* THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES, j OS ü A . j - V Àk. Ji.. I i BY J. N. T. MILLER B CO., ? J H • ’ Publishers and Proprietor*. > TERMS: tí ’ -11 First insertion, (ten lines or For yach week thereafter.,. ...................... «.11,00 A liberal deduction from the above rates will be made on^quarterly and yearly advertisements. It j.O •-Vtfc li « •! I JOB PR1NTINQ. OFFICE---On California St,, over Reames A WU- lon’a Livery Stable. Every variety of Jsb Work executed with owt nees and dispatch, at reasonable rates. i JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. $3 00 Subscription, per annum........... Six tnon'hs..................................... ’ Ia T hs D emocratic TOtts will be charged at I < I -1 ZU V * the following' raTe^“-— — IT Published Every Saturday Mornlug • / • ■ fr Àd- what novel way, attended with no little peril gentlemen who figured prominently in the confidence in the party leaders and i .etions the Kansas Pacific with a proposition for an •uck ; School Superintendent, R. R. Middles- worth. to the neck and with serious effect upon the trial ate now upon the Bench. Oue, Hon- form for selfish ends to destroy the power and extension from Ellsworth to the northern Cnwaty.—Circuit Court. 2d Monday P. 1*. Prim, is now the Chief Justice of the demoralize party organization. We need but boundary of Mexico, asking fjr twenty sec­ pockets of the officer. in April and Fourth Monday in October. County Out Rogers was an Alcalde on Jackson Supreme Court of this State, and has been upon refer to the past experience of our own party tions of land to tho mile in Territories, and Court, Firat Monday in Jauuary, April, July and October. creek in those days, and upon One occasion a the Supreme Bench since 1859 continuously to demonstrate the truthfulness of the fact. ten section* in States, or a total of 11.000,000 case was brought before him involving the The other, Hon. Orange Jacobs, is the present A house divided against itself cannot stand is of acres. The Great Salt Lake and Colorado right to a mining claim nnd the settle Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Wash as true in politic.il organization as in every River Railroad, commencing at Salt Lake ment of a partnership. One, whom we ington Territory. Both are gentlemen of thing else—and if we would, as a party, take I City, running thence to the head of naviga- shall call Smith, was a partner of—say high legal attainment, and adorn the tribu’ a lesson from tbe universal experience of all ti in on the Colorado River, and thence to tbe Jones—and taking a portion of the part­ nah over which they preside. It may not be parties in the past, would shnn the rock on bead of the Gulph of California, desires ten nership funds, had gone north t> purchase n amiss to add that the presiding Judge at the which our opponents split and steer clear of sections per mile the entire route, or a total stock of g axis. In liia absence his partner trial we have attempted to describe, and Scylla and Charybdis. Every one knows of about 8,000,000 acres. The Pacific and JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 1® became a crippls by an accident, and was whose strong common sense and clear con­ very well that factions de«troy the effective Great Eastern bill, to construct a road olds its regular meetings on ■ supported by hi* feilow miners with that victions of right were abundantly manifest power of a political organization and give through Missouri and Arkansas, on tbe every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ ! uenerosity so char-icteristic of the class. On on that occasion, is now nnd has been since the Opposing party the victory, and that, too, thirty sixth parrallel, to the western bounX^ Hall. Brothers in good’ standing are invited to when the victors have really a minority of dary of tho latter State, provides for ten attend. JAMES BUCKLEY, N. G. California St.. (Up Stairs,) over Reames tbe return uf Smith, finding Ir.s part­ the incorporation of the Town iu 1860, the THOS. PAULSON, H. Secy. the votes if all were fairly cast. And these sections per mile, and, where lands have ner a burden, he unceremuuioutdy drove him Town Recorder. Stable, A Wilson ’ s Livery Joits Bn.oen, plain and simple rules governing political been occupied along the route of the road, ao out of the claim and retained the whole of II. KurrtL, j Trustees. 11. V. H elm *. the partnerkhip property. Jones appeal Emigrant Rates from Europe to this parties being so well understood by all. it equivalent of such occupied land* from any behooves every individual in the party who unappropriated lands nearest the line of the Regular Rjbekab Degree meeting, l*-’t Monday Coast. ed for justice to the Alcalde. The {¿recent night of each month, at 7 J o'clock p. m. desires to have his political princioles govern road in cither State. The Savannah and Ulref Justice of tbe Supreme Court of Ore­ May 1st. 1809. »—f From the San Francisco Bulletin we copy the affairs of State, to labor for union in the Memphis Railroad to have every alternate gon was then a miner on Jackson creek, and C. W. I4A1ILEK, organiz iiion and keep down petty factions. section along the route within 15 miles of tbe to escape the aimoyunces of legal consulta­ this : The Central Pnc ’ fie Railroad Compary ha« Personal ambition must be laid upon the line a* now located, on tbe following terms: tion nnd a practice where there was no courts, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, finally made arrangements with the four altar of the party for the general good — and Public lands remaining unsold, and which had kept his profession a profouml secret ns lending steamship lines plying between New hence office would then hunt men, instead of have been in the market for 10 years. Si per JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, JACKSONVILLE, ORECON. be thought. By some means, Jones dis York and Liverpool, for the issuance here men hunting office. Political wire pulling, acre ; 15 years, 75 cents per acre; 20 years, covered that he was a lawyer, and visited Will practice in the Supremo Court. District, and pipe laying and unscrupulous scheming would 50 cents per acre ; 25 years, 25 cent* per other Court* of this State. the Judge in a cayote hole, where the latter 1 of emigrant tickets between Europe and Cal­ OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. was industriously engaged in w ielding pick lenia. For the benefit of European rest be entirely done away with, and the people acre; 30 years, 20 cents per acre. And Jacobs—opposite Court Home «qunre. and shovel. After long entreaties lie fin illy dents of this const, we append the emigrant would not bt* cheated oat of their choice of lastly, the Osborn bill, granting glands to aid DR. GEO. B- TOLMAN, captured tbe Judge, and carried him off in rales to San Francisco frn pro'es*ion;il business. ed assortment of and hi* wife Bridget, after many years of who at that time was also a Knight of■ Londonderry 94 OUUICE AND RESIDENCE, active in laying pipes, wire pulling nnd set hard labor in washing nnd ditching, bad sc- the Pan an 1 Shovel. The eau-e ’«me on for Glasgow ...... 94 on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ I ting g traps to swindle the great mass of the cumulated a suffiieency to purchase a cow, trial, and to the surprise of every one judg Luufun........ 90 sonville. Oregon. janS-tf. Jan. Sth.187*. 98 people out of their choice to get themselves (,,f coarse they had pigs) which they did at ment was rendered for Deft. From this de­ Paris............ F men are in nil parlies and the first opportunity. . As it was bought of a 98 i into power. Such cision Ju Ige Prim determined to appeal ; but Manheim..... Dr. L. T. DAVIS, ■ r I * iti «ìiinlinir witli iliPtii it . > _• i i but in dealing with them Protestant 90 intist be dealt with, Itut peighbor, Pat stopped on his way in order to d > this it was necessary Io have a Havre........... 96 it is not wise to openly fight them to keep Antwerp...... OCHco" On Fino streot home at the house of the priest, to procure a Court of Appeal, and there was no such court 96 them down, nnd hence cause facli1. GREENMAN, creek, calling a meeting to take this c.ise un­ Bergen......... To save the precious fluid from barm, he With one of these tickets in his or her party will place them in power to keep them r»Hyioln.n. m now. The object of cessation of military conscriptions, will allow the best nnd only way to effectually get rid of while Bridget lield the rope, proceeded to ies, ar.d attend promptly to pro essionnl calls. We ere prepared to do all kinds of the meeting was duly stated, and it was de er the populations of France and Germany and such party pests is to treat them with silent pour it on her back. DH. A. B. OVERBECK mined then and there to organize an Appellate Prussia to emigrate, if they feel inclined, Contempt, and particularly should party But poor Pit had made a slight mistake. VVILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- Court, which should proceed to rehear and Standing within the same closet was a bottle VV GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls which thousands of them will undoubtedly newspapers follow this line of policy, Don’t oa professional business. His office and residence determine thecate. U. S. Ilayden, Esq , the do, if their friends in California and other kick a skunk if you dj not wish to raise an of aquafortis, that had been procured for a • i 1 are at . . far different purpose, and as it dropped on present veteran Recorder of .Jacksonville, was portions of the Union will aid them by pur offensive stink. The Overbeck Hospital, the back of the cow, and the hair began to elected Chief Justice of tha new Court of We regret to say that the Democracy of On Oregon Street. Jacksonville. Oregon. I-tf chasing and forwarding tickets to bring them smoke nnd the flesh began to burn she exhib­ Appeals by acclamation, and took his seat out of countries that have been desolated and this State is not free from troub'e ami petty JAMBS D. FAY. •- *•*- ited a decided appearance of restlessness. with a gravity suited to the momentous oc dissension in its own organization. For some ravished bv war.” FAY A BE1 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL casion. Jr.dge Jacobs immediately prepared “Pour on more, Paddy,” shouted Bridget, We will add that by the steamships of the time a personal contest, to some extent, has and presented a lengthy and ably written pro­ a9 she tugged stoutly at the rope. Attorneys and CwMtllors-at.Law, North Pacific Transportation Company the been going on which is not in harmony with test against the jurisdiction of the Court which “I'll give her enough now,” quoth Pat, OFFICE—In Court Hone, up stairs. emigrants can come from San Francisco to the organization, is contrary to the party dis the Chief Justice, after gravely listening to Will practice ia the Sspreme and other Courts Portland at a cost of about $20. Persons cipline and cannot result in any g s»d to the and he emptied the bottle. the argument, of course refused to entertain. of ibis State. here who wish to send for friends in any part Democracy. Let our friends remember that Up went the heels of the cow, down went But just here a new difficulty presented itself. we l ave a powerful and well organized enemy her head, over went Bridget and a half dozen of Europe to have direct passage all the wnv »>#■- Particular attention paid to the collection Rogers, the Alcalde, declined to recognize of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ to fight nnd every particle of strength exhaus of the “ebilders,” and away dashed the infu­ can purchase tickets for. the full distance nt the appellate powers of the new Court, and ment«. the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption l ed in personal difficulties, which are utwec riated bovine down the street, to the terror the office of the Company, on Front street in and llom'Mtead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral refused to deliver the original papers in the Lodes under the recent Aet of Congress. 1 tf. this city. The Company have perfected ar- ecssary, gives the enemy just that much the of ull the mothers, and the delight of the case. After learned argument pro and con, i rangements with the Inman line on the At advantage. Every party paper should stnr.d dogs. DR. W. JACKSON, the new Chief Justice severed the Gordian | • lantic side, end with the overland railway up and fight manfully for the principles of Poor Pat stood for a moment breathless knot by ordering the trial to proceed without lines, by which the emigrants can make the (lie great and glorious old party, but carefully with astonishment, and then clapping hit Dental Room« in building formerly occupied by the papers, upon ruch statements of the case full trip without trouble or deteutiou on the keep all personal quarrels out of the arena. Dr. E. H. Greenman, corner Califernia and Fifth hands upon his hips looked sorrowfully after as should be presented by counsel on either way.— Bulletin. Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short The party demands this, and a paper that the retreating cow nnd exclaimed : notice, st reduced prices. Particular attention ■ide, in the manner in which oral pleadings disregards that part of party discipline can —SUCH AS— give* to the regulation uf children’s teeth. Teeth “Be jabbers, Bridget, but isn't the protes­ As to News Journals. were made up in the primitive English extracted without pain by the use of the late not expect to exist from party patronage, tant strong iu her—the I aste ? Courts. A jury was empannelled and after method of local anaatbesia. Ail wurk warranted. and ought not to. -The party journalist is set r ■ — ............ » ■ '■ Satisfaction guaranteed. The Herald slurs nt the B ulletin as r»t a solemn trial the decision of the Alcalde was Nov. 20tR. ¡869. a watchman upon the walls tc look after the nov20 3m. The Rev. John Brown courted a lady up­ CARDS, reversed. But it seems the evidence devel­ being a news journal because we did not pub enemy and hurl the missiles of warfare from ward of six years, and was so singularly oped such manifest injustice and fraud on lish the libel on Fay. Wo ndmit that the or­ that terrible political engine the newspaper— modest and bashful that he had never ven­ the part of the Alcalde and Smith that gan Ims a monopoly of that kind of news— for placed under his control—at the rank and tured to kiss her. One day it occurred to BILLHEADS, the miners, whose sense of right was ter­ no o;her paper in this city would disgrace its file of the enemy, and not at his friends. It him that it would not be a bid thing to do. ribly outraged, beoame intensely incensed columns and insult its readers by printing the is the imperative duty of the journalist to ' So it is reported he said : “Jane, my wc« ■gainst Rogers, and the ominous murmer disgostingly nasty story of the Herald's Jack FROM LONDON, criticise the acts of its party and men, its 1 man, we’ve been acquainted now for six years, “hang him” was fast rising into a roar of sonville correspondent. But in the matter of HANDBILLS, officers in power and leaders, and resist any­ an’—an’—I’ve never got a kiss yet. D'ye aving located in J acksonville , maddening excitement which boded ill for that which is news the B ulletin is not only informs the eitisess of this place and vicinity thing that is contrary to the great principles think I may take one, my bonnie lass !” The the Alcalde, when Judge Erim and Chief hr abend of the Herald every day in the that he is nnw prepared to take orders fur all kinds of the party, but it is radically wrong to en­ reply was wonderfully characteristic of the of gents’ and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. Justice Hayden nnd others, whose cooler freshness of its intelligence from all parts of POSTERS, ter into persona) quarrels with party men. Scottish maiden. ‘ “ •Just Satisfaction guaranteed. Just as ye like, John, ” judgments counselled moderation, hastened the Stnte, the Coast, and abroad, but it also C lkanino and R epairing done. more particularly to provoke them. Let all said she, ‘ “ ‘only be becomin’ and proper wi’ to quell the rising tumult, and only after long contains from four to ten times the quantity July Jd, 187tf._____________________ jlyl-tf. stop personal difficulties with party men and it.” “ Surely,” said John, “we’ll ask a nnd earnest ^xertions succeeled. but only on the Herald presents. The B ulletin does not srird on the bright Democratic armor to fight blesslrt’,” The blessing was asked and the PAMPHLETS, condition that Rogers should resign, which publish advertisements from infamous quacks oar enemies. The time for another desper kiss exchanged. “Oli, woman,” said the he instantly did, greatly relieved to escape of a character to pot Loryea’s circular to the ate political contest is not far distant and let enraptured but still devout minister, “Oh, ENGINEER, so easily. But these rude men, separated blush, as the organ does, nor do we allow in our columns such intolerable filth as that Inst us be thoroughly organized, well drilled in womnr, but it wss glide. We’ll noo return by mountain nnd stream from the laws, cus Jacksonville letter which the Herald printed party discipline, so that we will be able to thanks.” And they did.— Dayton Telescope. > toms and social amenities of civilised life to injure Far, and for which and the l)r. meet the enemy with an unbroken rank, and were not content with the half hearted nnd Young advertisement it ought tn lie indie’ed An Irishman went to live in Scotland for a hoice liquors AND CIGARS CON- again see victory crown our efforts. Ore-ton half handed justice so often exhibited in the by the next Grand Jury. The B ulletin has is thoroughly Democratic and success will be short time, but didn’t like the country. “I ■lastly on han J. And all other kind« of printing required no such blackguard correspondents nor infa­ to be done in the community, oa tribunals of civilized countries. When a mous advertisers. The Herald, and the other ours if we work in harmony with <>ur prin was sick ull the time I wa* there,” said he, very reasonable term*. wr.»Dg was done, the redress in their opinion slaves of the Ring at Salem and A’lmny, ciplea. We gain no;bing by fighting each • and >f I bad I*»”’1 “*ere uU rd You who want Job Printing done, give should be ample as well ns prompt. Hence possess the full and solo monopoly ol that other, but, on the contrary, Laz .nd success. been dead a year ago.” 12 -2 Cents. us * call, and we will s atisfy you both io styleaod Conciliate.— Guard. the Alcalde did Dot escape sootfree alto- species of literature.— Bulletin. jlyl7tf. prise.’ July Ufo, 1869. I An Episode in the Early History Jackson County. \ Business QZarbs. H H DEMTIST. WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, H RAILROAD SALOON ! MAX. BRENTANO. C TOOTS. istiK in nuns uns: