Jackson County Agricultural Society. I — Graut lor Emperor iu 1812 I I The Defunct “Heathen Chinee. expression of grim determination imprinted in his classic countenance. While the com- positors, “who had dropped their sticks in amazement,” were considering whether they should not put his head in ft bucket of water to relieve him, he seized n pen nnd got the following through him. We don't vouch for the originality of the production, tion, for we have a faint recollection of seeing it before : T he R ailroad . —The Alta California, io an article oo the “Industrial Condition of the State,” mentions the fact of 400 Chinamen having arrived at Gilroy to work on the Southern Pacific Railroad, which Chinamen have been heretofore working on the Califor­ nia and Oregon Railroad. The Alta snys, according to a map in the new Oakland pam­ phlet, the California and Oregon Railroad will follow up the valley of Pit River, turn­ ing northward near Shasta, and passing one hundred miles eastward of Yreka. We hard­ ly believe this is true, as the route haa been surveyed northward of Shasta, and continues up the Sacramento river to this vicinity, and no regular survey has been made up the Pit River to the Oregon line. No doubt the company might prefer to go that route, if they could get a new franchise, and were not afraid of the California Pacific taking up the old franchise they would forfeit.— Yreka Jour­ nal. As a good deal of speculation has bee» in The Ku-KIux Investigating Committee Last Saturday this society was duly organ­ iI dulged with iegard to the recent murder uf ized by the adaption of u C> Mst**tutiuD at.d By» summoned before them a certain Rev. J. B. Smith, a New Jersey man, teaching a colored une uf our most respected celestial feliow E. D. FOUDRAY,......... ..Business Ageut. Lans, ana the election of officers. The « b school in Raleigh, North Carolina, f.»r the ci.izens, we take great pleasure in laying be jcd of tl»’i3 Society is, us the Preamble to the foie our renders verbatim, ct liteiatim, et Constitution states, for "the purpose of nia'n- edu*atioii of teavheis, think'ng that from Lis position, bis evidence would be damaging to spclatim. et punctuatim, Hie lucid and elabur taining Fuir Grourds in Jack*, n County, and his own race; but tlieir anticipations Lave; j ute report of the inquest held upon the de unci other kinds of stocks.” Wv hope to set-gen The History of Senate Joint Resolution end interest manifested in the success of thi been sudiy disappointed, ns lie gave a plain . j bv tiie learned Coroner ol «Jack-on county, Dr. "The nox was lit by lux of Luna, stmighi-forwaid, candid s a’ement of facts ns Ganung. The Coroner’s minute and scientif No. 11, Designating the Company which society by our citixens ; and d< nl>t not but And ’twas a nox most opportuinv should receive the Graut to Construct iliev red y existed ; declaring that from bis tc rep .rt completely clears up the mystery that with proper efforts, next Fall we can To catch a possum or a coona. the O. B. P. R. R. surrounding the occurrence, and w ec< uinienii own knowledge no such an organ Zation as hold a Comity Fair at which may be exhib the Ku-KIux existed in the ¡Slate; that the it to his • fficia! brethren throughout the Stan- For nox lay scattered o'er this inundus— ited not only stock, but agricultural, minerai A shallow nox ct non profundus. We puLFshed the resolution in full some .'Oir.igt s c miniitivd were independent of any as u model report. If we might be permit and other produe.s. This county can clml On sic a nox, with cants unns, weeks since. Below we give the history of political organization ; that the only political ted to observe, however, there is one omission Two boys went out to hunt for coonas. tenge competition with any portion of Oregon the resolution in both Houses as a commen­ organization lie knew uf was the Union the Coroner made ; vve are not eutiielv satis­ The corpus <»f this bonus canis tary on Mr. Sinter’s bill. The vote in the in die production of the ceieuls, nnd in such Leactie. In the course uf his testimony bc- fied how that “Chinee” 1. st his teeth. We (lout Was fall as long as octo spun is ; Senate on the passage of the Resolution stood fruits as apples, pears, &e., and we excel iOte the Committee, he stated the declarations know exactly whether he was born without But brevior legs had canis never Northern Oregon in grapes, peaches, plums. of Goy. Ho.den made in a conversation to thus : teeth, Lal l.»st his teeth from old age, or Ita Qnatn had hie dog—bonus, clever— Jtc., and equal the most favored portions ol him und others, which gives u high coloring' Some used t > sav, in stultum jocatn, swa 1 ivved them in consequence of the blow in ­ Yeas— Messrs. Baldwin, Brown of Baker ; California in these fruits. It is n well known Quod a field was too small locum to the loyalty of North Carolina's quondam flict'd. With this exception, the report does Brown of Marion ; Crawford, Hendershott. fact that the h ifSes taken from this county to Governor, which is thus detailed : For sea dog to make a turnus great honor to its author. Indeed, it must Ilol.'Claw, Lieuallen, Moores, Mosher, Pow I our Stale Fair by Messis. W. C ruz Myei E xamination .—On Thursday John Blattner Circutn self from stem to sternus.” Then he said to me, or rather to us all, be a pleasure to get one’s self killed if posthu­ ell, Stout, Trevitt, Watts and William—14. i atid Judge Tolman, anl others, have borne P. S. Our devil is convalescent ; have not was taken before Judge Shipley for examina­ "Now. if the Government does not send these mous honors of this kind are the result: Nays— Messrs. Cochran, Hoult and Thomp­ . fl' the blue ribb >n invariably. In fact, il troops, I shall arm the Coi ned people. I can heard from the other party yer. tion as to bis sanity. Drs. Davis and Belk Bunkum Jacksuti County Oregon April son—3. Not voting, Mr. President—1. I we omit Pathfinder and Jack Miner, there control by my word 80,000 men. I can go to llih 1871 made the medical examination, but failed to^ Absent—Messrs. Burch, Cornelius, on I mmense L and S ale .—The Shasta Courier no horses tn the State can compete with the convention that is to meet here next week, Official Report to Commissioners of Coro learns through private sources, which it con­ agree in their conclusions ; so the Court is leave ; Pershbaker ( >u leave) and Patter are i the horses Ja-kson county can put into the (a Republican convent.on), and control t! cm tiers Inquest held nt the above place in hunckhart, of Coos unJ Curry, mendous crash Thursday nfternoon, nnd cre ­ : ducts, as well as the • vicld of the mines, und then sa d to me, in the presence of these gen Twenty Four hours after it vvt.s found— I per mile. In case pre-emption or mineral ated considerable excitement for a time. Lit­ moved to amend by making the resolution ; the stock raised in this valley, can be exhib ilt-men, ‘‘What is to binder the Ku Klux ! nativity Qhina a. Twenty (28) Eight Years, claims weie located on any „ of the odd I sec-' tle children were in the habit of playing the special order for 2 p . m . On the £9.h i.ed to the very be.-t advantage. A diploma I from taking you, Dr. Smith? Are you not Status horn'tiis c Tporalis—Strong musculur i lions at the time tlu graut was. made, the about the house, nnd it was feared some off the resolution was called up by Lockhart, awarded by .-uch an A-s ciation to hones ori afraid ? ” “ Not at all, said 1. Said he, and fleshy more than n »rm<»ly supplied with j compiuy were accorded ................... the right to make up I them might Le found in the mass. Happily, when Whiteaker moved to substitute II. J. I eattU wiH enhance their value in distam!.. There is nothing to hinder them from tak t it or is 1 would have said oidtnarily n,l(l the loss by floating Lack on unclaimed odd however, none of the little ones were about R No 15 introduced by himself, “Instructing markets, an i in vaim.us wavs subserve tin-!■ our Senators, and requesting our lieptesenta- prosperity of the eoumy. We hope tosec ihe| mg y u or any other Radical.” Weil, then s > infrt q ten’. R gor mortis, Strong and sections of government land. It is under when the crash came. tires to use their influence to secure a grant farmers of Jackson county take Lo d ol this he went on io siv that for his own part, in re-istant. A tolencu which caused his death „mod that ex’Cotninissioner Jos. Wilson, is P reparing .—We notice this week tint (the chief manager of the Oregon and Euro- of land to aid in the construction of a rail­ institut.o.i in good «artiest, and on the 1st o. | his opinion, General Grant would hold the 1E> ¡lent seuti > cadaveris i pean hind company, w hich is composed ol ! Cronemiller is turning out of his shop, newly road leading from McMinnville, the terminus May come in goodly numbeis ami j >in tin ; G vernment of (he L nited States no matter Head. Scalp inverted by circular occipito i Etstcrn and European capitalists. The Land ironed “prarie schooners” for the Crescent. of the branch of the Portland and A*toriu Association. A permanent organizatiun can, what the elec’ion was in 1872 ; that he de Railroad, up the Willamette river to Eugene then take ) lice, and th* preliminary sieps be -ired him to be Emperor, und his s.m to sue Sub templar incission, which revealed a large Company « btuined the lands at government City road. If the present wearlier holds, Sanguiniotts Extravisntion, of integuments rate«, and it is reported they have agreed to 'tho mail will s >nn !>e opened. City ; thence continuing in a southeasterly taken towurls getting nt« a fair tn the F..li. 1 reed him as Emperor. Í Bv ti.e Chairman : covering os occipito Temporalis. The right I« an the Railroad Company a largo sum of direction on the "Middle Fork HouteJ'tn n O MARRIED Question — That is, that be, Governor IIol i.s Temporalis was in a state of cortuscd money at a low rate of interent. According’ T he Vancouver ilee»n by M.,j ir E.u.cii G'-u.us Adam.-, By Mr. Batard : fossa). Mv'tiformis, an 1 depressor ala? n .»si Journal. II. J. R. could not be substituted for a S. J. R., and tiie Chicago hremntj Mail vmtamiiig a i Question — Were the 80,000 men of the which the Chair decided well taken. White­ lengthy poem t>y Ge -rge l iam-is Train, will were iu a state of pulverulent distruclion. The trial of Mis. Fair iu San Francisco for No exit discovered of bail or pick — aker then moved to lav the whole subject on ten in the Chicago Jail. Now b oh of torsi- , league ? the murder of A. P. Crittenden Inst Novcm A' 8wer—I understood him lo mean tin The above i.s a true exhibit by L. Ganungi the table, upon which the yeas and nays were coming simuitanC msly is "to» much lor il.e her, is drawing to a close. Crmpbell made brain.” Enoch G. and George Francis Coroner. Jack. co. demanded by Whalley, of Multnomah, and should have a little pity oil their ielluW-ni.m. colored Voters of ¡lie Sl..te. die opening speech for the pr i-cuti :i on Q lesiion — Do you undeistand that the col- An Inqnistiot) on a Case of Ilomic'de at | Lockhart, with the following result : especially in the Spring id’ the year, wtieti | ureJ Vote of the S,a e is generally b >uml Bunkum County of Jaeks .u State of Oreg hi I Saturday Irsr. it fills one whole t age of the Yeas—Alexander, Amis, Clark, Comegys, everyone ieels debilttati <1. mid m.ikc arran. «• i S. F. Bullelin, and part of another, and is loo«:tlier l»v this I uiun Leuuue ? A pr 11 th 1ST 1 To Be Given By The Calloway, Carlisle, Dorris, Da Sbcile, Elkins, meats to alternate; «athsrwise tiie puli cor, one of the finest specimens of forensic e'o sanitary oiScers w.il be compelled shortly to' Answer—I «io. ( Witnesses s vorn Fulton, fcrant, Helm, Hunter, McCiain, Me interfere.— Herald. tpience and logic ever printed. Cook, Mrs. Question—In your connection with t'.« ‘ Coy, Munkers, Olnev, Ostrander, Porter, Sav­ We know your “braia” is weak. Every- colored men, as members of y< ur instituii< u: ( all Chinamen. Fair's leading c unsel, is sick, and unable to age, Thompson and Whiteaker—22. bony knows it. A man that I.as received attend st the C nirt r iom. Judge Quint, a»- 1 WITNESS and as ineinb uS nf the bo:!d i g as-ociat i<>n. ' —AT THE— Nays— Messrs. Apperson, Burnett, Cald­ such a drubbing from p l.ti al fi ivids must did any one of them evt r complain to y ou <>i i Ma Y ung Says lie toun i •« iviate c"iin*cl for the defence, will replv to feel ‘‘guslingly.’' Another k.ck I well, Drain, Davenport, Dunbar, Earhart, operate as an a posteriori argument to Camnb'di. ampb,,li. The' defence is the fashionable die wrongs dote to lheir race by the Ku Apr 10, Four o'clock 1’. M. Hutchinson, Harrison, Llului in, Hare, Hus­ v.itt up. “Debiiiuitr.t''—ta^e somei S .id day umbiig—‘‘t'lib« ornil insanity”—-where die Kiux ? sey, Lockhart, Loughlin, Mills, O Regan, your ohl diet wutrddo vleae ¿»inbitiuus age dial lie cime from Dilina lie is a p.iitntr eraZ.’ as u bed bug while in the ad of its Evening of May 12th, 1811. in a mining Cl.ime near which deceased w i.» ' c'tnmi-sion. The dodge has been quite sue The resolution then went over to Sept. 3J, vere, Mr. Pe no w here. i he motives of melt *ho would do it they would take eare of you. — ¡mt some when Hare, of Washington, offered thi fol­ remove y m < n a shovel v. ¡tit d .re. On, the dear old flag’ ll-.w much 1 nind and also that Le is a rciitive of De- L-cssful ia a number of Arne can catise.i celc- SECOND ANNIVERSARY BALL OF ceas d 1st Cousin lowing amendment : “Add at the en I of the — Yaiicouver Ttegistir. i/»re.?, as the S:c«' i*s. Cole, and McFurhuiC k Oregonian-Pociihontns numbuggery is committed in tlty tume ! Tril.c*No. 1. Improved wiil l>e stie- resolution, ‘and that our Senators and Rep­ | cases, and the pi ol» ibi !i: at e ¡Order Red Men, vvi'l l>e riven at Ilurnc's Ila!!. ’We learn they take one of the Herald t io •Jevksunvi;!e. Oregon, on the evening of Friday, 2 WITNESS 1'iir. If th s •essftil in the case of Mrs. resentatives be also instructed to procure an home on a dray eviry night ab u; twelve Surveyor’s Deport of Ditch Survey. 'lay !2:!i, 1871. The public arc cordially invited Yonng Depuseth Hdf af.er two 4 dge fails, the maudlin Hiti) itiiy for her sex to attend. amendment of the Act passed April, 1870, o’clock ; they don’t Lave I » use a shove. f««r giving lands to aid in the construction uf a him yet. • Beginning at a point-on the bead u;’ K-rr'i» o'clock they Three Slrrted t<>_< t ter from will proliably enable her to ts> •ape what she COMMITTEE or ARRANGEMENTS : railroad from Portland to Astoria aud Mc­ guich, about 50 feet above the present work" Union Town Sone friends (to iiumbei ¡ if S’ i iclilv deserves—“a l.ttle judica'ii* hang- Agricultural Society. T i !«•••) went with (De«e>s-d.) bun Walked Minnville, so as to extend said grant from J. R. Wade, Henry l’ape, E. B. Wat.‘on, ,el ciaitls, or 90 icet Leiuw the lJiowi. slow no Mid noquirrel — Deceased tell b .ck P. D. Parlons, J. H. Hyzcr. the Yamhill river, at or near McMinnville, ¡ditch, and ruunitig around the punt uf the P eriodicals R eceive ». — lhe Phrcno'.otji adjournel tneeiing of the J .cks m an At to a punt at or near liugeue City, so as to ¡iilK and across Griffin's creek to the puim ■until out of sight cal Journal tor April lays oil our tabic. 1 C funtv Agricultural Society, h> l.l at the reception committee : Won Young intersect the Oregon and California Rail­ | between Colman's aud Wagner cree.i—10 is fiiie l witli ch nee leading matter as usual. Court Ilou-e Saturday, April laili, 1871, the Jacob Isb, 1). Cronemiller. S. I’lymale, 31 W itness S worn road.” Whiteaker withdrew Lis amendment mile», 11 chains, with agtaie ol 5 led t< E lited and published by Samuel 11. Wells. meeting was called to older Ly J.is. I>, Fay. W. A. Owen. Wo Yong bays tiny saw no In lians they and the auieuument uf H..re was adopted. mi e—ru'sed 50 ieet, 8 inches; 23A 389 Broadway, N. Y. Terms, $3 00 p. r President, and E. D. l’.md ay was uj > j » ii.ted i'tie Dorris uf Lane moved to strike out “any lui ■ » ’es, to a p >int above the mouth ol the Asti had no inisiiu lerstanding or quarrel know e- annum. fi . o^n managers : Sec’v, Pro. Tern. Tite-cmumittees tip.» tinted j and ulT’ in the niuth line, aufl insert “the.” land ducit, the grade ul our ducii being iiothing about caU-e of his (deceased) death at the previous meeting on the perniali« nt The Xcic Yak Ob ercer, Year Book and F. D. Foudrny, W. H. McDaniels, A. P. Owen, (WorJs <»f similar import but not the same and add to the resolution ths words “ulso be Almanac tor 1871, c.m ams Cr.il, Cominer- orgauizali rt reported permanent « flic. I 8 of 98 het above that ol the Ashlund. J. W. Manning, J. Cimborski. instructed to use their influence in procuring Ttie A»ld.utd creeK ditch has a gtnde oi as that «>f interpreter) eml, E t. l.-sia-tical, E«iucational, Agricultural the society as follows : 4 W itness ca ’ led A S worn donation--, grants and subsidies to the Oregon 23A .eet to the m.le, and will cross the 1.tu­ TICKETS, - - f3 OC. Pie.-i lents. Preside it, James D. Fay ; V.ce S at d the same in Substance lie owned and Miscellaneous statistics. Price SI 00. Bruuch Pacific Railroad Company, or any |<4 «.ur d.tcii about opposite or back oi Ash A writ 22. 1871. Sidney E. Morse, Jr., & Co., 37 Park Row, I John E. R >ss ; James C. Tulin tn; S< ere­ apr22-td. other compauy or companies, to build a rail­ laml ; 32 miles to the head of Ashland ditch, an mlj utiing claim and that they were al New York. i tary, il. II. K. II Hanna anna ; Ticusuter, Tic.isuier, Henry road from at or near the north bend of the wine.» 1.» 8i fret above our ditch grade; 41 peace at that place V'Z. Bunkum At. ('. No Pape. Trustees and Finance Committee—J We aekuowlego the receipt of tho Annual thing eliciiM'l even a (suspicion of the Person Humboldt, through the shortest and most N. T, T. Miller, James A. C.«rdwtlied in green; Olney, Porter and Whittaker, 4; nays, ■ ti m a committee of three, consisting < f J. N. T. to the cancellation of said entry : the said partiea •Jackson creek*would inter.»ect the lower pari broken That the Said deceased was 28 the peach trees in blossom and the leaves are are hereby sammonrd to appear at thia Office on Messrs. Alexander, Amis, Appersen, Bur I Miller, S. Plymale and James P. McDaniel*, the 20th day of Muy, 1S71, at I o’clock P. M., to of Farmer's Flat. The size necessary L nett, Caldwell, Clark, Cemegvs Calloway, weie appointed to have the Rules and Kegtt Yearn old f'^n china Found on his body beginning to untold on the trees and shrub respond and furnish testimony concerning said al­ carry the amount of water that could bo Itaii Carlisle, Dunn. Devenport, Dunb>r, Da lations governing this S >eietv priot«d. eight (8. 87) 109) Dollars eighty seven and uery. Tho frogs lift up their melodious leged aban Jouuient. U w. R. W illin , Register. Sbeile, Elkins, Fulton. Grant, Helm. Hussey. tn iy I e estimated at nb >ut six feet wide m a half cents in Gold” Dust and silver coin und voices, and the graceful bovines p'ayfullv On m »tion. the meeting adj >urned to tin L inger H erman , Receiver. Lockhart, Loughlm, McClain. McC<>v. Mun switch tlieir tails and gambol bawling on the il.e ti>p, three feet at the bottom, and three April 22d, 1871. Apr22-w4 we find no clue io the person or persons who hillside«. AH animate nnd inanimate un kers, Mills. Ostraf der, O Regan, Paqnet, ; first day of May. ieet deep. It is more than probable tliui Quimby, Rader. Starkweather, Savage, coinmiiteil the duel nor the instiument us«d ture proclaim the advent of Spring. E. D. F. udrat . Se.i’y. Pro Tern. sufficient water for all practical purposes may Thompson, Wells, Whalley. Waldon mid » I to effect his dcnili I . So Dorris’ amendment Judge Thayer, of the Second District, re­ Mr. Speaker, 42. W e W ould L ike to I nquire .—By what <>e obitnned for four or five months in tin «Friends Volunteer to B. corps and defrey Ex­ i was lust. cently adjourned the Benton County Circuit r from the various large feeders along tin penses of interment. authority the State Printer publishes the tie Mr. Alexander offered an immaterial he undersigned have establish - iue uf this diicii, without having recourse t> 1 hereby certify that the above is correct Court to enable the farmers and jurors in nt amendment which was lost, 18 yeas to 28 ceptanee of the Trustees of Corvallis Colleg« ed a Real Estate Agency in cuunectiun with tendance to put in their crops. This was among the l«ws of this Slate, passed at th« either Emigrant or Keen ’ s creek, bui tliesi m the best of my knowh dge nnd belief tlieir Law Office, ami are prepared to bur and sell nays; whereupon the question came up on lone at the joint request of the members of countd ‘ , poltlii'iF l <>n pag lution in or<)er to show that every proposition 1 also ginte that we could not evoke from mers are. FAY A REA, •irek may be made to reach that ol Emigrant made by the friends of the Pengra Co., Dor 45 of the Session Laws <>f 1873, »» «liipli<,»ite«l witne>a especially Wo Y> ung who was a part ­ Jacksonville, Oregon. April 22, 1871. res and Whiteaker, were voted down prompt­ ns section 12 of the iiniendineiits of the C« m I creek by a d ch, which will not exceed eight ner of Dccea-ed in a mining claim and is re­ We learn from Mr. Applegate that the O. apj22-tf. on p«ge3fl? Is this d >ne tlmt the Sr»»< ly, showing clearly, that the Legislature did Printer may increase his fea*t "f fat tiling», mles iu length. There is no doubt but Him & C. R. R. will ba pushed through energeti sponsible to Jackson county for the nbove ex- nut intend to ask Congress to give this com <>r is it the resul: of gr >«3 negligence? D eF lie ditch, ns set forth alarve, is practicable. nenees incured to sdd county nnd that he is '•nllv from Albany. The mad is already pany the subsidy, yet, this is just what Mr. the State have to pay the Printer f«»r the-« I'i>e soil nl'itig the line, as a general thing, u> Corbett and Mr. Slater’s bil's b »th conteni; duplicates ami this uuneeessirv publishing? i yeliovv clay, <>r l< am—nmaily the former— the guilty party. Evidenced by his obstinate C'mp’eted a*« far an Calnpooia creek, Linn '•oimty, nnd the bridge over that stream is in plate. We are at a h>ss to imagine tie If so. is not this a species ol very petty v t L Very In tie rock, an I is highly favurabl« md nervous inaner and intimidation stand process of erection. The road will be com reason which induced Mr. Slater to adopt r Imi ding h go"«l, aulistuntml ditelt. Tak» ini; aloof Iri.in subject and his reluctance to iiilo gasman takes this meiiiod fileted ns far ns Oakland at any rate before the course he has. We should not complain swindling? We pause for a reply. ng in n cm-iderutinn the luv.Table groumi ol informing his friends, and the publie gen­ the rainy season sets in. ■» if he bad inserted a provision in his bill erally, tLat he has opened a Meat Market on Cali­ The Mountain Democrat say« it large moot iruVeiBcG bv this ditch, 1he litth* fluming, re- answer q teslion propounded it. C. I arns.it- compelling the company receiving the grant,- fornia Street, opposite the United States Hotel* quire«!, and its accessibility ar all poiiit*. it tig!' cd t mt Chinam not Indians were the The readers of the Herald will not thnnk where may be found at all times the best of— to complete the road to thia valley before ing wa< held at Lu Grande on the 5th, to ox s liebeve«! the total cst per mile will not ex p met raters of th- foul murder The Deceas- the Plaindealer for constituting itself a detec receiving the full benefit of the grant, so as press sympathy with the people of «»the ed $700. Tlie’wh«»le cost will not Vary t o to udTord this people some guarantee that the localities in their efforts t*> obtain L''gi»lativ«- Toni $42.000. All uf which is respectfully »<1 lef an interest in a placer mining claim ive and catching the Herald stealing edito­ BEEF, which I suppose would repay the county the rials. The stolen article was infinitely better road xyould not be built over the Cascade aid in the const t n-rimi uf a railroad from ■m bn. i t ted. (Fresh A Corned) the navi jpountqios; but as the bill stands, it permits same point on the N. P. R R- ibive expence which could be collected wiih than any genuine nrticle seen in its columns, J. S. HOWARD. them to do as they please ; n»>4 he has spen gable waters of the C dttmbin. llmi. J .mo> W. J. PLY MALE. little trouble and advise an order to that ef­ and the Plaindealer should have let the or­ fit to do juet the contrary of what he was Hendershott was elected Cmii'iitan ami E S fect—Submitted to cort most humbly by gan goon stealing for the benefit of its un­ requested to do. It is highly probable that McComas Se reta y. A series of resolutions fortunate readers. W hat ' s U p ?—Tue Herald, Fay’s personal L. Ganung coroner for co. if Mr. Spater.neeks the suffrages of the people were adapted, emboilring the sentiments ol organ, has nut bad a word to say ab mt Irm of Southern Oregon again, they will require the meeting. The Herold does ti'-t appear fur several d «ys. Why, what’s tlm matter? •P. S. Tho sum Total the of county oxpence— To be A rrested . —Complaint has been to have killed HendershotI in Un on county. great deal of explanation nt hie hands. ithe Cinamen agree to pay to cuuuty 15th in st L made before Justice Wade against Lui lias the Herald sp .ken the truth for once mi'! G.nung.” Sluing, charging him with the murder of the A wkward S urgery .—While Dr. Dav s <0 eathed its ponderous “claymore of persona “W ay « that a ^ e park and tricks that are T here now I Everybody understands pre Chinaman found dead on Applegate last warfare. ” or has it surrendered hat terrib.e V aî M.” __ We infer from what the Plaindealer was dissecting the dead Chinamen's head yes weapon ? cis‘ly what killed that “Chinee,” nnd who week. say« that since the Herald Im« put up its terdiv, Dr. Gaming graspeil the defunei’s ■lid it. Our devil, niter a careful peru-al of formidable “claymore” t<> ru«t it has taken queue, and liteiftlly jerked the top of his T he b dy of Judge Fori, who committed C hange . —Mr. Horne has concluded hand off. spilling the brain on the gronnd. the report, commenced prancing around the to stealing editorials from the N. Y. lunes. suicide bv drowning i i the Columh a river, waive his Mnv-Dav Ball, nnd eive way to the SAUSAGES, Ac., Ac. Well. Heinz and stealing are very closely a'- We have heard tha express <>n “j*rk ti e top last December, has bevD recovered aud inter­ office with It s eye balls in “a tiDe ftinzy Red Men. The Sons of St. Tammany will of his head off, ” but Merer saw it pruclic t.Jy , ilied, and the Herald is fully up Xo lue m >rk rolling;” brow« knitted; teeth set; and an have a war dance on the 12th pxax. red at V’aucuuver. Jacksonville, Ogn., April 15th, 1871. illustrated till yesterday. Ju tho fornitr ao^uiDplUhwçpte SATURDAY MORBINO, APRIL 22, 1871. litui, Co-Poi). IMP'D ORDER OF RED MEN NOTICE Jut T of NEW MEAT MARKET ! T A- J 30