0 . S - V t .,a ll - ' ' ... - ... v PEBSONAL. Holman Hunt, the English painter, is hard at work ia his new studio ia Jerusa lem. Joyot: note from the Rochester Chron icle: 'Ve have met Peter Cooper and he ia ours." Eiohty-focr Bostonians ia one party have sailed for Fernandina, Florida, to so journ for the winter. Ex-Got. Stanford, ct California, revels ia building. He is about to bein another new house, which will cost $100, 000. Tally one for the Turkish Sultan. He has issued a decree abolishing the slave trade throughout the Ottoman Em pire. Died recently in France 51. Aba die, who had accumulated a fortune of $4,500,000 through the manufacture of paper for cigarettes. A New York paper states that a let ter stamped Winchester, Indiana, was re ceived at police head-quarters recently, and has not yet been opened. It was ad dressed: "A Good, Uoneat Detective, ...New York City." Spotted Tail is described by a recent guest as a manly looking creature, with small hands and feet and an agreeable countenance; while Man-afraid of-his-horse is as wild as a hawk, and looks as if be were afraid of his shadow. Capts. Stephenson and Narea, of the Arctic exploring vessels', were reprimand ed by the English Admiralty for leaving thoir sbiris on the const of Ireland and ptsting-on to London. They were hardly prepared to find so much coolness at this end of their trip. Mr. Coutanciie, the Deputy Gover nor of Jersey jail, England, was lately dismissed at a moment's notice by the Prison Board, who discovered that he was in the habit of cutting down the pris oner's rations in order to obtain feed for his dogs and fowls. The Archbishop of Canterbury was a victim to red-tape the . other day. The venerable gentleman wanted to get into the British Museum readiug room, but because he had forgotten his ticket the custodian wouldn't let him pass. What is earthly greatness? Cardinal Anton elli is believed to have left about 80,000,000 francs, 10,000, 000 francs of which, it ia said, is invested in England. It is said that when the Cardinal's death was announced to the Pope he burst into tears, and, sinking on his leaves, he began to pray for the soul of his departed minister, lie wanted to look upon him again in death, but was dissuaded. This is what the Baptist clergyman of Boston, U. Jr. Pentecost, says ot the lib eral clergy in that city, according to an emw rial statement in the Boston 1 tmei tkWelI, Murray, and Hale, and Savage, and such men, are able and smart men, but they have no religion.' 4It is not Christianity,' rejoined 3Ir. Pentecost. 4Y.u admit they are able men we timid ly remarked. 'Yes, they are smart, but sattra is smart.' " Mrs. Ex-Senator Henderson, in her very clever book on cookery, says that Senator Riddle of Delaware took much pleasure in his superior knowledge on the important subject of omelets. Once, when breakfasting with Mrs. Crittenden of - Kentucky, an omelet of doubtful ap pearance was presented to him. "Before we proceed with our breakfast," said he. "let me teach you a valuable accomplish ment." They repaired at once to the kitchen range, . where the Senator imme diately demonstrated his qualifications as a very fine cook. Longfellow and Lowell. In Cam bridge Longfellow is loved, Lowell ad mired. Though younger by a dozen years', it is generally conceded that Lowell is a broader, finer scholar than the translator of Dante and the author of the "Spanish , Student." Mr. Longfellow is primai ily a poet; Mr. Lowell is both a poet and a critic. The conversation of both is simple and witty; that ot Air. Lowell is charac terized by a blunt, Yankee-like frankness suggestive ot the "Bigelow Papers. Mr, Longfellow's library is a model of order and artistic arrangement; Mr. Lowell's suggestive of the original chaos; books in cases, on shelve?, tables, chairs and the floor; books anywhere,every where,helter- skelter. Dr. Le Moyne, the owner of the Penn sylvania cremation furnace, is nearly eighty years old, is the father of the ChicHgo Congressman Le Moyne, and is a man of great learning and wealth. He has endowed a professorship in the Wash ingtonand Jefferson College, and expend ed $10,000 in founding a town libra ry. His eccentiicities are very marked says a correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial. Dr. Le Moyne says that the National Hotel poisoning in Washington City, whereby President Buchanan near ly lost his life, first directed his attention to the so meet ot cremation. Ihesubse quent investigation into the cause of that catastrophe demonstrated that the water used by the hotel was contaminated by sewage. Qceen Victoria goes walking in short dark serge petticoat; the heels of her boots are not half an inch high, the soles are broad and thick, and they are never blacked. She always welcomes news of the people, improvements in their manner?, their health and their appear ' ance. She declare that visiting her humble subjects is better than going to the play. When Sirs. McTavish, one of her Scotch dependents, who prides herself somewhat on her great hight, good looks and youth she is only 78 asked tht Queen, not long ago, about the Star in the East, she promptly raised the fore finger of her right hand and said, "You must not ask these questions. Ask what you will about the family how we are, and how we love you and I shall answer you with pleasure." Mr. Hcbert Bancroft, the author of of "Native Races of the Pacific," and perhaps at present the most distinguished literary Californian, was a bookseller until ten or twelve years ago he gave up the selling of books for the reading ot them and especially of such as related to the history of the native races of this " continent. Having a handsome fortune he devoted his income to his subject, col lecting his books personally, or by agents in all the great book marts of the world. The result is a magnificent "special" li brary. When the crash of the Empire came in 3Iexico, a great part of the Im perial books and documents were se cured by him, and various revolutions have thrown into his hands original and unpublished documents of great value from the archives of monasteries and gov ernments in Ceutral America. Mr. Ban croft was born in Ohio; he is a tall, squarely-cut man of about 40, with a schol arly stoop of the shoulders, a thin, refit ed face, large gray vee, high nose, and long, iron-graj haigs-N. T. Tritons. , , , Badge's Opinion of the Centennial. Oh, Toddie where do you think I've been? I've been to the Centennial? Papa woke me up when it was all dark, and we rode in railroad-cars and horse-cars j before it was light; that's the way men do. Tod, an' it's lots of fun. My! didn't ! I do lots of railroad-riding before I got ' to the Centennial I An along tne roal l saw piles of big sticks laid crosswise ever so nice, so they looked just like the picture in the big Bible of the altar that Abraham put Isaac on, you know, aud I thought they was altars, an' after I thought about what lots of little toys there must be going to be burned up in that country, and asked papa about it, he said they wasn't altars at all, but only just piles of railroad ties wasn't it too bad! And I crossed the Delaware at Trenton, too, just like George Washington,- but, 't wasu't a bit like the pict ures in the history-book that papa reads out of, and nobody there had on hats a bit like Washington's. - But I tell you the Centennial was nice; every little while we'd come right up to a place where they sold pop-corn balls, and they made 'em as easy why, a little thing went down, an' a little thing came up, and there was a pop-corn ball all in a second. An' then they made people pay five cents for fern! I think 'twas real mean; work a hundred times that much for a penny when I keep my clothes clean all day. But, oh, if you only could see the big engine in Machinery Hall ! I don't see how the Lord could do more than that engine; it turns all sorts of wheels and machine?, an' don't make a bit of noise about it, an' it don't ever get tired. An' the water my I it we lived in Machinery Hall I guess papa wouldn't eversco'd us for leaving faucets open an' was-tin' water, for there's dozens of great big pipes that lon't do anything but spout out water. An' there was a whole lot of locomotives, but they hadn t any men in em, so you look at cm without anybody sizzin'steam out at you. I was awful disappointed at the Cen tennial, though; I thought there 'd be lots of color there, cos my centennial garters is all color red, an' white, an' blue, an nothin' else but Inja-rubber. but the muses was most all just the color of mud-pies, except Agierycultural Hall, an' the top of that was only green, an' I don't think that's a very pretty color. It was nicer inside of the houses, though; there was one of them that papa said had more than twentj-two miles ot walks in t ; 1 guess there wa, cos we was in it more than aa hour, an' uch funny things ! You ought to see a mummy, Ttxl I guess you wouldn't ever want to die after that, but papa said their spirits was n t in 'em any more I shouldn't think they would b, if they wanted to look nice. You know mammas opal nngf well, papa lifted me ui and showed me the biggest opal in the world, and 'twas nearly as pretty as the inside of our big sea-shell St. Nicholas. 'The Message.' There was unusual interest manifested in Letroit yesteriiay regaruing the ex pected President's message. As early ns halt past 7 in the morning one ot the passengers fuming down on a Uaas avenue car remarked: "If it's well bound and illustrated shall buy four copies. I tliiuk it's every man a duty to buy as many copies as he can afford to, and thus get up a good sale tor the work. ' A farmer, having a load of. wood on the street, entered a store on Grand lliver avenue and inquired: "Has Graut wutten a LKXikf' The store-keeper didn't know as he had. "I heard some fellers talking about a document of some soit, and I thought I'd i j quire. Perhaps he's leen wriiiug an Injun story for the papers. I'll hang around till I find out, for if there's any thing that does me good it's to read about the Injuns scalping the hair iF of white folks and fretting towns on fire." About tea o'clock a rtd-eyel vagrant entered the Central Station and wanted to know if they had a copy of the mes sage lying around. "You'd better be looking fr soap and water," replied one of the men. "I had, eh? I want you to understand that I can read the President's message quickcr'n any policeman between Tyburn Tree and Oregon. I don't look stylish, but I oan take the Constitution of the United States apart and set it up again, and the big words in a President's mes sage don't bother me any more than straws bother an elephant." He went out, but at eleven o'clock re turned and wanted to know if the mes sage was in yet. "No, sir!" was the prompt reply. "All right all right," he observed as he turned away, "I'm going to digest that message before I sleep." "Do you expect that message to refer to youf asked the sergeant. "No, sir, I don't, but I want to know whether the lamp of liberty still shines in America, and whether the tar spangled banner is our flag or some tyrant's niob." He returned at one o'clock and gently remarked : "If you have no objections I will take a look at that message." "See here, now. You want to dig out, or I'll let you take a look at a cell!" replied the annoyed official in charge. "Put me right in! The country is drift ing into anarchy anyhow, and I want to do my share ot the suffering. He was locked up, and at midnight was still calling tor the troit Free Pre. De- The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decided that a railroad engineer is not bound to stop his train to prevent running over children any more than lie is to prevent running over adults. The case in which the decision was rendered was one where there were two children on the track when a train was approach ing. One ran off, but the other caught its foot in the track. When the flagman, saw this he gave the engineer the signal to stop, but it was too late, and the child was injured. The court held that, hav ing a right to a clear track, the engineer is entitled to the presumption that any trespasser will remove from the track in time to avoid the danger, ami if he whistles to attract the trespasser's atten tion he has done all hcan reasonably be required to do. This rule, the court held, applies to children as well as adults. Tiie snow-plough used on the Union Pacific road to clear the tracks is about aa big as a two-story house, weighing from 45,000 to 50,000 pounds. With six or eight powerful engines behind it, run ning at the rate of forty miles an hour, when this enormous plow dashes into a drift it "makes the for fly" gloriously. A wise man will make more oppor tunities than he finds. SAX FRANCISCO MARKET. Quotations, unless otherwise specifled,rep resent receivers' prices in lots, marketed on wharf or from store. FLOUR. The steamer Ajax from Portland brought down liberal supplies. Prices have advanced, in consequence of the firmness in the wheat market. Trade Ihrht. We quote .urerfine at S4 2514 75: shicrincr extras. $5 0(36 00; extra family, $0 50(2 ? 75. WHEAT. The San Francisco Prices Cur rent, dated Dec. '2'Jth, reviewing the market, says: "On our lat report w remarked a continued advancing tnarkett and closing priees from 5(10e higher, aud sale imme diately follow in g, were etfected fully 21ac higher, and early in the week further trans actions at $2 20, tH 05, the latter Azure the extreme for chuiee niillimr; $-20 (i',t2 iaid for lots of choice delivered alongside. The reason assigned for the rapid notable udvances during the past ten day, is substantially as noted in our last report, namely: tirin attitude of holder, higher prices in England, and the continued absence of our uausft eopious rains; the latter con ide ration acetud lo he superior to all others at present. fSoine holders and others are nerr vous over the situuiion, and owin to the urgent necessities ofexporters, extreme rates have been paid. .Now, it would seem as H llic Krai n has not sutlured materially so far, aud should we have our usual average, rain with in a few days, or, say shortly ufter .New lear, we think there is nocause for any undue in flation in prices of Wheat; though on th other hand, should dry weather coutiuue, the youn grain in many sections would suffer materially, borne are very eangume, Having full confidence that there are copious rams yet in store for us. At the close the market is lirm at the rates quoted below. Liverpool quotations ure a.sfoliows: uverags California, ll-CuLli -id; duo, l is ou((C I is ou. we quote good to choice milling, f' lotaf i 25; fair to choice shipping, $:J 15(r$2 25; eupertiue mill ing, :i 00(45 10; muted Wheat, 11 S'J blil 15. BAttLEV. We have had a dull market for fcedliurlty; in fact, all kinds have ruled iu buyers tavor. KcceipU from const ports heavy. We quote bay feed at 1 154fl20; couslfeed.fi 12l(tJ$l 2; chevalier.fi SOyf $1 40; extra choice, $1 45; brewing, f I 'M aiii so. OATS. We have an active demand, and values have appreciated. Choice milling especially is wanted. We quote milling ul f'J l.xf l ; good to elioue lecu, 1 Voii fi 00; ordinary feed, f I COfl 85. CO UN. Arrivals equal the demand. Values steady. We quote small yellow, f 1 J5( fl'Ztji. largu Vellow ana white, 1 it t4l 'M. WOO! We have nothing of interest to chronicle as to pikes. There are no buyers, ud in tact, few, if any sellers, at prices lower than have been rulinir for some time iat. The stock of Wool now on hand is large. though well held. Holders still full to ap i renal the present condition of Eastern Wool and goods uiai kwls. belie vine that the inevitable law of supply aud demand Hill cans prices to ruls lully at rates quoted. Whsther this assumption will prove tiu, re mains yet to ba seen. '1 here is considerable speculative talk now among dealers s to the probabilities of tho spring clip. The dry weather ssems to have au important bearing Uk)u the sheep rauches, causing sheep to due oil' very fast. We quote: Oregou Vaiiy,25c; Eastern, 16-iUe; California fall, free, good to line staple, lovlbc; fall burry, 14c; fall Northern, Ibui2oc. UA1KY riCOULCE. We remark a con tinued inactive market for Butter, though the demand is somewhat improved, us compared with the two weeks previous; prices ruling vary low. Eggs have ugaiu declined, contrary to expectations; demand and receipts light We tiuote: Choice California fresh roll but ter, iil(;j:e; fair to good roll, 27jaU0c; pickled roll, 25(iU0c; lirkin, 2'Jvi:e u lb; Cheese California, ll(iil4c; Eusteru Cheese, 13uL20c y u; CalUorma Eggs. 40c; Eastern Eggs, 21(tt35c y doz. FUUI TS. The demand for Apples early iu the week was fair aud pretty fun prices were obtained, later and at the close the demaud aud receipts are very moderate, and price easeu oU somew hat; cello lowers are scarce ; Uhd. Greenings are not plenty, choice, if here, would sell up lo f 1 O0; the steamer Ajax brought 4iG boxes of the various kinds; suias from wharf at (5c V box. l'e.irs have a good inquiry when choice, but few ara good auougu lor our outside quotations (j rapes are 110 longer quotable. Cranberries have a good sale at 1 15 OO jV bbl; prime Cape Cod are iu sellwr s lavor ; Wisconsin have good inquiry at quotations. We quote: 1'eais fair to choice, V box, 1 1 ."0ti&t3 00; Bananas, 2 OU(c4 00 V bunch; Limes, 4 OUtlo 00 V M; Cranberries, 14 OOdiSia 00, FRUITS, DItlED. There is a good de mand for choice stock. We quote Apples quartered, at SuitJc y u; Apples, sliced, 0 fa!c: Peaches, Tutlic; I'lunis, pitted, 12xl4e NUTS. Almouds, 10c for hard and 10(Cl8c for soft shell; Brazil, I2(t?,14c; Filberts, 14 otitic; Hickory, 10tllc; 1'ecau, I2!,(i4l4c Chile Walnuts, 10w,llc; California Walnuts luutllc; California 1'eauuts. 5(ic ft B; Co coanuts, f 4 00(jjf 3 00 V hundred. FKO VISIONS. The market favors the buyer ou all articles of I'ork product California plain Hams, 13,Wc ; Eastern liams, I5l7e; California Lard. UotBiWc; East ern do, 12j'(l4c for all styles of package California bmoked Beef, y'OlloUc V D Mess Beef, 'V 50ui 10 60 for bbls, and $7 00 $3 00 for hf bbls; fork, fl'JOO for I'rime $22 00 for Prime Mess, $23 00 for Mess and $25 00u$2 00 for Clear and Extra Clear Salmon, I- lb tins, $2 00($2 10; do, SI-lb tins, bO; do. Col. river, bbl, f'J MAgSlO 00; do Columbia river, hf bbls, $0 '25; do. Korue river, bbls, $1 00($10 00; do, Kogne river, hf bbls. $ 00; do, Eel river, bbls, f 3 SO; do, Eel river, hf bbls, $4 50; do. Sac. river, bbls, $S 00; do, hf bbls, $4 oo; do, smoksd, 027c V lb; Cod, Pacific, bdls, 5Uut6c W n; Cod in cases, tiut7ic; Cod, boneless, Eastern 10c U lb; Oeorge Cod, S(4'Jc t lb; Mackerel hf bbls, No. 1, $10 OOoifll 00; do, hf bbls. No. 31, $'J 0O(4$l0 00; do, hf bbls. No. 3, $3 00( ! 00; do, kits, o. 1, $2 00(j2 25; do, kits, o. -j, si jot&2 ia. BAIJS and BAGGING. We quote: Barley Dags,s;x40, lie; uariey uags, 3MX4U, vzc; Bar ley Bags, Si8x!io, 15c; Machine-sewed, 322x36, y$c; naiiu-sewed, 3KX30, 10c; J lour Sacks, halves , yue; Hour Sacks, quarters. C7c Standard Gunnies, ll12c; Wool Sacks, 4 tbs 52c; Wool Sacks, 3f lbs, 47c; Burlaps -! in., vc; uuriaps, -o inoc; ouriaps, oo in HIDES, SKINS and TALLOW. Dry Hides over 1 lbs, 20(sJ21c; Dry Hides, under 16 Ds, 14c; wet salted, 7aSc. Plump, heavy steer, c. neep earns, ottjc, as toquau ty. 1 allow, ojbc MEATS and LIVE STOCK.-The following are the wholesale rates: ueei, aOLic. ac cording to quality; Calves, 5⪼ Mutton 3i(t4c; Lamb, spring, 6(6ic; Pork (Gross), 6bj4; do dressed, S'&fejc. HOPS. Sales of good Russian River Hop have been c lie c ted at 20(i521c, to go forward per steamer to Australia, and other nagotia tious are pending, but sales can only be effected at low prices; should holders accei the situation our large stocks will doubtless be reduced. BEANS. Receipts are liberal. Market fa ors the buyer for all kinds except Liruss Lots from whan are quotable as iouows Bayo, $2 503'i 75; small White, $1 75 $2 00; Pea,$l 75f l wo; nnK,a oOj$si 87f lsree Butter, 1 7-VJ$l iK; medium do,f I 50 all 60; Red, $'i 7513 87; Limss, $2 75. POTATO E3 and ONIONS. Our market continues to ba overstocked with medium poor and good potatoes from all sectious Onions of eood quality are firm at SI 25. We quote: Choice Potatoes, U0e I 00; fair to ffood, 5080c t 100 tts; Sweets, 75(gS7J'c 9 100 0s. Onions, 1 001 25. CORNMEAL. Fine kinds.for the table,2K (3c V lb ; coarse kinds for feed,27 00 V ton. BUCKWHEAT. Quotable at $1 00S$I 50. BRAN and MIDDLINGS. The mill prica of Bran is $18 00, and 127 00 V ton for middlings. HAT. We quote prices within tha rane of $9 00gf 10 00, according to quality. STRAW. A good article is quotable at 703 75c V bale. SEEDS. We quote: Flax, V &,333);e; Mustard, 23(3 California Canary. 83 UXc; Alfalla, 20c HONET. Choice new white In frames, 12V 14c, in small loU; fair white, 106 12c; dark. 08c; strained, 510c BSS3WAX Receipt are llfht with a fair demand; quotablt at 25S7e. Thoroughbred Percheron Horses. The second shipment of this celebrated race ot burses to this Coast by Mr. Sackrider is now upon exhibition at the Record Sta bles, on Market street, opposite Seventh, San Francisco, and is composed of six beau tiful stallions, ranging from 1,(100 to 2,000 lbs. in weight. It might be inferred from their weight that lliev are unsuitable for any but draft purposes. This is not the case, but upon the contrary they are tine traveller, stepping off at a lively gait, some of them going in four minutes, and standing upon, der a rapid and long continued travel fully equal to horses of lighter build. Don't fail to see them when you visit the city. Wood's Museum Is evidently destined to become oue of the attractions of San Francisco. Although but recently opened to the public it is taking immensely, as well it may, with its wonder, ful collection of relics from all parts of the world. .An inspection of the skeleton of one of that extinct race, tho Mastodon, is alone worth the price of admission. To the young especially we commend the Museum as a resort not to be omitted from the list of J la-es to be visited while in the city. To the over of the wonderful and the curious in both nature and art, a visit will be an eveut to be remembered. Laud Owners Without Patents Should enclose 2 with their receipts to Col. L. Bingham & Co., Washington, D. C, tVttorneys for Claims, tve and receive a a s v their Laud Patents. Cakczr cax Bg Cuhiu. Or. Bono, of Philadelphia, announces his discovery for the radical cure of Cancer. A ifwiV Xu Paint Xo Vauxtic Remedies with full direc tions sent anywhere. Pamphlets aud particu lars seuty. Address with stamp, Dr. II. '. Bono. 650 North Broad U, Philadelphia, Pa. All affections of the bladder and kldncvs. diabetes, gravel and Bright' disease are peedily eradicated by Keakney's Kxtuact Bl'chc. It has no equal in Materia Medica. Isold by druggist everywhere. A CrRE for rheumatism, simple, but tene- truting to the seat of pain and giving instant relief, is I rapper s Indian Oil. Sold every- where, at hfty t ent per patent flask. Oltott'i 1" A LACK OK AltT, 41, MOKTUOMfcii Y 1V1 St.,u r mni'laro. $10 d" IT, per "lay. Sen.l for L'lirou:o t-atalogu. V ,) H. licrroaia boas, liooton ilaa. $oCQn Pr d!r ' home, f sin pies worth 1 free. J Jf-ulZU STiasoa A Co.. i'ortlsud. Alslne. MK. II. A. JIOOIIK S HAIK I'KOUK'. er. lo Market strurt. hau mneiM o. ir u a rr rsaliri. Heart Disease ! St U It K C'l'IIK. SLOW per bottle. Address Sr. Oyster, Pawl. Kan. AWAUOKO TO PAI.MKIt'M h.IHK KMlIJi by to Mechanics Institute rulr. 13. S. Mauuiaetorr. berry tot.. iH'lwren 4tu so l Sth. Ssn Krnrico. UHIKTUL CAKIIN. r Si AMtSOKT ed biiowflake, KinlHwsed. etc., with )our name f ruited on lliriu for XU eta. Atj'Ul tinted, I sample for stamp. No rHwtsI snitwered. O. V. OOl.r. V. IUiNltin, Mass. Jl.. l'UHWKLL'S OKW TAL Ko4IS. slearuy at. near lluh. fcraaaur Ciuaoruiii adinimslered. A lady asaulaut in at tenuate. umuviTli uiy ni ployed lu operate. IXVALlb PKSaiOXM 1XCKKASKU SI V Tiie euacluieut of receut law. AMICItlt'AK ana UKi:iU FATKXTH x How to obtain them. Address (iik'th Binouam A Co., Attorne) lor Claims and Advoeatea la t'atrkl and laiul line Cases, W ushliitcton, l. C. TO HK aVt:! AlVAY IN the lie I 8 months liy the publisher oiitiem. Mil in atr.ltl. Y www jui IC.1. ! rr full inrormatiou write l m toi atki.y to WALC1T A JtL'Mlk CO. I'lBLi.iitii-, (jr. Lotein, Mo. TEETH SAVED. 11 I.LI NO TKKTII A bPKCIAI TV COLft, SILVEIl . a. ri lloiie 1 iliiiiKS warrai.ted. lteauufui hrl of let-Ill (or a and upward. CaUKlmiir 4a adininla it-reti. I en years eoiinlanl praellce. ornce, lU but t r sirret. aliove MoiitKomery, au KraueiM-o. Tske the r.levat4r. ou. M Hit t k. w , IViiiim. FOR SAIsE! HALT INTKIIhlST IN A VKLL KsrAIIUSHEI Jl buinea, on buurome street, an r r.inis o. cal fartie ileairou of ent rlua into a flist-elass business areiuvitrd to lu vcxtiKHtr. .V Afjenla uteU uitiiu, Adiiress M . F. . KoK 71. 8. .. Cal. DIVIDEND NOTICES. TIVfIfc?ll N(TICE. NO. . COLLATERAL -A ' Loan and fcawni.' Hank h: deeiared a dividend oi Two per rent, for November, payable leeemler 51 li to loeaiioiuer oi reeord ovrini)cr .ih. V. 6. CARTER, Set'y. COLLATERAL IjiiAX AM) SAVIX;S BANK, i, V. 1 be share of V t corner I'tmt and Kearny t-t.. S. this bunk ar uttered for suhM-riptioo at ttt'i per bare duriiix the inontli of Oen inlx r. In Janunry the price will be sdraiii'ed to SjllS per sliare. The shares are now puyiuif regular monthly dlvideuda oi er eriu. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, S4 siucl Hrarny st.. Man yraurlir SI SO and OO PER DA V. 11- C. I-AIUIUUK, .... I'BOPKIKTOa. Two 'Aurora Conches, with th name of the Hotel on. will always Ixr in waitltiK at the landing to eonvey puH iii(er to the Hotel tree. sTIie sure you get lino me riant coaeii; li you uu not. they will charge you. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. -llOXTliOMKUV AVENL'K 1Kb KEARNY feT.. nan rrim inof. si new inu eiiiimoiious lour' story Hotel, with 175 firm cIh iittht rooms, rlricaut ly luruished, and a at ram rletal.r. Kree omh and t arriat s to the lloua Iroiu all pointa. Charge, V,w r ua. JUIIX KEI.LV, "., Xiairr, (For StA years Proprietor. of th UROOK tVJIlfOTKL, . LADIES, ATTENTION! 'PIIK UNIKRSIOXEr. a. a lur ImMutt Aici nt-y HAYINO ESTABLISHEII In tan r rancikco, will, at tend promptly lo all orders for Ladle' and Children's EurnUhihK t.oodn. Millinery, Patterns, Ac. rib to A com misxion of ten percent, w iiisxion of ten tercent. will beehartced. ha hatlslaction Kiiarai uaraiiteed. The money must accompany each order. Letters cheerfully and prouiptlr answered, hamplei of goxls sent II reiiicitrd. For resMjnihtlit y refer H. A. t the editor of this pter. Add re. Jl WIIKKLKK, &ai O'ft-airrell Mt.. M. V. LAUREL HALL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR T0UNG LADIES, SAN MATEO. CAL. REV. K. II. CIIIIICII.A. 91., Principal rpilE NEXT SESSION BEGINS THURSDAY. JAV L 4. I7. With recent improvements in butld Inns aud apMdntments the iM'st facilities are ottered young- laiiics for a thorouich course In English, the Modern Lsutgnngf. Mumic aud Art. Those wishintr to seeur places for their daughters should address the rrincipai at an eariy uay. WHITNEY & HOLMES V'S-W AMI KI.1.A.T NT1LKN, with i. Valnalile Improvementa: New and Beautiful Solo Stops. Ortcanists aud Mush tana everywhere In- dnrs. the tirKans ami recommend them a Alrirtiy inwi lM in lone, .tieenanisin ana I'arauilliy. war ranted rlTe years, herid Tor friee Ll s. WHITNEY A HOLMES ORGAN CO.. Oulncy. Ill o o z ALBERT E. IllTRBANK. Im nortrr aim Hreeiier oi yanc 'owls. Pigeons, ftabbils, Iogs, etc. Aiso r-gg lor naicning ironi the Onevt of iniKrted stock Eggs and Fowls at reduced prices. ALBERT K. BtRBAXK aa and aa cat. .viaraet. a. r Enclose Stamp for Price List. Plra slate srAers yo ite thi AtHrtitmnt. KRUG-CHAMPAGNE. PRIVATR CCVRR, la quarts and pint. HIIIKLD. In quarts and pint. rBESlEBK UCALITE, la QuarU and pints. For sale by II ELL MANN DR0TIIER8 &C0. BOLE AGENTS. SAX TBASCISCO. Boots and Shoes. JOHM HrLLIfAI, N. K- cor. Bat tery and Jackson fcta., San Franctaco. offer to make to order th best French Calf Leather BOOTS at from IS to ; Cal ifornia Leather Boots, rrenca vaii Oxford Tie. California, lAStl B.y and 'h!lrtrra'a Boot add liuoea made to rder. Persons In th country ordering; Boots and fcboe to th amoant of $12 or more will be allowed a redaction of four per cent., to make the emnrea ehars-ea lieht. 1 sell Boots and Shoes of MT OWN MAM U FACT TJ KB ONLY. hootM aad Shoes scat C. O. D. Positively on price. RUSHER COATS! Vholeoale and Retail, Trer's Eilltr jyURSSP- n CALVBRT'O CAKMUO A! SHEEP WASH V U r gallo. V I T. W. JACKSON. Baa Fraa . T Cisco. Sols AawuKoc CaiUor- X aia ui Kavada. C. ft P. H. TIHRELL ft CO., iarosTaaa and MavirraoTUBaas or BOOTS AND SHOES, MO. ! CUV Betwsea aanaoins an4 Battery, SAM FRAHC1BOU If ABarartnrers of Uen'i. Bora'. Toatfct, aad CUu aren't KINK CALV B4Mrg. Orders solicited aa4 promptly tilled. All SUMS SB qaitlUias made at lb lowest market prtosa. fleas exsnilD taa auodi sua prices. ST. NICHOLAS TIIK KlXCi or ALL Pl'nLICATIOS ftl Kl IIIIITIIE VOl 4 OX KITIIEK MIOK.Ofr- Til ATI..lSTIt'."-iulJkaiptoii (i'nylanU) Obtntr. TUetlilnt volume ot thU incomparable Majtailns la uw completed. Wiln lis eiKht hundred royal ictavo lmje. and ila hi hundred IIIUKlratlur.a, ha splendid teria's. its ahorter kturies, poema, and afcetchea, etc., etc.. tni: beautiful binding of red and aold. It la the mot splendid Kift-boolc fr boy and girls ever Issued fruui tli rs. Price, 14 j In full gilt, S3. St. Xiciiolas it full nf tht choice t thing. Th ubllcution it, in all reipect. tht 6 qf ttt linJ. Wt hate Htrtr yet teen a number that trat not tur- pritinjly govj." The Cliurilniiau, Hartford, Conn. ST. NICHOLAS for 1 877. Which opens with November, 1876, Ixg-ins A buoar m Vasv Extkktaivixo SKRiaL rios THK t KSNCU, "1HK KISCImjM Df TI1S GltlUt, A Stobt Amrtin to the Tuskksoi vi aaasoa. A uother serial, of abirMn Interrtt to lxi)S, "HIS OWN MASTER," Of J. T. Taoa aairoa, author qf tht "Jack Jlamrtt tHoritt," tx'glns Id th Ciiaisras 1I('Liiat Niauca. Busidrs serial storlea. Christinas stories, livsly sketchrs, pofius aud jilctures fur th holidays, and sum astoiiishiiiK Illustrations of OriruUI sports, with drawings t Klamw! artl.ts, Til K I'll UlfSTM AM IIWUU.tVSlMIIKH UST MT. Jkl'IIUI. Aft, suirbly Illustrated, contains a very interest- ug- paper. "TIIE BOYS OF MY BOYHOOD" Ity WilLiam Ci'llbx UsrsMTi Th riorse lhe," a lively article, by Charla A !iaruar!,sil('iiuiUly lllustrat:d j "The Clock In th Ksy," by Hii liard A. Troctor; A Clirlsttnas IMay for Ilomei or buuday schools," tT Ir. Fggluston ; Th IVter kins' ChrLatuias Tre." tir Lucretls I. Hal INx-try aud Carols of W inter." by Lucy Larcoin, with pictures. Do Not Pail to Buy St. Nicholas for ths Christmas Holidays. Iur!i;g th rar there will le luterestlng paper for boys, by William l ullrn Kryaal, JmHn ii. biltlrr, Ttevuat Mm !, William Hot lit. Or. llsllasid, utsrii MarDsa. aid, Maafsrd a. alsiBit, Vriak K. loss, and others. Ther will be storlea, sketties, and poems, f special luterest to girls, by ItarrlaS I it fe)rr ford. Saian 4'oullda;, Ma rail Wlaltr Krllost;, a:ilxlrtU Mtaart ) pa. LvuUa Alrwtt, L.sirrtla 1. Ilals, C'rlla Thaitrr, Slury Haues ldgs, and aiauy otheis. Tlieie 111 be also "TWELVE SKY riCTUIIES," liy I'sor. I'Rix TOR. the Astronomer, with maM, showing 'Tti Hars of Kach Month,' which 111 be likely to surpass In Interest any series on popular science recently given to the publlt.. A)II Ni:nKTAU lMTICt TIUX.wlth VV A!l FHOI.M', aud W IT AXIS WIM IIUJI, will be uiiugled sa heretofore, aud St. Kich olas wnl coutiuue to oellght the young ana give pleasure to the old. THE LCNLCN LITEEAEY WOELD iayi: 1 kert it no mo j i tine Jur tht young that can o ...u to tquui tint cAoics proiluctio uf bciiimi i prtt. AU tht artH-iei, tchtther in piot or rhyuu. art thmbbiiig u ilh titality. Tht lite alurt ami a r tittle iilaiti atlont are both tuperb." The London Daily News ms: Wt Utah tct could point out lt equal (a our own periodical Ultra tail." GOOD NEWS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. To meet the demand for a cheaper br. Nicholas liili-KooW, tlio price of vols. 1 and ll has beeu reduced tots each. Tiie three volumes, in an elegant library case, are so'il for 10(iu full gilt, (15), so that all may give their children a complete set. These volumes contain moie attractive material than fifty dollar! wcrtu of tin- ordinary children's books. 8ubH-rition price, (3 a year. The three bound volumes and a siiiisi rtptixu tor this year, ouly Sli. fiuoscube with tlieueaiert uea sdcaler, or scud money tu cnecs, or t . money oruer,or in registerea letter lo . acKiassa Co., iiioauway, . v. VERDICT ALWAYS FOR TIIE DAVIS VERTICAIi PSSS SEW 1NG MACIIIN E. The Centennial Gold Medal & Diploma. 1876 me aeon ivieaai, ido The Franklin Institute Medal. 1874. Ths Krp.rl mf tUm Oateatalal 'sas mission asiywt "Ths OAVIa I ai sirdrl iUm 4s It AX l UOLU MDDAL Of 1IUROK and DIrLUSA Of M Kit IT for facellenl mateilal anal rsnstrnetlii, adapted tm tha createst raa mt wrk." E CLAIM PALES VM'UECEPEXTED AND 1? satisiaciion I'MV'KIUiAL. In lis construction it differs from ALL others, and Is equaled by none, As au r.AKN K.vi of w list is here claimed, the Mauu faclurera CIIALLKNUE all otliers for a lilendlv con test, either tor amtiHement or a more fcl'llbTANTlAL t )NMlitlt.VllN. Ilie Kamny Machine la light runniiiK and easily comprebei ded; has an Ingenious device "to take up" lost motion or wear, which to a machinist, ia Maitlve proof of durability. W are pleased to refer to machines In manufacturing esLab lislntu tits here. wn. re they have liecn lu couslant use for nt'arly three tears, to verify the above, llaa re ceived more uicdala aud complimentary testimonials limn any otner in me same le litem of lime. l0We invite the especial atteutlon of manufactur era 10 our new o. I just out. Agents Wanted In all Uuoccupled Territory. MARK SHELDON, Oenrral A(.at for PmIIc Caast, 130 TOST fcTHKET, HAS f'KAXCISCO Wheat Has Advanced ICT- PU3IPS ARE LOWER. PUMPS, PUL1PS, PUL1PS FOB- llaad. IIsaiae. Gardra. Farm.' field, Ttw Weep Wells, ar Hballaw Walla, Force Pumps of Every Description Brats Cylinders, Iron Cylinders, PITCHER SPOUT PUMPS, CISTEBN PUMPS WHOLESALE AND MS TAIL. Trade discounts elves oa application. The Trade Invited to cal I, or writ for pries. Save money, study ecoaoiuy, ny writing 10 CHAS. P. nOAO. Beale Street, aear Howard. Saa Fraaelaeo. Ceairal AariS Ste-llnaa Wlidssilll CAI CI TtfATEl VITM tltSftl CMCffi I At th home of tha paUarn witaoet ta aae oi uss . KNIFE OS C1U3TICS lead without pais. Aadraw Dr. A. N. tlOWR. VEW BATDf. COII. Cemspaadeaet from phyalclsas ahw Boltdftd. PATBIOTtS. W-aJ-to atJC Mas,. THtZRB 10 MONEY ll? IT I THE PACIFIC Artesian and Prospecting (fatt-nt! Jaly JBtk, If..) A DA?Ttn TO ALL KINDS OF W WltLlBOBIHO rlMS. att and Coautr Klcbu for Maw. ead f.r Clrclare.glrla pric. tc.. to mita saoassaai iuihid foi nr. Cal. THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA OTSTBB - AND CANNING COMPANY. jasaassasssaaawaaMS ri'HIt BKK OF THK OOSIPAXT Altl KOW 1 ox-a lr sutsu-nptlun fr IIuiIkhI amount of capital stwk. Aadrussur appljr at tu oillca ut tna Couipauy, No. 330 Pin Strt. Hajwsrd's Building. Kaa Kranclsco, CaNrornia. tVKhareWders will hav th prefereae la ! f iircharc of uihh. Orders for atock tan on arnt iirouKh Ts, Kargo A Co., addressed to tli Hacr. urr r tlieO. C. O. A C.. ,. KEEP WARM I Florence Oil Stove! FOR COOKINQ AND HEATINQ. aAMlRLIIILL.Atrst. HositawsMery ., Sam FaAacisoo. 10 New A R A HKATKH rtt TIIK kmi nr ins. in t -.,nMiiicr it sum-Dor to th store or ran tlirre leliin no gaw thrown off, thereby rendertn It less objfclloi.aiile than any outer i known. I can therefore rccoiiunrnd It for gauerai us wher moderale beat la pefed. No. 4 Central BIm W, Oakland. BEAUTIFULLY XLLUSXEATED I BOTH rROTESTA NT AND CATHOLIC, at cost frick, To ! a onslgnmiit be for th trst of tbs yr JOHX O. HODOI St CO., Str, f and ! Sawsobb St.. Saw FaaaciTiQ. KENDALL'O Improved Quartz Mill QUARTZ MINING REVOLUTIONIZED AI.IOHT.CHKAP and POWKRFDL MILL at oa half th coat of tha usual airl. Sad for Circs lar and Prlc List to STEPHEN KENDALL, Cavra r r. A. HataitliiKtoBi, 4S m rrvaaaaiS Ht sua Wrmmritrit. Cal. cur.ir.nnoa a sons. 387 Kesvrsir St., D. F. A4JKKTN rOH ANKRICAR WAI.THAM (Mais.) WATI'HKH, Kiamln our prices ot American Walthain Wau lies, by sendina (or our price list, which are marked icerd lata;!- law, aaid r.ailar. yssrs.U'M. All Watchea aeut by presa; persons hav the nrHrileae of aot only looklnf t them before buytnf. but can depoalt with Wlla. Karico Co. th amount of th watch, and bar a trial of at least two or three weeks before th money Useal to ua. If th Watch Is not what yoa aent for, or do not keep th correct time, or you art in any a tatuntd wit . r Instruct Ions to Well. Farco Oa la to rrfund tht money. Wi ar determined to bull ud a reputation on thia coaat that will a-Wa latlifaetloi. to all. for pt ict-iut. rrict-iut tintjrtt. EVERY Farmer. Miner and Granger SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY POST. The Popular Weekly. Enlarged and Improved. The Best and Cheapest. IT AOVOSATIt THf tUMTI If tETTLEIt. ONLY 82.00 A YEAR. ONLY 82.00 A YEAR. ONLY 82.00 A YEAR. - r eta. addlilal. . BBsnBsaiBswsawnBa UT-Send for Sam pi Copy. ,Th lav arltsi st whiei It iTpubliehed eommanda fir It JW .KJjf; n tL.r. rarniar and Buslneae Maa shoal auo- scrtb for I lor it. va ansusiisw - -- - The San Francisco Dally Ereniu Pen Will be Knlaratd mnd Improved. THK POrUUI JjOUIIIALOr MM NUNCItCO. Delivered ajw t'arrl.ri Sta moZut ar "all. fomr, .- at a !?!. thw sis tea, eta. r"lv"VT els, addttlatial. Union VilQE PATTOEflO CO. eUMSTTM a.TUisii.B aw. 4Mi it ibrsnius 1 ' roR 8TKOTI. LIOHTWB5SS AND OCKABILrTT uasvnrsssav. The only Uattreee THAT CAJf TtOHTKKBO OK LOOSBMKU A1 riXASOBJL Warranted Par tva rmn, . Par Ctrewlar aav rrtcataatMi TMUMAM a. tLAki, aow age i. til Baah sc. Saa rraaataaa. Oal. T I D iTj OUOrj ; 3, XKKTALE MILLS, MILLS, BOLTlMe CL4JTM. MILL fall daaciipOoaa. rioar VJIt ba..t ty lb dsy. Call sMrtiealar auado a A. Mi hlnarr byaoat a tract oe a tha aav ms Vasal Mtlla roe Vaeasaaa ossv Slead fe clrcajar aad ptlea-llat. JOd. WAUXLJ I aad HI liltstoa St SaaF - it 'ftp ' . RAll ar 4 aw. rt lVie i ZKV. MEAtD'8r-02iin::3 m. I I I I raaiUaJaralad rr .ir- ..ll.liM. I I I lihjklr sad ifMUniir Sw a nwmtmi aw OB r i.sat.IX as rr.sro, Is bis The Christian Union. Undenominational, KvMnjcellcal, Prot esUnt, Chrlatian. LVNaK AM MUTT, atdltara. rrhsr'i Hrrmaa, Wtworjr WmV. AUIftt'm . M. I..S.SSI r..ry Week, erlal Mtarjr at, , at. ne. tWAU Iks bttt contributor in th country. jt mAt9 per year. To Clergymen. H.50. T ! its 1 Dioatbs on trial, TS cents. Arents wanted. lid statu for aatni.lecopy. Address UOKATIO C. Kl U, 1'MbliaL.er, ii t'ark fliac. ' York. I m fafT m 90 - CEMEISNIAL SUCCESS! np HIIUE atttTTTLC SBWINQ MACIIIN k lilijh.t prl and ill- vJ was awarded th first and Dloma at ilia Ktnoaltloa In I'liiladeli'lila. and any company clalmlna t bar racelvsd any hlvner botior dos soidilethpablla. w li "th WtHWlns iiaclilos for in b'sst money aad rhsllaua cotiicw tltloii. Krary imscIHii I furnished wltu li ceie brsud Hall treadl (a ID attachment), without eitra coat, and warranted lor St r ars. Couiiiry ae.M and city eanvaaaera wanted. Vail and ssamln b. for purcbaslna lsewiir. JOHNBOW, CLAUK O UO., If Haw MaaMaery SIS., Man aTraaolaca Fctorls-Oranca, Mass. SCIUBllEITS L10UT0LY. An Unrivaled Illustrated Mag-azlno. When Scat sBS Issued Its fsmoui Wldauuimer 11 11- day Number In July, s frlaudly orltlossld ar iti " fi art not tur but thai Scaiaasa Ao touch , water mark, Wt do not ttt what tcorldt art Itft to U to eonqutr," llut tb pnblUliara du not oonslder that they bars reached tha ultima thult ot a see! Ism they bellars "ther ar other worlds to oouqur, and they propos to eonqasr tlirm." Th prospectus for tli Dtw Toluins girts mi tuirs of nor than fifty paper mostly Illustrated), by writer of tb highest merit. Under th hsad of "FOKKIGN TRAVEt," wctiar X Winter on ths Nils," hf Ocn, MofttL lam i Mssuutrlnas About t'ouatai.ttnopla," by Cmss. Ucplbt Wiimi Outof My Window at Moacow." by Ktoaas Bouctlsbi "A a Amartcaa la Turk UUn,"eto. Tbre serial storlts ars snnouncsdi 'NICHOLAS MINTUKNf By Vr. Hollas i. tb Editor, whoa atory of "SeveuoakiM ar lb hlahst litis Caa lion to lb readers of th Monthly, Th scene of this lat t novel la laid oa tht banks of th Hudson. Th kro Is s ywuug maa who has bs always -titd to m vomam't apron ttrino," t whH by tba death of bis mother. U lrt alon la tht world to drift os tht current of llft-wlth a fortun, hat without s purpoat. nottr aarlal. "Bla InhrlUc,H by Wlsa TaaTB. will twgla on th eoiupl.Uoa of "That Lasa O Low it1." hf Mr. Hooaaoa Bvbsbtt. Mrs. Irrasftt's story, bcun lu August, has a pathos aSjSV aiau.afl power which bar beco a surprise UPtt public Ther to to b a series of orlgiafal and ttqulsltcly Illustrated papers of "Popular Kckuca," by Mrs. Hta rick, each psper complct Is ltlf. Ther art to be, from various peas, piperita , m IIOMI5 I.IFK Attr. YHU" Also, practical ufrgeatloniTi"T ' life. Tillage ImproveuienU, ate. J. il-talrf .acie: Mr. Biniin'i article iX "it InaarHet at Great Britain, lucludo th blai v 9 SarM TtTlrV menu la Co-operation,- "A beat- loaf Tatftory,' la th Kovembtr number, sad "Toad Lane Horn dale," la December. tHher papers are,' "Tha British Worklngman's lioma, 'A Katloa of Shopkeepers," -Hs'peaar s Week for tha Child," eta. A rlcblr Illustrated serlee will be len oa "Ameri cas Sports by Flood sod riald." by f artous writers, and scb oa a different thcui. The mbjoct of "Household and Home Decoration" will hart prominent Place, whilst Iht latest produo- Uona of American humorists will appear from mouth to month. Tht list of ahortar stories, biographical aad other sketches, etc., la a long one. Th ditorlal department will coatlnu to employ tht ablest pen both st bomt and abroad. Tbert will be a aerlea or letters oa literary matters, from Loa don, by Mr, WBtrosD. Tba page of th msgaslna Will at open, as nerw for, so far as limited pec will permit, to th discus sion of all themes affecting th aoclal and rellglout lift of tht world, and specially to tht frsshtat thought of tht Christian thinker sad echolars of till country, Wt mean to maka tht magastna aweeter and purer, higher and nobler, mora genial aad generous la sit It utterances and lafluencoa.and a mors waloeuit visitor thaa ever before la bomea of reOnement aad ealtaio. FIFTEEN MONTHS for 04, Scsi bibs for December, now ready, sad wUlcs. eu n tain tht optulngcbsptersof "Wlchola Mlnturn," will be read with eager caiioalty and interest, fpr. baps ao mora raadabl aauiber ot thia tnagaslna baa yet been lssaed, Tba thre numbers of Soaiaaaa for Aaguat, September, aad October, containing th opening chapters of Ttast Uas o' lowrts'sr will bs gtvea to every sew lubacrlber (who reauaata It), and whoa aubscrlptloa baftias with tbt prataut TolumS, 1, t. with tb Movambtr aambtr. Subscrtptloa' prlc, St a year-SS cants a number. Special term oa boaaS elaint. Subecrtbt with tbt nearest bookllr, or aad a check or T. O. money order to ' obibbb Co. 141 Broadway, It. T. It . aa . Iff; TYUR MT.. BAM VnAsvVS. fWMtmdtr Cvwalam Mo Aftnu. Lagally aad tulst Legal Rest- ootalaed. learrwhera, dsae Isatai AaYtsaMs saf aal I proof. rt Tir-Wlli.t trH.,alaaat.l1K I A rilACaeCO C3AICH r.ti:r.il Vi'lrd ti Ur.::ra IVcrki, Of Mtw T , (S9WASS) ttatsa, Tntrt). . 419 tssssats CS., Css) fe:::ti ) r Awtr?ACTir-, cr r.r 1A asd VaJ V Vi. ttl. 4 Urmtm si I'Mlr 1 Or wtlT r IB), Ts oy Csr rltraria. t r ar-tla UlUr". s 9orit?! I jbytrU - . V i T . .. . , V ... SAVE ,30 Ss "linn ii 5 J 1 rraaaisaiai ' . sin t Al tad rittts,Usltlar,t lssprtata tai UMi 1HI- nAV-lT2 CZZTTTJi TZ"1Z ,;. til I . I -7 M -ePmt , . - r )srT':;: 5 f