THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. Jackson County—Its Agricultural and Itruul appearance«, though we may hesitate, falter, aud all but cry “impossib e,” in view Mineral Resources. Letter from Butte Creek. i Stewart’s New Mineral Land Bill. » A ‘‘bill to define and protoot the, rights of miners, and for the development of the mines,’ passed the senate on the 6th inst. From a cursory examination we are inclined to con­ N purcuance of an order of the County Court of Jackson county, Oiegon, made March 7th, sider it a decided improvement on the law A. D., 1871, the undersigned as Administrator, of 1866. We give below the principal feat De bonit non, of the Estate of Joshua H. Sterne, deceased, will on ures of the bill. Section 1. provides, That the mineral lands of the public doma.n, both surveyed and un- 1871, at the Court nouse door in Jacksonville, surveyed ure hereby declured to be free and in said county, between the hours of 9 o’clock open to exploration and occupation by all per a . m . an-l 4 o’clock p. m . of said day, expose for public sale to the highest bidder for cash in gold sons, subject to the local customs or rules oi coin, all the right, title and interest which the said miners in the several mining districts, so fur Joshua II. Sterne had at his decease, in and to the following described premises, situated in the town us the same may not be iu conflict with the of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit : laws of the United States. One (1) House and Lot situated on Third street, the corner of Elm street, and running back Sec. 2. provides That the miners of each near Northwesterly the same width one hundred (100) mining district may determine the length ol feet, and known as the Joshua H. ¿'terne’s House • their mining claims upon veins or lodes oi and Lot. On the confirmation of the sale by the County quartz, or other rock in place, bearing gold, Court aforesaid, and tho payment of the purchase silver, cinnabar, lead, tin, or copper as to al. tnoDey, a Deed of Conveyance will be executed to the purchaser, ¿'ale to commence at 1 o’clock p. claims located hereafter- And the width ol m. of said day. the claim can not be more tliun 300 leet On SILAS J. DAY, Administrator, De bonit non. each side of ilia ruidJie uf the vein, nor les» March 11th, 1871. mchll-w4. than 25 feet. Sec. 3. provides, that the locators of aP No tico cf Final Settlement. mining locations heretofore made, or which shall hereulter be imide on any mineral vein, N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, fur Jackson County, (sitting ia Fro- lode, or Irdge bituated oil the public domain, bute) March term. 1871. (heir heirs and ass gns, where no adverse In the matter of the Estate ofM. Auderaou» claim exists at the passage of this act, so deceeaseri. long as they comply with die laws of the! E. K. Anderson, Administrator of aaid estate, E ditor T imes A s school teaching is an uf the .-ublinie aud marveluus resuks before us, art, in which the people at large should be The limits of an article having been ex the coneiui-iuii irresistibly forces itself upon interested,—school teachers especially,—and us, that the simple actiun of waler through' E. D. FOUDRAY, Business Agent boosted in the last, widi -ut a due considera­ the cuuotless ages of the past has wrought one in which the latter at least should be en­ tion of the various important and interesting thusiastic, why would it not be an efficient features of the Busin, Something further re this wuudruus work. The two springs, which constitute the respective sources uf these can- policy for the teachers of this county to in specting this region was promised. In the yuus, and tbruugh the actiun of which the stitute a Teachers Society ? Would it not be last, it was stated that Wright or Clear Lake I the most efficacious means of engendering an The Ralls-Fay Affair. was the source of Lost river, and after a result is what it is, issue from the base uf the active spirit in the interest of education ? singularly, circuitous route this river emptied] ¡summit ridge nearly opposite each utber, and The Herald publishes two letters frcin this icto Tale Lake. So far as the description' i probably not over four or five blind red yards What one theme is more commendable, and place ia reference to the sad affair which re­ goes, it is true ; but there is also another «part ; the waters of one flowing into Klatu- el cits a more rigid, and exhilarate attention and retrospection than this one? Perinit even cently transpired here. The local pipers stream called Lost river, the source of which Mtii, the other into Rogue river. Their here unwilling to further wound the feelings ! is in the rugged mountains observed to the length may be rec md from ten to fiiteeo two te«cliers to converse together but a short ot the family of the girl, and equally unwill North ; this stream discharging its waters miles, and depth from three to six hundred time only,—we care not how expert or inapt ing to make a statement in advance of a legal into Clear or Wright Lake, making good the feet. They are wild, diversified, and ro­ they may be in their profession,—we venture investigation, which was expected to take continuous drain occasioned by the Lost mantic in scenery, and contain a number of ti Bay tlmt both will have been the recipient place within a few days, refraiued from men­ river, which links the two lakes aforesaid. dashing and noisy waterfalls. Only one of of si me mementoes that will be of infinite tioning tho occurrence. But a miserable Though the river furnishes the waters of the thousand and one peculiar and resting service to them in their teaching ; hence, it scoundrel, who, while pretending sympathy Link— Lost river—is laid down on the vari­ curiosities of these time-worn chasms may be •uch be the case with two, we know no rea for the unfortunate girl, in order to glut liis ous maps of the country as List river, the mentioned. At intervals, in passing up or son why a meeting of tcacl.ers would not bt- personal and political at.iniosity against Mr. name appears entirely inappropriate ; it down, may be seen in congregations, resem­ of a laudable import. Were the divers of Fay, parades her shame ibrough the columns seems to be in every respect a legitimate! bling de*erted towns or cities, hundreds op teachers to assemble,—say quarterly or semi- of the Herald, and uses her misfortune as the stream, having numerous well defined m >un- pyramids or obelisks deposed in pleasing' annually,—teach and be taught, interrogate instrument of his private vengeance ; and that! tain tributaries, and, unlike the Other, pur chance-neglect, ned seeming the reality ol! and devise plans the most efficacious nnd com­ paper descending to the level of the Mazcp sues a rational and uniform direction until some ancient story or lecenda’y tale uf de patible for advancing the young and rising pa, for a like reason publishes these letters. it reaches the lake. Lost river nn I vicinity ! ¡parted splendor, wild in tottering ruins, and; generation ; elucidate the most potent mean* The Mercury, Democrat, and other “tenders” may be set down of little value, except so! ; crumbling beneath the accumulated weight of, of facilitating their irksome, yet honorable of the Herald, without waiting to hear both far as regards its pastoral facilities ; in th s hoary nge ; thus, with “speaking quietude,” task of making it a delectable instead of a sides of the case, hasten to repeat the story respect it is rich and valuable. Williamson’s ; these time-worn monuments point to the for­ burdensome one—could d-lineate ambigui of the lying coward who did not date append I river,—so named for Lieut. Williamson,—is gotten past. They are not, a9 some suppose, i ties, impart knowledge, facilitate lab >r, and, bis name to liis co mmunication. Upon the quite an imp>rtnnt stream, and connects ‘Shot up” by some mysterious, elemental last, but not least, merit encomiums. There having tiled in said Court his final account, and unsupported statement of an anonymous cor­ Klamath Marsh with big Klamath Lake, agency, but through the continuous action oi would be more interest manifested th«n United S ates, and with State, territorial, also praying for an order for fixing the time for respondent, these papers have thrown them- [ issuing from the former and flowing into the wafers from nge to age, the yielding pumice there now is; teachers «nd patrons of schools aud local regulation« not in conflict therewith, bearing the same ; therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be heard and deter­ pelves into extacies of virtuous indignation, i latter. This river may be regarded as espe­ having been washed away, these hard, con- would be more amply rewarded, and pupils governing their po*t-e»sory title shall have mined in said Court on Tuesday, April 4th, A. D. Wp are glad to notice that there are some cially important at this time, from the fact' • crete formations are exposed, nnd prove no­ Would have inculcated in them an increment ■! tho exclusive right of possession ai d enj y I 1871, at which time all persons having objections to said tinal account and settlement, must then newspapers in the State who, like ourself, that it is the kev to the largest body ol I rthing exeept that they are indigenous to the of knowledge, of which they would otherwi-e ment of all the surface includded within the and there uia.e the same. I in which they nre found. I have ie devoid. There would be aroused in teach-1 i lines of their locations, mid of all veins, lode* | By order of T. II. B. Shipley, Judge of said would denounce the crime in fitting terms if “swamp land” in this whole country: |formation it were true; yet, with a spirit of fairness through the Providential offering of this good-! called these singular, castle like phenomena ,ersa rivulrv, and thereby resuscitate that I and ledges throughout their entire depth, the* Court.- I SILAS J. DAY. Clerk. and justice, wish to hear from the other side ly channel, it is more than probable some “pyramids or obelisks"—they are neither, spirit that lias hitherto to an extent been dor- top or apex of which lies inside of such sur Mrhll-w4 March 11, lg71. fiee lines extended downward vertically, but more nearly cones or pinnacles. There mnnt. The facilities for acquiring knowledge ! before proceeding to denounce nn individual enterprising swamp land adnfrer confidently unheard. We uro happy to notice this spirit expects to realize a handsome little fortune— is another opinion respecting the formation are of such a character at the present d >y. I although such vein«, lodes or ledges may so of candor among some portion of the press I dream on deluded coof-—nor live to learn that of these steeples which, ns it is not entirely that there is no plausible reason for admit I far depart from a perpendicular in their of the State. Mr. Fay has publicly denied follies fade away, and castles built on “shaky out of the range of probabity, mny be given ting of a barrier, being cognizant of which.' course d >wnward as to extend outside the U. S. L ind O ffice , Roieburg, 1 OgD., March 1ft, 1871. j the charge. He informed the father of the ground” “go glimmering” with the winds. for what it is worth. As the country where we ask why should not teachers feel proud of I vertical side lines of said surface locations ; OMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED girl of his anxiety for a legal investigation, The most definite information received from they are found has been vulcanic mid subject­ their avocations, and institute every equitable Provided, That their right of possession to at thin 'Jffic* by II. Amy and Seth Hall and offered to facilitate such investigation by various sources respecting the area of the ed to intense heat, and many nre found to be means of advancing an interest in their pro -uch outside parts of said xeine or ledges agaimt S. M. Hall, fur Hbanduning hi« Donation shall be confined to such portions thereof a* upon the N. E. I of Section 6, Township 37 S.r ail means ia his power. From the fact that marsh, represents it as “bigger than nil out­ hollow or porous in the center, they nre fession, and awakening a spirit in schools? We write this, ask’ng a place in your col lie between vertical pl.ines drawn downward Range 1 AV., in Jacksun county, Ogn., with a view such investigation is expected to take place, doors.” This appears tn be the united opin I thought to be chimneys or escape-nipe* tor to the cancellation of raid entry : the «aid partie« and from a natural reluctance to publish ion in brief; if not satisfactory, it is certainly the gis or steam generatci by the fires be umos for it. and Imping to elicit the opinion« is nforesaid th ougli tie cud lines of their are hereby «ummoned to appear at this Office on abroad in the newspapers the domestic ar­ comprehensive. Its circumference is vari >»«- nc-ath, and that the heated vapor escaping of the teachers throughout the valley, and location« or locations in common, so c mtinu**d the 15th day of April. 1871. at 1 o’cljek p. in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said al­ rangements,—even to refute the infamous ly represented from 120 to 175 miles. But, thus has had the effect to harden, cement nud trust to hear of a meeting being called at in their own direction, that such planes wilt leged abandonment. J ack ox. ! some proximate time. Should like to hear intersect such exterior parts of s iid veins or Ww. R. W illim . Register. slanders of his enemies,—Mr. Fay has thus le«t I should tire you with too much “Basin,” puli illy vitrify them. A. R. F lint , Receiver. !edg*s; And provided further, That noth ng ¡your views upon the subject, Mr. Editor. far refrained from publishing a defence, re-, the subject is here dismi-'sed. In parsing March 11th, 1871. mchll-w4. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees in this section shall authorize the locator or SCRIB ). serving the facts in his possession for the from the Basin, South, we at o >ee encounter possessor of a vein or lode which extends in trial. He has not been afraid of a public i the Cascades Mountains. As this is one of [R eported for the T imes ] Oregon Donation Law. its d iwnwnru course beyon I the vertical line« uprising as the Herald’t correspondent in­ the most distinct and important of the great The Board of Trustees held a special ses­ of claim owned or possessed by another. Estate of James V. Ammlrman, Deceased» timates ; for not only is it not true that the ranges west of the Raky Mountains, and From the offic'al reports of Congressional sion on Friday evening, March 3d, 1871.; Sec. 4, provides, That where a tunnel is fllllE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP- whole community believed iiiui guilty, but, i culling almost direcllv through the center of proceedings, February llilt, we copy this : Present — Linn, Fi-her and Wilson ; absent — run fur the «levoIopinent of a vein or lode, or H pointed, by the County Court of Jackson on the contrary, that belief is confined to a the county, it is deserving at least of a brief ' Neil nn 1 Martin. The minutes of previous. Mr. Williams—I now move that the Senate for discovery of mines, the owners of such i county, Oregon. Administrators of said Estate, ail pers ms'baving claims against said Estate are few of his political and personal enemies; I notice. This range to the S -uth is broken meeting were read and approved. Presidí nt ¡ proceed to the consideration of Senate bill tunnel shall have the right of possession of required to present them wi‘h the proper vouchers, nnd the circumstances connecting Mr. Fay up at Pitt river, at which point the Sierras within six months from the date of this notice, to all veins or lodes, not previou-ly known to! the said Administrators, at their residence near­ with the affair are so absurd and imprubfftile, | set in and ccntinue the chain South. From ; Linn stated the object of the meeting. The (No. 1.137. Street Commissioner informed the Board that I The motion was agreed to : nnd the exist, discovered in such tunnel, to the extent Ashland, in said county. that there are none of them who really be Pitt river to the Columbia the (’a¡cades nre the work of graveling streets by Dutton was (S. No. 1.137) to extend the benefit* of ELIZABETH AMMERMAN, 1 • if five hundred feet on each side of the same; one unbroken chain of lofty, rough and ma t Here it. Adiu’rs. Donation law of September 27. 1850, to [finished, and lie had accepted the work <>n bis nnd locations on the surface, made by other! IL F. MYER, J The Herald's correspondent carefully con- jestic mountains. North of tho Columbia, pait, and submitted his bill far expenses tain persons was considered as in Committee parties after the commencement of the tunnel. | Jackson Co., March 4th, 1S71 . mchll-w4. c*?als the fact that it was Mr. Fay who sent for a considerable distance, the range appei rs grading streets nnd opening gutters, viz: of the Whole. It proposes to declare all per and while the smie is b*ing prosecuted ’•ith the messenger to the house of the girl’s i ill defined, being badly cut up with trans­ Paid for labor, $68 ; 5 day's team work, $25; sons who, at the time of settlement, pos.-csse l reasonable dilligence, shall be invalid. er ; that it was he that organized the search ; ' verse spurs,—which perhap»,— may he account ■rolling grave!, $4. superintending work, th** q'l.ilifieati ms prescribed in the fourth an l Sec. 5, authorizes the miners in each dis that it was he who sent at liis own expense; e l for l>y its being broken by that river ; the l$2d. Total amount, $125. By a suspension fifth sections of an Act to create the office <4 trict to mtiko rules giverning the locnti >n. for her mother; that no member of his family, [ range, however, assumes again its former ! >f theTiiles, the bill was taken up, allowed, Stmevi-r-Gencrnl of the public lands in Ore manner of recording nnd amount of work! nor in the community, suspected her condi- ! grand and imnosingcharactei isties, and reach­ i nnd ordered paid. Bills presented: D emo gull, ami to provide far the survey and to necessary to hold possession of a mining claim,! tion, and that she disappeared without the ! ing far into Alaska, probably only terminates icRATTC T imes ’ bill, advertising proposals f>>r make donations to settlers of the said public not to conSict with the laws of the State.! knowledge of uny person in Mr. Fay’s [ with the north const mountains. Ooe of the I the town, $7 50: U. S. Hayden's bill, ex ¡lands, approved September 27, 1850, mid] Territory or United States. It requires that.! house; that it was he who sent for medical striking peculiarities of this range is the! pense of deed and stamps to JI. R. Ish, who made bona fide settlement upon the lands; until prior tn the issuing of n patent, not les-, attendants, nnd that it was to bis own house great number and towering bight of its noted $3 50. Bills referred. Order passed direct claimed by the Puget Sound Agricultura] “IS MY M HTO.” than twenty’ five dollars of work shall bj per ! he brought her warn found ; that his family peaks. Among the most famous of these may ing the Town Treasurer to convert all the Society, io Washington Territory, within the formed each year on each 260 feet, except that i nud himself, as well as the community, were be mentioned the following: Shasta Butte. currency now in the Treasury into coin, at a time limited fur settlement by that Act and AM SELLING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE tenants in common may do all the work in one 17,500 feet high; Mt. McLaughlin, 11.000; Saddle« and Harness cheaper than ever wus ó ignorant cf her condition. He also conceals ' I Diamond Peak, 10,060; the Three Sisters’ ra'e not less than 91 <*ents on the dollar, and amendments. The rights and privileges o\ ¡place. O.i failure tu do the work the claim ouered before in Jacksonville. “Seeing is believ- the fact that while still upon the hill, where ' . the Recorder ordered to notify the Treasurer heirs and «ssigns unler the Donation law mid 'shall be jumpable. ing ” Give me a call before purchasing else- where. Fay and every other man present cheerfully altitude unknown; Mr. Jefferson, 14.000; accordingly. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the the amendments thereto nre also extend <1 to Sections 6, 7 und 8 regulate tiie method ol Mt. Hood, set down nt 17,500 — it is probably took off their coats and covered the girl to make ¡Street Commissioner wa9 ordered to have the the heirs and assigns of the Battlers named in surveys, and of obtaining patents for quartz her ns comfortable ns possible, while waiting m ire ; St. Helens, 9,750 ; Mt. Rainer, 12.- 'shaft, or h le. nt the corner of C nnd Third this Act. claims. the carriage, the Herald's sympathetic corre- | 360; and Mt. St. El'as 18.000. A9 the i Streets properly covered, and t! e President , The bill was reported to the Senate without Sec. 12. provides. That the surveyor gen done with neatness and dispatch. «pondent was the only man who refused to loan ' whole range abounds in curiosities rare, g'u of the Board to provide in what m inner it' JERRY NUNAN. amendment, ordered to be engrossed for a 'eral of the United St tes may appoint in cacbj jan-lltf. his coat. Ho insinuates that Fay stood in pendous and exciting, it is not proposed to i should l.e done. The B uir-1 then i.djuurncd third reading, read the third time nnd passed. I land district containing mineral lands as; Jacksonville. Jan. 1 tth. 1871. essay their enumeration ; the task would be danger of a mob; but bo does not add that, ¡till to morrow morning nt 10 o'clock. many competent surv*yors as shall apply fat ' The following is from the Commercial nnd i when his letters appeared here, S) great was i endless, and the result tiresomo and unim M arch 4th. The Board met pursuant to appointment to survey mining claims. Thel A gain trip through tropic.l MEXICO, adven­ Financial report of the San Francisco Bulle his terror of personal violence that he would [ portant. adjournment, all the members present, except, expenses of the survey of vein or lode claims ture and eight-seeing in thj lnnd of the Altee, th. A brief notice of Lake Majesty and the L- shirk out of town every m irning early and re Mr. Martin. The j >urnal proceedings ol yes tin : mid the subdivision of placer claims int<»| country and the people, the Empire and its down­ Devil's Cd.iydns, being within the county main all day, siinkiug back when darkness Subscriptions are invited in London Ly the ; terdny read nnd approved. C. J. Dutton, «muller quint ities than one hundred and sixty fall. Beautifully illustrated by Col. A. S. Evans. covered Lis advent, and kept this up for four limits, mny be excused on the plea of juris Icontractor for graveling streets, appeared ami Lindon and San Fianeisco Batik (Limited), acres, together with the cost of publication Canvassing agent, C. W. Jackson. days , and even at this writing dares not show diction. Like Majesty is situated on—<>r -filed his notice of the completion of his con for $3,000.000,7 per cent. First Mortgage of notices, shall be paid by the applicants, his cowardly face upon the streets, except at rather in—this range, 30 miles, more or less ‘tract, asking the Board to accept the work. I Bonds of the 0 egon and California Railroad and they shall be «I liberty to emp <>y any By A. II. Stevens, Vice President of the Con­ Northwest of Fort Klamath. When first Company, capital, $20.000.000. The issue United States deputy surveyor to make the federacy. Mr. .Stevens has displayed a masterly hasty intervals when the coast is clenr. - and his claim nllowed for ha j'Cr con seen it appears an immense well or shaft, 25 hand in separating real from parent causes. It forms part of a total ol $10.950,009, of which. In conclusion, we beg to assure Mr. Fay’s survey. ‘ tract. The work wiir nccepted, nnd h war is bound to be a text book. ustrated. Canvass­ many friends throughout the State that he is miles in circumference, with daik, placid, I rant ordered in favor of Dutton for the sum $4.150,000. were issued last year in Germany, ing Agent, C. W. Jackson. And old Adolph Sutro was on hand to have ready and anxious for tEe fullest and freest and apparently stagnant waters, and, with iof $336. At the suggestion of the Presi ar.d the remainder is yet to be ¡s ued, the a proviso stuck in nt the end of ibe bill noth­ Commonwealth Cooperative Company, judicial investigation of this unfortunatenffair. few exceptions, nearly perpendicu'ar walls; dent, the Street Commissioner wiis author- ! whole repayable in 1890 at par, with princi ing in it should impair the brilliunt scheme An infamous attempt has been made to black­ its depth, from the surface, varies according ized to have Main Street, from Oregon to ' pul and interest paynLk in New York in gold, known as the Sutro tunnel. to the rent and ragged condition of the sur land free of »11 United States G ivermnen’ en tis good name by the slanders of cowardly rounding mountains. Some one orally de ¡Third Street; Third Street, from Main Street ‘ ~. The railway is to extend about 360 Size of Our Senatois. scribblers , and the conspiracy of others to 1*’ scribed it as a “vast hole in the ground.” and to California S reer, and Fourth Street, from t' mile« from Portland, in Oregon, to the Cali black mail him. His life has br*en attempted it may be ad-led everywhere from six to fif i California Street, South 250 feet, graveled in ■ fortiia frontier, where it will j .in the Califar- One cannot help recalling the pbrenologi ia aaaoet cowaidly manner, and h's political teen hundred feet deep. It is thought, bv ¡the sr-ne manner as done under the late con- Inia and Oregon Railroad, running to San cal dictum—“that other thing« being equal, and personal enemies are enjoying a devilish some, to be the crater of an extinct volcano. ' «raet on other streets, provided the same can [ i Francisco, and at present in course of con­ s zc is the measure of power.” when looking carnival over what they fondly hope is the ruin This opinion is very much atregthened by the , he done at the same rates, nnd the Street struction ; it is partly finished, and th« ■n the Senate asRcmhled. There is a goof of his reputation ; but lie is confident, and so aken up by the undersigned six various volcanic indications witnessed on Commissioner to open the gutters and grud* whole, it is expected, will be open for truffie leal of head here, and proportionally a larger are bis friends, that an investigation will not and one-half miles north-east from Jackson­ every band. The country immediately sur­ the streets preparatory to the graveling. bv the end of 1872. The company is also nn- unt of belly also. Small men are by c n ville. Oregon, one pale-red cow, supposed to be only dewelope his innocence, but the most about nine years old, branded J. 8. on the left rounding the lake abounds in fragments ol Board then adjourned. owner of adj ice«it hnds granted bv tlio Uni rust at a great disudvantnge. Look over the side or ribs very plain, and also branded dimly J. dnmnnble black mail conspiracy ever hatched M arch 8;h. The Board held a special meet vitrified stone, with basalt, feldspar, trap, ted States Government, to the extent o! niter circle to the left of the Vice President, D. on left hip ; also marked with a crop and an io ths State. scoria, ashes, and heaps of burnt and black idg at the usual hour. Present—Linn. Wil- 4.672,000 acres, all very fertile, and arc to be as an illustration. There are no ihuh II men underbit in the left ear. Also, one red and white spotted yearling steer calf, branded J. S. on the R eal Estate transactions have been quite ened boulders, nil tend ng to confirm th* im­ ard and examined, and they wore de­ be were anxious fur a “fixed habitation and curiosity of this all but wizard lake. equivalent to 68J per cent, of tbe nominal ton and Flanagan, of Texas, “lean and hun she came. J. H. BILLENBROCK. In going to the Fort, f om Jacksonville, by clared as follows : Whu’e number of votes value. This is one of the choicest securities ;rv ki ip .” tall and lank, men of the Cassiu- abode,” which speaks a permanency in our Jan. 4th, 1871. mcb4-w4. cast 138. For Trustees, N. Fisher, 119: material interests. No place present« more way of Fowler’» pass—the principal highway put upon the London market. The Imilsare ■itiipe. Next Come* yourgm-dlv proportioned desirable locations fur homes on this coast thnn for freight teams—we traverse a'm<>st the full L. II. Z gler, 87 ; J- A. Wilson. 125 ; John at the rate of $2 25 per acre for the choices' Senator. both phvsically «nd mentally. Mat­ oar valley. All who come to spy out the land length of two cd irons—the one ns we ascend, Bilger. 73 ; J. S. Howard. 112; D. Linn. sclecied farm lands in the world. The loan thew II. Carpen er. one of the strong« Ft men in the chamber. Scott, of Pennsy’vanni, mis 47 ; J. >1. Neil. 65 ; and J >. Wet err*«*. 31. .pre willing to go no further, and those who go the other a» we descend—the Cascade moun­ F->r R* c >r*ler, U. S. ILyden. 133. For Tren«- will, no doubt, find prompt takers. The next t • him—u man of moderate statute and IRCUIT COURT OF TIIE STATE OF ORE- These 1 ear the ugly name of “The nrpr. H. Pape. 131. F>»r Marshal. J a ’. P., away seeking for a better country, come back tain. * f bonds them»elven are convertible into tin- weight. Rice, of Arkansas, long headed and gon, for the County of Jackson, l.m "limbed, fillnws; his colleague is by hi- «ImUting that the grapes of Eshcol are found Devil’s (’dnyona.” Tie name alone <>l these McDiniel», 61 ; John Bonlutin. 12; Ail. Imid at the will of t’le holders on pre«ent*i- side, McDonald, young Inn weighty in Mary McGrath vs. George McGrath. only here. Our citizens are looking hopefully deep, dark and dismal gorges would seem Helms. 34; Geo. Seamen. 24. For Sneet ti**n tmmi* bv the Lindon nnd San Francisco Bunk. Senators named there is not one weighing prays a dissolution of the bounds of matrimony, al- ■mony, and the care and custody of John and TYe notice this morning, as our paper >’ if the region over which his Satanic Magesty « oner : and ceriifiente* of el-ci ion ordered to (Limited) nnd are at a premium uf one fourth less than 160 pounds, and all but three or Georgiana, infant issues of said marriage, and a issue to each officer elect. A petition from to one-half per cent. Just down in press, a reflection from the presides, presents a more frightful, wither­ four will acknowledge 200 pounls and up suitable maintenance for the same, on the ground J. Meyers to purchase town lot No. 8, in Htraid on the papers of this place, for not ing and terrific aspect than many scenes to Block 29. was presented, read and referred In a decision upon the maudamns, sued ou( wtirda. So size in body «nd head does really of crael and inhuman treatment, and personal in­ dignities, rendering life burdensome ; or judg­ pandering to bis base appeiits in the late The Inspectors and Clerks of election were Ly certain Sfate erpflitors ngai st Fleisehner, give evidence of power. In the House there ment will be taken in default thereof. be met with in these cd »yon», I ’ d rather go seandal here. We will notice him next ordered paid S3 each f<«r their services. The State Treasurer, Judge B ise held the Investi is not so marked a distinction. The Repre- By order of ll«n. P. P. Prim, Judge of said where the “wood bine twineth” than inves Board appropriated $5 25 to pav for station­ gating Commission appointed by the Legisla aentatiiea will average better, anti there are Court, this 24th February, 1871. week. _____ _________ tigate bis dominions. If we are permitted to ery furnished by Recorder. Adjourned to • tare, a legal body. That’« bad uq the l’r?aaury some little men who hold large places; abili­ FAY A - REA, --------------- PITs Att * ’ys. Mississippi ^»«»1 750,000 bales of ootton ty, not experience, perhaps, is as great. feWS-wS. i February 25th, 1171. rearon upon, aud draw conolasions from, ex- Thursday evening, the 16th inst. thieves. iu 1870. SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 11, 1871. Administrator’s Sale. I Saturday, April 8th, A. D.. I notice . 1 C Administrators’ Notice, QUICK SALES And Small Profits, I V REPAIRING Our Sister Republic. War Between the States, Estray Notice. T SUMMONS. C