v THE INDEPENDENT. HILLSBORO THURSDAY. Financial. Oold in New York, 1.10. Lzl tenders iu Portland buying 90V tiling 91. Silver-Trade dollars. 93c ; other coins, 95c Portland Produce Market. WnE.VT. $1.43. "ft cental, sacked. FLOUR-For extra standard branda, $4.73; extra country, $4.00(g4 75. OATS Per busnel, 40 to 50 cents. 1.25 to 1.30 per centl. DRIED FRUITf-Apple lljc pound; plums, pitless, 14 to 15c;witb pits 4 to 5c. HIDES-Bent selected llc'0 &; culls, off; green 3 to 4c. MEATS Hams, 12 to 8c; aide 1G; fcoulder 10c, dressed hogs 6 to 6Jc; mut ton sheep $2.50 to $3 per head ; beef dresM, 4 to 5 cti per t. LARD New lard in tins, 17c; in bulk 16. HAY-Timothy baled, $1G(417; loese, $1G. DAIRY PRO OUCE- - Butter, roll. 25to30c f b; fair, 1520; in brine, 2025c. Cheese 14&lfic lb. FEED Bran,- $18$20 per ton; shorts, $5,00; middlings, $27.50 (3 40; oil meal, $37.50. FGGS 30 per dozen. - WOOL-Choice Willamette, lfi(SlSc alb; Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla, ll3il3. POTATOES 40 to 50e per bushel. ONIONS $1.25 to $1.50 per 100 lb. CHICKENS-$2.50 to $1.00. Suicide. A special dispatch to the Standard from Salem announces the sad intelligence that Jennie Billyeu committed suicide this morn ing at the residence of Joseph Thompson, .!., the means selected 1m ing poison. This 3'oung girl had placed faith in a yonn man whose heart was black while his face was fair, and failing her at the last moment implied her to hide herself in death, trust- ing npon the ever-willing love of her Savior ' for forgiveness. We pity the unfortunate girl from the bottom of our hearts, but we pity still more the cur of a man who snr--vives her and who, if he has a conscience, will be pricked to desperation and driven despairingly from among his kin and a wanderer, with the mark of Cain searing his very brain, and yet too great a coward to end his miserable existeuce iu iho way h has selected. Dissussei it. In this fever of political excitoment it is not strange that men do strange things. Yes terday we observed a party consisting of four men in front of this office at a wagon, and after discussing the merits of one of their horses in a loud voice one of them went down into the straw in the wagon and fitro np with a suspicious looking black bottle, when he grinned and passed it to No. 2 who took a mild snort, then No. 3 meas ured off 3 fingers on the bottle and took his physic like a man. but No. 4. shook hia Lend and wouldn't take any in his. The other fellows looked happily disappointed :id pnt their 'li-jhtning' up. We don't go luncti on siens Vmt if we were to pass our opinion on the strength of that sign, onr ild lie that No. 4. didn't feel well at the ti ne. or hal a reverential re.spfct for this priutius establishment. Correction. In last weeks 'ssne an item appeared stat ing that "Dr. Bailey and Vile" had per formed a surgical operation on a child's lip. "We wrote it Dra. Bailey an 1 Vite, but the . was omitted by the compositor. We are now informed that Dr. Vite was the princi pal in the case assisted by Dr. Bailey. After a minutes reflection most any one hould have seen by the constructioa of the sentence that the omission of the letter ,r. was n mistake. We had not been informed who was the principal or assistant in the case when the item was written. We had a sort of general idea that one of the names ought if possible to precede the other, becanse it is a little difficult to put two words abreast In the same line. B?g pardon, gentlemen. For Tillamtok. "We learn from a correspondent that Walt Smith and Sam. Itaffety started on horse-back for Tillamook last Saturday from Quick's Canyon on a hunting and prospecting tour. They go by way of Dougherty's river and intend upending a couple of months in hunting, fishing, prospect ing etc. by the "sounding sea." .1. - - That Music. Some personsdo not understand the statement in last week's paper that the brass band pi yed on tht occasion. We will state for their satisfaction that Messrs. Watt and Bailey furnished that music and exe cuted thf ame in a style that the brass band should always emulate. Takes a Rest. H. B. Luce editor of this sheet has gone to visit his friends and relatives in Lane and will do the State Fair before returning. He leaves ye foreman to assume the local dignity of this concern and we are dignified of course. If any one has any grievances, or subcriptions to settle, let him call on us and we will guarantee him satis faction and a receipt also. Don't smother ns, gentle subscriber with the "lucre." Arrested In Jail. Iiftst Saturday a man' giving his name as Elias Hnhges was arrested in Butte precinct oa complaint of Mrs. Belle Withycomb, charged with the larceny of a gold locket. As examination was held before Justice . Carpenter, and the prisoner fined $G0. in A .fault of which he was brought to this place and incarcerated in the county jail. Justice's Court Humphreys, J. P. In the mutter of J. W. Marsh vs. J. C. Trulinger, a suit in equity ; verdict for the Tiff, for 87,24. CIRCUIT COURT E. D. Shattuc'x, J. Concluded. Granger Market Co., vs. "W, Sim mon, action to compel payment of Stock. Jury: Wm. Dee, A. L. Mat teson, A. C. Davis, Jos. Loe, D. Ba ker, H. G. Davies, W. Brownson, John Kirts, J. T. Reul, J. MoKon key, J. Steni3 and A. Lee. Jury failed to aree ami were discharged. State of Oregon vs. L. Li. and J. Holcomb, indicted for larceny, jury: J. Cbrisman, Jos. Mann, A. Y. Bovce, A. Jackson, W. II. H. Mey ers, J. D. Bates, R. Moore, W. It. Barett, T. L. McEldowney, F. F. Pomeroy, C. A. Pickett, Henry Wooley, verdict, not guilty. Jag. Hume, indicted for an assault with a dangerous weapon, plead not guilty. Brugger el al vs. Butler et al ac tion for damages on attachment, ju ry, II. G. D ivies, D. Baker, T. J. Keid, W, Brownson, Jas. Loe, Jas. Stems, J. McKonkey, A. Lee, John Kirts, J. J. Morgan, Jas. H. Sewel, A. C. Davis. Jury found for Plain tiff and assessed the damage at $10. S. A. Iugram and David Enos ex cused from further attendance. State of Oregon vs. J. P. Lidd, indicted for selling liquor in less quantities than 0110 quart, arraigned and plead not guilty. Continued for the term. Merrel vs. Merrel et al. Decree as against one of the heirs, as to the reaiaiuder. continued till net term. State of Oregon vs. Joe Taylor. Indicted for selliug liquor in les quantities than one quart. Contin ued until next term. Stato of Oregon vs. Jas. Hume. Indicted for an assault with a dan gerous weapon. Arraigned and plead not guilty. Rhoda Ha me vs. Jas. Hume, di vorce; order restraining deft, from disposing of his real estate. Boyce vs. BjII; dismissed on mo tion! of Attorney for defendant. (.hand Jury returned mto court; .J six indictments endorsed true bills. Gardiner against Davis, suit to set aside conveyance of real estate; set tled on stipulation. Bruiser et al vs. Datler ct al. Defts allowed sixtj days to answer. Chamber vs. Smith, administra trix, motion to strike out part of de fendants answer; motion sustained in past. Slate of Oregon vs. Jas, Hume. Indictment No. 1 Indicted for an as sault with a dangerous weapon; Ju ry, A. C. Davis, T. F. Reid, H. W h ring, T. Lv McEldowny Wui. Dee, J. U. Everson, A. Jackson, J. D. Hates, Wm. Tucker, Chas. Westlake, II. E. Smith and V. J. Marsh. Vti dick, not Guity. Letitia McKay vs. W. Freeman, Suit for Dower, in lands sold to the Debts out of land claim of Chas. McKay. Argued and taken under advisement. Pryce vs. Pryce, Divorce, Continu ed until next term. State of Oi-pgon vs. Jas. Hume Indictment No. 2; Dad reduced from $:000. to $G00. and cause continuod until next term. L. G. Hall vs. I. Meyer et al Suit to set aside conveyances. Argued and taken under advisement. Thatcher vs. Dhondt referred to . W. Luelling to take testimony under supplemental complaint ai.d report the same. Stato of Oregon vs. Jas. Hume Indictment No. 3. Fined $30 and cost. Execution stayed six days. Orders drawn as follows: It. Stott Dist Aft II. 15. Morgan Sheriff W. D. Pittenger Crirr . N". Hale Bailiff Grand Jurv... Gen. Ireland It. C. Hal Ira . l .oo 20.00 . 12.00 . P'.OO . 9.00 John Landess vs. John Groner, Demurrer to complaints sustained, cause continued for the term. Jas. Chambers vs. Ann Smith Admn'x action on note. Argued and taken under advisement. Anderson vs. Anderson. Divorce Refered to W. D. Pitteuirer to take the testimony. State of Oregon vs. J;n. Hume. TndiVtment No. 3. IndictM for as sault with a dangerous weapon, ju ry: Jos. Loe, K. S. Moore, D. Ba ker, A. Lee, J. J. Morgan, F. F. Pomeroy. J. Chrisman, J. Sterns, J. Kiits. Jos. Mann. J: s. Sewell and W. H. H. Meyers; verdict, guilty of an assault only. Grand Jury came into Court and made the following report: To the Hon. K. I). Xhatturh; Juilrjt of the Circuit Court: We. the Grand Jnrv, have examined the county jail and find it in t very poor condition, find that it contains trash that should not not be in it, that the windows of the building need repairing, and that it needs a general cleaning We have also examined tho Clerk's and Treasurer's offices and find that they are in good condi tion. S. J. Stott. Foreman. The Grand Jury reported no fur ther business and were discharged. Cornelius Items: v Oct, 9th, 1870. Cornelius at present weais a live ly aspect. Grain is constantly ar riving .rom the country. Consider able shipping is being done through the warehouse at this place, but the bulk I believe, is being stored. A good many farmers are holding their grain in anticipation of a higher price. Our merchants all seem to have their share of the trade and are sel- lin- lots of goods. Kelso has invesj ted iu a new clerk and is going to take a spin to the State Fair. Al. Ennis will follow suit in company with several others of our citizens. Several persons from this vicinity started last week for Goldendale, Klickitat county, W. T. to make new homes. W. II. Parker, who has hsen in dustriously engaged in tho granger Imsiness this summett has conclu ded to make a change in avocation and will teach at Centerville this winter. John Spencer returned from the .11 v Islands the other day. He says his "patent belf-acting perpet ual motion washing machine," and nmo-ic mease extractor," didn't O ' take worth acentamong the natives Serenading parties are the latest rackets" in Cornelius. The place has some good lady vocalists who are really entertaining, but the bass of some of the boys elicits only base comments from the persecuted list ener. Mr. Hoopengarner is conducting n successful term of school at the Cornelius Academy. A pood shoe-maker will find Cor nelius a good location for his busi ness. IIlEItO. I-ySnoak cur Dogs at night! call in day time and get 15 yds. calico for $1, of K. & Y Weather hr.s been very good for fiuishiucr the harvest and sowing the fall wheat. T. Y. Flauary had fall wheat up last month. Setli Maikham, Ben Thompson and their families, and 1!. Welch have (,'une to the State Fair. Sev en wag;on loads of people passed through here for the same place. 0 :.ii larsons is able to ho out again. Fred. Parsons is sick with the fever. Wm. Smith and wife, who have I tcly moved here from the Columbia river are also dotvu with the fever. C. Martin is out of luck. The ears ran over and killed four of his hogs, and some thieves entered his barn on Tuesday n:ght and took 15 bushels of oats and some sacks from the barn lloor. . Hints in hauling his wheat to Forest drove station and would be iii ii i 1. pw'asea 10 nave inai party who iuuh :0 new Backs and (0 pounds of nails rom his premises return them im mediately as he needs them now. And now comes It. T. Robinson and charges 10 cents apiece for 3j water melons stolen from hi gard en last week. Asa "Williams has moved to his father-in-law's farm near Ihllhboro. Business is still dull and all the crv is "no money. K. Y. Z. Glencce Skinner Wins. YVe forgot to puhlish the foot race at our county fair last week. There were three entries the "Glencoe Skinner," entered hy W R. Parker S.im Johnson ami a young man from YYest Union by the name of Smith. The distance was of a mile. Smith discovered carl v in the race that he would be distanced and stopped, but arkcr came out about -40 yards ahead of Johnson winning the race; time 1 :30. Parker runs like a scared wolf, lie will probablv race wHh ml Thompson of Multnomah county soon. McDor.a'd Arrested. La'.t Wednesday Deputy Sheriff nderson went up to Salem to arrest J. If. Mc Donald on a charge of rob bing J. S. Heller at th late county Fair. Anderson finally discovered the man who was completely disguised, having shaved off his beard cut his hair and had his hat drawn down over ins eves. Anderson arresieu m a 1 1 him and brought him out to this place on Thursday and loekeel him up in the county jail to await trial. Discharged In the matter of the State of Ore gon, vs. J. H. McDonald for the larcenv of a watch nnd money from J. S. Heller of Hillsboro. An ex amination of the charge was held be fore S. H. Humphreys J. P., on last Friday, 11. Stott appearing for the State," and J. E. Atwater rf Port land for the defendant. The pro secution failed to make out a case and on motion the prisoner wus cus . charged. Personal. t W T;fnr nnd his fair young bride arrived at this plate last Friday from Ohio. Mr. Pittenger will stay here a short time visiting hi friends and relatives. He does not yet know where h will locate to prac tice his legal proiession. John Trullinger of Astoria was in town last week. Mr. Trulhnger is r.-poneu 10 . doing a large and lucrative busiuess 111 Ast ma. Tt .11 nnd wife. It. Stott and wife and Benton Killen and wife of Portland spent court week pleasantly and profitably in o-r county last week. These gentlemen- have all been students in Pacific University and are already men of acknowledged ability in the legal profession. David Raffety called on us a few days a"0. lie nasreiurueu - Cisco where be has been in business for a year past. He thinks of returning to the tioldeu City. J. C. Jamison and wife were in town last week. Mr. Jamison is go- in? to exhibit artificial stone at the State fair. Ran Off. Last Thursday Mrs. Rhoda Hume, the prosecuting witness against Hume for assault with a dangerous weapon left the Tualatin Hotel and struck out through the woods to Harria bridge where she was found in a demented condition anil, taken to R. Carpenters place, where sheriff Morgan found her anil brought tier back to town. Improvements. T. Dutler is going to have his saw mill thor oughly repaired, and will raise it a story higher. The proprietor of the Dobbin's mill has just got a now turi'ino wlieei auu win mane this null first-class. Chrette is giving the recent addition to his store building, a handsome coat of paint Delinquent Subscribers. There are some subscribers who owe for two years or more. Thev are renuested to settle either with our agents, or us as soon as possible. ... We owe money and are determined . . . . t' pay our debts when due. and we ask our creditors to treat us in the same manner. To Corespondents. What is the matter with our correspond ents "C.ri.nes." "(.rimes jr.." "K. Y. Z.' "Kasper Linton," "Dm ly Jim." "W." of IJeaverton. and others who used to furnish ns with such interesting and spicy items Let us hear from you, gentlemen, if you please. The State Fair. Several of our citizens have iron to the annual gathering at the State Fair. A. Y. liovee will try the hnclister business up there, while I. L. Leathers of the Tualatin hotel will have a restaurant on the grounds. A. Luelling, Wm. Jackson, It. Cavo and others have gone slso. Says the Vancouver Jttrtrpewlent: Cius manufactured from salmon heads, is a pri ces lately patented by the Engineer of the steamer John L. Stephens. Th head and entrails of an average salmon it is said will produce sufficient gas to supply two lights for ight hours. We leara that t-vo of Mr. Simples, little danght'Ts are h ing ill of Tvphoid fever. Two of the boys in the aoove named itsnny l:v just recovered from its prostrating effects. Considerable sickness is reported throughout the county in most eases tvphoid fever being the prevailing malady. , Fair Warning. We will publish the next mnn thst leaves this county owinsj us subscription if we arc satisfied that he does it with the purpose of defrauding us out of the money. Wts will ulso publish him wherever he goes. Thanks for Favars. We are under obligations to W. P. Pitten- gcr for his excellent report of the procecU inf.'s in the Circuit court last week. Thanks to many subscribers for cash re- cieved. Wanted Apples. Some good apples will be token at this office on subscription. Leave them at our cabin near Sheriff Mor gan's residence. Forgot You. Will the centlemnn who subscribed for It. C. Westfall pleas let us know which of the bovs he is? Circuit CJourt adjourned for the term last Friday. rp'No. 1 Tea in Boxes f0c per pornd at the popular store of Kuhn a iredeurich. SSirSee M. H. Shipley's legal ad. MARRIED. At the Tualatin Hotel in Portland. Oct. 9th. 187. by Thos. Dutler. J. V., Sir. Charles Jjinhlin anel Mrs. llary Hay both of Washington Co. Kxccntor'a Notice. IV' OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TII VT the undersigncrd has been appointed. by the Hon. County Court of (Ji State of Oregon for Washington county. Executor of the Estate of Charles F. Shipley, dee'd. All persons having claims against the said Estate will present them with the prope r vouehe s t. me, at m3' place of res idence, one mile South of Forest Grove within six months from the date of this no tice. And all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immedi ate payment of tfce same. M. II. SHIPLEY. Executor. Octl'2. Forest Orove, Oct. 10. ls7G. The National Oold Medal was award ed to Rradley & Rulofson for toe t st Pho togTahs iu "the United States, and Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 52'J Montgomery Street San Francisco. LOST! LOST!! Lost at nillsltoro on the Fair Grounds on Wednesday Sept. 27. a large envelope con taining Pedigrees of horses, and letters which are of great value to me and no one ele. Anyone finding it will confer a great favor bv delivering the same to the Treasurer of the W. C. A. Society at llillslmro or to me at the St, Charles hotel in Portland. GEO. COGGAX. OlieapAs Xixrt. WE OFFER FOR SALE OUR PROP erty in Forest Grove consiting of apart of lot 1 in block 3. It is a bargain for some farmer who wants to school his children at the Grove. The price is $500. For further Iy to Samuel Hughes j iiiiviiuniivru niririi ' -" " O-" - vcrjS Grovci or at this office. H.B.LUCE. Book Agents Want'd E. J. HALE & SDN, Publishers, 17 Murray St. N. Y.f Are now issuing to subscribers only, TUB TI1I-STL.E EDITION. The only Fully Illustrated Edition of VaViHLY NOVELS Of American make ever offered to the PUBLIC Of the text of Sir Walter Scott it is. of course, unnecessary to speak. Of the style of manufacture the volumes now ready will speak for themselves wherever seen. "They have" says the new lork J- ccmnq rost, "the best of all good qualities la a printed book clear, large type. Without bring expensive, elegant and serviceable. "An exceedingly beautiful edition, a gem of typographical baauty," says the Jsow York World. Forty-eight volumes, averaging 400 pages each, andcontaiug two thousand Uliislra tion wilt otnth-ta thii series. Two vol umes issued monthly. Nineteen volumes now ready. ritlCE. in Cloth, gilt extra. - Half Turkey Morroco, gilt top, . 2.23 ADDE1TS8 CHARLES K. DABNEY, Gen. Art, Care E. Hale & Son. 17 Murray St.N. Y. Publishers desiring to secure a set of this beautiful edition can mak satisfactory ad vertising arrangements by addressing the Gen Agent as above, or Messrs. GEO. 1 HOWELL. 8ep28yl. S. HUGHES. FOREST GROVE, 0GN, ClIA MVI0S MOUSE. CEXTKK DUAVUIIT. COLL iys C 1 S 7 S TEEL, and GAJIDE.XC1TY PLOWS. BAIXA PACIFIC U'.ViOSS; REAPERS, MOWERS Jb THRESHERS PACIFIC FAX MILLS; IlARl'LSTIXG GOODS OF ALL K1SVS Also SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE; FARMER'S Si .IECHANIC'S TOOLS; A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HARNESS &. SADDM2IIYS DOORS. SASII. MOULDINGS; PAINTS OILS. r.nUSIIES, VARNISH ; WINDOW CLASS; PUTTY. LIME, PLASTER. WHITING, and CEMENT;- ALL at t ie LOWEST MARKET RATES. uiMtf Summons. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon, for the county of Wash ington ss: Josiah M. Merrel plaintiff, vs. Pewit C. Merrell, administrator of the s t.itcof Chas. G. Merrell dic'd, Margaret Merrell widow of said deceased, and Wil iiam llenrv Merrel. Edward Merrel. Sophro ni.i Ann Zciyrler, Chas. . Merrel, Margaret J txuj Atkinson. Pcbora Kwing. Elizala th Merrel, M i-y Wal Iron an 1 P-witt C. Mer rel heirs-at-law of said Chas. G. Merrel de et ased. defendants. To the above named defendants; In the n unc of the State of Oregon: You are here by required to appear an.l answer the coir- i lint tiled against you in the above en i 1 suit within ten" days from thu date of the service of this summons upon yon, if s. -ved within this county or if served in any other county of this State, then within tu-entv iIiivh from the date of the service of thi summons nion von, nnd if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof, the 'laintiff will apply to the court for a decree against you, f.r "the relief frayed for in the 7'lain tilt's complaint herein, to-wit:that a certain mortgage therein described be held by I)e witt C. Merrell in trust for luintitf, and that J'laintift'is the owner in fee of 20 acres of land therein desciilicd, and for such oth er and further relief as the court may seem iusf Service by publicntion of summons here in by order of the Hon. Circuit Court atiovt named mado at tut May term thereof 137G. T. B. II.VNDLEY. Atfy for I 'Iff. Administrator' Sale! 4TOTICE IS HEHEHV OI VEX THAT bv virtue of an order of the County Court of Washington county. State of Ore- con, at the August term, A. P., lMtO, to wit 011 th loth day of August, l7e, in the matter of the estate of W. II. MeXntt, de ceased, the undersigned administrator of said estate will, on Friday, the 0th day of October, 187.at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. 111. of said day. at the Court lioue eloor in Hillsloro. Washington county, O.egon, se 11 at imbliej auction to the highest bnhb r, all the right, title ami interest that the said and lying in Washington county, Oregon. Terms of sale. Oold coin, one half of the purchase price in hand, the balance (one bain to 1h paid in one year from day of sale. deferred payment to draw interest from el.iv -( sale until paid, at the rate of ten ikt cent. i r annum, and to le secured bv mortgage on premises sold. Expense of deed and mortgage to be paid by pur elitist, r ROBT. W. MCXCTT. Administrator, Executor .Notice. f the undersigned has filed in the conn . . .1 - t...,n W'uwli. y " . : : , r " of the last will and testament of Geo. Rue ... ... WM nnd that sai l court has ap pointed Thnrsbty after the first Monday in for hearing objections thereto and the set tlement thereof. RORERT IMRRIE. Fxeciitor of the last will and testament of George Bueman, dee'd. A CHEAP PAPER! The demand for the Weekly Oregon! an for a short time is go great that wo have concluded to offer it for the balance of thct year for One Dollar! All subscriptions will expire Dec. 31st, 187G. no matter when they commence. Ad dress, 0B&-5OKU. Portland, W. II. MeXutthadat the time of his de- tur ns , you c.j " ,7,, ,ith. cease or since acqutred by his estate, in nnd f P''. '"r" ' 1 lK-AenU twe, the following de scVils d premises to out l ing from 1 on e ou r ni lit. J. witrTheXWj; of theXE'of Sec D, wante .l in every tow., nr, J J T 1 X. 114 W of the Willamette Merhban ?J ?PfI 5o" i n.heS't SeH til acres, and the S 4 of the S .4 of "' ilrh i . ri.-.'anMv Illustrated . Sec 4. T 1 X. R i W, of said Mcidian. U.th ' P- f0' "l'.. S cord of said tracts containing HO acr.s of lmd lXJJXM'u f int. rc t Sheriffs Sale! BY VIRTUE OF A WKir U l..l.u lo tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county dated Aug. llth, m favor 01 jw n Holladay and against Arthur De Pouitah s (iorgier for the sum of Four thousand nine hundred and twenty-five and 03-1 dollars coin $l92.".fi3-l()). which judgment wris t n- rolled and docketed intlie Clerk s omco 01 said county on the ninth day of June, 171, which execution was received by me on the 12th chiv f August, 1NG. 'therefore iy virtue of said execution I did on the 12th d.iy of Aug 187(5, duly levy on tin follow ing dt scribed tract or parcel of land to wit: Commencing at a iKint ou the Ea-t side of the private road of Wm. (leigcr, liW rods and l" feet East of the Northwest coiner of the donation land claim of Solomon J.m rick; thence East, along the North Line of said land claim 2') chains; theiico South 40 c hains; thence West along tho South line of suid claim 20 chains; thence North along the East side of said private road of Win. Ociger 40 chains to thu place cf beginning containing 80 acres more or less iu Wash tn-ton county, Oregon. An.l on Saturday, ScptemWr 23'd, 1B75. at the hour of I o'clock p. in. of said day at the Court House, door in HilKboro. in sui t Washing'tn county, I will sell tra' t or pan el of land at public Auction to die highest bid'r therefor coin cash in iirtmi to situiy sain execution and accruing costs. Witness niv hand this Aug. llth, lsu. 11. B. MOROAN. Sheriff of Washington county, Oregon. Micrilf ft S.ilei RY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU. tion ihsneil out of th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington coun ty in favor of Georgo Hell and against Mary O. Hell for the sum of twenty-two and .)0- 1 00 dollars( $22.00) costs which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the C lric s oftieo of said county on the 21Hb day of May, li7o Therefore bv virtue of said writ 1 did on h llth day of August, IH. duly lew on the following described tract or parcel of land to wit: The one undivided one tuiM part of tho following described parcel 01 laud situate in Washington county, Oregon, to wit: The East half of the donation land claim br.unded and described as follows; Beginning at a point 15.77 chains Lat smt 3.12 chain North of the SouthiWest corner of Section KJ, T 1 N, R 4 W. an running thence South 4:1 chains; thence West 37. 'k chains; thence North 43.00 chains; thence East.".i;.H7 chains to the place of beginning containing One. Hundred and filty-Nine and 87.100 acres more or l's. And on Saturday tho 21 day of Septem ber. 1S75. at 2 o'clock p. 111., of said lay at the Court Iloiisn do r in Hillsl ro iu said county. I will sell said tract of land, or all the right title and inteiet the said Mary O. lit 11 has or h id in and to said trai t of laud 011 the said '2Uth day of May. 17(5, at public auction to the highest bidder tin reor cash in hand to satisfy said execution and accru ing costs. Witness ray hand this Aug. 1 1th 175. H. li. MORGAN, Sheriff of Washington county, Oregon. X THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon, for the county of ash. ington. I'tter Pnlr 7'laintiff, vs. Joseph IJoulangor, defendant. To Joseph Poulan ger. the above numed defendant; In the nam of thu SUte of Oieg.m you arc htre'.iy required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in tne above named court and in th- 14b. vo entitled action by the tirst day of the term of said couit fol lowim.' the expiration of tho time of m weeks from the. date of tins summons, to -it: by the 2Sth day of May, A. P.. and if you fail so to do. the lMaintitl will take judgment against you for the sum of (SI.073) sixteen huadrtd and scv nty-hve dollars, damages sustained by IMaintiO' ty reason of tho ilcstruction ol I'l.imlilT s property by you, and for his costs and dis bursements herein. Service herein by pub lication of summons, bv an order of Hon. E. P. Shattuck, judg of sid court, ut cham bers, and dated August 2tli, l,i. PatcU Sept. iU ism. W. LAIU HILL, G. II, PUKH VM. Att ys for rUiutnl. 11. Y. THOMPSON. J Dated Sep. 4, l!iU. H.pHwd PACIFIC UNIVER SITY. AM) The next t. rm 'begins on Wednesday, Scitemlar tith. . .... ... 1 & i 1 Tuition 111 coiioqo ana niuer Afannmr In the common itrancius jm r yrai...fju. Faculty. , t Rev. S. 11. MAltall, D.' D. rrcsid. nt, and Professor of Intellectual ana juorai Philosojihy. Hv. UOi; Ad-. IAMAN. A. il., i roiess- of Rhetoric and History. CAPT. It. H. LAMSON, lnieiscr 01 Mathematics. J. W. MAKSII. A. M., I'rolcssoroi i.auu and (ircek. ... ... J. D. KOUR, A. M., Principal 01 tno Acailcmy. Miss E. MACK. Preceptress. Miss SARAH HOWMtl, Icacher 01 iu stnmcntal and ocal Jlusic. . . a . j Au'Jl. mm H v h i 1 l To the WoiUliis t ;i;is-ve can It tl torf u ith tli 1 iitennial year. I W nre.it Exhibition at Philadelphia ts luiiy 11- i.,tt.-.,,t in detail. Evervleody wants it The whole pciph 'l gre atly interested iu their Conntrv's Cente tuiial Dirthday. and It - " - ------ m want to know all aisut tt. An tiegam patriotic cravon drawing premium picture is 1 . ' .1 1 ..:t...- 1 1 presenteil !r''C to cae-ii mium ihi i, ;!..,! rciiic-mlK rance of tho One. Hun dredth Anniversary ol tlio 1 n.iepenuencc ........ . . 1 f ilw. J't.ile.l Ktate-." MZrt O.V ' in- ches. Any one can Is-eonie a succcssiui ngeni lliv. " for but show the pape r and pictures an hundreds of nubscrilrs are cnsly obtaine. ever here. There is no business that will . 1 - 1 : 1. .1.: V li'ivrt mmiv - agents who are making as high as pel elav ana unwarns. .ow in mo "", ,le Il tuenrit. nothing togive the business a trial. Ht ml for our circulars terms, and sample copy of paper, which aru sent free to all who apply do it to-day. (Join-i.h-tH outfit to thoso who cb-cidM to engage. Partners and mechanics, and th' irsous and daughters make the very best ol agents. THE CEXTEXXIAL RECORD Portland Maine. FOftDDAM&JBMIA'S. GROCERS, i Nog. 6C0&602 Front filtroot, AX FRANCISCO. 1 1M flJ"Hft ..... ... - - AFTER A QUAIITEH OF A CENTURY. Ilt. .1. C. YOITNO MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE still offers to tho afflicted absolute cure la all cases of SEMINAL WEAKNESS- The preservation of hcultii nnd lit 1 de pendent upon the proper coinlitit-on of th procreutlve functions and ny weakness or causa of weakness of the generative organ or their use is a direct attack upon the (Mitral health as will as a sine distrutiou if not properly cured of tho organs that are the prid of 01m sex and the blessing of tho otln r. In Youth is laid the foundation of much of the misery of after yt ios by tha llldlUgt IH'C of the MOST M-MTNtXTlVK OT 11 a hits tun h'tiiij Hf a twrnf and spreading wcakueKS and in'iu aniom luiiiikind, for it is a wc-U known fact that the iwlulymcf iit mi'danj viit, even in the dighto.t degrco jdnuU tttila of ice ihtn-sH in the ttistnn that fru(C to a hfirc tbt of dlm-usv, uurroie atid nhatne in tifkr year. YounijBIan f you expencneo any weakness you i-hovufi not delay, for a day may imperil your health if rot your life In all forms of Weakness and Premature Iecay a Cure is Guaranteed by the Doctor to thu'Young, Middk-tiged or Old, without Exposure or Ilindeiancc from Itusiuess. The Kcincdic arc purely vege. tublonndofa tiaturo that leaves no taint behind. Oii.KitVK. the symptoms and hasten to check the course of the complaint, if you experience any of them uiihth tinchorim, fil'niht dinclt'trijfH of otlicr ti men, trruilUmj, ana iity. furtjrtf uIIih1, con f hiun, pain hi !ck', limbs or bodij, forrl'dihijs, indnj' htiuu, tiitiidi' (v. nvtrslm tn hocUiij. of jtuirt r, want o control, ! iii'e ti m'r, ntturhn of vlchitinH ahHii to biHjiian'Mii, tlr-jjvtiite In urine, inrytdur bote W.s, tc, tir. TERRIBLE POISIONS. Among the most subil and virulent of ioiMns in the human blood is that arising rom Vciicral Taint often breaking out, lif ter yiars of uppanut cine, in liiileons sores opou various parts of the body. Its gieat danger lies iu the fact that it is given to tho innocent partner or to tho unborn child without allowing iu tho person originally contracting it. THE USE 07 MERCURY , only aidsiu this terrible deception by dry ing'it upon the surface and chiving it Welt ji.to tho blood. All Vjcnkh c ai I'osion is a 11I.OOD VOSIOV AM) CAN UK t'OMMCXll AlKU IS THK ui-ooiJ and the only ccr uinty of pit vc tion of transmission is in the positive cum of the wjorui tnatmmf practiced at tho lr. J. C. Young Medical institute, compreuen- sivc, Mientific and thorough, lumng rc ceived udort.c ments as tho best of all mod ern practice. Recent cases curt d in n few days and chronic cases with reinaikablo rapidity. (ur ti'stn of the j'Vimnce of the 'fuint in the blond art urrrr fiUiinj. TO FEMALES. There are no class of complaints that no enlist the yicpathies of thu medical mind or so command its gravest thought and stnoy us thosi that afflict women. Tho Doctor after ymis of putind investigation and treatment is enabled to assure them rapid and thorough c ures in all the com plaints incident to the sex. Tun M'Pak can HOI'i: KOK STKKNOT1I AM' THE M,'fJTI:JNO FOR 1 f-.T.IKF AM CUItK. Thi.se who iccjuiio personal supervision the Doctor can furnish uith nppurtnicnt with careful ami skillful nurses where unre. mitted attention nnd con stant care givei ev. try assurance of rapid and permanent cures The Institute is supplied with a LYIIIQ-IN DEPARTMENT. where p itieiits will n ee ivc tho titutiucut to essential iu such cases. Ct KED AT HOME. Currno)tdnce. The great dilhVnlfj' ninny sick find is tho (rouble of visiting tin city, often incurring an expense far 1 xcctding tl c cost of treatment. This expense fun bo nvoided by writing to tho Dt;tor, giving in your own way, tho symptoms of your troubles or complaint. Cures guaranteed tho same as by pcrsonid vinlt. All communications strictly confidential, all h i teis c ither returne d or dentioye d, I V Th Iiictir can ( relied upon in oil east-M nnn'riii'i CosriUKNCB am Hi ciiKcv. Rf x,e ctnijhlriirt in him, all yon te ho mifler or are in alutrnu He icill sfudili relieve and cere i u. Address BEN J. F. J03SELYN, M. D. Git Sacramento Street Eox 733 decHyl Sun Froiicisco Cal lODIDF! 0.7 POTASS. The best Rcautilh rofth' Completion nov In use. Cures Pimjdcs, Roils, Jllotehes, Rheumatism atid Mercurial Pains. Sold bv all J.yigg'"' I'sc Low s Concentrated I lavonng Lx tract fcr Ice Cjeam, Cakes, Ac. THWJ BHEEMAN & IHDE, SVXUSiGDAERS, Cor. KEARNY and SUTTER Stress., Han Fit.vNcisco. Aunts ffr the Pacific Coast. F03f Cl STZAM PDWfCIT. Wirran'eiJ to Cut 3 Inctl i'.u.l t Foot por Mi.iuts. Cesl tor Circular. P.TICZ, C30 CO. OSQORN A ALEXANDER, 621 tAr.XIT STRCCT, ep?. PAUCE ZJZl Bnn J'riticUco ThoCrcat Mochanlco Tool Ctoro cf t;io pacblo Coast. 3Dx. Qpinnoy db Oo SPECIALISTS, NO. II, KKAIINV STIU2RT. Treats all Chronic and Private Diseased without thee aid of Mercury. C0NSLTATI0NS tREE. Office Hours, 0 to 12 M; 2 to 5 nnd C to 9 p. tn., Sundays excepted. Consultations free?. Call or address, Ui. V ni'lmiry Co., No IU Kearney St., San Franciwo, X