ADVERTISEMENTS, In T he D emocratic T imes will be charged the following rates f First insertion, (ten lines or less).................. $3 For each week thereafter..................................... $1 A liberal deduction from the above rates will made on quarterly and yeaily advertisements. Published Every Saturday Morning -< BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., I at 00 00 be Publishers and Proprietors. JOB PRINTING. OFFICE—On California St,, over Reams» & Wil­ son's Livery Stable. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1871 TERMS: Subscription, per annum, Six month*........................... OFFICIAL DIRECTORY * THE TIMES Every variety of Job Work executed with neat □ess and dispatch, at reasonable rates. ^■fS" I, EG Al, TENDERS taken at par for subscription. i Senator Baldwin of Grant county on 22 1 October, 1870. a fter the fo>ty days of the out overtaxing their energies. It will be seen of libel against the editor of Che Herald, session had expired, and this ii the first coni that this committee could not, without preju-i while another portion of the committee at­ I the Herald. mnnication, verbal or written, in which dice to their legitimate duties of legislation, I tempted to cover up everything, so as to keep Messrs. Semple t of -Trustees, James A. M ¡1- paper for publication ; but the letters are so others, and desired that they should 1>C ex ■ j I to grant a reasonable e request,” nor was any I not found by the committee? Did ‘‘Farmer” son, N. Fisher. Lewis Zig'.cr, John Bilger and J. complete an exposure of the Herald's utter unfilled at the earliest*possible day. I in-j f'reasonable request” refu-ed. Mr, Semple I with all the knowledge he would have the fi. Howard ; Recorder, I'. S. Hayden ; Treas­ untruthfulness in the matters referred to that formed him, after repeated solicitations to says they were denie 1 a hearing by the com­ reader believe he possessse» in reference to urer, Henry Pape ; Marshal. James P. McDaniel. the publication in that paper was refus'd.. send for those witnesses, that as soon as there . mit ee. This is not true, as his own letter­ Mr. Fay's gui't, offer 7iis evidence to the com­ JosurniME county . They have therefore been placed in our hand-! was introduced such witnesses ns would lay . show. He was heard by the committee, ex- mittee, or give the name of a single witness —AND Couvry Officers.— Judge, J. I». Siferi ; Sheriff, for publication.—E d . O regonian ) Ilaniel L. Green ; Clerl-. Charles Hughes : Asses­ the foundation for a charge that would throw i ■ amined by the committee, and refused to to this committee ? No ! Naturally enough, sor, K. K. Foley; Treasurer. Wui. Naucke; I C anyon C ity , Grant county, Oregon, ) him upon his defense, we would then I,c ready answer certain questions. If he could nor that committee expected to find among those Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. VS ood- February 20th, 1871. ( I to examine his witnesses. So clamorous was testify to the truth of what he had published making the charge, the evidence of Mr. Fay’s sock ; School Superintendent, II. R. Middle*- worth. Editor Herald: In the 'Weekly Herald of] ; Mr. Fay for this investigation that he insisted in his paper, it was no fault of the commit- guilt, if any such there was, cr at that Monday J.nriJiim County.— Circuit Court. 2d the 11th inst. 1 find a series of letters nd these witnesses should be examined whether i tee; nor was it the fault of the committee they could give the names of persons who did I in April and Fourth Monday in October County dressed bv Mr. Eugene Semple to the Demo the color of a charge was made out or not, that he withheld the names of his witnesses know something as to his guilt ; but as it will Court, First Monday in January, April, July and i ernts ot Jackson county, in reply to a letter land for this purpose telegraphed to Mr. H >1 until it was too late for the committee to ex be seen in this and another letter, these October. J. W. BALDWIN. names were not given until it was too late in of the Hull. J. D. Fay, said to have been ] la lay to come to Salem on a day named by amine them. j the season, as every Seuntor knows who had published in the Democratic Times. In this j me, and for answer Mr. JI. stated lie would anything to du or who pretended to do any­ controversy between Mr. Semple and Mr. Fay I i be up by the morning train if he could give C anyon C ity , February 21, 1871. thing, well knows. 1 propose to take no part, believing the gen-[ l his evidence that day and return by the after E ditor H erald : As to |‘Farmer’e” accusations against Mr, I tiemen both able to light their own battles ;• I noon train. This was impossible, for the Were it not at this particular juncture, i Fay, I have nothing to say, if Mr. Fay thinks and had Mr. Semple dealt fairly with the | 1 Committee could not sit during the sessions when the Semple and Fay letters are being I acts and purposes of the Committee of In- i ; of the Senate. The Committee upon its own I published and read, I should not feci myself them worth his notice, he can attend to them. JACKSOXVILEE LODGE No IO vestiinitmn raised bv the late Senate I should I ; motion summoned and examined such wit­ ¡called upon to take any notice of the produc-l I have only noticed so much of his letter ns olds its regular meetings ON not have asked a place in your columns. nessed as had reason to believe would at tion of a writer s> cowardly as to shield him referred to the nction of the investigating every Saturday evening nt the Odl Fellows’ I Mr. Semple has, in his history of that in , I least lead to lhe discovery of such evidence, committee. It will be seen by the foregoing Hall. Brothers in rood standing are invited to I self bihind a noin de plume and spit forth his i attend. JAMES BUCKLEY, N. G. vestigati in, withheld certain facts, to the I | if any such existed, as would fasten guilt up- poisonous saliva against the late Senate In j facts that it is not so “jfram/e” after all, as California St., (Up Stairs.) over Reanies THOS. PAULSON, R. Sec y. prejudice of that cmnmittce. The first that [ j mooed lhe two proprietors of the Herald, ami matter, that he might not endanger his par- i that the committee “did not probe this thing II. K i . ippel , > Trustees. to the bottom.” He fails to show where 11. V. H elms , J the letter of Messrs. Semple and Patterson ! then the editor, and from none of them could sonal safetv. - Regular Robekah Degree meeting, last Monday | to the committee of October Substan any facts be elicited whi di amounted to m >re T preliminary remarks arc iny apology ; ''the good chance'' to do so was. night of each month, at 7 J o’clock p. tn. J. W. BALDWIN'. tially what is contained in that letter those I than mere rumor, nor could these witnesses to your readers for any comments 1 may! May i>t. 1M>. t—f gentlemen asted of the committee in person tell us who did know anything about the i make upon the letter in the Weeklg Hearld, i C. W. KAllLDK, Diptheria Remedy. when it was in se-sion f>r the purpose of I matter ; except that the editor (Mr. Pennoy ¡of the 11th inst , from Line county, sigr.e 1 j taking their testimony, After their exainina- er) from what he had heard thought Mr. ! “Farmer.” This wise “Farmer” is pleased' Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, tion was concluded they asked if they would ¡Cole could of his own knowledge testify to 1 to speak of the action of that Investigation] The Advocate publishes the following in re- JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, be permitte I to prut luce witnesses ; and if the I something that would substantiate the charges Committee as the “pitiful part of the h’storyj ' gard to a cure for diptheria, that most dread­ JACKSONVILLE, ORECON respective parties would be allowed to appear ¡of the Her.«Id. But when brought before the of that little ineidmt, * * * J:) the] 'd and futal disease. Tiie Bulletin copies it Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, arvi other Court- <>f this St ite. in person, and by attorney, to conduct the ex : Committee Mr. Cole knew ju-t what, and no ; very last moments of the session, that com-i 1 with the recommendation of one who has OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. amination and cross examine the other wit­ more, than was stated by Mr. Semple, Mr. i mittee brought in a report, if it could be called used it three times. Diptheria kills its hun­ Jacobs—opposite Court House square. dreds, where small pox takes <•(! one, and if nesses. I then and there very promptly in- Patterson and Mr. I’ennoyer. a report, which sounded more like the cry ! DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, any sure and safe remedy as this is said to he, formed the gentlemen that to produce wit Nnw I ask the reader, in view of Mr. Sem of a motherless baby than that of the bpinion \ I nesses and have them sworn ai d examined pie's letter ar.d the facts as I have given them of five grave Senators.” “It was reported •■an be ¿¡»covered, many a life can be saved. (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) was certainly their right, but as to whether in this letter, who showed a de-ire to stifle in­ to the Senate mil. if my recollection serves One of the beauties of this prescription is, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, the committee would adopt a rule to allow vestigation, or in the !a;;gt*.ig«‘. of Mr. Soni­ me right, they r.or any one else made any that in case of a mistake as to the nature of ViriLL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND I * V adjacent counties, an l attend promptly to aving k large and well select - I the parties to be present an l by attorney to pl-, “not t > pu-h the matt<,r”or to let it “die motion f r its adoption, and it is still lying the disease, no harm will be done, as it is all calls on pruessi- nd ! u-ines-. ed assoitmeut of conduct tie examination was a question it • mt from neglect ?’’ Wa- it Mr. Fay's frienJs there vet fi r the want of friends to move its equally as efficacious in ordinary sore throat. OFFICE INI) RESIDENCE, We are just at the change of the season, the (the committee) must settle fir itself. Alter — the niaj >ricy of the committee—or was it adoption.” on 4th street, op; site the M. E. Church, Jack­ time fur coughs, colds and sore throats, and the gentlemen had retired, the committee took 1 Mes-rs. Semple and Patterson, wh > withheld sonville. Oregon. Upon tb.e first paragraph quoted above, I jan 8 tf. Jan. Sth. !870. under consideration this question, and, 1 the mimes < f their witnesses until after the shall offer no comments. If the read r will no doubt the cure spoken of may be the means « Dr. L. T. DAVIS, think by a unanimous v .to, .te, decided not hi' day it was supposed the L'gislatuie would turn to the report an l real that with the his­ of much goud : allow ilie par.ies to be present in persm or adj mrn ? tory of lhe investigation, ai I have given it! “The fo’lowing treatment for diptheria was Offlcc"“On I?ino «trcct by attorney, for the obvious reason that the j 1: is idle for Mr. Patte sm and Mr. Sem in another letter, and lie then chooses to pro-' first published, I believe, by Dr. W. A. Opposite 1 lie Old investigation won 11 thereby be greatly frus- •jlc to assume that they and Mr. I'av were to nounee the action of that conimitte “piZ//«/,’’ I Scott, of Iowa; and in this vicinity at least, (rated, the members of the c -mmittee b eiiev , be regarded as defandaats. Tne H:rald h :«I I am content. But “Farmer” d iub s if it it has proved a great blessing for many fami­ I A rkansas L ivery S tadi e . ing themselves ful.v Competent to draw fr m made the charg < against Mr. I’ay, or against could “be called a report,” thinks “it sound- lies. If you can afford it space, it is certainly a witness all the facts in his possession in the member of tiie L gislative A-sembly, ! ed more like the cry of a motherless bnbyj worth preserving. The brother in whose Jacksonville. Oregon. much less time than would be occupied by I who, among other things, Lad sought to “hu­ I than of five grave Senators.’’ “Farmer” is possession I found it, assures me that within E. II. GREENMAN, the parties’ attorney. This ruling cf the miliate the nominee of the caucus. ’ 11 >w no d-mbt more familiar with the wail of these! the circle of his acquaintance it has been tried I?liyKician. cSs Surgeon, committee 1 verbally c< innnraic ited to one I “humiliate the nominee of the ciucu-?” . little innocents than I mil. I do not know in over one hundred cases without a single OFFICE—At the U. S. HOTEL, on Califor­ of the gentlemen, and stated to him at the I Why, by the introduction of certain-reso­ • that the cry of a motherless baby must ne failure : nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. same lime the reason for it as given above. lutions passed by the caucus unanimously. I cessarily be misundcis’.O id or go u nheeded, I DIPTHERIA WASH. ©&“Will practice in Jackson and adjacent coun- This it seems, however, they did not regard Mr. Fay being the author of the resolutions nor is a motherle.-s babv necessarily a dis ­ 1 drachm. G ilden Saal pulverized ies, ar.d attend promptly to pro essional calls. <4 << as ''official”— why wo are not informed. 'referred to must nece-sarily be the party re grace to any one, bat a fatherless baby, or Borax to do all kinds of 1 We are prepared i Dit. A. B. OVERBECK They certainly know 1 was chairman of tiie I ferred to by the Herald-, hence the Herald one who never Lad a father it could own, or Black Pepper <1 44 1 II’ILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR­ committee, and they should have regarded 44 K IT G ER, Y, and will attend promptly to all calls stood in the characters of plaintiff or prose- who could own it, is generally looked upon as Alum 1 on professional business. Ilis office and residence my verbal communication as ''official In cut'ng witness and Mr. Fay defendant. <• a reproach upon somebody. Of such is “Far­ Nitrate potash 1 are at I the latter part of Mr. Semple ’ s first letter lie 44 << 2 Mr. Semple s;.ys : “It will be seen from mer's” letter. But, “they nor anyone else Salt The Overbeck Hospital, says : “ A majority of the committee was un made any motion for its (the report) adop ­ 1-tf the above copious extracts from the Senate On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon Put all into a com m in sized teacup or ves- derstood to be composed of Mr. Fay’s friends, proceedings, that the committee was not able tion. Suppose a motion for the adoption of se| which holds about four oeces, and pour JAMES D. FAY. »• ■ • «BA. and nt the outset they were eager for the in­ to make a report exonerating Mr. Fay from the report had been made and carried, what'half full y competent evidence touch every part and let some of the wash be Dr. E. H. Greenman, corner California and Fifth tec great injustice. Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short from sworn evidence aud report the same to the facts and report these facts to the Senate. swallowed each time. Swab well and a feel­ notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention In that part of Mr. Semple’s letter imme­ the Senate. This it did, Did the facts I [ This it did. And if that report was more ing of relief will follow each swabbing. given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth SUCH AS— diately following the publication of this letter gathered from this sworn evidence establish I • barren of facts th in the one or the other of extracted without paiu by the use vf the late Let each patient have a separate swab and method of local una^thosia. A.l work warranted. of the 4th of October to (he committee Mr. Mr. Fay’s guilt? If not. then the Senate did the parties desired it should be, the blame wash, as the disease is undoubtedly infectious. Satisfaction guaranteed. Semple d splays the bad taste of referring to right to pronounce him innocent, for in con­ does not lie at tiu door of the committee, but Nov. 20th, I860. nov20 3m. Keep the wash pure by pouring what you CARDS, "rumors” and informations "incidentally” templation of law, the accused is to be re­ at the door of the party to the controversy, can tTsfcach time into another vessel ; also obtained, and puiades them as facts, to the garded as innocent until his guilt is estab­ i who delayed from the 37th of September to , wipe the swab every time you take it from the effect, “That the position taken by us [Sem­ lished. But Mr. Semple seems grieved that the 22d of Octob >r to furnish the committee , mouth. ple and PuitersonJ had no dashed the Confi­ the committee did not establish Mr. Fay’s with the names of witnesses, BILLHEADS, » Rub the outside of the throat well every dence of Mr. Fay’s friends (a majority of the guilt. This it could not do without witnesses “Furmer” says, “1 have no doubt be (Fay) three , or four hours, with the following lini­ commitiee, of course), that they had chosen to swear to fiftts that would show him guilty. feels thankful t> the committee that he was , FROM LONDON, ment : not to push the matter.” “Toward the close As I have shown, the committee took the able to fuddle some of them into a controversy ( HANDBILLS, << I 02 aving located in J acksonville , turpentine of the session, however, a rumor was current necessiry steps to ascertain where the proof with the Herald whilst this investigation was Spirits ' informs the citizens of this place and vicinity 44 1 OX that he is now prepared to take orders for all kinds that the Committee would make a report ar was to come from. The proprietors of the ponding, thereby making it more certain that Sweet oil (linseed oil) ll i OX 1 ot gents’ and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. raigning the Herald in mild terms for indis­ Herald gave to the committee no names of they would not search for the truth in the Aqua ammonia Satisfaction guaranteed. POSTERS, Mix. and shake well before using each cretion, and whitewashing Mr. Fay.” “Feel witnesses until the 22 1 of October, and after matter.” Now, the only member of that C lkanin « and R epairing done. ing that such a report would be unjust, and lhe day fixed for adjournient, knowing lull committee who had any controversy with the time, Keep the flannel cloth around the July 2d, 187»._____________ jly2 tf. Chat it could not be bused on a full itivesli well that at that late day no session of the Herald, was myself, and the imputation that neek till well. Keep the bowels regular by PAMPHLETS, gatioc, we concluded to submit to the injus­ using castor oil. The patient must remain in committee could oe hail ; for it will be borne I \stss fuddled into it by Mr. Fay or anyone tice of surrendering our right to appear and in mind I trust, at least, by the impartial else, is an unmitigated falseli md. No one the house, but the room should be well venti- cross examine witnesses, &c.” “Aecoidingly reader, that wher. this c >mmittee was np- but the writer saw or heard of either of those |hted.” 1 ? we sent to the Committee a second communi­ puinbd on the 27th of September, busings letters until they rea l them in the Heraldf I The above treatment will be found sufficient in all cases if taken in time, and should you cation, of which the following is a copy,” * was then accumulating very rapidly in the And more thm this, the first letter was writ mistake any sore throat f>r diphtheria, you Now. Sir, a perusal of that “second” letter Senate; that two of the members were mem­ ten and published before this committee was hoice liquors AND CIGARS CON- will effect a cure most invariably. •taotly on hand. will disclose the fact that Me-srs. Semple & bers uf the Jubiciary Committee; that one of appointed. So very little of that controversy And all other kinds of printing required to be done in the community, on An Irishman recently suliloqtiixed : “W hat Patterson did not propose to surrender their these, nnd another, was on the Enrolling was had “pe/tdu*^ Me investigation.” Rut, very reasonable tern». (usaumed) right to “appear in person and Committee, and all as much committee again, “Fariuer”esuys : I think the greatest a waste <»’ ’ money to ho buying mate when You who want Job Printing done, give cross examine witnesses.” It will be borne work on hand outside of this investigating effort on the part of a portion .,f the commit- you know half of ithbone, while you can 12 -2 Cents. us a call, and we will ratisty you both in etyieand iu mind that this “second letter” is dated committee as they could well perform with- tee was to see if they could Dot make a case'spind it for rum that basn t a bone in it. priM* jlyWif. J.lj l’t'o, 1869. JACKSON COUNTY. BOOK, PAMPHLET, Business Curbs. JOB PRINTING OFFICE, H H NEW & FANCY TYPE, WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, H RAILRO AD_SALOON ! ENGINEER, • MAX. BRENTANO. C TESWBH umili tn ihib unii