t : r Si J PERSONAL. Olk Bull ami wife have returned from Europe, and are in Boston. It is proposed to raise a monument to Henry A.WUe, in Richmond. 31 ess Julia Griffin has nearly finished her bust of Governor Tildeu. John De Bp.ot is organizing the Chi-ci-o house of A. T. Stewart & Co. John Bright has accepted the degree of LL. D. tendered him by Williams Col lege? Maria Mitciiell, the astronomer, thinks science can't be taught by text books. Henry Ward Beech er lectured at Montreal on the "The Minstrelsy of Wealth." Eastern rumors announce that Abdul Iluruid will be dethroned and Mehemid Keshid be made Sultan. T)e Witt Talmagk has resigned his position as editor of the Christian at Work and becomes editor of the AI entire. John F. Cleveland, for thirty years connected with the New York Tribune, is dead. lie married Horace Greeley's sister. The monument of Columbus has been unveiled at the Centennial Grounds. Grand civic and military demonstrations prevailed. It is iM that there is no one in Cali fornia capable of taking Ualston's place us an entertainer t distinguished per sons. A . 1 . Herald. The King of Bavaria was lately in Paris, when he went about enveloped in a large cloak, and observing the strictest incognito, as is Ins custom. John Jacob Astok has been nominat ed for Mayor by a Greenback Associa tion. Alter this there can Ihj nothing grotesque in politics. Ar. Y. Tribune. A California woman offered Edwin Booth $ 100 to kiss her, but after a second look at the paint on her face he ottered her $'2.3 not to bother him. Detroit Free J' its. Major V. "W. Lander, formerly pri vate secretary to Senator Charles Sumner, but for the past two years a well-known politician of Colorado, died suddenly in Jeuver. Cardinal Manning's solicitor has run away with 150,000 which he held as trustee for Cathotic charities and asso ciations. The Cardinal himself loses $40,000. Professor Charles Davies, LL. D., long an instructor at West Point, and au thor of a number of popular mathemati cal works, died recently at Fishkill on the Hudson, in the sevtutv-uiuth vear of his age. New Orleans Bulletin: He now thinks it unsafe to leave blotting-paper around the office. His wife found this on a piece : :euS tseraed .scvolg fo xob dnes lliw I .EILLlW "Professor" Dixon, who performed the "living burial" feat recently at Bel vedere, Sou til Carolina, died of fever a few days ago, nod was buried in the iden tical coffin which he hud used in perform ing, his trick. The Japanese Educational Commission, after having spent four years in examina tion of the various systems of education in Europe and America, has selected the Boston system as the model which it w ill represent at home. Charles Francis Adams has com pleted the life of his father, John Quincy Adams, and the concluding volume, the twelfth, is now in the press of Lippincott, of Philadelphia, and will appear in the course of the autumn. One of the bandits captured in Minne sota shows great familiarity with the poetry of Byron. It would be interesti ng to know how much of the responsibility for those outrages should he saddled upon "The Giaour" and "The Corsair." The furnace designed by Dr. LeMoyne, of Washington, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of cremating such persons as may be desirous of being reduced to ashes af ter death, has bqen manufactured at Pitts burg and shipped to its destination. G race Green wood writes from abroad : "Our handsome young novelist, Julian Hawthorne, lives in Twickenham (near London), old classic ground of genius, lie leaves a life of study and labor,re!ieved by recreation of the most simple and sen bible sort, and gladdened by the presence of his lovely wife and children." Mr. Moody had preached during the past summer at Greenfield, which is near .Northiifcld, Mass., his summer home. Some of the citizens of Greenfield sent him, says the Boston Congregationalist, "a check for a considerable sum, in grate ful consideration of his labors. He promptly returned it, saying he went among them for the love of it and not for the money." Koijert Barnwell Uhett, of South Carolina, died in St. James Parish, La., last week. He was a native of South Carolina, having been born in Beaufort on the 21th of December, 1800. deceiv ing a liberal education, he adopted the profession of the law. He will be re membered as the man who first advocated on the lloor of Congress a dissolution of the Union. He was a prominent mem ber of the Confederate Congress, and since the war has lived on a retired plan tation in Louisiana. Bisnop Janes. The Methodists have met with agrcat loss in the death of Bishop Janes. He was one of the niost industri ous and popular of the bishops, singularly modest ami unpretentious. He has given the church fifty years of earnest and un npialed labor. He was always ready for any service, any where, at any time, "in labors abundant, in work oft." Very early in his ministry he bought a wild farm among the mountains of New Jersey at Bernardsville. He lived there a large part of his life. The locality be came the popular resort of wealthy New Yorkers. Bishop Janes, quietly holding on, became possessed of a large wealth. A man by the name of Oliver came from Ireland. He worked his passage by tak ing care of the sick. He won the affec tion of some of the passengers, who prom ised to look out for him. Mrs. Janes was in want of a trusty man to take care of the place and run the farm. Oliver was recommended to the lady and he en tered into her employ thirty years ago. He remained faithful and successful till about five years since. He was then able to buy the Bishop's place with his elegant mansion. He is now one of the wealthy of Bernardsville, and has a regal income from summer boarders. Bishop Janes was a catholic man, loyal to his church, but at home in all denominations. His voice was feeble, his manner not prepos sessing, yet he was one of the most ear nest and successful preachers in his church. At times he would work himself up into a whirlwind of excitement, and shriek like an eagle in a storm. Boston Journal. How Cooke, the Musician, Explained. At a trial of the Court of King's Bench in 1813. between certain music publish ers, as to an alleged piracy of an arrange- ment ot tne song oi -ine uiu nngiisii Gentleman," Cooke was subpoenaed as a witness by one of the parties. On his cross examination by Mr James Scarlett for the opposite side, that learned counsel questioned him thus: "Now. sir. you say tnat tne iwo melo dies are the same, but different; now what do you mean by that, sir?" To this Tom promptly answereu: "I said that the notes of the two copies were alike, but with different accent, the one being in common time, the other in six-eight time; and consequently the po sition of the accented notes wasdiffereut." "Now, pray, sir, don't beat about the bush, but explain to the jury, who are supHsed to know nothing about music, the meaning of what you call accent." Cooke "Accent in music is a certain stress laid upon a particular note, in the same manner as you would lay stress on any word, f.r the purpose of being better understood. Thus, if I were to say, 'You are an hum,'' it rests on ass: but if I were to say, 'Yon are an as-,' it rests on you, Sir James." Shouts of laughter by the whole court followed this repartee. Silence at length having In-en obtained, the Judge, with mat h seeming gravity, accosted the coun sel thus: "Are you sati-tied, Sir James?" Sir James (who had become scarlet in more than his name), in a great hutf,said: "The witness may go down." A Disappointed Maid. Miss Stokes consideres work very un ladylike, and the kitchen Ialor "perfectly shocking." But w hen an iudustrious ami sensible young man began to occasional ly drop in and spend an evening, she very wisely refrained from expressing these convictions, after hearing him on several occasions severely denounce the frivolity and indolence so laslnonablc at present with many of the young ladies of Philadelphia. Entertaining a high regard for the young man, sue uetc mined ro surprise him by some great teat of ber industry and perseverance, and last evening as they were seated together on the parlor sofa, after the conversation had U-gun to flag, she artfully allowed a sigh to escape her. "Are you unwell?" he tenderly in quired. "No, I am quite well." "But you sighed," he persisted. "Yes; but I suppose it was because I felt so tired." "Have you been busy?" "Oh! yes. indeed," was the reply. "Why, would you Indieve it? I cut out a totrd and made it all myself to-day." There has been a coolness between the parties ever since, the reason of which he has never been fully able to explain, but she anjjrily remarked the next morn ing that some men were foolish enough to imagine that a woman ought to be able to do more work than a fifty horse-power steam engine. The Kmploymeiit of Time. The foundation of all economy is a wise disposition of time. Let that be ac quired and true economy in everything else will infallibly ami speedily follow; and the most difficult step toward acquir ing it is a real and wise economy of time. Economy has, in fact, got a very bad character with the great majority of peo ple because it is confounded with stingi ness; though, in fact, they are so far from being connected that stinginess is a very deadly enemy to real economy, while liberality and generosity must be con lined to words and w ishes w here economy is not served. Still some persons imagine that if they play the niggard with every cent and every article of which they can obtain jossession they are good economists. A more wretched and complete mistake can not be made. Economy is the right em ployment of money ami means, not the hoarding and burying of them. To save is very laudable and desirable, but it is no saving to lay up certain piecesof coiu w hile we shiver for want of fuel or faint for want of food which those pieces of coin would purchase; to do so is to save the coin, indeed, but it is to save it at the expense of that health and that duration of life which no amount of money can purchase or compensate for. Eccentricities of Great Men. We find, says the New York Time, that the story entitled "The Hose of Death," re published in the Time of Sunday from the Cornhill Jifii'',originally appeared in Harper' Bazaar, some five years ago, under the title of "Otto of Hoses." The story was purchased by Messrs. Harper fc Brothers from Julian Hawthorne, and that versatile person would appear to have slightly expanded and touched up this early production and resold it to the publishers of the Cornhill. We have had some similar experience of the sharp practice of the novelist of the period in regard to stories purchased from Mr. Bret Harte, ami to a story for w hich we were on the point of paying an agent of Mr. Wilkie Collins. It is perhaps natural that authors who arc appreciably poorer because of the lack of an international copyright law, should be tempted, now and again, to indemnify themselves by selling the same wares twice. Bishoi Wuiri'i.E, of Minnesota, con tributes a statement to the discussion of the Indian question which bears hardly upon the reputation of the United States as a civilized nation. He says that we have not an hundred square miles of territory in which a massacre of whites or Indians has not occurred, and that we have spent 500,000,000 in Indian wars; while the same two races in the British dominions, constantly thrown into contact, have never had a massacre, and the whites have never spent a dollar in Indian wars. This contrast leaves nothing to be said in apology for the policy of the Americans. This state ment, so far as we can remember the his toric facts, is perfectly true. Interior. Says Prof. Huxley of our colleges: "The English universities arc the product of government; yours of private munifi cence. That among us is almost un known. The general notion of an Eng lishman, when he gets rich, is to found an estate and benefit his family. The general notion of an American, when for tunate, is to lo something for the good of the people and from which benefits shall continue to flow. The latter is the nobler ambition." Dr. Sears say that the majority of the Southern (States have made slow but steady progress in education; two or three have manifested renewed interest and energy. The conviction of the neces sity of public schools is gaining ground everywhere. 8 AN FRANCISCO MARKET. Quotations, unless otherwise Bpecifled.rep reaent receivers' prices in lots, marketed on wharf or from store. FLOUR. Exports for the week aggregate 35,ouo qr sks. Our market was not active, though we have had a fair local and export demand. The steamer Oceanic is loading fur China, and is to take considerable quan tities of Flour. We quote superfine at 4 lJ5(gf4 standard brands, f 4 V-JJj'dj 4 extra eupertiue, $." Vi); extra fam ily, .j -.(;. WHEAT. The market for Wheat has been quiet but tirm, at prices ranging from $1 (JO j$l 05 fur fair to choice shipping. Holder nave iiau ineir lueus well up in coiisenucnce of the bullying movement noted in our last reiwtrt. Some have even been holding for l 7jX, and confident that the offer made by llie ecceiilt le nuyer would be sustained and higher prices would rule throughout the season. Hut millers and shippers were not willing to submit. 6eeinj; no occasion for this forced but temporary rise in values. Thus we have not had the active trade in this cer eal that otherwise would have occurred, had this illegitimate movement not happened. Tliouh, notwithstanding this picayune ut tcinpt, we have a continued active export movement. Since the lirst inst, '21 clearan ces, representing TJ.Tl'J ttls, up to the loth, and 4 more on the 14ih, making in all clearances up to this writing, bciu an aver age of - cargoes each working day. Liver pool quotations are lc lower than for the same time la.-t week. We quote extra mill ing Wheat at $1 l 1 ; extra super line, il .V2;a ((4il i.; fcupeiline, $1 4U ij $ I 4", according to quality; choice fehip ping, $1 ii,l(itl l;ur to good shipping, 1 o7ai,l titJ; Mixed Wheat, $1 301 40, as to condition. liAULEV. Choice brew ing and chevalier continues to be in good request for shipping' L.t by sea. The ship Uiue Jacket curried :,;t4 tla to New Yoik, and the U.J. Moul toii nailed lor li.tltimorc on the I '.Il.li, carrying ltv-l ctls. Feed kinds are in abundant sup ply; prices unchanged. We quote bay feed al '.NKiiikV; count feed, f'i.' (i'."c ; chevalier, l J."v!&$l o."; eatru choice, l 4li1;l 45; brewing,! t0(i f I 1 OAT. The arrivals from the coast con tinue free. Otlering on 'Change ure largely of poor to fair grades; choice milling scarce. We quote milling ul 1 0iitl T.": ltihhI to choice fecit, l oO i fl 00; ordinary feed, i :il 40. CO UN. We continue to have an ample supply and large otlering ; demand only moderate. Large yellow and white are quot able at l 10; smail rouud, l l." jfetl; mull yellow, f I 141 I,1. UYL. We quote: tl .Vr?l GO. WOOL. Our market has again been active and buoyant. S-ulcs aggregating upwards of l,T.V,o tu lbs since our la.-t report, and prices are again marked up fully lc higher. Choice Northern continues to be lirinly held. Choice Oregon Valley Wools are hcM at "J'ic. Ship ments during the month of September, by rail, aggregate about i,0OO,H)O H).-. The ship liluc Jacket on the lOih iust carried N2,Ni. tbs for New York. We quote: Oregon Val ley, iioo; Eastern, iiOUlc; California fall, free, good to tine staple, 14)a(jil0c; fall hur ry, lU(l::c; fall Northern, Is UK:; Northern fancy, J0viJ"J'Je. Hai.S a.no BAGGINt;. The market is abundantly supplied w ith grain Sacks, and in round lots sales have been cttecled below our quotations. We quote: barley Hags, 2-X40, al l:V; barley Bags, 24x40, 14Jac; Barley Bags, 2)x:Jo, loje; -Machine-sewed, 11. lUc; x;i, Hand-sew cd, U-Jxiw;, 11)1; Flour Sacks, halves, lc; Flour Sacks, quarters, bic; Standard Gunnies, 1 ljlic; W ool Sacks, 4 His, ifZyv; Wool Sacks, lbs, 4,1'c; Burlaps, 4. in., Ve ; Burlaps, 40 in., Sc; Burlaps, bO m., lutrc. BEANS. lts from wharf are quotable as follows: Bayo, ih0.ti -r0; small White, l ."H(il 7-; l'ea,fl I S"; l'ink, ;iO(, : OO; Ued, 2,14(ti5,'i,c; large Butter, 1 1H Z lO; medium do, tl o.(i, t 7). DA IKY moDUCE. The following com parative table will show the increased pro duction of Butter and L hecee feince ls.": litU. J!nttrr-ft Cherr-1t. filly 1, i. lo.liiiy 1, V.l .'.."si.im vi.;al.. i Jiwy i. l ..!. to July 1. i.t.r,w 4.a-.,1ii .Juy 1. Ii., to July 1. H,;io,im &.;i.'.,i July 1, jSia. to Ju.y 1, '. Ur.,yl i,.".s,iiK The market ha? been inactive. Receipts large uud stocks accumulating. Strictly prime ami fancy roll commands 4.c, and an occasional box of such as I'oint Kcyes a trifle higher; the supply of such goods are usually light, but all oilier grades ure dull; common to fair roll extreme ly dull; pickled roll by the single bbl, :JJ,lc ; iirkui aleaily. Kggs tirm, Willi an occasional sale at 50e. Ea.-itern and Salt Lukes are in large receipt; w ith the scarcity of fresh Cali fornia the demand is good. Choice fresh roll California Butter, 42i((i4.c; fairtogood roll, ;50:ic ; pickled roll, :0(j,:;c; lirkin, 'Z't (is'.iOc lb; Cheese California, ll(il4c; Eastern Cheese, 10(ijl4c B; California Eggs, 45uj; "Oc; Oregon Eggs, 40c; Eastern Eggr, tiiiyA'c 1 doz. FUL'i l S. Grapes and Apples are in abun dant supply the former are extremely low and dllticult to cll. lVaches are out ol mar ket. Choice eatingI'ears sell well. We quote : Beaches, tt, out..H-; Bears, fair to choice, V box, 7n:(iif -; Blums, :(i2e V tt; tirapes, -I5(jt7oc Vhox; Strawberries, fl UO(4 OO f4 chest of bO lbs; Bananas, i 50( 4 00 V bunch; Pineapples, t U0( 50 t doz; Limes, 10 00(ptfJ 5J V M; Canta loupes, 7': irtt $1 ' V doz; Watermelons, 4 oO(tf5 0O f 1O0; Crau berries, if 10 uo flX Oo. FKUITS, DKIEIX There Is a good de mand for choice stock. We quote Apples, quartered, at o(i 7c V 0! Apples, sliced, oj- ((4 7i'e; Apricots, llLJc; Beaches, 07c; Blums, pitied, l,14c. POTATOES and ONIONS. The arrivals of Potatoes and Onions have been more abundant, though choice Potatoes sold up to $1 1-. Onions, 00i70c. Sw eets have teeu plenlilul, and very cheap. At this writing the market is tirm at 75e. We quote: Choice, l OOyiil B-iji'; fair to good, kko.S.x: V loo lbs; Sweets, 7:e "ty loO lbs. Onions, tiO(?Oc. PUOYISIONS. Jobbing rates are for Cali fornia Smoked Bacon and Eastern Sides, in jobbing lots, l.1) 17c for heavy to light; California plain Hams, le; Eastern Hams, lH(;j'0c; California Lard, 14) (t$ lOjc; Eastern do, l"(ftl7-a for all styles ol package; California Smoked Beef, P.i3(!l4c lb; Beef Tongues, $JOOO; Pigs' Feet, i4 00; Mess Beef, $'J 50(rtll 00 for bbls, and G S0jj uo for hf bbls; Pork, fl'JOO for Prime, oil for Prime Mess, '-i4 OO for Mess and i-lt 0t$24 00 for Clear and Extra Clear. POULTRY". We quote: Hens.f 7 )0(jjf S 00; Roosters, 5 00f($t 00 V dz; Broilers, :j 50 (4$4 50 V doz; Geese, tame, OU(,r; 5o fl pair; Ducks, do, 7 OO'j 00 V doz; Tur keys, live, lbcrt lHe. HIDES. The demand Is good. Dry, 14(l5c, for usual selections; Wet Suited are quotable at 5(4c. The New York price at date given at 10c, gold, for dry. TALLOW. Market abundantly supplied at ScO'e for good to choice. CORN MEAL, Fine kinds for the table, 2(!oc y Q; coarse kinds for feed, $-7 50o ot y ton. BUCK. WHEAT. New crop 6ales at 12 75. BRAN axo MIDDLINGS. The mill prices of Bran arc reduced to flu 50(jtl7 50, and 24 OO y ton for middlings. HAY. Poor and medium grades plentiful; choice wheat iu demand. We quote prices within the range of 7 00(3113 W, according to quality. ... HOPS. Our market continues to be active and higher prices are asked; 30c seems to be the figure named for good to choice State Hops. A few bales received from Washing ton Territory sold at 24(25c. Quality not jroodthe same old complaint as of former years; full of stems. The market is firm at 2&:e for fancy, and 25&27.c for fair to prime. STRAW. A good article is salable at 5o COc y bale. MEATS and LIVE STOCK. Beef plenty; strictly choice sells at 74c. Mutton plenti ful at quotations. Hogs in good supply; strong demand. Calves less plentiful. I he The following are the wholesale rates: Beef, 4j ii(&7lic, according to quality ; Calves, 5(gSc ; Mutton, 3(S54c; Lamb, spring, 5Xdi0c; Pork (Gross), 0ibV,c; do dressed, S'iM'-'e. N UTS. Aluionds, 10c for hard and lS(20c for soft shell; Brazil, BitftUc; Filberts, 10 M'iOe; Hickory, IO?Uc; Pecan, 12gl4c; Chile Walnuts, 10 11c; California Walnut lOirfllc; California Peanuts. H'Jc y D; Co coanuts, 7 00&S 00 y hundred. SEEDS. There is a good demand for brown Mustard Seed, chiefly for milling purposes. We quote: Flax, y lb, 3gX:; Mustard, 2)3:!c; California Canary, t12c; Alful- fa, HWPJc. HONEY. Choice new white In frames, 12 14c, in email lots; fair white, 1012c; dark, 63c; t rained, 510c. BEESWAX. Receipts are light with a fair demand; quotable at 25(27c. Perfect Hotel Comforts. WUTTM CoWorrL!TAX IS BO POPrLAB A MODIL PuoPKiiruB asd TaoRoroa Scfbeyihios. All Americans who have traveled in Eu rope have iM-en unanimous in speaking oi the great inferiority of Ihe hotel of London, Paris. ienna. Berlin and other cities to those of New York and S.tu Francisco. In his Innoc ents Almvnl" M:irk Twain i particu larly severe on the bad uecoinnnKlat ioii fur nished by European Hotels and the indiffer ence of "the proprietors to the wishes and comforts of their guests. The fact is, hotel- keeping in Europe has never la-en eievaieu into a science u. in San Francisco, for the simple reason that there ar no boniface there or the tact, experience and gentlemanly instincts of H. H. Pearson, the itopular pio prietor of the Cosmopolitan Hotel of this city. This old-established, commodious and elegantly-furnished hotel.on the comer of Bush anil Sansome streets, has, ever since Mr. Pearson assumed the management, been the favorite city residence of the most prominent i residents of California, in addition io ocing the permanent abode of several of the lead ing business men of San Francisco and their families. Well know ing how greatly cheer-fully-furnished rooms, prompt ami courteous attendance, a sumptuously-provided table, and other desiderata of a positive nature contribute to the popularity ami success of hotel life, Mr. Pearson has always paid the greatest attention to every department of his immense establishment, and personally looked afle r the comfort of transient a well as permanent guests. Even the marketing is done under his personal supervision, w bile the culinary department receives his watch ful care. He is iu fatt the model hotel pro prietor of San Francisco, and all persons who have experienced the joys of living at the CosmoHilit oi know w hat it is to realize the greatest comfoils of human existence. The whole building has just been renovat ed, and is now more attractive than ever. All the walls are of a delicate white, new carpets have been laid down, and ilegnnt new furniture in trod need, while Ihe beautiful tliniug-rooui has liecn made more cheerful than ever. The comforts of stopping there have in consequence been greatly increased, and this hotel should receive the preference over all others. S. Jst. Holiday Presents. Nothing can be more appropriate for a holiday present than a really life like lirsl class Photograph, finished in the highest style of art. Such are the chromatic and jhffU-il Photographs, now being produced by I. W. Talier it Co., at 2 Montgomery street, San Francisco, opposite the Lick Hou.-c. Both of these stles are patented and are only produced by Messrs. Taln-r V Co. Hon't fail to see them when you visit San Francisco. An Extraordinary Offer. An entertaining family paper, tilled with the choicest miscellany, will be sent three months h k K, on trial, to all sending their address. This oiler will be given for a limit ed time only. Send at once. Address '".Mis cellany," No. "Jin; Kearny st , San Francisco. Important from trie Centennial. I fopy of Ttlejritm. To the HOWE M ACHINE CO., S73 Maiket street, San Francisco. Highest award at the Centennial given to the HOWE. L. S. Su kweli., Treasurer. Tho Best Photographs On the Pacific Coa.t are now made at the New York Gallery, No. r Third street, San Fraucisco. Prices to suit the times. J. H. PETEKS. Proprietor. Masonic Savings and Loan Bank, No. t Post street, Masonic Temple, San Fran cisco, California. For particulars please send for Circular. We take pleasure in culling the attention of our readers to the Althouse and Kamond windmills. We saw them in operation at the State Fair ot Sacramento, and believe that they are the best as well as the cheapest windmill in use. It will cost but a triile to send for circular and price-list. Thev are for sale by Baker iV: Hamilton of San "Fran cisco and Sacramento, w hose advertisement w ill be found iu our columns. Cancer cax ib Cukro. Dr. Bond, of Philadelphia, announce his discovery for Ihe radical cure of Cancer. JVw Knife! Xo I'ain! So Catitticf Remedies with full direc. tions sent anywhere. Pamphlets and particu lars sent?. Address with stamp, lr. II. T. Bond. SOU- North Broad st-Philadelphia. Fa. E. Bi-ttrkic-k cv Co.'s Pattek.ns, the stand ard of fashion. Fall styles just received. Send postage stamp for catalogue. Also, best quality sewing-machine Needles for all ma chines, .SO cents per dozen. II. A. Ileming, 111 Post street, San Francisco. Visitors to tub Faik should also visit Wm. Shews Photograph Gallery, 115 Kearny street, San Francisco, before leaving the city. His pictures are the U-st and prices lower than at any other first-class gallery iu the city. Cards, Z per doz. Bkigiit's disease, dialattes, gravel, and all discuses of Ihe bladder and kidneys cured by Keakney's Extuact Bctnr. It is safe.etli cacious and reliable. Sold by druggists everywhere. Tkappek's Indian Oil The simplcsrtnd most powerful remedy for rheumatism, neu ralgia, sore throat, and all aches and pains. Sold everywhere, at fifty cents per flask. MOItoiT! IWLA:K OK Altr, 41? MON'IUOMUUY M ., Han t r unci wo. Jl"V A WTVMNII RI MMV, fJMM AHI) J cheap, troin boWICV. S4M t rout Street. . K. Y f flV KA M 1 v w A NTS IT. Money in It. J hold ty Agents. A .1.1 rex M. N.UlVKI.U Krle. ps. Send for Chromo Catalogue. rrroiu'i Hunk, boston Mass. 'tStOfl per Af l hon,e- Samples worth SI free. KTlNfton 0.. I'ortland. Maine. 50 HMIMTOI. S'AHIIM. or SS ASNOHT- rd SnowflaWe, Knihossed. etc., wilh your ume r Tinted on them for 0 cts. Ay ml WanUd. 1 samples for mmn. No postals answered. I. V. 4 !. !:-. It kin 'a Ton, Mass. AWAKDMl T PAI.MKK'8 KDOK TtMlLH nythe Mechanics' Institute. Kalr, VS',3. Manufactory. Berry St.. between tth and Mh. San Krsnrlseo. J I.. -4jM Kl.lM lC. . 1 AL koo.M.s, Kearny ISt.. near ltu-h. trimnr CiiMiminiiis administered. A lady sum. taut in attendant-, liainuirit only sin pioyed to Yer.ite W'AVTKD for the ninut AJ tTr a n popular sellinif ItisiKS JmCSII 19 published. Address, for full partirutars, A. I.. IIAXt SC4IFT' Q., Ttl MKKET ST.. S. V. 8700 IVIWI-: ICA!4 II 4f IMACKKN to lease, at llsi.r Mihn liar, known as the Vasquez lt:in h. 8plendid early rotato land; will hriiitf Tolnnteer Crop of Karley. Us house, larxe harn and Krauary. and other out ImuH-i. Miikt lie let iK-fore November 1st. J-'or par ticular, address or call on bTliAfllAX. PF.IKCE A CO.. Ttixm 7, Q Mtrki-t St., San Kraiiciiwo. ALTHOUSE AND RAYMOND rpilE Rest and Cfiespest Self K inilfiiiu Mill In the L World Liiilit.Durahle and Mniplein tjonstrtirtlon. Send for Price list to HAKKK A HAMILTUlf, ot San l-'rsni is-o and hacramento NATHANIEL CURRY & DRO., 1MPOUTK1W AND DKAI.KlCH I.V HltKKC II AND Muzzle Loa4linif ! '. Kltlea and Vim tl. Have coiistaotly on hand sharp s and Iteminir ton Sporlinif Kifle. Winchester and Kvana' kepeatiiiK Uifles. hcoti Oreener's Celehrated Hreerh Loadins; lh. utile U ii ns. Ammunition of all kinds always on hand-Wholesale and ltall. N'. CI KUV A 111 JO.. 113 Sansome Street. Ssn F'rsnelmo. AGENTS WANTED W KVKRV I'Ul-STY, For all the fastest si lling Hooks. Apply ti r. DKWISd sft CO.. SO Kmi St.. S. V. FKElsTCII IB TJ 12, 12, lOUTABLK MILLS, BOLTING CUlTII, MILL L Machlnrry of all descriptions. Flour Mills built by eontrart or by the day. Call particular attention to our Keed Mills for Farmer's use. Send lor desertptlva clrcuiar.aud prlee-llst. JOS. WAUNKK CO.. I IS and IIS Mission Sr.. San Kranetneo. Divorces! Legally and quiet ly obtained. Legal ererr where. Resi dence Immaterial. Adaitt sufficient proof. e sfter decree. Address (with stamp) 11 S. MAIiV Y5, t)9 Wssblagioa St,, Chicago, UL CALVCRT'O CAMOLIO SHEEP WASH i per lalloa. T. W. JACKSON. Baa Frar cineo, Hole Agent for Califof nit tnrt N (!. T C. & P. H. TIBSELL & CO.. IMPOBTBBa AND C F OTtT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, MO. 41 CUV "THBKT. Between fcutoma and battery. IAN ritANCtMXl. Munofsrmren of M'-a'n, Bo. Tenth's, and ChU drrn't KlNk CALK IKMfS. Orderi solicited and promptly filled. All ! ana qnallfitfa m1e at the lowest market price. Pleas examine the roods and prices. LLOYD & ROGERS, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION AGENTS And AUCTIONEERS. YAROS AM) STARt-KS. Jl'NCTION OK HATRS ml Market -ireeln, Sn KrmiciM-o. Hmrnrm, Kllle mil Mil eel ! CsminImIsii. 1 lioroiitfMired Stock shipped to ail pa-Is of Oie world. Sp-ctnl AsrenlK r'Ttne .Mli umil iiiiiniefi. r. j veiiieni e f r Ure:ikiii slid Hrlvui Y iinr Homes on the premines. ! sdvauced on all descriptions of Live Mock PACIFIC IliiHincss College, 320 POST STREET, OPPOSITK t'MOX SQt'AItK. SAN FHANCISCO. The oldest and most i-omplcte dmiiii ri-ial Col leire on the coast. KleifHUt h li; new luriiiliire; thor ouh instrui-i ion ; prsciical tcai hers; hitch slsndiug wah the pulilic. Miidenis can coii'tni-iire at any lime. Dy snd eveiiinit sessions. Circulars msy oc hd fr-e on apill-iitioii. en toots and Shoes. J4MIX ! I.I.I V . N. t.. eor. Ilst I I i.-rv snd J-koii Ms., han 'rslllise I I rr--rs to inke to order the lM--t Kreni-to 1 V. alf L' ailii-r ltM) at rr.iin f- lo 'J; al I ilornia IMtl.er Idiots. fi; French Calf lpyVinrr. Ilk, l; California, .!. Hoys' '"snd Chil'lri n's llisd and Mines made to order. r-r..iis in the ei.tnury ordi-rnor liixiis and Miim- lo the nmouiit of t'l or iiMtre will lie allowed a ri iluellon of f.nr per i--ht.. to make the e.res rhartr-s liKht. I sell Hoofs and Mux-s or MY OWN' MAM'KAi ll liK ONLY. Itisds and Shoes sent C. . D. Positively one pi lee. THE PATENT WYCKOFF PIPE. For Vatcr or Gas. f IIKAf'FT AND HKST PIPE MAHK. (itrATIAN J teed to stand any required pressur No skilled lalxjr necessary to either lay or lap it. C. I. WIIKAT, Manufactnrer and Sole Atrent for the Pacific Coast. 74t rwrfh Mt.. Nan Franrlsrn. THE RISDON Iron and Locomotive Works, Cob. Bbslb sun llosmi St.. Six Fbsxcisoo. Mannractiirertof Sream Kngrlnes. (Juartit and Flour Mill Machinery, hti-am Hollers t Marine. tK-omollve and stationary). Marine Knplnes (HlKh and Ixw Pres sure). All kinds of MKht and heavy CastinKs, at low est prices. Cams and Tappets, Willi chiHwl faces, guaranteed 10 per cent, more durable than ordlnar) Iron. I, til. r. Mot KSB. joum r. cuurii, OverlanD Freiht and Bag pgcTraiisfcr Co. (ViNSKiVKKS OK FKKIIiHT K It A1 AfiE, TO J arrive here Iroiii any part of ti e world, cbii, by leaviiiir their hill of hKlinif ith u. have the imiiiIi promptly delivered on urnval, or trans shipcd with out troutiie to tin iii. Itn. lH-al Hatrgage and Parcels dslivereil to any part of ll.e eliv. PKI NclPAL OFFICE C P. It. It, Freight Depot. rointii inn Kin streets up stairs. UliVVt II OFFlCK-No. 4at Motitgomrry street San Francisco. t.Ko. F. Mil KSK, JOHN F. COOPF.it. Keferrlng t ttie alK.ve, I take the rpportanity to lllHliaoio ineiui aiifi pairtois, alio iiaioiST sold my tntt-ri-st in the ah. ne liiisint-ss. totn-tlier with the- name and 'svi will. I take pleasure in recommending my suci-t'ssors. Messrs. Nourse A Casiper, to a L-i ner- ous pulilic. ami l-sM-ak lor I hem a liberal sham of that patronage so generally given to me. W. A. IIF.UnfVO. PBOGEESS! THERE IS MONEY IN IT! THE PACIFIC Artesian and Prospecting (Patented July Xilh, 18:6.) 4 IAlTF.l TO AM. KINDS OF WF.M. noKINO J faiitiole. Ilurahls mutt Kfllrlpnt. Mite and Coiiut Uigltla tor Saie. semi r..r m iliars. Riving price, eu., to rnii .Tss.-m lllkllMI I'm NT. CI Th Leading Optical Depot of the Pacific Coatf. C . M U LLE R . Wholesale and Hi tail Monte 7 8t Near Bush Optical GomI.4. S.Francisco Ki'Bctaci.bs. Tlielr adaptation to the various eon dltloiis of siirht has tieen my sii-lslty for upwards of SMI years. Directions anil Prh e 1.1st mailed free. Orders hy msil receive prompt attention, (inodt for war. It-d per Wells. Fargo Co., C. o. D.. auhleet to approval. Address C. MI'I.I.FK. 0.tl. In, ISS Montgomery stre-t. near Hilsli.Sall Frsni-isi o, KENDALL'S Improved Quartz Mill QUARTZ MINING REVOLUTIONIZED. ALIGHT. CHKAP and POWKUFDL MILL Bt one half the cost of the usual style, bend for Circu lar and Price List to STEPHEN KENDALL, Cairo er r. A. I tlnctwa. 14S mm I4S Frsweat fit.. nm rraarUre. t'mt. Wholesale and Retail. Tyer's RnWier Store. 619 Sacramento St. ttsa Fbsmcis:o. riMIK BEST AND CIIKAPFJiT Rod Ppreails, Ijire Curtains. Muslins, Flannels. Dress OimmIs, hilks. Kid tiloves, and all kinds or Dry and Fancy Ct-sxl.. selling at and SM Third St., A. F. MTAWKs IIINM. Ifutfrnf ZJtotttoaatttt'&tfdtSft. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. (Dm. BLT 'a PaTlBTI. MAXrFACTriCKD V MEVZO fsPHIXO. SO. IA Tehama street, near Third, ban Fraucisco. JSrn d for t'irr u inr. WAHTRD, ART.- per "r fuaraa. teed, to sell articles ror ladies and children's wear Indispensable, patented, and of real merit. Have only to hef ihfhlted to sell. Adopted and rec ommended by ladies' Dress ISeform Committee ot the United Mates. For particulars address k-LLia VI Co.. Waltham. Mass. CI "1 slaw at home. Aa-enta wanted. Outfit an ipL& tsMin tree, TtiUK s CU., Aofusta, MbIbb. X A X OPTICIAN, Hen's and Boys' "$$3 SUITS, OVERCOATS, Shirts A KB UNDERWEAR, Ready Made TO ORDER. YATERIIOUSE & LESTER, iMPonrtcK ok Wapn i Carriage Material CARRIAGE HARDWARE and TRIMMINGS, And all stjli-s of flodli-s nil t.arriaate parts. Sarven Patent Wheels Wool Hut Wheeli Of all alr.es, made to order. nmtm Atrnli fsr It 14. M Aliiistalil Carriaffc ITinlirella WHICH ran tss attached in sny open vehicle. It . . - .1.. ..... ... . .ui.4 l.t.rl.t .M.l. v nil in? aojiiso-o io ih-wm .i, ... direclion; Is held firmly aitinsl any storm i is trans fcraliln from one carrlaK to another t wcltrlit, ten r-send for Illustrated circular. Address 1 . . i.... . . .. .1 a.. l .llt.rtHi, .( ami a iiirin r.,ini i"i han 1-raneisco' M and o ,1 strci t.p.si isii'vi"o; THE PRINCE S The llvt. IIohI lurall And Clionpoftt. CaO.QOO 1 1ST XTI3. Kend for Itescrlptive C ircular. General Agency at the Ml 1C licKM." of A. L. BANCROFT & Co., Ka. ft Market Mtrrrt. UNION WIRE MATTRESS CO. COMKTIIIsW KXTIKKkV WKV. i bLi'KIUIili TO ALL. FOIt bTlikNU I II, I.IOHTNF.KS AND DCHAUILITV L'NhUliPAhhKI. Tho only Mattrosa THAT CAN UK TIOIITF.NED OH LOOBltNKIIAT PLEA8UHK. Warranted for tlT years. Hend for Circular and Price Us t to THUMAS h. CLAUK.Koln Agent. lltish hi . Ksn r raiicis-o. ( al. HAT It A H' UKANCII or tii National Wire and Lantern Works, Of New Tori., (Howard Monst. Propr's). 420 Santome St., San Franclaco. MAN! FACTIIIFirsoF ItttARS. COPPKIt. TF.EL snd lltOV VMIiKt UlTH r.NM-lsllles: llrnaa snd Mleel Hsllrrr fWS. I.raiwll; ttlrs 4 loth, anal llravy Mlnlna S lolli. Ornamsnlal Vlr. Wsrk. Itlnillea.Wlei ra. Mht an Kallraad l.anterne, Ire rnirs, Malllna'. Isnarda. etc. ,Upresentcd iu an rrjnU RB,IWO Ijte Manager with Frkleldt A Co. 'I'HIS 19 A MKDICIXAL PITTEItS WOT a FANCY - DUINK! It acts on the Ktoniarh. Liver, Kidneys and Itowels, producing a natural operation and I'll rlfy Ins (ht II land, fccml for a bottle to the nearest drutrg-ist, or to r. WIIXIANH at CO.. 41 NeiS1 Montftomery St.xa n Frsncteo. JOHX If. WISB. Titos. naxiosM. CHRISTY & WISE. WOOL Commissioii Merchants, CU)7 Front St., Bet. Jackson and Pacific. AN FRANCISCO. iiwd Ton oanais ron WOOL SACKS and TWINE. Tobacco mul Sulphur. SHEEP SHES, &C, A large stock of which Is alwsys kept and sold at trry law ralrs, fir-Sheep sold nrslaiiftMcred on rommlsslon. Quirk returns and satisfactory salus made for all our cus tomers. FRUIT RI ER KEELER'S Improved American Fruit Drier sttanda at Ilia farad, a m Family, Farsn ar Farlery UIIIKK, It ruablea rvrrr man to bass his own business and prears nrqaaled resalls. Stud fuf Virculnr$ and me tMU. J. ft. HKKI.KII s t O., and Wansanta Wt.. W. . Tk alebralel Slotboor Pumps As new Impravad and Manafarlsrsd In Man Kranelsea sarpass all others In Mlaspllrlt jr. Inra blllly and Kasa af anion and r-a ra nils. Send for Circular and Prirt Lift. J. yt. KKRLKR s CO., ARffl tVaVO P t W 1M 4 PlVet or COLDU MEOAl 1 1 114 and III BOLE ST., SAW rWAWCUCO. CAR IE TICATIO " WITH SICCISS At the home of the patient Without the use of tbe INIFE OR CAUSTICS lend without pain. Address Or. A. H. SR0WN. WIW HATKW. COW. Correspondeaee from physic! ant also solicited. if M ;,JM V I! II k L 0.1 w a . ma k i ! r am la . VI .,1. " Ufi" I l V3 vi - I'M 3 I OECrAN Jtf&JmMt'rlx pur.ip$ u m K m a'ul.ii.s- 11 . m 'w- mm l Z X xll . II ui fS s2r' ruinate o (Jfre 7 J. s x s reAM VMir Ar "5 mm THE Largest STOCK Price. C. 0. D. EVERY Farmer, Minor and Granger IIOULII St'BSOBI BB FOB TII SAN FKANCIHCO WEEKLY POST. The Popular Weekly. Enlartred and Improved. The Best and Cheapest. IT AOV0CATEI THE RICHTI OF SETTLERS. ONLY 2.00 A YEAH. ONLY $2.00 A YEAR. ONLY $2.00 A YEAR. Pasta fto rts. additional. IV-Hend for ".ample Copy. The low priori al whirs It Is puhltshed roiiiinsiids for It a very larjr r n illa tion Kvery Ksrnu-r and liuslness Msn should snle serine for 11. Au utit quailed medium for A'ivui Users, The San Francisco Daily lumi Pest Will b$ Enlarged and Improved. . f . THE BOPUIAR JOURWaL Or tN FRANCI.CO. nerved by rarrlers st II KtZ week! by Mall, ana yrs r, T iHiinlhs, Wv.ftu llnee nionllis, Wl.ftn. faataare to rts. additional. cumminos & sons, 327 Kearny St., 8. F. FOIt AWKIIICAN W4I.TIUW iMail.i W ATI II r.R. KihiiiIiic our prin s of Amerlean Wallhsni W alrhi s, li emlinit lor our pi li e list, hu h are insrki d rirrnllnitl '. ana rsntliirsi'ssrtrlm. All H ulrhes sent hy e I pre-. perons hsve Ihe privilege of sot only looklns; at I hem lielore ImyiiiK. (ml -hii rli'tioslt with Wells. Ksrtro A Co. ihe amount of the wslrli, snd liuvt' a trial ol al leio-l two or I hret- tseekt lielore I he inoniy l.irht to us. If the Wst h Is not hst oii n lit lor, or does not keep ihe t-ori ert time, or )ou or' in utiy i ny i' mnlnHtil -it if, our Instrm lloi.s to Wells, I Mrtio I o. Is lo trfuti.l Ihf iiuiur v. We are determined lo hnlld up a re'puistion on this rousl tliut III Klve hhIUIsi Iiou to all. AVn.f or p ire litt. A'nd or f ict litt, SAX FUAXCISCI) Journal of Commerce. TIIKI.AKUKNT, MOnT HKLl.tllLR. Best Commercial Paper PUBLISHED ON TliK I'ACI TIC COAHT. IT COXTAIX" A Comploto List of Jobbers' Tricon, And a Genoral Iloviow of all Goods sold in this Market. A MERCHANT WILL BAVK Mt'Cll MORR Til AN THE I'UICK OK TIIK rAI'Elt 11 V Ut.'IIM Kill INO IOII THIS VALUAULK JOURNAL. Terms of Subscription, $5.00 per Year, trKsatil Copies sent on Apllea lion. S. F. Journal ol Commerce Publishing Co., 414 CI.AV fsTHKKT. HALL'S C O X H ,-wp in I i .aanas, aaaa-,1 2 .11 m j(rener'f BMBl 1 TVI.KII MT., MAW FltAJKt lt II. tlTflfntl for (Hreultir. No Agent. California Evaporated FRUITS &I1D VEGETABLES, rilEI'ARED IIT THK ALDEN PltOClSS. tf trevllle and Kehastopol r ai torlrs rholte lots of I'eachea. Peeled feachss, l'luini, runri, Apples, I'ears, etc., te. The Immense savlnt In freluht In transportation Is distant points Is worth? of esrcfu,' consideration to Con ii try Merchsnts and Healers. We desire to rail sixstial atMrstloi to our New Style -lb. I'aekaeea, t or eale iu Iota to suit bf HOWK a WAW, 40and 4IO DiTis btbibt, baK Faiocitco. ftend for a Clrrular. FAVORITE CIGARETTE FORMER. The only t'oinpart. Simple and l'mi it ral iiiai liine ever in. vriitect for makiiigr Cluurettes; twists IxHlieiKIS ptrieniy. bamplss by mail (0 Sta. Addrass KLLI S M FO. Co., Waltham, Mass, P. N. P. C. No. 117. IUI EALD'S rr USITIE83 (ft OLLEOU I U I rssila.sustsa 1 1 fsr r.rriiUr., lirOliOt. I t ikan.iL.klr sss I I ssll SI folisas r r. i u jzzzvzrz yul UU t.r.ci. I ' wniu. r. - . K.r HltLI rsw isli I-AlfMI SSS I $250 A MONTH-ArinU wanted everywhere, liuslneas honoralsla and first-olasa. Far UCBlarssent fres.v Address . nusiu as cu-i si. jotua, mo. lis VMM 0 7 . fa Sf 1.. ' a ' r , St n. u . Zr ' sslal, ' "" I ' pwaa'!