ADVERTISEMENTS, THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES, THE DE ? Published Every Saturday Mornlug F' ri- BY J. N. T. MILLER & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. T: Y ♦ 1 > 1 « e Six months................................... VOL. 1. $3 00 ?1 50 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBIU ARY 4,1871. NO. 5. ■ kskxdmkxi . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY. at 00 00 be JOB PRINTINQ. OFFICE—On California St,, over Reame* A Wil­ son'* Livery Stable. TERMS: Subscription, per annum........... I i Tn T he D emocratic T imes will be charged the following rates ! First insertion, (ten line* or less).................. $3 For each week thereafter..................................... $1 I , A A liberal deduction from the above rates will made on quarterly and yearly advertisement*. THE TIMES Prof. 0. S Fowler's Lecture on Love, a post-mortem examina’ion be made, and that i Courtship, Selections and Marriage. post-mortem showed that there had been no f Oregon in Congress. Every variety of Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. JSÌÌ**LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. The Laboring Man actual sundering of the heart. I tell you that In the Senate proceedings of Jan. Sth we On our homeward way at noon and even* [From the Louisville Courier.] broken hearts are not entirely figurative ; but find the following ; ing wo frequently see a mechanic or laborer, Yt’eisiger Hall was filled almost entirely if they were, you should not trifle with the I Mr. Corbett presented a memorial of the with the marks of toil upon his person or last night with an audience of fair ladies and affections of any one, and thus do them a ’ Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, garments, walking with manly tread toward gallant men, whose faces were lighted up in wrong which can never be remedied. But asking a change of boundary to conform to the little spot where nre sheltered the loved County OJi-rr*— Judge. T. II. B. Shipley; Clerk, Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippci ; eager anticipation of what Prof. Fowler had you say, Professor, I cannot be decently po the Constitution of the State ; which was ones. The poor exquisite, whose dainty noso Deputy Sheriff. E. D. Fou lray ; Treasurer, John to say of love, courtship, and marriage. The lite to the ladies without being involved in a read to the Committee on Judiciary. Lums up, nnd who would faint outright were Neuber ; Assessor, David Redputh ; County Com­ love affair. Well, I tell you, no young ladv lecture was of great length, and wc are linable He also presented a memorial oi the Leg-1 hi* velvet paw to feel the pressure of one of missioner*. Johu S. llerrin, Thomas Wright ; School Superintendent, Wm. M. Turner ; Survey­ to give more than a brief abstract of it. After under twenty-one ever gave her love unsolic islatiic Assembly of Oregon, asking for the!these stalwnrt heroes of the world’« work- or, J. S. Howard ; Coroner, L. Gaining. referring to the subject of love, at some ited ; and here I will tell you a story. A establislmient of certain post roads in South I shop, could not think love an inmate of a Jartatiirilir l’,Tciurf.— Justice of the Peace, length, and its various influence?, he came young lftbsier once said to a Housiorcs«. ern Oregon and a portion of California; | poor man’s cottage. But should he see, as James It. Wade ; Constable, N. Stephenson. to the consideration of the selecti on of con ‘‘Sal, is there anybody courtin’ y<>u now ?" < which was re'erred to the Committee on Post we do every day, croups of bright faced T'ltrn ff .—Trustees, A. II. Martin, ¡children, their countenance? radiant with joy, meaning thereby to inq iire whether or not Olfiics and Post Roads. jugal Companions, and said, in substance: James Wilson. N. Fis ier ; President of thej Board. David l.inn : Rcoorler, U. S. Hayden ; The true basis of Live and selection is similar­ his addresses were acceptable. And Sal re He als.* presented a joint resolution of the rush out on the sidewalk and run with dis- Treasurer, Henry Pape ; Marshal, G. Seaman. ity. Nature must keep her genera apart. plied, “Weil. Sim, there is , iu fellow sorter Legislative Assembly of Oregon, asking a tended arms to welcome papa, he would JOSEPHINE COUNTY. It the lion and the lamb were to amalgamate, courtin’ and sorter not ; but I reckon it is s.ibs.dy of land f,r a railroad from Corvallis change his opinion. A child's love is the /‘■o >rs and I mils t> .aid iii the construction of a railrord venom of the slanderer—yet so long as the the Camphellite a Campbeilite, and the Know windows an l tell them tint their room is bet­ Iruin or near the Lig Bend of the Humboldt good woman of the house and her little child ter than their c imp iny. By all means stick river, on the Central Paeiuc Railroad, to a ¡extend to us a loving welcome, we need Dot Nothing a Know Nothing. |Linghter.] DU j IIIC j S Cül'ùs I appeal to you to know if, when you love, to your wife. If, as is often the cas*, there point on the Oregon and California Railroad, I despair. ------------- - < ______ _ you d<> n >t love one in sympathy with is a sister, who is jealous of the attentions in the R >guc River \ alley, and in favor of oxtending the railroad from McMinnville to A B lessed D at . —What a ble sed day is you ? There are, of course, some exceptions. which are given to the wife,' instead of the You sometimes see a long, lean, lank Mr. sister, an 1 she interferes by p utting out what Eugene City. Orogbn ; which was referred to i Sunday to the weary man who necessarily catches but brief glimpses of home during j ackson vi lei : lodgi : Stork married to a heavy, plump Mrs. Par­ she considers n fault, and says your wife is the Committee on Public Lands. Mr. Corbett reported from the Committee the tolling week ; who is off in the morning tridge. Then you find the heavy, coarse not such a pink of perfection after all, that OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS on on Commerce, the bill to incorporate the while little ey< s arc still closed in slumber, grain 'd elephant married to the fine, nervous sister deserves pitching out of a second story every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellow- Japan Steam Navigation Company. lhe nor back at night till they are again sealed llall. Brothers in good .Standing are invited t and susceptible angel. This is well, because! window, head first. attend. JAME< BUCKLEY, X. <1. bid provides for no subsidy, but simply for ],y «Jeep ! What would lie know of the very her over vitality is exhausted by his powerful I THOS. PAULSON. It. Sec y. Brother Crawford s Sermon. the orgatrz.dion of the company. !children for win m he toil«, were it not for California St., (L’p Stairs.) over Reames ! animal nature, and their offspring is better JolIX I'll.GER, ) Mr. Smith introduced the lollowing menu I the blessed breathing respite of Sunday? r Trustees. than they. This is a point well worth your II. Ki irrui A. WUsou's Livery Stable, A Southern exchange gives this ns tlrf first rials in the II ouse : II. V. H ei ms , ) consideration, for no sin is so great as that I What honest working-man’s child will ever sermon of a new minister in a village in that Regular Ro’>ekah Degree meeting, la«t Monday Asking Congress to repeal the Act of Feb ¡forget this dav, when, clean and, it is of cursing your children with poor b dies by night of each month, at "J o’clock p. tn. section. He begin ap ilogctically as foil >ws : ruary 14. 1859, i which took away from Ore ¡his privilege to climb papa's knee, ar.d hang May 1-t. IS>>9. t—f an ill advise! marriage. Wherein you are Y >u don't see me to-lay in the d 'ess I gm the county in the bend of the Columbia I about his neck nnd tell him all the news a medium in any respect you may marry a C. W. KAIILEK, alters wear, 1 coinc among y in as a stranger and Suake rivers, above \\ alia alia, and tie which goes to make up his narrow little medium, but wherein you are extreme in any I and am now tricked out in mv store cl ithe«. restore lhe same to the State, as provided in world ? “ Narrow,” did we say ? We recall temperament or predisposition, marry your| Attorney aid CoiiiisvIlor-at-Laiv, I am not a proud man, b it 1 thought it wool 1 the Constitution, making the Columbia and the world, for it widens out into the bound- If your hair is a bright red, marrv ¡ I opposite. be more becoming among strangeis. J ACKSON VILLE, OREGON. Snake rivers the line between Wasl ingtqp less ocean of eternity. Sunday fur the work- a black haired womao. If it is a medium. | After this iie raised a hymn in which the and Idaho. I ing man's children I So would we have it— Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and JACKSONVILLE, OREGON vou may marry a shade darker, but if your congregation joined. II • then began his ser Fur an appropriation to improve the navi­ a day hallowed by sweet, pure,' home influ­ other Courts of this State. hair curls, don’t marry a lady who curls m hi : OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. gation of Willamette river from the Clacka­ ences ; when the little Land, quite complete, unless they can be easily taken off". [Liugh-’ Jncol».—opjw'ite Court H‘ iise square. My dear brethren anl sisters, first and mas Rip id? to Eugene Citv. shall write it down the blessed day of all the ter | I think I have nude this so plain who Gircmost I'm gwine to tell you the affe -tin’ Asking that the Commissioner of the Gen seven. Dll. GEO. B. TOLJIAX, is. and who i« not adapted to you, an l this is ; p ii'tin’ I had with my congregiti n and e >me d iwn otien th' ¡mb ninity school lands, located under the Act Physician, Surgeon, ani Accoucheur, I Hope Lends its rainbow all over it. Joy selves. The conceited nun i« the last to find pnlpit, the old gray-hca 1‘1 b.-othrea and «is • f .January 7, 1853. Tir ILL PRACTICE IX JACKSOX AND l or the listenel to mv t.v*n;v ye>r-, all calls on pro es-i >n il binine»'. mail service from A-hianl. Oregon, to Like jail its breezes. Peace sheds its balm every­ aving a large and well select to find out bis humility. crow l “ l round me an l with s tbbi.ig v ices ed assortine nt of OFFICE VXD RES! DENI E. City, California, a distance of 233 miles; where. There is his inalienable inheritance ‘•Oh. wn4 some pow> r tlic giftio gie us anl tearful eyes, sail—Farewell bother on 4th street, opj site the M. E. Church, J:ick- To sec ourscl’*»? ithers see us.” ami from Yreka, C tlifornia, to Fort Klamath, —his patrimonial estate, willed to him by «onv ills. Oregon. Crawford ! the great Father. There is his Savior, his I’lm n lo. y teaches this : there is nothing Oregon, 193 miles. j.inS tf. Jun. Sri». l>,0. As 1 walked down the ai-lo, th: jouag I m ire valtub'.c I inn a kn >wle Ige of on • sscll.1 For an apprpropriatiou of :?4)0,000 in friend?, liis companions. Heaven, with all Dr. L. T. DAVIS, lulus, trickel out in their fi icry, brass jew- To you, voung man, I would say, aseerta i) money, or so much as may be necessary, to ' its grandeur and bliss, is there. The church c r y? gewgaws, jimcraeks. p lints and fl >u:i -cs, Rewards, ,_______ rich and OiTlcc-* On street whether or not your laly love can m ike goon eonstru t a canal an 1 locks around the fulls of I of the redeemed is there. _______ I oking up with their bright eyes, an l pro ­ glorious, for the toil and sorrows of life are bread, f ir if she can't y> u will have to cat a j the Wi.lanielte, at Oregon City. Opposite i ¡ic Old nounc'd with their r isy lips — Fare veil, broth great deal ol dough ; and if so, it will be Ip no F r an appropriation of <75,000 to make» there. Home is there. The future is full of cr Craw lord ! matter, for it will only be dough heads eating the I’mpqui river navigable from Scottsburg gran I blessings, and delightful surprises, A jika n -» as L ivery S tari e . Th * young men. in tluir tight pints, b iots, j an l glorious discoveries for the Christian. I dough. [Luighter.| The plain facts is that t > R seburg. i high c >l!ars and dashy wai-tc, sm dling ! bread has to be baked, ami you can draw Asking that the time for selecting ten sec­ ! Death opens the gate to this magnificence of Jacksonville, Oregon. of p >nriiiii and cigar smoke — .vith shmgoai your inference. Then, again, sec to it that tions of land ami salt spring«, with six sec glory. “Oh, death, where is thy sting?” E. II. GREEN.UAN, your lady love is healthy. There are two! coat-a ' striped Z.'bra pants—they, too, ti »ns, to be applied to the erection of State k’iiysioian. «k at the church where I had preached cific, at Promontory, along the Iludnutt sur Attorneys and Cotmseliors-al.Law, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL I to influence them to be and do good ? Alas ! is manliness. With them you have ail ; ' for more than twenty years, and as 1 gaz d at vev, to the Columbia river, connecting with 1 ... OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. for the evil that is in men. without them, you have nothing. Young its dilapidated walls and moss c >vered roof, it the Northern Pacific Railroad. Will practice in the Supreme anl other Court* ladies, you may take it as a lixel fact that if seemed to say—Farewell, brother Crawford I A-king that the Oregon Branch of the I’a of this State. Look at the m >drst lilly ! What ¡3 it but a As I role through the village, the peoj !<• your beau is capable oi mistreating his wash­ i eifie Railroad Company of Jacksonville, in-1 who poked their heads out of the window-, beautiful thought ? Look at the mountain ! Particular attention paid to the collection erwoman, he will treat you the same way. and the servants who le mt on their broom?, eop iratcl Aug. 25th, 1870, bo designated as) What is that but an expression of thought? of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ In courtship, the first great error of young all si emed t > say—Farewell, brother Craw the Company which shall receive tiny and all I ments, the Entry of Land* under the Pre-emption I Look nt the sea ! Is it anything else than a folks is that they court by the quarter. They lord ! and Hum jsteiiil Laws, and to the Entry o: Mineral donations, subsidies or land grants, made by 1 great thought ? Look at the stars! What As I passed down the highway, through Lode* under the recent Act oi Congress. I tf. bve here a little and there a little, whereas the f 'rest, the wind, a« it s gliel and wh st led | Congress in a d of the construction of a line are they but sparkles of thought? And the first 1 iw of true love is permanency. A through the tree top?, playing on the leaves ' of railroad from the Central Pacific Railroad, LAGER! LAGER! » man mav l ive his wife ever so much, but if he and branches the burden of salvation, it at or near the North Bend of the Humboldt, whose thoughts arc these? Whose mind dalliis with other women it will kill this love ' seemed to say—Farewell, brother Craw to a point on the Oregon and California conceived them ! Whose hand wrote them | ¿rd! ¡down for mon? God! Every day, every , ♦ for the wife, or her love will kill the other ; it Railroad in Rogue River Valley. CiOssTng a little creek that was singing ¡hcur, men walk upon and among the express­ is impossible for a man to love two women at ¡and gurgling ever its pebbly bod, as it ic - S. J. M. 4, asking that the Siletz nnd the same time. Now when you whispered joiced on its way to the great ocean of eternity, Grand R >nde Indian Reservations be opened ed, the realized thoughts of God. Yet bow OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOW ON HAND — SUCH AS — I little men think of God. and is constantly manufacturing the best Larg­ love to your sweetheart, was it not an exelu it seemed to say—Farewell, brother Craw to settlement north of the Grand Ronde - er Beer in Southern Ore.on, which he will sell in i A Dutchman once met an Irishman on a quantities to suit purchaser». Call and test the sive love? Suppose a lover says, Kate I love ford ! Agency. As I rode down a hot, dusty lane an old articl*. i you for this, that, or tho other, but I love sow that was asleep in a fence corner, jumped Asking a land grant to construct a wag.ot lonely highway ; ns they met each smiled, Jacksonville June 5th. 1S69-________________ CARDS, Lott« for something else ; what does Kate out of a sudden with a loud broo io, broo to, road from Winnemucca, on the Pacific Rail thinking he knew the other. Pat, on seeing say ? Why, she tells him, “Away with such she too, scorned to say—Farewell, brother road, to the town of Pendleton, Umatilla ¡h's mistake, remarked with a look of disap- love; I don’t want it.” Be careful when Crawford ! county, by way of Paradise, Camp McDer­ ; pointment: My horse got frightened nnd jumped from BILLHEADS, “Faith, an’ I thought it was you an’ yen you begin to love, and unless marriage is under me ; and ns he curled his tail over his mott, Baker City, and La Grande. thought it was me, an’ its nather of us.” your object, do not continue it. Young man, back—kicked up his heels and ran off; lie Asking a land grant for a railroad from j The Dutchman replied ; FROM LONDON, don’t dare to call out the affections of a young too, seemed to say—Farewell, brother Craw­ Corvallis to Yaquina Bay. ford ! “Yaw, dat is dru ; I am annndher man j Declaring that the Fifteenth Amendment lady unless you can make her your wife. HANDBILLS, aving located in J acksonville , undyu ish not vourse!; wo pe both some Her love is her life, and you have no busi­ A Massachusetts paper tells of a wench of the Constitution of the United States is inform« the citlxens of this place and vicinity that he is new prepared to take order* for all kind* ness with it, unless she is your prospective who had been lately converted, but was so an infringement upon the popular right.«, and Joder pod.'cs !” of gewts’ and boy's clothing at reasonable price*. wife. It is a dangerous thing to trifle with unfortunate as to fly into a passion over the a direct falsification of the pledges made to How to T reat a B erning C himnxy — POSTERS, Satisfaction guaranteed. a girl’s affections, and there is not so much misdoings of one of her neighbors’ young­ the State of Oregon by the Federal Govern­ I S alt for E xtinguishing F ire .—If it is de­ C leaning and R epairing done. Her mistress remarked upon the ment, and resolving that it be rejected. fiction about broken hearts as you may irnag sters. . Jiriy 2d. 1870. ______________ __ jl.v2-tf. sired to extinguish tho fire in a chimney impropriety of such conduct in the case of ine. A lady,-Mrs. Ayers, had two pigeons one about to join the church, and received A Bic S nake . — An Indian came to a ccr which has been lighted by a fire io a fire­ PAMPHLETS, which she kept in one cage with only bars this frank response; “I have ’sperieneed tain agent to procure some whisky for a place, shut all the doore of the apartment so between them, and when one of them was religion, an I’se gwine to joiu the church, young warrior who had been bitten by a rat as to prevent any current of air up the chim- , ENGINEER, taken away the other flew about in prison in but Miss B. I'll scald dat nigger Curst.” tlesnake. At first the agent did not credit, ney^ throw a few handsful of common fine great distress, and finally fell down dead, and At a recent examination at one of the the story, but the earnestness of the case! salt upon the fire, which will immediately a subsequent examination showed that its schools in Washington, the question was put overcame his scruples. He asked the Indian (extinguish the same. The philosophy of this heart was actually burst in twain. So of a to n class of small boys: “Why is the Con­ “how much he wanted?” “Four quarts,”j¡«, that in the process of burning the salt, hoice liquors and cigars con - And all other kind« of printing required young lady who was disappointed in love. necticut river so called?” when a bright little repeated the agent, with much surprise ; “as i ««uratic acid gas is evolved which is a prompt stantly on hand. to be done in the community, on Shu refused to marry, and lived a life of de­ fellow put up his hand. “Do you know. much r.athal?” “Yes,” replied the Indian, extinguisher of fire. very reasonable terms. .Tames?” “Ye«, ma’am; because it connect« votion to her first love, though she was years Vermont and New Hampshire, and cuts I frowning as savagely ns though about to wage —---- —----- - - ..... You who want Job Printing done, give in recovering from the shock of her disap a war of extermination on the whole snake People who are behind the times should la through Mmsacbu3etts, 1 ” was the triumphant 12 1-2 Cents. us t call, and we will satisfy you both in styleand 1 tribe, “Four quarts— snake very biy. fed on “ketchup.” pointment. At her death she requested that reply. price. jlylT-tf. July ITtb, 1869. F irst J udicial D istrict .— Circuit Judge, P. P. Prim : Prosecuting Attorney, II. K. Hann». Jifkmn County— Circuit Court, Second Monday in February and November. County Court, first Mon lay in eauh month. BOOK, PAMPHLET, JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 11 H NEW & FANCY TYPE, EAGLE BREWERY J WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, H RAILROAD SALOON! MAX. BRENTANO. C