I m - v f TKUCD !OTPtf?H? W J? 1t mu'idll i-x.-u .i . ..... . V. . TTFf ... .i'm-Li-ra ;!-. ' - f - I y . ... . 1 PERSONAL. Senator-elect Teller, of Colorado, is a great railroad lawyer, and a warm Methodist. The Republicans of Boston nominated a candidate for mayor who is eighty-six years old. Jobk B. Gouoh has reduced the num ber of his lecture engagements on ac count of ill-health. Since the death of Cardinal Antonelli, the Pope has been confined to his room through ill health. 'Alexander H. Stephens wears a vel vet skull-cap, when he sits in the House of Representatives. Richard Henry Dana, the poet, cele brated the eighty-ninth anniversary of his birthday last week. The first patient of the Chicago insti tution for the cure of inebriates has be come a Supreme Court Judge. The London Times says that Cardinal Antonelli belonged to a race almost ex tinct the great ecclesiastics having been also great statesmen. Mr. H. L. Solace, the only Vermont postmaster known to fame, is a brother-in-law of Suxe, the poet ; but they are not on the same side in politics. Miss Jean Inoelow is shortly de scribed as a somewhat stout, a middle aged, and agreeable woman, with a good and intelligent but not beautiful face. Mr. Moody does not believe in church fairs and festivals; says they should be cleaned out like a ne9t of unclean birds which is a speech rather too sweeping. Cokbin, Senator-elect from South Caro lina, is a Northern man, and was a promi nent soldier. During the war he was in Libby Prison, and lias had a varied ex perience since. General IIawley, president of the Centennial Commission, has consented to deliver an address on the "Results of the International Exhibition," in Steinway Hall, December 4th. Wm. M. Evarts, Charles Francis Ad ams, Wendell Phillips, and other distin guished alumni of the Boston Latin School, were present at the late centenary dinner of that institution. TnE St- Louis Globe-Democrat, presum ing that Mr. Hayes has been elected and will be inaugurated President, makes him out a Cabinet, in which General Grant is mentioned as Secretary of War. James Robinson, the veteran Boston arithmetician and teacher, has reached the age of ninety-five, and the school com mittee has voted him a salary of .$1,001), on which he is dependent for support. Henry Astor, a son of John Jacob Astor, for maltreatment of a little girl named Josephine Ash, of Rhinebeck, New York, has had a verdict of guilty brought against him, the jury awarding the girl f 20,000 damages. The "American Humorists" are busy. Mr. Bret Harte and Mr. Mark Twain are said to be writing a play together. The rumor that Mr. Josh Billings and Mr. Eli Perkins are also to be called in as col laborateurs is not yet authenticated. Spotted Tail is described by a recent gTtestasa manly-looking creature, with small hands and feet and an agreeable countenance: while Man-afraid-of-his- horses is as wild as a hawk, and looks as if he were afraid of his own shadow. Miss Mary Fletcher, of Burlington, Vt., has bestowed upon herself a piece of nappinoM. he has given that city $loO, 000 for the establishment of a public hoa pital which is to bear her name. It will be the only institution of the kind in Ver mont. Of George Eliot, one of the most dis tinguished of her masculine contempo raries privately says that she is a woman of such high moral sense that to converse with her for an hour makes a man feel as if he were on top of a mountain ; the air is too rarined and it fatigues him. An old negro man from Henrico county was approached yesterday on the street here by one of his own race with the question how he had voted at the re cent presidential election. "Well, I tell you what 'tis; I ain't voted yet, and I ain't gwine to vote till I see who is 'lected." Mk. Horace Davis, the newly-elected Republican member of Congress from San Francisco, is a son of the late John Davis, of Worcester, Mass. He recently married the only daughter of the late Starr King. He is brother of our minis ter to Berlin, and nephew of George Ban croft, the historian., The New Orleans Bulletin says Capt. John Wilson, who, in 1850, Baved 601 persons from the burning British steam ship Connavght,s now living in that city, blind, and in abject poverty, having been compelled to sell or pawn the gold watch presented by the British Government, and other testimonials of his gallant act. TiMOTnY Dwight, the father of Presi dent Dwight, of Yale College, is six feet four inches high. His wife, who is the daughter of Jonathan Edwards, was so small that he sometimes carried her around the room on his open palm, held at arm's length. On one occasion he seized a cart drawn by a yoke of oxen and stopped it. General Winfield Scott offered him self to Miss Maria Mayo, of Richmond, " Virginia, when he was a captain, and was 5 promptly refused. He repeated the offer when a major, and was again dismissed. . When he became a general the fair lady i , . yielded, declaring that she fully apprcci ,.,,ated the difference between Captain Scott ; and General Scott. 'E Athenaeum: "It is only too common to divide the inhabitants of European Turkey broadly into Turks and Chris tians. We seem, however, to recognize three distinct classes of Turks the agri . cultural Turk, who possesses all sorts of .4 primitive virtues in perfection; the of ncial Turk, who plunders; and the bashi ..., -.bazouk, who murders." ' !Gen. Washington, while at Valley . , 3"orge, his troops being in desperate need, r. . jdispatched young Thomas Lamb, lieuten ant, to obtain supplies. While giving the order he unfastened his own spurs "and handed them to his officer. The ''f,'"T 'spurs have always been preserved in the "' 'Lamb family, and have just been placed Titpn exhibition in the old South. That was ' " a v-ery pleasant thing to do, and worthy . ; i ! . Pf -Warrington's Col. George. Mrs. Belya A. Lockwood recently ap plied for admission to practice as an at torney and counsellor in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. The Chief-Justice denied the petition as con trary to the immemorial custom of courts of justice in England, and the usage In this country. Mrs. Lockwood had been a practitioner at the bar of the Su preme Court of the District for more than three years, and was, therefore, brought within the rule of the Court in that espea The Boys of My Childhood. The boys of the generation to which I belonged that is to say, who were orn in the lat years of the last century. or the earliest of this were brought up under a system of discipline which put tar greater distance between parents and their children than now exists. The parents seemed to think this necessary in order to secure obedience. They were believers in the old maxim that famil iarity breeds contempt. My own par ents lived in the hous'e with my grand father on the mother's side. 3Iy grand father was a disciplinarian of the stricter sort, and I can hardly find words to ex press the awe in which I stood of mm an awe so great as almost to prevent any thing like affection on my part, although he was in the main Kind, ana certainly never thought of being severe beyond what was necessary to maintain a proper degree of order in the family. The other lxvs in that part of the country, my school-m ites and play-fel lows, were educated on the same system. Yet there were at that time some indi cations that thi very severe discipline was beginning to relax. Vith my la ther and mother I was on much easier terms than with my granu- father. If a favor was to be asked of my grandfither, it was asked with fear and trembling; the request was post poned to the last moment, and then made with hesitation and blushes and a confused utterance. One of the means of keeping the boys of ttiat generation in order was a bundle f birchen rod-, bound together by a small cord, and generally suspended on a nail uiust the wall in the kitchen. lhn 1 1 was esteemed as muca a pare 01 trie necessary furniture as the crane that hung in the kitchen fire-place, or the shovel and tong. It sometimes hap- ened that the boy sutfered a fate imilar to that of the eagle in the fable, wounded by an arrow fledged with a feather from his own wing; in other words, the boy was made to gather the twi;s intended for his own castigation. It has never been quite clear to me why the birch was chosen above all oth er trees of the wood to yield its twigs for this purpose. The beech ot our forests produces sprays as slender, as flexible, and as tough; and farmers, whenever the eech is common, cut its long and pliant branches for driving oxen. Yet the use of birchen rods for the correction of children is of very greit antiquity. In his "Discourse on i orest Trees," written three hundred years ago, Evelyn speaks of birchen twirs as an implement of the school-master; and Loudon, in his "Ar boretum, goes yet farther back, lie says: "ine bircn lias been used as me instrument of correction in schools from the earliest aes." The English poets of the last century make frequent mention of this use of birchen twigs; but in Lou don's time, whose book was published thirty years since, he remarks that the use t these rods, both in schools and private families was fast passing away- a ctian're on wiueii tne uovs ootn 01 England and the United States may well be congratulated for the birchen rod was. in my time, even more freely used in the school than in the household.- William Cullen Bryant, in tit. Nictolaa. A Singular Character. Among the recent deaths I have to note the demise of M. Gagne, one of the most singular characters of the century. lie was a crazy man, and yet there was a irreat deal of good sense in him. Hav ing a fortune and a fine chateau, M. Gigne began to write for humanity Everything that he wrote was in verse- machine poetry. His letters to the jour nals were written in what is called poe try that is, there was some jingle and an occasional rhyme. He wrote a poem often thousand lines, called the "Uni- tiede," and I remember only that he said that journalism was corruption and ras cality and all the journalists criminals of the deeiKJst dye. 1 et for forty years M Gagne sent his p&meg to the press, aver aging one a day during the period, though he frequently sent off four or five a day. He pretended to write in verse as rapidly as in prose, and addressed all the journals; but, ot course, his verses were rarely published. Now and then a few lines would be picked out and put in print. But up to the last he continued the habit of sending his verses to all the papers, as regularly as if they gave them publicity. Some teii years ago he took it in his head to write a "universal gram mar." The idea was this: Take the word "have" German, haben; French, avoir. Now, the root of this word in nearly all languages was "av," according to M. Gagne, and "av" was "have" in the universal language. Being a man of large fortune, M. Gagne was only laughed at in a mild way; but he would have been sent to Charenton had he been poor. He was charitable, kindly, and eminent ly Christian in his sentiments, and he did so many good works toward the last that people stopped laughing at M. Gagne. His last idea was to write the history of philosophy in verse, embrac ing a million of rhymes. Cor. AT. F. Times. Indian Couriers. It is wonderful how rapidly news is transmitted among the Indians, and it is in the accomplish ment of this work they fchow the most wonderful power of endurance. News is received that i3 important which should go to some distant tribe or village.and one or more Indians prepare for the work. A feast is made, and they eat and dance, eating as much as a dozen white men would eat. They call on their neigh bors and eat again, and continue danc ing and eating until nature, exhausted, forces sleep. After sleeping a few hours they eat again, and are then ready for business. They mount the fleetest po nies in the camp, and then start off, rid ing day and night, without food, for five days sometimes. Arriving at their des tination, they state the news, and anoth er round of feasting and dancing com mences, to be followed perhaps by a tramp of several hundred miles nioro in another direction with the news to anoth er tribe. By these couriers every move ment of the United States army is re ported, and long before any command reaches their vicinity all the tribes of Indians will be apprised, not only of the approach of the army, but also of its strength. As Australian has taught a canary bird to sing "Homo, Sweet Home,' by suspending it before a mirror near which was a music-box that played the air. Supposing the bird in the glass was making the music, the canary finally caught the notes, and now warbles the whole tune. Fiye hundred respectable gentlemen are pressing their claims to be aldermen of Boston and will be mad unless they get the office. SAN FRANCISCO HARKET. Quotations, unless otherwise specifled.rep- resent receivers prices in lots, marketed on wnari or Irom atore.I FLOUR. Export durine the week have not exceeded 60O qr ks. Values unchanged. The next China steamer will take considera ble quantities. We quote euperuiie at 4 5D((4 75; htppine extras. 5 50(2ti 00: extra family, $1 5l(3tt 75. WmcAI. mellowing our last report we had a very quiet market, buyers refusing to purchase except at reduced rate, and hold er unwilling; t accept lower price. In con. sequence, trade was at a complete stand still during the first half of the week under men tion; the last half of the week, however, under more unfavorable advice from Liver-' pool, quoting that market 2d lower. Holders have weakened, and the few tales effected were within the range of f'2 OVutt-Z 05 y etl for choice milling or shipping, though there are not a lew who still support the po sition they have assumed, and refuse to sell at the rate which shippers and millers deem the market value. The result of this retro grade movement remain to be seen. We quote good to choice milling, oovgf3 10; fair to choice shipping, 2 00(Jj:I 05; super- Hue milliner, f I &5Sf3 00; mixed Wheat, $1 Wtyt l 80. BARLEY. Following our last report, with continued free arrivals and the near ap proach 01 collection tlav, we had a quiet but firm market for all kinds. Later the attend ance of buyer has been larger, there was more trading and value were tlrm at a slight advance from previous rate quoted. At the close the arrivals are larger, though with a good local and interior demand, val ue are fairly sustained. We quote bay feed at SI 15ul B5; coast feed, fl V2(dl 25; chevalier, ft I 40; extra choice, $1 45; brewmar, f 1 aucijfi 30. OAla. Arrivals liirht; demand srood; market firm. We quote milling at 2 00; food to choice feed, il 05(11 85; ordi nary feed, tl 50dl 00. COK.-Ihe tirst half of the week trade a quiet, prior to collection day. At the close the market is tirm, at rates quoted. Small and larje yellow and while are quot able ai 1 1 1. ho. 1 vzyz OOU Our market has relapsed into ex treme quietness. The trouble i not with the Wool, but with the goods market, and the latter will have to oner greater encour agements than now, belore tastern manu facturers can be induced to handle material with freedom. We will, from neceosity.be compelled to carry over large fetoeksof fall Wool. 1 he following quotations may be re- garueu a nominal under the exuting cir cumstances. We quote: Oregon Valley, 25e; Eastern, 18t20c; California fall, free, good to hue staple, 13.16c: fall burry.OiaUc; iaii or merit, itfif,joc. DAIRY PRODUCE. A further important decline is to be noted in Butter. Market very inactive, anu price as quoted barely main tained. The fact is, our supply exceed the demand. Eggs under a very moderate de mand have declined; market weak. All pro duct under this heading are weak, except choice Eastern Cheese. e quote: Choice California fresh roll Butter. 323 j((t:57e; fair to good roll, 271432 LAc; pickled roll. ".Kj.joe; Ui Kin, yA4'i0e V U; Cheese Cali fornia, Ujj I4c; Eastern Cheese, I3(jj20c V D; California Eggs,40e; Eastern Eggs, 27(&o5c doz. BEANS. Receipts are liberal. Market fa vors the buyer for all kinds except l.iuius. Lots from wharf are quotable a follows: Bayo, $2 50(2 75; small White, fl 75 12 00; Pea,l 75(Til 1W; Pink,2 50f 2 b7'i ; large Butter, 1 75(1 t)0; medium do.fl 50 (itf I 00; Hud, 1 75v$--i 7 ; Limas, $2 75 tirm. POTATOES and ONIONS. Our market continues to he overstocked with medium, poor and good potatoes from all sections, while choice are scarce. Onion of good quality have advanced to f 1 'i-'. We quole: Choice, 7.-(f4fl 00; fair to good, t!o(!(50c' f 100 lbs; Sweets, 40(ii.j0c $f 100 tts. Onions, 70cl 25. FRUITS. Apples are about steady, stocks consist largely of medium grades; choice E-Spitz and other fancy varieties have good inquiry by the single box at 1 OO, but few are good enough for that price. Pears, w hen choice, sell well, (irapes are tlowly dropping off; the few that have arrived during the week have sold up to 2 00, when choice; poor, down to 50c V box. Strawberries are no longer quotable ; a few drawer received 011 the Hlb lust, sold for f I 00 each. Crau berries are in a fair demand. The first con signment of Los Angeles Oranges and Lem 011s are to hand ; the former are very green and sour and do not compare favorably with the Mexican. Our market is well supplied with Mexican Oranges, Limes, Lemons, etc.. and of good quality. We quote: rears, fair to choice, y box, .c(j- 00; Urapes, o0cjj fa OO box; Banauas.fa 00rf 4 0O & bunch Limes, 4 oOillO 00 M; Cranberries $14 0t15 OO. FRLliS, DRIED. There is a good de mand for choice stock. We quote Apples, quartered, at 5(g.te y R; Apples, slieed, ti (Sc; l eaches, iulw: rlums. pitted. I2l4c NUTS. Almonds, 10c for hard and lOuclSe for soft shell; Brazil, la'((14e; Filberts, 14 (loe; Hickory, 10clle; l'ecan, 12'(jl4e; Chile Walnuts, lOcjjllc; California Viiiuta lOfillc; California Feanuts, 5(i$7e V tt; Co- coauuts, f-i uumm uu hundred. PROVISIONS. All kinds of Pork product arequoiaoiy ioer,markci favoring the buyer California plain Hams, loc; Eastern Hams lolSe; California Lard. UutlSKe: East ern do, 12fel4c for all styles of package; California Smoked Beef, ylOje & lb; Mess Beef, f 50(410 50 for bbU.and f 7 00(4 mo 0U lor hi bbis; fork, fiyoo for Prime $22 00 for Prime Mess, $23 00 for Mess and OOiitf ao OO for Clear and Extra Clear Salmon, tins, $2 Ouf i 10; do, a-0 tins, a eo; ao, coi. river, noi, y oof 10 00 ; do, Columbia river, hf bbis, $0 25; do. Rogue river, bbls, OOflOOO; do, Rogue river, hf bbls. fj uu; uo, fcel river, bbls, $5 50; do, fcel river, hi bbls, 4 50; do. Sac. river, bbls kJS OO- l.i hf lilild 1 IHI- rl.t ...!..-. I f...r.. V tt; Cod, Pacific, bdls.Sc V &; Cod in cases, bUatuc; Cod. boneless. Eastern 10c V lb; Ueorges Cod, HU'Jc V tt; Mackerel hf bbls. No. 1, 10 OOotf 11 OO; do, hf bbls. No. 2, $'J 00(i4$10 00; do, hf bbls, No. 3, fS O0 fj OU; do, kits, o. 1, $a OOafa 25; do, kits, No. 2, $1 yo(ja 15. BAUS Aai BAUGING. We quote: Barley Bags, 22x40, lie; Barley Bags.24x40. 12c: Bar ley Bags, 2Sx3o, I5e; Machine-sewed, 22x30, jc; jiauu-seweu, aaxoo, ioc; lour Jncks, halves, yuriic; Ulour sacks, quarters. tuX7c Standard Gunnies, 11(4 12e; Wool sacks, 4 lbs, 52c; Wool Sacks, 3 Its, 47Jc; Burlaps in., ac; ouriaps, 4U lnJJc; burlaps, 00 in ll(rtl2ic. HIDES, SKINS and TALLOW. Dry Hides over 16 lbs, aoatc; Dry Hides, under 10 ipa, hc; wei sailed, 74Se. i'lump, heavy oieer, oc. oueep sains, U(4oc, as to quail ty. Tallow, 5tuc. MEATS anu JulVE STOCK.-The following are the wholesale rates: Beef, 3a&7e, ac cording to quality; Calves, 5⪼ Mutton, 3;,'(ji4,c ; Lamb, spring, OoXc; Pork (Uross, ti&o4 c; do dressed, 86&Sc. HOPS. The situation of our market re mains unchanged; buyer and sellers differ ing widely in their views. Trade at a com plete standstill. The following report from the Coopertown Journal, dated Nov. 30th, it in all respect so applicable to our market at this period, that we give it in full, and invite our reader to note well the contents: Growers who sold early in the season are to be congratulated, for they obtained high prices, and are relieved from all anxiety, and many of them from debt. Those who still hold their Hops may possibly obtain the prices which have ruled for the past week, but the chance are against it. The brewing business i depressed; manufacturer buy only to supply weekly needs; the export de maud i limited, while we still have at least 30,000 bales to spare. Whether they will all be wauled or not at price above 30 cent for choice, depeuds largely upon peace being maintained in Europe. A general war there would be likely to lessen the demand and se riously depress prices here. About ftO.OOO bale have been sold of thi Fall' crop, and there are say s5,0Od bales still in the hands of the growers of thi country. There is very little doing in the local market. No re sponsible dealer care to buy on speculation, and order are few and for very limited amount. Should the war cloud lift in Europe by the settlement of the vexed East ern question, and the Presidential question be early and satisfactorily settled in this country, we may look for a more active mar kcl for Hop; but we regret to have to add that we think the highest price for the crop bf l7tt have already been realized. I CORN MEAL. Fine kind, for the table,2 (23c t lb; coarse kinds for feed,$27 00 V ton. BUUKWUEAT. Quotable at f 1 50. BRAN amo MIDDldNUB. The mill price of Bran ia $18 00, and $27 00 9 ton for middlings. Percheron Horses. We take rdeasure in calline the attention of stock breeder to the fact that Mr. A. sackrider, the enterprising importer or Nor man or Percheron horses, 1 again in San Francisco with six stallions of that wonder ful race of horses, a portion of which are for sale. The name Percheron is derived from the fact that they are mainlvbred and reared In the ancient province of La Perche, a dis trict situated to the south and west of Paris. The history of this race of horses ia some, what obscure, but it is generally conceded that they spuing from a cross between the fine Barb and Arab steeds, introduced Into the country by the Saracens, under the fam ous chief Abderame, and the large, strong native mares of that region. The return of the crusaders, bringing with them some of the finest of Arabian stallions, made another nfusion of oriental blood to the already splendid stock of La Perche. Let their pedi gree be what it may, the rercneron is unue niably the finest specimen of the horse kind for beautv. strength, endurance and speed combined that the world ha ever seen. Mr. Sackrider' horses are at the Record Stables on Market street, opposite Seventh, S. F. An Old Friend in a New Place. We take pleasure in calling the attention of visitors to San Francisco to the fact that John Kelly, formerly of the Brooklyn Hotel, has assumed the management 01 ine com mercial Hotel, corner ol Montgomery avenue and Kearny streets, where he will be happy to see his old customer and friends. i he Commercial is a new and elegantly furnished house, with all of the modern appliance for the comfort of guests usually found in a first- class hotel, including a steam elevator. The house, under Mr. Kelly's popular manage ment, is rapidly tilling up, and will, doubtless, ere long enjoy the same enviable popularity that was the favored lot of the Brooklyn un der Mr. Kelly supervision. Yerba Buena Bitters. The popularity that this medicine has achieved in the comparatively short time that it has been before the public justifies us in calling the attention of our reader to it a a family medicine. No household should be without it. As a cathartic and regulator it is uneriuallcd. So great has been the de luaiid for it that the proprietors. II. Williams to Co., of San Francisco, have not been able to supply it. We congratulate them upon their good fortune in being able to furnish a remedy so every way adapted to the wants of humanity and which will ere long amply repay nil ol the industry and energy of the proprietors lu introducing it to tho public. Reasons Why. The reasons why Dr. Price' Flavoring Ex tracts, Lemon, Vanilla, etc., are superior to all other 1 because they are prepared from choice selected fruits and aromatic without coloring or poisonous oils, all the flavoring principles are relumed unchanged by chemi cal action, highly concentrated, requiring less to flavor. Land Owners Without Patents Should enclose $2 with their receipt to Col. L.. liingham & Co., Attorneys for Claims, tVe Washington, D. C, and receive their Land Patents. Too Much at Stake. Steele it Price have too much at stake to put in the market anything which ha not been found not only harmless, but positively beneficial. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking I'owder is the only kind made by a practical physician, with special regard to its health fulness. Cancer cak bb Cukcd. Dr. Bond, of Philadelphia, announce his discovery for the radical cure of Cancer. No Kntfel No I'ain! No CawtticJ Remedies with full direc tions sent anywhere. Pamphlets and particu lars sentre. Address with stamp. Dr. H. T. Bono. 85'J North Broad si, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Price's Floral Riches Surpasses any Toilet or Cologne Water ever made. A rich, fresh, tlwery odor. For the handkerchief, the toilet and the bath per maiieiit and dclightlully fragrant. For the sickroom reviving and gratefully refreshing Bright' disease, diabetes, gravel, and all disease of the bladder and kidneys cured by Keaknev's Extract Birnr. It is safe, effi cacious and reliable. Sold by druggiets every wnere. CCItED FOK Foi'K tilTM. -" After ex-nrlln hundreds of dollars for doctors' fees, i wa cured ai lasioi rheumatism by investing fou bits in a flask of Trapier' Indian Oil." OlUsK'tt fALAL. o Aid, 41 1 MUMbua&ul IA St.. pan f rauelBCo. Vlllo C') 1"" d3r- Bend for ChromoCatalogTM). tplU r liurruiu i BON. tHMlon Mi $pC0fl per day at home, dam pies wortb Si fre UTliKtoH A Co.. 1'ortlitnil. Maine. UH. If. A. JfOOHK'N IIAIK PROUl . V I u- a skat vi . Lr w .. 1. - ...... . . ' m v at ei 1 m - Oil 11 r fHUtlM O. m i, o 11 r rautiM o. Circular.. ft-V r n u w w Hear! Disease ! SIKK ( IKK. 4M.OO ptr Hultle. Address lr . U)tr, Paula, Han A WAKOtl) TU l-ALMKK'S KIXjK lUOUi, bi tb A Mechanic ' lufntuie ruir, ls5. Mauuiactory Wirrj pfc.. wiweep iiii tua pan r rancitH. 50 Hlif MTOtb CAHIIN, or S3 AMMO II T ed huit1Ke, EinlxMHed. etc., with your hhnu prinit! un un-ni lor w cia. Ajruit wattled, 11 naiiipte for Ktaiiip. No povlal answered. A, tf. tOU S.K V, ItR.M-KTON. Ma. INVAL.I1 FKXMIOXM ICKAMKl 1 A - Tue enautmeul ot rectul law. AHEItlCAX and iOKKtUS FATKWTM How to obtain them. Aildrt Ubx'l L. Kinkham A t o.. Attorney lor Claim am AuvocHte lu fate hud ijtnii imei aiw, v itrunnioii, it. c I ,. I'OUNWKtL'N rntsr e. 1AL uixt.Ms. Kearnv bt. near Huh. truiitor t'nujiuruii adimnlBtered. A lady snnumutin at' lemianca. ubaduatcs only m ployed to orsle. DIVIDEND NOTICES. 7VVIDEND KTICE. NO. S. COLLATE! A I a-' iAn ana savings Hank has declared a divid ol Two per ceul. tor November, payable IVceriiber ml 5lh CAM ER, Sec'y COLLATERAL LOAX AM SAVIXtiS BAN K corner 1'oat and Kearny t., 8. V. The aharea o tins bank ar ottered lor atilmcription at Ml pc hare during the month of 1'erein tier, tn January the price will b advanced to WIS per hre. The ahares are now paying regular monthly dividends Ol VTT INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, " A and SiB Hraray Mt.. Man fraarlaro. 1 SO and MOO I'ER DAT. II. C. PATRIDOK. .... FOFatTOB Two Coneord Cosrhrs, with the name of the Hotel on. will always he In waiting at the landing to convey paHaeugera to the Hotel tree. IA' He sure you get into the right Coach; If you do not. they will charge you. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, "AIOXTGOMEKV AVENCK AMD KEARNY hT.. -AA. ban t-ranctm-o. A new and comiuodioua four- t-tory Hotel, with I7J first claaa light rioiii, elegant ly furniaheil, and a steam elevator. Eree Coach and Carriages to the House from all points. Charges, W'A.oo pr day. JOIIX KEI.LV, Jr., Manaa-er, (For 16 iran I'roprl etorjoT the BROOK. MOTKI,, M. '. LADIES, ATTENTION! 'IMfE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING ESTABLISHED X a Purchasing Agency In Ban Frauclaco, will at tend promptly to all orders for Ladies' and Children's EurniHhtng Uooda. Millinery, Patterns, oVr. A coin niiavion of ten per cent, will be charged. Satisfaction guaranteed. The money must accompany each order. Letters cheerfully and prompt ly answered, feauiplea of goods sent ft requested. For responsibility refer to the editor of thi naner. Address WIIKKLKK. SS O' Parrel I Mt.. M. p. A HALF INTEREST IN A WELL-ESTABLISHED biii-iueim-, on r-anonie street, han Frauciwo. Cal. Parties desirous of entering into a flrst-claat buainea are invited to investigate. A'o Agrnt nttJ apply. Address M.. P. O. Ho 8. F., Cal. KRUG-CHaAMPAGITE. PRIVATE CUV EE, In quarU and pints. HHirxn, In quarts and pints. PHEHIERE (CAUTE, ia quarts and pints. For aalt bf NEUMANN BROTHERS & CO. S4)LE AGENTS. SAN rBANCI8. ALTHOUSE AMD RAYMOPD THE Beat and Cheapest aelf-Kesrolattng Mill In ta World. Light, Durable and H 1 m d 1 1 b ntrr1 -&cnd for Price"ut to NAHIIt at HAatlaUTOst, Kit tea rraaclaco and acramaalo. CALVCRT'8 CAaMOaUlO SHEEP WASH t3 per lalloa. T. W. JACKSON. Baa Fran cisco, tfola Agent for Callibr nla and Nevada. C. A P. H. TIBBSLL A CO., uiroTna avt MAaorAOTOaaaa of BOOTS AND SHOES, U. ! CLAY ISTICKICT, Betweea Sansome tod Battery. SAM F HA. M CISCO. Msniifactiintra nf Mon'a Bitn Vr.nrti. and (ThfV aren't KtNK CALK BOOTS. Orders solicited and promptly filled. All ttJM and qnallti made At th lowmi mrkt price. mmu viiiiuv ui KixKii ana prices. VERDICT ALWAYS FOR THE DAVIS - .I IC-A.--! 33 2D SEWING MACHINE. The Centennial Gold Medal & Diploma, 1876. f" i o a a. til i ' i ntr me ocoit meaai, - - . . ibj. The Franklin Institute Medal, - - 1874. Thi Report of ilt OnteMnlMl Ceni- BiUoloa aaym "Th D.lVtH im -warded the (JHAXI) GOLD HKUAL OP tlOXUH and DIPLOMA OP MKIIIThrrtrrlUnt main lal and roiiat rurt loit, adapted, to tlio sreateat raugn or work." TE CLAIM SALES UVPIiEfEDEXTED AND aatmlitclion UNIVERSAL, in lla construction It dlllerx from ALL other-, and la equaled by none. As an EAKET of what is here claimed, the Manu facturer CHALLENGE all others for a Mend y con tent, either for amiinciiieiit or a more SUBSTANTIAL CONM DkUATlo.V Tne Eamuy Machine is IlKhl rumtinx and eily coinurehei ilc.l ha an inuriiUius device "to take up lot motion or wear, win. Ii to a liiacmni-i, ia poaiiive proof or durability. ve are i leased to rererto ma nttiea in mmuructurinir ratan tahiiienta here, wnere they have Ih-cu in rountxtit ue for nearly three teara. to verify the alHive. Has re ceived more rneilala ami complimentary testimonial man any other in the s.me length 01 time. invite the exiet;ial alien tlou of manufactur ers to our new No. 1 just out. Agents Wanted in all Uuoccupied Territory. MARK SHELDON. General Aarent far Pari fie Coast. 130 POST STIIF.ET, - - 8AX Fit A NCI SCO. THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA AND CANNING C03IPAXY. riMIE BOOKS OF THE COMPANY" A HE NOW A oien for auhscrintion for a limited amount of capital skick. Address or apply at the oince ol tne woiupauy. No. 6 Leidesdorff Street. ifayward's Building, Kan Francisco, California. rPShareho;ders will have the preference In the itircua"e oi goHiA. imier ror atoi ic can tie sent through ell. rargo A Co.. addreaaed to the Secre tary of the O. C. O. A Co. Vt. to ALTr.lt MANJI1NO, Kecy. LAUREL HALL BOARDING SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES, SAN MATiO, CAL. REV. E. It. CIirKCH. A. ., Principal M'nE NEXT SESSION BEGINS THL'USDAY, JAN. J- 4, 1W17. With recent improvements in buUd Ings and apHintments the heat facilities are offered young lailica for a thorough courae In Engltnh, the Moilern Ijingiiage, Muaic aud Art. Those wiahing to secure places for their daughters should address the principal at an eariy nsy. FmiT Runs i BEAUTIFULLY XLLUSTEATED ! BOTH r ROT EST A NT AND CATHOLIC, AT COT Pit ICE. To close a conxignment iM'fore the firnt of the year. JOHN ti. IIODI1K CO.. 37. SX and 331 Sakhomb- St.. 8a FftAlnrtsco, KENDALL'S Improved Quartz Mill QUARTZ MINING EEVOLUTIONIZED ALIGHT, CHEAP and I'OWKKFUL MILL at one half the cost of the usual style, bead for Circs iar and Price List to STEPHEN KENDALL, Car ar P. A. II an tin (tan, 14S ana 145 Prenaont mt.. Han Pranelara). Cal. THE RISDON Iron and Locomotive Works, Cob. Bialb axd Howabd 8t.. Saw FaAxoiaoo. M anu facta reri of Steam Engines. Quarts and Flour Mill Machinery. Steam Boilers ( Marine. Locomotive and Htatlonary). Marine Engines (High and Low Free sure). All kinds of light and heavy Castings, at low est prices. Cams and Tappets, with chilled faces. guaranteed 40 per cent, more durable than ordinary iron. I4MW Engravlagai lJAO Fagrs 0,nart. MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFT, Of Constant and Permanent Valae. A NEW FEATURE. FOUR, PAGES COLORED PLATES. One .family of children having WgnaTicR'a ITwa HKiixirii. au.l using it freely, and another not having it. the nrt will become mwh the moat intelligent men aud women. Ark your teacher or minlater If It Is not so, then buy the book and use and urge it nse freely "THK BEST PRACTtCAL ExGLtSn DfCTIOX. ait iXTAHt."-London (Juarlrrly Her U it, Oct., loTS. kTThe National Standard. PROOF-SO TO 1. The sales of Webster's Dictionaries throughout the country in ln;.t were 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries, we will send proof on appu caiion, and such sale still continues. More than THIRTY TIIOl'HANO copies of wehMers v, naoriugea nave ieen ia ea in as many I'ubtlc hchools tn tlie United bUtta, by fetate euacf- UleHis or Bcitooi umcers. Can you letter promote the canae of education and tne 1 ster good of community than hv having a copy of Web r I'njthridged in your family, and trying to have a ropy in each of your Schools f Published by C. A C. MERRIAM. Springfield, Mass. WHITNEY & HOLMES IPS A M XJEW AMU KLKUAkT HTVLKM, with 11 Valuable Improvements: Kew and Heautiful Holofctops. Organists and Musicians everywhere In dorse these Organs and recommend them as AtrirUy l-'irt-elt in Tone, Mechanism and Durability. War ranted Five Tears, bend for Price Llsia. WHITNEY a HOLMES ORGAN CO., Quincy. III. HAI PBAMCI-CO BRASCH or TBI National Wire and Lantern Works, Of New Tork, (Howabd a Moaaa, Proprt). 420 Santom St.. San Franclsc. T AVt-'FACTrREflS OF BRA88. COPPER. TKltX a.m. ana iku. sin nn " i" " l ana Mteel Halt err r"l.L-i;,".tL.n Vlre Clatn. ana M ea wy ' iT ' Ornamental Wire Warn.. ntfJZ'nZZr2l nain aaa nanraa" Penee. Kalllna. Wnarela. etc Keprenied .PHI HO. Lata Manager with Kekfeldt CO. FAT3SHTS. ? A. LEHMAWir, Solicitor of PjUenU, Waahlngtaa 's D.C Mo Patent Vo Pay Bead for Circular. 912 n star at heme. Agents wasted. Ootat aa4 ttraaW TKrj1 CO AaaTuta, Malaa, TOR THE MOST ACCEPTABLE OLIDAY PRESENT! Artistic Photography ! tSTpocial attention im called to 5IOHHKS famon. IVORY 'TYPES and FOIXCELAltf PICTUI1ES; alo, tlio I.1FK-HIZK LAXDMCAPES. WORSE'S LOCKET I N I ATU RES ARE UNEQUALED ! PROGRESS I THERE 18 MONEY IN IT! . THE PACIFIC. Artesian and Prospecting (Patented July Cth. 1874.) ADAPTED TO ALL KINDS OP WELL-BORING Ml nt pie, llarabls ana Kltletent. hist' and County Klghls ffr Kale. Mind firt:irrnars,g1yi price, etc., to I MICK MOKU AW. Utiurni Point. CaI MACHINIST TOOLS, IMn and Saw Mill Machinery. sjansManmsnnnnanBnnan TAEALER IN ALL KINDS OF NEW AND SECOND band ENGINES AND DOILERG, And other Machinery Bought and Sold. s. ifRwnv. SS Fremont tit., ban I- rsntisoo. cunnirios a song, 327 Kearny St., S. F. a HKNTB BVOSA tHKRirtH WA I.TM AM iV Mars.) WATCH KM. Kiamlne our prices of American Waltham Wau hes, by sending for our price list, which are marked rireriaiy inw. nn ..L.iar. uanflra. All Watcues sent by ei preas; persons have the pririleae of nJt only looking at Wielll oeiore uiiymn, uui can a-poai wim fc arirn A t:o the amount of the watch, and have a trial .1 i..ut two or three weeks before the money Is sent to us. If the Watch is not what you sent for, or does not keep the correct time, or yon art in any irty dim HtliiHed MU , our tnstrui tiotis to Wells, Farjco Co Is to rerun A money, we are ae-rnimTO w wunu up a reputation on this coast that will give sattafactiOB to all. Ottiajor fi' rwTcv .r Farmer, Miner and Granger BOUtB aVBtOBIBB FOB TBB SAN FKANCI8CO WEEKLY POST. The Popular Weekly. Enlarged and improved. The Beet and Cheapest IT AOfOCATU THI II8HTS If SITTLIM. ONLY S2.00 A YEAR. ONLY $2.00 A YEARa ONLY $2.00 A YEAR. rta eta. aaaltranmt. emr-aend for Sample Copy. .The low price at whlrt. It TTreblished commands fer It a wri isrgsc rcuia iMMnri Farmer and Baslnesa Man sT.ould au cribe for IU Aa aaequalled uediam tor Aaverueer m San Francisco Daily lum Post Will b Enlarged and Improvd. THE POPULAt JOUIHALOr f AH FIAHCIICO. t9 Hoots ond Shoes. I JOHI MCLLITA. N. B. eor. Bat- f tery ana Jackson fets.. Baa Francisco, f offers to make to order the best French IV Calf Leather BOOTS at from n to Bt Cal ifornla Leather Roots. M V reach Calf lf-s.Oiford Ttee.tl; California, 4.5a Boys' and Children's B00U and Bhoee made to order. Persona ia the country ordering Boot and Bbuee to the amount of lit or more will lie allowed redaction of foer per cent., to make the e press charges light. I sell Boot and Bhoee of MT OWN MAN liFACTTJKK tN LV B00U aad Bhoee aeal CO. D. roalUvely one prioa. A sasAaaa a". WANTED tor the iM-2 DAXCOsTT at C. VtilulaUT At..iTf. aVells-ereel y Carrtera mt tS eta. pa WMk 1 sr Mall, year, .) aim Zaantne. .-t kra ' naantne. SI, BO. Vaataa-a V eta. avsleUUaatal. -A jut- SiiVB $30 1 UJ 90 - to CENTENNIAL SUCCESS ! OCK HOME BHUTTLK BF.WINO MAtniNB was awarded the first and highest prlae and dl phitna at the imposition la Philadelphia, and any company rlaiinlng to have received any hlgtier honors does so to deceive thepiibllo. We sell "ihe beat sewing machine for the least money and challenge compe tition. Kvery mschlne Is rarnlshed with the cele brated Hall treadle (a 111 attachment), without eitra eoat, and warranted for ive yrs. Country agaale and city canvassers wanted, cell And etsinlns be fore purchasing elsewhere. JOHNSON. CLARK & CO., IT Wow Montgomery mt., Mast Franeleeo , Factories Orange, Maes. Wheat Has Advanced! BUT PU3IPS ARE LOWER. HOPS. PUL1PS, PUMPS, . rom- Hana. Flanae, ffarden. farm. B"lel4, for Deep Wella. or Mhallow Walla, Force Pumps of Every Description, ' Bran Cylinder!, Iron Ojllndin, PITCHER SPOUT PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS WHOLESALE AND KM TAIL Trade discount given on application. The Trade Invited to call, or write for price. Bare money, study economy, by writing to CHAB. P. nOAO, II BealeBtreet, near Howard, Baa Frsaclaee. Oeneral Ageat lellnea Wlnaasille. DURYEA'S GLEN COVE S T A K C H BBOglTBO TBB Highest Award and Medal If Til CENTENXIAL KXPOS1TION. Union WIDE tlATTREOS CO. t!M KTHUW KNTIBaL If BBW, AND BUPEK1UU TU ALU FOtt BTHCN GTII, LIO HTN IM ANDDCBABIUTT VI NhUUPAaHKU. Tho only Xtftttrei THAT CAN BI TIOHTINKD on LOC4KNBD AV FLKAB0HB. Warranted lap fl-a an.ra. BeBA far Clrealar aadi rrfoeLtett TKUMANB. CLAKU.aols Ageat, . 317 vaaa Mt.. aaa rraaeiaoo. uai. AI CI TIIATEI VJITM SISSISi (Ml I At the home of the patten Wlthoat in aee et toe KK1FE OR CAUSTICS lead wlthoat pel a Addreee Or. A. M. IROWR. INBW HATEN, CONN. Correspondence from pbyslclsns also eollettsd. Oivorcec: ui n.ii.l A fed a vita eufl Legallf aad enl.t ly obtained. Igl L..--rt-a. Beet' Am. A MHavlta aualclant DTOOf, FOB - rhtoaao. III. n. a. Man, s m . mm "-- P. IT. P.O. No. 120. FAVCniTO 0ICAR3TTB FOHMC. Simple and I'racti. cal machina ever ln vented for making; Ciraretteat twista boihendt petiectlf, K ample by mail fj Bf, AAtrBXJJMFO.WAXTIM,MAAa, . I IPaaiaeeaestad I I " Fef . ItrMEl, I iMneaaattlr aad I I ssllsKallsn) r see I ssll si 1 aiHsa raw a I I rear :-WaairMrijq IAJ .sr...-. I I) s aim aura phi sang, 1 u aM ssaf la V AT gr"ammmBBBBnnm- V 1 .V' aw ' W I' i -"II '3tmSTtmtwmmimmmym saaassasnaan 1I1 111 n I A rrm