ADVERTISEMENTS, In T he D emocratic T imes will be ebarged at the following rate« "K Published Every Saturday Morning * BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., I 9 Publishers and Proprietors. OFFICE—On California St,, ever Reame« son'« Livery Stahl«. JOB PRINTING. Wil­ TERMS: Subscription, per annum,......... Six months..................................... 00 $1 50 First insertion, (ten lines or less).................. fiS 00 For each week thereafter..................................... W 90 A liberal deduction from the above rates will b« made on quarterly and yearly advertisenent«. VOL I Every variety of Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. R JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1871 ■ ■ Jt-®- LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. and the construction given by these Radical Widening the Breach. A Good Story—A Puzzled Dutchman. in ’ erpre ’ ers to the fourteenth amendment is, I JACKSON COVNTV. The public reception given by the Demo We lay before our readers this week an to use tl.e language of an eminent Senator, A Wisconsin secular paper contains the F irst J i ricial D istrict . — Circuit Judge, P by (Mr. Trumbull, uf Illinois), an ‘•unhilation crats and Liberal Republicans of St. Louis to following good story : nddress to the people of the I nited States P. Prim ; Prosecuting Attorney, U.K. Hanna. Senator Curl Schurz, on the evening of the the Democratic members of the House of of the States.” Jackton Cowuiy—Circuit Court, Second Mom lay II One who does not believe in immersion for in February and November. County Court, first Under the last enforcement bill, “the Ex­ 21 in-tant, and the remarks of the Senator Representatives, enib«>dying the in»portant baptism, was holding a protracted meeting, Munday in each month. issues now before the country, and defining ecutive may in his discretion, thrust a- de ¡upon that occasion would indicate that the and one night preached on the subject of bap­ County Oficxrs —Judge. T. II. B. Shipley: the position of the party on them. e ¡he government of anv Stale, suspend the ; Radicals cannot hereafter defend upon the tism. In the course of his remarks he said : Clerk, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Hen-y Klippel : would commend its careful perugtil to our writ of habeas corpus, arrest its Governor, ' support of the great Missouri Senator, S >ine believe it necessary to go down into the Leputy Sheriff. E. D. Foudray ; frea-urer. John iuipr s n or disperse the Legislature, silence i S liu z has been accustomed to think for Neuber ; Assessor, David Redpnth : County Com­ renders : water, and come out of the water to be bap­ missioners, John S. Herrin, Thomas Wright; To the People of the United Slates: Our its j i Iges, ami trample down its people liim-elf and refu-es to be the slave of party. tised. But this he claimed to be a fallacy, Sch oul Superintendent, Wm. M. Turner ; Survey­ nm!« .' he armed heel of4the troops. Nothing i Being a man of great political foresight and or. J. S. Howard ; Coroner. L. Ganung. preseiice amt « fficiul duties at W asuiimtun recent bold, manly nnd in lu |fortl,e PreP°8i‘ion ‘ the ficripturea I is le!t t > the citizen or the State, which can sagacity, bis Jackto'irillc Precinct.— Justice of the Peace, have eimbied us to become acquaint«d be rendered differently, as it does not I James R. Wade ; Constable, N. Stephenson. I any longer be cilled a right ; all is charged pendent u ter.uices in the Senate and his 'should I witfi tlie actions r.nd«designs ut wl.o I mean into at all times. Moses, he said ‘‘we since the adj «urnmeut of Congress, Toim of Jarktnuritle.— Trustees. James A. W il- i action I Cuuirul the Radical party, mid we feel called into mere suflerance. are told, went up into the mountain, etc. I son, N. Fisher. Lewis Zigler. John Bilger and J. Our hopes for redress are in the Cilin good justify the hope that lie is about to entirely upon to utter a few winds liaHieried to centralization. extraction, a stranger to all, arose and broke made ud.iesiuU to bis pels uinl fortunes the I ate and II >us? ««I Representatives, to which Neither can there be any doubt but that the a silence, that was almost painful, as follows : I supreme test o! puhiicui icaity. JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. IO ‘•Mister Breacher, I ish so glud I vush ■ lie Executive has, we regret to suy. lent hi.- I critical situation is clearly comprehended by J tie purusau iegisiutiuu lu which we refei ¡aid, and thus helped to inflime the popular i such men as Schurz and Trumbull. These here to-night, for I lias had explained to my olds its regular meetiniss on was decreed u .d shaped in secret caucus, every Saturday evening at the 0.1«l Fellows’ 'feeling. In uli this course of hostile legi-la ¡statesmen owe it to their fame, as well as to' min’t some tings I never could believe before. H iicie the txticUiesi cuuusei» ul-»ujs duun- Hall. Brothers tn good stundimt are invited to |:io i and l.arsli treatment, no word of Concil­ their country, to entirely disavow all conuec I We reat, Mr. Breacher, that Taniel was cast attend. JAMES BUCKLEY. N. G. ualed mid was adopted bj a suuseivieui ma California St.. (Up Stairs.) over Kearnes THOS. PAULSON, R. Sec y. iation, of kind encouragement or fraternal tion or sympathy with the usurpers. There into a ten of lions, and came ot alife?—Now, Ijurity, it hut wuii me tulcui, ce-r.u.uiy wiiu & Wilson’s Livery Stable, Jons B ii . gf . r , ) fellowship h»s ever been spoken hv the Pres­ is every reason to believe that the eloquent I never could pelieve dat, for de wilt peasts u.e tiled, lu place iu the hands ui Hie i’ctsi li. K i . ipckl , Trustee». would shust eat him up right off: now it isb 11. V. H elms , ) I ueut power to cuiimiaud bls uwu ie-uumii:a ident, or by Congress, to the people of toe German will do this. We Cannot see how he Southern State«. They have been aldres-ef can continue fellowship with the men who ferry clear to my min’t. He vash shust close R«gu’»r R.»Hekah_ I)-:rre# meeting, last Monday tion, uud iu cmp.«»y liie army, tlie navy, ai.d nieht of each tnofiW, at 7 J o'clock p. m. ! are pl«>ttiiig the d -struetion of the liberties ol py, or near to, and tid not get into de deu at only in the language ot proscription. lull.Ila al ins Suit UisCiCtlun, us a mua..B el May l«t, 1 »—f I \» e earnestly entreat our fellow citizens in The country ami the obliteration, of Scalei all. 0, I vash so glad I vash here to-night. subserving ins peisuiiai ambit«uu. ocn Again we reat dat de Hebrew children van C. W. KAHLER, lines. Iha speech in the Senate. Cvlr l.ak’t like u peeg story, too, fur they would Attorni a;ii Counscílor-at-Larc, led tlie lights . - . . every ol . V J f.lOVL. citizen , ; W to | preserve ■ V >umner in regard *o the u-urpattous ui the ut «he Cuuutiy—is uu.i lUvicd iu cun*'y re.ati..ii- among ¡ill men, nnd to dis ‘ war powers by the President, showed that have peen purn’t up ; put it ish all plain to JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, auction wiili ll.e viu.eni U LcVl il»« VC*y «4 DU l*«l>ll may min’t now, for they were shust cast close JACKSONVILLE, O.1ECOM cjuii . ami d sc. urage any violations he possessed not only an intimate knowledge purposes ui who cniuui me 1 •<- ul'lil ¡3 py, or near to the firisb furnace, 0 1 I va9b Will practice in the Su:>reine Court, District, and of tin- i ¡tins <»t any portion « f the people ! «4 the Constiti! ion uf his adopted country, I puhey, it is u >i surprising lout (be gia VuH other Courts of this Stat*. ; -o glad I vash here to-night 1 -e. uiei u «ier tue Cun-lituiiuti or any of its but also «just cotieeption of the character oil OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. .ippi'cUtms.uiiS tar me lu.uic pc.,ce «4 the ameuduielits. ! the present Chief Magistrate, lu the course' And den, Mr. Breacher, it ish said dat Jacobs—<>]•’>•>,;t- (’••mt '!• use sipiare. u nion -iiouid be eLierlaineJ. Jonah va8 east into de whulesh pelly. Now, L?t u- », in «• uieai-i ni, earnestly beg you of his remarks on that occasion, he said ; Al a Lillie w uvu ¡uuor ,s depressed, and Ur. L. T. DAVIS, I neber could pelief dat. It alwisb seemed nut to u ii I toe present attempt of Radical •‘As I have said, I repeat that the Presi-] eic. \ Ui.Lvriai mtvresl is pa s .U by vpp; Gtrcct par. is n s to s ir up strife in the land; tu re ' dent in ordering the naval commanders of to me to pe a peeg-feesh story, put it ish all oâhco • ve lo.x.uiun, t-.e public ulhvvs iiaVc been udv tn • i- -u •« ¡it i • w ir : or 11 obstruct the the United Stales to capture and destroy by ferry plain to my min’t now, he vash not Opposite I lie C Id mu llf lkd bt-J«-l.d Uli I IC1 I’UvIli, u» b» i ve return o p «a mil pr-.speiiry to the South | force, without being attacked, without out taken in to de whale's pelly at all, but shust iiis.i o.ot ots lii the 1« rj.eUul.oH id p wer. aving a ear ; e and well selec «•I’ll St i ■ .-s ; ... ■e.-iuS' it 1- mu- they s ck j territory being invaded by force, the vessel- -humped on to his pack und rode ashore. ed assortiucnt uf a.-pln'l io to tu toe I P..r j ai.s.up is the uii.y test uoputn io J i ve«’i i i. at «intinti of the country from of a i a’i.'ti with whom the United Slates Uh ! I vash so glad I vash here to night. II olid - d.slilbu lull ut U11- V..Spa i’ «Unge. ilolieS-(, And now, Mr. Breacher, if you vill shust the c tf : u hi and ex ravag nice in their ad i were a« peace, in a contingency arbitrarily J«ek«onvil!s. Ore?on. •i ties-, aiol ui irai Rullo aie u.»eu!y d.-cai'l in.ui- ti ‘ '-1 u ptiohe afflirs, ani the «inn ' defined by biniseli, did usurp the war-mak- cxblain two more bashages of Scriptures I id in iau-r ol truekiii.g sulim.ssiuii unii tl.s- |>n. A. B. CVERBECK shall pe, O ! happy that I vash here to night. „j?r..u - ami ) lufl'gate attempts they are ' i:ig p .wer of Congress ; ai d I it. uious ot­ lllpl.auee. lltitCe, lleitCe, cu co >i uiiidu i’Il.L PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR mak ng towards Die ere iliou uf centralize.! I i That a warliicq collision between the forces One of them is vere it saish de wicked shall V G KRY, aad will atte-ii i pr-a-iptly to all caos ¡.«itatioii.s ai.d w.despiCud toriup'.ioii ti.ix e pe cast into a lake dat purns mit fire und on professional business. Hi* oCiee and residence tal.- ' mi i i t ii rv gorern inent. of the United S ates am! those of a foreign full, «id aS the U ilur.O consequence» ui ara at ” I primstones alwaish. O 1 Mr. Breacher, shall In the five re its uf pe.i<«o, following the nation resulting in the actual ir e of arms and The Overbeck Hospital, | I pc cast into that lake if I isb wicked or pt'I'hlUtfUS > V ■* t Vll). J war, rhe Ri liea! Admini-tration have ex i tr On Oregon Street. Jacksonville. Oregon. Itbei' ' shedding of ................... blood aid not occur, is true; I shust close pyf or near rBu8 neRr eQ0Ugh By »he ufa Jal report of ill? Secretary (d p-'mi-i >1.299,').)<),09() for ordio-iry purposes I btr I affirm, also, that the President after the Treasury it appears mat alter ucduc.iun U. D. F.EA. JAMES 0. IAY. alone, b«-.ii'' wiiliin S2 'It,COO 000 <•! the ng- i h given these orders cannot claim the] to be comfortable? 0! I hopes you tell me ui ail pr> per credits, many niiii.oas «4 dol ­ FAY A BEY gregate amount -pent f ir the same purpose­ i benefit uf that cir< unistunce. * * * * I shall pe cast shust by a good way off, and lars remain due Loin ex-cuilector» of intei- I will be so glat as I Vash here to night. The in «ar ami in pece during the seventy one And When our war ve-s-ls, with such orders. L,tber bashage ish dat which saish," pleased Attorneys and Counsellors-at.Law* tial revenue, anil that n > pi u(»er diligence ha> ve«rs preceding June 3), 1861, not including had sailed on their mission, the (fleet of those OFFICE—In Court Ilunse, up «taira. ever beeu usid to collect them. are they who do these commandments, that I in eitlier case the su :i paid ui.on pri ictpal orders was just as nitic'i out of the President’s Will practice in the Supreme an 1 other Courts Reforms in ti.e revenue and fiscal system-, they have a right to the tree of life and en­ of interest of public debt It is trifling with control as the c.muon ball when it has lef'i of this State. which ail demonstrates to be uec- ter in through the gates into the city und not » i tlie intelligence of the p-'ople for the Radicnl , the muzzle of the gnu is out of the control of es.-ary to a frugal administration uf the Guv -bust close py, or near to, shust near enough Particular attention paid to the collection leaders to pretend that this vast sum has him who fired the piece. of Claims ittain-t the Federal and State Govern­ eroment. as well as a measure of relief lu an to see what I have los, and I shall pe so glat to do all kinds of ments. the Entry Lands under the Pre-emption been honestly expen leI. Hundred»’«>f mil­ * * * * « * * « I vasli here to-night. oveibuideued people, have been persistently and Homestead Li-rs, and to the Entry of Mineral iums of it have been wantonly squandered. Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. postponed tr wilfully neglected. Congress lie sat down with the impression made on T hus it turns out that the President in this The expenditures of toe G «verninent for , now adj lurtis « ithout having eveu attempted DR. W. JACKSON, c ise sinrjly made the mistake of taking him­ many minds present, that it would not do to to reduce taxation, or to icpeul me giaiing «he fDcil yeir ending June 3J, 18»1, were self to be the United States of America, the take the Bible for only what it clearly Bays. DENTIST. hiiposim-tis by which industry is crushed and only $62.000,009, while f r preci-ely the) mistake of acting upon the mighty presump­ Dental Room, in build'nx f rmerly occupied by Longing Hearts. ini|*uveristied. Tue Treasury is overflow ing, same puruo.-es—civil list, army, navy, pen- tion that lie had absorbed in himself all the Dr. E. II. Greentnan, corner California and Fifth Street». All style« of Dental work done on short and al) excess uf eighty millions is a..untied : 3.<»ns. and Indi ins—$164.000,000 were ex-1 sovereignty of this great Republic. And it notice, at reduced priees. Particular attention One of Heaven’s choicest blessings is the uud yet, instead of some measure ol pre.-ctil nendetl during the fiscal year ending June is this what I cal! an indefensible usurpation given to the regulation of children’» teeth. Teeth companionship of a friend who truly under­ PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL extracted without pain by the use of the late leliel, a buireti und deiusive res.iuli - ii is 30. 187 ). of those powers which the Constitution with stands and comprehends us. method of local aauthssi*. Ail work warranted. No indignation can be too s’ern, and no passed by the Senate to consider the t inlt nolds from the Presidential office.” Satisfaction guaranteed. Pleasures nre increased, and great afflictions -corn too severe, f>r the assertions, by Un nov20 3m. Nov. 20th. 1869. and excise systems hereafter, n* it the h s.orj From this it is evident that Schurz does can be borne with surprising fortitude, when i Ui bioken pledges mid pretended remedies -ci upiilou- R leaders, that the great not believe the country lias anything to hope, turmshed uny better assurance fur future Democratic and Conservative party uf the but everything to fear from a continuance of the radiance of true sympathy lights the pathway. legislation Ibuu experience Las d.ue in the Union has or cm have sympathy with disor­ Grant in office ; and ns it ¡9 almost a cer­ The glocm of loneliness makes the small- der.« or violence in any part of the country, past. tain y that Grant will be renominated by bis bhip-building and the carrying trade, once <«r in the deprivation of any man of his rights party, we do n it believe he will l>e supported est troubles seem like griefs, the accumula­ tion of which wear upon toe health and spir­ FROM LONDON, Sources ol national pride und prosperity, now under the Constitution. bv the man who so justly and so eloquently it. It is to protect ami perpetuate the rights languish under a ciusmug luad uf taxation« The recent denounced his usurpations, aving located in J acksonville , But solitude does not imply loneliness, nor and nearly every other business interest Is which every freeman cherishes; to revive in speech of Schurz, at St. Louis, wns by no informs the citizens of this place and vicinity Chat he is now prepared to take orders for all kintis struggling without profit to mumiaiii itself. al! hearts the feelings of friett Iship, affection, means satisfactory to the Radical organ of does company prove we are not in soul alone. jot gents’ and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. Day by day may we ait at the same board, Our ugricunuiists, while paying heavy and harmony, which are the best guaranties t’ at city. That journal, the day after the Satistaction guaranteed. taxes on nil they cuusume, either to the G >v of law mid order, and to throw around the speech was delivered, had a leader upon the and walk through life with another io a de­ C ikasixg and R epairing done. 'F5-Y —SUCH AS— July 2d, 187S.______________ jly2-tf. eriuuent or monopolists, find the prices for humblest citizen, wherever lie may be, the same, which betrayed great restlessness. It gree harmoniously, when really there is no their ow n products so reduced, that honest protecting ajgis of tlmse safeguards of per a-ked the Senator if lie intended to act with true Companionship between us, and solitude labor is denied its just reward, and industry •mini liberty which the fundamental laws of hi« party or with the Democracy. That jour were better for the growth of the soul. For it is misery to conform to the restric­ CARDS, the land assure, that we invoke the ai«i of all is prostrated by luv.dmUs discrimination. mil will find that Schurz call be read out of ENGINEER, tions of a smaller nature, and the creature in Nearly 200,009,01)0 acres of public lands, go«’d men in the work of pence an I reconeili the Radical party much easier than he can which shou.d nave been reserved for the ben­ nt'rnn. We invite their generous coopera­ be whipt into the ranks. One by one the the valley of thought and aspiration grows BILLHEADS, efit of the people, have beeu voted away t<> tion, irrespective of all former opinion, so that props of Radicalism are falling. We hope weary and sore, in striving to reach the soul hoice liquors AND CIGARS CON- giant Corporations, neg.ecting our soldiers tlie harsli voice of discord maybe silenced; ihe superstructure will crumble before the that dwells on the mountain. etantly ou hand. God grant that lonely woman may find rest, and enriching a liandlul of greedy specula that a r.ew and tlaiigerons seeti<»nnl ngitnlion proud temple of our liberties, I mav be checked ; th it the burdens of taxa- comfort, nnd happiness—that they may n<| tors and lobby ists, who arc thereby enabled t<> "A shapeless mass of wreck and ruin lies.” HANDBILLS, die of fasting and waiting at the windows of exercise a i».>st dangerous and corrupt iuflu «ion, direct or indirect, may be reduced to — Sac. lieporter. the lowest point c «nsistnnt with good faith to life for the doming of the soul-feast!_ Elm 12 1-2 Cents. ence over Slate and Federal legislation. everv just national obligation, ami with a July 17 th, 1869. jlyl7-tf. C alifornia W ool .—The Pacific Rural Orlou. If the career uf these cunspnators be not POSTERS, strictlv economical administration of the Press alludes to extensive frauds that nre checked, the downfall of free government is 1’ akf . U p tue D uties of the H our .—The Government, and that the States may be 11 bring practiced in certain quarters in Califor­ Bond to succe-8 is, much of it, a plodding, inevitable, and with it the elevation of a mil­ restore«! in the«r integrity and true relations nia, by mixing the wool in the process ol itary Dictator <>n the ruins of a Republic. monotonous highway, and those who reach PAMPHLETS, >o our Federal UnioU. HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING FULLY Under the preteucf of pas-ing laws to *’ei.- packing. One buyer In San Franc.sco, ita goal brave many discouragements aad refitted this »Id and favorite place of resnrt, force the fourteenth amendment, and fm F rench L osses . —The Territory ceded by shipped, about the first of April, two car perform many unwelcome tasks. now offers the ve*y best of liquor« and aegars at other purposes, ” Congress bus conferred the France tn Germany embraces about six loads of wool to Massachusetts, with instruc 12 1-2 CENTS. No one can every morning take up the most despotic power upm the Exeeutite, and thousand English square miles, about one- lions to have it cleansed and dried, and tele duties of the day with vigor and relish, for Th* Saloon la coiniaodiuus, the billiard table« ■ ore of the latest |jad most improved pattern, and 9 provided uU officials machinery by which the fifth of the area of Frunce: and the popula­ graph the shrinkage. The result was a loss business, however well adapted to our tastes, the wants of guests promptly supplied. liberties of the people are menaced, und the tion <>f th«’ sama number* about 1,600,000 of just sixty five per cent; ten per cent, was becomes at times tiresome hr an old story. 30 JPoliyta of* Bllllmurdwi Je'or Drink*. And nil other kinds of printing required sacred right of local sell government in the wtiicli is about one twenty-fifth of the whole. sand, which was undoubtedly placed io th.- Nevertheless, the wurk of to day is here, to be done in the cotnu:unity, on and, if neglected, must be made up in the otates is ignored, if nut ivratiicully over fieeces by design. Wmk at small injuries rather than avenge Those knowing themselves indsbted to me will very reasonnble term«. future or be left forever undone. thrown,. Modeled after the sedition laws, so d* well to «all without delay aad settia, as I must ln-m. I to tlestrOy a single bee you throw And if distaste and indflerence possess us You who want Job Printing done, give ' olious in history, they are at variance will feast money, and that soon. A man who says lie will subscribe anon, down th«- hive—instead vi one enemy you to day, will we f««el to morrow like deing two HENRY BREITBARTfl. us c. onll, aad we will ratialy you both in «tyleaod all tbe saucUfied Lbourte» of our iustitukous, uiuke a thousand. ¡days’ work?-£/m Orlou. * very oiteo proves to bea noaeubscriber. price. Jan. 14-tf. OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY. THE TIMES BOOK, PAMPHLET, Business Caibs JOB PRINTING OFFICE, H H y NEW & FANCY TYPE, WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, H RAILROAD SALOON! MAX. BRENTANO. C TOOTS, T The Democratic Address-