ADVERTISEMENTS, TUE DEMOCRATIC TIMES In T he D emocratic T imes will be charged at the following rates THE DEMOCRAT Published Every Saturday Morning BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO Publishers and Proprietors. First insertion, (ten lines or less)................. 13 00 For each week thereafter.................. $1 60 A liberal deduction from the above rates will be made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. JOB PRINTINQ. OFFICE—On California St,, over Reames A Wil­ son’s Livery Stable. Every variety cf Job Work executed with neat nejs and dispatch, at reasonable rates. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATLMAY, MARCH 4, 1871 TERMS: Subscription, per annum........... Six months..................................... Spirits of Ammonia. OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY Vallaauigliam for the United States Senate. liearthand Home, an excellent family paper, [From the Cinncinnati Commercial.) has the following hints, by a housekeeper, There is more talk of presenting 5 allau- concerning the use of alnmonia to facilitate dighain us the Democratic candidate for Sen­ many household labors): Sisters in household labors, have you any ator from Ohio, than is pleasing to the Con­ t’oen^y Ojirm— Judge, T. II. B. Shipley; idea what a very useful thing ammonia is to servatives of the party. They shrink from Clerk, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel ; have in tho house? If not, give your inaid j i extreme men as the Democrats in the House, Deputy Sheriff, E. D. Foudray ; Treasurer, John Neuher ; Assessor, Daviii Itedpath : County Com­ of all work 15 cents and an empty pint bottle, the other day, shrank from Colonel Jones missioners, John S. llerrin. Thomas M right; at once, and send her to the first drug store preanil le and resolution. They seem to School Superintendent, Wm. M. Turner ; Survey­ for a supply. Tell her to be sure to get the think thnt some day or other they may lay or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner. L. Ganung. BOOX, PAMPHLET, spirits of ammonia ; it’s the same ns harts claims, as a party, to patriotism during the Jaektoirille Preciuet- —Justice of the Peace, •James R. Hade ; CoastabLe, N. ttepheusvn. horn, but if she asks for that they will give war, with no one to dispute tiie historic ac­ T'»m of Jneluurillt.— Trustees, A. II. Martin, her for 15 cents a few drops in a smelling- curacy of their patriotism. So, the disposi . James Wilson, N. Fisher ; President of the bottle not as big as her thumb. While she’s tion among them is to get such men as Val- Board, David Linn ; Recorder, U. S. Hayden ; gone, I will tell you how to use it. For landigham out of sight, and put forward such Treasurer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, G. Seaman. washing paint put a tablespoonful in a quart Conservative men as R mney and Thurman, J osephine covntt . of moderately hot water, dip in a flannel and such actual War Democrats us can be —AND— 'ftoMaty Ojjirer».— Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff, Daniel L. Green ; Clerk. Charles Hughes ; Asses­ cloth, and with this simply wipe off the wood­ pursurded to leave the Republican ranks and sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer, Wui. Naucke; work ; no scrubbing will be necessary. For act with them. But these leaders must re­ Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Wood­ taking grease spots from any fabric, use the member that Mr. Vallandigham has a strong cock ; School Superintendent, R. R. Middles- wrorth. ammouia nearly pure, then lay w hite blotting hold upon the rank and file. lie is the best Cmnty.— Circuit Court. First Monday paper over the sp >t*atid iron it lightly. In rabble-rouser in the party. lie can bring all in April and Fourth Monday in Oct >ber. County ■ washing laces put about twelve drops in a Crawford county to the front at his bugle ■Court, First Monday in January, April, July and I pint of warm suds. To clean silver mix two call. Butler will back him and so will Fair •October. j teaspoonfuls of ammonia in a quart of hot field and all the other Democratic strongholds ' soapsuds, put in your silverware and wash it, in Ohio. These sturdy old Democrats have using an old nail brush or tooth-brush for the not forgotten that when the party was de purpose. For cleaning hair-brushes, etc., molished in Ohio, and the Conservatives were simply shake the brushes up and down in a scared into their holes by the fierceness of mixture of one teaspoonful of ammonia to one the popular storm, Vallaudigliam weathered pint of hot water ; when they are cleaned, it out, at some personal risk and inconven­ JACKSONVILLE LODGE No 10 rinse them in cold water and stand them in ience, and was the man whose voice sum JJOLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON the wind or in a hot place to dry. For wash­ moned the party to action and infused into it every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ ing finger-marks from looking-glasses or win a life and bitterness of spirit that lasted it standing are invited to Hall. Brothers in good j. JAMES BUCKLEY. " ' attend. BUCKLEY, N. G. dows, put a few drops of ammonia on a moist through the war anil opposed it to every California St„ (Up Stairs.) over Reames rag and make quick work cf it. If you wish measure for the preservation and reconstruc­ THOS. PAULSON, R. Sec y. Jons B ilger , «k Wilson’s Livery Stable. I your house plants to flourish, put a few drops tion of the Republic. Mr. Vallandigham ■ Trustees. II. K i . ippel , 1!. V. H elms , J of spirits of ammonia in every pint of water will not be easily put down if he Consents to JUgnlar Ribekah Degree meeting, last Monday used in watering. A teaspo nful in a basin make the raee for the Senate, and he has a night of each month, at 7J o'clock p. m. of col3 pro'cs.'innnl business. with as few cross words as possible, and no •'.r.ieic in its free state, ami admit its ail-iui authority of a cashier to bind a bank bv bis ed assortment of OFFICE AND RBS1DI3NCB. A negro was tried in Tunica c >untv, Mis- [ blows—only a steady, kind, but earnest con­ I portant services in the econ-nnv of muure ; act suvs, in substance, that by all authorities, on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack- but farmers’ wives throughout the country English and American, a cheek may be ac­ sissippi, for hog stealing, and acquitted. He trol, which, in love, exacts respect and obedi­ aunviile. Oregon. JanS-tf. Jan. Sth. t<70. really know very little of the manifold use.' cepted, and that by the law of merchants in was immediately put on the jury t > try and ence and then, generally speaking, you can aciu’t one of the negro jurors charged with put them to bed at nightfall and have a quiet that can b* made of’ a pint of the spirits Dr. L. T. DAVIS, this com.try the certification by a bank that horse stealing. I cozy evening with your husband. “kept in the house,” bottled and labelled. a check is good is equivalent to its acceptance Offlco—On iPino streot. I O.dy the jury in this ca sc, let it L? observed, i I say empl atically. labelled, because it is a Many a mother misses it, by allowing her i ati'l undertaking that it shall remain good, But the bench wiii fullo'A • in time. bin not to have all such things so conspicu children to absor? all her time and attention, Opposite 1 Sic Old i This agreement is as 1 inding on banks as Do we all note stifii :ic: itly the signs of the! when co much ¡3 due her husband whom she I i otisly marked that no mistakes need occur. j notes of circnlati >n, and the transferee of such times, and aie we not content with the rcsul: Let me add here, by way of caution, that A rkansas L jvi : ry S tabi e , checks takes it with the same sense of s< cu to which "they are pointing?— Cleburne thoughtlessly turns out into the cold world 1 ammonia direetly applied is not good for the fur his amusement and pleasures. i riiy that lie would the notes of the bank. ( Texa s) Ch ro n i<:le.. eyes. It has a way of melting them that is I * • . : An intelligent man becomes disgusted with certi'ying bank without doubt intended anything but agreeable. E. >1. GRKCN.MAN, ig of a giddy A little b. y wa ■ advised by Lis fi'.herto the namby-pamby chat. ; consequences, and is accordingly liable. I thoughtless woman. Gossip about dresses, r»Hyiicia,n Surgeon, A nother N egro in C ongress .—On the ' is ; ' in equity. The power conferred on a i u'f; illusaations in his conversation whenever him, * “ ‘ior, iur,” continued hats and bonnets, interspersed with a little OFFICE—At the U. S. HOTEL, on Califor­ 16ih inst. the Georgia delegation were admit cashier empowers him with the same author ! > they should occur to bun, nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. t, “there is no more forcible wnv patch now and then about the nt igl.bors, ted to their seats in Congtess. Of the four ity to certify a cheek ns he has to receive the ' Die parent, »> does very well for a few weeks or years, but ^£fr*Will practice in Jackson and adjacent coun- who were sworn in, three, all white, were money of depositors, as his power is inherent of conveying or impressing veur meaning ies, »r.d attend promptly to profession«! calls.__ Shortly alter the b >y was lectured 1 on geucr- does not satisfy a man fir a lifetime. unable to take the ironclad. They were ad in office. The cashier is an executive officer DR. A. B. OVERBECK We are prepared to do all kinds of Neither do men continue to find home tho o-ity : “It’s bitter to give than receive, mitted by swallowing a less nauseating dose, of the lank, and conducts all its financial TI/ILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SER­ most attractive place, where wives Fettle Johny, far better, the Bible says, and savs VI GE RY, and will attend promptly to all calls known as the qualified oath. The negro , operations ; and persons dealing with the ’ ill dawn to tho capacity of domestic drudges. on professional business. His office anil residence member, the sole Republican in the delegation, bank have a right to rely upon the integrity s>.” “Illustrate it pappy; 1 think I v are at understand you better.” Father could see' Raising children, ducks and chickens, and was the only one able to take the iron clad I of its officers, when acting within the apparent The Overbeck Hospital, [doing housework, without taking time to oath. He is described as a genuine black sphere of their duties, and the bank is bound the application. On Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. __ ]"2£_ [comb tho hair and put on another dress more -- r ■* man, of medium size, with an intelligent face , accordingly. The amount involved in the A candidate traveling through one of the (than once or twice a week, gives a man little JAMES D. FAT. D- B- RKA- and a woolly head. He had no sooner taken . suit is §600,000. rural precincts of a certain county, a few chance to admiro his wife, excepting for her FAY 4k RE A the oath than Kelly, of Pennsylvania, was at days since, rode up to a farm house, and thus industry and devotion to home duties, which From A Penitentiary Bird. Attorneys and Counsellors-aULaw, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL his side, grasping the hand of the “man and accosted a tow-headed urchin who was Sealed a faithful woman thinks ought to be enough OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. brother” and offering his congratulations. upt, lur the The following is a rerftafrin copy of a Will practice in the 8upretne and other Courts For fear the Democrats would tamper with your pa?” The youngster replied, ‘‘l’ap’e eye is a powerful agent, that rules the world ter handed us for publication, written, wc of this State. him, a seat was selected for him to occupy, sUDpose, in a “silent cell” ul the Baily House1 just gone down beyond the cow shed to dig a much more than people like to believe. on the Republican side, where the blackness Particular attention paid to the collection grave to bury the old dag Towser. The It explains itself: Beside, think of it, ye faithful home wo­ -of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ of his darkness overshadows his brighter col darned old fool killed kimself a barken ut to the editor of the ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption men who are all absorbed in the duties per­ leagues of that part or the house, and “bis «nil Homastead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral candidates for Sheris'.” Sentinal taining to the temporal comfort« of your fam­ Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. righteous soul will be vexed from day to day D*nr Sir I Wish to Advance 'A few words An irascible old gentleman was taken w ith ily. You cannot take your earthly homes DK. W. JACKSON, with conversations of the wicked.” to the citieins of Hall county espesly to Dick sneezing in the cars lately. After sneezing with you to your home beyond the dark river “Sleep will dwell upon his eyes, Wi»’s< n An Jon Royster Ari jim Alen that is in a most spasmodic way eight or ten times, death. The mop, broom, dish cloth and fry­ But there’ll be no peace in hi® brea«t.” Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by I Want to advise you to Keep A dost wnch he arrested the paroxysm for a moment, and ing pan are all necessary utensils, and it is No more peace lor that poor negro’s soul, Dr. E. II. Greenuran, corner California and Fifth over tber hog Pens An chicken coops for that extracting his handkerchief, he thus indig an honor to a woman to give them due atten­ Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short we fear, after one session spent along side of notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention jhesny fiiMily ar Dear loveres of fresh Fork nantly addnssei his nasal organ: “Oh! g, tion. but you cannot find use for them “over Buller.— Holly Springs' Heporter. given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth —SUCH AS— An tenDer chicken theat I Wont Write the on—go on—you’ll blow your infernal brains there,” and a little food for the soul, now and extracted without pain by the use ut the lute then, by way of reading, reflecting and con­ method of local anasthesia. All work warranted. P reserve Y ovr N ewspapers .—Many poo particklers you can Judg By this they hav out presently ?” versation. will do wonders toward leaking Satisfaction guaranteed. pic take newspapers, but few preserve them ; sent Me up for A term of two year I Pled home happier, liu-diand truer, and some pre­ Nov. 20th, 18C9, nov20 3m. Governor Davis of Texas, in additbn to Lis the most interesting reading imaginable is a Gilty to the charge it Was Not because I felt paration for the duties of a higher life. Ì tile of old newspapers. It brings up the very Gilty it Was because I Knew what had B< en duties, practices law, and never fails to win age with all its genius—and its spirit, more Swore A Gainst me An What Was A Going a case. Not that be is such a very good law­ T he G ood W oman .—A good woman never to be Swore so I thnght I Would Plead Gilty than the most labored description of the his yer, but he appoints the judges to office, and grows old. Many years p-«s over her head, BILLBEADS, MERCHANT TAILOR, An Git of Aslight as Posible An I Am Wil torian. Who can take a piper dated hall a ling to servo My time But I hope to sec Burl they lnyvC not the bardiliocd to decile a case but if benevolence and virtue dwell in her century ago, without the thought that almost ehesnev ther Befor my time is out if tho citi- agajXst him, for fear their successor will be heart, she is as cheerful as when the spring FROM LONDON, every name there printed is now cut upon a sins Knew what I Know I Am shore I would along directly. That is called Radical of first life opened to her view. When we HANDBILLS, look upon a good woman, we never think of see him ther I sopose «oMe one XV ill bat to aving located in J acksonville , tombstone at the head of an epitaph? The Account for it at the Day of Judg Ment yours shrewdness in Texas.— Louisville Democrat. her age ; she looks as charming as when tho informs the citizens of this place and vicinity —J--------- -------------------- doctor (quack or regular) who there adver­ truly An uMhle sirvant for ttie next two fk., is now prepared to take orders for all kinds rose of youth first bloomed on her cheek. Can a woAian be wetter than when she has That rose is not failed yet; it will never fade. ot gents’ and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. tised his medicines and their cures, has fol­ years to coiil. Hall county (Mo.) Journal. Satisfaction guaranteed. a cataract in her eye, a waterfall on the back In her neighborhood, she is tho friend and POSTERS, John Gee colord. lowed the sable train of his patients—the C leaning and R epairing done. -«0^ of her head, a creek in bar back, forty springs benefactor. In the church, the devout wor­ merchant his ships—and the actor, who could July 2d, >878._______ , ___________ jly2-tf. in her hooped skirts, and high tied shoes on ? shipper and exemplary Christian. Who does R emedy for L ock J aw . — Let anyone who make others laugh or weep, can now furnish Yes, when bhe has a notion (an ocean) iu her not respect the woman who has passed her PAMPHLETS, a skull for his successors in Hamlet. It is has an attack of lock jaw take a small quan­ head. days in acts of kindness and mercy—who has easy to preserve newspapers, and they will tity of spirits of turpentine, warm it ami been the friend of man and God—whose repay the trouble. pour it on *.he wound—no matter where the whole life has been a «ceno of kindness and “Alt Jemmy, ’ said a sympathizing frient love, a derotion to truth and religion? We wound is, or what its nature is—ami relief engineer The Albany Argus «ays that the late Thad. will follow in less than one minute. Nothing to a man who was just too late for the train, repeat, such a woman cannot grow old.* She Stevens was unmarried, but had eleven ille better can be applied t-> a severe cut or bruise “you did not run fast enough.” “Yes, 1 will always be fresh and buoyant in spirits ; BRENTANO. gitimate children, many of them mulatto. than cold turpentine ; it gives certain rebel did, ’ said Jemmy, “but I did not start soon and active in humble deeds ot mercy and be­ nevolence. If the young lady desires to re­ hoice liquors and cigars con These from time to time he gave large sums almost instantly. Turpentine is also a sov enough.” tain the bloom of youth, let her not yet yield And all other kinds of printing required ■tantly on hand. t<», which was creditable. Mr. Stevens was ereign remedy for croup. Saturate » piece Mark Twain says : I have seen slower peo of flannel with it, and place the flannel on to be done in the community, on to the sway of fashion and folly, let her love a habitual gambler, passing a portion of very reasonable terms. every night before a faro bank. He was an the throat and chest, un i in very severe cases pie than I am—and more deliberate pe >ple truth and virtue, and to the close of life she three to five drops on a lump of a sugar may than I am—and even quieter, and more list will retain those feelings which now make O“ You who want Job Printing done, give avowed infidel, although he accepted when be taken inwardly. Every family ehould less, and lazier people than I am, but they life appear a garden of sweets, ever fresh dying some ministrations at the hands of the 2 -2 Cent«. call, and we will satisfy you both in styleand have a bottle of turpentine on hand. and ever new. were dead.” Sisters of Charity. July 17tb, 1869. jlyl7-tf. JOBPRINTING OFFICE, pusinrss Orts H NEW & FANCY TYPE, WILLIAM HERMAN? H RAILROADSALOON! . max . C