The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, April 01, 1871, Image 2

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    V *
; r.: (
E. D FOUDKAY.............. Business Agent
A Traitor in Camp.
After cnlm and cool deliberntion upon lha
motives which prompt the course the llerald
has seen fit to adopt within lhe last yesr, and
particularly within the last six months, the
conclusion forces itsdi irresistibly upon us
that to accomplish some ulterior motive of
those who control it, a systematic attempt to
divide and distract the Democratic party ha« 1
been adopted by tlmt sheet. To make the I
treachery of the net all the more heinous,
this attempt is made just before an important
State and National election by engendering
personal quarrel« within the organization.
‘■With n self-devotion like n Christian mar­
tyr, nnd malignity like a Pagan persecutor,”
the editor of the Herald has taken upon him­
the derisiou nnd contempt of our political
enemies, by publicly asking him tn violate
his solemn pledge to these resolution*. It
altackel Senators Hendershot e”J. w.fvitt,
Lescus® tliuy sougiii to stop the Public Prin-
tei’a outrageous plunderings of the Treasury
— an effort on their part which Mr. Patter
son admit.« affected the printing $2.000. It
attacked Senators Baldwin, Mosher, Iloult
and Brown because, as a Committee of In
▼estimation, they would not Convict Mr. F iy
of charges preferred by the Herald, but
which Patterson, Semple and P< nnoycr ut
terly and most ignominiously failed to sus­
tain. It attacked Senators Burch nnd Stra­
han, ami Speaker llayden, nnd every mem-
her of the Legislature w ho voted for the West i
Side Subsidy, because the Herald opposed it 1
Lock Bill.” It attacked Ex Senator Nes-
mith, and insultingly recommended that
gentleman “to return home and feed his
swine,’- because be favored the passage of
the bill ns he had a right to do ; no Demo
cratic prinjiple being involved nnd its legality
being an open question ; besides which the
Senator was over twenty-one years, nnd en­
titled to think for himself. Finally, after the
adjournment of the Legislature it attacked
that whole body in a lump. Next, it attack­
ed the most prominent Democrats of Multno*
mah,—A. B. Hallock, J. 11. Lappeus, Al.
Zeiber, Col. Joe Teal,—and is now engaged
in wratlifully abusing them. Then it com
meneed a covert system of warfare on our
Democratic Executive by abusing his appoint­
ments. In addition to this, it has strenuous­
ly and persistently opposed the m >st viial in
terests of Eastern and Southern Oregon, the
strongholds of the Oregon Democracy. Il
has attempted
to s-w dissenti.»«»,
strife, nnd divide and distract in every por­
tion uf the State. Its influence is all evil.
Its mission seems to be t» make war on Dem­
ocrats, while it crouches like a hound before
the assaults of the Radical papers— vide its
course on the Eighth Resolution last Spring.
The sooner the traitorous trio who run the
concern are repudiated, the better it will be
for the Democratic party.
Th« Herald of 26th inst., bus what pur
ports to be an extract from a business letter
from this county, in which the assertion is
mide that the Herald is well liked here, and
it« subscription will be largely extended
within the next three months, while the
T imes is daily losing sul scribers. The writer
is undoubtedly a ‘•counsellor’’ learned in the
law, who is the Herald's congenial c >rres­
pondent from Jackson county, whose lies we
hive had occasion heretofore to expose. In
this instance the wish is undoubtedly father
to the thought. The proprietors of the Her­
ald know their subscription list is filling off;
and the T imes Ims now a larger subscription
list than any Democratic paper published in
this county has bad since ‘.lie Southern Ore­
gon Gazette was suppressed in 1862; and the
ment of the mining interests of this «ounty
than all other things combined. People talk
Everybody talks ditch. Why iu the rame
of<m«tet.«e don’t somebody act ditch?
Faith tn»y have removed m< uijtoMiS in days
of yore, lutt things are not done thu». wnv in
these ntnlieP iff tact times. It ye Imd faith
us u mustmd sped, at»d would back it by a
sensible determination to do something t<.
promote one <ff the most importune inter«*
of the county, in a short time there wmsld b»
such an impetus given to bu-ines« here as
Ims not been seen for many a long day. Tin
cry <>f ••Lard tim -s” degenerated into s pit
ems wail-by universal repetition would l«e
beard no mure, «ml the chronic h ues with
which our peop’e seem to Imve been s > lonr
and si.rely afflicted, would he shaken off and
only remeiiibered us some trouble! dream
brought on l»v “general apathy.” It the
as though they expected to be made fabulous
lv rich at the first sppwtaeh of a railroad.
Five years »go it Was confidently predicted
l»V knowing opes, Riat 1871 would hear the
« ’ « *
«nort of the iron Imrae through- our valley ;
hut their prediction«, one and all, have gone
Valley, Oregon. So far, so go id. But ns il num of Radical rule, his retimed to the
glimmering, and the aforesaid snort has not
been heuril.
for the very purpose of defeating the object ot same principles her faithful Son so tenaciou«
Maia St., next to Odd Fellow«» Building
(’ut off from all communication with the
ilia bill, which ostensibly aimed to afford lv maintained to the last hours of his mortal
essrs , wintjen a helms beg to
world as we are, a railroad would b-
railroad facilities to this v.illey, Senator Cor­ exis ence.
The past c irruptions of th«-
inform their friends and the public generally
■ g ><>d thing ; and while all most admit that
bett inserts a provision (.ranting tl.e sub«cdv Radical partv have been too nittcli for this
that they have thoroughly refitted their saloon,
•t would materially advance the value id ..nd reduced the price of liquors to
to a company which, il in existence, istioul- giiliam N-w E gland,8tali. And the nn’r
property, people mu«t learn its no “Alad­
ter.ibly opp. 9cd to a railroad to this v. l ev. i’ed relmk* com«-« in tone« not to Le mii-un
’s L'mp” arrangement—not much. Let
Ti.e c »mpany to which this grant is inad i> ■|| rst<x d. Its it »« I l.iinly enuncinlnl in th«-
u« bring in a d ti-h from some source, and
They will bs happy to have their friendt “call
the old Pengra Company, organized in 18G8. p'mform up m which they went into lhe fiiflit.
This company owns large lmdi«*s of land al >ng which ha« been end T-ed ny a he .ry nm
should come : but, on the c mtrarv, some of
the line of lhe projected road from Eugen« jnri'v.
n« might be able to take a ride on it. As we
•-Firs*—The permane«it and binding nnth.»r-
City to the Humb ihh, W. S Ladd, Henry
now Ktiiiid, — tinanei illy.—most of us would
Failing. B. J. Pengra, mid it is asserted Sen­ itv of the Constitution over nil dep.utinents
toj.ther with the finest brands of liquors and ci'
ditch they must stop mndoiii firing nnd go to m-ive to l»e •‘ticketed free” ur walk, Wlmt -ars always on hand.
ator Corbett himself, me largely interested of G.ivernm,,nt nnd all Stales of the Uni. n
April 1-t. 1870.aprl-tf.
work. ••Much speaking,’' though denounced, tliiuk you ?
in these lands, 'lhe triends <•! this eonipativ t» the extent "f the power therein granted.
may be good enough in its place; but »1
W ill U B uild I t ?
Second—The exemption of every State
have time and again a«scrt«*d their iu'eiition.
m.k mid no cider, coupled with standing
in the event of obtaining the grunt fr mi Con from any interference or control
We recall the past hut « tv uf Paris, whet;
’round all the day idle, if persisted in, will
gress, to buill the line us far Wes; ns they wnrrmited by tl.e C'»i stitutimi.
we iliuik of her recent downfall and the tread
Thiid—Tl at the interference l<y the Presi -ink any country. State ur commuui'y bevond of Gt r.nHtis through her once gay mid fash­
saw fit—say to the Khmiatli Rake—on the
U. S. L axd O ffice . R osfbvso , )'
Oox., March 2l«t, 1871. J
subsidy, and then «1 verge to the North, build­ dent of the Uni’ed fetmes with the military jibe |a»s-ib Itty ot lesurreutiuti.
ionable squa es. Few citits in the world
| Tiiere are two ditches proposed, either of
have passed through such vicissitudes, none
ing the balance of the line without subsidy
at tbi< Office by J. B. Tbomaa. W. E. Morrison
to Eugene City. If this should Lc dme. of
except Jerusalem ha* suffered as Puns has against John W. Rogers for abandoning hi« Hotne-
an abundant supply of water for six months
.-teaii Entry, No. 510, dated December 20, 1866,.
course it leaves this valh y wi hnut a cmn»«c • «on to th • (’ .nstiiutnm.
suffer«d in the late terrible seige.
upon the S. E } of 8. E. { of Sec. 21, S. | of 8_
tion East, and inflicts a very seriou« blow to
Tne first we read uf the city is in the wars W. i ami 8. W. f of 8. E i Section 22, Townahip
tha future prosperity of Southern Oregon. narticipatioii in the Government, as guaran season is far advanced, it is alledged lhe lab • if Julius Caae«’ir. It was then called Lu .14 S. Range 2 W, in •>ackro« county, Oregon, with
lnavy riiinfails wi I b ing to the surface two ifce, but the R .iiiatis, after its capture, called a view t<> the c mediation of (aid entry : the Baid
We nuticed some titii« s nee that W. S. Lidd, teed bv the Constitution.
parlies are hereby summoned to appear at thit Of­
F.fill—The sepatute and proper jnri-die I uudred thousupd d Ears of the precious t Lu e ia. Alter this tide«»l c nquvst r«»lled fice on the 20tb day of May, 1871. at 1 o’clock r.
Henry Failing mid B. J. Pengra had urr'un
ized a new Or-gm» Brm»««h Pacific R i.lroad 1 ri.'m of the executive, legi«h»live und jnduiul metal. Now, if a numtli’s work with only a • •If, il Imd a little rest, but was again Captured m .. to reapond nnd furnish teitimony concerning
; meager supply of water, and that confitied | by Julian, tl.e Ap«»staie, in A. D. 356. The »aid alleged abandonment.
Company to construct the line to Oregon from 'departments, as p-ovided by the C«»m>titutimi.
W m . R. W ii . lib . Register.
A. R. F lirt , Receiver.
Sixth—No privileged classes and no privi- t i to tl c streams and gulches worked over time j II »niiiii occiipa.tuii leff the Lititi trace on the
ti c Uutnboldt. This compuny bus been or
April lit. 1871.
iuih I again, produces such flattir ng results, ioiiigu g: of «lie people.
Next dine roving
ganized this year.
Whether the company ; h'ged cnpilai.
Seventh—An honest and economical ad j what may we not reasonably expect from a bands <4 Danes and occupied it ill 842. 857
organized in 1868 is Still a corporate body is
good supply, controlled to advantage, for s x
and 885. The last attack was Ly way ot the
a question, and a very gruvenue ; if it is not, 1 iniiiistniti >n of the G ve nnient for lhe good;
oioli'lis in the year? On account «4 their tin
Seine, mnl was galatitly r< sisted for foul
the grunt will lajs1, of course, if it is made
fav rali'e situation, the ricin S’ pincers iff this
Otho, iff Germany, next cuVe eil the
to this company, for want of a nrn|ier party
county Can never be prufi ably worked by
to take lhe same. But be .that as it may,
! prize mid captured it ill 978. Charles, King
ut bi» hotel in Rock Point, on
E ghth—Chat we are in favor of a revenue any mi'llrul rainfalls. The gulches, as u gen of Navarre, subjected the eitv to the Ii >t r<>r«_
Senator Corliett wilfully anl deliberately dis
Monday, April 1st, 1871.
t rai thing, are so short and steep 'hey cou tl
obeyed the i.istrm tioiis of the L“g slaturo at tariff that rai-es money for the sttpp >rt of the
¡.•f u seige in 1358. E I ward Ill. of E iglami,
¡only afford, at Lest, a light head while ii
Tickets......................................................... »3 <)O.
lhe session of 1870, in seeking to make the Fedeiul Government, and are opposed to n
pilti-r the great tii tie of C ecy, in which lie!
rained, and the m<mn-ii1 the r>in ce >s< s tin
The best of music hat been engaged for the oc­
grant to tl.i« eompuliy.
¡protective tariff which takes money from the
put 3 ),<KX) Fr n 'limen hors du combat. casion, and every intention given to make it th«
iflow must < Case with i'. No mn nut o| r. in.
On the 23th September, 1870. Senator peop’e for the benefit of monopolists.
murched upon Parts, h ockaded ami wasted Great Ball of tbo teuton.
L. J. WHITE, Proprietor.
Ninth—1 hat tve are o| p >«ed to the pic-ent ' howe'er ¡.r' ut, could l»e nt ole av.iiL.b e to the I'lie country all mound it. In 1415, Henry
Holsclaw of Josephine introduced lhe fuliow
Rock Point. April 1st, 1871.
*V«lem of taxation, which i- b S d upon an
i*'g S. J. R. N •. H :
V. of E igland. the Prince ilal. of Si akes
profitable working ot tue flats mid basins.
“llesohfd by the Senate, the House concur- ineqnuli y bur<l*n-oine to the wot king cti.s-ies.
pea re, f light the ba lie of Agmc nrt with
>-ither nrouiid J o k-o»i or the Will iw Springs.
ring, Tlmt our Sdmt rs be ios rucled, and while the be«i interests iff the count y .’e n ,r. !
10.000 E ighs.imeii • pp s.-d t» 60.000 F. etieli-
......... to l>e worked suecessiu ly. mu-i b- so
our Representatives in Congres« be nquestul hat all clast s of property sh mid t q .al i
j me.i. After his great n> d decisive Victory,
isiluat.d tlmt ti e water may be c •mrola <1 a
to use their it.fluence to cause the O.egin lhe burdens uf cover -ment.
i ne c..p ured Pars, It was held by the Eu
p «-a-ine f r a given length ol time ; la|t a-
Branch uf the Pacific Ruilroud Cimipany ■ I
Tenth—That th« importation of Chinese
glisu till 1436, when they finally abandoned
iiiiaes of thi« .-Ltiravter are first exnau-t<*d.
Jacksonville, Oregon, incorporated August cu .lies, tu he he'd in bondage bv m<>iinp«lisi-
iit. Next the citv wm liesieged I v Cm.rie-, •pllE
5 fully inform the La lies of Jacksonville uni1
lit is plain that artificial means mu«t l»e r<.
25th, 18i0, to be designated us the c iit.panv at l< w rates iff wu_e«. cannut fit 1 tu de^r.ide
.ol B.trguti iy, itniit .rtaliz d by Walter S. u i. vicinity, that they have just arrived from San
sorted to for the practical working of the res
winch shnll receive any and ad don-lion-, the dignity of Amerienn labor l.y c.inipeiiii m.
L uis XI. pui I u subsidy to Charles to raise i Fraucisc > with a well assorted stock of Millinery
un<l Straw • luíale. and will constantly keep <>n
subsidies, Or Ian I grants made by C 'iigr. s- ..nd intrude n t • • ur social -yaiein ail i l«-mi u
the seige. King Henry, of Nav .rre, be hand the latest styles uf H ats , B oskets , H at «
There i- no gi«od reason wliv a di ch, such
tn aid uf lhe construction of » hue of railroad which will endanger the peace mid we.I being
' sieged tlie ci y for iour y«ur*, m.d succe tied! un I ItovxKT S hapes .
wi ul I answer every pin pose. C"til I n..t be
und telegraph, c«.iiimencii.g at a point on the of our cunuiry.”
at I; s: by briiteiy iliuti f‘>rce of t.r.ns. 1 Also a fine ».-sor tuent of
Central Pacific Railroad at or near the N »rih
B it the sieges of Pai is w hich m- st inter TRIMMINGS,
Tiiir concise enuncia'inn of political p j» - I
liiut it won d have to be taken out so high
Bend uf the Humboldt river, iu the Stale of ciple«, emliolies the true teachings o| th-
est us are those of 1815. In the farmer year,
up that laeie w<m d nut be suffic «’tn w .ter i*
Nevada, which slinll be c mstruete ! westeily hitnider« i f tlm Dv*mi»eratic par v, mi l cm l>.
Napoleon lelt I.i« lir, t ier Joseph in coinmmid
no ol j .ctiott at nil, mol he that wool I urge »<
thence on the nearest and must practicable etniur*cd by every true Demo.-r it
n P.ui;, and at the 1»’ad <f mi army «4 80.-
-!i >ws bis ignorance iff tile ficts ill the case.
O30 sought to get in rear of the Ri.s< mis nnd
nmte to a point on lhe Oreg m and Calif- roia eountry. Th s victory h is a III Hal
M .st inineis are no; particular ub >ut working
Pruss uiis . mid thus turn them back ’nmi the
Railroad in the R >gue River Valley, I Ore with it, as a blow ha* been given to tlie’m n
more than >ix niontl.s in the year, mid wall-
ster. Radicalism, where it first raised it* f.r that length of tune couI I lie itunr.-iineed! niireli to Pa is. But the Emperor Alexau
This resdution passed the Senate an l
hide ms head. And we will not hesitate 1 will» perfect safety. It we had A ditch now i • ler. <1 ci led to marc i straight mi to lhe city,
following amen iment was oil .-red in
predict that lhe other New Eiglaod S ales I that wail'd carry the surplus water ««I Bcm ! and he captured it by storm ng the heights ol
ILmse, and the resolution was adopted
wi'l, one by one. follow it up, l»l w afterj creek. —mid it would take a huge <>ne, — we i
that holy ns amended :
blow, until its lin ed lorn» s dextro.rd from ' stioul.l have a'miolmit water ’till the midd.ej to its r. I.ef. In the assault, the 33.h ul
Ma ch, 1814. the Russian* lo«l 7.100, the and other article.« in our line too numerous to-
And that our S mators nnd Représentât ve« among its fi.-st worship -er«. R >l on ih-
of June, mi I probably tetiger. In June Lil'le
be also in-true ed to proctne an mnmdnient
P u-s ai.s 1,840 mid the W.r emburgets 153. j
t-o'uniti—«trike home f r vonr
MISSES A. F. and L. A. KENT.
* *
to the Act pas ed April, A. D. 1870, giving
The agitation of N ipoleon wasdre.idlul wi.etii Jacksonville. March 25th. 1S70.
4 snow ii . the uiouiiUiin-. l he water.« uf Ihis
land« to aid in th«- c instruction «»fa railro-.d
from Portland to A-toria and M -M nnv.lle. strike for themselves I Honor mid pmi e sir. am. a* B ur creek decliiu d, could be add’ helieird that nil whs over. He broke mit
• xcl..i mug : "1 uske I them only to hold out
so as to ex end su'd grant the Y.unlii.l will await von a*, the h m l« of the
< d »»nd the i-Uppiy kept up ti.l the Inst <». I
river, at or n*,.r M •MinnviHe, to a point at citizens of ll«e Repub ¡r.
tw.-uti-four hours and I %• aid be with them, j
Jay; from December to July, then, w«-;
or near Eugene C. I y. s » »* t» intersect tl.e
Mi.»erab.e wretches that they me! Murini.m, |
mi_hi l>.ven • nm iuu -us fl »w of wat-r from |
Oregon and California Riilroad.
“Fay Holladay Organ ”
l hi , who had sworn that lie would be hewn to;
P. s«ed by the Senate Sept. 26. 1873.
tne Forty N tie D ggings to the Wil.ow I
,.i..<is railier th n uireuder! And Joseph
House Amendment concurred io Oct. 3.
Oar pirti.-nlar frietol«, the H:rald tri.«. Springs. 11 water sufficient could l>e had,; was off too, my very brother! Tu surrender
| while w rithitig iimlxr th« severe blow« w«-. t .vo timusa. <1 men cnu.d find pr«»li able em-' t ie capital to the enemy—w hat poltroons ! i
¡have felt it our painful doty »o it io t.i«- ploynifiil lor the next four or five years tol I'li y knew dint I would be there on the 2od to commemorate the Declaration of Peace
Pre«id-nt of the Senve. ¡-mnewiiat d ml» fol hope of reformi >g tiieni. c ul e within the shut dintmice above C it med.
of April with 70,000 men. My brave schol­
Adopted l»v the House with Amendment, ii.dulge ihemselve* ill the harmless reveng • A half mil.ion ol dollars, for sev. years
ar*. my N itiomil guard, who hud promis il to
Sept. 30, 1870.
of calling tin* T ime « th« •"Fiv II illu l iv or to cuuie, ought to lie, mid c-»uid be lak-u uutj
de.end my soil. So they have cap.tu.'u ttl,
gun,” und iiisinu ite <b u 11 «¡lud iv Im« in -i.ey ..niiuady in ibis county with a go<«f u »ch.
bet'uye.i their brother, their c>u<»try, their
Speaker of the II.'U«o.
¡■itested hi the eotmerii. Io this they t.imnle ti.e cost of which won d probably m t exc-e>i
sovereign and degrade 1 France iu the eyes ut
April 4th. ISTI
The Bill introduced l»y Senator Cirl»etl is tlie example of tlmt cautious scho>dl*iy who. j $40.000. A d.tch even lr>uu Bear creek mtv
Europe !’’
a palpable violation of the nlsive resolution after tecclving a treim*mi.>u* trotir.cmg from ¡average seasmi,—not counting the laree
Napoleon aLd c ited and was b inished to
of ins ruction«, nnd tinder the eireuinstances one of his sell»«imates, nvengal himself by just past i.s average, — would give us for tour
st ait fron the Court House, at 7 o'clock, p.
Elo.-i. On the 23 h <»f Februmy. 1815, lie.
deserves severe reprehension.
I >f.. wn ! inarch through th«- principal ttreeta. It
nuking faces ut his victor’s little sister. The or five tn i.itlis a rca-Uiin'ile -upply of water ;
• S-a|ied mid once mure faced the World in I will halt at the corner of California and Oregon
The bill, however, will probably not pass Herald cannot c *ntr<irerr *>ur I'aets, nor cun Im: bv adding both, tw.» purp«-i8 woul I b.
iroi*. Then followed rhe brilliant 90 day*[ street.«, when addresses wi ! lie delivered by Mr.
this session, if it parses at ull. From the it escape the odium which f.illowrd «mr ex* subs. tv.-.I: a vast amount of land lyi. g
N. Lmg l and Mr. J-hn Ciuibousky. An appro­
.■miijiaign, the fa nl Ln'tie of Waterloo »«nd priate salute will also be fired.
growing feeling ngitin«t the grant of ma j» »sure of itr falsehood »nd its trenche y ; hut along Inc iootlitl.s, traversed by the ditch,
the occupu i in of Pari* by the English and
more subsidies, whether of lurid or money, this it thinks that it can get revenge by cal ing ¡little v.ilue tiow, woul I Le recl.iinie«! mid ren i
p.ii-siun* almoMt without resistance on the
bill, like ull other* of like character, ha« a mimes. We wont inter.ere w ith its loirmlc s der< <1'ictiv mid valuable, w.iile a plen­
Henry Pape.
7th of July, 1815.— Southern Home.
toilsome journey through both Houses before e» j»yment. esp-cia'ly a« we s,ntel before teous >u; p y of water wot» d be placed b.nund
The Ball will be held at
it; whether it will S trvive the rub« and stabs: how rtquu . that the T imes <s t c 'ti* r M>. a qu-s ion. 'l’ne L tile Butte ditch, in many
Brigadier General J B White.
the amendment« and sup dements it is likely •’ay’s n«»r Mr. II .Ila lay's, m>r anyb dy else’- respects, has n decided admll age over tha
to receive and be encumbered with, remains |»ers<mnl organ, nor lias either of the genLe ol the Applegate, so mucli talked of. In the
The nppeu! which the T ime « addressed to. and everything will be done to secure the enjoy­
ment snd C'.mtort of the guests. Everybody is
to be Feen. An l the action of our Senatnis me»» H dollar’s interest in it, and this lhe tirct place, it wmid make the c. uutry valua­ Hi« Excellency, th* G «verimr, in regard t«» cordial y invited to attend.
and Representatives will be uuxiously Herald knows. It is simply lv mg t» keep its ble through which il | assril ; see«»iidly. il the appointment of a Brigadier General lor
It nid in we suppose.
watched in relation thereto.
would cover more mining ground ; thirdly, n Southern Oregon. Im«, we lire happy tosiate,
A lexander II S tevens axd G kxeral F.
fun of the thing is it is daily increasing.
IIow is that? We will guarantee the Herald's P. B lair .--Tite II m. A. II. S even*, in ».
correspondent a safe conduct so as to secure letter of a recent date, thus speaks of the
him from kicking or horsewhipping, if he late «peach of General Frank P. Blair, de­
will venture to this office and examine fur livered before the United States Senate,
endorsing the deep, telling import uf fbe sen
timents uttered on that mensmo :
“I ant much pleased with wlmt General
A nvc.E J oke on A shland .—Jim Neil,
writing to the Herald us if front A-bland, Frank Biair is teported l.y telegraph to have
over the signature or ••Farmer.” says : “Th-y, recently Sail about his Broadhead letter.
the peop’e of Ashland, are proud t> claim He show««elf to be it man of grit ami
the honor of eduenting a boy, who bail the nerve, if he is reported correctly, and tlmt is
ability and courage to expose a villain that the awt of .man m.w mostly um.t-d i » tlt>
Set.nte, ] tu ly indor-e ever* w wil In i>
had Bunk so low in the s;nle of humani'y. as
reported to have said ; mid lie shows l.y tlmi
to allow hi« ewn child to Le born in n stable speech tlmt he is a leader t<» wli.mi the Dem
J <• a brute, and then carried off to the wisids oerney nmy Io >k with ,ure lm|>e« of >uccrs«.
1 lie present iloinin iot fnc.i.»” emi never b
to be devoured by beast«.’’ We opine the
driven Ir an power l»v igmning before Un­
afiWMOid people will not be very prou 1 of the
people their in-a. proa.-riptivc and re kle««
given “the boy,” and usurpations. The iRsiiea must l»e di« i iei!v
will d ■elaib'1
•,ooor h® claims for them. made and Ixtldly it fit |»etwe«-ii the reserved
If tliey sn proud of “lhe b »y,” we must ««y sovereign rights <1 the State* ..nd th. i - »»vow­
they ha*« mH m«nifest«d their pride to any ed policy of cons .li.lation an I cetnrul Zitii. i.”
The Governor of N ti I i Carolina Ims been
extraordinary degree. Not much !
impeach'd by the Senate, si ting a* n High
Til troubl«* in Arkensai are thickening, C >urt of Impeaehment. Out of 14 R -pul. i
A01 bl
V»ed H i«unin««t. Th« hanefo cans, one r >ted for iotpeai-him-ut. The Snite
re«d0f B-tdiea! sm i« *»*>« working her is well ridden of ot.p wf the m,,.t tirrani
scoundrels tlmt ever brenthed tl.e breath of
unf/tunate j»eopl« into a domestic revoluti.m.
life. Ami when public rua.-al« «re broug'.t
but advice« state that boetiljii-*« b«*- tojn«tice, then I ete is some hope f..r p-iva’e
Venily, “>rl»«n U» wicked bear rule r»gh'8 to be respected. We.I duue, old N. C
hit uh »Uch HjjtMU.
the pe<>ph mourn.
I itch Talk.
The New Hampshire Victory.
Wintjen & Helms, Proprietors»
12 1-2 CJESIM'TS.
English Ale and Porter,
not only the ob-cure and recalcitrant, but th-;
most conspicuous and the most devoted he
has rnarkcl out for slaughter. It attacked
the entire Democratic Legislative caucus, be­
cause it adopted Senator Fay’s Caucus Reso
lutions. It expesed U. S. Senator Kelly to
—no inducement Laving been offered to rc
. —T.
On the ou’side to day, we publish a synop
The principle* upm which the Democracy
sis iff Senator Corbett’s bill to authorize the nf New Hampshire made the light and won
conRiructipii of the Oieg.m Branch P cific the victory, were strictly uf the old Jefferson*
Railroad, 'i be bill fi\rs the termiui of the inn-i Lo J—breathing the ««me «pirltt1 at gave
ra id at or near th- North Bend ol the Hum­ her favorite «on. Franklin Pierce, her elec
boldt river in Nev.ul.i, and in Rogue River torsi vote in 1852. She, after an interreg­
gard it ‘•as solely a retaliatory measure’’—
as was i^ne in the case of the “Canal and
Senator Corbett.
self the task of nt.acking not only individual
Democrats, but of whole bodies of them —
— ,,
Germany & France
John Bilger,
Isaac Sachs,
Louis Herling,
T. Paulsen,
John Ciuaborsky.
met w Hi it prompt resp inse, ns appears from M. Bauiu,
the f .llowing c'ipped frotn the Portland Bui
lelm >.f the 17th in«t :
Isaac Sachs,
Wm. Kreutzer.
‘■The G .vernar Im* appointed IL»n. J. B.
White nf J ick«on. Brigadier G • of the
Isaac Sachs.
First Brigade, Oregon S ate Militia.”
They ean be hod from any
And we m ty remark that G «r. Grover
mimber of the Committee ot Arrangements, and
coulj n >t have tn id t a better selection for the on the evening of the ball.
command of the First Brigade. 0. S. M.,
Manh 18th. 1970.
ilmn Gener il White. W’e presume General
c I. that the present iuhabitmits of this c-'U i-
White will proc.-ed imtnediutely to arganiz*
tv aie so utterly wiinting in any spirit «4
the F r«t Brigade with a view <»f obtaining
public enterprise, that they will not only
the q-mta of «rm« due th - IL S.
n vi r build hi y d.tch nt any kind, or Doni
he undersign » d having been ap -
any soutve, Ian will not even assist n Im II
S rx . v T or C asskhlv ’ s B irthplace —The
p.'ined Local Agent of the Board of School
in_. Otte. Noiisens • ! Ti»e peop’e are II >t I'll •1 u-k«.mvil|e Times urge« Sennt >r CuRSeriy
L ind CmnmiMioners. il pow prepared to receive
crazy. Asserti >i.8 uf this character aiwHV* f..r tlm P e-ilt’itcy. and states that cuntrurv applications to purchase School, University and
Ini1 'ike a wet b unset in doubtful enter to the genera! impreasion. timi he i* eligible. State lands. No applies’ion will be received un­
less a.yj- tnpanied by one-third payment of the pur­
prise-, u I i 'UI ihva the effect to put nut wliat .<»• having been lorn i.i Iretili 1. hut. in New chase price.
Office in Court House—up stairs.
little fire there m y lie in them. The dec ar York. The Times is in error. Mr. Cas«erly
T. 11. B. SHIPLEY,
ifimi, n worn mu liv repethimt, that ii«dltcli wa« b >rn in Ireland. «»» he himself stated in
Local Agent for Jackson county.
Jaeksonvilln, March 18 1871.
wilever find its way to the rich placers o' hi« orntiiir. in New York on the Fourth
larger supplv of water c mid be obteme I,
P ersonal .—Judge W. R.«, R-gister
mid lastly, the cos» of building it would not
uf the I Um! Uffi.-e nt R .s-burg, wdi juiy m:r
Certainly these are conaider.-i-
I b'i-ogrett'.
[»Ince a visit on the 12ili A, ril, and w ill r> *
ti m« which might m»t to be overlooked in
main several «lays, when those interested in
dec' u | h > u mi enterpri-f of tlii* na ure ;
proving up mt ll.miesteads woul I do well to
Imt is it probable, fr mi appearances ahead,
call on him, nnd have their Lu«iues* p'ui-etl
we will ever arrive at that point where any
in such a shape ns to prerlud> the necessity
decision will It« necessary to lie made? Il
of a trip to the Lind Office. The Judge is
in accommodating official, mid will exten-l Ims be« n « il l, and i* being every <1 iy repeat
e ery comenience to tl> >se having business in
hi« line.
li inmih Rulla has piiblshed mi affidavit in
•he Herald us io thè paterni»« of her cliild.
(t app-urs tu us it woul'l b<* tn»re Li thè pur
¡«use if thut nffl I nvìi luti licei» inaile in suine
i-.mrt of compete»«! j iris iiction, «a thè f un
■ I itimi of a cumplaint agallisi thè alleg «i
iffeiul r. in «irder tu b mg liim t<« j i - i ' hc .
Bili “every mie tu hi.« or Iter teste.” Ther«
«■•eiiis tu Le no slirinking frmn pulitici.y in
thè papere, liti a wnful o te n« io thè uourts. llli* ernntv. by or through tha pubi c spirit Julv hot —A’ F Examiner.
We take it all back.—(En, T ime -).
uf our present citizen*, is .1 s'an lermi* inipit-
A letter from .4 m-»U»r F iy, Li reply to h
----- ' ,rr
w----- -- --------------
t.rion, nnd directly challenge.« th* g.^1 sense
LtierofV. S. R. i II a in the Herald of the
N ew B üii . díxg — We notice that Mr. Ma­
and rational business qiialifi-ntions of every
26.h received to » Inte for insertimi »I hr week.
gruder is pitt ing up a neat dwelling on'
( kept ox the RVROFRAX plax ,) residM.t in lhe emtnty. Our pe<.
California Street, opposite Alex. Martin’s
T able IL ck . S ai . HIN,— Read lhe new ad-jj,|e r«»r the pa«t few years seem to have
Corner of Stark and Front Streets,
vertireniriit <■( Wii.tjen A Helms in to da's thrown ererv other consider.»! on aside, m> I
¡«sur. Be ••»» • a .d ... ••svini..“ this evening LtlUw|< washed and pr ive I sol ly fir n raí’-
JiCKRX C lub O roanizati x . —Remember
y T"
N T so A ctive .—U,. mti-ms in the laud r««a»l. And this Home railroad manin has rim meeting to organite a Jockey Club, at
market ate uut su as formerly.
J«unary ?-tf.