* ADVERTISEMENTS, THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES Ia Taa DiuocRAtie T ime « will be charged at the following rates Published Every Saturday Morning by j . n . t . miller • j » First insertion, (ten lines or less}.......... r. K 00 For each week thereafter............... !................ .11 00 A liberal deduction from the above rates will bn mad« on quarterly and yearly advertisements. , A > -J * ’ ’ ' ' ,t • j & co ki », «» 4 4 Publisher« and Proprietor«. JOB PRINTING. Every variety of Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. OFFIOE-"On California St,, over Reame» A Wil­ son's Livery Stable. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL I, 1871 TERMS: Subscription. per annum Six months....................... . The Bar Sinister-8ketchiof the Nat-1 It Will be remembered that Ar.mgtoa WHS ural Sons of Charles II. and their Du one of the celebrated Cabal. Some members <»f the Fitzroy family yet have an extraordi cal Descendants. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY A *» * < F irst Jt'oiciAL D istrict .—Circuit Judge. P. •*rim : Prosecuting Attorney. H. K. Ilanna. Jnrkmm County —Circuit Court, Second Monday in February and November. Couuty Court, brut Monday jn eajh month. JOS' LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. Donn Piatt—Mrs. Woodhull Catches Oen. Pleasanton in a Delicate Posi­ We clip the following from the Washing­ tion. Oregon Kailroads. nary resemblance to their royal progeuitor, ton correspondence of the S. F. Bulletin, and it need scarcely be said that these are under date March 11.—[E d . T imes .] The other day, General Pleasanton, a deli­ An English writer sends the following to not remarkable fur personal beauty. The revision of the Senate Committees has cate, sensitive little gentleman, was the New York Evening Posit Charles Beauclero, created Duke of St. Al­ involved a number of changes in their mem DRESSING FOR DINNER. A member of Prince Arthur’s suite, now in Ojficm— Judge, T. H. B. Sbiplcv , bans, illegitimate son of Charles the Second bership, which are of importance and espe Clerk. Silas J. Day : Sheriff, Hen-y Klippel; this city, Isa young officer, who, after his He had diveated himself of every garment i.y the actress Ne'.l Gwynn, married Lady cittl interest to the Pacific Coast. Deputy Sheriff. E. D. Foudray ; Treasurer, John father, is heir presumptive to one of those except the one spoken of by Hood in that NetiSer ; Assessor, David Redpath : County Com­ Diana de Vere, eldest daughter, and eveotu dukedoms of which Defoe observed that By the declination of Senator Morrill, of melancholy song called “The Song of the missioners. J >hn S. Herrin. Thoma« M right ; ally sole heiress, of Aubrev, twentieth and School Superintendent. Win. M. Turner ; Survey­ Charle« the Second had by his own exertions Maine, on account of ill health, to serve any Shirt.” He wus sailing about under bare last Earl of Oxford of that family. The or, J. 8. Howard j Coroner, L- Ganung. contributed them to the British peerage. longeron the Committee, Mr. Cole, who was pules, when he heard a knock at the door, Duke Was further enriched l>y the hereditary Jarkwwille Pvteittvl.— Justice of the Peace, second on the lift, becomes Chairman of the and supposing it to be Iris man—who ought Although the most of the “merrie mon James R. Wade; Constable. N. Stephenson. offices of Grand Falconer and Registrar of Committee on Appropriations, a position of to have been there, and was not—he tang arch’s” very numerous and oftentimes disrep­ 7*>>ira <>f Ja<. k*oncillt.— Trustees, James A. M il- the Court of Chancery. Somehow this fami­ great responsibility and influence. Mr. Cole out, “Come in.” To his utter consternation, u. N. Fisher, Lewis Zigler, Jubu Bilger and J. utable additions to the House of Lords Lave ly has not contrived to keep an eye tc the Howard: Recur ler, V. S. Hayden; Treas­ is also continued al a member of the Com that constitutional female known as Mrs. long since become extinct, no less thau L ur urer, Henry Pape; Marshal, James P. McDaniel. main chance Ro well as the others, and the mittee on Post< ffices and Postroad«, aud the Woodhull, with a | caked hat and a niau’s of the six dukedoms which he conferred on Duke of St. Albans is probably the poorest J osephine cot nty , Committee od Public Buildings and Grounds. overcoat, terminating in unmistakable crino­ his illegitimate Ions snrvive and fl >urish at 1 man of his rank in Great Britain. — AND- line, stalked in. As she did not immediately f’owars —Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, Mr. Cr.sserlv retains the places he held this hour. Daniel L. Green ; Clerk, diaries Hughes ; Asses­ The Duke of Richmond is deseended from stalk out, but stood looking at the Commis­ Perhaps the most remarkable feature about the first duke, tCharles’ son by L>uise de taut session on the Foreign Relations Com­ sor. R. E. Foley; Treasurer. Wm. Nancke; sioner of Internal Revenue in the abstract, Cosnmissioners, Thomas G. Patterson. H. \V onj- mittee. and the Committee on Printing. the families which have sprung from this Querouaille, created Duchess d'Aubigny in e a-k; School Superintendent, R. R. Middles- the last named gentlethan, hiding behind an source is, that in the Course of two centuries I Mr. Stewart is taken off the Judiciary worth. Fiance, sent over to England to influence the arm chair, stuttered out, “Excuse me, mad­ they have not, although possessed of every Committee, and also off the Committee on Jourphint County. — Circuit Court. 2d Monday King by Louis XIV. am T’ in April an i Fourth Mon lay in October County advantage that wealth and birth could give, Mines and Mining, of which he was Chair­ The second duke increased I is estate very “I want to see you on business, General Court. First Monday in January, April, July and produced a single really eminent man. It man (Rice, of Arkansas (!) becoming Chair­ October. mmh by marriage with the co.heiress of the Pleasanton.” certainly was not the fault of Junius it one I Earl of Cadogan, but the grandfather of the man of the hitter, but is promoted to the “Well, madam, won’t you be so good as to descendant—the Duke of Grafton of his day Chairmanship of the Committee on Pacific present l’e-r raised the fortunes of the f.imi come to my office. I am —is not notorious; nor of Chui les Lever, it ly still more by marrying the heiress of the Railroads, vice Howard, no lunger Senator, not in a condition another is not handed down to posterity us u and is also made a member of the Committee last Duke of Gordon. This was the lady who to see any one on business just now, and I specimen of rollicking Conviviality, the) I gave the celebrated ball on the eve of Water on Indian Affairs. beg of you to desist and come to the Bureau.” ••iliiev-bottl.st” of three bottlers, who proved ’ Mr. Nye still holds the Chairmanship of loo, wh ch Iris been commemorated by “I don’t care anything about your condi­ himself, when Victory of Ireland, Si fur us the Committee on Territories, and retains bis Thackeray and Byron. tion, General Pleasanton ; but it is a matter JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. IO the consumption ot claret was concerned, The G aidwood races are held in the park <>ld place on the Naval Committee. of some importance that I wish to see you more Irish tnan the Irish themselves. OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON Mr. Corbett continues to be a member of upon, and this is as good an opportunity as of the Duke’s beautiful place in Sussex, of every Stetnrdny evening st the Odd Fellows’ The royal papa adopted a simple but most that name. From the Gordons he inherits the Committee on Indian Affairs, and second any.” Hall. Brothers ill uo - h I stnndin-r nre invited to effectual expedient fur providing bund'Omely attend. JAMES BUCKLEY. N. G. (Jordon Castle, nod an imm -nae estate in the on the list of the Conrmittee on Commerce. “My God, madam,” exclaimed the ago. TIIOS. PAULSON, R. Sec y. California St., (Up Stairs,) over Reame« for his natural sms. lie betrothed them at a; He is also, this session, placed on the Revo- nized Commissioner, shifting his financial per north of Scotland. The present holder of the J ohn R ii . okr , very tender age to the great heiresses of the j >ekih Degree meeting, last Monday assigned positions on the Pacific Railroad merit as Pieaident of the B >ard of Trade. “I have no objection to your dressing for night of eaet> month, at 7 J o'chstk p. tn. came the child-husband of atm. Countess of and Postal Committees, as usual with mem dinner, but what I want to know is, what May 1st. t—f BuCeleUch in her own r gut, who is poeticallv Brethren, Let us have Peace. bers of the minority, “at the tail end” of are you going to do about this C. W. liAIILLB, described by Sir Walter Scott in the “Lay each. By the retirement of Senator Williams VANDERBILT CA8E? The Rad'n-nl party of A:kansas is in a ter- of the Last Minstrel,” as one who, the Pacific Coast loses all representation on Attorney a:id Coiinsrllor-at-Law, That Vanderbilt ease is a great outrage, sir, “In pride of youth, in beauty’s blooui, rible state of demoralization. the Finance Committee and on Public Lands and I can see that somebody is to be swindled Had wept o'er Mouuiouth's bioudy tomb.” It will be remembered that Clayton by pro­ JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. BILLS 1NTRODICED BY SENATORS FR M THE out of half a million of dollars,” and here So far, however, aS connubial happiness i fessions of conservatism succeeded in getting JACKSONVILLE, ORECON PACIFIC C oast —COLE MOVES F or the aboli followed a statement of the Vanderbilt case, went, the lady had little reason to lumeot up a coalition between his wing of the Radi­ Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and other Courts of this State. TIOS OF THE INCOME TAX. that occupied just twenty minutes by the her turd, who lived openly ui.d notoriously cal party and the Democrats in the Legiela OFFICE — Tn building formerly occupied by 0. Taking time by the forelock, the Pacific clock, and was very forcible and emphatic. with Lidy Henrietta Wentwroth, daughter ture and was electeme to n Lt. Gov. Johnson from succeeding him as (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) Commissioner said : ir.igical end, c msoled herstli with a second, Governor. Clayton was supported by the go over to the next session. Bv Mr. Cole—A bill to abolish the tax “I don’t know anything about the Vander­ Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, L >rd Cornwallis. Supreme Court and the Stu e Senate, but the upon income«, repealing so much of the Act bilt case, madam. I have not looked at a I Monmouth was Charles’ son by Lucy Wai House Sought the impeachment of Clayton ' a ar ill practice in jackson and I y V adj icent counties, an i at eud promptly to of July 1-1. 1870, as authorizes the levy and »-ingle paper. I have not heard anything »WAVING A T.XRGE AND WELL SELECT ters, Said to Lave been the «laughter uf u and adopted reSilutioii »u-pendmg him lr >m ail culls on pro e."ion.il business. co'lection ol a tax upon gains, profits and in. 1 ( e RESIDENCE, Comes for the years 1870 and 1871. time. My God, I don’t get time to get on Charles was pr’.v it< Iv married to this lady, obey the mandate and is organising aimed on i.’i street, ol i >s.te the M. E. Church, Jack-. THE < REG >N BRANCH PACIFIC RAILROAD. my breeches. I don’t want to be rude, but and the support which he received in the wes resistance to the auth< r.tv ol the House, and janS-tf. Mr. Corbett has intro * . a bill provid I wish you would go away and let me dress.” tern counties no doubt was, tn a considerable thrCHlsns to proclaim martini law. He has DAVIS, decree, owing to tlm prevalence of this idea ! placed his guards nrou id the Executive Man­ ing thut for the purpose of aiding the con­ At this moment a knock was beard at the struction of a railroad and telegraph line door, and among the populace. There was a rumor in sion. anti defies the p iwer of the House of PLEASANTON YELLED L0TDER Lmdon. not without foundation, s one years i Representatives. On the other hand, John- from a point on the Central Pacific Railroad at or near, but not ea-t of the north bend of Opposite t he Old than ever he gave command to a battalion, ago, that certain papers had been discovered | s<>n is ub ut to proclaim martial law and de I the Humboldt river, by the nearest eligible “ Come in.” The d »or opened, and the sub­ by those most interested in the matter, which cl >re himself the rightful Governor. A rkansas L ivery S tasi e . route in the Slates of Nevada and Oregon, stantial figure and handsome face of our Com­ gave credit to this story ol a private niarri ge. j The carpet bag faction of the State is 11 a junction with the line of the Oregon and modore Alden appeared upon the entrance. Pr bably, however, no one i i the wide w»>nd equally notorious for depravity and general J>ral society, and like hungry rated under the laws of Oregon, July 9th, he was intruding upon some tender scene be­ OFFICE—At the IT. S*. HOTEL, on Califor­ mouth. * locusts fastened themselves on evervthing 1858. the right of way and ten alternate sec­ nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. tween the General and the female, beat a The same Buccieuch property which, in which promised sustenance. They anticipa­ practice in Jackson and adjacent coun- tions Of public lands per mile on each side of hasty retreat. But the Commissioner was Charles the Second's time was worth £5,000 ted the banquet and even before the close of ies, ar.d attend promptly to pro essional calls. a year, is now probably rated at the stun the war infested Little Rock, where they the projected line. The lands granted are not to be forsaken, and he ran to the door, We are prepared to do all kinds of DR. A. fi. OVERBECK multiplied by twenty. Besides this, the mixed lovingly with the dismal looking refu­ to be sold only to actual settiers, in quantities jerked it wide open, and, with the tail end of ILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR­ Duke—who is also Duke of Queened,erry— gees and the besotted ignorant negioes. Ol not exceeding 1G0 acres, and at prices aver­ his linen flying in the wind, seized Commo­ GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls has inherited the estates of the notorious «uch material is the Radical party of Arkan aging not more than «2 50 per acre ; nnd the dore Alden nod brought him back, when the on professional business. Ills office and residence are at “Old Q ,” the hero of those milk-baths which sas compo-eI. By the assistance of Grant's grant is to be trade subject to the condition cool and courageous Woodhull rose in a ma­ The Overbeck Hospital, spread terror throughout London some bavonet9 they have he'd dominion in the tliut twenty miles of the road shall be eon jestic manner and wished them a good day. 1-tf On Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon seventy years ago, when the report was rife State and contributed their share in “raising structed within two years from the enactment Pleasanton sank exhausted into a chair and of the bill, and that the work shall progress begged Alden for a little brandy to try and D. S. REA. JAMES D. FAT. that the very same milk in which he lnyed hell in the South.” They have well nigh FAY A RE A his corrupt old carcass was resold by the ser­ imp »verishe I the State by their outrageous at the rate uf tweuty miles annually thereaf­ rally from this tremendous attack of woman’s PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL rights made upon him. vant« to the milkman, and by him to the conduct. Clayton is a carpet bagger, and at ter. Attorneys and Counseilors-at.Lair, Mr. Corbett has reintroduced the bills pre ­ “With the briel garment of a weak defense. public. OFFICE—In Court H oum , up stairs. one time commanded the Fifth K> iii 8.> b He stood appalled.” sented bv him Inst session, to in-orporate the With this Dukedom of Queensberry there Cavalrv, which was noted throughout «he Will practice in the Supreme an 1 other Courts came to the present Duke of Buccieuch his S uthwest for its j iy hawking pnadivities. Japan Steam Navigation Company, and to Future Wealth of the United States. of this State. provide for the segregation and survey of the magnificent seat Drumlanrig Castle in Dutn- lie is as unscrupulous as a devil of Iris calibre Particular attention paid to the collection frieshire, with its seventy-five miles of drive can well be. Johnson has not 8» wide a swamp and overflowed lands in the State of E. P. Whipple contributes to the March of Claims again-t the Federal and State Govern­ number of the Atlantic Monthly a very read­ ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption over closely mown velvet turf ; and by the 1 reputa'ion for rascality, but it h>«s only been Oregon. and Homestead Laws, aud to the Entry ol Mineral Mr, Cnsserly has also introduced the “ bill able essay which be styles “Shoddy.” It marriage of the Duke’s grandfather with the ' from lack of opportunities.— Ottumwa [Iowa) Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. f«»r the protection of settlers on the public will be seen that Mr. Whipple takes a hope­ daughter and heiress of the last Duke of M in Democrat. DR. W. JACKSON, | binds of the United Slates,” in the shape in ful view of the future : I tag«, the Duke of Buccieuch inherits B .ugh D aniel W ebster ’ s O pinion of B en . B ut ­ which it was reported by him from the Sen Of the enormous undeveloped resources of ton Park, an enormous chateau in the French ler . — For several years Butler was a blaring Dental Rooms in build'ng f- nn er I y occupied by ate Committee on Public Lands last session. the United States it is difficult to «peak with­ style, in Northamptonshire, reniarkab:« f>r Dr. E. 11. Greenman, corner California and Fifth Democrat. lie was a delegate to all national out an appearance of exaggeration. The being surrounded by miles and miles of Streets. Ail style« of Dental work done on short F armers ’ C reed . — -We believe in small conventions, and made himself conspicuous taxable value, which all meu of property notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention avenues of trees. —SUCH AS— given to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth farms and thorough cultivation. by hi« st rvile devotion to the slave holding well know is always far below the exchange­ Nor was this all. Bealieu Abbey, a extracted without pain by the use of the late < > We believe the soil loves to eat as well us interests. At the trial of Dr. Webster, But able value, of all the property in the United method of local anasth*sia. Ai! work warranted. charming old plaee in the loveliest pare of the 5 Satisfaction guaranteed. the owner, and ought, therefore, to be well ler attracted some notice, and a gentleman States was, in 1860, ia round numbers, $16,> New Forest, and Ditton Park, famous for its Nov. Wh. W*69. nov20 Siu. CARDS, manured. who had met him in conversation, and taken 100,000,000, showing a rate of increase, io oaks, near Windsor, have also fallen to him We bel eve in going to the bottom of things, a strong aversion to him, asked Daniel Web ­ teu years, of a fraction over one hundred and in right of heirship to the great house ol and, therefore, in deep ploughing, and enough twenty-six per cent. It has been computed ster if he knew the man Butler, and what s M ntagu. of it. All the better if it be a subsoil plow. that if this rate is preserved through the BILLHEADS, The Duke of Bucelench thus represent« the there was of him. “I have seen him, sir,” We believe in large crops which leave land next four decades, the taxable value of the it k 4 G»ur dukednns of Monmouth, Montagu. was the reply. “He is what we call a sharp FROM LONDON, Queensberrv and Buccieuch, and is possessor practitioner. A pert, pushing lawyer, su better than they found it, making both the United States would, in 1870, be $36,500,« farm and farmer rich at once. 000.000 ; in 1880, $82,800.000.000; in 1890, HANDBILLS, of estate« yielding an income of probably not perfieially educated ; with the impudence of AVING LOCATED IN JACKSONVILLE, We believe that every farm should own a «187.300,000,000; in 1900, $423 300,000,- the devil and a conscience to match. ” “ Such less than £300.000 a year, hi« property in informs the citizens of this place and vicinity 000—an increase of wealth whicu will be good fanner. that he is now p-*oared to take orders for all kind« Diimfrieshire alone being rated at upward of a man might be dangerotr. Is he likely to ol gents’ and boy’« clothing at reasonable prices. We believe that the fertilizer of any soil is over eight times our estimated increase in attain a position in which he enu do much £90.000 a year. population. Vest as these sum« appear, POSTERS, Satisfaction guaranteed. mischief?” “No. sir—no danger of that. He a spirit of industry, enterprise and intelli­ drowning in their sound all shoddy groans “ Th ; «grnndfather of mine is a great Prince, ’ » yoB- Ci KANiMO and R epairing done. said Disraeli's “Coningshy,” as he drove for is certain to ne hung before he can reach a gence—without these, lime, gypsum and gua over our predicted finnne al ruin, and making jljr2 if. July 2d, 187».___ ; • \ ’ I . / our big debt of two millions and a half shrink nn. will be of little use. position of that kird.” hy comparison into dwarf like dimensons, PAMPHLETS, the first time in the c>>Urt-yurd of Monmouth We believe in good fences, ¿ood farm­ there is no reason that they shall not be real- House, and the observation really applies t»> D idn ’ t S ee I t .—“Ami *o ye have taken house»«, tood orchards, and children enough to ized provided the brain of the nation ade­ the Duke of Buccieuch. «1 the ieet>-Ul pledge, have ye?” said one Irish I ENGINEER, quately seconds its hands. Massachusetts, a I Fortunately, the owner of so much wealth man to Another. “Iodide I have, and am gather the fruit. We believe in a clean kitchen, a neat wife with an nrea of only 7,800 square miles, and influence uses it worthily. not ashamed of it ait her.” “And did not now own« »» sevenNfllth of the whole taxable f ’ The other dukedoms with the bar sinister Paul tell Timothy to take a liitle wine fur in it, a clean cupboaiM, a clean dairy, and a property of the nation. If the other States, with greater natural »dvantage«, should in­ are Grafton, St. Albans and Richmond. The the stomach ?” “So he did ; but then my clean conscience. hoice liquors and cigars con - crease. during the next thirty year«, so tnatt And all other kinds of printing required •t&ntly on band. Duke of GrafL>n «p ings from Charles' liaison name ia not Tim Ithy, and thete’a nothing the to be done in the community, on A lady in Jasper county, Indiana, aged their wealth -Imuld bear the same Pp’pror- with Barhaba Villiers, created Duchess of matter with my stomach, bedad 1” tion to the square mile of’erritnrv which the very reasonable terms. 753®®WEI. TS'CEBTS, 75, wants a divorce from her husband aged weal'h of Ma-siehuset’s now d><«. »he prop­ Cleveland. The flrat Duke was well provided You who want Job Prin How to get the exact weight of a fish— 78, because he spends half bis time running erty of th« nation in I960 will be ,415,000,- for by marriage with the only daughter and 12 -2 Crate. us a call, and we will satisfy you with the girls. 000,000. heirtu of Henry Bennett, Earl of Arlington. weigh him in bis qwd scales. jlyl7-tf. July 17to, 1869. BOOK, PAMPHLET, JOB PRINTING OFFICE, H NEW & FANCY TYPE, DEIVTIST. WILLIAM HERMAN. MERCHANT TAILOR, H • 4 Í ¡1 RAILROAD SALOON ! MAX. BRENTANO. IN- ind- and t of beer C 1