—4 ▼ D istrict C ourt —S iskiyou C ounty , C al . —lion. A. M. Rosborough, District Judge, presiding. The following is the summary of SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1871 business transacted since our last issue : Friday, Feb. 24th—The people vs. Wm. THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second Williams. Motion for new trial overruled, floor,) Merchant's Exchange, California Street, to which defendants’ counsel except, nnd below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent enter a motion for arrest of judgment on the for San Francisco. verdict, on the ground that it does not sub HUDSON & MEN'ET, are our duly author *tantially conform to requirements of sections ized Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 237 and 238 of the criminal prnctice net ot Park Row, “Times” Building, New York. California, in this: The iudictmeut does not contain a statement of the nets constitu­ LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ting the offence, or the particular circnm stances of the act charged. The motion wus i overruled, and defendant duly excepts. The defendant was then addressed by the Rar. F atrkr B laxchstt will hold divine ser­ Court, as follows : Win. Williams—standup. An indictment vices at the Catholic Church to-morrow, at the usual hour. was found against you, Wm. Williams, by the Grand Jury of Siskiy >u County, on the A n A ttemftxd f M vrder .—On Saturday w 13th day of May. 1870, charging you with last, while Senator Fay was seated in the the crime of murder in killing John Todhun- Bella Uuion Saloon reading a newspaper, I ter on or about the 8lh day of May, 1870, at with his back to the door, V. S. Ralls en­ Cottonwood, in this county. Upon your be tered and without a word drew b:s pistol. ing arraigned on said indictment you plead Mr. Fuy happening to glance up caught sight not guilty. Upon this plea you was tried by of the action, and springing to his feet had a jury of your countrymen, who rendered a barely lime to draw his revolver and present vet diet of guilty of murder in tlje first degree it, when Ralls fired, the parties being about against you. Have you any legal cause to aix feet apert. Tne ball from II ills' pistol show why judgment should not now be pro. glanced along the ramrod of Mr. Fay ’s pistol, nounced against you ? struck the end of the plate of the trigger No legal cause being shown, the Court ren guard, driving the plate back and disabling dered the following judgment: the weapon, the parties being so close to It is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the gather that the p »wder burnt Mr. Fay's Court, that you. Wm. Williams, sufler the fingers and face. The ball split on the end punishment of death, and that the Sheriff of of the pi ste, a part going through Mr. Fay's this county retain you in custody until such coat, pocket book and striking the second time as shall be specified in a warrant signed rib on the right side, inflicted a painful flesh by the Judge of this Court, nnd attested by wound ; while the concussion of the blow on the Clerk, under the seal of this Court. the pistol caused it to inflict painful wounds It is further ordered, adjudge! and decreed, on the hand* «nd fingers. Ralls immediately that the Sheriff of this (SLkiyou) c >un»y upon firing retreated to the street, and fired cause this judgment to be executed at the two more shots into the saloon at Mr. Fay, time specified in sail warrant, and that the who was virtually disarmed, happily, how- said punishment of death be inflicted upon ever, inflicting no other damage. A nv>re you by hanging you, \\ tn. M illiants, the deliberate attempt at murder was never per­ defendant, by the neck, until you Lc dead. petrated in this State. We understand the Such is the judgment of the Court.— ireka proper steps have been taken to bring the Journal. attempted murderer to justice. A General eff >rt i.* being nude all over Free Ad *ci fixing. From family t<> the United States, to raise funds to purchase fain ly, from city to city, from Stite to State, food for the starving millions of devastated the fame of D r . W alker ' s V egetable V ine ­ France. Boston has already subscribed over gar B itters as a specific for all derangements 871,000. of the stomach, bowels and liver, is continu­ South Carolina has a negro Lieutenant ally extending. Every invalid wlm tries the Gove-n r, thr«e negro Congressmen, eleven great re-dorutive, every individual who has negro S ate Senator*, eighty negro Rep ever witncxecd its effect*, becomes its sponta msentatives and or.e negro Judge of the neout adeertiser. I s voluntary missionaries Supreme Court. nre innu ;erabl-?, and publie enthusiasm in its favor spread* faster than a prairie fire. I Religious Notices. I SPECIAL NOTICES T he W eather .—The past week wc have bail fine spring showers and genial sunshine, which is exerting a magic ii fluence on the vegetation. The grain Sells are already assuming a smiling appearance, anil thou sand* of wiki florert nre peeping out yiul kissing the light loving morning, nnd ill n few week* more of swell weather, hill mid d ilc will be bedecked iu that variegated beauty that characterises the spring time ul our Coast. , Wil El AM DAVIDSON, Real Estate Dealer Office, No. Gl Front Street, N TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, Jan­ uary, 1871. (Sitting in Probate.) Iu the matter of the Estate of Joshua II. CALIFORNIA STREET, Sterne, Deceased. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON; I A \ - T he telegram to the Herald and Bulletin in referer.ee to the Fay Ralls affair whs iuex? cusabiy false in several particulars. There was no remark made by Ralls in reference to seducing bis daughter. That was manufac­ tured from whole cloth. 1 STAPLE DRY GOODS Foa S treet C ommissioner .—R. S. Dunlap announces himself in another column of to- day’s issue as a candidate for the office ol Street Commissioner. The Sargent is well known and will make an energetic and use­ ful officer. T own E i .» ction .—The election of officers for this town—Marshal, Recorder, Treasurer, Street Commissioner and Trustees—occurs next Tuesday. Judges of election, Messrs. Fiddler, Hyde and Keumea; Clerks, Messrs. Kahler and Huffier. B ound O vxb .— Jamas D. Fuy and V. S. Ralls were each bound over yesterday, before James R. Wade, in the Bum of $2,000, to keep the peace. SACHS BRO’S A CABD Io view of tbe atrocious calumnies put aibat by interested persons, in regard to my alleged connection with a woman lately in my employ, I deem it proper to state that I deny tbe charges alleged against me, and court a thorough legal investigation of tbe affair. I therefore ask a suspension of the public judge­ ment on til tbe case receives the investig«tion which I trust it will, have before the Courts : .and M to tbe result of such investigation I have no apprehensions. J axks D. F at . I , SUMMONS. C For a few cents you can buy cf your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA MOSS FARINE made from pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which will make L. HORNE, Proprietor, sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte It is located in the central part of Jacksonville ; Russe, &c. It is the cheapest, stages fr >tn the North and South leave regularly frm the U. S. HOTEL, healthiest and most delicious The House has lately been re painted, and reno­ food in the world. It makes a vated ; the rooms are newly f irnished, and well splendid Dessert, and has no ventilated. The bedrooms are supplied with SPRING BEDS, and every other convenience for equal as a light and delicate the comforts of guests. food for Invalids and Children. BOARD AND LODGING Notice of Final Settlement. CURES < ---------------- ■» «o» CURES CHOLERA, The Pain King The I’ain King Notice of Final Settlement. CURES INDIGESTION, The Pain King N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, (sitting in Probate) January 30th, 1871. I CURES DYSENTERY, The Pain Kin In the matter of the Estate of Aaron Cham­ i bers, Deceased. CURES SUDDEN COLDS Notice of Final Settlement I COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, DIVORCES. Chapped Hands aud Face, Sore Lips, Dryness of the Skin, dec., Ac., Cared at once by II EG EM AN’S CAMPHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE. It keeps tho hands »oft in all weather. See that you get HEGEMAN’S. Sold by all Druggists, only 25 cents. Manufac­ tured only by H egbmax A Co., Chemists and Druggists, New York. January 7th, 1871. jan7-1y. French Writers Say PUBE ARABIAN A Glorious Change!’. Cm be had at reasonable rates, according to the room occupied. TIIE GREAT WORLD’S TOXIC, THE TABLE Will be su pplicd with the best the market can af- ford. Plantation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable re­ storative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it lias no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially sub­ ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks dow n the animal spirits. For sale by all druggists. Can find at this House rooms especially arranged j for their comfort nnd convenience, as well as every attention and comfort usually found at a well kept Hotel. THE PLACE To Buy Goods c KE A r» E R. THAN HIE Cheapest! —AT— FISÏÏER. & BRG.’S DEALERS IN FANCY, STAPLE & DRYGOODS, NEW STATE SALOON Georgiana, infant issues of said marriage, and a] suitable maintenance for the same, on tho ground of creel und inhuman treatment, and personal in­ dignities, rendering life burdensume ; or judg­ ment will be taken in default thereof. By order of lion. P. P. Prim, Judge of said Court, this 24th February. 1871. FAY A REA, PI Ts Att’ys. Februaey 25th, 1871. fcb25-w6. OF THE BEST QUALITY, HE THIRSTY PUBLIC ARE INFORMED _ that Pape A Sav age of tho “ New State Sa­ loon ” will quench their thirst with the most choice BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for •• one bit.’* Wo expect to lose money by it, but times are hard, and wo cannot see pe >plc thirsty. I’Al’E A SWAGE. October 16th, 1869. T AND TIIE CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. FISHER Ai BRO ’S, (Corner California and Oregou Streets, ) JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. May let, 1S69. FAMILIES i Clothing, SUMMONS Boots & Shoes, Corner of Stark and Front Streets, IRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- Groceries, ORZaOUT PORTLAND, for the County of Jackson. C Mary guu, McGrath ZIEDER IS 1-2 ■mony, and the care and custody of John and: / r The Percheron 1870 Absolute Divorces legally obtained in New York, Indiana, Illinois, and other States, for per­ sons from any State or country, legal everywhere ; desertion, drunkenness, uon-support, etc., suffi­ cient cause ; no publicity. No charge until di­ vorce is obtained. Advice free. Address, MOORE & RICHARDSON, Counsellors at Law, 180 Broadway, New York City. January 7th, 1871, jan7-ly. WEIGH 1,800 POUNDS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, R. F. Maury, Administrator of the above es­ tate, having filed in said Court his final account, EXTERNALLY— nnd also praying for an ord'-r fixing the time for hearing the same; th'-refore notice is hereby given that said final account wiil be heard and deter­ The Pain King mined, in said Court, on Tuesday the 7th day of March, 1S71, at which time all persons having CURES SCALDS, objections to said final account and settlement, must then and there make the same. The Pain King By order of T. II. B. Shipley, Judge of said Court. CURES FROST BITT SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. Pain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mortals, Jan. 31st, 1871. Feb4-w4 The Pain King as inevitable as death itself and liable nt any time to come upon us. Therefore it is important that CURES BRUISES, remedial agents should be at hand to be used on an emergency when the seminal principle lodged The Pain King in the system shall develop itself, and wc feel the N TIIE COUNTY’ COURT OF THE STATE excruciating agonies of pain, or the depressing in­ of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. (Sit­ CURES RHEUMATISM, fluence <>t disease. Such a remedial agent exist- ting in Probate,) January 30th, 1871. in the Pall» Killer, whose fume has made the cir­ The Pain King cuit of the globe. Amid the eternal ices of the In the matter of the Restate of Josiah polar regions or beneath the intolerable and burn­ Newland, Deceased. CURES TOOTII-ACIIE, ing sun of the tropics, its virtues are known and Charles Griffith, Administrator of the above es ­ appreciated. Under all latitudes, from the one The Pain Kin¿ extreme to the other, suffering humanity has found tate, having filed in said Court his final account, re’icf from m-ny of its ills by its use. The wide and also praying fur an order fixing the time lor and broad area over which this medicine has spread, hearing the same ; therefore, notice is hereby given attests its value and potency. From a small be- thnt sai l final account will bo heard and deter­ As a Family Medicine, it stands unrivaled. gining, the Pain Killer has pushed gradually along, mined in said Court on Tuesdny, 7th dnv of Mar:h, A. D., 1S71, at which time all persons haviug ob­ Buy it, *ry it, and be convinced. For sale by nil making its own highway, solely by its virtues. Such unexampled success nnd popularity has jections to said final account and settlement, must dealers iu Patent Medicines. W. L. COWAN, Proprietor. brought others into the field, who have attempted, then and there make the same. By order of T. II. B. Shipley, Judge of aaid Jan. 14-tf. under similarity of name, to usurp the confidence of the people and turn it to their own selfishness Court. SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. and dishonesty, but their efforts have proved fruit­ feb4-w 1. Jan. 31st, 1871. less, while the Pain Killer is still growing in pub­ lic favor. jan. 21, 1871. ( k F. it OX TUB BVROrBAX ri.AX,) S 1840 THE WHITE PRINCE U’G.i LOW PRICES WILL WIN. ilalleckq Dec cased. Win. M. M ithe«, A 1 ninistrator of the above es- the above address. February 4th, 1871. I I I To Charles Sterne, Lewis Sterne, Maria Sterne, i Was imported from France by the Darby Piaine George Sterde, Sarah Sterne, und Arthur Sterne, Importing Company of inion county, Ohio, in heirs of the property und Estate of Joshua H. July last. I purchased him in November, and Sterne, deceased, and all others interested therein : shipped him, with You, und each of you, are hereby notified thnt X Silas J. Day, Administrator “De Bonis Non ’ of One Full Blood and two three-quarter said Estate" has filed his petition praying for an blood Percheron maree. [NHE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURE THE BEST PLACE order of said Court ti sell the following described in notifying his friends and the public gener ­ real property belonging to said Estate, situated in ally tnnt he is now receiving and opening a very the town of Jacksonville, Anckson county, Oregon, byrail to Chico, Cal. lie is a light, dapple gray, 5 to-wit : A home and lot, situated on Third Street, large aud extensive stock of years old the coming Spring ; weighed when ship­ near the corner of Elm Street, said lot fronting ped in Ohio, 1,680 lbs., at at maturity, in good IS AT fifty (50) feet on Third Street, and running back condition, will the same width one hundred feet (100), and known as the Joshua 11. Sterne’s house and lot ; therefore, I notice is hereby given to the heirs at-law of said Í Estate, that the prayer of said petition will be heard and determined at the Clerk's office of said Hus large, broad, fleet limbs, good disposition, KEPT BY 1 pleasing countenance, fine style, good action, and county on Tuesday, the 7th day of March, A. D., ' has never been bred to any extent. 1871, at 10 o’clock, a. tn., at which time and place While in the East hunting for a horse to bring the said heirs-at law above named, and all others to this coast, I saw nineteen imported Pereheron unknown, if itny there be, are hereby notified to ' horses, and I am satisfied The Wh'.tc Prince for appear and sh >w cause, if any exist, why an order CALIFORNIA AND SALEM of sale should not be made, as in the aforesaid |>ri: HAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORT- FORM, SIZE, STYLE AND ACTIOM petition prayed for. CLOTHS V V went of By urder of Hon. T. H. B. Shipley, Judge. SILAS J. DAY. Clerk. : Surpasses them all. In this selection I was as. DRY AND FANCY GOODS, lii.wivirrs, Jacksonville. Jen. 31.-t. 18<1. feb-l-w-l. listed by Mr. Jas. Fullington, ex-Prcsident Ohio .State Agricultural Society, said to be as good a CLOTHING, judge of this stuck asany person in the United PROCLAMATION. (States He was one of the first importers, is fa­ BJOTS AND SHOES, lITere«»«, under the Act of the Legislative As­ miliar with their endurance ,n France, and their sembly of the State of Oregon, entitled “An Act ETC., ETC , breeding qualities in Ohio. HATS, to protect litigants,” approved October 21, 1870, —ALSO— Those who have read in the America« Agri- the proprietor of the Eni/enc Cittf Guard has been Boots a nd Shoes; Ladies’, Misses’ ' culturin nnd other agricultural papers, know the GROCERIES, designated to publish the legal and judicial adver-l and Childrens’ Shoes. j world-wide reputation ot tiseinents for the County of Lane ; tho proprietor PROVISIONS, of the Pluiudealer, for the counties of Coos, Cur­ Wi; have also in connection with the above & rcry ry, Josephine, aud the proprietors of the D emo ­ Large and Extensive Stock of Choice QUEENS WARE, cratic T imes , for the county of Jackson : and ll’Aere««, the said several proprietors of said . I would here say, that well informed horsemen who LIQUORS, newspapers have filed with the County Clerk of I GROCERIES, • I were acquainted with this stock, said The White said several counties, written stipulations, accept­ ■ Prince was as promising a young horse as they ing the conditions of said act, together with SE.GARS & TOBACCO, had ever seen imported. To those wBo are not HARDWARE, bonds approved as said law directs, with proper posted as to their history, the returns und notices thereof to this office according nil of which will be sold very queensware to law : Now, therefore, said several newspapers are "PCIIEAP POR CASH'S^ CLASSWARE, hereby proclaimed to be appointed nnd confirmed I’lca’c call, before purchasing elsewhere, nnd Tthcy hnvebc.cn kept as a distinct breed for mor« a.« the medium through which all judicial and legal advertisements, for said several counties respect­ CUTLERY, judge for yourself. than a century, and undoubtedly trace to the Ara- SACHS BRO'S. fully. shall be published for the period authorized bian, un I d have several infusions of PAINTS by said law. January 7th, 1C-71 Done at the city of Salem, this 21st day of OILS January, A. D. 1871. THE NEW FOOD L F. GROVER. Governor. In the last century. It is that which gives them ALSO their endurance, style, form and action. “lie has not such a fine skin as the Arab, nor Lis prettily rounded, oval, and small foot ; but Window (,la$!>. Nails, Iron and we must remember the fact that he lives under a Steel, Cast and Steel l*iou* ircuit court , state of ore ion , cold climate upon elevated plains, where nature Wooden and Willow / for the county of Jackson. gives him for a covering a thicker skin aud a W are, Ktc., lite warmer coat, and that lie ha* been for years step­ A. B. Overbeck vs. G. Whitney. ping upon moist, clayey soil.” Action at Law Io recover Money, TERMS $35 in U. S. gold coin, the season. Good pasturage, with good fence, near here, at 50 To G. Whitney, said Deft : Y< u arc hereby cts. per week. Everybody is invited to come and summoned to be nnd appear in the Circuit Court sector stock and judge for themselves. of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, W. C. MYER. on the first day of the November Term. A. D., Ashlnnd Mills, Ogn., January 25th. 1871. 1871, <>f said Circuit Court, and answer the com­ plaint in this cause filed again t you. wherein ju.lgmcnt is demanded against you for the sum of seventy five dollars, wdh interest thereon Iromthe 1st dav of January. 1871. at the rate of 10 per .JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, cent, per annum, lor medical services rendered and tucdieiiie iiir»tished you by Pl'ff, or judgment will Cur,'.er of California and Third Sit., lie taken against you in default thereof. By order of H«n. P. P. Prim, Judge of sai l C< mt, this Feb. 16tb, 1871. : FAY & RE 1, Pl'iTs Att’ys. February 18th. 1871. lel*18 «6. F»EGS LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE PUBLIC £ that he has tho largest, best, und must com­ modious Hotel in Southern Oregon. |N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE for Jackson County (Sitting ai* CITY and E AST i g <>f Oregon, _ _ in Pro- irable localities, con- ' bate), Jauu.iry S ltii, 1871. ACKS an I BL M K.'. j(1 j|,e nia»ii>r (,f |]|C instate of Stephen these letters, has been forced by public sen AGENTS of hi* OFFICE in all the CIT time nt to leave his family and the town, just lES ami TOWNS in the 8TXTE. will receive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY and forward as these letters appeared here. Il e samo to -----IHE IMPORTED PERCHERON OR NOR- man horse will be kept the coming season, commencing February 1st, at my farm, near Ash­ land, on the stage road, till April 1st. From and after April 1st to July 1st—Tuesdays and Wednes­ days—at the stable of Reames 4 Wilson, Jackson­ ville ; Fridays and Saturdays at my farm. Citation to Heirs an 1 vain iblv un | n ALL parts ot tli<: j fj,»,. h iviug file I in said Court his filial necottnf. I an l praying lor an order fixing the time for he ir- ! ing the same: therefore, wtiec is hereby given , ,, . | that said fiiril account will be heard and detcr- ot icr top' r v l,u' ' mined, in sai l Court, on Tuesday, the Sth day of i” tvhr IT i I* April A. D.. 1871. at which time all pcrs-.ii* having 11 ! objections to sail final account and settlement, 0 moi ‘ " j must then nnd there make t .c same. By order of f. H. B. Shipley, Judge of said I Court. Tint lieraid publishes several grossly false HOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS SILAS J. PAY, Clerk. I Jan. 31st, 1871. Feb.4-w4. and scandalous letters in relation to the Fay NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DES­ CRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COLLECTED. Am Ralls troable. The infamous scoundrel, to a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSI­ whom public opinion pointe as the author of NESS transacted. F ob T own M arshal .—James McDaniel announces elsewhere in to-day’s issue that he will be a candidate for the office of Town Marshal <>n Tuesday next. Mr. McDaniel is an upright and energetic young man, and we have no hesitancy iu saying that if he is elected he will make an efficient officer. T DEALER IN PORTLAND, OREGON. F oots C reek .— We learn from some of our miners o i Foots creek, that toe water supply is increasing and they have hopes for a short run, and the miners of that regi >n are being cheered up with the prospects of late rains ; and if the rains continue this uud next month < insiderable gold dust wid come to the sur­ face and ircrease our circulating medium. THE WHITE PRINCE JAS. T. GLENN, ÿtgal glDïtrtistmeots A LARGE HALL Is attached to the Hotel, for Bails, Meeting!, Shows, Xc., and can be had at reasonable termi. The Hotel is furnished with a bar room where the very best liquors and cigars may be found, at prices to suit the times. Jacksonville. Ogn.. Jan. 8th, 1871. tf. HOW TO KEEP —YOUR— MONEY AT HOME, 131 Y the