* ÿtgal ^bertwemen« BORN SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. ISTI i BYBEE—Near Jacksonville, January 24th, 1S71, | to the wile of Wm. Bybee, a daughter. . Etc., Etc. HUDSON .MENET, arc our duly author iied Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 GROCERIES Park Row, “Times” Building, New York. S voars —Crushed A ’f* lb............ t- ——' ------- r- ■ ........... 1 ■■ ■ - — -------- : ~ - S F Inn r •« figions Notices. RrV. D. C i McFarland, P. E., of the M. E Church, South. Jacksonville District, will preach at the Methmli-t Church at 11 o’clock to-morrow. R ev . F ather B lanchett will bold divine ser­ vices at thj Catholic Church to-morrow, at the use«’, lour. Z. Holmes, known to the citizens of Jacksonville, from the fact of bis s-j-turn amongst us during the trying ordeal of the small pox, has been, nnd "went, and gone, and got married. M bile the gny and festive bachelors of Portland will regret the loss of one the gayest and m >st festive of their number, we congratulate Dick upon his assumption of the grave re spunsibilities and duties appertaining to the dignity of a benedict. His many friends in this vicinity unite with us in wishing him a fai: and smooth sea. and p'o-a-aut lime gen- vrally, On his matrinn nial voyage. May he and his fair bri le e» j»y a long life, crowned bv all the bliss wedlock can bestow. J__ _ ♦ __ M arried . — Mr. Bvron I I i ways on hand at the Ï THE HEAT N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the County of Jackson. I Action at Law to recover money. INTERNALLY— The Pain King CURES CRAMPS, CURES CHOLERA, The Pain King CURES SICK HEADACHE, READY-MADE CLOTHING CURES INDIGESTION, AND The Pain King The Pain King SACHS BRO’S. The Pain King BLANKETS, CURES SUDDEN COLDS. E HAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORT- ment of CLOTHS SUMMONS. DRY AND FANCY GOODS, EXTERNALLY— N THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE of Oregon, County <>f Jackson. I CLOTHING, HOOP SKIRTS, The Pain King BOOTS AND SHOES, Hellcn Ann Harden, 1‘1'ff, vs. James Uardcs, Dcf't. CURES SCALDS, ETC., ETC. Suit for Dissolution of .Marriage Contract. HATS, — ALSO— Boots anil Shoes; I.allies’, MlHses’ T<> J ames H ardes , tiif . au <> ve named D ef '.-: and Childrens’ Shoes. In tlu- mime of the State of Oregon, you are here­ by required t > appear and answer the eomplnint. filed against you in the above entitled suit, within Wi: have also in connection with the above a ten days from the time of the service of this sum­ Large and Extensive Stock of Choice mons upon.you, if served within this county : or, if served in any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the dute of tho service ol GROCERIES, this summons upon you ; and it the same be served by publication, then within six weeks from the first HARDWARE, publication <>f this summons in the D emocratic T imes . QUEENSWARE, The I»eft will take notice that if he fails to ap pear and answer the complaint of 1‘t'ff, as aforesaid, CLASSWARE the Pl’ff will apply to the Court for the relief de­ manded therein, to-wit : the dissolution ot the CUTLERY marriage c.-utract now existing between I’l'tr and Deft and the care and custody ot Mary, together i PAINTS : with the costs and didiursvments of this suit to lx ! STOCK Al. ' taxed. By order of 1'. I*, l’rim, Judge, Jan. 14tb. ; OILS 1871. J. R. NEIL, Atty for Pl’y. Jan. 14th, 1S71. jai»14-w6. ALSO The Pain King I GROCERIES, CURES FROST BITES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, The Pain King I CURES BRUISES, LIQUORS, The Pain King SEGAIlS & TOBACCO, CURES RHEUMATISM, all of which will be sold very The Pain King fiir CHEAP FOR CASn^s, CURES TOOTH-ACHE, Please call, before purchasing elsewhore, and judge for yourself. SACHS IJRO’S. January 7th. 1871. THE NEW FOOD Sheriff’s Sale. The Pain King CURES STINGS OF INSECTS. As a Family Medicine, it stands unrivaled. Buy it, try it, and be convinced. For sale by all lealcrs in Patent Medicines. W. L. COWAN, Proprietor. Jan. 14-tf. BOOKS, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, t»» be ine’uded AC. AC. Yet in the agonies ut ilvsp.-ps a. et b\ invigor.iii ig the st..in ch and t >nirg th • liver. itii-1 bowiris with ,D r . W ai . ker s \ inz <; ak | B ittkks , you can arrest them all. i'l.i-j At the CITY DRUG STORE. vii'-m-c.il and m»>eh:itiical uct;o.i uf t:o-j stomach, liver and intestines being restoied Agency for the by this operatio-i the p'li »11 i ti c opp.e-si'.t- s-e.-.se, tl.c appetite is restored, the dazed hr ¡n regains its cleariii’.'«. the spirits b -eome AGUE K.UXTG- bu >taut and tin- h.inpv result is "a s u nt W. L. COWAN, Druggist. 1 mind in a s..nnd b.>dv.” I August 27th, 1870. W ii . i . iam - di ' k j. — We ! B.-e«!i.t, th it tin; mines • SFSCÏAL NOTICES. «• impel .-d to remain i.l An El-s'i i wl.o cor’d fo sich as he gut up in du I stea l V emploi ment here Corner of California and Third St» I L. HORNE, Proprietor, GASOLI E OIL AÎ1D LAMPS egs leave to inform the public B K-fir-Give me a call, and then self as to our capacity to furnish I I SUPEFiiOR FLGUGHS ! Cotillion Party —L >uIS 11.rue, uf the V. S. II itel. takes plea-tire in annoniieiiii! to it he will give a Grand C-itiliioti Party it. bis new hali, Oh the 1-4-1» o'. February in-.\t. G >->1 music is eng ig-J. T'< k-ts, S 3 00 COOK, jan21-wL supposed to Le the the reason a-1 inei iial.li- as .¡colli ¡¡s.-lf an I liable at_ a-i v time 1 Redemption of State Bounty Bonds to eoaie ut> ui u«. Therefore it is important tba’ rcaiedi.il agents should be at hood to he used on A tn n’t. A pp’.lcablcfor Itcilcmption,012 OOO an emergency when the seminal principle lodged in th--- system sh til develop itseit. nnd we feel the' O ffice S tate Tt:r. isi her , excruciatin'.' agonies f th • globe. Ami I the eternal ices of the Job« Ncui.er, Treasurer of Jack N utic pol ir regions or beneath the itito'cr.ibie an I burn­ !<-m, r.ntil l-'cb. 9;h. 1871, for the Mirreiidi-r o son county, and L. Flei-ehner, State Trctisu ing sun of the tropic p it- virtues arc known and Bounty 1’. >nds. i.-sued tiu er pro'i?i >n of an Act ot rer, Lave notices in this week's i.-sue, uf: appreciated. Under all latitudes, from the one the L"gi-slatiyc A>.-embly of the St..to of Oregon, extreme to tile other, suffering humanity has found granting Bounty to volunteers of this State, cnlis great importai ■e to cuunty and State ered- re'ief from m uy . f it- il.s by its use. The wide! ted in the service ot the United States, approved and broad area over w Licit this mcdicinu has spread 1 October 21, l-t>l, at the lowest rate, not exceeding iturs. attests its value an I potency. From a small be-1 par va uc. as may redeem the greatest number of giniug. the Pain Killer has pushed gradually along i Bonds. Bids to include interest to date of surren­ C rowded O ct .—Tue communication from making its own highway, so'elv by its virtues. der, and to be address..d to L. FLE1SC11NER, “Big Butte,” the proceedings of the Town i Snell unexampled success and popularity has Treasurer of State, brought others into the field, who Lave attempt« i, Trustees an 1 an extended AND BOX STO'. ES A Glorious Change!! ASSORTED IRON, CEDAR WARE, R< PE, SHELF HARDWARE, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ac. Ac., Also the celebrated AMERICAN SUBMERGED PUMPS. ÌN AN!) SHEET-IRON WARE. A LARGE HALL Plantation Bitters. Is attached to tho Hotel, for Balls, Meetings, Shows, Ac., and can be had at reasonable terms. This wonderful vegetable re­ storative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it lias no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for tlie nervous weakness to which women are especially sub­ ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder w hich uudermines the bodily strength and breaks down the auiinal spirits. For sale by all druggists. The Hotel is furnished with a bar room where the very best liquors nnd cigars may bo found, at prices to suit the times. AND NA 11 Wm. Hoffman, Administrator, “De bonis N«n,” I of the above estate, having filed in said Court his | Always on hand a full variety of final account, and also praying for an order fixjng the time for bearing the same ; therefore, notice is I hereby given that said final account will he heard nnd determined in said Court on Monday, the 6th day of February, A. D., 1871. at which time all Hydraulic Pipe, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-iron R emoval .—We notice that the brick s‘ore, persons having objections to said final account and waro made to order. .corner uf California and OregoD streets,* is I ! A larpe amount of CITY and EAST PORT­ settlement must then and there make the same. HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. By order of T. H. B. Shipley, Judge of said October 15th, 1870. being renovated and repaired, preparatory to I LAND Property for Sale. the removal of Jerry Nuotiti s saddlery store. | Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un­ Court. SILAS J. DAY, Clerk. cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the jau7-w4. Jon. 5th, 1871. State. DtNTAL.—Dr. Jackson, Dentist, will visit Investments in REAL ESTATE and other >R m A Point the middle o( next week, and re­ PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS ot all descriptions promptly collected. HE UNDERShlNED, HAVING FULLY main .there one week. HOUSES and STORES leased. refitted this >ld alid favorite place of reswrt, I All kinds of Financial and General Agency bus­ now offers the ve-y best of liquors and segars at U. S. H otel .—Mr. Horne announce* that iness transacted. having FARM PROPERTY for sale nd see his fine stock of new he has a fine selection of liquors and eigars. will Parties 12 1-2 CENTS please furnish descriptions of the same to Goods direct from the manufacturers. yvhicli ha dispenses at the U. S. Hotel. the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each ef the The Saloon is commodious, the billiard tables He lias a fine lot o principal CITIES and TOWNS of this State. arc of the latest and most improved pattern, and 8 o w 1 xx S 1NÆC a o lx 1 xx o mi > jly2 tf. A ppointed .—The Governor has appointed July 2d, 1870.___________ the wants of guests promptly supplied. Prices troua $20 to $110, each. Special Collector of Claims. Can find at this House rooms especially arranged for their comfort nnd convenience, as well as every ittention and comfort usually found at a well kept Hotel. THE GREAT WORLD’S TOXIC. NAILS, I Jacksonville, Ogn., Jan. Sth, 1S71. A Ciuxor—Mr. Manning has bought out his partner, Mr. Plymale, and will conduct the business alone, now. Give him a call. P roclamation .—We call attention to the Governor’s Proclamation in t' is week’s issue. Bxsi B all .—A base ball club has been or ganized in this town. P ek » o !< al .—Kasper Kubli, of Applegajp started for San Francisco, last luesday. DIVORCES. A New Lot of Absolute Divorces legally obtained in New AMERICAN LEVER WATCHES Those knowing themselves indebted to me will York, Indiana, Illinois, and other States, for per­ Just from the Factory. do well to call without delay and settle, as I must sons from any State or country, legal everywhere ; have money, and that soon. desertion, drunkenness, non-support, etc., suffi­ HENRY BREITBARTII. cient cause ; no publicity. No charge until di­ He is agent for the best Rifles nnd Pistols made, among which is the Jan. 14-tf. vorce is obtained. Advice free. Address, MOORE 4 RICHARDSON, HUNTt-Y RIFI j E. Counsellors at Law, Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with onee load­ 180 Broadway, New York City. ing- January 7th. 1871. jan7-ly. pg- All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and AN IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT Repairing done to order at half price. Chapped Hands and Face, Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. Sore Lips, Dryness of the Skin, dec., dkc., Cured at once by HEGEMAN’S CAMPHOR ICE ANNOUNCEMENT. Mllil GLYCERINE. It keeps the hands soft in all weather. F " See that you o get ___ HEG EM AN’S. HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO THE VOTERS Sold by all Druggists, only , 25° cents, Munufac- of Jacksonville, that I will be a candidate for lured only by H egeman Benj. F. Wade, William Cummins, M. II. P eaches —“ Coleman, Conrad Minges, Michael Hanley, IIOXI-Y f* lb Abel D. Helman, John Head, Alonzi Wil liams, J.icob Roudebush, Daniel Chapman, P otatoes 'p R* ; Oxtoxs 7* ! Tlenrv R. Brown, William Basev, John I B eans " ri ft ». Cantrall, Nicholas Wright. M. R. Fletcher, George Stephenson, Sylvester Saltmarsh and Moses Mansfield DEALER IN SUMMONS. THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second Jacksonville Market Prices, door.) Merchant's Exchange, California Street, Reported nnJ corrected weekly for the D emocratic below Montgomery, is our duly authorised agent 'T imes by Sachs Bros., holsale and Retail dealers for San Francisco. iin Drygoods, Clothing, Groceries, Provisions, I SOMETHING NEW I LOW RATES. Orders solicited. A liberal discount mad« to th« trade. Ashland, May 1st, 1869. FANCY, STAPLE & DRV’GOODS, Clothing, DR. W. JACKSON, Boots & Shoes, DENTIST. Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by Groceries, Dr. E. H. Greenman. corner California and Fifth Streets. All styles of Dental work done on short Liquors, notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth Cutlery, extracted without pain by the use ef the late method of local anesthesia. All work warranted. guaranteed. Crockery, Satisfaction Nov. 20th, 1869. nov20 3m Etc., Etc., OF THE BEST QUALITY, COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL and the (KEPT OS THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. Corner of Stark and Front Street*. FISHER di BRO ’S, (Corner California and Oregon Street*,) JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. i May l«t, 1889. ZIEBER & BOLTON. PROPRIETORS. Jaunar ▼ 7-tL