A Trip to Ashland. Paris Has Fallen I Local Interests. State News. Bev. D. E. Burns. Douglas County. z We notice from one of our cotemporariee “The Oregonian publishes with evident de* At the Cavitation of one of our good citi­ A dispatch reached us on the 27th inSt. light the following strictures of the D emo the sad intelligence of the death of the Rev. zens On Saturday last, we took a seat with that Paris has capitulated after a short but cratic T imes on the joint resolution introduced cir- From the Plaindealer : The report D. E. Burns, an eminent Divine of the Bap­ him behind a pair of champing steeds and desperate seige. The heavv ordinance the •by Mr. Smith in the House, looking to a di E. D. FOUMAY, Business Agent» pox culated last week about a case of »mall tist Church of Memphis, Tenn., the brother wheeled away toward onr destination for this Germans brought to bear upon the city was version of the remainder of the lands donated of Mrs. W. G. T’Vualt, of this place. We little village at the upper end of our valley, too destructive. The desperate sorties of the to this State for internal improvements to the at Oakland turned out to be a humbug. the On last Tuesday night, a little before 8 common school fund, in compliance with sympathise with his estimable sister under simply on an excursion of seeing what we French were ineffectual to break the strong intent of our State Constitution : o’clock, our town was startled by the burning her sad bereavement, and append our cotem­ had never seen. We parsed many beautiful cordon the Germans had drawn by overwhelm ‘The intention seems to be to prevent the of the brewery of Mehl & Rhast on Deer porary’s well laid tribute to his memory/ The West Point Negro Cadet Again. f irms, whose broad acres were being black­ ing force around the doomed city. Tl»e dis use of any portion of the proceeds of this Creek. The cooper shop on the south of the “Ho rests—our pastor, our brother, eur ened by the ploughman’s recent furrows , aster is a terrible one for the French people, grant f >r any other purpose except the im friend and more than friend— in the midst of in many places the young grain was but the struggle around the walls of Paris has nrovement of the Williamette valley. The malt kiln, and which contained 1,200 bushels his days, in the fullness of his strength^ cut The negro race, by the ukaso of the late and 1 Legislature appropriated $200,000 of the fund of barley, burnt with great rapidity, and soon peeping up in feeble contrast, and in a few not been without the grand effect of reflecting to construct locks and canals around the falls down by the sickle of death. From a rapidly Power that was, were clothed with all the I g a carpet honor upon the wonted courage and gal’antry of the Willamette, but defeated the Jackson communicated with the saloon at the extreme growing fame from a great field ripening into spots of early seeding it was wearin dignities of the American citizen ; aud they ! south end. B >th buildings ware soon con­ a golden harvest; from a church that loved tery naturally came in fur their share in the of ' lively green. The ride was marked with i»f the French soldiery. The ill fated people Wagner Road bill and the Sandy Wagon Rond bill, both of which contemplated ap sumed, as well as the contents of their large him to a member, and almost to idolatry ; privileges io ail the high places of the nation. ' alternate shower and sunshine, giving hope led, or rather forced into the war by a strange propriations from the same fund. Having cellar. The total loss will be somewhat over from a city that was proud of his talents and , wh>> combination of circumstances, has held out his eloquence ; from the admiring congrega­ And 60 a coal black, kinkey head, flat nose, to the b.is>m of the anxious farmer got for the Webfoot nation all that can be tions that crowded his church and hung in remarkably against the victorious, powerful got from this land, the unselfish people of the $3,000, and no insurance. seemed busy on every hand in honestly turn ­ ebony-shanked negro lad—ycleped Smith— On Wednesday last as the southern stage raptures on his words, and alas ! alas I from a ing the glebe, and lending new life to the and well disciplined foe. With her raw lev­ Willamette, through their Representative, found his way, as the successful applicant, to helpless, utterly dependent family, a wife who was coming down the north side of Robert ’ s lowing herds that were eagerly cropping th-* ies and inferior appliances for war they for propose to divert the balance to the school the National Military Academy. The sons ol hill, a bridge broke, letting one of the horses is an invalid ; from children at the age io tender grass on the warm sides of the lower a time, by extreme courage, baffled the terri fund.’ life above any other that need a father’s coun­ the “poor white trash” were thrust aside, Now we are not prepared to speak of Mr. hills. Passing this beautiful and fertile re. ble odds of King William ; they fought with Smith's intentions further than without direct through. The driver, Mr. Clarke, succeeded sel and direction, be is taken away—and so •nd aspiring young Cuffiee met the welcome gion, which seems more like a view of pano­ the desperation of dispair, and considering proof to the contrary we are bound to believe in pulling the horse from under the bridge suddenly, so unexpectedly ! What shall we plaudit of come here man and brother’ take ramic art than a reality, we reached our des the cause for which they fought, they truly that they are honorable, and that he considers without serious injury, and it was chiefly •f nothing but them both. The aim of the old sddier seems says he has them for sale. drone completes the rare adornments to the ing monarch , and it is more than likely that evil. Let it be stopped —Herald. gro-loving notables, and told to go in with to be as true as it was known to be twenty her young republic was baptized in blood, the best of them. With all this extra perfu- ^°^cr marg’n9- We have stated once before, and now re­ years ago. BORN Nature has done much fur this favored but to die. And the form of government migation and tight lacing in “blue,” the I.inn Count}. spot, and the earnest pioneer, in the absence that will rise from her smoking fields of car peat, that the T ime 9 is not Mr. Fay’s organ, IIANLY—Near Jacksonville, Feb’y 1st, 1871, to imposed on buckra b»ys of the Institution or any other man ’ s organ. Mr. Fay docs not of the proper outlets, is struggling to do hisj nage, will not be likely to advance the cause the wife of M. Ilunly, a ion. smelt a nigger—not only every time he swel [From the Albany Journal.) share. Several enterprises seem to be under of human liberty in Europe. And, under own one dollar in the concern, and is in no tered, but between times—the poor boys could It seems there was to have been a wedding favorable headway. A Woolen Factory has .the deplorable circumstances, we fear the wise interested in it, except so far as to wish leu), Co-Pai) not help it. Cuffee's eDraged dignity deter at Albany on the 24th insr., ns a correy, is dent informs us, but it proved to be another mined to help it, and so he mercilessly used magnificent water power, and was in opera that the in >loch of war is satiated with the so much as lies in his power. Our columns illustration of the ancient proverb that “thej a cocoanut dipper on the pate of a fellow- are open to Mr. Fay a« they are to any other , tiou until a short time ago, and for some cause victims in common, and that the holocaust of compaoion in arm«, to such a flagrant extent course of true love never run* smooth.” lit suspended ; but we learned that it will re {death is satisfied with the common si lughfer ; Dem »crat who desires to be heard by the that a court-inartial was called, to uphold, There was a charming y mng widow who In Mr. Fay ’ s cou.ro ‘ suine operations again soon. The building at which a united wail goes up alike from Democracy of Jackson, the discipline for which this Institution is so charmed a railroad man, and a mutual affec­ N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE and findings are of the most approved style, both nations. Truly, when the wicked hear versy with the Herald, or with any other pa of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, Jan- highly noted. His tinselled judges varied: per, or with anv person, all legitimate mat­ tion sprang up, which was the cause of { and it turned off an excellent article of wool rule, the people must expect to mourn. Na­ juary, 1871. (Sitting in Probate.) their consciences from a due visitation of ter appearing over his signature will be cheer­ trouble to the mind of a gallant butcher who! In the matter of the Estate of Joshua II. en goods. A splendid flouring mill, saw poleon's wicked, ambiti' us designs led him such criminations, and simply admonish that fully published, lie will be responsible for loved, it seems, but was not loved again,' mill, marblo works, and turning mill, nil against King William ; within the short space Sterne, Deceased. when the spoiled child saw fit to slash around it—tmt the T imes . We r< peat again that we until he contrived to prejudice her tn’nd by moved by the Sime water power, gives ac­ of thirty days his designs were br< ught to which he I „ To Ch?rles Stirne? wii S,er.ne; Mlaria ^,rne* its playthings, to try aod successfully dodge are not the organ of any ring, man, or clique. false yarns about his rival, ’ upon r George btert be expected to guarnn be n perfectly free and untrammeled j >urnal, that after all, the fair one, finding out the , I real property belonging to said Estate, situated in the town of Jacksonville, Jackson count}', Oregon, so another farcical proceeding is to be insti-- { falsehood of her “ tother lover, sent again then it can understand the position of the soon be ready for use ; which manifests a tee the humbled people of Frame anything to-wit : A hou.-e and lot, situated on Third Street, tuted aga'mst the lying young moke, to at­ high spirit the citizens of the place have for like a liberal form of government. And we T imes . We will add here in justice t<» Mr for the gallant railroader, made it up with near the corner of Elm Street, said lot fronting tempt to hector him into the pale of morality. (50) feet on Third Street, and running back the cause of education. There is a quite a fear the republicanism for which her people Fay. that he was elected to lo >k after our him, married him and went off in the morn­ fifty the same width one hundred feet (100), and known The skunk might humor his loud scent into flourishing s’hiol here under the tutorage of has so nobly struggled in this unequal con local interests. And in “looking so intently ing train with him on the 23d. leaving her as the Joshua H. Sterne’s house and lot ; therefore, ambrosial odor», and the leopard change bis after the interests of Southern Oregon,’’ he other lover to manage the wedding of the 24ill, notice is hereby given to the heirs al-law of said i Mr. II. C. Fleming, ns-isted by Miss Maggie test, is doomed as a thing of the pa-t. Estate, that the prayer of said petition will be spots, sooner than to work a radical refor­ simply d d his duty—precisely what he was all by himself. Hutchinson, whose efficient m ide of instruc heard and determined at the Clerk’s office of said mation in this tricky stretch of Cuffee’s sent to Salem to do, and which, if he did not It is thought in Albany that Ed. Palmer, county on Tuesday, the 7tb day of March, A. D., Letter From Josephine. tion and excellent tact in d.scipline recom­ imagination. Oh! yes, lie can sport tho do, would have been in him a gross derilietion aged 28, a former resident, lias been lately 1871, at 10 o’clock, a. in., at which time and place mend them alike to the good will of patron the said heirs-at law above named, and all others brass and blue for his loving worshippers, The people of Jackson are glad to I i . lin is V alley . Jan, 18ih, 1871. <>f duty, drowned in Colifornia. unknown, if any there be, are hereby notified to [ j and pupil. but outside this could there not be found know from Mr. Fay’s most malignant enemy, E dit in T imes :— Mrs. A. J. Duniway, of Albany, is said tc appear and show cause, if any exist, why an order I Mr. Rutan, the blind music Professor, is sale should not be made, as in the aforesaid some honest yeoman’s son, cf Caacassian 1 have received the first and second num that he did !<» *k “intently after the interests be the Oregon editress of the Pioneer, a paper of dispensing the favors of the science of liarino petition prayed for. ” At this late day the jd‘voted to the subject of Womans’ Rights, descent, wh^iiid been taught that cocoanuts By order of lion. T. II. B. Shiplev, Judge. nious sounds to the young people of the to« n tiers of your paper, a id am exceedingly well of Southern Oregon. SILAS J. DAY. Clerk. have done with these were made to drink out of; that there was {ably edited and published in San Farncisco. The Professor ha« d acrvedly won a high pleased with iliem. Although the salutatory ! Herald says “let us Jacksonville. Jan. 31st, 1871. feb4-w4. “Let it be stopped.” After Mrs. Duniway i« an able writer, and will, a distinction between truth and downright reputation in his art, an 1 what the sad dis has the ring of all old a< qu lintance, it will local prejudices.” I ___ lying, that would be a much better invest pen sat ion of Providence has taken away from not lesson the increaxinjfvinierest felt for your doing more than ar.y paper in the State to no doubt, do justice to the Oregon branch olj meat for our hard-fisted tnx-payes of the , him in sight, has kindly m ide it up to him paper in our County ; while the names of the engender local strife and personal feuds; that subject. nation, and more honor to the ‘ boys io blue,’’ has been favor- I in the ear. lie will give a grand mus'eal publisher and business agent warrant a per- after n most vindictive and relentless persecu­ Since Christmas, ' weather . N THE COUNTY COURT OF TIIE STATE 11 the thing was advertised, there might be concert soon, which will doubtless be a rare manancy th it the Detn »cratic Press of -lack tion of Senators Burch, Trevitt, Fay, and able for funning operations, and much land of Oregon, for Jackson County (Sitting in Pro­ some poor white man’s son to come forward Hendershott, and Speaker Hayden and others, in Linn county, and a great nrea of ground , bate), January 30th, 1871. Son county has long felt the want of. I hav e I entertainment. and take the truant young “ward's place,: i because they simply Sought to do what they ha« been prepared for spring s ewing. the pleasure of sending you the names of * In the matter of the Estate of Stephen After being most kindly cared fur by mine and let him drop down to the “shovel and de ¡host, we bid this pleasant little village adieu, ****** *» as subscr’.b-rs. and urn con­ regarded as for the best interests of their lo­ The wife ol Hon. John T. Crooks was Halleck, Deceased. hoe,” where can rest from this flagrant vio­ i that happily honors its historic name, feeling fident ol being able to add more to your list cal constituencies ; after doing all the harm stricken down with palsy a few days ago, and Win. M. Mathes, Administrator of the above es­ tate having filed in said Court hia final account, remains in.a precarious condition. lation of nature’s decrees. to these gentlemen it possib'y could do, it now soon. the force of sentiment of the homespun coup and praying for an order fixing the time for hear­ WANTED ! A son of Mr. W. Bowers, living in Benton ing By the way, tell us by wli.-.t “Ho us Po u«" desires all farther controversy stopped. the fame ; therefore, notice is hereby given let: county, about 2 miles from Albany, last week A White Boy, to take a nigger's place at that said final account will bo heard and deter­ the Plaindealer is made the litigant organ fur These men are entitled to a vindication and In leaving p'easant places and people, in said Court, on Tuesday, the 4th day of West Point Military Academy! Don’t speak1 One will keep looking back at the steeple.” our county, without detracting in the least they shall have it even the Herald, to the fell into a Sta'e of hopeless insanity, and was mined. April A. D., 1871, at which time all persons having bit one at a time, and that in a low whisper; A few hours ride, retracing the beautiful; from the merits of that excellent Demo-r.itic contrary notwithstanding. The Herald has taken to the Asylum. objections to said final account and Settlement, Wheat commands 81 a bushel in Albany. must then and there make the same. for the captious judges may relent from expanse of valley to our right, along the paper. I must say it is “ja-s ng s’r.iiige” had its full say. The “say” of these gentle By order of T. H. B. Shipley, Judge of said The Eugene Journal »ays a company is Court. meeting out justice to this unprincipled, lying tread of the western range, brought us to that our public printing must b- be e o ilside men will come hereafter; and if it results SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. colored cadet. But if they could just imag i our home, that not less picturesquely nestles of our judical District. To say nothing about disastrously in the party, the Herald alone beid^ organized in Lane county with a view Jan. 31st, 1871. Feb.4-w4. ' in another inviting lap of our motherly hills, of constructing a wagon road across the Cas ­ ine he was white, up he would go, and there th» inconvenience of having to send all is to blame ; for its vindictive war was car would be caused a vacancy for another nig j that patiently awaits the puff of the iron- advertising matter miles, (passing through ried on again-t these men in spite of the cade Mountains from Eugene city, by way of ger or white man’s sun, at the nation’s horse to give it that activity its surrounding Jacksonville), to Roseburg, it would seem to earnest protests nf the leading Democrats of the McKinzie river. A preliminary survey Notice of Final Settlement. military school; or at least the Caucasian ’ country so justly merits. an “unsophisticated cub,” 1 ke myself, that the State, simply to gratify the personal is now being made. N TIIE COUNTY COURT OF TIIE STATE C. II. Fox, a well known resident of rival would have a chanee with the favorite our District should be eulitled to our own annimosity of its editor and proprietors The of Oregon, for the County of Jackion, (sitting One of Nature's Freaks. Eugene city, comminitted suicide on Wednes in Probate) January 30th, 1871. African for these high dignities. And from cry “Let us have peace” comes too late. printing. day evening last at the St. Charles Hotel, the exueme estimation in which the latter In the matter of the Estate of Aaron Cham­ We are looking with no little interest to B. F. Dowell, Esq., of this place, gives Letter From Big Butte Creek- by taking laudanum. On the evening pre ­ ber», Deceased. caste is held, it would be suggstive for the in a letter from Washington to the Sentinel, the promised letter of Mr. Fay, both, from the vious he attempted to take his life with a former to use the curling iron, and claim, at R. F. Maury, Administrator of the above es­ of the 28tb, a lively portraiture of a female, fact that we still hold a sort of claim upon E ditor T imes :— Your article of last week, shot gun, but flailed. Early next morning tate, having filed in said Court hit final acoonnt, least, one-fourth Ethiopian blood in his veins, monstrosity, at present on exhibition in that I him as a former Josephine county man, and dvocating a new mail route, suits us , but he procured and took two ounces of laudanum and also praying for an order fixing the time for which would insure him the influence of the city. He gives her name as Millie Cbrissie. from the hope that the actions of our Repre we want the route to extend to Big Butte. and went quietly to bed and slept his last bearing the tame; therefore notice it hereby given that «aid final account will be heard and deter­ appointing power. For it is no use talking— She is about eighteen years old, of p ile Afri sentative while in the Legislature may be settlement, sleep. He was a kind-hearted and generous mined, in said Court, on Tuesday the*7th day of We have quite an exteusive The thousunds who died in blue. can descent, has two heads, t wo pair of arms, ventilated a little. The evidence of his and are thirty miles from a post office, We man. and leaves many friends to regret his March, 1871, at which time all persons having sad fate. Died not f»r me, died not for you. objections to said final account and settlement, two pair of shoulders branching from one financial prosperity creates a grave suspicion sometimes wait two months, or over, for an must then and there make the same. Multnomah County. To say they did, is all stuff— > body, and four well formed legs to support in the minds of his neighbors, especially after opportunity of getting reading matter. Every By order of T. H. B. Shipley, Judge of »aid They died, died alone for dear Cuff. so much talk in the Sentinal about “chicken­ person in the settlement would take from one Court. it ; she has four eyes, two mouths, two heart«, Portland. White men, when is this negro farce to to tour newspapers, if they could get them SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. pie,” salt,” and etc. and two sets of digestive organs. Professor Feb4-w< From the Herald'. The lots are nearly all Jan. 31st, 1871. regularly; as it now is, a newspaper be end—this scandalizing, degrading your own As you have doubtless heard of the manner comes old ere we get it. We are heart and surveyed in Kalama, and will in a short time Bliss, he says, gave her a minute exam:nation, race ? Where is the man so deaf to the de­ in which a “Henthen Chinee,” living in a hand with you for a new mail route, and l*e placed in the market for sale. crees of Providence, as to lend his influence to which he was subsequently an eye witness, and they both corroborate that in nearly all neighboring town, was sent to see his josh a hope you will not let the matter rest until it The river is rapidly fulling. Heavily laden Notice of Final Settlement. toward elevating the naturally low born ue her component physiology, she is the most ships cannot enter or depart without unload* gro over the head of bis own kind—your own astonishingly formed human being that ever few days ago, I will not bore you with a shall have been establiseed. N THE COUNTY, COURT OF THE STATE in r part of their cargo. B ig B utte . race, whom God has evidently stamped as repetition. It seems that our Waldo friends of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. (Sit­ lived. Mr. Dowell succeeded in obtaining a Wo learn that the Northern Pacific Railroad We would say to our correspondent that we the superior of human creation ? Away with ting in Probate,) January 30th, 1871. have adopted—I hud almost said a Commend, have no objections to extending the route to Company have contracted with Mr. William few photographs of this double headed woman, this attempted violation of his decrees. It was your enterprise that opened and devel­ and one is now on exhibition at the Sentinel able—way of saving our County the co9t of Big Butte. The Postal agent has been writ­ J. Warren, of this city, to drive' 3.000 piles In the matter of the Eestate ot Josiah ten to, and will probably visit this county tn at Kalama, preparatory to their wharf build- Newland. Deceased. oped this country; it was your own priva­ office , and as she is of the loved African prosecuting the Heathen. species, and has two faces, the party of ing. look at the ground himself, and will no doubt tion and blood that made it a great and free Charles Griffith, Administrator of the above es­ This is truly the “winter of our discontent.” A large number of persons are leaving tate, having filed in said Court his final account, nation ; and now is it right, is it just to youi/ “great moral ideas” have doubtless ere this The old year has gone out, and the new came arrange a route for the convenience of all. Vancouver, and are preparing to erect their and also praying for an order fixing the time for [E d . T imes .] selves, that you should divide your heritage patened her as an emblem of their prinnples. lutnre homes among the Kalamaites. hearing the same ; therefore, notice is hereby given with the low born negro for its emoluments She sails for Europe to visit the most impor without bringing our usual freshet, while the The Monticello boat took up eightv-six that said final account will be heard and deter­ T he L itigant L aw . — Our neighbor, the tant cities of the old World, but expects to cold, raw weather has dried up what little and honors ? No ; the seeond sober thought mined in said Court on Tuesday, 7th day of March, of the American people will surely return return in time to give the fall impress of her water our creeks would otherwise afford; Sentinel, waxes exceeding wroth over the head of cattle thia morning destined for that A. D., 1871, at which time all persons having ob­ loca ’ ity. typical phiz in the next Radical campaign. consequently miners are doing little or noth “Litigant Law.” We hope our neighbor and dispel the damning principles of the to said final aeoount and settlement, must From the Oregonian : We had hoped jections ing—in fact, mining i« about played out, and Black Republican party with such a sheen of then and there make the same. H urrah for the R ailroad .—From our our people are turning their attention to does not censure us much for being the re that we had heard the last of small pox in By order ol T. H. B. Shipley, Judge of said light, as to drive them into that dark Pit— * cipient of a small crumb. If he does, we this city ; but it seems that matters have Court. neighbor, Yreka Union, we clip the following stock raising, farming, &c. from whence they came ! been managed just exactly right to keep the ' SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. will If I obtain any more subscribers, you shall make the same plea the unfortunate THe spirit of light is surely moving upon symptom of the iron horse making a snort in Jan. 31«t, 1871. feb4-w4. disease going. A daughter of Mr. John hear from me again. girl did, who contributed to the population the thoughts of the great mass of the white our mountains soon. And so they are really Yours, of the globe without the sanction of wedlock. Bowman, living near the corner of Second men of our country, and breaking in floods » « looking round for a stable stand for this She said she did not think she ought to be and Harrison streets, now has it in one of its of light upon their minds that have hereto punished much, as it was such a very small worst forms, and her physician has fears fore been obsenred by false issue. Encour- welcome steed of progress. Let her rip ! The W illiam D avidson . — We call attention to babv. For a like reason we deprecate the that she cannot recover. aging evidenoee uf this welcome iaot is coming pabulum of our rich valley wont let him rest ll taxes remaining unpaid after Dredging in the Columbia for the body of long over on that side : the notice in our columns of this well known &nliiieFs wrath, because out of the two up from every nook and corner of our broad the 20ih inst., will be collected with eoats; G. W. Ford, was continued till Nooday night land. The great Democratic party is risiug It is now rumored that the gentlemen who and long established real estate agency in the counties compos’ng this Judicial District, we therefore, pay up and save expense. without success. in its might and marshalling its hosts to the re were here a week or so ago, ostensibly to city of Portland. As a real estnte dealer have the litigant printing for one on'y ; while HENRY KLIPPEL, Sheriff The construction of the N. P. R. R. Co. ’ s lief of our white man’s government as it was. obtain lands on which to locate a German Mr. Davidson, from his experience and effi. the printing for Josphine is done out of the wharf at Kalama will require 150.000 feet of and Tax Collector of Jackson And white men fall into its ranks and fight colony were here in realitv to select a location ciency, has no superior in Oregon, and those District by the orders of the Governor. Mr. piles, and upwards of 1,000,000 feet of lum ­ County Oregon. Sentinel. our baby is a very small baby in ­ these would'be dead issues to your latest for a railroad depot. The German colony looking to business in bis line will do well to Feb. kt, 1871. FebA tf ber. deed. Don’t bo too hard on us. scheme was adopted merely for a blind. call on him. breath. SATURDAY MORNING, FEB’Y 4, 1871 mimi mia turn. Citation to Heirs I Notice of Final Settlement. I 4 < I I Notice to Tax-Payers A