SUPERIOR PLOUGHS! n t likx'Ly fl at nny mau w. uld talk ab-jut uioti PRIVATE MEDICAL AID. v— which tutans bribery— unless lhe other R. H. c onald & co Quick furo» and Moderato CMiaxi WHOLESALE TO THE inna was an intcrebte l nnd williDg listener. DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S DEALER IN It is well known that his creditors were push ing him to extremities before lie went to Private Medical and Surgical Institute Salem ; it is ns well known that he was flush E HAVE RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF No. 519 Sncramento street, corner of San Francis :o Cal those Superior Ploughs which we introduced Call the attention of Dealers to their large assortment when he came back. If he could make any- j Leidesdorff street (a few doors below What Cheer here last season, and which have given entire sat of " ­ Newly Arrived ” Goods, composed in part of the Hoose.). Private entrance Leides- thing < n his per diem and mileuge, he exhib­ CALIFORNIA STREET, isfaction to those who have used them, being well following articles together with every thing kept in a dorff street, San Francisco. well supplied WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. its a financial ability second to none in the adapted to differed soils. F resh Burns, T ilden ' s P uepakàtions , P atkxt M kiiicinbs , Also, a full assortment of D ruggists * S undbiss , natii n. And this is the Herald's “evidently Established expressly to afford the afflieted sound 1’BUSHBS & Suri-OKTBBS, S haker B erus , and scientific Medical Aid in the treat­ K ssxntial O ils , P erfumeries , HAVE BEEN truthful" witness ; the remarkable kindniSji COOK, K erosbnb O il , P aints and O ils , ment and eure of all Private and Which we offer at the lowest Cash Trices, and are exhibited by the Herald toward Mr. Burnett Chrwtie Diseases, cases PARLOR, determined not to be undersold. of Svoresy and all was undoul tedly begotten by a fellow feel R. H. M c D onald fc CO., S ax F rancisco , C al . Bexaal Disorders. AND BOX STOVES ; in ;. ‘ Birds of a feather," it is said, “flock FOR 8A1,E. To the Afflicted. together.” OUR DRUG BUSI N I'.SS located in San Fran­ ASSORTED IRON, fTIHE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURE cisco, Gal. A tier our best wishes, and expressing DR. yf. K. DOHERTY RE- But Mr, Wells’ let!er needs a few words R in notifying his friends and the public gener­ our thanks for the liberal patronage wc have re NAILS, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE turns bis sincere thanks to hia of comment. While he admits the prejudi- ! ally 4nat he is now receiving and opening a very ccived for more than twenty-one years, during numerous patients for their pat­ large and extensive stock of which period we have been steadily engaged in the HORSE SHOES, etui eflToet which my charge would have ronage, and would take this op­ Drug business in California, we beg to say in con­ portunity to remind them that he continues to con­ him and Mr. Burnett, and complains PROMPT TREATMENT, AND NAILS, sequence of the rapid growth of Dr. Walker’s sult at his Institute for the cure of chr<*iric diseases California Vinegar Bitters, now spread over the that Burnett bad not denied my charges in STAPLE DRY GOODS of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Oen- United States ami countries far beyond, we are ne- MEAT CUTLERY, ito-Uniary Organs, and all Private Diseases, via 7. his letter, be then proceeds to solemnly deny To Render Existence Desirable. x-ssitated to devote our entire time to said busi­ Syphilis, in all its forms and stage« ; Seminal that he received any money or other valuable ness. CEDAR WARE, Weakness, and ail the h< rrid can sequences of.self- READY-MADE CLOTHING, We are the Oldest Drug firm on the Pacific Coast thing to support Col. Kelly, cither in, or out If you are suffering or have suffered, from in­ abuse ; Gonorrhoea ; Gleet, Strictures ; Noctfernal- and the on’y one, continuous under the same pro­ ROPE, voluntary discharges, what effect does it produce and Diurnal Emissions ; Sexual Debility ; Die­ of caucus. My charge was that he and Bur. prietors since 1S-19, and have determined to sell upon your general health? Do you feel weak, eases of the Baek and Loina ; Inflammation of ttem* our large, prosperous, nnd well established busi­ SIIELF HARDWARE, nett received a valuable consideration to g0 debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exer­ Bladder and Kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that hia* ness on favorable terms. tion produce palpitation of the heart ? Does your long experience and successful practice will con­ into the Senatorial caucus. This charge was This is a rare opportunity for men with means, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM . OILS, liver, or urinary organs, or your kidney« frequen­ tinue to insure him a share of public patronage.. of entering into a profitable business with advan­ tly get out of order? 1» yot>r urine aometimes By his practice of many years in Europe and tbv made three months ngo. Both Mr. Wells tages never before offered. PAINTS, thick, milky or flocky or is it ropy on settling? United States, he is enabled to apply the most effi­ and Mr. Burnett have had ample opportunity For particulars enquire of CLOTH* Or does a thick bcuui rise to the top ? Or u a sod cient and successful remedies against disease« of to ponder upon it. and both have written letters r ii. M c D onald a co ., GLASS, intent at the bottom after it has stood awhile? all kinds. He uses no mercury, charge« moderat«,. II. II. M c D onald , 1 Wholesale Druggists, BLANKETS, ti the pu lie print* in reference to my speech ; Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspep­ treats bis patients in a correct and honorable way,, J. C. S pencer . ) San Francisco, Cal. sia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have and has references of unquestionable veracity from.1 C • C • y bitntither Mr. H ells any more th in Mr. N. B. Until a sale is made we shall continue our spells ot fuinting, or rushes of blood to the head? men of known respectability and high otanding in* HOOP SKIRTS, importations and keep a large stock of iresh good:, Is your memory impaired? Is your mind con- society. All parties consulting him, by letter or Barnett has denied this charge. Having Also the celebrated constantly on baud, and sell nt prices to defy com­ tstan’ly dwelling oa this subject? Do you feel otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treat­ l.a 1 abun lai.t time and opportunity to deny, petition. ETC., ETC. dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? ment and implicit secrecy. AMERICAN nnd having failed to do so, the charge must January 7th,1871. j«n7-ly. — AT.SO— Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from To Female«, Boots and Shoes; Ladles', Misses' be taken ns confessed. So much for the ex everybody? Does any little thing make you start aud ChUdrcus ’ Shoes. or jump. ’ Is your sleep broken or restless? Is t When a female is in trouble or afflicted with planation given by these for the violation the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on I disease, or weakness of the back and limbi, pain of their plighted faith. your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in ■ in the head, dimness of sight, lose of muscular Wg have also in connection with the above a |society as well? Do you pursue your business power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nerv­ Large and Extensive Stock of Choice Now, I appeal to you, fellow citizens, to Always on hand a full variety of i with the same energy ? Do you feel as much con­ ousness, extreme uniarv difficulties, derangement rea l again the letter* of M< ssrs. Burnett, i A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY fidence in yourself ? Are your spirits dull and of digestive functions, general debili’y, vaginitis,, GROCERIES. flagging, given to fits of melancholy? If so do all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterility, and Dr. WALKER’S CALIFORNIA Waldon and Wells in the light of the revela- I not lay it tu your liver or dyspepsia. Have you all other diseases peculiar to females, she should, ti n* I hare made herein, and then ask your HARDWARE, restless nights? Your back weak, your knees go or write at once to the celebrated Female Doe- Hydraulic Pipe, Tin, Copper, and Shcit-iroi weak, ami have but little appetite, and you attri- tor, W. K. DOHERTY, at his Medical Institute, selves: If the*« men dreaded republican ware made to order. ¡bute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? and consult him about her troubles and disease. Hundreds of Thousands g « 4 QUEENSWARE, HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. contain nition so much, tbit they jeopardized Irregularities, Suppressions, etc., will receive the Bear testimony to their Wonder- October 15tb, 1870. I sT the dearest interest of their county, and dis­ fa 1 Curative Effects. NOW, READER, Ductor’s particular at entiun. l^t no false deli- CLASSWARE, i cacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save honored their own pledges, why did they fre WHAT ARE THEY? , silf-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and , yourself from painful suffering and premature CUTLERY, sexual excesses, are all capable of producing n 'death. All married ladies whose delicate health quent republican caucuses? If they tell the weakness of the generative organs, The organs ! or circumstance» prevent un increase in their fami- truth like men, tvhy do they contradict each PAINTS, of generation, when in perfect health. |1 es, should write or call at DR. DOHER'IY’S other, and why are both contradicted by still MEDICAL INSTITUTE, ai.d they will receive . MAKE THE MAN, OILS, j every possible relief and help. The Doctoi’e of- other* ? If they are innocent of the charge* I ; flees, consisting of a suite ot six rooms, are so ar- Corner California and Fourth Sts. ETC, I hare brought, why have they not denied DID YOU EVER THINK < ranged that he can be consulted without fear of ALSO them? If they were honest, why did they | observation. rpilE rp HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering 1 Hilly luforui their friends and the public gen not come back as poor as they went, as every successful business men, are always those whose I Window Glass, Nails, Iron and erally .hat they have purchased the above estab­ To Curretpoudents. generative organs are in perfect health ? other honest representative from Jackson ba*. I i Steel, Cast and Steel Plow. lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will b, You never hear such men complain of being I Patients (male or female) residing in any part Wooden and Willow henceforward conducted under their constant per These question.«, I opioe, they will find it melancholy, of nervouvne-s, or palpitation of the I of the State, however distant, who may desire the H are, lite., lite. sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction lienrt. They are never afraid they cannot succeed opinion and advice oi Dr. Doherty in their respec­ very difficult to answer. to all who may favor them with their patronage JAS. T? GLENN, M D W LOW PRICES WILL WIN. 1 SUEMERGED PUMPS VINEGAR BITTERS LIVERY i SÄLE STABLE But to resume, about dusk on the day of the caucus, Monday, Sept. 20ih, I learned that Wells, Burnett and Waldon had teen “induced’’ to attend the caucus without any other or further guarantees than Col. Kellv’s. In tbo afternoon Mr. WalJou had requested the withdrawal of his name fr< m the pledge, which was accordingly done. It is not true, ar Mr. Wells assert«, that Mr. Burnett ever requested the withdrawal of hia name. These stables are centrally located, aud within jonvenient distance of the various houses ot pul>!i< entertainment. Horses or mules will l>e boarded and cared for, by the -lav or week, at modéra’« charge«. They have the largest stock in Oregon, south of Portland, of I am now ready to sell anything in my line at the lowest cash price. Persons wishing t > buy goods will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold by any bouse in J ack sou county. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES w ith single or double teams, for hire on reason­ able terms ; a so, GOOD SADDLE HORSES [cuXCLLDF-P NEXT WEEK.] Which will l-e hired to go to any part of the country at moderate rates. Animals bought en l sold, : nd horses bro ze t« saddle or harness. CHEAP FOR CASH! An Act to Protect Litigants. A WILSON. KAREWSKT, HAVING JUST OPENED a large stock of Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of af the State of Oregon : SECTitn«, 1. It shall be the fluty ofthe Gov­ ernor of the State of Orr^rn, within six months after the taking effect <>f tbi* act, to designate, by < rer as the medium through which all judicial *n,rircd or required to be published by any law oi this State, which shall be published iu any other tiewspaperthan the one so designated, sh«1< be illegal and void : Prorideii, That at any time, upon proof of a failure on tne part of the proprietor of any newspaper to properly publish legal an I judicial advertisements, or of their non- comptian « with any of the conditions of this Act, the Governor may designate aud appoint and con­ firm,' according to tht provisions of this Act, some other paper as the official organ of tha county in which such failure or default is made. Sac. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State aud all County Clerks to make and forward, within ten days from notice thereof, certificates re­ quired of them by this Act, nd to receive and ’.o file all papers, bonds, and otfccr documents mea- tione-1 in this Act, as to be filet (n their respective offices. S ec . 5. All notices or advertisements required prii* to or during the course of any gal or judi­ cial proceedings, shall be made in thc\_newspaper which has been designated, appointed and con­ firmed, as hereinbefore provibed, a* the official or­ gan in the county in which such proceedings are bad. Prorided, That lhe prices charged for euoh advertising shall not exceed for each square of twelve line* of nonpareil type two dollars and fifty cents for the first, and one dollar for each subse­ quent insertion. S ec . fi - Each newspaper designated under this Act shall furnish, free of charge, one copy of its issues to the Secretary of State Librarian and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, and two copies each to the Clerks of all Court* of Record in the counties for which it is the official organ. And it shall be the duty of the Clerks of the Courts of Record aforesaid to have one copy of said newspaper filed and from time to time bound ; and the Courts may determine any question that may arise as to the publication of any legal or ju­ dicial advertisements by reference to such files. S ec . 7. All Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. D ec . 8. As the present laws relating to the publication of legal and judicial advertisements are imperfect, and important advantages to liti­ gants find others are to be.daecured by this Act, therefore this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Governor. Approved Oct. 24, 1870 Attest, 8. F, CHADWICK, Secretary of State. MUI.llS, STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES. ( BLANKETS, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, PAINTS A OILS. ri My Motto: Quick Sales & Small Profits.” COMPLETE i FULL . V ways on hand at the STOCK AL- CITY DRUG STORE, OF BOOKS, —AT— STATIONERY, TOILET ARTIGLI S, THE BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Miner Streets, offers bargains, sq,ch as have not been offered before at Jacksonville. This stock is fresh and of the heat quality, and CASH purchasers will do well to call on him. AC. AC. GASOLI E OIL AND LAMPS At the CITY DRUG STORE. Agency for the Staple Produce taken in exchange for goods. Also ground salt in 50 and 100 lbs. sacks, and fine Liverpool salt. January 7th, 1871. janT-if. * W. L. COWAN, Druggist. August 27th, 1870. Call at J. Neuber’s « 2 S 2 - “ FANCY DRINK, ? E «s a » T Made cf Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirit« midItefuse l.iqiiura doctored,spiced and sweet­ ened tq please the taste, called’“ Tonics, ’••‘Appetiz­ ers, ” “ Restorers,” *c., that lead the t!pplcr on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine,made from the Native Boots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stiuiuiauta. They arc the GREAT RLOOl) PURIFIER mid A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Innovator and Invlgorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Elttcra according to dlrcc- tlon and remain long unwell. fclGO will be given for an incurable case, provided the bone* aro not destroyed by mineral poison or ether means, and the vital organs wat ted beyond the point of repair. For Inflaiiiniutory nnd Chronic Rheuma­ tism nod Gout, l)ynpcp*in sir Indigestion, Ililiotia, Remit tent and liitrriniltcnt Fevers, I)l*en*CH of the Blood, l.iver. Kidney«, nnd Bladder, these Bitter« l ave been most success­ ful. Site!» DineaHCs arc canscd by Vitlnted Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of t!ie Digralive Organ*. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Head­ ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Ernctatlons of the Stomach, liad taste in the Month, E lions Attacks, Palpitation cf the Heart, Inflammation of the Langs,Pain in tho regions efthe Kidneys and a hundred other painful s;.-n-tc"-R, arc tlie offsprings of Dyspepsia. T'- y¡ .vigórate the Stomach and stimulate the tor- ptdi.vcrand bowels, which render them of unequalled rdlcncyi .i cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Ernptions.Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car­ buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Eryslp. clas, ltc<^ Scurft, Discolorations of tho Skin, numors and Diseases of tho Skin, of whatever name ornaturo, are literally dug up and carried out ofthe system In a chon time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convinco tho most insflsdulous of their eurattve effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And its impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples, Erup­ tions or Sores cleanse it when you And It obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it Is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TA PE and other WORMS, lurking ia the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy- cd and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In four lan­ guages—E.iglieh, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. n. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal,, tad S3 and 31 Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THEY ABE NOT A VILE RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, but also those they do business with or for. H"W many men, from badly cured diseases, from I lhe effects of seif-abuse and excesses*, have brought about that state of weakness in those or­ gan* that has reduced the general system So much as to induce almost every other disease. j IDIOCY, LUNACY, PARALYSIS, i . i I ■ : spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other I form of disease which humanity is heir to, land the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever , suspected, and have doctored for all but the right I one. Di-cnses of these organs require the use of I Diuretic. i nd see his fine stock of num A T 13 1-3 CENTS. AMERICAN LEVER 6 1 is the great Diureetic, and is a certain cure for disease« of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General ] Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, ' j whether existing in Male or Female, from what­ ever cause originating, and no mutter of how long i standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED BY H. T, HELMBOLDj Druggist, 694 BROADHAY, NEW YORK, AND Those knowing themselves indebted to me will He is agent for the best Rifles and Pistols made, among which is the do well to call without delay and settle, as I must have money, and that soon. HENRY FLIFUE HENRY BREITBARTH. Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ Jan. 14-tf. ing. LAGER! LAGER! ËACLE BREWERY. öS 104 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHIL., PA “EXCELSIOR” LIVERY STABLE. Price, >1 25 per Bottle, or s-, fl Oí ri ri U G & O w s 44Q « O « « O fl « $ ylfi- QUICK SALES NEW STATE SALOON •w « o h W »; C G o Q 5 s X s v. 7. c o *3 . Q ~ 1 ? ¿ El id ö e. “ >• S-.Ï-S c> js X X 3 « ** * u eS «e • a - £ z als® ' " —— z © K »- tí G J- •• > -S -T K a a 8^- c. • w 08 Q- Zt a • o M ffis tì o 8 M C X ? £ ,x <♦. S I t on JZ « fl) ». * .£ ~ - ih E2 - - £ H- « « OÍ M hi 3 s C c * H 4. 3 _ W J= — wS Ç E- » a Q. P S c of Ct Ä U *-— Ob o c. o o OC qj o fl HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, WATCH I S Just from the Factory. TW Point« or Billiard« F*<»r Drink*. HELMBOLD’S i Spermatorrhoea. DR. DOHERTY has just published an important pamphlet embodying bis own views and exper­ iences in relation to Impotence or Virility, be ng a. short treatise on Spcrniotorrlicea <>r Seminal Weak­ ness, Nervous and Physical debility consequent on this affection, and other diseases of the sexual or­ gans. This little work contains information “f the Sfl- nio:t value to all. whether married or »ingle and will be sent rrtKE by mail on receipt of six cents ia postage stamps for return postage. Address W. K. DOHERTY. M. D.. San Francisco, Cal. jan. 21, 187!. FLUID EXTRACT JEWELRY STORE, HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING FULLY Goods direct from the manufacturer, refitted this >ld and favorite place of resert, X bn a fine lot o now offers the ve*y best of liquors and segars at xvlng MaoHi n o • Prices from $20 to $110, cash. The Saloon is commodious, the billiard tables *re of the latest and most improved pt^tern, and A New Lot of the wants of guests promptly supplied. tive cases, and who tbiiik proper to submit a writ­ ten statement of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectifully n»sured that their communications will be held most sacred. Dr. Doherty takes this opportunity <-f obaerving that all letters are opened and replied to bv himstlf only, and the latter as promptly as possible. If the case be fully and candidly discriLed, per­ sonal comm unication wiii Le unnecessary, as in- stiuctions for diet, regimen and the general treat­ ment of the case itself (including the remedies), will be forwarded without delay, and in such a manner as to convey no idea of the purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. Consultations, by letter or otherwise, FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed, or no pay. Address IV. K. DOHERTY, M. D., Sun Francisco, Cali­ fornia. in business ; they don’t become sad and discour­ aged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs hi Dated by ruuuing to excess These will not only < j * »3 <1 0) < pi a - L- P m *1 Q W-4 ■’as Si KJ jì - __ I M o O I am now prepared to furnish my patrons, and OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOW ON HAND the public generally, with as and is constantly manufacturing the best Lag­ er Beer in Southern Ore.on, which he will sell in AM SELLING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE quantities to suit purchasers. Call and test the of Saddle« and Harness cheaper than ever was TURNOUTS FINE article. offered before in Jacksonville. “Seeing is believ­ he thirsty public ARE INFORMED Jacksonville June 5th, 1869. ing.” Give me a eall before purchasing else­ » ~ _ that Paji ’ape A * Savage of the “ New State Sa­ -BY— Pacific Coast. Saddlehorses where. can be had on the______ loon ” will quench their thirst with the most choice as hired to go to any part of the country. Animals I BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for •* one bit.” We expect to lose money by it, hut JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. BOUGHT & SOLB. times are bard, and we cannot see people thirsty. PAPE A SAVAGE. done with neatness and dispatch. (KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN,) HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN, October 16th, I860. Horae« broke to work «ingle or double. Horses . JERRY NUNAN. forms the citisene of Jacksonville and surround- boarded, and the best care bestowed upon them Jacksonville. Jan. 14th, 1871. jan-lltf. Corner of Start and Prout Street«, ing country, that be is now manufacturing, and while ia iuy charge. will constantly keep on hand, the very beat of JW-MY TBRMB ARE REASONABLE. Lager Boer» Those who wish «cool glasi of beer A liberal ahar» of public patronage is aolietted. lanks of all description i should give me a eall. ZI EBER