THE INDEPENDENT. Thursday. January 11. 1877. AKOTIIERICIIAPTER OF HORRORS. THE WHEAT OUTLOOK. Late dispatches from California confirm the general opinion that the State m net suffer a disastrous d routh this year. Already in portions of lhe State the wheat and even grass has died and is dying, and the grain will have to be re-sowu should rain coine. f jr a crop. On the Coast below San Francisco stock are suff ering and some stockmen are killing their stock to save them from down right starvation. The thrnometer on the 6th inst stood at 83 in the shade in interior counties, aud it Was unusually warm at San Francis co. Should no rain fall this month, even though with rain in February or March the crops will be light and Oregon will have a market in Cali fornia for all her surplus grains. And should there be a war in Eu rope, which is somewhat doubtful nnw. wheat will sell next fall at $1.50 a bushel. With a drouth in California it will not be much less than a dollar a bushel. Our farm ers are very active and hopeful in view ol the present price of wheat 51.25 per bushel and are sowing every available acre in wheat. We have had more than a month with out rain all of which tirne the plows have been running and Washington countv will have a larsrer acreage this year than ever before. This ac tivity among the farmers presages good times next fall, even if wheat should bring but 75 cents. Over One Hundred Persons Launched Into Eternity. New York, Dee., 29. The Timet Cleveland special says: About 8 o- THE OREGON CASE. Cronin Tells how Much he was Paid. WasHnroTOX, Jan. 2. Cronin, the Ore gon elector, testified before the Senate com mittee to day. He maid he had made no ar rangement with any person whereby certifi cates were to be handed to him by the committee, informed witness the day before I he started for Washington that he (Belling. clock this evening an express train gecreUry o( state; was convinced he was on the Lake Shore Bail way went lawfully appointed in place of Wstts, and through the bridge a quarter of a put the certificates in his pccket because he mile east of Ashtabula station, was afraid they would be taken from him by . , . I Ode.ll and others. He had refused to come , . to Washington as messenger unless b creek. The tram included eleven .hooia receiTe thre thousand dollars as ex cars and was drawn Dy two engines. penses, and the money was furnished him. A blinding snow steam was falling 1 He supposed the money was raised among and driven before the furious Oregon Demoerates by subscription. more than a short distance. Of ine eleven cars, six were coacnes ana er) bad $2,800, and in addition to the $2.- contained diningroom cars, all of 000, the $3,000 required was raised, and a which went down the plunge ol sev- note signed by Bellinger and witness which v feft. A fur s ear. now wa" depo at the banking houseof Ladd ue icwucu, X-w Yr.rker, and his politics are unknown gers on tne train, Ol wnom oeiween tness. Know a man named Patrick; 3 J and 40 were killed outright. A met him in the office of Judge Stiongat snecial train, with the officers Of the Portland. Patrick livesat Omaha. Balling rnn.fl ami all h nhvacians "that could be hastily summoned and ap-1 , . . , . , , . . - . . I mtttrra ftlat a n1 informed him t hffct A pliances for the care of the wounded Rentieman wished to se-s him (Cronin) at left Cleveland at V O Clock, A n I the office of Judze Struuz. Ho refused to PETITION TO THE CITY FATHERS Conductor of the train was in the baggage car, and U safe. The dri ver of one of the engines. Folsom by name, had his leg broken. No cause for tne accident can be ascertained. The train while moving slowly broke through the bridge. The cold and storm are c? - very severe and the work of recover ing the bodies progresses slowly. Tbe scene is described as terrible beyond precedent. Chicago, Dec, 31. The Trib une's special from Ashtabula says: The proportions of the Ashtabula that he was the farthest one West horror are not approximately known Daylight revealed nothing save that two out every three on the train are lost. Of the 170 whom the Conductor reports as having been on board, but 5'J can be ac counted for. The disaster is dra BOWLBY'S Drug & Book Store. Pine St. Forest Grove, Dealer Iu Drugs, Iledicinei, Chemicals, Paints. Oils, Brushes Soaps. 1 erfumery Books, Stationery. PURE mm B'D LIQUORS, PORTER a SON'S tyTwo miles northeast of Forest Orortjrj lO' EDIG1HAL USE ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES Wanted in this County! And plenty .f everything in tbe line of SMALL FRUITS Including thousand of Strawberrr riant of the best candle, among them the GOLDEN QUEEN the largest and Quest of thvm all ALMOND, CHESTNUT, MULBERRIES, HQS, WALNUJ, and SLIPPERY ELM trees in tbun- dance. The Finest F. I. MEYER HAS CHARGE OF THE Prescription Department. Prescrip tions carefully compounded at all hours. CITATION. v 0 go. ard told Bellinger mat wnacever was done in thia electoral muddle must be done by or ue than himself. Witness afterwarda- went to Strong's office aud met Pattriek. who said be had heard witness had said if a certificate of elector was issued to him would not act, but witness informed Pat rick he had changed his mi ml. an 1 Patrick said to witness. ,4if Til den is President, he will give you anything you want." Wit ness informed Patrick that if he (Patrick) was acquainted with Tiklen. he miqht tell him he had nothing to giro which he (Croin) wanted. Witness was a little angry at Patrick for talking in such a mnrn: Patrick informed witness he supo? J ; ! reason Patrick had been sent to Oregon Witt.-- didn't know what Patrick meant. He list beard that Patrick i superintendent of a mine in Colorad. Patrick said nothing about money in his interview with witness: witness never saw Patrick, except on the occasion before mentioned, and had no con versation with Bdlliujer abat Patrick. Witness hai read no messages from the Eist in relation to the election muidle be fore seeing Patrick. Witness krows of a Dirnon in New York; thinks he is a banker. After the electoral college haj met and ad- In the Circnit Court of the State of Ore pon for Washington county. Donald McKay. Plaintiff; veru V. A. Re.--'Defendant. To F. A Be.-. a defendant: In the name of Kinds and Varieties Tree. Including the Sequoli Gijantta or Big Trees of California, and Italian Cypress. In the Floral Department the Fi nest Varieties of ROSES, OLADI0LAS, DAHLIAS. GERANIUMS. CARNATIONS. And Many Other A. BAILEY. Main St., Hillsboro, PKALIS IX DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, PAINTS OILS, brushes, SOAPS, PfillFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. Pure Wines l Liquoro 4 S I for MEDICINAL USE. AM DETERMINED NOT TO BE undersold by any house on the iy Also a few THOROUGHBRED SPAN ISH MERINO BUCKS. All for sale at the lowest rates. JOHN R. PORTER & SON. T PAYS every Manufacturer, immigrant living in Hillsboro who i disgusted with the country and and sighs for lhe clime where the stormv winds blow and the deep Knows fall. Like the wife wno af ter her husband died did not feel the returns of Oregon should be j made up and sent to their !-- . Ladd & Tilton have a banking house Portland, and Ladd cfc Bash have one at Salem, and A. E. & C. E. Tilton. of 115 Liberty street. New York, are correspond ents of the Oregon Linking house above mentioned. Witness received a draft for money for expenses, between 4 and 5 o'clock P. M. on the 8th of December, in Ltdd Sc With wheat and grass burning up under a summer sun in California, and snow a foot or more deep and the thermometer below zero in the Eastern States, Orefronians ought to feel content with the grass end I matically complete; no element of grain growing anu mo horror is wanting; first the crash ol ning in January. A. gentleman who th ,rjaae, the agouizin moment lUOVed miO iniS county last, xau, k..,n.n!U, .oven laden cars honrned. witness saw a disDatch. siii.l savs. 'whr even Orecron mud loofcs I i rr.,l 1ot in 1 Rristow. which said: ''It in imiortant t i i iiiiinf cii uunxx IllJU 4 S A wa v I good!" and he intends to send for tfa . rWer bed then tlie fire his family and urge friends to come sxhich came to dCVOur all who had to this paradise. Ibis gentleman been left alive by the crasbf ti,Sa preference is offset however, by an L. . er wbieh trurjjled up from under the broken ice aud offered an i other form of death, finally tbe bi ting blast, filled with bou which froze and benumbed those who had escaped fire and water. Tbe iron Tilton'a bank, from Manager Quackenbush work was a single snan. 159 feet There were three draft, one on New lork riirht because she no longer received iony. crossed by a doable track, 7U and two on California ban'ts. The S2,8rx " . ..... . I - I iA , . r u x: her weekly basting, this immigrant feet above the waters. The descent n cnuere w,ir iU t...u. - ;h u tnr inn w;tnri ka bat m 1 . I ... . 1 1 1 '111 1 - lor ms regular iretz?. xuw precipitous, ana as me musiopm . , - t he woa.j t t ciect0r if the hereby petition our City Fathers to I are piled with heavy drifts of snow, certificate was given him, but changed levy a tax on HilUboro to bay a re- there was no little d fficultvin reach- his mind after looking np the law, and afur f eirorntnr fnr tin ft individual SO that nn tbo after tli disaster be- bearing of the actions ol the hontu Carolina, rt w -w iiil: tuv " i . i m. i Ja .viam , I Florida and Iouisiana returning bourns he may be able to freeze hw extrein- canie known. . mn . Krnan wUnM, .t. htt Mn ... ji. : ii I 0 i, it- i . , .... , lues once a wees uunng m remain- As t,ue Dridge ieu, vne unver MM , .K. ntt iih wAtt n.i th.v elos. der of the winter, unt tuen ne tbe iOCOmotive in front bad given it e(j the canvass together at Portland. Watts would be dissatisfied next summer I a quick-head of steam, which tore being postmaster had been mentioned by without the Eastern heats, and iM its draw head from the tender and both he and witness in a jocose way at pub- , i i I ... .... ... Ilia meetinors. Witness Knew wans was woum ue necessary iu ereci. u i liberated the engine, wuicu suoi, ior ; - . . , . .... ii'iiti ...... I lueiiKiuio US BLi CICV utIVIJ .uw " "v-"-"v J " I warn auti uuneu ucu iu but said nothing about it. would want to go on Arctic expiora- the other locomotive was drawn yi, M Turner on the Stand tion to chaw icicles on ol tbe iNortb backward by the falling tram and William M. Turner, manager of the West Pole next winter, all of which would J tumbled over fie pier and fell, but- em Union Telegraph office. Jacksonville v . I I a : a be espensive. j0m upward, on the express car be- "regon. was me ni wQ , . , v . i tie says inai ne saw me mm wnom uc uF. hiud. En put er Folsom escaped ' ,vt. jvii. fft. w.ll. -n' 11 Tl'l. t. - 1 t ' is nn I w"" - i - xue taua a.m ,ivc,. v wuu u uiuu . Un the stae. on the 26th November. Klippel Dec. 20th says: "As we go to press deith list to report; mere can h:Tes -t Jacksonville, but witness did not tbe firet snow of tbe season is fall-1 none until the list of missing ones know 0f Patrick and Klippel's meeting at inir nnd the nierrr iincle of sleicrb j who travelled by the Lake Shbre Jacksonville. " " I - I . . . . T 1 Loll. i l,.nrrl r. our atrpets. W rnA nn Fi uv iT mada un. There Senator Morion inenaK.i; yojuuauuw 1mvr,a.l for the lnafc threa week Ur no remains that can ever be ol mn - . . .T i - ...i inir DMieu oyer tuui wuci B.Ui. - the most remarkable frost that wa identihed. Three charred shapeless dlTalge anything passing on the wire ever known in the valley. The ah lnmna were recovered up to noon Q whtt da xnn kmw about ?.0(K be- for some ten miles around our city to-day, but they are beyond all ing transmitted from New York to Oregon in thick with fo?. which settles down hnne of reco?nition. For the rest, by telegraph? I. . ....I V. . T illwnlrr. creaw.i- nuoi, unw is uu.uC inere urrpneo " " I Q mA m di.teh in regard to Diraon- rwi a . m i . ii'. a ; m AM - r xnosi ik snow. ine leicgrapu custen crumoiiog particles I .;,.? a I decline to ans- wires along aiain Mreet are as large cined bones, in otner places, masses wer a two-inch rone: at Dayton. Weston of black, clarred debris, half under o.Did Diraond telegraph toLaddATil- and up on the monn tains, the air is w ater, which contain fragments of ton, of Portland, to draw 9 -j.uuuon mm. oe i a u-.i.: u..4 -.41,: eam J tweon Nov. 25th and first Wednesday in De- . . . . . cember? A. I decline to answer, in tne sunsnine, rejoicing tuai icey d mce. xi is luougut mere aiiy w .f fem)w 4n taing ia rerti are not wandering m darkness JiKe a few corpses under me ice, as mere to nnothfcr ram 0f $1,700 telegraphed pre the Walla Wallaians. This very Uf re men and wotnen who sprang rionsly to the $3,000, and from A. E. and r.nlir nnd disafrreeable weather n.'n tli water and sank, but noue C. E. Tilton. of New York, to this same firm appears to he confined to a small a; thus fa recovered belt from Walla Walla to the Co lumbia river. The thermometer has ranged all the time from 8 to 12 the State of rgon, yon ar hereby -- re quired to appear in the above entitled court and answer the complairt filed against you iu the H. . .e entitled ac. on by the first day of the tie: ; term of said court, to wit: the fourth Monday in May 177; and if you fail so to auswer the plaintiff will take jud ii ent againxt you for tbe sum of $273.00 in U. 8. currency with interest upou $191,80 thereot at the rate of ten per cent, per au- Mercliatit. Si Cll III iC or lro- nuin from March 2oth 1874, and for interest rasionul Alan, to keep nformed on upon $Sl.?i thereof from July 2nd, 1874 at ftll the improvements and discoveries of ine same i.iie. aim ior uu coswa auu ui- 1 ue H(, burseineniA herein. And yon will take notice that the Honor able E. D. 8hattuck. jnde of said court rt.ii at hi chambers on the 2Gth day of D- ceaiber, 1876, make an order for service of ! Munitions herein by . oh' cation thereof in 1 t .e Washixotcx IDXPicsDKjrr which or : i-r bears said date. Dated December 2Ctb, l3t. CATLIN k KILLIN) fe V Attorneys for Plff. H.B.NICHOLAS J janllwG. CASH!) G3-CASH! WZ. 1. THOMAS has cbsrpe o'a presciiption department. Prescriptioni carefully compounded at all ll lira. FOR SALE! The Following Valuable IT PAYS the head of ever fam- -AK IVI I llUi LAUUd iiv to tuiroouce 111 10 nis nousrmnu n AdmiaUtrator's notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed and qualified in the County Court of the St ite ol Oregon for Washing ton conntv. executor of the last will and news paper, that is instructive, one that footers a taste for investigation, and prom 1 tea thought and encourages discussion among its members. tiii; mvmm mm Which has been published weekly for the la.nt thirty-one vears. does this, to an ex tent beyond that of any other publication; in fact'it is the only weekly paper pubUb.d in tbe United States, devoted to ManufaC" mrers, Mechanics, Inventions and Mew Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number is profusely illustrated nnd its contents embrace the latfKl ana moi in terestinz information nertaininjr to the in- dnstrial. Mchunical and Scientific 'ro- testament of 1 homas raiicis, nee u. an per- f wrl.l n..printions with beau sons having clainis the estate of .. . nrravin of new Inventions. Nv said d-cM are hereby required to present them with the proper vouchers to me at mv residenco nwar Cornelius, Washington f iTitv, Oregon, within six months from the iu.. hereof. January 3d, A. P. 1877. WM. BEEVES, Administrator. jan4w. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been bj the Hon. County Court of the County of Washing ton and State of Oregon duly appointed Adminiatrator of the estate of j. 1j. llicklin 1 , . f . : 1 4 II nr.ic ing chtims ag.iinHt the estate above named. Invention, unce and Idutriul i rogress. are required to present them to the nndor- publ shed in the V orld. Processes, and improved Industries of all kinds; Useful Not.-, Recipes and Sugges tions and Advice by Practical Writers, for Workmen aud Employers, .n all the vari ous arts, forming a brief repertory of new inventions and Discoveries; containing weekly record, not only of the pro-e. of the Arts in our own eonni.-y but also of the New Discoveries and In v - o.-ons in every branch of Engineering, Mccuauics, and Science abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN b" hei-11 the foremost of all industrial publica tions for the past thirty-one years. It is the Oldest. Largest and Cheapest, and the ltet. H'erkly illustrated paper, devoted to Knmneeriui. Mechanics. Cheuiistry. New signed at bis residence in Washington county, t )regon, within six mouths of the tlnte hereof. W. C. HICKLIN. Administrator of the EstaU of J. L. llicklin. det-M. Hillsboro, aJcc, 8, 1S7G. Dec. 14w4. The practical Recipes are well worth ten times the Subscription puce. Merchants, Farmers, Mechanic, En rineerslnven'or, Manufacturers, Cheni It-, Lorars of Science, and People f All ProfeIons will find the SciEMTinc Amkb in iifuful tn them. It should have a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT piac. jn everv Family. Library, Study of the understated has been appointed -,ui (mitin? Km: in everv Reading by th county court of the State of Oregon J uom. College mid School. A new volume for Washington county administratrix of couurieuces January 1st, 1877. A year's numlrs contain 832 PSM and Skvckl HrxuneD Exoiiavisos. Thou- the estate of Geo. N. Barrett, late of said comity, dee'd. All persons having claims aptidst said estate are hereby notified to present them within 6 months from this date with the proper vouchers to the under signed for allowance at her resilience near Glencoe in said county and all persons knowing themaefves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to tbe under-signed. MARY BARRET. Hillsboro, December 4th, 187C. at Portland? A. I decline to answer. Adjourned. Auocher Catastrophe. A jove zero. A. B. STEW A 11 1' HAS BETUBNED nieneoe and onened a Blacksmith Shop. He is thankful for past faors and asks the people foi a renewal of their patronage. janllmJ . Long Island, Dec, 30. At 4 a. m tbe ship Circassian went ashore on A letter from Sheridan to the tne oar 01 unage aimpwn, on me Reporter, sajs: "There is consider- Sonth Shore of Long Island, and able sickness in this vicinity, and was entirely broken np by tne soutn the gloom of death is upon many easterh gale aud lost, together with flr;,lp MV TCI DuVaII. of flanker 29 lives. The Circassian vrent vallev. has two cnilirea . down with ashore in a atorm on the night of the raywum, -a.,- dirjhthariat Mm. Dijr?hertv is very llth inst. At that time the ere IHILLSB0B0 7 - I low xcitli tvrdinid fnvor and TTnrle I aud Omcers V 676 saved. The Storm Jack DeLaphmutt, of Sheridan, is of yesteiday caught 34 men era lingering along betwixt li-e and ployea of the Coast Wrecking Com- o DPO I Al PJ OT ICE ueaiu wuu ine aaiier aisease. uauj,u wuu, aw - after midnight the ship west to pie- PoBTLAitD, Me-, Jan. 4. The Montreal ces wjth an awful crash. According express on the Grand Trunk railway was I in ft.oonT,f four nrvi-nr. wabd rutcnea in snow about 20 miles from here I . ... . asnore mis morning, nero J Y W. KIUKWOOD, M. D. and Aeconeher - 0BEG0N. OFFICE Opposite the Drug Store, jan-tjl Salei Acres y miles north of Hills, boro. Hith acres in cultiva tion. Acres 2x9 miles west of Dilley Station; 200 acres ia culttva tion. Acreii one mile sonth of Dilley Station, HO acres tncultiTation Acres 3 miles west of Dilley Station, 300 acres in cultiva tion. Acres 3 miles sonth of Gaston Station, 200 seres in cultiva tion. Acre V miles west of Wilbur Station. Aeres on Rauvio's Island In Multnomah county. 9 north of Portland. Good Dairy t GrnzinT Ranch t. Cheap for Cash. T Ell MS EA SY. Agent for WHEELER'S NO. C REAPER & MOWER COM DIS ED MeCORMAt K'S REAPER & MOWER: COATS HAY RAKE;-k DILI.EY STATION. Parties deiron of buying will please en quire of A C Hall at DILLEY, or of V G SroKfln, at my residence 3 miles west of Dilley. Dilley, Washington Co., Oregon, May 21th. lSTo. Jnnltf NEW STOCK. 227 H. M. DeFrsnce, Tres. XT, L. Whlfl isy JSlxx Xn.atltxa.tlon. -DEsiossn roa THE BUSINESS TRAINING OF S0TXI BEZEL Containing in its tbeoreticbl and ortt.. cal escercies the most thorough, drill possi. ble in vaulifyiiiK students for any buHiness. After hsTing teen made thoroughly so quainted with the theories of Double, and niii(jm j.uirj, utMJU-nrrjjo-ifr. uoinmarcial C'ouiputatations, Commercial Law, Husi ness Corresjmdeiice, Husiuess Ispr Mon. ey Values, J'enrnnnsbiu. etc, the student at once enters into Ou his own account iu which be burs sells, ships, orders, f c the same ss in any first-class and extensive business. This institution has more Students ia FIRST CLASS f.rUATIOSa than any Uusinss College on this Continent for the number graduated. For full particulars, send for N. II. Col. ege Journal. Address De France A White, Lock Box 104. Portland, Oregon. LADIES DEPARTMENT Organized with I ..tidies Now f ss attendance In all the llenrt meiits of Instruction. A. L. JOHNSON, Manufacturer aud Dealer IN Furniture, Mattings, Wsll-Psper' Wiudo'-Shad's Mirrors, IV h rJs 1'icfur' Fram's Kaby Carriag's jtf'wii Lounges, Mattresses f-e. Jr Csfflns aa4 Cssktts If adc tu Ur 4tr. rw THI JL branch of the busi ness is dto ted the espe cial care and attention whieh ilde tusnds. Ofn-e and Sales Room on Tine St. bet. Elm A- Walnut, Forest Grove Oregon. jj3t A. HINMAN Has the largest stock of goods la the Ore? Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, FA SC Y ARTICLES, Ac. Family Urofcrlcs nnd PrvTlslens, HARD WARE, CROCKERY Jtt., PRICES LOW a the LOWEST A. HIJVMAN. Forest Gror Or. Not. 7. 17J 43y:l I OFFER FOR SALE, OR FOR TRADE for other property in Oreoo two lots mith dwelling house, wngon shop, stable, garden, well, &, all fenced in and iliiNle in the town of Dilley. The b i Miry are all new and suitablo for other I ""inMn ifdes sired. For terms inquhe H fhe pemUes or ly letter. AdarcMt me ui I'.iiey, Wib ington county, Oregon. Dilley Jul,, J I. J7 j)2iil $12 ntlliy at home. Aunts wRuted. Oa( utana tonus free. IKUJi C'U., Angusta, Maine. sprlSTt j H to $20 jwrdav at home. Mamples werth 91 iree, rttnsoii 1 ;o t'ortisna Maine. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Administrator's Notice. sanbi of volumes are preserved for refer ence. Terms S3.20 a Tear bv mail, includ ing postage Discount to Clubs. Speeial circulars, giving Club rates sent free. Sin trie codis mailetl on receipt of 10 cents. May be bad of all News Dealers. 1 4 rTWTimT'IlkJ In Connec- MT -A. X JCjl M. 3 tion with the S dentine Ainrleir, Messrs. McwwA Co., sre Solicitors of American an 1 Foreign Fnt- ents. and have the lareat establishments in the World. More than fifty thouaand NOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT applications have been made through their the undersigned has been duly ap-1 gency. pointen r,y me ronmy roars 01 ine Pttent, wre oUmintA 0n thtl best of of New Inventions and Oregon for Washington county adminis- u irmor 01 ine fiutf 01 nun tuc imrui muu , v naritiicn raniiiiiiiif conntv. d c'd. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to ... ' . . - .t . A L preseui loero wiinin six uionion irom iuii date with tbe proper vouchers to the un dersigned administrator for allowance at his residence in Hillsboro in saitl ounty ana all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. G. N. HALE. Administrator of the es tate of John Vite. dee'd. T. W. Pittenger, Att'y for Estate. dec21w4. and adi-e free. A special not'ee is made in the Scientific Amtr ican of all inventions Patented through this Ageacy. with tbe name and residence of the Patentee. Patents are- often sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to the f 1 -.: . Ul .4 FOREST 1 ROVE, OREGON. O MCkXLVLfkXOtXXirOXTIS AND IDcalora IN 3FurniturE.-SSr "WE HAVE JUST FURNISHEJJ LARGEST ANI MOST CO.l- PLKTK STOCK OF FURNITURE EVER OF lered to the People of Wash insrton County. 5 Which ' We Offer at Prie 1 That Defy Competition! HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF 11:1'. ll l iri P niifi'HJiic W. II. SAVI.OIU Burgeon and PhysMan, nO01I7, Dfcu m's rtulldlo?, 1st St., Ferl. Isn, Oregon. Orrics TIocss: From 9 a. rn., to I . as. auf3 if F. A. UAILKV, .11. 1. Phy sicUn, Surgeon and AecoathearV HULSBOEO. OSXOOff iiiiumiMu vRi;iioisc. invention by eut h notice. A pamphlet con- fnfi Still Prepared tO Make COffint lamg iuii irciioni ior ouvnuuiin - sent free. The Scitntific American Refer enee Ilook. a volume bound iu cloth and gilt, containing the Pateut L ws. Census of the U. 8.. and 142 Engravings of me hanical ruovements. Price 25 cents. Address for the raner or concerning Pat ents, Mtrs fe Co., 37 Park Row, New York With Nsatiess and Dispatch. Yletalic Caoketo OI FICE at the Drug Rtore. RESIDENCE Three Ulocks Bovth ef Drui. Ktore. ' al 7 1 VJLSO. 1IOWL11Y, M.D. Physician and Saryese, F0II EST GROVE, ffBEUOK. Ot'FICE- At his Residence, West ef Johison's rianiug Mills. a49; y T. II. II AND LEV, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OFFICE-In the Court House, Hi II hero, Oregon. nyl3-tf . siu.Dk S.HU0HE3. FOREST GROVE, CGN, DEALER IS CHAMPION MOUSE, CENTER DRAUGHT. C0LUNSCAS1 STEEL. and GARDEN CITY PLOWS BA1$ PACIFIC WAGOXS; Brunch Office. Cor. F A 7th Stretes. Wash ington D. C YOUNG MEN Furnished When Desired. SMITH & BUXTON, FOREST GROVE, OREGON OctStf. Who may be suffering from the effect of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity, l)r- SIN'KY U1 guarantee to forfeit $5(X) for every case of seminal weakncKS, or REAPERS, M0 WERSdt THRES TIERS; private disease of any kind or character PACIFIC FAN MILLS' which be undertakes ar a laws to cure, tie it a nifrerrvi r-nnnv nr ATT JTT vn would. th refore say to tbe unfortunate su - HARVESTING GOODS OF ALL KIADS. frter vho n)fty reht thl, notice, that vo Aln Are treading upon dangerous ground whs SHELF A HEAVY HARDWARE; yon longer delay in seeking that prop vinxiPD'ti At jiRrWAVrr'H TOOTS- remedy for Jnr complaint. You may b FAKMErl S flttllAMl juul., inthenrststage:remember youareapproae A FVLtlt AMD CUAlfJbCKC tiuciv ur Mng the last. II you sre I ordering np LOOK HERE Ifjou want anything in Ue Grocery line, from ! ! t'us morning, and several persons badlj hurt. Kone of the passengers were killed or seriously injured, but were badly ehaken P- Rips raspberries -were picked from the pushes at Olympia on tbs 2d inst. dead ON ATsD AFTER THIS usift n.u restanrant connected with this Homse will be conducted by the rropneiera. Vrthimrwill be left aado o malca tban -lire. oa ragmen ta of the guests feel at home, and by strict attention . . . . tn hnsiness we hope to continue tbe very wreck. No one of tke remaininS I bongeheretofore bsrtowed on 34 have been seen or heard from up this popular House. to the present time, and there ia lit tle doubt all hate perished. f!.-rh to and from tbe Honse. 8. D. Smith & TAomaa 1). Smith, janltf Proprietors. HARNESS tk SADDLERVl DOORS. SASH. MOULDINGS; PAINTS. OILS. BRUSHES, VARNISH; WINDOW GLASS; PUTTY. LIME, PLASTER, WOTTING, and CEMENT; ALL at tie LOWEST MARKET BATES. m30tf THE TITJ STORE. J. HELLER. PROPRIETOR. TINWARE. HARD WARE, COOK STOVES. YARLOR STOVES, OFF I E STOVES P-"Tin Ware and Stov Pipes constantly th? last, at d are suffering some or all its ill a barrel of Sn?ar down t ft Wt Reg I effects, remember that if you persist in pro crasti nation, the time roust come when the most skillful physician can render you no assistance: when the door of hope will be closed against yon ; wnen no angel tf mercy ean bring yon relief. In no case has the Doctor failed of success. Then let not despair work npon your imagination, but avail yourself of the beneficial results of his treatment before ronr case is beyond the reach f soedical s'kill. or before grim death hurries you to a premature grave. Full course of ratineut $25.00. Send money by Pot Office ord.-r or Eipress with full description of the ee. Call or address. Ik.A. B.Sin.BV. No. II Rears y gtreet. San Francisco. BOOTS &SHOES AT THE "OLD CORNER." M OrtXo. T HOUSE AND LOT FORMERLY occupied by Mr. 15lans. aan owwo as Blank's Hotel. I wtll sen weneap I Mean Business Tern s-C ASH. D. Pittenger. "Jin Vareana diov x'ipe roDwuuy , V., fwKr nartiralarm on hand or made to order. FMinq nnd er- and n eaay terras. For further particulars 1 IRWIN L. SMITH. xxArina don. Water Pit laid, etr.. etc.. J. HELLER Billsboro, Oregon. varlomS, Forest Grove, Sept. 14th, 1876. llOtf I0'( CATTm. Collin U Klllln, ITTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. iy Special attentUm riren in Land TiCta and jAiunium. Dekuro's Ruilding, First Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. THOMAS H. TONGUE. Attorney .tLswt . 1 llillfboro, Washington County, Oregea. Tf08, D. HUM PHREV.1. NOTARY PUBLIC and CONVEYANCER LEGAL papers drawn and epilations made. Business entrusted, rP W cf b cniieti 10 priiiijiuy , OFFTCF. New Court Hoqss 3 ; JAMES WITHTCOMBE, V e ( r r I i a r r S u r f e nf nILLSBORO, ... OREGON, nrlnnrmarr Krrt for norses. til pes month will be the charge for any ordinary case. " arr4f A. LHE. MACIIl.MhT end CARRIAGE- iiirm.Mi Parllcnlar stfention B'n f'P"Hrf Agricultural Machinery, Wood aud Iron Work done. (Hvr w .... . Shop situated south of lue iisinci nrnooj House in Forest Grove. , A. LEE. Forest Grove. July 3-1. 1P7Q. jy 7 r innwinr. iriOV. RTF! EL t llMlfrf f 8P0KEM, RIMS OAK. ASH AMD mCEOTlT PtAMX. I ,mm ark ST ITVta tMSM JS-. lyllot VwkUmaA.