TUE DEMOCRATIC TIMES e SATURDAY MORNIVJ, FEB. 4, 1871. THOMAS BOYCE. No. 30 (Second door,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent for Saa Francisco. T hanks .—Our thank» are due Messrs. Wi- tner'Jt Son, of the Wimer Flouring Milla, at Phoenix, for 400 lbs. of flour donated by them,to this office. The flour has been tested, and is pronounced to be of a superior quality. This enterprising firm are about to erect an­ other mill about 300 yards above the present one, which is to bo the standard mill of this county. It will be completed by the 10th of I Action at Law to recover money. Frank Brvhan, Pl'ff, vs. 8. A. Heilner, Deft. To 8. A. Heilner : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear in said Court and answer the complaint of said Plaintiff filed against you, within ten days from the time ot the servioe of this summons on you, if served within said county ; or, if served on you out of the State of Oregon, then it is ordered by T. H. B. Shipley, Judge of said Court, that publication be made foi six weeks in the D emocratic T imes , a newspapei published in Jacksonville, Jackson county. Ore gon, prior to the first Monday in March, A. D., Jacksonville Market Prices, and ordered that Tuesday. Marell 7th, be set S alt 100 tb ... apart for hearing objections to the same. In S alekiti s p* tb., 5 5 CALIFORNIA STREET, r 1 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON; .-L-PR y J. I 21 @25 18(0.22 15@ 18 25(0)30 37(0,50 50 25@ 1 50 00 @1 25 50 50@4 00 20 @25 50 @6 50 14@22i 00 @6 00 ; 20 @25 1 20@25 I 50 1 50 25@37 5Ü(a>7ó ■ FAIN IDS 'hL INTERNALLY- CURES CRAMPS, he undersigned take pleasure TIIE BEST PLACE T CLOTHS SUMMONS. BLANKETS, The Pain King CURES CHOLERA, The Pain King CURES SICK HEADACHE, IS AT The Pain K ing CURES INDIGESTION, KEPT BY The Pain King SACHS BRO’S. CURES DYSENTERY, The Pain King CURES SUDDEN COLDS. E HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AS60RT- uient of W DRY AND FANCY' GOODS, EXTERNALLY- N THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE of Oregon, County of Jackson. I Ilellen Ann Hardes, Pl'ff, vs. Janies Hardes, Deft. Suit for Dissolution of Marriage Contract. hoop skirts , CLOTHING, The Pain King BOOTS AND SHOES, CURES SCALDS, ETC., ETC. —ALSO— HATS, The Pain King Boots and Shoes; Ladles’, Misses’ To J ames H ardes . the above named D ef ’ t : GROCERIES, aud Childrens’ Shoes. In the name of the State of Oregon, you arc here­ CURES FROST BITES, by required t> appear and answer the complaint, PROVISIONS, filed against you in the above entitled suit, within W k have also in connection with the abort a very The Pain King ten days from the time of the service of this sum­ Large and Extensive Stock of Choico QUEENSWARE, mons upon you, if served within this county : or, CURES BRUISES, if served in any other county of this State, then LIQUORS, within twenty days from the date of the service of GROCERIES. The Pain King this summons upon you ; and if the same be served SEGARS & TOBACCO, by publication, then within six weeks from the first HARDWARE, CURES RHEUMATISM, publication of this summons in the D emocratic all of which will be sold very T imes . QUEENSWARE, The Pain King The Deft will take notice that if he fails to ap CHEAP FOR CASH^S^ pear and answer the complaint of Pt'fT, as aforesaid, CLASSWARE, CURES TOOTH ACHE, the Pl’ff will apply to the Court for the relief de­ Please call, before purchasing elsewhere, and manded therein, to-wit : the dissolution of the CUTLERY, judge fur yourself. The Pain King marriage contract now existing between Pl'ff and SACHS BRO'S. Deft and the care nnd custody of Mary, together PAINTS, CURES STINGS OF INSECTS. January 7th. 1871. with the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed. By order of P. P. Prim, Judge, Jan. 14.h, OILS, 1871. THE NEW FOOD. As a Family Medicine, it stands unrivaled. J. R. NEIL, Att’y for Pl’y. Vuy it, try it, and be convinced. For sale by all ETC, Jan. 14th, 1871. janl4-w6. lealers in Patent Medicines. ALSO W. L. COWAN, Proprietor. Jan. 14-tf. the inuttet of the estate of Stephen Hallech, deceased, Win. M. Mathes, administrator, V inegar Gal. fidox presented final aecount; ordered that Tuesday HAL,r‘>RNIA M atches 44 44 44 r : . _ J I G erman the 4th day of April, 1871, be set apart for PROVISIONS hearing objections to the settlement of the 18@20 H ams lb.................................. same. In the matter of ths estate of Hugh B acon * 4 13(0,18 • 4 14@15 Donnelly, deceased, P. J. Ryan, administia L ard 4 4 37(0,50 B utter “ lb tor, presented petition to the Court, repre 20(0,25 Doz . , ... *-- • , ■ E ggs ¡5 w*.................*. senting tnat 1 decedent tn his lifetime sold to C heese p* lb................................... 25 12@15 Isaac VanDorn, certain described real prop A pples —Dried ç* !b........................ . 18(0,20 P eaches —“ “......................... erty, but died before executing conveyance;! llOXr.Y (5 lb..................................... t 38(o> 50 further, that »aid VanDorn has paid the VEGETABLES purchase price; ordered that the adm.nistra P otatoes lb.................................. tor execu.e to said VanD >rii a good, sufficient U nions p* lb ........ ....................... deed tor the prupeity described in sai l pen B eans 'D tb t>ou. In the in itt'-r ot tiie estate <4 J.>auua 11. S.erne, deceased, Silas J. Day, ad.uitn.-. j trator d: bonis non, h.eJ petitio i .i^koig - --------- -- ---- ¿— permission to sell real estate; ordered ilia, citation l>e is-ue i, requiring all persons inter­ y virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the County Court, of the ested to appear ut the Marell term ot the I WILLIAM DAVIDSON, (State of Oregon, for the county of Jackson, and Court, und show cause why the petition ' | to me directed, in favor of Win. Bilger and against I iim now ready to sell anything in my line at th. M A. Elder, for the recovery of the lum of three lowest each price. Persons wishing t > buy good not be grained. should hundred and thirty-five and eighteen-one hundreths will find it greatly to their advantage to exainiiv dollars ($335 18-100). gold coin, together with the our stock betöre purchasing elsewhere, as I ant I | costs and accruing costs, I huve levied upon an i determined not to be undersold by any house in T he W hite P rince .—As the impruvemem | Office, No. 61 Front Street, I will on Jackson county. of stuck is a matter of inu.iient to the stuck Thursday, February 16th, A. I)., 18T1, ral-ets and farmets of this valley, we invite PORTLAND, OREGON. ^-<7“ Give me a call, and then judge for your- between tho hours of 9 o’clock a . m . and 4 o’clock self as to our capacity to furnish goo.is as above. u careful ptTU-ai ot tne advertisement ol Mr. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST p. M. of said day, at the Court House door in the W.C. Myer’s Percheruu horse, White Pr.uce. PORIL a ND, in the most de.-irable localities, con­ I town of Jacksonville, in said county, offer for sale JAS. T. GLENN. where a truthful sia-emetit will be obtained sisting <>f LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in ’ gold and silver coin, the following described real HOUSES und cTOKES ; also, couceruing nis form, size, action mid cu.ur;l j property, to-wit: the undivided one-half (J) of and about Ins color—a dapple gray — wc IMPROVED FARMS, an! valuable un­ l one water ditch known as the Walker’a Creek quote the following opinion oi an eminent: cultivated LANDS, lucaled iu ALL parts of the • Ditch, and conveys the water from Walkers creek ' to the mines on the right hand fork of Jaekson 1 S TATE lor SA LE. FrenC t author; “I liked the gray horse be I creek ; also the undivided one-third (J) ot the cause I th »ugtit that Providence had etea eu REAL ESTATE ami other Property pur I quartz lode, known as the Johnson A Elder Quartz Lode, at the head of Scliivelv Gulch, a tr'butary it gray in order that it might be able to ' chased for Correspondents, iu this till and of the right han I fork of said Jacks-m creek ; also i throughout the st ATES and TERRITORIES, withstaiil, during ns work, lite beat ut lite ¡with gieat care and «11 the most ADVANTA­ the undivided one third (J) of the Elder .1 John- son Q iartz Mill and machinery, situated cn the sun, uni not be prostrated under its rays. 1 GEOUS TERMS. right hand fork of said Jackson creek. all in Jaek­ SPECIAL NOTICES Sheriff’s Sale. B l THE WHITE PRINCE son county and State afori-said, levied upon ns the property of the said M. A. Elder, to satisfy the above mentioned execution. This the 14th dnv of Januarv, A. D., 1871. HENRY KLIPPEL, Sheriff, P er E. D. F oi 'D rav , Deputy. | Jacksonville, Jan. 21st, 1870. jan21 w-4. suit and his punauia ; us mr soldier, in the field, liked, under the Air.can or Mexican AGENTS of this OFFICE in all the CIT- sky, the havelock which protected him 1ES and TOWNS in the STATE, will receive against the rays of the burning luminary. 1 descriptions ot FARM PROPERTY and forward Redemption of State Bounty Boni»— One Full Blood and two three-quarter Eked it gray because it seeinel to me to recall tt e same to the above address. blood Perrlier.il maree. February 4th, 1871. Amn’t. Applicable for Redemption, $12 OOO more than any other the Arab, the primitive ' byrail to Chico, Cal. He is alight, dapp’e gray, 5 horse; because Percbe having always pot- ' years old the coming Spring ; weighed when ship­ O ffice S tate TRExsrnF.n, sensed gray horses, I tfiought there was much ped in Ohio, 1.680 lbs., at at maturity, in go >d Sal-tn, Jan. 7th, 1870. condition, wi 1 more chance 0» finding, under this coat, the EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- I ceived by the undersigned, at his office, in Sa­ type of the Country ; because I hud been lem, until Feb. 9th, 1871, for the surrender o! rocked to sleep to the lune ul that old ballad J Bounty Bonds, issued uu .er provision of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, of our ancestors, celebrating Charles de Trie, granting Bounty to volunteers of this State, enlis­ Has large, broad, fleet limbs, g od di-;osit'on, the Percheruu Seigneur, going forth to c on ted in the service of the United States, approved 11 a ingcountenance, fine style, good ncl.ou, anol bat the English at the battle of Poitiers : “O.. October 24, 1864, at the lowest r ite, not exceeding lias never been bred to any extent. While in the East burning for a horse to l.rii g par value, as may redeem the greatest number <4 charger white the sire of Trie Against the foe Bonds. Bids to include interest to date of surren­ to this coast, I saw nineteen imported Pcrcher* >■ horses, end I am satisfied The Wh te Prince for has gone to war,” etc. etc. der, and to be addressed to S A Pain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mortals, B urglaby .—On Wednesday night last, the as inevitable as death itself and liable at any time to come up-n us. Therefore it is important that •tore of G. Karewski was broken mto. Two) remedial agents should be at hand to be used on of our townsmen were returning from the' an emergency when the seminal principle lodged in the system shall develop itself, and we feel the brewery, when they discovered alight iu said excruciating agonies of pain, or the depressing in­ store, and ;he hoar being late, it occurred to fluence of disease. Such a remedial agent exist- in the Pain Killer, whose fame has utado the cir­ them that something must be wrong ; and cuit of the globe. Amid the eternal ices of the making a recomioiss nice of the premises, they polar regions or beneath the intolerable and burn­ ing sun of the tropic1, its virtues are known ami , tound a hole through the wall in the Tear ol: appreciated. Under all latitudes, from the one the store. The next thing of interest that extreme to the other, suffering humanity has found was Mr. Chinaman, ! re’ief front nt ny of its ills by its use. The wide appeared to them anti broad area over which this medicine has spread, with a candle io his hand, prospecting the attests its value anti potency. From a small bc- io» Ue. O.ie concluded to go and get the ' gining, the Pain Killer has pushed gradually along, making its own highway, solely by its virtues. night watch while the other would keep Suck unexampled success and popularity has guard. Johu Chinaman heard or smelt a brought others into the fielfl, who have attempted, under similarity of name, to usurp the confidence ■“mice,” and started cut of the opening lie of the people and turn it to their own selfishness had chiselled through the wall, when the man anil dishonesty, but their efforts have proved fruit­ /in guard »truck him on the head with a less, while the Pain Killer is still growing in pub- | lie favor. brick, which only had a tendency to make jan. 21, 1871. John realize bi> situation, and he gave the man a stroke in the side and arm with some keen instrument, after which he started on a I I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Corner of California and Third St*., Real Estate Dealer Jikei it gray, as the Arab likes bis hurst gray and bis b mriious of a whitish e.Jor ; a.» the American planter likes bis wbi.e c •tun. KING! The Pain King READI-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES. si . i 2 . 3 THE GREAT STAPLE DRY GOODS Rxv, F ather B lanchett will hold divine ser- Reported nnd corrected weekly for the D emocratic vices at the Catholic Church to-morrow, at the T imes hy Sachs Bros., YVholsale and Retail dealers usual hour. in Drygoods, Clothing, Groceries, Proviaions, Etc., Etc. lb................. In the matter of the estate of Aaron Cham S ugars —Crushed A S F Golden C 4 4 bers, deceased, 11. F. Maury, administrator, Sandwich Is B 44 having filed final account—ordered that,ç 1‘ UPFKE—Costa Rico 4 4 Fresh Ground 4 4 Tuesday, the 7th day of March, be set apart, 44 Chocolate tor hearing objections, if any, to the settle­ T eas —Young llyson 4 4 4 4 Japan ment of the same. In the matter of the es F lour —"p 100 lb...... tate of Josiah Newland, deceased* Charles I M eal “ “ ”...... Griffith, •dminiitrator, I____________ , r presented ________ _________ final ac ___________ C rackers . lb ........ count, praying f»r an order of final settlement, Uos LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! in notifying his friends and the public gener- vlly tnat he is now receiving and opening a very 1871. And you are notified that if you fail to answci .arge and extensive stock of said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff wil apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein “to-wit” : For a judgment against you for th« sum of two hundred dollars ($200), in U. S. gob ami silver coin, with interest thereon at the rat< of 10 per cent, per annum, from the 16th day o' November, A. D., 1865, and the costs and dis bursements of this action to be taxed. Done by order of said Court, made on the 4tl day of January, 1871. II. K. HANNA, Agent for Plaintiff. CALIFORNIA AND SALEM Jan. 7th, 1371. jan7-w6. occasion. SOMETHING NEW! GENERAL MERfllANDlSE, N THE COUNTY’ COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the County of Jaekson. Religious Notices C ounty C ol bt .—Monday, Jan. 30th, 1871, T. H. B. Shipley, Judge, (sitting in Probate) DEALER IN SUMMONS HUDSON Ac MENET, are our duly author July uext. lied Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 Perk Row, “Times” Building, New York. W ashington ’» B irthday .—Mr. Benedick will give a ball on the 22J inst., at his hotel on Applegate, where terpsicborean amuse­ LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ment will be dispensed to nil who may be pleased to attend. Come old and young— Mr. Benedick will doubtless do honor to the R ev . C. A lderson will hold divine service at the M. E. Church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and at 7 p. m. Subject for the evening—Temperance, JAS. T. GLENN, ÿtgal giibtriistmtuts. egs leave to inform tiie public For a few cents yon can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA MOSS FARINE made from pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Russe, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. --------------------- ————— A Glorious Change!! 217, 55. 340, 332,307, 341,374.333. 376. 409, 410, 101,406,419. 423, 428, 435, 346. 422,474. 543, 402. 554, 540. 539. 531, 319, 502, 178, 348, 48, 433, 392. ’.8«, 358, 480. 544. 508, 418, 342, 414, 415, «95, 532, 459, 448, 429, 427, 421, ,431. 347, 496. 369, 304, 497, 28. 556,310, 413, 558, 559, 567, 593, 592, 561. 434, 315, 321, 45, 214, 591, 562, 575, 589, 574, 493, 709, 458, 492, 494. 499. No intere t will be allowed on the above orders af­ ter this date. JOHN NEUBER, Treasurer, Jackson County, Oregen. Jacksonville, January 28th, 1871. Plantation Bitters. The Percheron I would here say, that well informed horsemen who were acquainted with this stock, said The White Prince was as promising a young horse a. they had ever seen imported. To those who are not posted as to their hi.-tory, the THE PLACE French Writers Say O H E3 A. I* 3E3 n. PROCLAMATION. irtereaa, under the Act of the Legislative As­ sembly of the State of Oregon, entitled “An Act to protect litigants,” approved October 24, 1870. the proprietor of the Eugene City Guard ha* been designated to publish the legal and judicial adver­ tisements for the County of Lane ; the proprietor of the Pl«i»dealer, for the counties of Coos, Cur­ ry, Josephine, and the proprietors of the D emo ­ cratic T imes , for the county of Jackson : and R’Aereae, the said several proprietors of said newspapers have filed with the County Clerk of said several counties, written stipulations, accept­ ing the conditions of said act, together with bonds approved as said law directs, with proper returns and notices thereof to this offioe according to law : Now, therefore, said several newspapers are hereby proclaimed to be appointed and confirmed ns the medium through which all judicial and legal advertisements, for said several counties respect­ fully, shall be published for the period authorised by said law. Done at the city of Salem, this 21st day of January, A. D. 1871. L F. GROVER. Governor. ANNOUNCEMENT. PUBE ARABIAN In the last century. It is that which gives them their endurance, style, form and action. “He has not such a fine skin as the Arab, nor his prettily rounded, oval, and small foot ; but we must remember the fact that he lives under a cold climate upon elevuted plains, where nature gives him for a covering a thicker skin and a warmer coat, and that be has been for years step­ ping upon moist, clayey eoil.” TEHMS $35 in U. S. gold coin, the season. Good pasturage, with good fence, near here, at 50 cts. per week. Everybody is invited to come and see uiy stock and judge fur themselves, W. C. MYER. Ashland Mills, Ogn., January 25tb. 1871. LACIER! LAGER! EAGLE BREWERY J The House has lately been re-painted, and reno- ated ; the rooms arc newly furnished, and well entilated. The bedrooms are supplied with ■ P /NG REUS, nn-1 every other convenience fur the comforts of guests. HOARD AND LODGING Can be had nt reasonable rates, according 'o the room occupied. TIIE TABLE Will be supplied with the beat the market o*n af­ ford. FAMILIES Can find at this House rooms especially arranged for their comfort and convenience, as well ns every attention and comfort usually found nt a well kept Hotel. is attached to the Hotel, for Balls, Meetings, Shows, Ac., aud can be had at reasonable term». The Hotel is furnished with a bar room where (ho very beat liquor« and cigars tn ay be found, at prices to suit the times. Jacksonville, Ogn., Jan. Sth, 1871. t. f HOW TO KEEP your — MONEY AT HOME, B uy the WOOLLEN GOODS manufactured by the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY » —AT— Who would respectfully announce to the trade and public generally, that they are now manufact­ uring and have on hand for sale, a large assortment of BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, plain TWILLED and CHECK FFANNELS, AC. AC. of the best quality and at FISHER & BRO.’S LOW RATES. Cheapest! DEALERS IN FANCY, STAPLE ftDRV'GOODS, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc., OF THE BEST Q.UAUITY , and tiie CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOWON HAND FISHER * BRO.’S, and is constantly manufacturing the best Lag­ HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO THE VOTERS of Jacksonville, that I will be a candidate for er Beer in Southern Oregon, which ha will sell in (Corner California and Oregon Street»,) quantities to suit purchasers. Call and test the Town Marshal at the election in March, next. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. article. A. HELMS. May 1st, 1869. Jackionville June 5th, 1869. Jacksonville, J* d . 2l»t, 1870. I It is located in the central part of Jacksonville ; (ages from the North and South leave regularly r iu the U. S. HOTEL. To Buy Goods THAN THE Ttlicy havebcen kept ns a distinct breed for more than a century, and undoubtedly trace to the Ara- bian, and huve several intusions of that he has the largest, best, and most cotn- uodious Hotel in Southern Oregon. ‘ A LARGE HALL WEIGH 1,800 POUNDS P B TIIE GREAT WORLD’S TONIC This wonderful vegetable re­ storative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy L. FLEISCHNER, for the nervous weakness to I FORM, SIZE, STYLE AND ACTION Treasurer of State, which women are especially sub­ Salem, Oregon. jan21-30d. Surpasses them all. In this selection 1 was as. ject, it is superseding every other fisted by Mr. Jas. Fullington, ex-Pretident Ohio Notice to Holders of County Orders. State Agricultural Society, said to be as good a stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ judge of this stock asany person in the United i States He was one of the first importers, is fa- ' cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts State of Oregon, miliar with their endurance in France, and their as a specific in every species of SS. breeding qualities in Ohio. County of Jackion. j Those who have read in the American Agri-' disorder which uudermines the culturiit and other agricultural papers, know the bodily strength and breaks down ERSONS HOLDING THE FOLLOWING County Oriicrs arc hereby notified to |>resent world-wide reputation ut the auimal spirits. For sale by the same for payment : No. 270, 292, 336. 354, 368, 35, 339, 352. 314, all druggists. DIVORCES. Absolute Divorces legally obtained in New York, Indiana, Illinois, and other States, for per­ 2 40 gait to place« unknown. Everybody id sons from any State or country, legal everywhere ; town laments the fact that the guard did not desertion, drunkenness, nun-support, elc., suffi­ hit him hard enough with that brick. He cient cause ; no publicity. No charge until di vorce ia obtained. Advice free. held the brick iu bis band and hit him with Address, MOORE A RICHARDSON, Counsellors at Law, the flat side. 180 Broadway, New Vork City. January 7th, 1871. jan7-ly. A W arning . —The following dispatch was received, dated January 31nt, by Mr. C. C. Chapped Hands aud Face, Beekman, of thia place, from II. II. Bigeiuw, Sore Lips, Dryness of the Sklu. Ace,, &c.. cf Sao Francisco : “Newton Kellogg is is Cured at once by HEGEMAN ’S CAMPHOR ICE tuing bogus policies, professedly from Home B ITH GLYCERINE. It keeps the hands soft of San Francisco.' Request local papers to in all weather. See that you get HEGEMAN’S. Sold by all Druggists, only 25 cents. Manufac­ warn public.” by H egeman 4 Co., Chemists and i tured only Druggists, New York. WIMER FLOURING MILLS—We January 7th, 1871. jan7-ly. have on bands plenty of shorts and bran, whieh we will sell cheap for cash. Bran. 75 cts., shorts, To avert evil is one of the' grandeet tri­ umphs of human skill. This triumph is achieved $1 25 per 100 Iba. by D r . W alker ’ s V egetable V inegar B itters . J. WIMER A SON. They build up, fortify and renovat ethe treble sys­ tem, thus enabling it to defy the elemental causes F atal A ccident .—A Chinaman was killed, of disease. Hence their efficacy as a protective the early purl of the week, in the Grave medicine, in districts where the air and water are The weakest and most susceptible organi­ ereek diggings, by a bank caving io on him. impure. sation is rendered proof against all malarious dis­ orders by taking one or two doses daily as a pre­ T ry the Paio King. ventive. L. HORNE, Proprietor, r Orders solicited. A liberal discount made to the trade. Ashland, May 1st, 1869. CITY BREWERY, —BY— VEIT SHTTTZ’, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. he undersigned respectfully in - T forms the citizens of Jacksonville and surround­ ing country, that he is now manufacturing, and will constantly keep on hand, the very best of Lager Beer. Those who wish a cool glass of beer should give me a call. Jacksonville, June 12th, 1869. June 12th-ly. PAÏ Ï01IR TAXES! * nd : sme cost :