I J THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. Puhllsbed Every Saturday Morning G* ' *1 •** I ADVERTISEMENTS, S ? ? *• . j BY J. N. T. MILLER A CO., Publisher« and Proprietor«. n T he D emocratic T imes will be charged at the following rate« First insertion, (ten lines or less)............... >3 00 For each week thereafter............................... |1 00 A liberal deduction from the above rates will bs made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. JOB PRINTING. OFriCE- — On California St,, over Reames A Wil- son's Livery Stable. VOL 1. TERMS: _$3 0C ..$1 50 OFFICIAL DIB.ECTOÄY I JACKSON COUSTF. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY U, 1871. THE TIMES The Fighting Outside Paris—Horrible I Another Burning Fluid Horror—A Touching Deathbed Scene. Appearance of the Battle Field. Search for Wives. • 2 Every variety of Job ^York executed with neat ness and dispatch, pt reasonable rates. ."2^* LEGAL TENDERS taken at par for subscription. SCAT ! Where d o men usually discover the women A Row on Top of a Row—How the Fur About eight o’clock on Thursday morning, Tbero is a park just at the extreme end of Flew and how ‘ Fur” it Flew. who afterward become their wives? is a ques­ the village of Villiers, on tho Pari» side. . Dec. 1st, the inhabitants of the quiet village tion we have occasionally heard discussed, Before and all around it raged the battle on ol Suff*rn, N. Y., cn the Erie Railway, were and the custom lias in variably become of value The fact that Mr. Oliver lived in a uniform both day*—the 30th of November and tho startled by a tremendous report, as if from a to cur readers. Chance has much to do in row of houses in the 14th Ward of Philadel* 6'o»ot(y Ojt-cri— Judge. T. II B. Shipley ; 2d of December. The chateau is officers'» cannon, coming from the residence of Mr. the affair, but then there are important and phia, was the reason why he wit6 unfortunate. Clerk. Silas J. Day ; Sheriff, Henry Klippel : Deputy Sheriff. E. D. Foudray ; rreastirer, John quarter«. II iw it suffered ! There is scarce Riggs, who lives there,.but works in Pater­ governing circumstances. It is certain that One moonlight night l&st week the noise made Neu her ; Assessor, David Redpath : County Com ly a window Sash left in one side of it, and son. Instantly Miss Emma Rigg“, a fine girl few men make a selection from ball rooms, or by the cats on his roof was simply awful.— missioner*. Johu S. Herrin. Thom.:« Wright: Sch'» >1 Superintendent, Win. M. Turner ; Survey­ to approach it there i« no necessity to make of fourteen, rushed from the house, enveloped any other place of public gaiety, and nearly Mr. Oliver lay in bed, trying in vain to get or, J. 8. Howard ; Coroner. L. Ganung. i ii«e of the entrance gnte. The wall is smash- in a sheet of flame. Mr. Norris, the station us lew may be influenced‘by -«what eAvy be to sleep, and grinding his teeth-in rage, until Jitckt.' u ille Prcciact. —»Justice of the Peace. i ed from top to bottom in a dmen places. I master, tog« her with several others, started called “showing off” in tho streets, or by any at last the uproar overhead became unendura­ -James It. Wade; Constable, N. Stephenson. entered near the gate, nnd the first ► ght 1 to the unfortunate girl, but the p »or victim allurements of dress ; our conviction is that ble. Mr. Oliver crept out of bed «cftly. Io T.»c* nt’ JacktonvUle.— Trustees, A. II. Martin, saw was ten dead Saxmis in a row. Their ran nearly a hundred yard* in her fright be ninety-nine hundred parts of all the finery ¡that his wife would not bo wakened. He put -James Wilson, N. Fts.ier ; Prostdent of the Board, Davul Linn ; Recorder, U. S. Hayden : faces were covered, nnd three of their com fore they could catch her. The gentlemen with which women decorate or load their jon his slippers, seized a boot with each hand, '■Treasurer, ilenry Pape : Marshal, G. Seaman. rades watched over them. Passing through wrapped their coats around her bodv, 1 from persons, go fur nothing, so far as husband­ and, clad in tho snowy robe» of night, be JoSEPOINK COVHTT. the park in the direction of Paris, I walked which nearly every stitch of clothing bail catching is concerned. Where and how, opened the trap-door and emerged upon the Comity Vjhc'rt.— Judge, J. B. Sifers ; Sheriff. out through an embrasure in the wall and been burned, extinguished the flames and then, do men find wives ? In the quiet homes roof. —AND- Daniel L. Green ; Clcrt, Charles Hughes ; Asses­ There were thirty or forty cats holding a came upon rising ground. It was one ol the ii carried her back into the house, Here the of their paicuts or guardians, at the fireside, sor, R. E. Foley; Treasurer. Wut. Naueke; flames burst oat again, but were quickly ex- Commissioners, Thomas G. Patterson, II. Wood hottest parts of the bailie field, nnd almost win re the domestic graces and feelings are kind of a general synod out there in the cool took; School Superintendent, K. R. Middl-s tinguished. Upon arriving at the house the I are charms ____ which , the centre of the scene of fighting. Heav uL»ne demonstrated. ' These _____________ __ "f th® evening, _ enjoying _ the bracing air and worth. mother of the girl was also found in fla mes, ! ino4 surely attract the high as well as the s’ng*n£ glees. As Mr. Oliver approached en«t what a sight ! To see the men advnnc Jmepkiac (’>»<»1*7.—Circuit Court. First Monday having caught fire while attempting to save humble. Against these all finerv and air.» cats » moved over to th* next roof. Mr. the finery air» I the ^ie cat in April and Fourth Monday in October County ing under fire of the forts, and falling at the girl before her flight from the house. Court. First Monday in January, April, July and Oliver advanced and flung u boot at them* in the world sink into insignificance, I every step ; to see the French and Stxons October. The gentlemen mentioned quickly extinguish­ They then adjourned suddenly to the summit shall illustrate this by an anecdote : amid that horr.J din of artillery aho »ting one ed the flame s with which she was surrounded. A certain gentleman, whose health was ui the adjoining lesidence. Mr. Oliver pro- I another down with Casrepot and needle gun ; Physicians were quickly summoned, ami rapidlv declining, was advised by his pliysi-! ¡ected another boot and went otef after th« Business tarifs. ; to hear the “hurrahs” followed bv a volley. everything possible was d me for the sufferers. cians to try change of climate as a means for brst one. In this manner the tynod retrea- and as the smoke died away to find the bins The injuries of the girl were at once pro­ recovering liis health. Ilis daughters feared ted and Oliver advanced until the end of the thinned and living men advancing over the nounced fatal. The mother was less danger that those who had motives entirely mercenary row of twenty houses was reached, when the prostrate bodies of dead and dying was Imr- ou.-ly burned, and may recover, although she rib’.e, b it nothing like so horrible a* the would not pny him that attention which he cat9 arranged themselves io a line along the JACKSONVILLE LODGE !>o !• sight of the battle-field, with hundreds of is dreadfully scarred about the head, fac t and might expect from those who, from duty and parapet, ruffled up their fur, curved their dead aud dying there in the cold air, the sun neck. affection united, would feel the greatest spine» and spat furiously at Oliver, LDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON Miss Emma Biggs was one of the favorite shining ou their ghastly features and stifl pleasure in ministering to his ease and com- That bold warrior gathered up his boots every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ scholars o» the »Suffern Institute, and at two Brother* in good standing are invited to forms, while the cannon on Avron and No fort. They therefore resolved to accompany ;U,d determined to retreat. lie walked back I. JOHN MeKEE, N. G. o’cuck, death being certain, at her request gent weie thundering with sounds which him. They proved that it was not a spirit of ¡over a dozen bouses, and descended through SMITH, R. Secy. the principal and entire school were sum California St.. (Up Stair«,) over Reames shook the earth f<>r miles round. dissipation and gaiety that led them to do this,.a traP door, lie went down stair« to bis bed- ’u. B ilger , ) I. K lii - pei ., • Trustees. A. H llsou'a Livery Stable, One of the first great groups I came upon moned to her bedside. She eOoly and calmly for they were not to be «een in any of the gay roOin, a,,d opened the door. There was a I. V. H elms , ) was c«»mp »sed of sixty French bu ITiers. A bade them all good-bye, one by one, taking and fashionable circles : thev were never out in the room in the act of walking up and t—f fewSax »nsaul Wurtembergers lay uround them by the hand and bidding them a last of thmr father’s company, and never stirred ‘1'»’™ with a baby. Before Oliver had reeov- C W. KAHLER, them ; but the Germans h>td already removed farewell. She then requested them to sing from home, except to attend him. either tu iercd fr°Q1 amazement the man flung the baby and 1 »id in their last sleeping place most of some of her favorite hymns, and an attempt take the air or drink the waters. Ina word,: uP«n the bed, and seizing a revolver, began Alionipy aifi ta¡r.is.Hor-a(-Lan, the dead. Tiie centre of the group was was made by her fellow scholars to emu ply they lived a recluse li!e in the midst of a town, firini? rapidly at Oliver. It then dawned up- O.iver that he bad come down the wrong formed of a cL se line of forty six. You with her request, but they br> ke down with then the resort ot the most fashionable per JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, proceeded up staire again could not have placed a bo ly between any emotion. Tne wounded girl then commenced s »nages of Europe. This exemplary attention| traP duor* Wil! practice in I be Supreme Court, District, at:h«—wppo-ite Coti't H u»<- -I'tinrr. number «’f them were on their backs, with lections about her funeral, the clergyuiun and was the cause of their elevation to t„ that ___ Ol*vcr reached the roof, he shut the trap the ssrmuD, t. The man fired DR. GE I K their feet to P.tris ami their heads to Villiers. rank in life to which their merits gt..~ f r a girl of her age- wonderful manner through the boards twice, and then booked Al.«», it was painfully evid-nt. that many of so just a title. They were all married to (late Surge»»« I’. and died during After this she began to sink, the door upon the inside. them, an I of others wh »m I saw su' sequent- noblemen—one to the Earl of B----- ,another Fhysicixa, Surgeon. ly, but who Imd lived probably many h urs the afternoon. The mother still lies in a to the Duke of II----- , and after to the Mar , A moment after Oliver beard Lim springing Mirii.L I’Rtcrii’E i rd to ________ the Duke — of N a watchman’s rattle from the front window. y V H»Ij icent ifs. u: wi:lu ut n band to lend them «u Cor, and in dangerous condition. qnis of D----- . and a tliil- ail calls un pro e*,i >n »1 l»u«i The caii-e of the burning was the girl’s ----- ; and it is but justice to say that they re­ As soon ns the neighbors knew there was a piercing sn.»w am! frost. One p.»or fellow I Ol FiCE kNI) R ®ew UP 8ta*rs aQd i..v on his fac ’. lie hid two rifle wounds in trying to light the fire in the morning by the flected honor on their rank, rather than ,,ian on t'“e r0°f» on 4th .*tn-t, onp.»s te e ? k J \VI -G A LARGE AND TV use i f a little oil. It was known aS Dau- derived anything from it. fastened their trap doors, and Mrs. Oliver bis b ick. lie had part'y stripped himself, mui : <>»t- j »» i ». j J ed as*< it uint of fastened hers, w:th the firm conviction that .Ian. Sl'i. js.O. an 1 he di* 1 with a hull on each ballet hole. I irth’s patent non explosive oil, and was war Hints for Housekeepers. some predatory villiau bad entered while she Several h id taken ___ oT their knapsack* and ranted site and non explosive. The explo­ Dr. L. r. divin , I sion was fearful. It v.as heard at a consider, slept nnd stolen her Oliver. When he tried pla -e 1 them un l»-r their heads, and so pillow If the covers of sofas and chair» are dirty, G .’IT "3o-»Oii. 27*1 no strec t able distance ; the glass was blown out of the the door it was fast, and Mrs. Oliver was el. Lil l»;eathcl their List breath. Others thev in iv be cleansed, without being remov ­ «creaming so fiercely that he could not make were windows, and the petition and walls clenched their water 1» -ttles in one hand, but Opp.i-itc ! he V 14 ed, by first washing them over with warm himself heard. By this time the street was had been unuhk t» remove thee irk. and died cracked und started. — X. K Lieraid. water and soap rubbed over them with a flan ­ filled with policemen, all of whom were bla­ A tl’-v kN *AS L ive « y S vasi i :. without being able to wet their lips in their “S nakes in B oots .” —We have kno«n nel ; then, before they are dry, sponge them zing away at Oliver with their revolvers, last agony. Some, in their sufferings, had men, whose noses were I eginning to blossom, over with a strong solution of salt and wa­ while the young men, in the houses across e J:ick“ »nvi’le, Oregon. burr -wed their faces in the thick clay on who were occasionally troubled with “snakes ter, in which a small quantity of gall ha* the street kept up a steady fire with pistols. ii. II. <;« i : i :. nman , which they lav. and turned their blo aly and I 9 in their boots.” been mixed. The wind »ws of the room shot-guns, and miscellaneous missiles. Oliver, earth stained faces upward before they ex­ 9 I’lxysioiau. «JL? Sxirgoon, Not long ago we were experimenting with should be opened, so as to secure a perfect perfect : with every advantage for formin forming an opinion, pired. Two soldiers I saw, who had their OFFICE—At the U. N. HOTEL on Califur a microscope ; and among the things subjee-j drying, and the colors and the freshne** of I said that Gettysburg was a mere skirmish to ni.v Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. ■irins fixed and their fists clenched, as if ted to its wonderful powers was a small drop! 1 tha article* will be restored. Floor cloths it, Will practice in Jackson and a ws j LAOEH! LAGEK! bloody mats. Near him was another, who have snakes in their boots—not now we don’t. first be dusted with a feather bru«h, then of a bullet from Sime misguided policeman not familiar with the rules of war. When hod taken a biscuit frmn his knapsack nnd a How can a man who lias from one to six in washed over with a sponge dipped in spirits / daylight came the neighbors rallied ia a bottle from his side, and hud partaken of dies of whisky in his stomach duly—each to remove the fly spots ; after this, it should crowd, armed with nil kinds of weapons from both. More than one of the slain had died ! drop containing millions of animalcule of the be dusted with the powder blue in a thin howitzers down, and mounted to the roof. with the hand* clasped in prayer ; nnd ne>r I roptile order—expect to be without snakes in muslin bag, and finally polished with nn old Oliver taken d iwn and put to bed, and non I found a little plaster mednlion of the i his «tmnaeh ? Ami where there are so many, «ilk handkerchief. Polished steel articles, if lie now was has more influenza for any man of Blessed Virgin. A portion of the edge hnd how can he prevent some of them from work rubbed every morning with leather, will not hi« size than anv other citizen of the Four- OSEPH WETTKRER HAS NOW ON HAND —SUCH A8 - been shot off it. The Chassepots nnd needle ing down into bis boots?— Bedrock Demo become dull or dusty ; but if rust has been ’teenth Ward. lie «tys he ia going to move anil is eunstautiy manufacturing the hast Lag­ we|| - he is going suffered to gather, it must immediately bel.1S 8oOn ag |ie _ to move er- Beer iu Southern Ore on, whioh h' will m H in guns were still in many a dead man’s hand, crat. — A . t Saa vJw quantities to suit purchasers. Call and test the removed by c»overiug the steel with sweet oil, I * into a house *1... that is next ^Irkzxv» door to Wilk nobody, a «nd lying between his nrtn and his b» dy. article. house that stand« stands in the middle af of a prairie and allowing it to remain on f.wtwodiy»; . l^use A nother V ictim of K erosene . — This is Jacksonville June 5th. 1S69. Similar were the sights all over the plateau . .. . . . „ , , . ’ of some kind, and he be intends to stencil his CARDS, the period of terrible kerosene, or burning sprinkle it over with finely powdered un ( name in white on the trap door. - - — Banner of between Villiers and Brie, and Villiers and fluid explosions. The latest explosion hap­ slake»l lime, and rub it with polishing leath- Liberty. Champigny ; and among the corpses were pened on Thursday evening, near Elmira. er. • • knapsacks, helmets, shakos, bayonets, nnd U.NDER-CuRRENT Mt THE M ED ITBRR ANE AW.— BILLHEADS, N. ¥., an account of which we find in the ninny a latter sealed and directed to relatives K eep out of D ebt .—Avoid it ns you would It has long been known that a currant is Gazette. Mr«. Hiram Ketchum, a farmer’s and friends in Germany and France. Near pestilence and famine. Hate it with a per constantly flowing into the Mediteranean FROM RONDON, a cemetery situated on the battle field itself, I wife, started to go up stair*. carrying a kero feet hatred. I)o anything that is honest and from the Black Sea and from the Atlantic, liesides the numerous rivers pouring in al­ saw between 200 and 300 dead French sol­ sene lamp. The top fell off and in an in HANDBILLS, aving located in J acksonville , useful rather than run in debt. As you val ways abundantly, and the question has often diers collected closely together; they had stunt the oil was ablaze and she was envelop informs the citizens of this place and vicinity been a«ked : How is it that the great Mid­ ue comfort, independence, good digestion, been removed from where they had fallen and ed in flames, and the room in which she was that he is nmw prepared t<» take orders for all kinds land Sea does not become overfull T The an- collected in that spot for burial. All were healthy nppetite. placid temper, smooth pil ot gents’ and bnyN 1 instant, for they had been ou *h° want Job Printing done, give hands and her arms to her elbows, 12 1-2 Genti. were com by it as vou would pass a leper or one smit­ the out-flowing under-currant doos really ex­ ■s t call, and we will satis-y jou b^th ja style and lying out day and night «’nee then, if not ist.— Cftam&er* s Journal. prio*. foly 17t’a,1859. . jlylTtf. ten by plague. -pletely roasted. since th« 30tb,— Cor. London Times. F irst J vdicial D istrict .—Circuit Judge. P P. **riin ; Pruse»*uting Attorney, 11. K. H’luna. Jack»»* Conntjf— Circuit Court, Second Monday in February and November. C«»UQty Court, first Munday in each month. BOOK, PAMPHLET, JOB PRINTING OFFICE, NEW & FANCY TYPE, I EAGLE BREWERY. J r r \ WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, H RÏiLROJDSALOON 1 ; MAX. BRENTANO C ’ïEEt'J'E-Sl 7ME373, VS