Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1876)
THE INDEPENBENT, Thursday. Nbvembec 30. 18T&. TAC1F1C UNIVERSITY AND TUALA. TIN ACADEMY. We visited Forest Grove last weet and found these well known and ad mirably conducted institutions of learning more prosperous and har monious than they have beeti for several years. Prof. Kobb, ably as sisted in the Adademy by Miss Mack, and by Miss liowiby in mu sic, is carrying that institution up to higher proficiency and popularity than ever before. Prof. Lamson fills the chair of Mathematics admi rably, and his classes, are enthusi astic in bis praise. He is a clear headed mathematician and is sel dom found wanting in illustration or argument to make plain the dif ficulty of the science which he teaches. Professor Lyman; always faithful and earnest, conducts his classes in rhetoric and history. History is Prof. -L.s forte. "While Prof. Marsh increases his old repu tation as the teacher of languages, and, in fact, of any thing he at tempts to teach at all. President Marsh is regaining his health slowly, and though forced to remain iactive is busy with plans for the good of the school. He contemp lates going East agai nnext year in the interest of the Institution. His great success at the East in procuring the large endowment fund for the college and' academy surprises every one "who has had ex perience in such matters in the State. "While other institutions of learning in Oregon are in' debt Pa cific University is independent and has an endowment of $70,000. Ex cept only $300 or$100 of this Bum, the Doctor has secured tlio eutire amount named on his own personal representations and influence. And this is more surprising in the face of the fact that tho Congregational and College Societies in the East always have donbted' the wisdom of founding a college in the wilds of Or egon. But notwithstanding this dis couragement the Doctor got a large part of his donations from Christ tans and men of culture but not be longing to any particular religious de nomination. Thus he had to meet and overcome adverse influences in stead of being assisted by the influ ences named, and thought, ignorant ly by some, to be the power behind the throne that gave him success. The true reason of his success is, be cause men of means, liberality and culture in the 'Easf'hwui Zr. Jtarsh, as they kfteio his father. President James Marsh, to be a sound educator, a man of large views experience and business capacity; and because he estab lished the Uuiversily on the' ncni-secla nan basis, the same as Harvard and Yale. Through his far-seeing wisdom and energy he overcame all difficulties and the college is established on a basis as solid and lasting as most of the New England institutions, an en we hope President Marsh may be spared many years to perfect the great work his head and heart have so nobly wrought. A LITCII CONTROVERSY.' At the Oqtober terpx of the circuit court in this county John Landess brought suit against John Grdner both of SclibllV Ferry for $300 damages to his hay crop caused by the defendant's shutting up pi&h&tiflTH ditch , which, ran partly through deft.'s land. The complaint alleged that the plaintiff got the right of way through this land sev eral years prior when it wa3 owned by Peter . Scholl, ' the right having been verbally granted, and that the deft, had since recognized the validi ty of the agreement by taking a sum of money from the plff. in con sideration of the value of the ditch to the plff., in violation of which the deft, had shut up the ditch and caused the damage asked for in the complaint. Mr. Killin, attorney for" the defense, demurred to the complaint, on the ground that mere verbal agreements or grants "hold only during the pleasure of the grantor and can be annulled at his option. The demurrer was sustained and tde plaintiff allowed to file a new complaint, which was done and is pending. The sustaining of this demurrer is an important decision to the people of Washington county n there is a large amount of low lands in the county which needs dr .inage, and it is important to persons " pur chasing rights of way or securing grants for such rights to secure fem in writing so that they will hold the 'grantor and make him li able to damage for infraction. At the last term of the county eotzrt Mr. HaridTey, attorney- for the plaintiff, brought suit for right of way for this ditch through defend ant's land and the court appointed viewers to examine tile land and es timate the damage. LIFE IN OBSA T CITIES. The relative healthfulness of some of the great cities is shown in the following table; which exhibits the annual mortality for each 1,000 in habitants: Madrid 65 0 Vienna ....32 7 Berlin 30G Rome :29-3 New York .27-9 Turin 24-8 Brussels 248 Paris 23 2 London. . .22-2 Philadelphia.... 20 3 The above estimate for Madrid is from a recent compilation7 given in La Gacetd Industrial in that City. The capital of Spain is thus made to rank as one of the most Unhealthy places in the world Scientific Amer ' ican. The Inter Ocean's Washington special says: Officers of the House of Representatives now in the citj have been figuring on the Congress ional returns, and report that accord ing to the returns received up to to day, 142 Republicans and 144 Demo crats are elected. Three districts in New Hampshire are yet I o elect, and two Republicans and one Democrat are expected. Four districts are now in doubt one in Louisiana, one in Missouri and two in South Carolina. Estimating these doubt ful districts are divided equally be tween the two parties, the House will stand Republicans, 14G, Demo- fcrat is Alex H. Stenhens, who is not expected to be able to take his seat. This will leave the House a tie in his absence. The O. S. N. Co'i splendid steam er Daisy Sinsworth ran on a sunken reef just above the pper lauding ret the Cascades on the 22d and sunk and it is feared will be a total wreck. l ne disaster occurred m time oi a dense fog. The steamer was load ed heavilv with cattle which were crowded overboard into the stream to save the boat and many of them perished in the terrible whirlpools and'rapids below. Tas Republicans in this State are feeling quite nervous in anticpition that Gov. drover will refuse to issue a certificate of election to Dr. Watts. He was a post master and ineligible for the office of elect or. The Democratic organs ar t jubilant ami nrge that the certificate shall be issued to the Democratic candidate, having the highest number of votes. Cronin says he would not have it under the circumstances, and the Democracy will have tc persuade another of their candidates for elector to serve. John Morbisset is now permit ting men who bet money on the elec tion to '.vijlidraw thei? bets by pay ing him 5 per cent commission. It is said that $4,000,000 were locked up in pools in his hands. This would seem to indicate more strongly than anything else that the Democrats concede Hayes election. Thz Government is concentrating troops at Washington to anticpate and prevent any disturbance of the inauguration if Hayes should he be elected. It is reported that there is a secret organization in Baltimore proposes to prevent such ina uguration by arms. This movement of the government excite harsh comment by the Democratic press. - A special o.' the Times says that Tilden is affianced to to Miss Carrie Gwin, 33 years of age, and daugh ter of Duke Gwin, formerly U. S. Senator, Confederate sympathizer and Mexican nobleman, now resid ing in San Francisco. .Two Pre9Idedtiai electors, Injersoll, Democrat in Connecticut, and Rutledge Lea, Republican in Iowa, are reported to be ineligible because they were U. S. Commiss ioners at the time of their el ction. And it is said thnt there are sis of tlu Democratic electors eltc'ed in the "South that are in eligible on account of political disabilities from the Rebellion". Certain of our cotemporaries aie urging a special session of the Leg islature to 'legislate on important matters neglected at the late ses sion. Give us a rest. Another ses sion this year would make suicide 'duty: The be is another revolution on' foci in Mexico. fix-Chief Justice Igleseas has proclaimed himself Provincial President of the'republic at Leon, in the State of Guana juato. A part of Igleseas' escort attacked the American missionaries, crying," Death to Protestants. Tbk board of canvassers in South Caro lina threw out the vote of the counties of Edgefield and Lourens on account of fraud, thus securing a Republican majority in the legislature and the defeat of Hampton for Governor. The Democracy will rely on the courts to give them redrecs The small-pox is increasing in San Francisco. The disease is hap pily checked in Portland. No more cases are'reported on Gales Creek, those afflicted having recovered. TEE STATE. CovfUits. Hayes Tildeh Cooper Baker.... ..185 331 1 Benton 615 567 77 Clackamas. 950 724 18 Clatsop 432 386 . . Columbia... 162 193 2? Cora 571 515 Curry 3 .. : . . Douglas... 1002 847. 43 Grunt... .,301 2'Ui Jackson.,... .441 628 4 Josephine mat) 43 Lake 173 258 Lane 559 946 33 Linn 1323 1404 140 Marion... 1608 1063 10 MuJtTtomaftr33 1S26 1 Polk.. . . ... 554 402 50 Tillamook.. 119 76 ,1 Umatilla... 486 742 42 Union 176 309 22 Williams Lane 193 651 952 433 11 uo3 J 3 1031 3(5 408 171 961 1371 170? 2100 551 12J 503 178 477 C93 817 323 594 734 387 2. .4 550 828 261 69 1 43 250 911 1438 1UC2 1527 518 75 73 315 620 410 670 Wasco 487 617 Washington.CM 423 2 Yamhill 811 675 3 Total 112G2 13088 465 ll3?3 mi2 Says the Oregonian: The follow ing is the summary of the result of the Ipte election .in this state: Williams maj. over Lane 1,109 Cartwright's'maj. over Cronin. ...... 1,053 Odell's sninj. over Luswell. . ......... 1,053 Watt's ma, ever Klippei 1.CG6 Judge Jacobs, Republican candi date for Territorial Delegate is elect ed over Judson by a small majority The Presidential election still un certain. THE STATE. Twenty-two trausfers of reil estate in Clackamas county sine Nov. 10th, amount ing in all to nearly $20,000. , Kightlinger. of South Salem, r;avir' been guilty of the dastardly act of whipping his wife, was arrested and fined $21 and costs, in all amounting to something over $10. Gen. Brown having advocated Tilden's election so treu'uo'usly as to reduce the Democratic majority in "old Linn" from about 330 to less than 109, will suspend the publication of his Daily Democrat after this week. A letter from Tamhill county tothe Farmer says: In this eoUrty prospects are good for fall wheat. Owing to early rains some did not jet svJwed" all they desired, but perhaps the avreuge is larger than ever bjfore. The tendency toward fall sowin Is increasing. Early sowing is rcmlng more in favor a!o. A few more lessons like we h ive learned the past two years will bring i t rrore in favor. Oats are also sown in the fidf quite extensively. Attempt to Steal the Remains of Presi dent Lincon. Springfield, 111., Nov. 8. The most dastrdlf attempt wai mile ast nijrht to steal the bones of President Lincon from the cemetery vault here. The plot was suspected soiua time since, and Elmer Wash burn, United Stales Detective Tyr rell and asi3tants, watched the vault last night. The ecmintlrel broke in the outer and inuer doors of the vault, opened the several oases of the sarcophagus, and were about to make off with the remains when the detectives sprang out. The accident al discharge oi a pistcl alarmed the robbers, and they Add precipitately keeping in the darkness. The scoundrels have been captured. THE SUBURBS OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Of the suburbs of Constantinople only five are frequently mentioned, vix.: Pera, ,Gaiata,.Todbana, Kasim Pashiaand Scutari, afl biif the lasf-nf.ined" are on or near the European shores opposite Stambul, between the Golden Horn and the Bosporus. Pera was, until the fire of 1870, the principal seat of the Christian higher classes and of the foreign ministers, and contained churches for the principal Christian denominations, .several theatres and concert-rooms, four hospitals (English,- French, Italian, and German), three post-of5ces (Austrian, French, and . Greek), French, German, Greek, and Armenian schools, and a new French college. Gas was introduced in 1858, and telegraphic communication with Loudon completed in the saine 3 ear. Galata, built by the Genoese, is still in closed by the old Genoese wall and moat, rrfront eight thousand feet in circumference. In the centre of th3 town stml. an old round tower, crigirvdly irJEenifed as a work of defence, but now only ued as a w itch tower. It i-ionalrinlre l aul forty feet in ceiyht. and from its top the finest viow of Constantinople and it vicinity can be ob tained. Galata is the priticip il com-n?rcial suburb of CjaUautiu ple. It i inses santly thronged by i- lray crowd of merchants, clerks, carriers, seamsn, etc Tophanft' derives it importance from the large government founderies, the cannon made at which are equal to the best of European manufacture. The red and gilt Turkish clay pipes are also manufactured there on an extensive scale. Kasim Pasha contains the great arsemtl an navy-yard. Scutari is situited on the opposite Asiatic coast, on the site of the ancient Chrysdpolis. XTtiirge business hi silk", and cotton goods, leather, etc., is carried on there. It can tains a great number of khans and ware houses, also a Turkish post-office, an im perial palace, and the barracks of the Im perial Guards. Appleton's American Cyclo paedia, revised edilion, articW'Constanlino- ple." The c&er dfcy a Tickslnirg father, finding itnacessary tx reprove his son, gently said: "Don't stuff vieta lis into your m juth that way, mr son; Gjore.W.whinton didn't eat after that fashion." -The boy accepted the reproof without comment, and after pondering for a while, he remarked to him self: "And I don't believe George Wash ington licked his boy for finding a bottle of whisky in the shed when he was hunting after a hone-shoe either!" Vicksburg Herald. Dissolution of Co-partnership. TVTOnCE t tlCKEBT GIVEN THAT 'JLM the co-ptrtnersHipr heretofore fxUting between M. Stout and . Edwin Woodsworth wn dissolved cn the 2d day of November, 1816. y, ,,k v Nov9w4. E. WOODWORTH. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. K'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of .the.'Connty Court of. the State of Orecon for- Washing ton county made at tb November term A. D, 187b, of said court to wit: On the eth day of November A. D. 1870, authorizing and directing roe to sell ,a porfion of the Real property belong! n? to said estate on said-order particularly descriled and here inafter set forth. I will on Friday the 15th day of December. A D. 187G, at the hoiir of 1 o'clock p. m . of said day at the Court T T J ll'ii 1 . - . A . t nouw umrr in xjtiisonro in saiu conniy, til ler at public salf to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin the following described pie ces or parcels of land to wit: commencing at the quarter section corner on the East Hide of Section 25. T 1 N, of K 2V, thence West 55.14hnin to a post on the East, line of the Caleb Wilkin donation claim, thence South 20 East on aid Wilkin's East line 1824 chains to a post; Thence E, 54-51. chs to a post in E ist line cf riif cec'ion ?., thence north on section 18.21 chains to place of beginning containing 10 acres, also the following described tract: commencing at the South E. corner of said 100 acre tract, and ronning thence S. to the center of the Pnblie icad knowu as rhe Uarnes rowl, thence We' 30 ft-et, thence tbence North to the South line of said 100 acre trnet, thence East to the place of be ginning. - 7. 'nns of sale one half of pur chase price ia hand and one Ifalf in C nios. from day of sale; purchaser to give note for deferred p lymenN; note t b secured by morttjrge on premises sold. Expense of dt-ed and mortgage to pe peid by purchaser lltllsboro Nov. 1S7G. DELILAH II. BARRETT, Administrator of the Estate of 11. Bar rett deceased. Administrator's Notice. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .THAT the nude; signed has been axpinted by the Coui.ty Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of John persons having claims against said estate will present then to the niidvr-'ined at his residence soula cf Cornelius, Uitgoj, for allowance within six month from the date hereof and all jersons knowing themHelve indebted to aid estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment ia the under signed, Nov. f.lh. 1H7G. SOLOMON EMRICK, By Thos. D. Humphreys , his Att'y. Notice of Final Settlement. TVTOTICE fB HEREBY &IVEN THAT .L the undersigned administrator of the estate of Oavid T. Lenox df-e'd, has this day filed his final account -ps apinistra- tor of said estate and that the List Thurs day after the first Monday in December next is s t fT the hearing of thu same. AH persons interested in said estate will be and appear in said court on said day and show cause if any they have why said account .shall not be allowed and said administra tor and his sureties as such be discharge from fnreher liability therein. Nov. 6. 1876. DAVID LENOX, Adiniustrator of the Eitato of D.T. Len ox dee'd. II. M. I erance, rrcs-. W. L. White Secy. VTi Institution DKSIOXED rOK THE BUSHIE3S TRAINING OF BOTH BEX 3. Containing in its theoretical and practi cal exc rii;i?s the most ttwrVi.Mgb drill possi ble in vauiifying student for any business. After having been made thoroughly ac quainted with the theories of Double and Single .Kntry, Book-keepe tg. Commercial C'ouipi.tatations, Commercial Law, Busi ness Correspondence, Business Paper Mon ey Values, Penmanship, etc, the student at orics enters into otual Businoss On his own account in which he buvs, sells, ships, orders, tf'c the same as in any tirst-ctass and extensive business. This institution has mure Students in FIRST CLASS SITUATIONS than any Businss College on this Continent for the number graduated. For f ill particulars, send for N. B. Col lege Jouru if. Address De France & Whfte, Lock Box 104. Portland, Oregon. -LADIE3 DEPARTMENT Organized with fvijllei ow in uttetiiririice in all tlie tejiart mtMif of instruction. Administratrix tale of Ileal Es tate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GITEN THAT by virtue of an order ef the county court of Benton county, State of Oregon, made at the June term thereof. 1M76, in the matter of the estate of Arnold Fuller, dee'd, the undersigned Anministratrix of said Es tate, will on Saturday the 2Tst day of Oct., A. I). 1H7. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., of aid day at the court house door in Washington county, Oregon, sell- at public (fiction to . the bluest bidder all the right, title and interest which the said Arnold Fuller bad at the time of h d'tjnth in an to the fol!o ring de scribed premises to wit; All f the East half of the No. th West quarter of section One in Township One, S, It 2lVet according to the land survey of the U. S. in the Stale of Oregon, con fining 80 acres xaie t 1ss ia Washington connty, Oregon. Terms of sale cash in hsnd on day of sale. Kelsat & Yaxtis. MARY E. FULLEE, Attorneys for Estate r Administratrix. 1 - Sep'28rt. Salo, MY nOtJSE AND LOT FORMERLY oecnpied bv Mr. Blank, and known as Blank's Hotel'. Twill sell it cheap and on easy terms. For further particulars enquire of the own. r, ij$yrx l. smitk;. Forest Grove, Sept. 14th, 1876. Adinlnlslratrl. Notice. NpTI.CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT th undersigned has been appointed by the Hon County Comt of Washington connty, .Oregon, administratrix of the estate of James faHman deo'dr All persons having claims against said estate will present them Syr allowance within sil months from the ate hereof with proper vouchees at her res idence 1xt jniles south-west ef , Cj-eenrille in said county, and all persons indebted o. utid estate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment to the undersigned. CATHARINE TALLMAN - Not. 16, 1876. Administratrix. Fi A. BAILEY. Main St., IlilUboro, PKALIB VK MEDICINES ; CHEMICALS PAINTS OILS, IIRUSIIES SOAPS, -PKHFUMEIIY AND TOILET ARTICLES. Pure Wineck Liquors for i MEDICINAL USE. t .... S I A5f DETERMINED NOT TO BE undersold by any house on the PaolfLo Ooost! CASH! CO CCASK! r-J. F. TIIOII AS has charge rf the prescription depnrtinent. Prescriptions cflrefuiiy comr'unded at all hour. FOR SA L E ! The Following Valunb'e . FARMING LANDS For Salo: ffrptffr Acres 1 miles north of Hills boro, 1,'th acres in cultiva . pn. Q20 Acres 3 J miTo west of DHley Stction; 200 acres in cultiva tion. Acre one mile onth of Dilley Station, 80 acres in cultivation. Acres 3 miles west of Dilley Station, 300 acres in cultiva tion. ft OT1 Acres 3 miles south of Gasfon Station, 200 acres in cultiva tion. 4-QQ AcrK 2 miles west of Wilbur Station. Acres on Sauvie's Islnnd in Multnomah county, 9 miles . north of Portland. Gooi Dairy t Ciraxin? Ranch ps. Cheap for Cash. TC11MS K A SY. Agent for WHEELER 3 NO. G REAPER Si MOWER COMBINED McCORMAi K'S REAPER & MOWER; COATS II AY RAKE;- At DILLEYSTATIOX. Parties desirous of buying will please en quire of A C Hall at DILLEY", or of WUSrocgin, at my residence 3 miles west of Dilley. Dilley, Washington Co., Oregon, My 21th. 18TG. Junltf LOOK 1 If you want anything? ... .. in the Grocery line, from a barrel of 8ujar down to a Nnt Meg BOOTS & SHOES AT TH-t"0LD CORNER." I Mean Business. Terms CASH. W. D. Pittcnger- flOtf LAND FOR nnilE TJNDERSIONF.D HAS FOR SALE JL several Farms and a large amount of 01st I class, nnimpYoved land, lying in Washing ton County, Oregon. Immigrants and others desiring to would do well to give me a'ca'f. Now is the time to secure comfortable homes terms. on easy THOS. D. HUMPHREYS. -IIiixsBoito. June 29th. P375. jlyl-tf I-OFFER FOR SALE, OR FOR TRADE . for other property iu. Oregon two lots with dwelling house, wagon snop, stame, garden, well, Jk. all fenced in and situate in the town of Dillev. The buildings are all new and suitable for other business ifdes svxed. For terms inqnire at tbe pemises or by letter. Address me at Dilley, Wash ington county, Oregon. GEORGE SINFIELD. Dilley July 14, 187C. jy20tf , 4 MIRK WELL THESE FACTS! THE TESnilONY OF THE WORLD. Holloway'o Pillo. fjy Let the Suffering nd diseased read the following. JT Let all who have been given ' up by Doctors, nLspoken of as incut able, read the following. Fi?Let N those who can believe facts, and can hare faith in evidence read the follow ing. ' hhrno til meu by thtM present. That, on this, the Twentieth d iy of June, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eigbt Hundred and Sixty-six. personally came Joseph Hay dck to me known as such and being duly sworn deposed s follows: Thut he is the nole general agent' for ih United States snd dependencies tnereoi irr preparations of medicine known as Dr. Holloways's Pills and Ointment, and that the following certificates are verbatim copies to tbe best of bis knowledge and belie. , . JAM t -i r. 1 1 III-., v. . Notary Public. 14 Wall Street, New York. June 1st, 1808. Db. notLOWAT: -I pen to write you of my great relief nrd tha't fife awf id pain in my side has left ino at Just thanks r your Pills. Oh, Doctor, how thankful I am that I can get son sleep. Ic mnev. er write if cnr nnh. "I thank you again nnd ajjain and am sure that you are really the friend of all sufferers. 1 cnull not help writing to you and hope you will not take it amiss. JAMES MYERS,, 11 Avenue D. Thia ii in certifv that I was lischar?rd from the army with Chronic Diarrhea, anil and have been cured by Or. llolloway s Fills- WILSON HARVEY, 21 Pitt Street. Niw Yobk, April 7, 18C0. The following fi an'.sif iotrfesfihgciteof a man employed in an Iron Foundry, wiio. in pouring ineltett iron into a nittk that wns damp and wet, canned an exploHion. The melted iron was thrown around Mm ''in (V perfect shower, and he was burred dread fully. The following certificate was given to me, by bira, about eight weeks after the accident: New Yokk, April 7. 18Cr,. Mr name is Jacob Hurdv; I am an Iron Founder. I was badly burnt by hot iron in November last; my burns heal d, but I had a running sre on hit leg- that wouvk not heal. I tried llolloway s Ointment and it cured me in a few weeks. This is all tne and any IkmIv ran see me at Jack son's Iron .Wn k, 2d Avenue. J. IIAP.UY, 113, Ooereh Street. Extracts from Varlnns Letter. 'I had no appetite; llolloway 's Tills gave me a heart v one. Your Fills are marvelous." "I send for another box, and keep them n the house. Dr. llolloway has cured my headache that wan chronic." ..... .. ' 'I gave one cf yonr Piils to my babe for cholera morbus. 1 he dear little thing got well in a dav. My ti'iusea of a tiorning is now cnd." 'Your ox of Hollowav's Ointiftent tared me of noises in the head. I rubled some of your Ointment on behind the ears, and the noise has left." Send me two bete. I want truS tot a poor family." "I eneloe a dollar, your price is C" cents but the medicine to me is worth a tll,tr. "Send me five bottles of your pills." - "Let me havo three Iwues ftf rrur " Pilia by return ma I for Chills and Fever." I have over 200 unch testimonials as these but want of space compels me to FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS. And all eruptirina of the skin, this oint ment is most ii.fllt'.ftblo. I( ifoei hot heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. Holloway's F!lls Invariably cure the following diseases; Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases afiectinff flrse organs, whethei they secrete too much or too Jittl water; or whether they be afllicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the reuions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken itceording to the printed direction and the OintrucM whould be yvell rubbed into tho small of th back at bed - time. This treatment will give slmost immediate relief when all other means have faile J. For Stomachs Oat of Order. lo medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove e.'l - aci lity occaKioned either by intemperance cr improer diet. . They reach the liver and reduce it 10 a healthy a lion"; they are wonderfully eflicucious in case of spasm .in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the stomach and lit. er. llollomiy'n Fill are the best remetVien Luoiph in the world for the follouciwj dineae: Ague, ' fiebility, Inflamation, Asthma, Dropy, Jmndice, , Ililious Com- Dysent -ry. Liver Complaint, plaint. ErysijH'Ias, Lumbago, i31tches on Female Ir Piles, the Hkir. - regnhwities, Jtbenmatlxra, Bowel feversofall Rettrtionwf urine, . Complaints, kinds, Scrofula, cr Kin'g's Colics, Fits, .... EviL Constipation Oont, fTornvas, of the bowels. Headache, Consumption, Indigestion, Secondary, RUuie ft Oravel, Symptoms, Tumors, - Tic-Doloreaui, LMcers, Venereal Affec- Worms of all Weaknesses tions, kinds, from any cauiie, etc. IMPORTANT CAUtlOJI' Kone aregennine nnless the Signature of J. , Hayoock. as . agent for the United States, rurromids erb .box.of Pills and Ointiuect A handniae rerird will le giv en to any on rendering -iwb information aa may k-ad to the detection ct an;arty or parties counterfeiting the medicine or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. r, . . Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hoixowat ft Co.. "w Y.rk, and by all re spectable Drnggntts and Dealers, in M dU cine throughout tbe civilised world, in box es at 23 cents, 62 cents and f 1. E7There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. Ii. Eirectiona for tbe guidance of pa tient in every disorder arc affixed to each box. Furniture Man'f Co, 'wiii--irVw FtcrHri ic 1 V)I I V J MO IC:, and HURGREN ft HIIINDLER, Manufacturers and Importer. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FnmitarefBeddinf , Carpets , Paper-Han gipg, uilClotha. Mirrors, etc etc- ' '.... , T . .Wareroomi: Cor. Yamhill A Flnt Steam aetory Cor. Madison A Front Sts., Portland, Oregon. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE citii'efts OT V fLLhBORO and vioi.: ity to the fuct thut have our summer stock of furniture, also carpets, oil-cloth and wall-paper which we offer at greatly reduced w - prices. 10 me urangers we would say my furniture of this bouse made from ear Oregon ash. maplo and alder. We do set keep Pine and Redwood furniture made in California, And if you want a first rate Snriua bed. Wool, Hair, or Pulu mattwSsU very thing at this t-stublishrnent is cUAr) new and fresh, not a pound of second-naad materia) nsel. The Oregon t umiture Vlan ufactuHug Company is managed by men wno nsve spenr ue oeai pan 01 mir nvee in building up the furniture business in Or" gon and we claim to know tbe wsnta of tin furniture trade. rce arid price our goods. We warrant satisfaction. , Oregon Furniture Manu'f Co. dcc!51y Portland, Orefon A, L. JOHNSON; Manufacturer Coffins and Caskets Made to Or der. TO Till the buai ness is devo ted the espeW cial care and attention' which itds fu'anda. and Dealer ,w . nrnitnro. M'4'ting, Wall Pi. per Winrio -hhud S Mirrors, Pictur' Frsm's laby Carriag's Lounges, Mat Presses d c. Offce ar-Vl Sa 00m oil Pine 8t. bet. Elm &. Wain ut. Forest Grove Oregon. jj29 A. HI (MM AN Has the largest stock of goods in the Grovw fyonsisting of ' . . . DRY CCODS, CLOTH ISO, HATS, FA XC Y All TWL1CS, de. FaptHy. liroccrlca, and Provlsiona, HARDWARE, CROCkERY Jtt., dt. PRICES LOW as the LOWEST A.HINMAN. Forest Grov Or. Nov. 7, 1873 43ny :1 &l'Z nday at home. Agents wanted. Out-, tit and terms free. TRUE ft CO., Angutta, Maine. aprl3rl . $fi to $2(1 per day at home. Ham plea werth iJ.! oi .t a m r t 91 iree. miusou x wo., roriiana nisina. i:NI) 25c. toO. P. ltowtllf Co., New Yorlc Ik3 for iPamphlet of KM) psKes. conUininc Uts of u J(j tic wxpapcrs, and estimates ahew - t.ny cfKt 01 suverising. PItOFESSTONATi CA"HDS. Y. II. SAYI.OIU Surgeon and Physician 1100)17, DccumMJul'.JWi ,', 1st Port land, Oregon. Ofkicb (ouBii; From 9 a. m., to 8 p. to. sug.'l f t a HAii.iiV. ni. n. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. iJlfLSBDllO. - - otEOOTf' OFFICE at the Drug Store. KI'.SIDENCE Three lilocks Booth oC .Drugstore: nl7l WILSO.N UUWJL1IY, M. U.' Physician a.nrSBrgeont FOKCST (iUOVF., .... CREU05.' ' OFFICE- At bis Residence, West of Johnson's Planing Mills. uiO; j .. r. '. iiami.i:v, ATTORNEY ASD COUNSELLOR' AT LAW. OFFICE In tbe Court House HilUboro, Oregon.' TifiTtt lOUN CATLtW. B. XILLI Catlin Jb Killin, ITTORXtifs AND COUNSELOR AT LAW.... tJTSecial attention, fren tt Jwd Titles and , . Litigation. Deknm's Iluilding, First Street, PORTLAND, OREOON. - THOMAS H. TONGUE. Alt orner -at -Law, llilL-boro, Washluglon County, Oregon. THOS. D. IIUJIPHUKYS. NOTARY rUUIJC and CONVEYANCER .-. LEOAL p.qers drawn and collections, m.-ule. Hindu entrusted to his care at ended to promptly, OFFICFWw Court House b3:.1 JAMES WITHTC0MBE, Vetvi hiarr Surge on, IIILLSBORO, . . ... OREGON. riTlnftrmary Kept for Horses. f15 per. month will be the charge for any ordinary case. - apr8tf A. LEE. r MACHINIST rtnif CXAItlUAGfc. HIAKHIl. rarllcular attention given to ! repairing Aericnltural Machinery. Wood and Iron Work done. Give me a call. 1 : .i Shop situated south of the District Rch6ol House n Forest CiToye. ' -.V . A. LEE, Forest drove, July Sd. IS7. JylMy . PUUCIIAS1NO AGENT, ' '-' .... I 1 it 11 v a it i. inrsmr bti' n. . v II UDDM, SPOXEM, RICH - 0 OAS, ASH AUD mCKOY PLAIJ NOBTimUP k THOMPSON, JyUml Portland, Oregon res H ' L