I ADVERTISEMENTS In T he D emocratic T imes will be charged at the following rates Published Every Saturday Moruin BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., J Publishers and Proprietors. First insertion, (ten lines or less)................... 13 00 For each week thereafter......... 00 A liberal deduc'-mn from tbe above ratea will be made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. Orri3E— On California St,, over Reame» ning c itile. Tue plains on which must soon look elsewhere for untrammelled is ; pLtce wi rib S3 1.000 a mar. Mvuday in eaub mouth. defendant in error was Judge of the Probate XIV. Jas. Longstreet, President's liroili these cutie ro un c mtain nbmit 152,000,000 ranges. A few more years like the past— a Cnnn’‘i Offi'm — Judge. T. H. E- Shipiey: Court for Barnsl.ib'e county. Mass., and tne w-iii• law’s cousin, Surveyor of the Port of acre« of ground, Tiie prineip.il pisturagr« few deductions of a million nerrs of pasture Clerk, Sil»« J. Day ; SlicrilL Henry Klippel ; are on the Nt.c.:es, Rio Gr.imle, Gu;idaInpe. binds in a single season, nnd Texas will be Deputy Sheriff. E. D. Fou«Iray ; l ren-urer, J'-hn plaintiff in error, as eol'cc or of internal rev *,’»'W Orleans. Neuher : Assessor, David Reiipnth : CoiiBtv C«ta- enue, exa-ted of the Judge the income tax XV. Silas Hudson, P.csi ift,it's own cous­ San An onio, 0 »loiudo, L on, Braz •«, Trin no more of a grazing Stite than New York, niissioners. John 8. Herrin. Thomas V» right ; I i y, Sabine and Red rivers, The Cittle are Petinsvlvania "Ur>l’r.— Trustee», ,1 James A. Wil- 184,132 acres. It is owned bv «me mm, oxen tind S'«»ck cattle; Pennsylvania, with XVII. Ork irdo II. II sS. Preside.nt’•«.—Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, exempt from Federal taxation, Ail the thir bridher in law's tl.iid cousin, Cletk in the requires 1,090 saddle horses mid 300 Mexi ! alone. Panic! L. Green Clert. Charle-« Hughes : A».«es- teen Slates were in poSse-i.m of this power. Register’si.fiicc. Treasury Department, Wash­ cans to uttji.d and herd it. Ten thomaiid! The great Platte Valley Lai over 8,000,000 ■or, R. E. Foley: Tre: urer, AV tn. Nnucke ; beeves are annually sold from tbe ranch, and •icre-t of rich pastures; but how long wiil and were exercising it, at the time of tllC ington. l ointnissioner«. Tbotn.is G Patterson, II. Woiul- «- ek : School Supcrintcud<.nt, R. R. Mid .1 •*- ad iption uf the C.»ixti;tilion, aid it i« not XIX. J. F. Simpson, President's own 12,000 young calves branded. There is an- these acres remain grnz ng ground» ? The worth. pretended that any grunt of it was made to C 'Usin, Second Lieutenant Twenty filth In- oil.er ranch on the Sun Antonia river, near Union Pacific II ulroad Las already divided —Circuit Court. 24 Monday Goliad, which grazes 40,OtO head of cattle 'these lands from their eastern to the r wes­ tiie General G »vernment by 'hat in.-ti unn tit lautry. County in A.-i . .mi F-u.in M.;U i iy IB 11 ’• and brands 11,000 head ol calves uiitiually tern exircnitv, and towns ami villages are -Court, First t Monday . iJ January, . April, July and It is, therefore, one of the sovereign powers XX. John Sim; Sun, President’s own cous­ October. Mr. 0 Conner, ihe owner of th s ranch, sells ' s ringing up everywhere along its iron rails, vested in the State« by their constitutions, in, Second Lieutenant Fauth Artillev. §75,000 wot tli of stuck each year, and his hul l farms are b.'itig «q>ened on every side of whic remain unaltered and unimpaired, ami XXI. George B. Johnson, President’s in re-peel of winch »Le States are as inde mother's s»c u.d c . his 11. As-estu.r of Internal beids arc cons antly increasing. In 1852 lie h in. It is no exaggeration to say that the begun catlie lai.-iiig with 1,5UU head, ami hi« p ipu ation of the United States before the pcmleut o' the General G .vernment aS that Revenue, Third District. Oi.i >. present he ds and Wvu.la are the results ol close of the pie-ent eentury will probably G ivcrnn.ent is in Irpei dent ol the State*, XXII. B. L. Wyman«, Pie-ident's couS I I’ll supremacy id’ the General Government in s liusbatid, Postmaster ol Newport, Kell- imiural increase. 0 i ihe Gulph, between [ reach 100.009,009 of people. Then there ihe Rio Grande and Nueces, is a ranch coli- will be no We«t to settle up, no great stock cannot be maintained. u ky. tuning 142,84) acres, owned by Mr. li «bi ranges, but farms and cities, nnd cities nnd JACKSONVILLE LODGE No IO ’i he two G .vernmen’s are upon an < q i »1- deaux. It is oil a peninsula, hav«ng water farm« everywhere. I predict tiiat those men Important Circular from the Gtneral ty, and the q ie«ti.m i-, whethrr the power olds its regular meetings Land Office. on three sid s, and tu enclose the other side, w ho begin m»w by raising cattie on Gevern- “to levy ami c licet taxe«” enable« the Gm every Saturday evening at tbe Odd Fell nent Lind«, an I arc wise enough to buy a has required die bunding >.f thir.y-one link« Hall. Brother.« in goo I standing are invite eral G >verntnent to tax the salary of the j i Portion of those land« as soon as they are ¡ attend. JAMES BVl’KLl THE It MESTC.VD ACT • ? Jl't.Y 15, 1870. F R ul pl.uik lence. Every three miles along the i iffe.'ed for sale, will fl id before they die that dicial officer« of a State, which officers are California St.. (Up Stairs.) over Reames THUS. PAULSON, R. Sec y. TIIE BEXEFIT . F SOl.DIEItS AXD SAIL KSWII-i fence are In u«e> i >r the herders, tn.d enor- i.ii .«e land* will lie worth ill-re t<> them than in-ti timrntal.l o s employed in cari ving into , J ohn B iioec , A Wilson’* Livery Stable, Your SERVED IX THE VMTED STATES ToRCES Di li tn.ms s ab es un 1 pens for t ie slock. 1’iierv lil.eir herds ever c uld have been. ■ Trustees. H. Kurrri., execu'i n i:s must important funct'.im«. Ii J gi eat O ilo settler, B id iniin Wad ', orca ♦ 11. V. H elm *. INC HIE RlßEIJ.lliN- JXSTRLCTh X.« A> T > t.re gr.izi-il in tins en»Ij«ure 3'J,OL'0 bead oi. i« n >t held that the mere cstab ¡«hinerit o «a d tli.it lie believed “ witiiln ihe present cen- Regular R.» >e'|oriiiu euji «, hei tunes made in land. Those whi are wisest Will practice iu tbe Supreme ( oart. District, anH i ai n y l<>r tlie y ear end­ succeeded, by dint «»I bard L«b >r, in gettingl ! will m .ke all _ih -y can on their cattle, anti other C-art■'' f this St ito he Ge¡*cr¡ ing June 39, 1871, ami l«.r othi r purposes, OFFICE—In building formerly oeeapie 1 by 0. toge her sixty e-.ws mid nine br«»< d in.ires, tlie moment t. c Inml« nre for stile buy all < is sai l t! ¡mi the old«ei> Jacoli«—opposite Com ’ li"V.«e .K.Ti irr. i •wer in «' • I • V-, -i'fling mi i. e puli.ic doi.ia n passed by the wlien lie we ii to raising stock. He h,1S Bow they can get, even if they have t<> sell a part ..f their herd to pttv for the lands. The 50,00») h"a«l of cattle, worth at leist 150.0C0. rn.im « H.’II.L PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SIR marine, dur.i g the lebi-ilam, f..r ninety davs. thoseo i aiockiun't. n. S evens, Jack. Y<»U:«g. j nave been requested to give it a place ; hcnca II GERY, ax l will attend promptly t > all cabs pendent 1.3 the 8. ate «S as and ri n.a ¡.cd loyal t » ti.e-G Vernment. . “ ..al on professional businees. Jiis office r.ud resideuec i Uu laii.in, l’.do Pmt >, lliil, .'«id Joimsoii. I as appearance in our columns.—E d . O reuoni - the G .■uer.U G Veriimeig. are at on payment <.l tiie ice or commission i L'.ivse eouniies lie along the Rm Grande, the AX) Tue Overbeck Iio~pilal, acts —TiiLiR validità ’ svs i he c M 1-CAit C axfox C ity . G rant C o ., ) iiegistt-r or Receiver >f any land <41 Nueces. Gu'iualupe, S.iu Antonio. Colorado, | l-tf On Oregon Street. Jacksonville. Oregon. TA IS LI). Mai-eit 28, 1871. f j q tire«) by law, be cnt.iled io enter one Lemi, Br..z i*, Trinity, 6.»bi:ie a.td Red rivers ; E ditor H erald : — In your piper of the of Mil.òr's executors against In the case n. it. nr v JAMES n. FAY. ter sec.i hi ol kind, not mineral, of ihe l’lie stock from the.-e ciunt«e8 are driven to IS.’h, you attempt to j :stify yourself for re­ the l ui.ed 8.ate«, now deci led by Hie ! niied i FAY & KE A fusing to publi-h my letters written in de­ nate reserved wclions of pub! c lu.ds ill-'llg the Guipii iu great nui.iuers, where they are I States Sup erne l ibe r «ilio.id« or o' iu r i Attorneys ar.tl Co’.ir.scliors-at.Lau, i slaughtered, packed in steamers, or put on mittee ngiiins: tiie as-aulis of Mr. Semple, by i j idgmeni id the court bei w, condemning tin. public Works in the United States wherever alive, and .shipped to XeiV 1 ok, Boston and «axing that they “were refused for the reason OFFICE—In Court Iluns', up stairs. to fol felture, holding the act unici j proper public land.« have I een or may be grunted by ' oilier ii'Ttiieili market.«. A great, many cat that the n, te itceoinpanying them contained Will practice in the Supreme an 1 other Courts which the j i!\ carding WaS insti tiled to be an imp-ied threat to publish in some other acts o< l.'ongres«, and to iceeive a patent, of this State. tie are ilFivcn imi'ili <>;: foot b w iy of Abi rai d, ami tbit the f .rm of the proceeding i ! therefor under ami by vir ueo! the i>r>.vision«- lenc, Kan-as, mid .Scimyler, Nebraska. S.mi< ¡otirn H in case of n >.i-ipue irance in this The authority of Congress to lone.” And >« proof of your readines* to was regul.i T-«?* Particular nttenti'.n paid to the collection <»f tiie uet I" M'Cnre h •me«H';«luuins you, with a is held to be tlmloubtvd, a«.d enact the lav? We are prepare 1 to do nil kinds <>f ments. the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption tu-rs cm the public u<>iiniin. and the not«. Ciliforni.-I ; ot er« keep al mg the J»rkan>u- friumphaiit uir of d sii t •rested f.iimesS nnd the cmnpete nCy to prerctibc that the proceed- an I Homestead Laws, an.I to the Entry of Mineral ! liberality, r« fer to th* publication of sundry amendatory, nnd mi the hums and c mdilion« ! Lodes on 1er the reeent Act of Congrí- ’. 1 If. to ¡h ut’s F >rd, thence aero«« Colorado ovei should be agaiii't the property and out i letters nz f rmerly occupied by act, and Ihe C these 20.000 •vent to M mti.ua. was error in the record, wh ch, for leciioicni necessary therefor.” w.is’*if publication wasdenied to return them method of local anastbesia. A.l work warranted. 8,000 to L’.uli, 8,00.) to Nevada, 9 0)0 1«. reasons, should have caused a n ver.-ul of the .Sa ¡«faction guaranteed. to me,” »li le that aeeotnpnnying the letters By tlie«e provisions, the homestead lnw of I \\ voiuing, 10.0JO to G ililoruia 11,000 toi under Consideration was, that if publication nov20 3in Nov. 2t*th. 1 Still. j udginent. May 29th, 1852, ami the act* amendatory i 1 laho, and 3.1.0d0 to Colorado a:.d New 4 was denied to hand them to a gentleman Mr. Justice Field, for liim«elf, and M a ) tlier«'«4, are so far modified ¡is to ailow entries Mex co. therein named. Thea I Was near nt hand ; The ma >unt of money handled Justice CiitT- rd, read n tlisseiiting to be made by the parties mentioned therein, along the base of m.muiniiis in tr..ns!erring now I am several bunured miles distant from taking the ground that the act was o'the maximum quantity of one quarter sec- this stock vas over SI,250,000. At Abdeni*, the Herald office, which readily enough ac- tulimial »nil void. t ni <>r one hundred and sixty acre.« of land, the gre it Kuns is Cattle market, over 200, coiin s for the difference. Having published some letters from me ac- he'd at the double minimum price of $2 50 000 head were handled. Tue shipments in coin pan cd with this ‘•implied threat,” as FROM LONDON, The Reigning Family. per acre, inste id of «me ha f quarter section September reac -ed 00,00l) head, mid in Oc vmt are pleased to call a polite request, I had rm reason to believe you would decline aving located in J acksonville , nr eighty acres, as heretofore. tobtr nearly 75.000 head. This immense lie piib’icntion of the letters rel'crrod to in inform-« the citizens of this place and vicinity Uly .«ses Simp-ou Grant, President oil A party desiring to avail himself thereof, th it he i« now prepare I t<> take onler« for all kinds traffic may be esLmaied wnen it is state 1 vour* article f>r the reason there assigned, the Uniied S ates. o; gent«’ nnd boy’.« elothing at reasonable prices. is required to file the iisuitl homestead appli that it took 111 cars n dnV to transler the apd I still t link tfie realm was other than Satis i actio 11 guaranteed. II. Jesse Root Grant, President's father, I cation for the tract desired, if legally liable stock, and one bunk in Kati-uS City iiutidled the one given. ;T»T Ci. eaxixo and R epairisg done. •”r*?v Postmaster ¡it C -vingt ni, Kv. Y'-b are now doubtless rendv to a»k, •by to entry, to make bffi lavit according to the §3.000,000 cuttie money. In Nebra ka. the —SUCH AS— July 2J. 1810. i tin« request at all,—or. as you pleased call it, III. Frederick Dent Grant, Presiueut s loim lieieio annexed, instead of ihe usimi Cattle trade with th' S >uth is jil-t beginning; this “implied threat?” I will give my rea- I son, tiailei ut Wesi Point. homestead affidavit, and to make payment of vet last year 27,00‘J nend changed hands m s >n. Ab mt the l«t of October, 1809, a dit- IV. 0.vil L. Grant. Prcsi lent’s brother, «he §10 lee stipulaied in the act «d 20:h May. Schuyler, mid the 1'irst National Buikoi, tinguislied individual made our little moun­ CARDS, partner of ihe Collector ol the Port al C’i»i 1862, and .he u«u il c nimissi-n« mi the price Omaha handled §500,000 in consequence o. ■ tin' town a visit, and of course made a ENGINEER, Lspeeidi. Af.er the ni:n »unceinent that !»• c«g<>. of the lands. §2 50 per ¡ic-e. Ibe entry to be this trade. It is likely the trade at Schuylei : V. Frederick T. Dent, President’s father regularly niiinberei! and reported t<» thi« < !Ii e in 1871 wdl reach 100,000 head of cattle, I 1 would undress the cit z ms at the omirt house at a eerta'h hour, prominent Democrats BILLHEADS, in-law, claimant uf lands al Caroiide.et, M«>., in the monthly h<»iu«'«teml retut n.« of ihe di« .■nd it will reqture S1.5R).OOO to carry it on. knowing that I wa« i 1 ihe habit of indulging VllOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS CON- euchred by Wilson, Commissioner of tl.v tricl land office. The p-ivileg«s c nif.-ried l>v Lirge aS the cattle trade may seem, it is invs'df o.*ca«inin>lly in «nch pastime, requea- y stwntly on band. Land Office. thi« act cannot be trsigned, nor is the entry as yet in its infancy, not m;ly in Texas, New rod me t<> review in < he Column« of the Herald tire snrech to which we were to listen, pro- VI. KeV. M. J. Cramer, President ’ s IIANDBILLS, umler it av.iilub'e for widows or heirs of de Mexico, Colorado, on the Pm te, but thn llgli ’ll.I til • _ xt _ vid<"! the Hume shmiLI 8«*eny to require the brother in law, Minister Io Denmark. ceasx'd soldiers. .ml the Unit'd States'. The rapid increase •»(•plicnti >n of the diR.«<-ctin'g pen. i thought Cents. VII. Abel Ratlib me Corbin. President’s Regaiding »cttlement ni.«l ctiltivsiiion, the •if <>ur p> ulatioH, l> »tli from loreign and du it did, and in behalf of the cause <«f Dem«»o- jlylT-tf. brother in-law, negotiator of g«4«l and real requirements of the law it« lhi«c ¡i«sof entries «nny cohi ttn*«iced the w t-k, *«nt u» tbe Herald POSTERS, mesiic s u cos, d-mundi a coiresponding the first of what was ili'eiid«'«! to l«e n serie* <•? ate «pecul iiiotB with James Fisk, Jr., and are the same as in other homestead entries. increase of f'Hid, and at present there is if nhour, five letter*, I was informel by n Very respect fit I v, Jav G >ul<). not»' f «un th? »"Il’nr, Mr. Semple, “that any pnsluct of cattle anything like equal to the WILLIS DKU.MMOND, VIII. Brevet Brigadier General F. T. article I W 'ltM iwrite upon the ?ubj*ct <»f demand. D ef can be rai-C 1 on the td.iiu- PAMPHLETS, Dent. President’»! brother in law, chief osher he undersigned , having fully Commissioner. li iince <>r «iilfr ig'* lie would g’adly publish.” rcHtteiLtbis dd arni-Liroute place of resort, at G cents per pound; ami Uti.il that is done, Tne e liter di«l no:. re«urn the manu*<-ripjf: nt the Executive Mansion. now offers th*X*-y best of liquor* and segurs at S evere on S tanton -.— Dining the debate I there need be no apprehension of crowding h"hc? th* reqifst accompanying all aubse- IX. Judge Louis Dent, President’s broth 12 1-2 CENTS. n H e U. S. Sen de on “S->u hem Outrage«,’’ the cattle market. L’.ial beef can ever be qu*nf com'nitnii'atimi*. a er in-law, c-Unsel for claimants beffire the Tb* Saleon. i* cominodioas, the billiard table* Y"Ur imnot«iti'»n that I «Ltsitnel these let- sn.callid, the name of Stanton Was mention had in our day s.i cheap aS -ix cents does u >l »re at tbe latest and most improved pattern, aad i t President ; lees esiima’ed at §49,090 a year. •er* f.T pnbl cition iu tin1 nalletm is eratjiil- tbe wants of guests promptly supplied. rd, whereupon Senator Duv s, of Kentucky, seem pr<.bah e, and yet even al foil ’ and 11 ■u«. If I had «les’red their miblicati >n in X. George IV. D. nt, Piesident'« broker, remarked : “A more lawless Jicuitor was ha f cents per pound large fortunes can be II.y «.ther p iner «ha» 'h,, H:rald I rfiouM SO T’oint« of UlUlarA» For JDrlnka. in law, appraiser of Customs, Salt Francisco- And all other kinds of printing required 1,1V' suit iItem »•« ’If t pnp‘*r "‘"I n"< *»» th® never in power than that same Seereurry «»f to be done in the community, on XL John Dent, President’s brother in War. If justice bail been dealt out to him in tllade ill entile breeding. Il is only on the Herald. 1 «ie«ire