, Charles Hughes : Asses­ , if there be any truth in the uddage of setting | i helps him upward. His soul is deep canker­ sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer, Win. Nnucke; Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Mood- ; a thief to catch a thief, Morton is the man, ed with tbe lusts of unlicensed power, and oock ; School Superintendent, It. K. Mid.lles- of all otheis, to find out the Ku-Klux, and while he is “incapable of the liberal resent­ w»rth. to cackle obstreperously over the discovery. ments of a gentlemar,” be nurses in bis bo­ Joifftkiue Jutfvhiue C i ntf.— Circuit Court, 2d Monday He is the man who invented the Knights of in April ati l Fourth Monday in October. County som the black, secret, solitary cholcr of one Court, Ki. st Monday in January, April, July and the Golden Circle, and made himself Gover­ equally infiim in mind and body, the green, October. nor and Senator thereby. He is tho man MMWmwBn mm M 1 tvwtexma ■> rw cowardly, deadly envy of the assassin and who carried Indiana with detectives and spies, the poisoner. Mean, cruel, falso, and con­ until the Slate was like Paris under the com­ scious of liis meanness, cruelty, aud false­ mune. It was under his regime that the ex hood, he pursues the dark, cunning, deceit­ cellent system was inaugurated uf hanging ! homogeneous part of our population. ful paths that are natural to such deformed, A F ashionable W oman ’ s P rayer .—Dear linen first and trying them afterwards; oil 2nd. Because twenty years experience of ¡ insidious minds. He conspires and prompts Lord ! have mercy on my soul, and please removing political opponents by ostracism j them in California has failed to demonstrate conspiracy. He juggles and stings, like tho let me have the French satin I saw at the ¡aud banishment; of making testimony ; JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. SO ¡ scorpion, with a rearward, treacherous blow, that they are any more elevated now in the store this morning, for with black lace ' against enemies where none existed, and oi j . lie plays the stormy Clodious in the Senate, scale of morality or intelligence now than LAR MEETINGS ON flounces and overskirt, the dress wonld bo supplying, by the simple process of forgery, 1 cuing at the Odd Fellows’ I but the themes he rants un have been first they were when they landed on our shores. I standing are invited to ; those lew and general tacts which even mih I 3rd. Because civilization is sufficiently very becoming to me I know. If you grant • prepared to his hand by his own spies, pimps, •;< nrcKLEY. n . g . me my request, please let me have a new California St.. (Up Stairs,) over Kearnes ; tary commissions rtqaired previous to cun- 1 : and panders. R. Seo’y. He is a vulgar charlatan, d fficult to maintain without introducing in black lace shawl also, dear Lord. I detuning. & Wilson’s Livery Stable, sterile, hidebound, pretentious, blatant, Lut to it a barbarous and incongruous element, 1 kneel before thee to night, feeling per­ Trustees. IT WAS DURING II IS REGIME which has never shown a disposition to adapt with malignity ingrained throughout his na­ fectly happy, for Madam Emilio has sent me that Mr. Voorhees’ locks were picked under ture, aud falseness embalmed in all his shal­ I it.-elf to our social, religious, or political sys- home such a lovely bonnet 1 A most heavenly Regular llabuk: cover of the night, his furniture invaded, his t?ms. night of each in low soul. Ravenous, vicious, supple, veno­ May 1st. 1SG'. drawers stuffed with forged matter to impli 4th. Because while the few may profit by bijou, composed of white satin, with coral mous, pliant amid his bluster, truckling, and Cate him in seditious conspiracies, and then, ¡subservient while affecting to be bluff, he is Chinese labor, the many must suffer, aud ostrich tufts I For this favor I am fefiling c XV. KAHLER, when daylight came, the police were invited j the vilest and most envious sycophant of the the country at large instead of being benefit­ truly grateful. Give me, I pray thee, a humble heart, and ed is retarded ia its progress. in, and tho whole world summoned to repro­ dav, Attorney * a ad Counsel’or-at-laiv, r 5lh. Because the experiment of Chinese a new green silk, with point lace trimmings. bate the damning treason, lienee, if there “Who, trimmed in forms and visages of duty, JACKSON VI LI. OR I IGO N, labor has signally failed in California, as Let me not grow too fond of this vain and JACKSONVILLE, OR ECON be a Ku-Klux, Morton will know how to find Keeps yet his heart attending on himself; I it; if there be a small Ku-K lux, Morton will I And throwing but forms of service on his lord, shown by the present depressed condition of deceitful world, like other women, but make all industrial interest, and the paucity of our me exceedingly gentle and aristocratic. know how to magnify it; nnd in go >d time, , l>ocs well thrive by him.” j when the conspiracy is lull blown, Morton' population while in less favored States, where W hen winter fashions come, let them suit THIS IS THE MAN my style of beauty, and let there be plenty will know bow to find his own profit in it, ¡ who is to be, so rumor tells, the incoming this iucougruous element has not been even if every b>dv else should suffer by it. premier. Let General Grant beware how he brought into competition with white labor, of puffings, pleatings, ruffles and flounces, for 1 dearly love them all. For ti e Indiana S •imtor. with all the un I uts Mesrour, the executioner, in the seat of there has been general prosperity and a rapid ix no street 0 Lord, let business detain my husband at a.-riipulotisness cf Titus Oates ami Dainger Giafar, the vizier. Let Grant beware, fur accession of population. Opposite * Zie «hi Gth. Because the question of cheap labor H-------- , for he is not wanted at home at I field, and nil the bi t k malignity of Marat, himself, before he elevates this false and spe­ I aving a large and well select - does not resemble these notorious con- cious hypocrite so high that he can afford to is relative, and cannot ba determined by the present; I wish to become acquainted with i ed assortment of spirators in pmnt of disinterestedness. They kick away the props by which he has risen. solo consideration of the wages paid to the the tall, dark-eyed foreigner, who is staving Bring gave their lives, ^their comfort, their ears Let Grant remember Henry S. Lane, whom laborer. No labor is cheap which discour­ at Col. Longswallow’s, opposite. •la.-l <«»u vB! Or- n. about an introduction, I beseech thee, for for a cause; M »rton gives no'hnig, but ex- Morion stabbed in the back, while owing to ages a better class of labor, and leaves noth­ Without him all his early advancement. Let Grant ing in return but the exceptional profits Mrs. L----- will not. Bless my children, A. B. OVUiïBEUK acts evert thiig, l'>r J i in st-If. ’ILL I’R KCTK E MEDICINE AND SUR- Fouche’s sk.ll, he ha? all of Fuuche’-’ traitor- remember how Murton conspired to dethrone derived l>y capitalists. The cheapest labor is and please send them a good nurse, for I GE’.IV. .1» I will at en 1 pr cuptly 1 - :dl calls I ous spirit, that would not kt him rest easy Lincoln, aud pievent his re-nomiuation ; and that which improves the country, augments have no time or inclination to look after them His office an I resi^uee profe.-s.-a ,:1 busiuc-s. ' save when he was fake to some one. Wi h- how he leads the smiling Colfax, an uncon­ its wealth, increases its population, promotes myself. Aod now, 0 Lord, take care of me ¡it Til e Overbeck íLopita!, ’ out Tallej’:ami's wit, or urbanity, or spirit, I scious captive of Lis snares, to do his illicit the best interests of the community, and while I sleep, and pray watch over my dia­ r eel. J.u-ksonr ille. Oregon. 1-tf Ou < ¡re— ->n Si i j he has a great deal of that happy instincti bidding, and participate iu his revengeful strengthens the social and political fabrics; mond?. Amen ! I which drove Talleyrand to be always seeking > plots. and no labor which fail in these respects can 1». B. REA. J A’IKS I». 1 ■AY. C uring M eat .—The following method has the winning side. legitimately be considered cheap labor. FAY ¿L- KS A been thoroughly tested, and always proved Mysteries of Arizona. Were it not that he lucks the generous 7th. Because I have seen the horrible satisfactory ; Attorneys and ConnseHors-at.Law, qualities which are necessary to the party condition of the Chinese in their native couu To one gallon of water add one and a half OFFICE—In Court Ilonae, up stairs. The Prescott Miner says : “Arizona is try ; where there is neither truth, nor honor, leader, and did not the people recoil instinct pounds of salt, half a pound of sugar, halt certainly a land of mystery, nnd no spot on nor humanity ; where all classes are consti­ Will practice in the Supreme an 1 other Courts ivcly from au ounce of saltpetre, half an ounce of potash. of this State. i it is more mysterious than that part known tutionally corrupt; where brutish degrada­ HIS DARK AND SELFISH NATURE, In this ratio the pickle can be increased to | full of greed, full of falseness, f ull of bile, 'as Chico Valley, twenty miles north from tion is the rule and common decency the ex­ *?**• Particular attenti -a paid to the collection any quantity desired. Let these be boiled of Claims iS’iiu-t the I-'.-'bral and State Govern- i Morton would at this moment he the must Prescott, on the road to the great aud myste ception. We are prepared to do all kinds of together until all the dirt from the sugar ments. the Entry >-f L-iud< under the Pre-emption ! dangerous man in America to our remaining rious San Franci.-co mountain, which rises 7th. Because I prefer to encourage the rises to the top and is skimmed off. Then nnd Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. j liberties. And this is not because ol any high above nil other mountains in tbe Terri­ immigration of my own race and color—of throw it into a tub to cool, and when cold ; commanding talents, for he has none, nor of tory, aud which from its sublime altitude the people of the earth who have been educa­ DK. V,. JACKSON, pour it over your beef or pork, to remain the 1 any towering ambition, for his is one always and snowy purity, is held in great awe and ted under a Christian civilization, who be­ TZJSST'-JTXS'X". usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat grovelling, always baso. The Senator from reverence by tbe Indians of the present day. lieve in one Universal God, who have faith in Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by must be well covered with pickle, and should Indiana, indeed, cannot lay claim to a decent I ! Everything goes to prove that the valley in the immortality of the soul, and whose prog Dr. E. H. Greeuuian. corner California and Filth * not be put down for at least two days after Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short degree of understanding; lie is crude, un­ question was once occupied bv hundreds per­ ress will be upward and onward, instead of killing—during which time it should be notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention learned, faulty of judgement; abortive in haps thousands, of those semi civilized In downward and backward. given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth I slightly sprinkled with powdered saltpetre, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL extracted without pain by the use of the Into conception, and notoriously deficient at once i dians who once held sway here, and who, no I prefer men and women whose children, which removes all the surface blood, etc., method of local anasthesia. A.l work warranted. in tact and in originality, lie invents noth- d iubt, were overshadowed, murdered and and eliildern’s children, will make good citi­ Satisfaction guaranteed. leaving the meat fresh and clean. Some omit nov20 3m. ing but falsehood, and stamps his third rate driven out by Apache Islmiaelitea. In it are zens, and preserve and perpetuate the Institu Nov. 20th, 1-Sii‘J. boiling the pickle, and find it to answer well powers of apprehension even upon the ideas numerous springs of cool, clear, pure water, tion of Liberty, bequeathed to us by our fore­ — though the boiling purifies the pickle by which he steals. He resembles one of those from which flows sufficient fluid to irrigate fathers. throwing off the dirt always to be found in » crabs which frequeut the Florida reefs, and thousands of acres. Overlooking this water For these, and many other reasons I am salt and sugar. I which, armed in front with forbidding tenta on beautiful knolls are the ruins of dwellings, heartily with you. I think all legitimate cles, and strong, predaceous claws, but ter­ once occupied by that ancient people we have means should be used to discourage the im­ E xports of W heat .—Since the 1st of Oc­ FROM LONDON, minating behind in a weak, pulpy, ineffect before alluded to. One of these ruins was migration of this dobased race. They will tober last, the value of wheat shipped from ive, finless body, drop themselves into the recently dug into by visiting friends in the never cease to be a source of discord. If this port to England direct, has been $283,- aving located in J acksonville , vacated shells of other fish, and do desperate valley who inform us that human bones of they come in large numbers they will eveut 502 19. One cargo has been shipped to Rio informs the citizens of this place and vicinity that he is now prepare 1 to take orders for all kinds battles for these, as if to the manor born. immense size were exhumed, with much pot­ ually produce civil war. We have had suffi­ Jauairo, valued at $35,327 25. Considerable ot gents’ and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. His speeches, apart from their rancor and tery, &c. We havo not the dimensions oi cient experience of that and I trust all good quantities of wheat and flour have also been Satisfaction guaranteed. their thefts, are mere apocryphal assertion, the bones, but are assured that they were and sensible men will try to avoid it in the shipped to British Columbia, Honolulu, 4c. jsW- C leaning and R epairing done. —SUCH AS— One whole cargo and several parts of cargoes rigmarole, “three blue beans in a blue much larger than those of any man of our future. July 2d, 187». ________ jly2-tf. I bladder.” Tbe sordid gloatings of his bad day and generation.” I would specially urge upon you the impor­ sent down the river on steamboats, transfer­ I heart over the catalogue of tho distresses he tance of an abrogation of the late treaty red to seagoing vessels and cleared from CARDS, Farmers, Raise Valuable Horses. has caused cannot conceal nor disguise his made with the Chinese Embassy. It is in Astoria for foreign ports, are not included in ENGINEER, weak head, and the commonplace subterfu­ no respect reciprocal. I consider it a dis­ the above values. The total value of wheat We notice an advertisement in the Orego grace to the intelligence of our government; and flour shipped from this river to foreign ges in which his knavery rejoices. He is one BILLHEADS, of those trifles which, as a great writer tells nian that a large number of horses, for and am proud to say that I did all I could to countries since tbo 1st of October last, will us, “float nnd are preserved” in the ship present artillery service, are wanted in San procure its withdrawal. fall little if any below $350,000. Of coast­ 1HOICE LIQUORS and cigars con - J stintly on band. wreck of the State, “while everything solid Francisco. We have already referred to the Hoping to be able to address you sood , and wise shipments, no complete acount can be fact that the cavalry on this coast require and valuable sinks to the bottom and is lost wishing you entire success in your case, I am obtained, but undoubtedly they must exceed IIANDBILLS, large numbers of horses yearly. Then there very truly yours, forever.” the foreign.— Oregonian. are also large demands for carriage and sad ­ HE ROSE, IN A TIME OF REVOLUTION, J. Hess B rowne . 12 1-2 Cents. Pomeroy’s Democrat is a universal newt« dle horses at all timos. by revolutionary means, by incendiary prac ­ jlyl7-tf. July 17 th, 1869. POSTERS, paper, and always contains something to suit These facts ought to command the attention tices, by depraved associations and infamous Too M uch of a B ad T hing .—English all tastes. The following items are clipped resorts ; be seeks to build himself up now in of farmers more than they do. If they would tourists in Ireland soon discover that the from a late number: • a time of pcaco by the same means that gave quadruple the Dumber of valuable horses length of Irish miles constantly recurs to PAMPHLETS, “ A newspaper is a continual school-teaeher iie undersigned , having fully him prosperity when everything was reeling orown in Oregon, there would be a demand their observation ; eleven Irish miles being in the bouse, ready to impart information at refitted this rid and favorite place of resort, with tbe drunkenness of war passions. He for all of them. We want a fine class of equal to about fourteen English. A stranger now offers the ve-y best of liquors and segars at any time, to any one who can read or lit* carriage horses, like Cleaveland bays; we seeks to make continental the shameful sue one day complained of the barbarous condi ­ 12 1-2 CENTS. ten.” cess which the history of Indiana shall blush want buggy horses of the Ilambletonian and tion of the road in a particular district; The Saloon is commodious, the billiard tables “If a man believes everything he reads In are of the latest and most improved pattern, and 9 for, and has no ambition beyond continuing Morgan Block ; we want good erossei of ‘•True,” said a native, “but if the quality ✓ a newspaper an insane asylum is bis destina­ the wants of guests promptly supplied. his political career aa ho began it, upon tbe horses for farm work ; and we want for heavy of it be rather infairior, we give good meas­ tion within seven days.” And all other kinds of printing required 50 Point» of Jill 11ard» For Drink». infamous principle that “lies are swifter of draught, horses of the Percheron stock. We ure of it anyhow.” to be done in the community, on A girl of twenty, at AJtano, III., is digging foot than truth.” He is a high Senatorial want to dispense with the Cayuse horse nnd very reasonable terms. Thoso knowing themselves indebted to me will There is a machine in operation in Maine all his varieties. Our farmers can find more a well for her father at seventy-five cant» a instance of the truth which he neglects to do well to call without delay and settle, as I must You who want Job Printing done, give which makes thirteen thousand toothpicks in profitable employment than in raising these foot. She has received three offers * of mar- have money, and that soon. __ ____ J HENRY BREITBARTH. us a call, and we will satisfy you both in styleand believe—that a man does not necessarily a minute. riage since she began, acquire a liberal knowledge of tbe world by worthless scrubs.— IFtUamctte Farmer. price. u i it BOOK, PAMPHLET, mwcmhi Dasinrss Grte. JOBPRITOG OFFICE, H NEW & FANCY TYPE, WILLIAM MERCHANT TAILOR, H RAILROAD SALOON! MAX. BRENTANO C T Jan. 11-tf.