JAS. T. GIERN, EXCELSIOR” THE NEW FOOD. JkZDZDIRIESS 4 TO THE ' SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 7, 1871 DEALER IN 1 Dog Driving in Alaska. J r I LIVERY STABLE. iE. K My team comprised three dogs. Tito lead CALIFORNIA STREET, On Oregon street, Jacksonville. WHOSE SUFFERINGS er wtw a fine black dog named Ikkee, who had a magnificent bushy tail, which was al­ ways erect und curly. The next .one wa- JACKSONVILLE, OREGON; HAVE BEEN black und white, and called Savvashkn, a * »- i r hard ' worker and of amiable disposition. Next the sled was old Kaniuk, my favor For a few cents yoacan buy H Having just received from San Francise, a fine ite, and the ugliest dog in tho brigade, llis took of tail, poorly furnished with hair, was usually1 npiIE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS! Pl- of your Grocer or Druggist a i.j between his legs ; his ears were short, and i in i>*’tit\ing his triends and the pui-iic gcue; package of SEA MOSS FARINE Q AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE HARNESS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES scored with the marks of many battles, llis ally tnat lie is now receiving and opening a very made from pure Irish Moss or ■ urge and extensive stock of “ '' M face was stolid, and exhibited emotion ouly We are now prepared to furnish our patrons, and Carrageen, which will make PROMPT TREATMENT,. when feeding time came, or when some other the nvblic generally, with as sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, dog ventured too near or lagged behind, llis body was large, and his legs were like pillars ; To Render Existence Desirable. FINE TURNOUTS and a like quantity cf Puddings his color was white, with dirty »pots. Alto Custards, Creams, Charlotte J If yon are suffering or have suffered, from in­ as can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle horses gether he looked a good deal like a lean pig. hired to go to any part of the country. Animals voluntary disoharges, what effect doe* it produce Russe, &c. It is the cheapest, But how he w- uld pull! upon your general health? Do you feel weak, A description can give but a faint idea of debilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exer­ healthiest and most delicious BOUGHT A SOLD. tion produce palpitation of the heart? Doe* yowr dog driving. It is an art in itself. The na­ liver, or urinary organs, or vour kidneys frequeu-- CALIFORNIA AND SALEM food in the world. It makes a ture of dogs is crossgrained, and they fre Horses broke to wo’rk single or double. Horses tly get -ait of order? I* your urine *ouietim** splendid Dessert, and has no boarded, and the best care bestowed upon them thick, milky w flocky w is it ropy on settling'’ ’ quently do the wrong thing with apparently while in our charge. fir doea a thick scum rise to the top? Or i* a sed­ equal as a light and delicate the best intentions. Each had a pecuiuiarj jWNtlTl TERMS ARE REASONABLE. -Tii iment at the bottom after it has stood awhile?? BLANKICTS, Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspep-- look and character. Some are irreclaimably ■ A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. food for Invalids and Children. sia? Are your bowels constipated ? De you have- lazy, others enjoy bard work unl"«s pushed 1 PLYMALE A MANNINO. This Pow-!<*r is inv:i!i.:il>le t-> the Housekeeper, i -pell* of fainting, nr rushes ot blood to the head?' HOOP MKIRTS, Hotel Hii-i Re»tuuraiit I’ropriclois, Miners ami Jacksonville. Ogn., Oct. 10. Is your memory impaired? Is your mind con-- too far ; some are greedy and snappish, others ' <>w4iers of Steatn«hip« an-l sen going vessels, s it ' A Glorious Change ! ! 1 stan’ly dwelling on this subject? Do vou feel 1 good humored and decorous. All are very Jbe., away with the necessity of providing Egg-1 I-lull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life* ETC’.. ETC for I’ud-ling*. Cakes, Fancy Dreads, etc., a* the practical, showin ; affection only for the man j Do you wi-li to be left alone, to get away from --- ALSO — O Till: GREAT WORLD’S TOXIC, -•-intents of ca h tin is equal in every respect (fol everybody? Does any little thing make you start Boots and Shoes: J.adies’. Misses’ who feeds them, lienee the voyager shuuld - i '.- iv purpose) to tour doren of Egcs. 'or jump.’ Is your sleep broken or resiles*? I* and Childrens ’ Shoes. own team himself. They always feed his I. di-]-eases i xilltKI-V with the use ot ^o-la.Sa) I the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on I er itus amt Cream of Tartar, (tzree ingredients your cheek h « bright ? I)o you enjoy yourself in dislike the whip, not only when in use, but i W e have also in connection with the above a that ¡ire very apt to disagree with delicate stoni ' society as well ? Do you pursue your business They will always destroy in the abstract, Large and Extensive Stock of Choice nebs), and i< a trien-l to the dyspeptic, a* it makes I with the same energy ? Do you feel as tnueh con­ This wonderful vegetable re­ Die fo--l into which it is ¡¿traduced, light ami one if they can pet at it. The whip is made fidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to tits of melancholy ? If so do- storative is the sheet-anchor of ’wholesome. It is entirely free fr-m all mineral with a short handle, a very long lash, braid [ GROCERIES, I it. kai .i. s, an-l i’ recommended l.y the Faculty to not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you ed of leather or seal’kin, an-l usually loaded the feeble and debilitated. As a those suffering fr«m sour stomachs aud impaired restless nights? Your back weak, your knees HARDWARE, or irregularity of the biliary secretion weak, and have but little appetite, nnd you attri­ with sheet lead or bullets io the dore. tonic and cordial for the aged digestion, The r.bi-vc article i- put up in sealed cans bute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? As we walked behind the si d, which or queensware , and languid, it has no equal warranted to keep in all climates. Direction- on ciub l>--x. dinarily travels about four miles an hour, we NOW, READER, among stomachics. As a remedy CLASSWARE, have an excellent opportunity of studying self-abure, venereal diseases badly cured, and for the nervous weakness to sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a dogs. One habit appears ingrained in their CUTLERY, hich w omen are especially sub­ weakness «if the generative'organs, The organ* Celebrated California nature. It exhibits itself at street corners of generation, when in perfect health. PAINTS, ject, it is superseding every other in cities, anl at every bush, stump, or lump; MAKE THE MAN. stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ of ice which they pu’3 on the road. When OILS, cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts traveling rapidly, some d >gs will stop twenty ETC, l times an hour to examine any bush or twig as a specific in every species of Patented ALSO that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering t -ir ecs'lul bu.-incss men. are always those whose which happens to attract his attention. If a disorder which undermines the A certain cure for generative organ* are in perfect l.-altli? leader, it checks the whole team; if not he Window Glass, Malls. Iron and bodily strength and breaks down You never hear such men complain of being Rheumatism. Paralysis, Piles anl Old Steel, Cast and steel Plows usually entangles himself in the harness, and inelancho’y , •-!’ lies v-.tif lies«, or palpitation of the the animal spirits. For sale by UtHiileii and Willow Sores. jumps frantically to release himself as he i heart. They ere never a! aid they cannot Htcee«d Ware, Ute.. V.tc. all druggists. The thernpoatic valnh of tlii* sJutnry prepara­ in bit; inns« ; th- y ■ n't I - ••»nie sad and di’coor- hears the well known crack of the whip about. ron if exhibited in it’s a¡‘pii as a me huh ¡ige I ; I lay a e i.iw VS ! o' i'e nd pleasant in the Ills ears. If a log comes io bis way, and the inent in ca?e* wl eru, owing to <1i»*‘;.i e. a partial eoiupaiii < t la in -, : I i.d lo­ I: you and tb< tn right in suspension of the vital |» 'nvrs h talu n ¡»hvc, :i i lie fa- e — n- nc buy gm d> keep the organs inflated by running to excess. I - will find it greatly to their advantage to examim Ü These will not only haunches, wagging their tail and looking our stock before purchasin'’ elsewhere, as I am ✓ ^-—-4 ! h about will: a pleased expression, or uttering determined not to be undersoil Ly any house in zz T- c I aii’t where the animal ionution- have become ip«’it n sentimental bowl. With a crack of the Jackson county. C I or in operative, as in b'it also those they -!•• hiisine-s with <»r for. /. I wlnp. and a shout to stir himself, their reve tîTGivc me a call, nnd then judge Jur your- llow many men. from badly cured diseases, from ries are broken, and we go on. G ing down «elf as to our c ipneity to furnish goo-is above. c i u< t- of -e f alni.-c and • xceio-css. have / • iii.lit about that -fate - f vcnkne-5 in th< re - r- JAS. T. GLENN. bill, the whip and lunge, are again called into ■ an- that luii> reduced the g neial iv.-tim so much requisition, to keep the J >g out of the way of It permeates the system, into which it I «•-•-.in»-- to induce CVi rj • titer difV >c. *1 c thoroii'^lily absorbed, nnd 11 us it strikes ¡it the the descending sled. root of evil in both Rhenmnt-sin and Paralysis. I I It is said that no man can drive dogs with T. As a leniti’e. it mitigates pain and soot'es th- M » Z irritati-ui of the parts »fleeted. It is both eti'-d! 9 out swearing. I think it is in a measure; f. Z ii nt and -lcpnratorv in it’ action on sores, whi •!> « true. At all events, he must lnivoftready; c r it mollifies an-l soft-'n*, an I it i'fieetiially el<¡¡t -- Li store of energetic expletives to keep them on •s them from impurities an 1 f rti/n niatt-r. cue t(. them to cicatrise ra' i ilv. the go. In Russian America we always used nF THE BUCKEYE. V V those Superior Ploughs which we introduced : p'n.i! i.Uci'tion*. si ii'ldc, nr-1 almost every other the indigenous epithets which, as we did not Z here last season, and which hav ■ given eaiire sat­ f. rm of disea-e Mbicli I.tin anity is Heir tu, *- The curative properties of the Unckeyc. understand them, were hardly sinful. If isfaction to those who have used them, being well * and the iy which, when taken, it causes abortion in had been, I fear his posthumju* reputation 7. those animals that arc with young whi n the nut is would have suffered, ASSORTED IRON, • z eaten. Squirrels, as if atvare of its medicinal pro­ •z. At noon we stop for a cup of tea. Ilure pertie*. eat but halt cl it, leaving the other lial. J. NAILS, untaste-1. the true voyager exhibits himself in building So wonderful is the ef-ieaey of this pr-ulu-'tion r AND NAILS, -li "use, carry the nut about their persons, not only t Q 7. place your chynik and wait until it chooses J. • li-eascs of the lllad-ler. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, a- it antidote, but ns » preventive. MEAT CUTLERY, V , Organic Weakness. Female C- inplaints. General to boil. A white man’s fire is built in layers In no cases where THIS PREPARATION has bv the J Debility, nnd all diseases of the Uiinnrv Organ«, 1--'ti applied t-> the biinian subject, has it failed in! 4 QC " The sticks in each layer ar« parallel with CEDAR WARE, m whether existing in Malo or Female, from what­ V x 2 z establishing a COMPLETE CURE in the di-ea-is , those in the layer Leneath. A few chips are ever cause originating, and no mi tlir of how long above mentioned. ROPE, z ' placed upon the pile, which presents a broad, standing. rfY-Beware of Counterfeits. — Ask for X IB I If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption I'.akins ’ Buckeye Salve, and take no SHELF HARDWARE, flat top, on which you sat your chynik. A [or insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are * t other. supported from these sources, an-l the health and A few shavings are whittled from a dry stick Sold by n’l Druggists throughout the country. ¡ tí * - w OILS, happiness, and that of Posterity, dejicnds upon - 7. z z and you light your fire on the top of the pile. Â prompt use of a reliable remedy. 2d j M’ho would respectfully announce to the trade PAINTS, ta The free circulation soon puts it all in a blaze, and public generally, that they are now manufact­ A b vour kettle boils in ten minutes, you drop in' 2<16 an-l 208 Battery St., San Francisco, GLASS, a uring and have on bund for sale, a large assortment your tea and let it boil up once, and you are /, Wholesale Agent* for the Pacific Coast. A of BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, plain f 0) DR. GEO. B. TüLMAN, Agent for Southern, ready for “chypeet.” If the fire be lighted Ac. Ac., Established upward of Nineteen Years, Oregon. Janla ly. TWILLED and CHECK FFANNELS, AC. AC. at the bottom, it takes twice as long to kindle, I IS .'REPARED BY of the best quality and at and if you boil your tea more than an in­ Also the celebrated stant, it is ruiued. Many travelers drink a caustic decoction of tannin, which they call AMERICAN tea ; such poor unfortunates are to be pitied. To Buy Goods Tea over, you empty out your chynik, andj Art! BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Order? solicited. A liberal discount made to the set it in the snow a moment to cool, that yoUi trade. may not burn your sled cover. Having re ■ AND Ashland, May 1st, 1869. I placed it and seen that the dogs are untan ' THAN THE Always on hand a full variety of Kll SOUTH TIlM’ll KT., PHIL., PA. gled, you shout to Kamuk, “Be off you old; sinner?” Down goes his tail, and away I’rlre, SI 2.» per Bottle, or <• Bottlea for I ■ you go.—s Alftska. PLYMALE & MANNING Ü Ö 0 LOW PRICES WILL WIN. ff NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED READY-MADE CLOTHING SUBSTITUTE, >0 Plantation Bitters. H3 §30 Buckeye Salve »H « c* o « u, SUPERIOR PLOUGHS ! 6-3 m &a DI D YOU EVER THINK “=0 Rijpi TfEiR CGHSTITimONS, PILES, FISTULA AND CHRONIC SOBES* hilOCY, LÜFÎÂC/, PA& H F < □ U HOW TO KEEP HELMBOLD’S —YOUR ra o « o A <1 FLUID EXTRACT MONEY AT HOME, BOGUE RIVER VALLEY- 3 Cl IIE1TIIFIELD, lillGEL tO.J HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, M Sä 5 LOW RATES. H. T, HELMBOLD, Druggist, SUBMERGED PUMPS IN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. A Reason for Going to Church. LIVERY A SALE STftSLE, Hydraulic Pipe, Tin, Copper, and Sheet-iron Corner California and l-'ourtli St I ware made to order. HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. jrilllE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECl October 15th, 1870. 1. tally inform their friends ami the public g"n erallv hat they have purchased the aioive or;ii '- lishtiicnt of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which wi.l henceforward con Dieted under their c<>ii>t,int per I sonal supervision, ami they guarantee satisfaction to till who may favor them with their pntionage nd see his fine stock or new These stables are centrally located, and witiitti ' jonV'mient distance of the various houses of public Goods direct from the manufacturers. ; entertain inent. Horses or mules will tie boar-leu Be has a fine lot o I an-l cared for, by the day or week, nt moderate Si o "w 1 xx s Mnclxincw ¡charge!. They have the largest stock in Oregon, Prices from $20 to $110, cash. south of Portland, ot Cheapest! $(» 50. delivered to any address. ail Druggists everywhere. r Sold by NONE ARE GENUINE unica* done nj» in steel engraved wrapper, with far-tini*» — AT — My dasire for giving ysu one or tvro good ile of my Chemical Warehouse, and sign* reasons for going to. church, which do not cd Call at J. Neuber’s depend upon the authenticity of Christianity • H. T. HELMBOLD. upon the Christian Sabbath at all. My first Julyÿitli, 187*. ly.jl yl6- reason is unless a man puts himself into a DEALERS IN fine shirt, polished boots and good clothes COMPLETE STOCK AL once a week, and goes out into public, he is ways on hand at the almost certain to lapse into semi-barbarism. You know that unless you do this on the Sab­ ZDZEÒITTICS, bath, you cannot do it at all, for you labor IS 1-S. all the week. There is nothing like standing alone, with OF F11HE THIRSTY PUBLIC ARE INFORMED A New Lot of BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES no place in the machinery of society to tone 1 that Pape A Savage of the “ New State Sa­ AMERICAN LU VER WATCHES BOOKS, down one’s self-respect. loon ” will queuch their thirst with the most choice with single or double teams, for hire on reason­ Just from the Factory. You must be aware that you are not in I BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for able terms ; a so, STATIONERY, sympathy with society. You are looked up “ one bit. ’ We expeet to lone money by it, but the best Rifles anil Pistols made, on as an out sider, because they refuse to He ¡1 agent for among TOILET ARTICLES, time* are hard, an-l we cannot see pe -pie thirsty. which is the come in contact with society on its broadest PAPE A SAVAGE. HEMR Y K I IF« X j e . Which will be hired to go to any purt of AC. AC. and best grounds. » October 16th, 1869. Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ thw country at moderate rates. I tell you it is a good thing for a man to ing. Animals bought and sold, and horses bro ;o to I wash bis face clean and put on his beet I saddle or harness. . clothes and walk to the house of God with ,T&- All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and I REAMES A WILSON. his children on the Sabbath day whether he Repairing done to order at half price. At the CITY DRUG STORE. I MaV 7th. 1870. believes in Christianity or not. The church Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. —BY— Agency for the is a place where at lea9t good morals are in­ I OF TI1E BEST QUALIFY, 1 culcated, nnd the vices of community are DR. W. JACKSON, 7EIT SHTJTZ', I denounced. You can afford ts stand by so I Al « AND THE , JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. t much of the church, and by so doing say, J .. . u. n.«, xzIUgKi.i. "Here am I, and here are mine, with a Dental Rooms in building formerly occupied by ( kept ox the KVRUPEAN plan ,) CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. i August 27th, 1870. riUiE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN- stake in the welfare of society and an inter Dr. E. II. Greenman, corner California and Fifth I ------ * -------------------------- - | J. forms the citiaens of Jacksonville and surround- Streets. AH styles of Dental work done on short Corner of Stark and Front .Streets, est in good morals.” FIMHER dr BRO ’S, ing country, that he is now manufacturing, and notice, nt reduced price*. Particular attention My dear friend, this little operation gon« ' will constantly keep on hand, the very bed of given to the regulation of children'* teeth. Teeth OREGON (Corner California and Oregon Street«,) through with every Sunday, would give you extracted without pain by the use of the late PORTLAND,' e Lager Beer. Those who wi.h a cool glas* of beer should give me BUuuiu uiü u a can. call. eelf-respeet, help you to keep your head; method of local anasthesia. All work warranted, XIEBER <£-• HOLTON, PROPRIETORS. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Jacksonville, June 12th, 1869. above water, and bring you into sympathy Satiifaction guaranteed. May 1st, 1869. J au nary 7-tf. with the beet society the world possesses. 1 Nov. 20th, 1869. nov20 3m. Jute Illh-ly. JEWELRY STORE, A Clothing, CITY DRUG STORE, Boote & Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc., DENTIST. NEW SUTE SALOON FANCY,STAPLE*DR” GOOPS, GASOLINE OIL AND LAMPS CITY BREWERY, i! I PAY YOIB TAXES! AND SAVE COST ! I